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Names and titles

How to use quotation marks in your own names

To answer the question of when names are enclosed in quotation marks, it is necessary to find out what kinds of proper names exist. Names can be divided into two large groups:

1. Compound names that are not conditional, - real proper names(in the terminology of A. V. Superanskaya). In such names, all words are used in their direct meaning. Such names are not marked with quotation marks; in them, the first word and the proper nouns that are part of the name are written with a capital letter. For example: State Russian Museum, Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow Printing House No. 2, Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, Russian Football Union, State Prize, Guinness Book of Records, Great Patriotic War, Peter's era.

2. Conditional (symbolic) names enclosed in quotation marks.

Real proper names and conditional names differ in syntactic compatibility. Wed: Bolshoi Theatre, Theater of Satire, Theater in the South-West - these are real proper names, they have syntactic compatibility, quotes are not needed. But: theater "Sovremennik", theater "School of the modern play" - conditional names that do not fit syntactically with the generic word. They are enclosed in quotation marks. Similarly: friendship park, but: Sokolniki park", Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but: Party "Yabloko" etc.

Note: real proper names can also be used in combination with a generic name (most often - a designation of the legal form) and at the same time enclose in quotation marks, but when used without a generic name, they, unlike conditional names, are written without quotes, compare:

    Moscow Printing House No. 2 and OAO Moscow Printing House No. 2;

    Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation";

    B. N. Yeltsin Presidential Library and Federal State Budgetary Institution "Presidential Library named after B. N. Yeltsin";

    City of Military Glory and honorary title "City of Military Glory".

In contrast, conventional names enclosed in quotation marks both in the presence of a generic word and in its absence, cf.: "Apple" and Party "Yabloko", "Locomotive" and football club "Lokomotiv", "Contemporary" and Theater "Sovremennik", "Forest distance" and boarding house "Forest Dali", "Romashka" and Romashka LLC etc.

We list the main semantic groups of conditional names enclosed in quotation marks (the list is far from exhaustive):

    titles organizations, institutions, enterprises, joint-stock companies, firms, etc.: publishing house "Children's Literature"(but: JSC "Publishing House "Children's Literature""), gymnasium "Radonezh", hotel "Russia", confectionery factory "Sweet island", airline "Ural Airlines". The names of firms, companies, banks, etc., written in Latin letters, are not enclosed in quotation marks: Intel, Fashion LLC, Air France and British Airways, Carven beauty salon, La Fontana restaurant, Tabula Rasa club. Writing abbreviated names of institutions, organizations (abbreviated words and initial abbreviations, for example: Promsvyazbank, Rosoboronexport, MTS etc.) is dedicated to a separate one.

    titles political parties: parties "Yabloko", "Civil Force", "United Russia", "Fair Russia".

    titles domestic news agencies: Interfax news agency, Rossiya Segodnya news agency (FSUE MIA Rossiya Segodnya). The names of foreign news agencies, by tradition, are not enclosed in quotation marks: France Press agency, United Press International agency.

    titles entertainment enterprises and institutions(theatres, cinemas, exhibition centers, etc.): cinema chains "Formula Kino", "Cinema Star", cinema "Five Stars", theaters "Sovremennik", "School of Modern Play", Central Exhibition Hall "Manege",Center for Children's Creativity "Theatre on the Embankment", Theater Center "On Strastnoy", festival "Kinotavr".

    titles museums: museum-estate of L. N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana"(but: State Memorial and Natural Reserve "Museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana""), museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye", museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino", historical and memorial museum "Presnya". note: the names of foreign museums and art galleries are written without quotes, such as: Prado Museum, Orsay Museum, Uffizi Gallery and etc.

    titles musical groups:Moscow Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Factory, Strelki, Gorod 312.

    titles sports societies, teams, clubs: football clubs Spartak, Zenit, Lokomotiv, Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, Lazio, Beitar, Anderlecht, hockey teams Salavat Yulaev, Severstal, Ak Bars . However, abbreviation names are written without quotes: CSKA, SKA(For more information on abbreviation names, see).

    titles orders, medals, awards, insignia, honorary titles: orders "For Merit to the Fatherland", "For Military Merit", "Parental Glory"; insignia "For impeccable service"; Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"; medals "For Courage", "Defender of Free Russia", "For Distinction in Guarding the State Border"; honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"(but without the generic word: to award the People's Artist of the Russian Federation), Golden Mask Award, Oscar Award.

