Stoloto top 3 rules of the game. Stoloto, Russian loto - a hoax? Reviews of real people

We welcome all players of 99862 TOP-3 lottery draws on our portal of results of all-Russian lotteries. On our website at 21:10 we will post the results of 99862 TOP-3 draws, using them you will quickly check tickets from August 15, 2018. Checking the ticket(s) by number will save you from having to learn the rules of the game. All information will be provided by the organizer - Stoloto lottery company.

You can check the TOP-3 ticket by the ticket number 99862 of the draw or by watching the video or the numbers in the receipt (you need to know the rules of the game). In the "TOP-3" a combination of three numbers is always formed using a random number generator, which is located on the territory of the Stoloto company. If all the numbers drawn matched the numbers in your ticket and you chose the game "Exactly 3", then you get 30 thousand rubles .

The results of the TOP-3 draw 99862 from 08/15/2018

Winning combo: 4 | 1 | 2

game typeNumber of winnersWinner's winnings, rub.Total gain, rub.
Tour 10 0 0
Exact order 34 103157 412 628
Combo7 71804 502 628
Exact 3 + Any 3 (T3+L3)
(2 identical numbers)
0 0 0
Exact 3 + Any 3 (T3+L3)
(3 different numbers)
14 38402 537 628
Any Order 3
(2 identical numbers)
0 0 0
Any Order 3
(3 different numbers)
21 18935 397 635
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (L3)
(2 identical numbers)
0 0 0
First 2 numbers22 17964 395 208
Last 2 numbers32 13288 425 216
Exactly 3 + Any 3 (L3)
(3 different numbers)
55 7821 430 155
Any Order 2109 4521 492 789
exactly 1790 717 566 430

The main difference between the TOP-3 lottery and draw lotteries is that here it is necessary to guess the numbers in the exact order and in accordance with the chosen game option: “exactly-1”, “exactly-2”, “any-2”, “exactly- 3". There are other options.

All prizes are fixed and differ depending on the chosen game formula. The super prize of this lottery is currently 15 million rubles. To win it, it is necessary that the number of the ticket you bought matches the combination drawn in the first round.

Chart of the sum of TOP-3

Graph of the change in the sum of the drawn numbers in the GOSLOTO TOP-3 lottery. Each value is equal to the sum of the three numbers drawn in a particular draw. The graph shows the change in this value over the last 100 draws. The minimum value is 0, the maximum value is 27.

Graph of the change in the sum of the drawn numbers in the TOP-3 lottery Change in the value in column 1, the last 100 runs Change in the value in column 2, the last 100 runs Change in the value in column 3, the last 100 runs

How long ago combinations fell out in the TOP-3: the first 2 and the last 2

The data is updated once per hour.
Therefore, the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay differ from the real ones by several runs.

