Capricorn man and Cancer woman compatibility. Relationship between Capricorn man and Cancer woman

A couple in which one of the partners is Capricorn and the other is Cancer is often called very harmonious by astrologers, despite the significant differences in the characters of these signs. The compatibility of Capricorn and Cancer is also affected by the gender of each of them, since the first is a male sign, and the second is dominated by female features. It should be considered in detail how this is reflected in their horoscope.

Capricorn man and Cancer woman

This is the most harmonious union in which there is a traditional distribution of roles: a man is engaged in truly masculine affairs, and a woman takes on women's duties. Therefore, such a couple can form a very strong family, where both partners are happily married.

Perfect Union

It is important to note that Capricorn, especially at a young age, is guided more by reason than emotions. In this regard, he chooses a reliable, faithful and caring girl as his companion, who will become his good wife. Cancer Woman fits that description perfectly. She is modest, sweet, gentle and devoted. In it, Capricorn will immediately see the mistress of her house, who will create an atmosphere of comfort and love in it, will always support her husband and become an ideal mother for his children.

In turn, a girl born under the constellation Cancer seeks to build a nest, take care of loved ones and devote herself to her family. Therefore, in Capricorn, she will find the best companion for herself - reliable, strong and purposeful. This is the kind of man she imagines next to her.

We can say that in this pair, both get what they want. The Cancer woman seeks protection, support and confidence in the future in a relationship, which the brave and hardy Capricorn provides her with. And he, in turn, finds tenderness, devotion and care in his companion, thanks to which he manages to maintain his success in all areas of life.

Possible problems

The main problem that can overshadow the union of this couple is the emotionality of Cancer, which is opposed by the prudence of Capricorn. The latter is not prone to empathy, so it is often difficult for him to understand his companion, who is subject to constant mood swings and deep emotional experiences.

On the other hand, a Cancer woman may accuse her partner of callousness and even heartlessness. Both in a pair need to try to come to terms with the nature of their soul mate. A girl should not demand increased sensitivity from her boyfriend, but he should understand that her emotions are not mere whims. In addition, if the chosen one is surrounded by love and care, she becomes more calm and balanced.

Cancer man and Capricorn woman

A very promising couple, in which a woman gradually discovers femininity in herself, and a man - courage.

Perfect Union

The Cancer guy is attracted to a maternal-type girl who is caring and self-confident at the same time. He really appreciates constancy and support, so a Capricorn woman may like him at first sight. According to the horoscope, such a union can ideally be two halves that complement each other. In it, Capricorn is the permanent leader, and Cancer symbolizes the emotional beginning.

The man in this pair is not particularly interested in a career, but he is able to achieve any heights with a wife like a Capricorn woman. On the other hand, it is also possible that the wife will act as a business woman, and the husband will be a homebody, but this will only positively affect their relationship.

Possible problems

Cancer is a very sensitive and emotional zodiac sign. Therefore, the Capricorn woman, who is characterized by determination, firmness of character and leadership qualities, should try not to offend her companion and not hurt his pride. Otherwise, Cancer may withdraw into itself and lose the incentive to any action.

In addition, a woman in this union should refrain from solving the problems of her man. He may wait for her spiritual support, but will become discouraged if she ignores his experiences and approaches the problem only with her inherent rationality.

In the bed

The sex life of these zodiac signs tends to go well.

The Cancer woman conquers her Capricorn with tenderness and sensitivity in matters of love, and he personifies for her a real man - strong and powerful. That is why he is able to awaken the passion of his beloved Cancer, which she carefully hides. If Capricorn is not too persistent at the beginning of a love relationship, he will be pleasantly surprised later when his beloved begins to trust him completely. In addition, Capricorn men are in most cases faithful in marriage, which allows the Cancer woman to get rid of her inherent jealousy.

The Cancer man is gentle and soft in sexual relationships. He often likes to give the main role to his partner and just enjoy the process, which Capricorn will really like. A Capricorn woman will surely find in him a sensitive and sexy lover who will appreciate her craving for dominance.

in friendship

A Cancer woman will not be able to be friends with a man under the sign of Capricorn, since predominantly patriarchal relations are possible between them, but not equality at all. In addition, Capricorn is very rarely friends with women, and he will immediately perceive Cancer as a potential life partner and sexual partner. Even if friendly relations are established between them, then not for long, since such friendship will very quickly grow into love.

