Old man hottabych illustration. Who is really Old Man Hottabych? (10 photos)

“The Old Man Hottabych” is a Soviet fairy tale story by Lazar Lagin, published in parts in 1938, first in Pionerskaya Pravda, and then in Pioneer magazine. The plot tells about the adventures of the young pioneer Volka Kostylkov and his friends with a genie named Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khottab (he is also the old man Hottabych). After spending the last three and a half thousand years in a jar, this genie was released from it by Volka.

According to the writer's daughter, Natalya Lagina, her father's idea of ​​"Hottabych" was prompted by the 1900 fairy tale by the English writer F. Ansty "The Copper Jug" (Eng. The Brass Bottle) 1916), in which, according to the plot, the young London architect Horace Ventimore releases the genie Fakrash el-Aamash, imprisoned there by King Solomon, from a copper jar.

The young pioneer Volka Kostylkov fished out a strange jug from the Moscow River. Having opened it, he releases the powerful good genie, Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab, from the centuries-old imprisonment. He thanks Volka in every possible way and offers him his help in the geography exam. But since Hottabych's geographical knowledge is very outdated, Volka is sent for a re-examination.

The wonders of the old genie are often out of place. Now Volka grows a beard, then he receives 4 luxurious palaces and a caravan of slaves as a gift. Finally, the genie takes Volka's best friend, Zhenya Bogorad, to India. Kostylkov makes Hottabych fly after him on a magic carpet. Moreover, friends have to constantly save the teacher Volka from Hottabych - he promised, angry, to turn her into something terrible. Many more adventures are waiting for friends:
trips to the circus first, and then to a football match;
the search for Khottabych's brother, Omar Yusuf;
trip on the ship "Ladoga"
and much more.

The story has 3 options:
original 1938;
the 1953 revision;
expanded version of 1955.

The reasons for the revisions were the changes that had taken place in the USSR and in the world since 1938. Natalya Lagina claimed that her father did not edit in the next 2 editions. Compared to the editorials, the original is less ideological and more apolitical.

Subsequent editions contain inserts of an anti-capitalist orientation. The release of the first revised edition in 1953 came at the height of the so-called "Fight against Cosmopolitanism", because of which it contained, in particular, extremely sharp attacks on imperialism, the United States, the post-colonial authorities of India, and the like. This edition is little known, since in the new one, released 2 years later, all these edits were removed, but new ones were added.

The 1955 version is slightly larger than the original, as whole chapters were added this time. For example, in the standard version, the characters of the story end up in Italy, suffering under the rule of Benito Mussolini, and in the extended version, under the rule of the capitalists. In the editions of 1953 and 1955, Lazar Lagin, both on the cover and on the last page, was referred to only as “L. Lagin", without disclosing the full name and patronymic. In the post-Soviet period, the original version of 1938 is most often reprinted.

Hottabych's age is 3732 years and 5 months.

Popular "among the people" saying of Hottabych during witchcraft "Fuck-tibidoh" is present in the radio play of 1958 (also published on a gramophone record), but it is not in the book. She's not in the movie either. Almost the only "voiced" genie spell is present in the first edition of the book (1940) and its modern reprints:
“Instead of answering, Hottabych, groaning, got to his feet, pulled thirteen hairs out of his beard, tore them finely, shouted some strange word “lekhododilikraslo” and, exhausted, sank right on the sawdust covering the arena. »
In later Soviet editions, this word is not, it is written:
“Instead of an answer, Hottabych, groaning, got to his feet, pulled thirteen hairs out of his beard, tore them finely, shouted out some strange and very long word, and, exhausted, sank directly onto the sawdust covering the arena. »
The words of the spell coincide with the first line of the Jewish liturgical hymn "Lech dodi" in Ashkenazi (Eastern European) pronunciation and mean "Go, my Beloved, towards the bride." In Modern Standard Hebrew (based on the Sephardic pronunciation), the phrase is: "Lecha dodi likrat kala ...".

At the same time, according to the remarks of Hottabych himself and other remarks in the book, his native language is Arabic, and he himself believes in Allah, that is, he is a Muslim - despite the fact that during the time of Suleiman ibn Daud (the ancient Israeli king Solomon, who lived in the 10th century BC) Islam as a religion introduced by Muhammad did not yet exist (however, such an anachronistic naming of biblical characters as “believers in Allah” and interpreting them as “Muslims” is typical both for Islam in general and for founded on it the plots of "A Thousand and One Nights"; including they are found in the tale of a fisherman who deceived a genie, on the image of which Lagin based the character of the title character's brother, Omar Yusuf).