    titles periodicals(newspapers, magazines): newspapers "Arguments and Facts", "Moskovsky Komsomolets", magazines "Spark", "Russian Language Abroad", Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Russian Journal. About abbreviations ( AiF or "AiF") cm. ). If the name is written in Latin (including if it is an initial abbreviation of Latin letters), quotes are not needed: newspapers Financial Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; magazines GQ, FHM.

    titles TV channels, radio stations: TV channels "Russia", "Russia - Culture", "Match TV", radio stations "Echo of Moscow", "Vesti FM", radio channel "Radio Russia". However, channel names, which are initial type abbreviations, are usually written without quotes, for example: NTV, STS, TNT. Name First channel is also not enclosed in quotation marks (the name has an agreement with the word channel). But: Open Joint Stock Company "First Channel".

    titles documents: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015 N 683 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation", decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2016 N 12 "Issues of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation" and of February 2, 2016 N 41 " On Some Issues of State Control and Supervision in the Financial and Budgetary Sphere”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2016 N 39-rp “On holding the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum”, Federal Constitutional Law of February 7, 2011 N 1-FKZ "On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation".

    titles literary and scientific works, works of art: the novel "War and Peace", the painting "The Apotheosis of War", the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", the television series "Staying Alive", including names including generic names: "A Novel Without Lies", "A Tale of a Real Man", "An Optimistic Tragedy". note: if the name of a work of art consists of two names connected by the union or, then a comma is placed before the union, and the first word of the second name is capitalized: "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath".Do not enclose in quotes and capitalize names such as collected works, selected works, if they are used in the meaning of the type of publication: in all collected works of A. S. Pushkin. If we are talking about a specific publication that has such a typical name, then it is written with a capital letter without quotes: in the Complete Works of A. S. Pushkin.

    titles musical works. Please note: if the genus or type of a musical work is not included in the title, it is enclosed in quotation marks, the first word is written in it with a capital letter and the proper names included in the title: opera The Queen of Spades, ballet La Bayadère, sonata Appassionata. If the title of a piece of music is a combination of a generic word ( symphony, sonata etc. with a number or a musical term, then it is written with a capital letter, but is not enclosed in quotation marks: Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony, Chopin's Second Ballade, String Quartet No. 3.

    titles natural Disasters(hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes): Typhoon Judy, Hurricane Katrina, Storm Noel, Cyclone Cider.

    titles production brands of technical products (cars, aircraft, instruments, etc.): cars "Volga", "Toyota", planes "Ruslan", "Boeing-747", washing machine "Indesit", gas stove "Ardo". The spelling of such names is regulated by reference manuals, however, nowadays polynomial names of technical products are becoming more common (cf .: Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft). The spelling of names of this type is almost not reflected in spelling reference books and experiences significant fluctuations in modern Russian. Names written in Latin are not enclosed in quotation marks, for example: Kraftway Idea personal computers, Apple iMac, Blackview BV8000 Pro smartphone, Canon A410 camera, Campaver Bains heated towel rail, Mitsubishi Colt, Chevrolet Lacetti, Daewoo Matiz, Mazda 323, Peugeot 207 cars. See below for more on writing car names.

    titles means of space exploration, military equipment: shuttle Discovery, the Atlantis shuttle, the Prichal node module, the Topol ballistic missile, the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, the Iskander-M strike system.

    titles medicines, medical preparations. Please note: when used as a trademark, the names of medicines should be written with a capital letter in quotation marks: "Arbidol", "Influvak", "Aflubin", "Fervex", and in everyday use - with a lowercase letter without quotes, for example: drink fervex, take viagra. Also, some names of medicines that have come into wide use due to many years of use are written with a lowercase letter without quotes ( validol, analgin, aspirin).

    titles trademarks, conditional names of food, perfumery and other goods, including alcoholic beverages. Please note: when used as a trademark, the names of food products are written with a capital letter in quotation marks: waffles "Creamy", cake "Potato", salad "Chinese", "Amateur" carbonade, "Mozzarella" cheese, "Tartar" sauce, "Baileys" liqueur, "Beaujolais Nouveau" wine, "Cinzano Bianco" vermouth, "Black Card" coffee. The names of products in everyday use are written with a lowercase letter without quotes: amateur sausage, Borodino bread, Olivier salad, potato cake. Without quotation marks, the names of varieties of wines, mineral waters and other drinks are also written with a lowercase letter: Merlot, Chardonnay, Riesling, Port, Borjomi. Names written in Latin are not enclosed in quotation marks: Global Village juice, Staropramen beer, Oro Verde olives, Christian Lacroix Rouge eau de parfum, Palmolive shower gel, Armani jeans, Dolce Gabbana jacket.