Game variant First 2 numbers
CombinationDropped circulations back
17– 608
06– 425
34– 394
20– 339
72– 285
73– 276
09– 269
83– 256
60– 228
90– 221
23– 204
26– 203
04– 190
66– 187
37– 183
97– 156
28– 153
12– 150
19– 146
99– 141
40– 140
38– 139
84– 135
69– 134
18– 133
25– 131
85– 128
92– 125
53– 124
64– 123
13– 120
48– 118
08– 117
07– 116
50– 115
75– 107
56– 106
29– 103
78– 102
44– 101
11– 95
02– 94
63– 92
86– 91
59– 87
05– 83
00– 78
89– 68
71– 65
81– 64
57– 60
36– 59
87– 57
61– 56
65– 55
21– 54
82– 50
43– 49
62– 47
42– 46
31– 44
10– 43
16– 42
51– 40
32– 38
74– 37
93– 36
54– 35
88– 32
39– 31
58– 30
46– 29
91– 28
41– 27
33– 26
67– 25
30– 24
14– 23
70– 22
35– 21
98– 20
22– 19
49– 18
27– 17
45– 15
52– 14
24– 13
77– 12
94– 11
76– 10
79– 9
55– 8
68– 7
47– 6
03– 5
96– 4
80– 3
01– 2
95– 1
15– 0
Game variant Last 2 numbers
CombinationDropped circulations back
–53 506
–52 488
–10 390
–85 372
–62 317
–71 309
–11 299
–25 290
–27 251
–30 235
–44 230
–06 228
–03 221
–41 214
–20 209
–33 207
–34 205
–16 195
–83 180
–28 173
–66 171
–61 169
–13 167
–76 161
–96 147
–95 146
–46 144
–09 142
–91 141
–84 139
–99 130
–55 126
–49 123
–63 122
–79 116
–82 114
–14 98
–23 94
–92 93
–39 92
–02 90
–90 87
–69 86
–65 80
–38 76
–04 71
–93 68
–80 63
–73 60
–22 58
–78 57
–17 56
–57 55
–86 51
–36 49
–75 48
–29 46
–01 45
–19 44
–00 43
–64 42
–42 41
–12 40
–37 39
–26 38
–48 37
–31 36
–43 35
–56 34
–87 32
–98 31
–81 30
–60 29
–18 27
–35 26
–70 25
–45 23
–07 22
–51 21
–88 20
–24 19
–97 18
–77 17
–05 16
–54 15
–21 14
–47 13
–72 12
–40 11
–68 10
–94 9
–50 8
–89 7
–74 6
–32 5
–67 4
–08 3
–15 2
–58 1
–59 0

Probabilities with different ways of playing

Game way Probability Example of Marked Numbers You win if the numbers come up
Tour 1
By ticket number1:1000 000 000 Ticket number: 77
Combination: 000000077
If these digits match the ticket number, if the ticket number has less than 9 digits, then the first missing digits are replaced by zeros. Those. if your ticket number is 53, then in the first round you play with a combination of 000000053
Tour 2
Exact order 3 1:1000 3 7 9 3 7 9
Any Order 3
2 identical numbers
1:333 3 3 9 3 3 9, 3 9 3, 9 3 3
Any Order 3
3 different numbers
1:167 3 7 9
Exact Order 3+
Any Order 3

2 identical numbers
1:333 3 3 9 3 3 9
3 9 3, 9 3 3
Exact Order 3+
Any Order 3

3 different numbers
1:167 3 7 9 3 7 9
3 9 7, 9 3 7, 9 7 3, 7 3 9, 7 9 3
Any Order 2 1:50 3 - 7 3 X 7, 7 X 3
X - any number from 0 to 9
First 2 numbers 1:100 3 7 - 3 7 X
X - any number from 0 to 9
Last 2 numbers 1:100 - 7 9 X 7 9
X - any number from 0 to 9
exactly 1
in the specified column
1:10 - - 3 X X 3
X - any number from 0 to 9
2 identical numbers
1:333 3 3 9 3 3 9, 3 9 3, 9 3 3
3 different numbers
1:167 3 7 9 3 7 9, 3 9 7, 9 3 7, 9 7 3, 7 3 9, 7 9 3

Video about the Gosloto TOP 3 lottery

Good day! Today we will talk about one of the most famous and popular lotteries, namely the TOP 3 lottery.

Passion and excitement have long been present in the life of mankind. The first lotteries appeared before our era. The tabloids here and there burst with the number of winnings. You can look at the winners on the site, for this you need to open the TOP 3 lottery archive.

So, let's talk about how not to get into trouble and become a participant in the lottery, which has every chance to change your life forever?

The main aspects of the TOP-3 lottery

As it turned out, this type of drawing lottery appeared thanks to the races. Then, fans of the hippodrome indicated on the ticket the number of the horse, which, in their opinion, would be the first at the finish line. Now, the creators have somewhat moved away from the races and created a lottery version, where the winnings are determined not by the number of the horse, but by a number generator.