Hottabych also recalls Harun (Garun) al-Rashid, whom he could not know, since by that time he had been sitting in a jar for a thousand and a half years.
The image of Hotabych was used by Kir Bulychev, Leonid Kaminsky, Alexander Dietrich. Hottabych mentions Alina Fernandez, daughter of Fidel Castro, among the Soviet dolls given to her.

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Snow Maiden coloring page

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Coloring book for children of an old man with a beard

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How to make a homemade beard for an actor (old man, Santa Claus, Karabas, etc.)

There are times when you just need to get a beard! For example, if you play in a play or take part in a children's matinee as Santa Claus. And who said that the beard of Santa Claus must be white? Of course, now in stores you can buy everything! But this article is for those who are not looking for easy ways and prefer to do everything themselves! Here you can make such a thick natural-colored beard with your own hands.

To make a beard, you will need: a Petal respirator (sold at a hardware store), tow (sold there), PVA glue, viscose napkin.

In the photo you see a bearded actor who played a shepherd in the play. The elastic bands holding the beard are hidden under his headdress (towel).

So, take a respirator and make slits in it for the mouth. Try on whether it suits you, whether it is easy to open your mouth and speak.

The nose of the respirator will have to be cut off. In the photo below: this is what the respirator looks like from the inside.

Take some tow and stick it on the respirator. The upper part will be a mustache, and the lower part will be a beard. If necessary, trim the respirator so that the beard on your face looks natural.

And this is what a finished homemade beard looks like from the inside out. As you can see, a dense viscose napkin, which is usually used as a rag, is also glued at the bottom. This is done so that the beard does not become disheveled and stays tighter on the respirator.

Since the rubber bands from the respirator will be visible on the actor’s face, they must somehow be disguised. The shepherd in the photo above has elastic bands disguised as a cape, and this actor playing the sage has an elastic band disguised with tow. That is, the shape of the beard turned out to be wider - with a call to the cheeks.

In such a simple way, you can make a beard yourself, which is useful for both Santa Claus and Karabas or another bearded actor.

Pictures for children with Santa Claus

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden coloring pages

Coloring pages with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for children of all ages. Pictures for coloring, creating New Year's wall newspapers or greeting cards.

Coloring Santa Claus or coloring Santa Claus?

Popular in English-speaking countries, Santa Claus is none other than the Russian Father Frost. Both fairy-tale characters give gifts to children for the New Year. Coloring Santa Claus and coloring Santa Claus always differ from each other in many details, perhaps imperceptible at first glance. In any case, blue and red paints, gouache or watercolor will come in handy, because our heroes do not like pencils and felt-tip pens. It will be great to prepare glitter or new white paint in advance.

Santa Claus is a tall old man, kind and fair, with long gray hair and a beard. Santa Claus, on the other hand, is a slightly overweight middle-aged man, funny and cheerful, with a short beard and most often curly hair. The Santa Claus coloring page depicts a grandfather in a hat, and the Santa Claus coloring page depicts a hat with a pompom. However, the American culture that has spread over the past decades with the fashion for New Year's hats with pompoms has gradually changed our Santa Claus into a modern hat with a white, fluffy pompom. Therefore, the differences described above will not be enough to immediately understand from the New Year's coloring with Santa Claus who exactly is depicted on it. Well, we continue to look for differences.

Let's see how the grandfathers are dressed. Santa Claus coloring page depicts an old man in a long blue sheepskin coat with a wide belt, embroidered mittens and felt boots. Coloring Santa Claus - in a short red coat and pants, a belt with a buckle, white, thin gloves and leather boots. True, this tradition also fades over time, turning the old-fashioned Santa Claus into a foreign Santa. However, there are still a few differences that have not yet been erased by time. Our dear Santa Claus does not come to visit with gnomes or elves, but takes his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, with him everywhere and gives gifts directly into the hands of the kids, without stuffing them into gift socks. So if you feel a cool breath from behind the door, do not forget to call the long-awaited guest three times.

Snow Maiden coloring page

The Snow Maiden coloring page depicts an indispensable helper of Santa Claus - his beloved granddaughter. Traditionally painted in white and blue tones, possibly a colored hat and mittens. Often, birds or animals are depicted next to the Snow Maiden, symbolizing the kindness of the girl. New Year's coloring Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will be a great entertainment on the eve of the upcoming holidays. Even for the smallest children, you can choose a coloring book with the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus, because the collection contains not only complex pictures, but also simple ones, with the least number of small elements.