    titles species and varieties of agricultural crops, vegetables, flowers etc. - terms of agronomy and horticulture. Unlike the names listed above, these names are written in quotation marks with a lowercase letter: Victoria strawberries, Chardonnay grapes, Black Prince tulip. In specialized literature, such names are written without quotes with a capital letter: apricot Dionysus, zucchini Uncle Fedor, raspberry Brilliant, Chardonnay grapes.

    As evidenced by the requests of users of our "Help Desk", it is especially difficult to write car names. Let's talk about them in more detail.

      In the complete academic reference book "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" ed. V. V. Lopatina was given a recommendation to write the names of car brands in quotation marks with a capital letter: cars "Volga", "Volvo", "Toyota", and the names of the cars themselves as technical products - with a lowercase letter in quotation marks (except for names that coincide with proper names - personal and geographical). For example: Muscovite, Toyota, "volvo", but: Volga, Oka, Tavria(coincide with proper names, so they are written with a capital letter). Exceptions: Zhiguli, Mercedes(coincide with proper names, but are written with lowercase). However, in practice, it is often difficult to distinguish in which case the name is the name of the car brand, and in which case it is the name of a technical product: He prefers Toyota / Toyota to all cars. In disputable cases, the decision to write with an uppercase or lowercase letter is made by the author of the text.

      In everyday use, the names of vehicles are written with a lowercase letter without quotes, for example: Came in an old Muscovite (a luxury Cadillac). Without quotes, colloquial names of cars with diminutive suffixes are also written, for example: Muscovite, Ford, UAZ.

      Abbreviated names (combined with numbers and without numbers) are written without quotes: ZIL, VAZ-2114, UAZ, KAMAZ.

      Non-single-word names (make and model of a car) written in Cyrillic are enclosed in quotation marks and written with a hyphen, while all parts of the name are written with a capital letter: "Lada Priora", Toyota Corolla, Renault Megane, Nissan Teana, Hyundai Getz, Nissan Almera Classic, Suzuki Grand Vitara. But: "Volkswagen Beetle"(reference with a common noun).

      Names written in Latin are not enclosed in quotation marks: Toyota Yaris, Peugeot 306, Daewoo Matiz, Lada Priora.

    Numerous questions about the advisability of using quotation marks also arise when writing some proper names in the narrow sense of this term - names and nicknames of people, nicknames of animals, as well as geographical names. We will try to answer the most frequently asked questions.

      nicknames are written without quotes and in cases where the nickname is after the name (Vsevolod the Big Nest, Richard the Lionheart), and when the nickname is located between the given name and surname: Garik Bulldog Kharlamov.

      animal names are not enclosed in quotation marks and are written with a capital letter: the dog Barbos, the cat Matroskin, the kitten Woof, the lion Boniface. However, if individual names are used as generic names for animals, they are written with a lowercase letter: murka, bug, watchdog, savraska, cow. With a lowercase letter without quotes, the names of animal breeds are also written: Holmogorka cow, poodle dog.

      names of railway stations are written without quotes, with a capital letter all words are written in them, except for generic designations: stations Fili, Uzlovaya, Podsolnechnaya, 125 km, Builder, Dachnaya, Rabochiy Poselok; Ladoga railway station.

      airport names reference manuals recommend writing without quotation marks, but in recent years there has been a steady tendency to enclose these names in quotation marks. Perhaps soon such a spelling will be recognized as normative. However, for now it's better to write without quotes: airports Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Pulkovo, Borispol.

      names of metro stations and ground transport stops are enclosed in quotation marks (in texts, but not on maps and diagrams and not at the stations and stops themselves!), the first word of such names is written with a capital letter (it can be the only one), as well as all those words that are capitalized in composition of the corresponding toponyms: metro stations "Fili", "Pionerskaya", "Sviblovo"; Vyborgskaya, Avtovo, Electrosila; "Prospect Mira", "Kuznetsky Most", "Okhotny Ryad"; "Gostiny Dvor", "Old Village"; "Street of 1905", "Sparrow Hills", "Sretensky Boulevard", "Filyovsky Park"; "Ligovsky Prospekt", "Technological Institute"; stops "School", "Children's Clinic", "Novopetrovskaya Street", "Prospect Builders".