  • The exact order of the three digits. The bottom line is to guess three numbers in the order in which you marked on the ticket. That is, if 1, 8, 4 were marked, then the winning combination will be 1-8-4. In this option, the probability of winning is 1:1000.
  • Any order of three digits. You specify three positions (for example, 3 4 5). The winning combination will be 3-4-5, 3-5-4, 4-3-5, 4-5-3, 5-3-4, 5-4-3. in this case, you can also select two identical numbers (1-1-2). The chance of winning is 1 to 333. By the way, it's interesting: choosing two of the same or one, but a unique number, will affect the amount of winnings.
  • Exact order + any order of three digits. A combination of the two previous options. We mark three numbers. At the same time, do not forget to study the Gosloto Top 3 game rules. And here it is interesting that if we compare this option with the previous two, the chance of winning is twice as high (1:167).
  • Any order of two digits. We mark any two numbers in two columns. The victory will be in the event that these values ​​fall out in the specified columns.
  • First two numbers. From the first two columns of numbers, select two numbers. To win, it is necessary that the same combination and the same order fall out during the draw.
  • Last 2 numbers. Similar to the previous option. In this case, you need to choose from the last two columns.
  • exactly 1. We select one number in one of the digital columns. The prize will be in the event that the number and its location are accurately guessed.
  • Combo. This is a combined mode in which you can make a choice on three different numbers or on two of the same and one unique.

I think everyone understands that the highest probability of receiving a prize is with the option “Exactly 1”.

Basic Questions and Answers

Often, telling the main tactics and winning opportunities is not enough to present the whole picture.

Therefore, the most frequently asked questions are additionally highlighted.

  • How often and how is the draw held? The drawing is carried out every quarter of an hour, except for the time when Gosloto "6 out of 45" is held. Also, an exception is the time interval from 3 to 6 am Moscow time, when a technical break is held.
    To determine which combination has become decisive, it is carried out using a random number generator. In addition, a special commission is being created to monitor compliance with the rules.
  • What is the minimum bid? The minimum bet is 60 rubles.
  • How to find out the result? For the Top 3 lottery, the results are published 5 minutes after the results are determined. They can be clarified on the official website, with a consultant at a branch of the company or by calling the hotline. In addition, you can watch the broadcast online on the lottery website.
  • Where can I view previous results? In addition to Gosloto Top 3 results, the archive of draws is also available online. In order to view them, you must select the Gosloto Top 3 archive page.
  • Where to get a prize? If you are lucky, then you can only envy. In the Top 3 lottery, reviews indicate a large number of lucky ones. There are several rules and conditions that relate to receiving funds:

In order to receive an amount of 100 thousand rubles. data such as receipt number, key and winning code are required, which are received in SMS. If you have any questions, they will be helped to solve them by phone: +7 499 270 27 27.

A plan is the best way to achieve
random result.

Ambrose Gwyneth Beers

Most recently, in the issue of July 30, 2013, we talked about one of the most popular lotteries in the world - "Top 3". Today there is a good reason to continue our acquaintance and talk about this game again - on Sunday, August 18, the distribution draw of the Top 3 lottery will take place, which means that its participants will have a chance to win much more.

Top 3 is an amazing lottery! Judge for yourself: this game provides participants with a wide scope for creativity - you can choose how many numbers and in what order to guess. The lottery is very dynamic - you won't have to wait long for the draws, they are held twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. In addition, the minimum bet is only 10 rubles, which makes this lottery one of the most affordable.


By tradition, every year on the birthday of the game, a distribution draw is held according to the formula "Top-3". This long-awaited event by lottery lovers will take place on Sunday, August 18, at 22:00 Moscow time in the 1442th draw. Why is it significant? In the distribution draw, the entire amount of the prize fund accumulated during the year, the amount of which will be announced on the day of the draw, is divided without a trace among all the winners. In addition, the amount of each win increases several times! For example, in the last 722nd distribution draw, held on August 19, 2012, the winnings in each category increased by 6-7 times!

