Stylized portrait. Portrait styling and graphic techniques

In this paragraph, it is necessary to consider the techniques used in a graphic stylized portrait.

One of these trends of the new time was the technique of a stylized portrait, which can rightfully be considered one of the most original techniques in contemporary art. Occupying a bordering position between graphics, painting and photography - the stylization of portraits has absorbed the best that these types of art carry in themselves - and embodied them in new, amazing and captivating pictures with their magical warmth.

As mentioned earlier, in graphic drawing, you can use a stroke, line, spot. Next comes the design. It is necessary to come up with an interesting form for the portrait.

What is interesting about portrait stylization is that you can figuratively convey a “portrait”, as if passing a drawing through the prism of your own feelings and giving it conciseness, poetry, originality.

A stylized graphic portrait is the fruit of a game of imagination and external similarity, rendered in one color. This is an art form in which you need to know various techniques and techniques using a design solution [Yu.M. Lotman, p.78].

A stylized portrait carries the features of the style of the era, which are transformed at the individual level of creativity of a particular person.

The style of a work arises when creative work takes place in the artist's thinking, as a result of which the depicted object acquires a new reality, different from ordinary reality and surpassing it with the power of impression; when color shades of feelings are poured into the natural coloring of the portrait, and the dynamics of forms conveys the movement of the author’s thoughts.

The Austrian modernist architect Otto Wagner believed that all artists can be divided into three categories: the first - copyists, artists with undeveloped taste and talent; the second - the Impressionists, for whom the object of creativity causes only impressions; the third - stylists who give their works invented forms, these are real creators, and the path to the third category lies through the two previous ones.

More decorative stylization differs from stylization in general in its connection with the spatial environment. Therefore, for complete clarity of the issue, consider the concept of decorativeness.

It is customary to understand decorativeness as the artistic quality of a work, which arises as a result of the author's understanding of the connection of his work with the subject-spatial environment for which it is intended. In this case, a separate work is conceived and implemented as an element of a wider compositional whole.

We can say that style is an artistic experience of time, and decorative stylization is an artistic experience of space.

For decorative stylization, abstraction is characteristic - a mental distraction from insignificant, random signs from the point of view of the artist in order to focus attention on more significant details that reflect the essence of the object [Breusova T.A., p.7].

In the decorative stylization of the depicted portrait, it is necessary to strive for the composition to be built into a system of connections between individual parts and elements into a single integrity of the work.

In our time, we consider stylization more broadly, not only as a conscious imitation in style, but also as an artistic reproduction of a particular era in its own ways of expression, with all the characteristic details and trifles. This is a special way of creating a very peculiar aesthetic illusion based on careful study and calculated imitation. This is the norm of artistic stylization, that is, a flair for the individual characteristics of the time, and not for a normative style in general.

When drawing graphics, they usually use no more than one color (except for the main black), in rare cases - two. In addition to the contour line in graphic art, strokes and spots are widely used, also contrasting with the white (and in other cases also colored, black, or less often textured) paper surface - the main basis for graphic works. (according to the words of the Soviet master of graphics V. A. Favorsky, - “the air of a white sheet”).

Thus, as mentioned earlier, in graphic drawing, you can use a stroke, line, spot. Then the artists use the design, the idea of ​​an interesting form for the portrait.

Portrait stylization is currently very interesting, since it is possible to figuratively convey a “portrait”, as if passing a drawing through the prism of one’s own feelings and giving it conciseness, poetry, and originality.

What can surprise a modern person? Indeed, in the era of nanotechnology and special effects, this seems to be a difficult task. However, art has no limit in ideological perfection. Stylized portraits on canvas can be a real surprise for everyone and give a firework of rainbow emotions. The variety of styles, computer or handmade will be a true decoration of any home. Let's get acquainted with the features of creative work.


Digital artists create such masterpieces. The whole process of creating a stylized portrait is placed in several stages:

    Preparatory. The customer chooses a suitable photo for processing. And the artist, in turn, creates stylistic sketches in which future portraits will organically look.

    Job. After agreeing on the choice, the master proceeds directly to drawing. To do this, he uses a tablet or computer and a special one. A real brush for such an artist is replaced by a virtual pen.