      names of districts, microdistricts(urban microtoponymic names) are written without quotes: districts of Marfino, Kurkino, Lyublino, Moskvorechye-Saburovo, Biryulyovo West. However, enclosed in quotation marks conditional names of residential quarters, arrays and individual houses accompanied by the words residential area, LCD (residential complex), HOA (partnership of homeowners), SZD (social residential building) etc., for example: Parus residential area, Pobeda residential area, Briz residential complex, Dom on Mosfilmovskaya residential complex, Novobrodovsky HOA, Maryino SZD, Stolyarovo farm, Dachnaya substation.

      names of directions, routes, trains obey the following rule: when designating spatial limits, a dash is placed between geographical names. Names are capitalized without quotes. For example: Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, Samara-Penza train, Moscow-Uglich-Moscow route, Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline. However, enclosed in quotation marks conditional names of trains; roads, tracks; oil pipelines, gas pipelines etc.: branded trains Zhiguli, Vologda Dawns, Nevsky Express; highways "Kholmogory", "Caspian", "Don", "Ural", "Crimea", "Ussuri"; the Blue Stream gas pipeline, the Druzhba oil pipeline.

    Reference books used:

      Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V. V. Lopatina. M., 2006 (and later editions).

      Lopatin V. V., Nechaeva I. V., Cheltsova L. K. Capital or lowercase? Orthographic dictionary. M., 2011.

      Milchin A. E., Cheltsova L. K. Directory of the publisher and author: Editorial ed. edition layout. - 4th ed. - M., 2014.

      Rosenthal D. E. Handbook of the Russian language. Uppercase or lowercase? – 7th ed. - M., 2005.

      Handbook on the execution of regulatory legal acts in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (as of April 5, 2016).

What is the difference between quotation marks of different patterns?

Quotation marks are a paired punctuation mark. They mark the left and right boundaries of a word or a segment of text; thus, quotation marks can be opening and closing quotation marks, with opening and closing quotation marks usually distinguished by pattern.

In Russian writing, the following types of quotation marks are most common:

    Christmas trees(used in printed texts);

    "paws usually used in handwritten texts).

    'marr quotes'(used to describe the meaning of a word and when translating the meaning of a foreign word, for example: the word "skimmer" is borrowed from the Polish language, in which it goes back to the verb szumować 'remove foam' from szum 'foam');

    "computer quotes"- quotes of a special type, in which the pattern of opening and closing quotes does not differ at all. Such quotes are found in texts typed on a computer keyboard.

Other languages ​​may use different quotation marks. It is written in detail and interestingly about this in Wikipedia.

About quotes inside quotes

If inside the words enclosed in quotation marks there are other words, in turn enclosed in quotation marks, it is recommended (provided that there are technical possibilities for this) to use quotation marks of different patterns: external - "herringbones", internal - "paws" (or - in texts typed on a computer - "computer quotes"). If this is not possible, then closing quotes are placed only once. The quotation marks of the same picture are not repeated side by side. For example:

Preferably: the work of V. I. Lenin "On the caricature of Marxism and "imperialist economism"", CJSC "Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda"", LLC "Company" Metallinvest "".

Permissible(if it is not technically possible to use quotation marks of a different pattern): the work of V. I. Lenin “On the caricature of Marxism and on “imperialist economism”, CJSC “Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, LLC "Company" Metallinvest ".

Not properly: the work of V. I. Lenin “On the caricature of Marxism and on “imperialist economism”, CJSC “Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda””, LLC "Company" Metallinvest "".

This page contains quotes of all kinds, pulled from various sections of Unicode.

This punctuation mark is paired. They denote direct speech, or a word that is used in a meaning that does not correspond to the usual one - for example, in reverse. There are several types. The names came from the country where they were invented and from the similarity of the outline with some objects.

Different scripts use different quotation marks according to... Probably tradition. Yes, there are punctuation rules, but they don't specify the form. There are typographic standards that ordinary people can spit on. So, according to tradition, we (in Russia) use quotation marks "Christmas trees". If you need to put them inside an already quoted part of the text, the characters of the outer and inner characters must be different. Nested are "paws" ("... "). In addition, when writing by hand and in print, the appearance may not be the same. In the good old days, when I still wrote by hand, the so-called Polish ones were always used (see below). However, the fonts are not rendered uniformly either.

