Doubtful consonants. Meaning of doubtful consonants in the dictionary of linguistic terms

In order not to make a mistake in writing dubious consonants at the root of a word, you need to change or pick up such a single-root word where there is a vowel after the consonant being checked. 1) Change the number of the noun: nails - nail, oak - oaks. 2) Change the case of the noun: meadow - in the meadow, bow in the bow. 3) Replace nouns with a verb: threshing - threshing, without looking back - looking back. 4) Use diminutive suffixes: help-help, smooth - smooth. 5) Form short forms of adjectives: viscous - viscous, sensitive - sensitive. You need to remember: a knuckle, a vest, a kopchushka, a piece of wood, as if, after all, a station, football, an automatic machine, climb Ways to check dubious consonants.

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word In order not to make mistakes in writing unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word, you need to choose a test word in which this consonant is pronounced clearly. distinctly. late - late, crunch - crunch. There is no unpronounceable consonant in the words tasty, wonderful, dangerous, beautiful. Delicious - delicious, beautiful - beautiful.

Spelling of consonants at the root of the word late be late warehouse.warehouse in the warehouse. the sun is sunny, the train station, football, the book is a little book, the heart is a heart oak oaks, unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word. Unchecked e consonants in the root of the word (dictionary words). Checked voiced and deaf consonants in the root.

The Russian language would not be great and powerful if it did not have a complex grammar. And to learn all the rules is not at all easy not only for foreign students, but also for native speakers. Even in the primary grades, when teaching spelling, schoolchildren face serious problems, one of which is dubious consonants. Examples of words with them cause a lot of difficulties and underlining with a red pen from an angry teacher in notebooks. How to dispel doubts? We will try to find the answers in this article.

Strong position

From what part of the word and in what environment this or that sound is located, its position depends: strong or weak. In a weak position, the sound loses its distinctive properties and becomes like another, stronger one. Thus, a strong position reveals all the properties of the sound and allows you to distinguish it from the rest in the flow of natural speech.

Of course, a strong position for a vowel sound is its being under stress. In the word "hurry" the sound [e] is unstressed, so it can be easily mistaken for [and]. To check spelling, it is worth choosing a single-root word, where the desired vowel would be under stress - “haste”. Since the root of the word has not changed, we can conclude: the letter is written in the word e.

The strong position for consonants can be of two types: by voicedness and deafness, and also by hardness and softness. In the first case, the consonant must either be after a vowel (floor, beat), or after a sonorant consonant, as well as the sound [v] (your, anger). The participation of the voice in vowels and sonorants helps to reveal the strengths of the consonant. In the case of hardness and softness, the strong position of the consonant is at the end of the word (angle - coal), before the vowel (they say - chalk), and also before the hard consonant (mock). Consonants in a strong position are intuitive to all native speakers. Therefore, they never cause difficulties for students and are easy to remember.

Weak position

It is she who causes the greatest difficulties in teaching spelling, since the sound in this position loses its distinctive properties. Instead of a voiced consonant, the student really wants to write a deaf one, and replace the hard one with a soft one. The morphological principle of writing words in Russian is to blame for this confusion - it is necessary to write all the meaningful parts of a word according to a standard pattern, not paying attention to the peculiarities of their pronunciation.

For vowels, this, of course, is the position in an unstressed syllable: spring, milk. Sounds in this position lose longitude and strength. As mentioned above, to check the spelling of such words, it is necessary to select similar forms with the same sound in a strong position - under stress.

With consonants, the situation is much more complicated. If we talk about deafness and sonority, then the weak position in this case will be the position of the sound at the end of the word (zu b), as well as before noisy deaf and voiced consonants (lo dk a, pere sd acha).

They also make up dubious consonant examples in terms of softness / hardness: this is primarily an assimilation of the soft consonant in front (whether st ik, sun yo, sbo rsh ik). More details about the features of writing a soft sign will be discussed in the penultimate chapter.

At the end of a word

In what positions are the most common words with doubtful consonants? The examples are very numerous, therefore, first of all, we will separately consider the final position - it is most common in the great and mighty.

Voiced consonants at the end of a word have a strong tendency to become stunned, since the pronunciation effort is reduced to a minimum by the end of the word. The sounds [f] in the word "lens", [w] in the word "swift" are dubious consonants. There are no examples of voicing at the end of Russian words.

It is easy to check the spelling of such consonants - you need to change the word form so that after an incomprehensible sound there is a vowel: "objectives", "swifts".

You should also remember about unverifiable cases: the genitive plural (stol) and gerunds (having fallen, done).