According to the horoscope, friendships between a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man are also extremely rare. The latter is looking for emotional intimacy and empathy in friendship, which Capricorn is not able to give him. The representative of this sign is a realist, accustomed to discussing plans and affairs with friends, but not talking heart to heart. So these two are incompatible in friendship.

In work

If a Capricorn man is a partner in the work of a Cancer woman, they will work great together. Both are responsible and diligent, do not tolerate jobs and stubbornly strive for their goals. Hoping for gifts of fate is not in their rules, so both work with dedication and believe in success earned by honest work. The problem can only be in the mood of the Cancer employee. If she does not have an incentive to work and the case does not bring her moral satisfaction, she will not be able to show her best business qualities and will disappoint Capricorn. A similar situation will develop if Capricorn is subordinate to the boss-Cancer. He loves clarity and stability, and a Cancer woman with mood swings can often appear as a leader with conflicting demands on her subordinates.

In the case of a partnership between a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man, many problems arise. She will never confuse her emotions with work and prefers to do only business at the workplace, while Cancer is not able to “turn off” her moods, which sometimes affect the result of a common cause. When the Cancer man works in submission to the Capricorn woman, he will become afraid of her authority and, deep down, may even hate his boss.

As you can see, Cancer and Capricorn are compatible only in love relationships. , and in friendship and at work they are unlikely to find a common language.

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This combination of zodiac signs is very rare due to the lack of intersection points and mutual attraction to each other: Capricorns and Cancers are usually simply not interested in people like their partners, passing by in life. If, by the will of fate, the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman ended up together, then they will certainly immediately take up mutual re-education.

Often, Cavaliers-Capricorns tend to consider their ideas, rules and actions as the ultimate truth. This is especially true for situations when there are already certain life achievements behind him - then Capricorn does not pay attention to the problems and opinions of others at all, even if it is a Cancer spouse. Already at the beginning of a life together, a Cancer woman will hear many critical remarks from her husband. The requirements for her will certainly turn out to be overstated, but it is in them that the Capricorn man will see the only means to achieve harmonious coexistence.

In such an alliance, a woman may find herself in a strong psychological and material dependence on her husband, he can afford to put pressure on her with authority. A spouse who is constantly under pressure will have to forget what she dreamed about before; the woman will be disoriented, preoccupied with thoughts of ways to win the favor of her husband. At one point, she will arrange a "mutiny on the ship", marking the beginning of a protracted war. A quarrel can be exhausting for both parties and futile in terms of someone's victory. Both partners are determined to defend their ambitions to the bitter end and will not take steps towards reconciliation and improvement of the situation, although both are not happy with the prospect of being drawn into an eternal struggle.

If the Cancer woman and the Capricorn man take the trouble to take a closer look at the second half, they can find a lot in common, for example, love for home, respect for traditions, striving for financial stability, and all this can and should be the starting point for work to strengthen relationships. In order for the family to be prosperous, partners must become more open, not isolated in their joys and problems. A woman will make a significant contribution to strengthening the union if she sacrifices her desire to lead in it, ceding this right to her husband, who at the same time should not consider her opinion a trifle that does not deserve attention, and she herself is unworthy of equal respect with him.

Cancer Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility

Both the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman can only be congratulated on the successful choice of a life partner! Perhaps from the outside this union does not look too passionate, but they will hear the words “they are so well suited to each other” in their lives more than once or twice. Feelings are feelings, but between these signs there is clearly something more: these are goals, aspirations, and outlook on life, and the reliability and solidity that a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man are able to give to each other.

According to the compatibility of Cancer women and Capricorn men, this is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles. As a rule, in this union, Capricorn provides for the family and rises through the ranks, while Cancer takes excellent care of the house and children. They do not have a struggle for leadership, which many couples break down on. The Cancer woman calmly recognizes the role of the head of the family for the Capricorn man. Of course, no one is immune from conflicts, but they do not result in violent scandals. In other words, the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman have every chance of living happily in this marriage all their lives.