Have you ever taken part in the game according to the "Top-3" formula? It's time to try! Be sure to read the rules, select the type of game, multiplier and don't forget to place your bet on Sunday, August 18, after 10 am and no later than 21:55. It is at this time that it will be possible to place bets on the 1442nd distribution draw.


In Russia, "Top-3" appeared two years ago and has already acquired a wide range of fans who not only enjoy the exciting process of the game, but also win significant sums of money! This lottery was the first in the range of Stoloto Trading House lotteries, where a random number generator is used to determine the winning combination.

There are four different ways to play Top 3:

1. "Exactly 1"- in this case, you have to guess only one number from 0 to 9 by choosing it in any column.

2. "Any Order 2"- you need to guess 2 numbers in any order, choosing one in two columns.

3. "Exact Order 2"- to win, you need to guess 2 numbers in exact order, choosing one in two columns.

4. "Exact Order 3"- The winner must guess 3 numbers in exact order, marking one in each column.

The winnings are fixed and increase in proportion to the lottery bet, depending on the chosen method of playing. If you want to increase its probability, use the multiplier and participate in several draws. The maximum winnings in the Top 3 lottery is

500,000 rubles. By the way, during the period of this lottery, winnings in the amount of 135,198,395 rubles have already been paid out, and the number of winning tickets amounted to more than 167,000.


Recently, "Top-3" is of increasing interest among lottery lovers. Many of them not only participate in this lottery with pleasure, but also make their own proposals to improve the rules of the game.

"Hello! Can you please tell me if there will ever be an option "Any Order 3" in the "Top 3" lottery? “Are there any plans to release the Top 4 lottery (where you need to guess 4 numbers)?”. Stoloto Trading House carefully studies the offers of lottery participants and does everything to make your favorite games even more interesting.

Follow Stoloto news in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper and on the website. It is likely that the Top 3 lottery will have new ways to play, which means that there will be more opportunities to win.

You can learn more about the rules of the Top-3 lottery on the website, and become a participant both on the website and at any of the lottery distribution points throughout the country. And may good luck accompany you!



Denis, welcome to Russian Lotto Plus! Tell me, why did you decide to sing for us today?

- For me, this is a wonderful opportunity to sing for the whole country - after all, a lot of people are watching the program! My song is very positive, and this is important for every lottery participant. I feel a sense of joy for those who win.

By the way, about the lottery. Is there a place for her in your life?

- In general, my grandparents were very lucky in the lottery. First, grandfather won 25 rubles in the Sprint lottery. In the mid-80s, it was a lot of money - almost a quarter of the salary. They bought me a bike. And there was also a case when my parents saved up for an apartment, and my grandparents saved up for a color TV. The apartment was more important, and they gave this money to their parents. And then a miracle happened, I'm not lying! Literally a month later, they win a color TV in Sportloto! Then it was almost like winning a car! So I know firsthand this magic of the lottery.

- In the world of lotteries, luck is an important component. What role do you assign to her in your life?

- I never count on something “falling from the sky”: an invitation to Hollywood or a sudden presentation of the Grammy Award. For me, luck is when I plan something myself. When I feel that my song will become popular and find echoes in the hearts. To be honest, I'm not interested in existing just like that - I'm interested in achieving goals.

- Is your unexpected solo career after so many successful years in a duet with Stas Kostyushkin a new goal?

- At some stage, Stas took up his projects. It's okay, I understand it. My new song - it's called "Not like everyone else" - successfully continues the style of "Tea for Two" and has already collected many different prizes. A solo career for me is not even a challenge to fate, it is the next step. I've been on the stage for almost 20 years! I gained a lot of experience and developed into an individual artist. And my fans are with me, for which I thank them very much.

I wish everyone and everyone to treat the lottery easily. Believe me, spending 50 rubles - this is how much a ticket for the Russian Lotto and the State Housing Lottery costs - will give you an incredible feeling of adrenaline and the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful draw. And further. If you do not constantly think about winning, then it can come to you at any moment!