Doubtful consonants at the root of the word: examples and rules

The root of the word is the most important part that carries the meaning, so in no case should it be distorted. There are many cases when it is worth remembering the spelling of dubious consonants at the root of a word. Examples will follow below.

First of all, the selection of a test word with the same consonant in a strong position can greatly facilitate the writing of many words (lubrication - lubricate). The alternation of the consonants Mrs. and ts-ch is also sometimes found in Russian (kovrizhka - kovriga).

double consonant

If the prefix and the root are joined using the same consonant, it doubles (heartless, appeal). The same applies to the junction of two stems in compound words (chief physician). Often this feature is reflected in pronunciation, so it does not cause difficulties.

There are other positions in which there are dubious consonants in the root: examples concern joints with suffixes. If the root ends in a double consonant, it remains before the suffix in full: ten-point, compromise.

The unverifiable dubious consonants at the root of the word will make the memory work hard. Examples can be found in the spelling dictionary: ato ll, gi bb he, ca ll igraphy, couple ll elogram, tennisand others.

Soft sign: needed or not

The softness of the consonant is often questioned. The problem here is that not only a soft sign can soften the sound, but also a vowel with an iot component (letters e, e, u, i, as well as i). Therefore, in words where such a vowel follows two consonants, a soft sign between them is not needed. This rule once again confirms what a complex phenomenon is doubtful consonants. Examples: snowball, chick, racer, bridle.

A special point in this rule - numerals from fifty to eighty, as well as from five hundred to nine hundred. Soft sign in words six hundred, seven hundred remains as part of the stem in the compound word. Infinitives are written with a soft sign before the postfix, in contrast to the personal forms of the verb (study well - they study well). This also includes the imperative mood of the verb in the plural. (sit down, stop).

Doubtful and unpronounceable consonants: examples and rules

The confluence of three or more consonants inevitably entails the loss of one of them, which is in the weakest position. The selection of a single-root word with this sound in a strong position will become a reliable assistant in this case as well. For example : hello - health, amateurish - amateur. But the word "ladder" will have to be remembered, because the test "ladder" will not help here.

How to stop doubting

Only a combination of different methods will help to deal forever with the many-sided problem of dubious consonants in the Russian language. First of all, it is worth adopting the selection of test words with consonants in a strong position. In addition to self-examination, the search for such forms is also an exciting activity that allows you to once again pay attention to your vocabulary.

Of course, there are many words that cannot be verified due to their origin or uniqueness. Such cases are collected in any spelling dictionary - a reliable assistant for anyone who wants to know the Russian language thoroughly.

And finally, do not despair - very few people can fully comprehend the most complex grammar of the Russian language. Any spelling errors do not need to be treated too emotionally, it is enough just to correct them willingly and try to remember. Doubts are inherent not only in consonant sounds, but also in each of us.

The Russian language would not be great and powerful if it did not have a complex grammar. And to learn all the rules is not at all easy not only for foreign students, but also for native speakers. Even in the primary grades, when teaching spelling, schoolchildren face serious problems, one of which is dubious consonants. Examples of words with them cause a lot of difficulties and underlining with a red pen from an angry teacher in notebooks. How to dispel doubts? We will try to find the answers in this article.

Strong position

From what part of the word and in what environment this or that sound is located, its position depends: strong or weak. In a weak position, the sound loses its distinctive properties and becomes like another, stronger one. Thus, a strong position reveals all the properties of the sound and allows you to distinguish it from the rest in the flow of natural speech.

Of course, a strong position for a vowel sound is its being under stress. In the word "hurry" the sound [e] is unstressed, so it can be easily mistaken for [and]. To check the spelling, it is worth choosing where the desired vowel would be under stress - “hurry”. Since the root of the word has not changed, we can conclude: the letter is written in the word e.

The strong position for consonants can be of two types: by voicedness and deafness, and also by hardness and softness. In the first case, the consonant must either be after the vowel (floor, beat), or after the sound [v] (your, anger). The participation of voice in vowels and helps to reveal the strengths of the consonant sound. In the case of hardness and softness, the strong position of the consonant is at the end of the word (angle - coal), before the vowel (they say - chalk), and also before (mock). in a strong position are intuitive to all native speakers. Therefore, they never cause difficulties for students and are easy to remember.

Weak position

It is she who causes the greatest difficulties in teaching spelling, since the sound in this position loses its distinctive properties. Instead of a voiced consonant, the student really wants to write a deaf one, and replace the hard one with a soft one. The morphological principle of writing words in Russian is to blame for this confusion - it is necessary to write all the meaningful parts of a word according to a standard pattern, not paying attention to the peculiarities of their pronunciation.