The Cancer woman for the Capricorn man is a true comforter of the soul, often falling into a deep depression. And for Capricorn, this is very important, even necessary. And it's no secret that if the "shells" are reliably provided with material goods, they always try to please, protect their marriage partners, thank them with warm feelings, sincerity and tenderness, fidelity and devotion. This touches Capricorns so much that even in the most difficult cases they compromise. And under such conditions, the marriage union has something to hold on to and even flourish. Despite the fact that Cancer and Capricorn are very different in character, they each fulfill their purpose well together, can realize their full potential and establish strong families.

In an ideal pair, a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man have a clear and unquestioning distribution of roles. Only the Capricorn man takes responsibility for all decisions made. Cancer Woman is quite satisfied with this. Unlike other signs of the Zodiac, she does not fight for leadership in the family, and obediently agrees with everything that the Capricorn man tells her. Moreover, next to such a gentle and soft woman, he develops his best features: responsibility and purposefulness. The Cancer Woman trusts him, because she does not risk anything, he knows how to find the right solutions in a variety of situations. If disagreements arise in a couple, the Cancer woman knows how to mitigate the conflict with her sincerity and tenderness. She does not allow herself to interfere in "male" affairs, but creates a good psychological atmosphere and provides Capricorn with moral rest. In return, he reliably protects her in difficult situations.

It cannot be said that the Cancer woman is completely subordinate to Capricorn. Everything related to the family, home, creating comfort, this is only her sphere of influence. She realizes herself in this union as a wife, mother, mistress of the house, and Capricorn is one of those signs that help her in this. Also, in the Capricorn-Cancer compatibility pair, the Capricorn man, thanks to his Cancer woman, becomes more confident and stronger, as she gives him emotions, care and the opportunity not to think about business next to her. A woman in a relationship with Capricorn strengthens her psyche, thanks to the stability and confidence in the future that the Capricorn man gives her.

This is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles.

Despite the fact that Cancer and Capricorn are very different in character, they each fulfill their purpose well together, can realize their full potential and establish strong families.

Cancer and Capricorn compatibility: how to seduce a Capricorn man?

Capricorn men are prudent in love and choose a companion not with their heart, but with their mind. Moreover, the younger Capricorn, the stricter he is in his preferences, and with age they already have a share of recklessness and desire for pleasure. Therefore, the younger the man who attracted the Cancer woman, the more chances she has to win him. After all, she does not look like a vamp or a charming doll that middle-aged Capricorn can pull on. But when Capricorn evaluates a companion with reason, he will be interested in a gentle, modest and sensitive woman who will be a soft patient lover, a good housewife, a reliable wife and a caring mother. All these social roles are natural for a Cancer woman. She is gentle and receptive, caring and loves a quiet home life. She wants her man to take care of her and in turn give him warmth and love. The shell will conquer Capricorn with her character, attention to his needs, quiet caring, and in order to consolidate the interest of Capricorn, it is worth inviting him to her place more often so that he appreciates the comfort that she knows how to create.

What does the perfect couple look like: Capricorn and Cancer compatibility in love?

In this couple, the man takes responsibility for all decisions. A woman does not fight with him for leadership, but obeys him. Next to the gentle and reliable Rakinya, Capricorn develops his best features: responsibility and purposefulness. He knows how to find the right solutions and a woman does not risk anything by trusting him. If a disagreement arises in a couple, the Cancer woman softens the conflict with sincerity and tenderness. She does not interfere in "male" affairs, but provides Capricorn with moral rest. In return, he reliably protects her in difficult situations. It cannot be said that Rakinya is completely subordinate to Capricorn. She has her own sphere of influence - everything that concerns feelings and relationships, and in the family - at home, children and household issues. She skillfully manages the house of Capricorn and creates comfort in it. The Cancer woman sees her realization as a mother, wife, mistress of the house, and Capricorn is one of those signs that help her get what she wants. In the romantic couples of Cancer and Capricorn, a man, thanks to his woman, becomes more confident and stronger, as she gives him emotions, care and the opportunity not to think about business next to her. A woman in a relationship with Capricorn strengthens her psyche thanks to the stability and confidence in the future that Capricorn gives her.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man?