It was Konstantin the Philosopher who first tried to introduce the rules for placing quotation marks for Slavic scripts. In the 15th century, he wrote a treatise On Letters. There it was proposed to highlight quotations from church texts with special symbols. The images of these symbols were very similar to modern Christmas tree quotes.

English doubles.

English singles.

Quotation marks "Christmas trees". HTML code (mnemonic): " " (" ")

German paws.


Swedish reverse.

Double universal. HTML code (mnemonic): "(")

The use of quotation marks in different languages.

The rules are not strict (if at all), don't be surprised if they are loosely enforced.

Main and spare (placed inside the main ones, if necessary):

Albanian "…" ‹…›

English "…" '…'

Arabic "…" ‹…›

African „…” ‚…’

Belarusian "..." "..."

Bulgarian „…“ ‚…‘

Hungarian „…”

Greek “…” ‹…›

Danish »…« ›…‹

Hebrew "…" / "…" "…" /<<…>>

Irish “…” ‘…’

Icelandic „…“ ‚…‘

Spanish “…” “…”

Italian "..."

Chinese "…" '…'

Latvian „…“ „…“

Lithuanian „…“ ‚…‘

Dutch „…” ‚…’

Deutsch "…" ,…'

Norwegian "..."

Polish „…” “…”

Portuguese “…” ‘…’

Romanian „…” “…”

Russian "…" "…"

Serbian „…“ ‚…‘

Slovak „…“ ‚…‘

Slovenian „…“ ‚…‘

Turkish “…” ‘…’

Ukrainian "..." "..."

Finnish ”…” ’…’

French " … " < … >

Croatian »…« ›…‹

Czech „…“ ‚…‘

Swedish ”…” ’…’

Estonian „…” „…”

Japanese 「…」 『…』

Many of these icons are horizontally symmetrical. Even if the whole, they will remain unchanged.

Paired punctuation is mainly used to convey an ironic meaning or to emphasize quotations, direct speech and references. It happens that the author encloses words or phrases in quotation marks, since the term used by him is not known to everyone, or he tries to emphasize the meaning of the phrase in an unusual sense, thereby probably ridiculing some character from his story. In the variations below, the user will be able to choose the appropriate way to write the punctuation mark and easily put quotes in Word. There are several types that have individual names and have a place in any text document.

Types of quotes

These types of paired signs are the main ones:

  • "French" - also called "Triangular", most of all known under the term "Christmas trees", sometimes they are called "Angled quotes";
  • “English doubles” or ‘Singles’ are known as the “paws” located at the top.
  • "German" - have a second name - "unfolded paws";

Sometimes the "word" is enclosed in upper even characters.

Single and double sign - "Herringbone"

When working with a text editor, you often have to put different characters and punctuation marks. It is believed that printed quotation marks must be used in documentation, and in a handwritten document already in the form of double commas. It’s not always possible to put quotation marks in the Word the first time, although if you remember the key combination correctly once, then the next time, for example, inserting a Christmas tree quotation mark will not be so difficult.

Option 1: Single angle quotes

They are set using the key combination Shift + "B" and "U". To make it open:

  1. Change the keyboard layout to English "Shift + Alt";
  2. Hold down the "Shift" button and press the letter "B";
  3. Write the required word.

To add a closed one:

  1. Change keyboard layout to English;
  2. Hold down the "Shift" button, press the letter "U";
  3. Added single corner signs.
  4. Change the layout to Russian and continue working.

Option 2: Paired punctuation mark "Herringbone"

You can put up a "Christmas tree" in the following ways:

Method 1

The easiest and most memorable way is the key combination "Shift + 2". Need:

  1. Set the mouse pointer to the desired location;
  2. Switch the method of entering letters to the Russian keyboard (if necessary), using the combination "Shift + Alt";
  3. Hold down the "Shift" key and press the number "2" on the top numeric keypad.
  4. Enter the appropriate word and repeat steps 2 and 3.

Note! Pay attention to the cursor, it must be separated from the previous word by a space, otherwise it will not be an opening quotation mark, but a closing one.

Putting spaces and checking for their presence is mandatory.

Method 2

Paired quotes "herringbones" can be put through the code. Be sure to turn on the "Num lock" button.

1) To open a double quote:

"- hold the "Alt" button and dial four digits "0171". Work with the numeric keypad, which is located to the right of the alphabetic keypad.

Attention! Don't forget to activate the "Num LOCK" button.

2) To close the sign:

"- also hold "Alt" and type "0187".