For vowels, this, of course, is the position in an unstressed syllable: spring, milk. Sounds in this position lose longitude and strength. As mentioned above, to check the spelling of such words, it is necessary to select similar forms with the same sound in a strong position - under stress.

With consonants, the situation is much more complicated. If we talk about deafness and sonority, then the weak position in this case will be the position of the sound at the end of the word (zu b), as well as before noisy deaf and voiced consonants (lo dk a, pere sd acha).

They also make up dubious consonant examples in terms of softness / hardness: this is primarily an assimilation of the soft consonant in front (whether st ik, sun yo, sbo rsh ik). More details about the features of writing a soft sign will be discussed in the penultimate chapter.

At the end of a word

In what positions are the most common words with doubtful consonants? The examples are very numerous, therefore, first of all, we will separately consider the final position - it is most common in the great and mighty.

Voiced consonants at the end of a word have a strong tendency to become stunned, since the pronunciation effort is reduced to a minimum by the end of the word. The sounds [f] in the word "lens", [w] in the word "swift" are dubious consonants. There are no examples of voicing at the end of Russian words.

It is easy to check the spelling of such consonants - you need to change the word form so that after an incomprehensible sound there is a vowel: "objectives", "swifts".

You should also remember about unverifiable cases: the genitive plural (stol) and gerunds (having fallen, done).

Doubtful consonants at the root of the word: examples and rules

The root of the word is the most important part that carries the meaning, so in no case should it be distorted. There are many cases when it is worth remembering the spelling of dubious consonants at the root of a word. Examples will follow below.

First of all, the selection of a test word with the same consonant in a strong position can greatly facilitate the writing of many words (lubrication - lubricate). The alternation of the consonants Mrs. and ts-ch is also sometimes found in Russian (kovrizhka - kovriga).

double consonant

If the prefix and the root are joined using the same consonant, it doubles (heartless, appeal). The same applies to the junction of two stems in compound words (chief physician). Often this feature is reflected in pronunciation, so it does not cause difficulties.

There are other positions in which there are dubious consonants in the root: examples concern joints with suffixes. If the root ends in a double consonant, it remains before the suffix in full: ten-point, compromise.

The unverifiable dubious consonants at the root of the word will make the memory work hard. Examples can be found in the spelling dictionary: ato ll, gi bb he, ca ll igraphy, couple ll elogram, tennisand others.

Soft sign: needed or not

The softness of the consonant is often questioned. The problem here is that not only a soft sign can soften the sound, but also a vowel with an iot component (letters e, e, u, i, as well as i). Therefore, in words where such a vowel follows two consonants, a soft sign between them is not needed. This rule once again confirms what a complex phenomenon is doubtful consonants. Examples: snowball, chick, racer, bridle.

A special point in this rule - numerals from fifty to eighty, as well as from five hundred to nine hundred. Soft sign in words six hundred, seven hundred remains as part of the stem in the compound word. Infinitives are written with a soft sign before the postfix, in contrast to the personal forms of the verb (study well - they study well). This also includes the imperative mood of the verb in the plural. (sit down, stop).

Doubtful and examples and rules

The confluence of three or more consonants inevitably entails the loss of one of them, which is in the weakest position. The selection of a single-root word with this sound in a strong position will become a reliable assistant in this case as well. For example : hello - health, amateurish - amateur. But the word "ladder" will have to be remembered, because the test "ladder" will not help here.

How to stop doubting

Only a combination of different methods will help to deal forever with the many-sided problem of dubious consonants in the Russian language. First of all, it is worth adopting the selection of test words with consonants in a strong position. In addition to self-examination, the search for such forms is also an exciting activity that allows you to once again pay attention to your vocabulary.

Of course, there are many words that cannot be verified due to their origin or uniqueness. Such cases are collected in any spelling dictionary - a reliable assistant for anyone who wants to know the Russian language thoroughly.

And finally, do not despair - very few people can fully comprehend the most complex grammar of the Russian language. Any spelling errors do not need to be treated too emotionally, it is enough just to correct them willingly and try to remember. Doubts are inherent not only in consonant sounds, but also in each of us.

Voiceless and voiced consonants at the root

When defining a consonant, you need to change the word or choose a related one in such a way that the “suspicious” consonant is before the vowel or before the sonorant consonant - l, m, n, p: alternately and ku (change and ahh), together w ku (change sha th), you With shy (you co cue), frostbite With b (moro si th), frostbitten h b (moro zi th), to With bba (ko si th), mo G(mo gu), mo to(mo book ugh), about camping ba (about si th), re h bba (re per t).