Our favorite since childhood, our Russian Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden with him) Clipart.

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Coloring pages for girls online free to print from 5 years

Thanks to the coloring process, a versatile development takes place: the baby will learn not only to draw beautifully, but also to love animals. Moreover, coloring books help young children remember where the eyes, tongue, tail, comb are located, and those who are older learn the names of colors and shades, while repeating what color this or that animal has.

Not all people can draw. And this is where coloring comes to the rescue. It is coloring for adults that will help you in your creativity. It's exciting and interesting. Worth a try. Print out a picture that is interesting to you and suits your mood and sit down to color. It turns out that the time for this activity flies instantly, you do not notice it. While drawing, a person experiences different emotions. We can say that it is similar to psychological training. Drawing and coloring is a wonderful way to relieve stress through creativity. Try it and you will see for yourself.

Antistress coloring page - Flowers

Cool coloring book for boys superheroes from the movie “Avengers: Age of Ultron”

Santa Claus is a tall old man, kind and fair, with long gray hair and a beard. Santa Claus, on the other hand, is a slightly overweight middle-aged man, funny and cheerful, with a short beard and most often curly hair. The Santa Claus coloring page depicts a grandfather in a hat, and the Santa Claus coloring page depicts a hat with a pompom. However, the American culture that has spread over the past decades with the fashion for New Year's hats with pompoms has gradually changed our Santa Claus into a modern hat with a white, fluffy pompom. Therefore, the differences described above will not be enough to immediately understand from the New Year's coloring with Santa Claus who exactly is depicted on it. Well, we continue to look for differences.

Thanks Elina! It would be great.

Of course, you can always buy several coloring pages, but this can cause even more stress - you simply cannot physically color everything. And if you have a pathological desire to bring things to the end, then uncolored illustrations can even lead to a nervous breakdown, because the more pages, the more incompleteness.

Memory: 6.29mb; Time: 0.09434

The Vietnam War also revealed another weakness of American pilots: their attacks were often completely useless against armored Soviet tanks. And then the Americans went to the trick: to make it easier for the pilots to remember the characteristic features of Soviet tanks, they began to produce special children's coloring books for them. For example, this one: "A coloring book for A-10 pilots, or What you always wanted to know about the T-62, but were afraid to ask."

Store your painting in a dry place - strong changes in humidity can deform the cardboard or stretcher and loosen the stretch of the canvas.

This section of our site Color it! designed for girls only. Here are collected coloring pages of everything that girls of different ages are interested in, starting from 2 - 3 years and older (including adolescence). First of all, these are, of course, the characters of your favorite cartoons and animated series, as well as fairies, princesses, toys, dolls, and so on. The section is constantly updated and updated with new coloring pages, and if you have any wishes, requests or suggestions, please write about it in the comments at the bottom of the page.

The fairy tales that we read to our children should be kind, funny, and entertaining. In a word, such that the child gets pleasure while reading. There are many fairy tales that help not only to take the time of the baby, but also to raise him strong, self-confident, willing to help people, work and overcome difficult life situations. But some fairy tales have already ceased to be relevant, as times change, lifestyle, its pace. Your advertisement on the site

Musical spoons coloring book print photo

Musical Spoons Printable Coloring Pages

Online coloring Santa Claus with a fluffy beard

Coloring "Santa Claus with a fluffy beard"

Free coloring online

Children's online coloring Santa Claus with a fluffy beard is a great opportunity for the development of spatial thinking of a child.

Wonderful coloring Santa Claus with a fluffy beard contributes to the development of fine motor skills of your child.

Coloring management is simple, clear and understandable. Already 56 users have rated this drawing.

Explore the world, draw with us!

We have selected for you only the brightest online coloring pages for boys

Coloring for the development of children in a playful way - a real treasure. Without separating the game and learning, they will help to spend time with benefit. When coloring, the child with your help will learn to count and write correctly, distinguish between shapes and colors, get acquainted with new objects.

Coloring "Santa Claus with a fluffy beard" will help to consolidate the knowledge of the baby, training the imagination and abilities required in kindergarten and school. Select images and print and color with crayons or felt-tip pens.