The difference lies only in the codes, the main thing is not to confuse and then double Christmas trees can be easily printed.

Method 3

This way of writing double triangle quotes is quite simple. Through the "Symbol" function in the Word, a huge number of characters are inserted and the triangular punctuation mark is no exception. Do the following:

  1. Open the "Insert" section in the main menu, click on the "Symbol" and "Other Symbols" buttons;
  2. In the "Symbol" pop-up window, specify in the "Set" field - "Additional Latin-1";
  3. Select the desired double quote and click on "Insert";
  4. Ready!

Method 4

If you want to surprise others, then this method is definitely for you. Necessary:

  1. Switch to English layout (Shift+Alt);
  2. Type the letters "ab" and press the "Alt" and "X" buttons at the same time - as a result, you will get an opening symbol (");
  3. The closing symbol is put like this: "bb" and pressing the "Alt" and "X" buttons - as a result () the symbol is ready.

Uppercase single and double quotes “Paws”

The traditional quotation marks in Russian writing is considered to be a paired punctuation mark similar to “paws”. If you need to specify the meaning of a word, a translation from another language, or an excerpt from a quote, upper and lower commas help. And how to put such signs we will consider a little lower. There are two ways to make quotes commas in Word:

Option 1: ‘Single legs’

Single 'quotes-commas' are done like this:

  1. Place the mouse pointer where you need a single character;
  2. Switch to English letter input (Shift + Alt);
  3. Turn on "Num LOCK";
  4. Hold "Alt" and enter numbers (0145) - open the quote, and close it (0146). Use the number pad to dial numbers.
  5. The result is in the picture below.

Option 2: “Double”

It can be done in several ways:

Method 1.

You need to know the character code and add quite a bit of manipulation with the keyboard shortcut. Follow the steps:

  1. Hold down the "Alt" key and type to open "0147" and close "0148".
  2. You will get the upper “quotation marks-commas”.

Attention! You need to work with the numeric keypad, which is located to the right of the letter keypad.

Method 2.

Let's learn how to insert quotes with commas using the letter "E". For this you need:

  1. Set the mouse cursor to the desired location;
  2. Enable English layout with a combination (Shift + Alt);
  3. Hold "Shift" and click on the letter "E". Pressing the letter "E" again will add a closing quotation mark in the form of commas.
  4. Ready! Compare the result with the picture below.

Option 3. Deployed

There is another easy way to make quotes with commas in Word. Only they will turn out in a position deployed from each other. The symbol will open at the bottom and close at the top. Here's what you need for this.

If you need put in quotation marks or parenthesize part of an expression already in quotation marks / brackets, remember two simple principles of double brackets and double quotes:

* Russian is not mathematics, signs don't add up, that is, you do not need to put double brackets or quotes (one figure) at the end;

* to facilitate the perception and understanding of the text it's better to make quotes inside quotes and brackets inside brackets of different pattern. In this case, the reader will understand exactly where one expression in brackets/quotes ends and how it relates to another.

What means "brackets and quotation marks of various patterns" And what is this drawing?

How to format double brackets

Let's start with brackets. The main brackets are round (like these). Brackets of the second level are most often square ones - [like these]. And the double brackets will look like this: … (… […])… , … ([…]…)… or …(… […] […] …)…

For example, "I like the work of the group" Nox Arcana "(written Nox Arcana [from Latin -" secret night "])".

How to format double quotes

Quotes have the same basic scheme, but there are some subtleties. There are several varieties of quotation marks, and different countries have different traditions. We most often use "Christmas trees", "paws", "computer quotes" and some others. In printed publications and documents "first level" quotation marks are Christmas trees (on our site we also use them). However, many Internet resources use direct computer quotation marks as the main quotation marks. In fact, this is not so important (although it is more correct and solid to use Christmas trees), the main thing is that the selected drawing should follow the text sequentially.

Second level quotation marks, as a rule, “legs” protrude - they look good with Christmas trees, as they are quite “contrasting”: you won’t confuse them. But with straight computer quotes, paws in some fonts may not look so good, so check that the reader can figure out how one quote expression is located relative to another and the phrase as a whole. Again - having adopted for yourself some kind of second-level quotes, use it consistently.

A few examples:

“We went to the cinema “At the House” and watched the film “Rest in the Country” there. Good movie," said a friend.

LLC "Company" Scolopendra "".

The price tag read: "Juice" Mountain ash and watermelon "."

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