Housewarming is always a very welcome and joyful holiday, and thanks to the State Housing Lottery, more than 50 families have been able to celebrate it! Participants love the State Housing Lottery precisely because it gives ordinary people a real chance to get a real apartment. If we wanted to go to a housewarming party with all the winners, it would take us almost two months. However, they could not resist one invitation. Meet Pavel Platonov and his charming bride Olesya, who were given an apartment in Novy Stupino by the 27th draw of the State Housing Lottery.

- Pavel, Olesya, do you already feel like new settlers?

Paul:- Yes, it is quite. Such a nice, bright apartment. Already ours.

Are your parents and friends happy for you?

Olesya:“My mother is especially happy. She was the “engine” in this whole story - she herself always bought tickets for the State Housing Lottery, saying: “Water wears away a stone, what if you get lucky? In life, you need to use all the chances. And she hit us, we were directly inspired by her confidence that we should be lucky!

Paul:— We still continue to buy tickets almost every draw. And our friends are now active participants in the State Housing Lottery. Our example is contagious.

- What do you think about the new format of the Russian Lotto Plus program?

Paul:- It's a good idea to combine two lotteries at once into one transfer. By the way, we have now started playing Russian Lotto.

Olesya:- On Saturday, you can now sleep well, and participate in the lottery - on Sunday.

Experienced lottery players believe that big wins happen so often in the State Housing Lottery precisely because it is quite young compared to the "veterans of the genre", and newcomers, as you know, are always lucky. Everyone can test their personal luck - just buy a ticket for the next draw of the State Housing Lottery.

By the way, now you can become a member not only at lottery distribution points throughout the country and on the website, but also at any of the more than 5,000 Euroset stores in all cities of Russia.

Hurry - maybe the next article will be about your housewarming!?


"SPORTLOTO 6 OUT OF 49": Euroset now has one more legendary lottery!

Good news for lottery lovers: in August 2013, following the Russian Lotto and the State Housing Lottery, Euroset stores began selling Sportloto 6 out of 49 tickets.

Do you remember how our fathers and mothers crossed out the numbers in the Sportloto coupons and waited for the draw, fearing to lose the cherished ticket? Today, this popular lottery continues to delight its fans. And now more than 5,000 Euroset stores throughout Russia will be added to the distribution points of Sportloto 6 out of 49 lottery tickets!

In this lottery, in addition to 6 balls with a winning combination, the seventh, bonus ball, also participates in the drawing. It significantly increases your chances of winning - if you guessed 5 numbers and didn't guess the sixth, you have one more try.

By the way, the new history of "Sportloto 6 out of 49" already has its own record holder. This is the owner of a modest rate of 120 rubles from Bryansk. It was she who brought him a super prize of 10,000,000 rubles! But even if you do not guess all 6 numbers, the lottery provides winnings for 5, 4 and even 3 correctly guessed numbers.

Another glorious tradition has not been forgotten - support for the sports movement in Russia. Sportloto today, like 33 years ago, is the official partner of the Olympic Games. You can join the history and become a participant in the lottery in any way convenient for you: on the website, in the lottery kiosks of Gosloto Trading House LLC partners, and now in Euroset stores in all regions of our country. By participating in the game, you not only get a chance to win a cash prize, but also contribute to the development of national sports!



The more tickets of different lotteries you have, the higher the chances of winning and the more varied the prizes - real lottery experts advise!

Especially for fans of the State Housing Lottery and Russian Lotto, a new option “TV package” has been created on the Stoloto website - now, using just one button, you can purchase a set of three random tickets: 2 State Housing Lottery tickets and one - “ Russian Lotto" or vice versa, depending on your preferences.

The “TV package”, called “Ticket Set for a True Connoisseur”, was created for the convenience of lottery participants and will make watching the TV show “Russian Lotto Plus” more productive.

Watch two draws in one program on Sundays at 8:15 on the NTV channel, play and win two lotteries at the same time!