Note. It is impossible to check in this way the consonant in the words sva d bba (woo), le With tnitsa (I climb), open With tie (to open). The spelling of these words is recommended to be memorized.

A doubtful consonant is checked using alternations. The most characteristic alternations of consonants for the Russian language: g - f - h(under G a - friend and ka - dru h ya); k - h - c(whether to- whether h iko - whether c about); x - w - s(vspa X at - wake up w ka, le With– le w ii); e - f(without d it - no and u, young d oh - umolo and ing); sk - u(lo sk– lo sch eny); st - u(mo st– mo sch eny); b - bl(gu b it - gu bl Yu), in - ow(lo in it - lo ow Yu), m - ml(kor m it - cor ml Yu), p - pl(ku P it - ku pl Yu) .

Note 1. Alternation can only occur within a root, prefix or suffix. For example, at the root of words in sch ana, before sch aty, up to sch anik is written u, since this letter naturally appears at the place of the combination sk, which is included in the root (in sk, before sk-a); in words bru mid aty, ne mid any is written sch, since this combination occurs at the junction of the root and the suffix (bru With- ok, no With-ok), and the alternation occurs only in the suffix: k - h; compare: mo sch-yony (mo st it), ku sch-enie (ku st-itsya), about sch-enie (about st-it), cut h e (res- to o), gesture h e (gesture- to uh), freckle h-aty (freckle- to-a), furrow- h at-th (furrow- to-a) .

Note 2. Words dry sch wow, bad sch avy are written through u, as they are formed from the words dry st uh, bad st b (other Russian dry sch uh, bad sch b), where st is an element of the suffix and naturally alternates with u.

Note 3. In some foreign words, a dubious consonant cannot be checked with a single-root word: abstra to tion (abstract G inject), inject to tion (inye c edit), corrugation P tion (korru m feast), proe to tion (to project), transcription P tion (transcription b erate) .

  • The spelling of words with unverifiable consonants is recommended to be remembered or determined from the spelling dictionary: bu t sy, vare and ka, ve t rank, in to hall, display t hell, h denmark, h here, to b chik (‘bird from the falcon family’), ko P chik (‘lower end part of the spine’), ko With monk, oh f side, by t cheat, With doba, i where tash.
  • Unpronounceable consonants at the root

    To check the unpronounceable consonant in the root, it is necessary to choose such a related word so that this consonant is in front of a vowel or in front of a sonorant: agen t stvo (agent t s), hello in to be (hello in ee), intendan t sky (intendan t s), around t ness (crossed t ok), pass t bische (pas t i), svis t to kick (hanging t et), yaros t ny (in rage t and I in private (I in ny, i in to eat), dishes (to eat).

    Note 1. You cannot check the spelling of the words lo with the original root. With thread (although gloss), ble With to shine (although shine, shine), sk lanka (although glass), ple With to poke (although to splash). In these and similar words, historically there has been a simplification of consonant clusters; compare: lo s(k) thread, blah s(t, k) poke, s(t) bottle, splash (to) nut. In the same way, the words appeared (p)n ut (ka n go into oblivion), sgi (b) nut.

    Note 2. It is recommended to remember the spelling of the words dermatin, incident, precedent and derivatives from them.

    Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish between words:

  • statement (‘establishment of the certainty of the existence of something’) and const n ma('constant value');
  • to sn yy (‘gravitating towards the old, familiar’) and to stn th (from bone: kos t ny brain, kos t naya fabric);
  • norm nn sky (from norm nn s) and norm nd sky (from Norma nd and I);
  • teaching st vovat (‘cooperate in something’; cf .: compound cha st b) and chu sun vovat (‘the ability to feel, experience external influences’);
  • to march (‘walk solemnly’) and she f to act (‘to help, to be a boss’);
  • escalator (‘moving stairs’) and e to scavator (‘earth-moving machine’);
  • I in stvenny (from i in go; cf.: i in ny, i in leniya) and dishes (‘various dishes’ - obsolete; formed with the help of the suffix -tv- from st.-sl. eat);
  • coeval (from the word coeval - dial. ‘same’, from rovo – ‘temporary a I measure ’, which had an increase in oblique cases -es-; cf. modern: miracle - miracle eu a - miracle eu- using the suffix -ik) and over st nickname (from other Russian svrstnyi - ‘equal in length, age’, which goes back to common Slav. verst - ‘measure of length’, using the suffix -ik - modern -nick).
  • Spelling double consonants

    Double consonants are written at the roots of words, at the junction of parts of compound words, at the junction of a prefix and a root, a root and a suffix.