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coloring book old man and goldfish

Large selection of drawings and pictures from the Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish section, for printing and coloring

There lived an old man. There was this poor old man, he was a fisherman, but he did not catch fish in any way. Once Rybak caught a golden fish, he was very happy, because the fish promised to fulfill all his desires. Please your child with the opportunity to decorate your favorite characters from the fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" with any colors you like, using felt-tip pens, paints or pencils.

Coloring page old man Hottabych

Dear children and their parents! We are glad to welcome you on the site page coloring old man Hottabych which you can download and print for free. We advise you to look at the entire collection of fairy tale characters coloring pages and choose your favorite pictures for coloring. Our site is constantly updated with the newest and most beautiful coloring pages for boys and girls of all ages. Our coloring pages give children joy, give them the opportunity to show their strength in artistic creativity, create and fantasize.

© 2014-2017 Pictures for coloring by ixtira TV

Coloring pages for children 3-4 years old Santa Claus

Coloring pages with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for children of all ages. Pictures for coloring, creating New Year's wall newspapers or greeting cards.

Coloring coloring pages for children 3-4 years old Santa Claus Santa Claus or Santa Claus coloring book?

Popular in English-speaking countries, Santa Claus is none other than the Russian Father Frost. Both fairy-tale characters give gifts to children for the New Year. Coloring Santa Claus and coloring Santa Claus always differ from each other in many details, children perhaps invisible at first glance. In any case, blue and red paints, gouache or watercolor will come in handy, because our heroes do not like pencils and felt-tip pens. It will be great to prepare glitter or new white paint in advance.

Santa Claus is a tall old man, kind and fair, with long gray hair and a beard. Santa Claus, on the other hand, is a slightly overweight middle-aged man, funny and cheerful, with a short beard and most often curly hair. The Santa Claus coloring page depicts a grandfather in a hat, and the Santa Claus coloring page depicts a hat with a pompom. However, the American culture that has spread over the past decades with the fashion for New Year's hats with pompoms has gradually changed our Santa Claus into a modern hat with a white, fluffy pompom. Therefore, the differences described above will not be enough to immediately understand from the New Year's coloring with Santa Claus who exactly is depicted on it. Well, we continue to look for differences.

Let's see how the grandfathers are dressed. Santa Claus coloring page depicts an old man in a long blue sheepskin coat with a wide belt, embroidered mittens and felt boots. Coloring Santa Claus - in a short red coat and pants, a belt with a buckle, white, thin gloves and leather boots. True, this tradition also fades over time, turning the old-fashioned Santa Claus into a foreign Santa. However, there are still a few differences that have not yet been erased by time. Our dear Santa Claus does not come to visit with gnomes or elves, but takes his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, with him everywhere and gives gifts directly into the hands of the kids, without stuffing them into gift socks. So if you feel a cool breath from behind the door, do not forget to call the long-awaited guest three times.

Snow Maiden coloring page

The Snow Maiden coloring page depicts an indispensable helper of Santa Claus - his beloved granddaughter. Traditionally painted in white and blue tones, possibly a colored hat and mittens. Often, birds or animals are depicted next to the Snow Maiden, symbolizing the kindness of the girl. New Year's coloring Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will be a great entertainment on the eve of the upcoming holidays. Even for the smallest children, you can choose a coloring book with the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus, because the collection contains not only complex pictures, but also simple ones, with the least number of small elements.

Online coloring "Santa Claus" - Coloring pages online - Puzzles and coloring Tattoo on the neck with my name

Every Soviet child knew the old man Hottabych - he was the main character of a children's book, films were made about him. Who was he really?

The writer Lazar Lagin wrote the fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych" under the impression of the English fairy tale of 1900 "The Copper Jug" about a young architect and a genie from a jug. "The Old Man Hottabych" was published in three editions: the original from 1938, the edition of 1953 and the extended version of 1955 ... Each time the fairy tale changed in accordance with the events taking place in the USSR: one was removed from the text, the other was inserted. Lazar Lagin did not edit subsequent editions and did not even reveal his name and patronymic on the cover, remaining as "L. Lagin". A year after the last edition, a film about a kind and clumsy genie was released ...

Jinn are the heroes of Arabic mythology, most often acting in a role similar to the more familiar demons or devils. Jinn gained popularity in Western culture after the release of the Thousand and One Nights collection of fairy tales.
In the myths, there were four types of genies: evil fire-wielding ifrits, cruel werewolves ghouls, omnipotent rational marids and weak forces. The genies lived in a parallel world where humans could not enter. Even in translation, the word "genie" means "hidden".