The Cancer Woman is sensitive, she lives with emotions and feels well the experiences of other people. She builds her relationships with people, looking not at the actions of others, but at their feelings. With this approach to life, she confuses the rational Capricorn: he does not have empathy and builds life rationally. He does not feel those waves of emotions that are available to Cancer, and from this, her actions, convincing and reasoned for herself, seem to Capricorn whims. At best, he writes them off as “female intuition.” In fact, the world of feelings for Cancer is as material as for Capricorn - the world of things. But she cannot show this world to her reasonable partner! As a result, Capricorn blames Rakina for excessive sensitivity, touchiness from scratch (and for her - not at all from scratch), whims and strange, illogical behavior. He, in turn, seems to her insensitive and callous.

The emotionality of a Cancer woman is one of her strengths. She understands people well and intuitively sees the right decisions. But in addition to these pluses, mood swings, capriciousness and resentment are attached. If Cancer learns to control her feelings, this will not make her callous and will not reduce the positive manifestations of emotionality. But her behavior will become smoother, and it will be easier for others to communicate with her. It will become clearer to the rational Capricorn. The development of Lunar qualities (namely, the Moon is responsible for emotions) is not an uncontrolled manifestation of the Moon in any areas, but the ability to use them where and when it is needed. If Cancer learns to manage emotions, she will make life easier not only for her Capricorn man, but will also take a step forward on the path of self-improvement. As for the coldness of Capricorn, Rakinya can read even deeply hidden emotions, and she will be able to discern in him behind rationalism his feelings, doubts and hopes. The main thing is not to be offended by his dryness, but to try to understand him.

Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn men at work

If Rakinya is interested in work, cooperation can be very fruitful: she does not like to show off, she works responsibly and, despite her dreaminess, is one of the most practical and conservative workers. Capricorn with his purposefulness is easy to work with.

Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn in the relationship of colleagues or partners

They are both very persistent in achieving goals, work with dedication, do not like jerks and jobs and do not hope for luck. But for a good job, a Cancer woman must have an incentive. She forgets about whims if she has someone to work for, and Capricorn is such in character, regardless of the circumstances. If Rakinya is not interested in work, they will not be able to understand each other, as they will show opposite traits.

When the Cancer woman is the boss and the Capricorn man is the subordinate

This is a complex union. Capricorn is ambitious and does not like to obey. He respects ranks and positions and will not openly go against the boss, but will try to surpass her and get a position. While he is a subordinate, Rakina is difficult with him, and he with her. She often gives conflicting tasks, her behavior depends on her mood, and Capricorn appreciates certainty and stability. She also feels uncomfortable: she likes to take care of her subordinates, and Capricorn keeps her at a distance.

When a Cancer woman is a subordinate, and a Capricorn man is the boss

This is a very good business alliance. Capricorn is a tough boss, he appreciates diligence and respect for ranks. Rakinya is calm, non-conflict and executive. She does not challenge the authority of her superiors and works responsibly. Sometimes emotions prevent her from concentrating on work. If she manages to control herself, then her work with Capricorn will be successful.

Cancer Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility in Friendship

This is a bad friendship. A Capricorn man rarely makes friends with women. In Rakin, he sees the one who needs to be taken care of, who would be a good wife for him, but he will not perceive her on an equal footing. The relationship between Cancer and Capricorn is an example of a patriarchal relationship. Both partner is not interested as a friend, but they both perceive each other as a desirable couple for love and marriage. If suddenly they start a friendship, it will very quickly turn into a personal relationship. The “halves” of these signs should be on their guard: despite the loyalty and decency of both in love, their mutual attraction can be irresistible.

Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about the compatibility of the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman. Let's discuss how they suit each other - in friendship, business, marriage, or maybe in an intimate way? And how they are different and incompatible.

The relationship between Capricorn man and Cancer woman is considered by astrologers to be one of the best in the Zodiac! Read in our article how incompatible zodiac signs establish compatibility: Capricorn man and Cancer woman!

Relationship between Capricorn man and Cancer woman

Considering a pair of Capricorn man and Cancer woman, you can see that this is one of the most harmonious unions. A Cancer woman dreams of finding a man in her life who will take full responsibility for the material side of life. She will not compete with him for leadership, because her true calling is to take care of the house and children. Cancer women are excellent housewives. In turn, the Capricorn man is looking for just such a caring woman who is ready to take care of all household chores. Consider the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man in different areas of life.


Given the emotionality of the Cancer woman and her conservative thinking, joint work will be effective if the head Capricorn or both of them have the same position. The Cancer woman in the role of boss will only interfere with the work of the Capricorn man. She can make decisions based on her mood, and he is rational and requires a clear answer on what he needs to do. Therefore, Capricorn will always strive to take the place of the leader.