    Spelling of consonants in the root

    1. Doubtful consonants. Consonants paired by deafness of voicedness can be deafened or voiced when pronounced, so the question arises about their spelling.

    RULE. In order not to make a mistake in the spelling of dubious consonants, you need to choose a single-root word or change the word so that after this consonant there is a vowel or sonorant (L, M, N, R, Y) letter. Then the letter that is written will sound distinct.

    EXAMPLES. Reporta and– report and and, lysine G– lysine G ah, squaw sz– squaw h Noah.

    2. Unpronounceable consonants. Man always strives to take the shorter route. Just like his speech apparatus, if it is inconvenient for us to pronounce combinations of some consonants, then he simply throws out one of them, hence the unpronounceable consonants appear.

    RULE. In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants, it is necessary to choose a single-root word in which this consonant is heard quite clearly. If the consonant is not heard, then it is not necessary to write it. Most often, unpronounceable consonants are found in combinations: STN, ZDN, RDC, LNC, VSTV.

    EXAMPLES. Locality - place, tasty - taste.
    Note. However, there are words in which unpronounceable consonants cannot be checked, such words must be memorized. For example: sun, ladder, holiday, feeling, flashed, peer, peer, etc.

    3. Double consonants.
    - Usually double consonants are written in the root where a long sound is pronounced. For example: baroque, antenna, corruption, aggression, pizza.
    - However, there are words in which a long sound is not pronounced, but, nevertheless, a double consonant is written. Such words must be memorized. (See appendix to section) For example: neat, banknotes, etc.
    - In addition, double consonants can occur at the junction of morphemes (parts of a word), then both consonants are preserved. For example: distance (ras - prefix, standing - root), long (length - root, n - suffix).

    Checked consonants in the root of the word

    Despite the fact that dubious consonants are studied as early as elementary school, errors on this rule are also found in the works of high school students. Therefore, the spelling of dubious consonants must be periodically repeated, gradually complicating the material.

    Students should firmly master all possible ways to check dubious consonants.

    1) Change the number of the noun: nails - nail, elbows - elbow.

    2) Change the case of the noun: meadow - in the meadow, bow in the bow.

    3) Replace nouns with a verb: threshing - threshing, without looking back - looking back.

    4) Use diminutive suffixes: help-help, smooth - smooth.

    5) Form short forms of adjectives: viscous - viscous, sensitive - sensitive.

    Particular attention should be paid to the spelling of words with a dubious consonant g. Some of them can be checked as usual: multiply - multiply, excerpt - withstand. However, in most words, during such a check, students mix the consonants w and w, so it is better to check the spelling of such words by alternating: poor thing - poor thing, bow-arc.

    Often students make mistakes in the words squeals, grumbles, splashes, cerebellum, rattles, where they, by analogy with the words burn, set fire, write two w. To avoid such mistakes, you need to disassemble these words by composition and compare, then it will be clear to students where the second f comes from in the roots.

    The consonant w can also alternate with d. There are much fewer words with this alternation, but they should also be stopped: russula - food, later - late - late, come - arrival.

    The doubtful consonant Ш in a number of words can be checked with a vowel: feeder - feeders, old woman - old women, thief - thief, cheesecake - cheesecakes. However, if there is a danger of mixing consonants Zh and Sh, students should firmly remember that Zh alternates with G and D, and Sh - C X: haircut - shear, surveillance - traces, edge - edge, pillow-ear.

    We provide material for vocabulary dictations.

    Dexterous rowers, slippery path, close frosts, rare find, sharp jumps, soft pillow, light frost, withered birch, timid request, sensitive scout, fly in the ointment, well-aimed gunner, light boat, low arbor, diamond for carving, bookmark in the book, a rare helper, liquid in a mug.

    Words with doubtful consonants can be used in exercises that help enrich students' vocabulary.

    1. To the data: choose the words SYNONYMS: in which there would be a dubious consonant.

    Sticky (viscous), scary (creepy), clumsy (awkward), unprecedented (rare), rude (harsh), disgusting (nasty), annoying (intrusive), procrastination (delay).

    2. Choose antonyms for adjectives in these phrases.

    Light punishment (heavy), frequent visitor (rare), distant friend (close), hard sofa (soft), clumsy boy (dexterous), thick tea (liquid), brave, baby (timid).

    Words that are similar in sound, the spelling of which students often mix, can be presented in the form of a table.

    It is useful to write down in the dictionary words in which dubious consonants are not checked and which need to be remembered: knuckle, vest, kopchushka, piece of wood, as if, after all, station, football, machine gun, climb.