    Completion. After the portrait is accepted and approved by the customer in electronic form, the master can proceed to print it. But this action is performed not on paper, but on a linen or cotton canvas. Then, at the request of the customer, the canvas can be framed.


The most difficult moment is the choice of a theme in which the stylized portrait will be sustained. Art is quite diverse and today there are more than a dozen of them. And the imagination of artists knows no boundaries. Among the creative achievements is the stylization of an animated character, street graffiti or canvases by a famous designer. Let's get acquainted with the most popular ones.

Pencil drawing

Any work of art begins with a pencil drawing. However, for modern masters it is a self-sufficient performance technique. With the help of cunning manipulations, the artist can draw a stylized portrait not only in the classic black and white style, but also give the images of the composition glow, volume, and even a certain shade.

watercolor portrait

An intermediate style between painting and drawing is an inflorescence of childlike enthusiasm and fuzzy lines. In reality, such drawings are short-lived. However, the translucent image, full of romance and nostalgia, lightness and colors, can be embodied by the master in a more artistic and durable masterpiece. To do this, a portrait stylized as a watercolor requires only pigment ink and a canvas.


A lot of coziness and reflection can be found in the grunge style. He continues the well-known musical traditions and introduces quiet muted tones into the performance of the portrait, some roughness and anti-glamour. At the same time, the portrait, stylized as grunge, is fraught with a certain charge of energy, ready to literally explode at any moment. In the technique of execution, special filters and the effect of an artificially erased palette are used. Such works can be donated to extraordinary people who are constantly in creative search.

low poly

Low Poly style is a prime example of the interplay of art and technology. He came to us from the computer industry. In this version, the image, like a puzzle, consists of many polygons, or polygons. This feature is associated with the first 3D pictures, when computer technology was still far from perfect.

Low Poly style has firmly entered our lives. People began to imagine themselves as computer characters and transfer their images to real life through pictures made by hand or with the help of graphic editors. It is this quality that can be used to stylize a portrait in Photoshop. Today it is a design trend. Originality emphasizes the connection of canvas with digital style.


Fans of oil paintings from the 15th century will appreciate the portrait stylized as a painting. This is the most popular and sought-after genre in contemporary fine arts. This technique gives elitism, aristocracy to the work. They were once considered finished after long hours of posing. On rare occasions, the silhouette was a figment of the artist's imagination.

Today, you can create a stylized portrait in Photoshop only using a digital photograph. Of course, the entourage of the image of a person plays a far from secondary role here. For painting, landscapes, retro environments, studio penumbra, etc. are considered successful. Although for a professional artist, sometimes this simply does not matter. First he makes a collage and then he stylizes it. The process itself is in many ways reminiscent of natural painting with paints. The only difference is the tools. Instead of the usual easel and brush with a palette, the master has a compact tablet in his hands.

historical style

In childhood, everyone dreams of trying on either a fairy-tale character, or the outfit of an emperor or empress. Fantasy here can be limitless. But who said that for this you need to rent theatrical scenery, dresses? The hand of a graphic editor will embody a dream in a luxurious canvas that will carry memory and vivid impressions through many years. The historical portrait will help you take part in an exciting game of transformations and touch your childhood dream. It will literally require only the face of the addressee, everything else is a matter of artistic technique.

What photos are suitable for stylized portraits?

Often, customers have doubts about the choice of photos. There is an opinion that such work requires clear, color pictures taken in the studio by a professional photographer. However, a good master is capable of working with almost any material: whether it is a video frame, old black and white photos, mobile pictures or from social network pages. A connoisseur of graphic editors will first scan and process the photo, and then proceed to stylize the portrait.

It is worth remembering that family, wedding photos, the image of a child or a beloved pet are also suitable for such canvases. The work for the artist, of course, will become more complicated, and the process will be reflected in the amount of the fee. But such a gift will be the most memorable and original.


An important role is played by the design of the canvas. After all, an ordinary canvas, fixed on wooden slats, will look tasteless and lonely. The choice of frame depends on the style of the portrait. So, for a classic canvas, a wooden, lacquered frame with or without patterns is suitable. Its width should be visually in harmony with the size of the portrait. In numerical characteristics, this correlation looks like this:

Portrait size

frame width

A canvas in a modern style can be enclosed in a thin frame made of other materials (plastic, metal, etc.). The main thing is that the whole composition looks organic.