But in the role of a performer it is better not to find Cancer. The Cancer woman is completely immersed in work. Her dedication to work amazes others. But if it seems to her that it’s not worth trying for the sake of something, her hands drop and her performance decreases. Therefore, the Capricorn man needs to financially and verbally encourage the Cancer woman. And do not take continuous praise from Cancer as empty flattery - after all, she sincerely admires him.

Friendship between Capricorn man and Cancer woman

The Cancer woman is very attached to her friends. She is always ready to listen and support. This is the vest in which you want to swim, next to it there is a desire to open your soul. The Capricorn man does not miss the opportunity to make friends with the Cancer woman. He tries to wear a mask of coldness, and with it he can reveal his touchy soul. Cancer woman will keep all the secrets of Capricorn man . Their friendship is based on trust and mutual respect and lasts a lifetime.

In turn, a Cancer woman can always ask for help from a Capricorn man. He will drop his business and rush to her rescue. But in the event of a break, which both signs are going through very hard, friendship will not be restored. So it’s better for friends Capricorn and Cancer not to quarrel.

In general, these two are a legendary couple. they are able to make friends sincerely, without a hint of intimacy, but simply because they like to communicate.

Family of Cancer woman and Capricorn man

Capricorn man and Cancer woman have excellent marriage compatibility. A smart, sensitive Cancer woman finds protection and support, reliable strength and financial stability in the Capricorn man. She does not need to think about how to feed her family, the Capricorn man is busy with all these problems. And the Cancer woman is engaged in household chores, caring for him and raising children. Here comes the family idyll. And the loyalty of both is not questioned.

Of course, in the joint life of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man, there may be disagreements. Danger lurks when, for some reason, one of the spouses cannot fulfill his duties. For example, a husband is fired from his job and financial instability sets in, or a wife falls ill and there is no one to look after the house and children. The husband is confused in household chores. The wife will feel unsafe because she does not know how to earn.

But this does not destroy the relationship of the spouses. The Capricorn man will gladly look after the house and children, he is a very caring parent, and the Cancer woman will not once again nag her husband about the lack of money. It is enough just to talk and redistribute responsibilities. But such instability cannot last forever. The Cancer woman believes that a man should be a breadwinner, so she will not allow him to sit at home for a long time. However, he himself strives to work. The Capricorn man is sure that he is obliged to support his family.

Another important point that should not be missed is the emotionality and sensitivity of the Cancer woman. She may suddenly begin to cry, remembering some touching moment in her life, or she falls into apathy. In addition, she will not tolerate disrespect for her rich inner world from her husband and can tell him for hours that he does not understand her. The wife will not break dishes on her husband's head, but lurking resentment is much more dangerous than spilled anger. Although she seems meek and obedient, she is capable of remembering that her husband joked unsuccessfully, and one day he will remember it. And believe me, he will do it exactly when he least expects it.

The advantage of the marriage of a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman is that there is only one leader in the family and everyone agrees on this. The Cancer woman easily gets everything she needs and writes her shopping list to her husband on time.


In bed, the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman is perfect. The Capricorn man does not need a violent lioness, which he will tame every day. And the Cancer woman loves tenderness and affection, attention to detail from her lover. Both partners are not ready to ignite passion, but they do not need it. Long foreplay, foreplay is an obligatory element of intimacy. It happens that sex is very bright and sudden, but this is rare. And both remember these moments with joy. In addition, the Cancer woman needs time to open up to her partner, she does not attack him, tearing off her clothes.

But sex satisfies both so that it is no longer necessary to look for lovers. Others feel that their sex life is boring. In fact, they simply do not tell the details of how they lick each other's chocolate, how they kiss with strawberries in their mouths, how they excite each other with erotic massages. Because intimate relationships for Capricorn men and Cancer women are sacred.

Capricorn man Cancer woman compatibility: conclusion

From the foregoing, we can say that the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman have excellent compatibility. . This is a couple of faithful and devoted spouses, in whose house peace and harmony reign, and there is a clear division of responsibilities. But we must not forget that harmony comes when both spouses strive for it and try every day. In order to build an ideal relationship, you need to be patient and understanding for your soulmate. And if Capricorn is greedy, and Cancer constantly complains, then the compatibility of the signs will not help.