    Doubtful consonants: examples. Spelling of doubtful consonants at the root of a word

    The Russian language would not be great and powerful if it did not have a complex grammar. And to learn all the rules is not at all easy not only for foreign students, but also for native speakers. Even in the primary grades, when teaching spelling, schoolchildren face serious problems, one of which is dubious consonants. Examples of words with them cause a lot of difficulties and underlining with a red pen from an angry teacher in notebooks. How to dispel doubts? We will try to find the answers in this article.

    Strong position

    From what part of the word and in what environment this or that sound is located, its position depends: strong or weak. In a weak position, the sound loses its distinctive properties and becomes like another, stronger one. Thus, a strong position reveals all the properties of the sound and allows you to distinguish it from the rest in the flow of natural speech.

    Of course, a strong position for a vowel sound is its being under stress. In the word "hurry" the sound [e] is unstressed, so it can be easily mistaken for [and]. To check spelling, it is worth choosing a single-root word, where the desired vowel would be under stress - “haste”. Since the root of the word has not changed, we can conclude: the letter is written in the word e.

    The strong position for consonants can be of two types: by voicedness and deafness, and also by hardness and softness. In the first case, the consonant must either be after a vowel (floor, beat), or after a sonorant consonant, as well as the sound [v] (your, anger). The participation of the voice in vowels and sonorants helps to reveal the strengths of the consonant. In the case of hardness and softness, the strong position of the consonant is at the end of the word (angle - coal), before the vowel (they say - chalk), and also before the hard consonant (mock). Consonants in a strong position are intuitive to all native speakers. Therefore, they never cause difficulties for students and are easy to remember.

    Weak position

    It is she who causes the greatest difficulties in teaching spelling, since the sound in this position loses its distinctive properties. Instead of a voiced consonant, the student really wants to write a deaf one, and replace the hard one with a soft one. The morphological principle of writing words in Russian is to blame for this confusion - it is necessary to write all the significant parts of a word according to a standard pattern, not paying attention to the peculiarities of their pronunciation.

    For vowels, this, of course, is the position in an unstressed syllable: spring, milk. Sounds in this position lose longitude and strength. As mentioned above, to check the spelling of such words, it is necessary to select similar forms with the same sound in a strong position - under stress.

    With consonants, the situation is much more complicated. If we talk about deafness and sonority, then the weak position in this case will be the position of the sound at the end of the word (zu b), as well as before noisy deaf and voiced consonants (lo dk a, pere sd acha).

    They also make up dubious consonant examples in terms of softness / hardness: this is primarily an assimilation of the soft consonant in front (whether st ik, sun yo, sbo rsh ik). More details about the features of writing a soft sign will be discussed in the penultimate chapter.

    At the end of a word

    In what positions are the most common words with doubtful consonants? The examples are very numerous, therefore, first of all, we will separately consider the final position - it is most common in the great and mighty.

    Voiced consonants at the end of a word have a strong tendency to become stunned, since the pronunciation effort is reduced to a minimum by the end of the word. The sounds [f] in the word “lens”, [w] in the word “swift” are dubious consonants. There are no examples of voicing at the end of Russian words.

    It is easy to check the spelling of such consonants - you need to change the word form so that after an incomprehensible sound there is a vowel: “objectives”, “swifts”.

    You should also remember about unverifiable cases: the genitive plural (stol) and gerunds (having fallen, done).

    Doubtful consonants at the root of the word: examples and rules

    The root of the word is the most important part that carries the meaning, therefore, in no case should it be distorted. There are many cases when it is worth remembering the spelling of dubious consonants at the root of a word. Examples will follow below.

    First of all, the selection of a test word with the same consonant in a strong position can greatly facilitate the writing of many words (lubrication - lubricate). The alternation of the consonants Mrs. and ts-ch is also sometimes found in Russian (kovrizhka - kovriga).

    double consonant

    If the prefix and the root are joined using the same consonant, it doubles (heartless, appeal). The same applies to the junction of two stems in compound words (chief physician). Often this feature is reflected in pronunciation, so it does not cause difficulties.

    There are other positions in which there are dubious consonants in the root: examples concern joints with suffixes. If the root ends in a double consonant, it remains before the suffix in full: ten-point, compromise.

    The unverifiable dubious consonants at the root of the word will make the memory work hard. Examples can be found in the spelling dictionary: ato ll, gi bb he, ca ll igraphy, couple ll elogram, tennis and others.