Another important point is the color of the frame. If the stylized portrait contains warm tones, then it is more logical to choose a brown or gold design. If, on the contrary, cold shades dominate, then a silver frame will look perfect. For portraits stylized as a pencil drawing, a thin classic black frame is suitable.

The generalized rule for creating such unique canvases is their compliance with the tastes of the customer, the nature of the addressee, the opinion of the master and the interior in which the future masterpiece will be placed.

In this lesson, we will look at how you can process a photo with simple manipulations and create stylized portrait using the photoshop program.

Taking a regular photo, add a riot of colors to it and focus on the portrait. To do this, you need to remove the entire background and apply bright textures. And to give it an even more daring and rebellious look, let's add careless splashes of paint. Thus, we will try to achieve the effect of a photograph in grunge style.

Process photo stylization is to give the photograph features from a completely different style. Using this technique, you can get a very unusual result at the output, which can surprise you with its non-standard solutions, color combinations, composition and other processing elements.


Open the original photo in Photoshop.


It is necessary to separate the portrait of the girl from the background. This is where selection tools come in handy. We will not dwell on this in detail. I recommend using , and then for more precise work with the smallest details, such as hair.

Result of work at this stage:


Make a duplicate layer - Ctrl + J.

When the second layer is created, select it and go to the tab Filter - Other - Color Contrast.

This filter allows you to make a huge number of interesting effects. I highly recommend experimenting.

In our case, we make more contrasting lines.


Now for the layer to which the filter has just been applied, it is imperative to set the blending mode overlap. And set the transparency of the layer to 42%. You can choose a different value. You can try both big and small.

After that, merge the two layers together. To do this, right-click on any layer and select the command from the context menu Merge Visible.


Go to the tab Image - Correction, and in levels, curves, brightness, etc. we correct the colors of the photo. You need to add brightness, while trying to avoid excessive pretentiousness. Also, with the help of these adjustments, you can and should play with light and dark tones. Here it is also important not to overdo it and not to make a three-dimensional image flat.


We put on the bottom layer any background that you think is suitable. You can download the materials from this lesson from the link below.

Place it under the girl's portrait layer. Also add flash rays behind the head. It should turn out like this:


After the background is selected and set, go to the "Brushes" section - select brush M. Or on the Internet you can download any other brushes for free on specialized resources, of which there are a huge number. Downloaded files can be . Or another option for those who draw poorly is to find the textures of these splashes and blots and then overlay them on the image. This is how it is done in this tutorial.

You need to create a new layer and try to artistically depict splashes, streaks and blots on it, so as not to block the portrait.


In this step, we will make a slight effect of merging the portrait with the background. Let's create a new layer. Choose a regular round brush with soft edges. In the brush settings, set the Opacity to about 25%, the brush size is 80px. You need to take the color that is most in harmony with the portrait itself and the background. I chose #ed8970 and next to the head is #fcfaee.

Now draw along the edge of the person so that half of the brush comes out on the texture. Near the head, a yellow tint predominates, there I will draw a different color.

Photo result:

Other works made in the styles of Grunge, Low Poly, Street-Art and others, you can view and order on the site

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Stylization of a portrait is a generalization and simplification of the depicted figures in terms of drawing and color, the production of figures in a form convenient for ornamentation. Features of the performance of a stylized portrait is that a stylized portrait is used as a means of design, monumental art and in decorative art to enhance decorativeness. We can professionally stylize a portrait for you in any style, such as: pop art portrait, grunge, murciano, word portrait, digital art, oil stylization and others. Portrait art is a new movement in art that has become very popular in a short period of time.

If you have a rich imagination and you are a creative person, then stylized portraits from a photo on canvas are what you need! Here you can make any of your wishes and any whim a reality. A variety of styles makes it possible to choose exactly what you were looking for!

Each portrait has an individual approach. We will send you a photo of the work for approval/corrections. And after approval, the finished file is printed on linen or cotton canvas and delivered immediately to you or to the birthday boy!