Old Hottabych was a marid - these higher genies could be both evil and good, they were able to predict the future and help achieve goals. They looked like tall, pale people with white beards, they knew how to release fire from their nostrils and turn into ethereal flying creatures. But it was the marids who often became prisoners of various objects: for example, rings or lamps - in the fairy tale about Aladdin or bottles - in the story of Hottabych.

The Islamic prophet and Jewish king Suleiman ibn Daud, whom Hottabych served and was a slave to his ring, is better known as King Solomon. He possessed extraordinary wisdom, knew how to talk with animals, control the wind and had power over all creatures, including jinn. The Hottabovich brothers did not want to be under the rule of Suleiman anymore, for which they were punished by imprisonment in bottles.

Asaf ibn Barakhiya (Burkhiya), whom Suleiman ordered to forcefully deliver the genies to the king, was indeed a vizier and one of the closest associates of King Solomon. The mausoleum of Asaf ibn Burkhiya is one of the main attractions of the Kyrgyz city of Osh.

“Yeah…” the examiner drawled and looked at Volka with curiosity. What can you say about the shape of the Earth?
Old Hottabych mumbled something laboriously in the corridor.
“The earth has the shape of a ball,” Volka wanted to say, but due to circumstances beyond his control he answered:
– The Earth, O most worthy of teachers, has the shape of a flat disk and is washed on all sides by a majestic river – the Ocean. The earth rests on six elephants, and those, in turn, stand on a huge tortoise. This is how the world works, O teacher!”

Hottabych was 3,732 years old at the time of the release of Lazar Lagin's fairy tale, and he spent 5 months of them “nearly three thousand years” in a bottle, and, of course, he was not aware of how far any science had gone. The theory of a flat earth lying on the backs of elephants standing on a giant tortoise comes from Hinduism. Moreover, in different versions, the number of elephants varies from three to seven, but most often there are four - on the cardinal points. Hottabych had a rather rare version.
The first evidence of the sphericity of the earth was given by Aristotle in 330 BC. By that time, Hottabych had been sitting in a bottle for more than a century ...

Since Hottabych was from the Middle East, a beard was necessary for him. In Islam, growing a beard was obligatory or desirable, and shaving was forbidden. Like many other peoples, the beard was a symbol of masculinity, power and wisdom, but at the same time old age. Therefore, almost all famous wizards and ancient sorcerers were bearded: Merlin, Chernomor, Gandalf, Santa Claus, Dumbledore and others. Pulling hairs out of a beard to fulfill desires was Hottabych's trademark - the rest made do with other conductors of magic. However, Hottabych was able to transfer magic into his fingers and perform miracles with one click without the help of a beard and spells. So hair pulling was most likely just part of a familiar but optional ritual...

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Hottabych had a brother. According to myths, the world of genies was built on the same principles as the world of people. They had families, children and even pets. Genie girls were called jinnies or jiniriyas and also had magical abilities, one of which was the ability to charm any male person. Alliances of jinn with humans were not uncommon. According to some legends, many warriors and rulers had at least one genie in their family. One such ruler, Saladin, is mentioned in Walter Scott's novel The Talisman.

Hottabych had not just a flying carpet, but a VK-1 seaplane carpet, named a genie in honor of Volka Kostylkov. The fantastic vehicle was often found in the literature of the Middle East, and from the tales of the Thousand and One Nights, the idea spread to the West. In Russian fairy tales, people often flew on the carpet to fight Koshchei or returned home from distant wanderings, for example, in the fairy tale "Elena the Beautiful", the films "Kashchei the Immortal" and "After Rain on Thursday" or in Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Flying Carpet". The Eastern aircraft has taken a strong place next to other useful items: walking boots, a sword-treasurer, an invisibility cap, a self-assembly tablecloth and others ...

Genies in their good incarnation, of course, could fulfill wishes and protect people, but most often they did this only in fairy tales, moreover, European ones. In Arab myths and legends, they usually only punished those who were objectionable, and in exchange for the fulfillment of a desire, they took their souls. Often, the jinn granted a wish so literally that this alone became a punishment.
In order to appease or avoid jinn, many Muslim peoples have their own signs. It is believed that jinn gather at night in ruins, wastelands and near standing water, meet in baths and toilets and such places should be avoided. They don’t clean houses at nightfall, they don’t look in the mirror and they don’t look into containers with oil. They also always cover their mouths when yawning and eat seven dates on an empty stomach.

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