    Soft sign: needed or not

    The softness of the consonant is often questioned. The problem here is that not only a soft sign can soften the sound, but also a vowel with an iot component (letters e, e, u, i, as well as i). Therefore, in words where such a vowel follows two consonants, a soft sign between them is not needed. This rule once again confirms what a complex phenomenon is dubious consonants. Examples: snowball, chick, racer, bridle.

    A special point in this rule - numerals from fifty to eighty, as well as from five hundred to nine hundred. Soft sign in words six hundred, seven hundred remains as part of the stem in the compound word. Infinitives are written with a soft sign before the postfix, in contrast to the personal forms of the verb (study well - they study well). This also includes the imperative mood of the verb in the plural. (sit down, stop).

    Doubtful and unpronounceable consonants: examples and rules

    The confluence of three or more consonants inevitably entails the loss of one of them, which is in the weakest position. The selection of a single-root word with this sound in a strong position will become a reliable assistant in this case as well. For example : hello - health, amateurish - amateurish. But the word "ladder" will have to be remembered, because the test "ladder" will not help here.

    How to stop doubting

    Only a combination of different methods will help to deal forever with the many-sided problem of dubious consonants in the Russian language. First of all, it is worth adopting the selection of test words with consonants in a strong position. In addition to self-examination, the search for such forms is also an exciting activity that allows you to once again pay attention to your vocabulary.

    Of course, there are many words that cannot be verified due to their origin or uniqueness. Such cases are collected in any spelling dictionary - a reliable assistant for anyone who wants to know the Russian language thoroughly.

    And finally, do not despair - very few people can fully comprehend the complex grammar of the Russian language. Any spelling errors do not need to be treated too emotionally, it is enough just to correct them willingly and try to remember. Doubts are inherent not only in consonant sounds, but also in each of us.

    Voiceless and voiced consonants: table, examples, spelling and alternation

    In Russian, deaf and voiced consonants are separated. The rules for writing letters denoting them begin to be studied already in the first grade. But even after graduating from school, many still cannot write words without errors, where there are deaf and voiced consonants. This is sad.

    Why do you need to write voiceless and voiced consonants correctly in Russian

    Some people treat the culture of writing superficially. They justify their ignorance in this area with such a common phrase: “What difference does it make, as it is written, it is still clear what it is about!”

    In fact, spelling errors indicate a low level of personality culture. You cannot consider yourself a developed person if you cannot write correctly in your native language.

    There is another fact that testifies in favor of the rule of error-free spelling. After all, deaf and voiced consonants are sometimes found in words that are oral in speech are homophones. That is, they sound the same, but are spelled differently. Incorrect use of a letter in them is fraught with loss or change in the meaning of the context.

    For example, the words "pond" - "rod", "cat" - "code", "horn" - "rock" are just included in this list.

    shameful loss

    Schoolchildren in the Russian language lesson can be told a funny episode from life. It should be based on the fact that several children did not know how to correctly write in words the letters denoting voiced and unvoiced consonants.

    And it happened during the school team game "Treasure hunters". In its rules, it was noted that you need to move along the route indicated in the notes. Moreover, the place where the next letter was hidden was not indicated exactly. The note contained only a hint of him.

    Here the teams received the first letters with the following text: "Road, meadow, stone." One group of guys immediately ran towards the lawn, found a stone there, under which the letter was hidden. The second, having mixed up the words-homophones "meadow" and "bow", ran to the garden. But, of course, they did not find any stone among the brightly green rows.

    You can change history in such a way that an illiterate scribbler wrote notes. It was he who, giving instructions to the members of his team, instead of the word "meadow" used "bow". Not knowing how paired voiced and deaf consonants are written, the “literate” misled the guys. As a result, the competition was cancelled.

    The rule for writing dubious paired consonants for deafness-voicedness

    In fact, checking which letter should be written in a particular case is quite simple. Paired voiced and deaf consonants raise doubts about writing only when they are at the end of a word or there is another deaf consonant behind them. If one of these cases takes place, you need to choose a single root or change the form of the word so that a vowel follows the dubious consonant. You can also use the option where the letter being checked is followed by a voiced consonant.

    Mug - mug, snow - snow, bread - bread; rez - carved, sweat - sweaty.

    Didactic game "Connect the word to be checked with the test word"

    In order to have time to do more during class, you can conduct a game in which skills are consolidated without writing down. Its condition will be a task in which children are asked only to connect the test words with the traits being tested. It takes less time, and the work done will be extremely effective.

    The game will become more interesting if it is carried out in the form of a competition. To do this, make up three options for tasks, where two columns are used. One contains test words. In the other, it is necessary to enter those in which voiced and deaf consonants are in a dubious position. Examples of words may be as follows.