Do you like to chat with friends and find new acquaintances on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook? Then rather subscribe to the Stoloto pages on social networks and meet like-minded people - active lottery participants who will give you useful tips and recommendations. And, perhaps, they will also reveal a few secrets for a successful game!


In the Russian Lotto lottery, several winners of the 983rd draw became owners of cars at once. These are the lucky ones from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, the Republic of Kalmykia, Ulyanovsk, Omsk and Vladivostok.

The 37th draw of the State Housing Lottery brought good luck to three residents of the capital and one from the Chelyabinsk region. They got rich by 500,000 rubles each!

On August 11, the winner of the contest in the Russian Lotto Plus TV show studio won a kitchen set.


We will talk about the rules for participating in lotteries on the Stoloto website. Read about what you can play and how to act to win. Find out how to check if you have won a ticket or not, as well as how to get your winnings if you played online.

08.05.2018 Alexander Fattakhov

Lotteries are the national gambling. Each of us at least once in our lives bought a treasured ticket in the hope of hitting a big jackpot.

All Russian state lotteries are concentrated in one place - in the Stoloto company. In this article, we will analyze in detail what it is, how to play Stoloto online correctly, and what the chance of winning depends on.

What is Stoloto

Stoloto positions itself as a lottery trading house, where anyone can come and try their luck. The company is engaged in the sale of a dozen and a half different state lotteries, including such well-known ones as Russian Lotto and Gosloto 5 out of 36.

Stoloto is not just a distributor, but a whole system that services state gambling.

Services include:

  • retail sale of tickets;
  • online sale;
  • conducting lotteries;
  • payouts to winners;
  • Information Support.

Possible risks

Let's immediately add a fly in the ointment by talking about the risks. The organizer always wins - this is the golden rule of any gambling. Moreover, of all fair gambling, the lottery is the most profitable for the company.

Compare with a casino. An average player who comes to a gambling establishment with 1,000 rubles in his pocket will leave with 950-990 rubles. In the lottery, this figure is at around 50%! Huge income for the organizers.

Another risk factor is the high probability of fraud. This fact has not been documented anywhere, but there are a large number of skeptics who do not believe in the honesty of the draws.

The main argument of all skeptics is that the pranks are broadcast on tape, and the necessary results are adjusted without showing it to the public. Sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the 2259 and 2260 records show exactly the same position of the balls at different timestamps, which is unlikely from any point of view.

What it is, we do not undertake to judge, but before the game you must soberly weigh all the risks.

What can you play in the lottery supermarket

So, you still decided to try your luck and buy the coveted ticket. Let's look at what to play and how much you can win.

As mentioned above, the site features 15 different lotteries. Conventionally, they are divided into 3 categories.

Fast Lotteries

Drawings are held every 15 minutes, while large amounts up to 15,000,000 rubles are drawn. But do not think that such amounts are handed out right and left every circulation. Usually the maximum winning amount does not exceed 5000 rubles.

These include:

  • KENO-Sportloto;
  • Prikup;
  • Rapido;
  • Top 3;
  • Duel;
  • 12/24.

Multi-million dollar lotteries

These are the most cash lotteries. If we take the largest cash prizes, then most of them fell in the famous Gosloto 6 out of 45.

The record win for one ticket is more than 358 million rubles.

From one to six draws are held daily for each of them. The rules are extremely simple - you must select a certain number of numbers and wait for the result. The name speaks for itself. For example, in Gosloto 4 out of 20, 20 balls are loaded into the lottery drum, and the player needs to choose only 4.

Gosloto has 5 varieties:

  • 4 out of 20;
  • 5 out of 36;
  • 6 out of 45;
  • 7 out of 49;
  • Sportloto Matchball.

TV lotteries

The third variety is a real show with invited guests and spectators in the hall. Draws are held once a week, and broadcasts are broadcast live on TV. Huge cash prizes, apartments, cars, vacation packages and much more are up for grabs.

These include:

  • Russian loto;
  • housing lottery;
  • 6 out of 36 (not to be confused with Gosloto);
  • Golden horseshoe.