Be happy! See you again on our blog pages!

There is no doubt that both partners in the relationship between the Cancer woman and the Capricorn man have absolutely no similarities in their characters and temperaments. This pair can be compared with a hot, sultry summer and an icy, harsh winter, where Cancer, obviously, acts as the first, and Capricorn - the second. But you shouldn’t think that since they are so different, then in their romantic relationship there will definitely be battles and showdowns on the topic “who is right and who is not”, they will endlessly swear and try to share something. A harsh winter, however strange it may sound, may well compromise with a sultry summer, which, when combined, will give a fresh and sunny spring. The presence of disagreements and the difference in characters fully imply that both partners in this union can act as an excellent complement to each other. It would be nice if both Cancer and Capricorn understood this too.

That the Cancer woman, that the Capricorn man are of the type of Cardinal signs of the Zodiac. This means that each of them tends to be a leader. True, lovers will not immediately remember this. At first, the Cancer woman will be completely delighted with her courageous, reliable companion, and the Capricorn man, in turn, will be stunned in front of the sophisticated, feminine and gentle Moon lady. Horned is extremely pleased that his companion is an extraordinary homebody: she can endlessly stay within the four walls of her apartment, cooking pastries and embroidering with a cross. For Capricorns, it is generally common to believe that their woman must certainly be the quivering keeper of their family nest, homely and economic. That is why Cancer is sure to seem ideal to such a man. It is likely that he will appreciate her emotionality - after all, Capricorn himself, unfortunately, does not have such a quality at all, although he would very much like this with all the fibers of his soul. Cancer Woman is captivated by the fact that her companion is distinguished by intelligence, determination and success.

No, you don’t have to think that the Cancer woman is so soft-bodied and amorphous - she doesn’t have a sense of purpose either, only at times she is undermined by excessive vulnerability and sensitivity. At first, however, her obstinacy is not very clearly visible - such a girl may well fall head over heels in love, succumb to her passionate feeling and in some way bend under Capricorn. Horned, on the other hand, is distinguished by his quivering thrift and rationality, he is a typical “save a house” - which is why he so respects the fact that his little wife tends to store all sorts of rubbish, being afraid to throw out something that might come in handy in the future. The fact is that Cancers are generally distinguished by their panicky fear of being left with nothing, shaking over every penny. Needless to say, this woman will certainly feel like behind a stone wall next to her sensible Capricorn man? So it turned out that each of the partners got what they wanted for so long.

Time passes, and some disagreements appear in the Cancer and Capricorn pair: the Capricorn man certainly wants to put the responsibility of managing the family budget on his shoulders, even when his beloved is quite successful in her career. No, no one argues that an impregnable stash is definitely good, but the presence of a bag of coins not under your bed may well disturb the restless Cancer. If only she didn’t decide to express her opinion to the horned one that they should distribute the budget equally - Capricorn in the blink of an eye will poke her nose at what he said from the very beginning, they say, his missus should not pursue his career at all. In the event that a Cancer woman loves her chosen one to dizziness, she will show all her wisdom to influence him. Well, if she is in a relatively calm emotional state, then she will have to continue to do her own thing on the side.

Most likely, their first misunderstanding will manifest itself even before the problems with the distribution of the budget. The problem is that an emotional Cancer woman wants to see mutual manifestations of feelings from her lover. Having quarreled, such a girl will show all her tenderness and care so that reconciliation with her husband goes as smoothly as possible - the Capricorn man will not even lift a finger. In the eyes of this sensitive woman, the horned one will look like an insensitive and cruel blockhead who constantly mocks her. She will feel sorry for herself endlessly, crying into her pillow during long dark nights, lamenting how poor and unhappy she is.

The Capricorn man will also find that without rose-colored glasses, his significant other is not as perfect as he initially thought. Well, how could it be otherwise if the ideal girl: hospitable, sensitive, submissive and soft, actually thinks about something ephemeral, builds castles in the air and constantly dreams! Saturn endowed the horned ones with a commitment to perceive life from the point of view of realism: they can understand only facts, and sublime matters are nothing to them. For Capricorn, it seems stupid and childish whim of her proposal to freshen up and change the situation. In general, he considers infantile everything that does not fit the synonymic row with the words stability and order.

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