    First column: bread, ponds, snow, onion, meadows, twig. Second column: bow, bread, meadow, twig, snow, pond.

    To complicate the task, you can include in the column with test words those that are not suitable for verification, that is, they are not the same root as those whose spelling is in doubt: snacks, servant, octopus.

    Table of consonants by voiced-deafness

    All consonants are divided according to several parameters. During the phonetic analysis of a word at school, characteristics such as softness-hardness, sonority or deafness are indicated. For example, the sound [n] is a consonant, solid, voiced. And the sound [n] differs from it in only one characteristic: it is not voiced, but deaf. The difference between the sounds [p] and [p '] lies only in softness and hardness.

    Based on these characteristics, a table is compiled, thanks to which it is possible to determine whether the sound has a pair of softness-hardness. After all, some consonants are only soft or only hard.

    There are also voiced and unvoiced consonants. The table presented here shows that some sounds do not have a pair for this feature. For example, these are

    Moreover, the sounds of the first row are voiced, and the sounds of the second row are deaf. The rest of the consonants are in pairs. It is they who make it difficult to write, since a dull sound is often heard where a letter is written, denoting a voiced consonant.

    Checks require only paired consonants - voiced and deaf. The table reflects this point. For example, the sound "b", falling into the final position or ending up in front of another deaf consonant, "stuns" itself, turning into "p". That is, the word "hornbeam" (wood species) is pronounced and heard as [grab].

    The table shows that these sounds are paired in sonority-deafness. These can also be called “c” - “f”, “g” - “k”, “d” - “t”, “g” - “w” and “h” - “s”. Although the sound “x” can be added to the pair “g” - “k”, which often sounds in a stunned position in place of “g”: soft - soft[m'ahk'y], light - easy[l'ohk'y].

    Didactic game-lotto "Doubtful consonants"

    So that classes in which the spelling of voiced and deaf consonants is studied do not turn into a tedious routine, they should be diversified. Teachers and parents can prepare for a didactic game special small cards with pictures and words that contain dubious consonant sounds. A doubtful consonant can be replaced by dots or asterisks.

    In addition, larger cards should be made, in which there will be only letters denoting consonants paired by voiced-deafness. Cards with pictures are laid out on the table.

    At the signal of the leader, the players take them from the table and cover with them the letters on a large card that are missing in their opinion. Whoever closes all the windows before others and without errors is considered the winner.

    Extracurricular activities in the Russian language

    Winning options for developing interest in this area of ​​science are evenings, competitions, KVNs. They are held outside school hours for everyone.

    It is very important to create an exciting scenario for such an event. Particular attention should be paid to the development of tasks that will be both useful and exciting. These activities can be done with students of all ages.

    Interesting tasks can also be those that contain an element of literary creativity. For example, it is useful to suggest to the guys:

    - make up a story about how the sounds "t" and "d" quarreled;

    - come up with as many single-root words as possible for the word "horn" in one minute;

    - write a short quatrain with rhymes: meadow-bow, twig-pond.

    Consonant alternation in Russian

    Sometimes, contrary to the laws of spelling, some letters in words are replaced by others. For example, "spirit" and "soul". Historically (etymologically) they are of the same root, but they have different letters in the root - “x” and “sh”. The same process of alternating consonants is observed in the words "burden" and "wear". But in the latter case, the sound "sh" alternates with the consonant "s".

    However, it should be noted that this is not an alternation of voiced and deaf consonants that make up a pair. This is a special type of replacement of one sound by another, which occurred in ancient times, at the dawn of the formation of the Russian language.

    The following consonants alternate:

    • h - f - d (example: friends - be friends - friend);
    • t - h (example: fly - I'm flying);
    • c - h - k (example: face - personal - face);
    • s - w - x (examples: forester - goblin, arable land - to plow);
    • w - d - railway (example: leader - driver - driving);
    • h - st (example: fantasy - fantastic);
    • u - sk (example: polished - gloss);
    • u - st (example: paved - pave).
    • Often, alternation is called the appearance of the sound “l” in verbs, which in this case bears the beautiful name “el epentetikum”. Examples can be pairs of words “love - love”, “feed - feed”, “buy - buy”, “count - graph”, “catch - catch”, “ruin - destroy”.

      The Russian language is so rich, the processes taking place in it are so diverse that if the teacher tries to find exciting options for working in the classroom both in the classroom and outside the classroom, then many teenagers will plunge into the world of knowledge and discoveries, will really become interested in this school subject.

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