How to play on the Stoloto website - basic rules

It was mentioned above that the Stoloto company is responsible for selling online tickets for its lotteries. But we did not consider this issue in detail.

We have compiled an instruction manual for everyone who wants to try their luck without leaving their computer.

Stage 1. Registration on the site

The first thing to do is register on the site. There is nothing complicated in this - just fill out the form.

You must provide the following information:

  • email;
  • password;
  • phone number.

You will also be asked to confirm that you are over 18 years old.

Don't try to cheat the system. For transactions with large amounts, identity verification is required.

Phone and email must be valid. They will require confirmation.

Stage 2. Buying a ticket

First of all, you need to replenish the wallet. This is done from your personal account or after choosing a lottery ticket.

The wallet is replenished in the following ways:

  1. A plastic card.
  2. Online banking.
  3. From a mobile phone number.
  4. Yandex money.
  5. Qiwi.
  6. Single wallet.
  7. Bank transfer.
  8. Replenishment through terminals.

The maximum amount of one transaction is 300,000 rubles. At the same time, more than 600,000 rubles cannot be on the wallet.

Choose the lottery you are interested in from your personal account or simply on the website. After filling in the numerical field, it remains only to purchase a ticket.

Stage 3. Checking the ticket

E-tickets are checked automatically. You can also see the result in your personal account.

If you do not trust the system, watch video broadcasts in the "Archive of Draws" tab. If there are any disputable situations, for example, your ticket won, but the system does not consider it as such, please contact technical support.

There is also an application for a smartphone, in which all player options are available.

Stage 4. Receipt of winnings

You are lucky and you have become the owner of a lucky ticket that brought you money. Where to get a prize?

The information on the site tells us the following:

  1. Up to 100,000 rubles. Such amounts are automatically transferred to your personal account. Withdraw money in a convenient way for you. To receive amounts over 40,000 rubles, go through a full identification of the person.
  2. From 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. Big winnings are given out in the centers for receiving big prizes. They are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.
  3. From 300 000. Such huge winnings are processed only in the Stoloto lottery center in Moscow.

To receive a prize of more than 1,000,000 rubles, an additional examination of the ticket will be required.

Note! You have the right to withdraw from your personal account only the money won. If you deposited 10,000 rubles, and then decided to pick them up, nothing will work.

Why I don't win - 3 possible reasons

Looking at the winners of multi-million dollar prizes, one involuntarily thinks: “Why don't I win?”. It is impossible to answer this question for sure. The science responsible for the lottery - the theory of probability - only calculates the odds, but does not choose the winner.

There are a huge number of versions, reasons. Someone believes in the conspiracy theory of the organizers and tries to deceive them. Others go to fortune tellers and psychics to increase their chances of winning.

Let's look at the lottery as a fair game of chance based on dry mathematics.

In this case, the reasons for failure will be as follows:

  1. Reason 1 - you don't play enough. The chances of winning are in millionths of a percent. Here it is worth considering a simple example. There are 100 numbered balls in a bag. You need to draw the ball with number 17. If you have one attempt, then the chance of success is 1%. Two attempts - 2%. Fifty attempts - 50%. This also works with tickets.
  2. Reason 2 - You stopped playing. History knows many people who hit the jackpot after ten or even twenty years of participation. Do not think that by playing once you will hit a multi-million dollar jackpot. There are times when people have won by buying one ticket, but this is the exception that proves the rule. These people are 1 in a billion. The owner of the largest prize in Russia claims to have been playing Russian Lotto since the foundation of the lottery.
  3. Reason 3 - you are an unlucky person. Luck cannot be measured mathematically. But there is such a thing as "light hand". Someone is more lucky, and he draws prize tickets. And someone out of 100 will pull out the only one that will not bring anything.

Is it worth relying on intuition - what the winners say

Intuition for many is the determining factor when buying a ticket. But what do the winners say about this? If you look at the biggest wins in Russian history, you get a rather interesting picture.

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