Price for stylized portraits on canvas :

30x40 - 3990r

40x60 - 4400r (instead of 5500r) -20%

60x80 - 5400r (instead of 7500r) -28%

(Any other custom sizes available upon request)

Lead time: 3-4 days


  • When ordering two months before receiving the work, you will receive an additional 20% discount on this order!
  • When ordering a month before receiving the work, you will receive an additional 15% discount on this order!
  • Free shipping across Russia.
  • When re-ordering a portrait, a 5% discount.
  • With a one-time order of 4 portraits, the 5th one for free!
  • Prepayment is 20% of the cost of the portrait. It is carried out at will: via (from Visa and MasterCard cards) or by transfer to a current account, Sberbank card, Qiwi wallet, to the phone number of the Beeline operator (the manager will tell you the details after discussing the details of the order)
  • Prices for a stylized portrait are per person. Image of each next person +1000r.
  • For urgency + 30%

Do you want to order a stylized portrait?

Call: 8-800-700-1458 (free call within Russia)

Write: (answer within 3 minutes)

[email protected] (for ordering)

[email protected] (for availability and delivery)


  • By sending a photo and your contact phone number to the mail: [email protected] website, specifying the details and additional information to the order. We will promptly contact you within 3 minutes.
  • Call: 8-800-700-1458 (free call within Russia) and get advice on any question you are interested in.
  • Write or call us at whatsapp or Viber by number 79033201723 .
  • Write to our group In contact with, sending a photo and describing the details to the order.


  • A photograph of a person for work should be of the highest quality possible, taken with a modern smartphone or camera.
  • The photograph must be well lit (not dark) and the person's face in it must be from a suitable angle.
  • To order, it is better to choose the photo where the person likes himself.


  • The advance payment is 20% of the order value. It is carried out at will: through the form of payment (from Visa and MasterCard cards) or by transfer to a current account, Sberbank card, Qiwi wallet, to the phone number of the Beeline operator (the manager will tell you the details after discussing the details of the order)
  • Prices are per person. Image of each next person +50%. If there are 4 or more people in the order, then for each subsequent person, starting from the 4th + 25%.
  • Show as +20% (only for classic portraits)
  • For urgency + 30%
  • Individual selection of non-standard size according to your desire is possible.
  • Payment for the second part of the order is possible upon receipt in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • Payment for the second part of the order for customers from the regions is carried out before sending the order, after agreeing on the finished work.


We are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  • Free courier delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • Pickup Moscow - st. Rusakovskaya 11. (metro - Sokolniki and Krasnoselskaya)

If you want to place an order, but are in another city, you can receive your order:

  • Free Express Shipping transport company to large cities of Russia from 1 day and other settlements of the Russian Federation from 2-5 days. (check delivery time to your city with the manager)
  • Delivery of orders in Russia (portrait, cartoon, painting) is carried out in frame or tube(folded). We strongly recommend sending all orders in a tube for 100% safety of work. In our practice, there have been cases of damage to works in the frame during transportation by transport companies. Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for the work of the transport company.

If you want to place an order, but you are in another country, you can receive your order:

  • Delivery by transport company(DHL, FedEx) worldwide from 2 to 5 days (check the cost and delivery time to your country with the manager)


According to your description and photograph, we perform a contour sketch and send it to you for approval, after agreeing on the contour sketch, we continue to work. When ready, we send a photo of the finished work, we get your approval and only then we deliver it!

Our art studio works under a public offer agreement. A public offer is a legal form of concluding an agreement that does not require signing and activates legal relations between the parties after completing the application and making an advance payment. In accordance with Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a public contract is one of the types of contracts, according to which one party assumes an obligation to provide services to an indefinite number of persons who have requested the provision of these services. A public contract does not require paperwork and its subsequent signing by the parties; it has legal force by virtue of the parties performing certain actions indicating their will to enter into a contractual relationship. The contents of the public offer agreement can be found in the footer of our website.

We accept prepayment only by electronic means. This means that the fact of making an advance payment will be recorded and, if necessary, documented. In addition, all our electronic correspondence can serve as additional legal confirmation of the agreement: according to the law, electronic correspondence (as a set of electronic messages of the relevant persons) is most correlated with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and can be considered as written evidence - another document executed in the form of a digital, graphic record or in another way that allows to establish the authenticity of the document (due to the need to attach evidence to the case file, it is necessary to submit electronic correspondence on paper (Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of 04.23.2010 N VAC-4481/10)).

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