Solomon's parables are wisdom for every day. Interpretation of the Book of Solomon's Parables Solomon's parable of two

King Solomon is a ruler known for his wisdom and ability to make wise and correct decisions in situations that seem intractable. The parables of King Solomon are studied in schools, the monarch's quotes are used as parting words, and the life experience of this person is set as an example to those who have gone astray. This ruler was destined by fate to become what he became. After all, his very name Shlomo (Solomon) is translated from Hebrew as “peacemaker” and “perfect”.

Ascension to the throne

Solomon was the youngest, the fourth son and his wife Bathsheba. His two older brothers, Amnon and Avshalom, died while still very young. The eldest was now the third son, whose name was Adonijah. The laws of those times required that it was he who occupied the throne of the king, but David swore to his wife that only Solomon would be his successor, and only he would give him the right to lead the entire Israeli state. His father's decision upset Adonijah, so he enlisted the support of those who considered him a more suitable heir. These persons were the commander of Yoav and the high priest of Eviatar. Those who took the side of Solomon expressed the opinion that Adonijah was not the firstborn offspring of David, and therefore the monarch could judge the children as he saw fit.

Even during the life of David, Solomon and Adonijah began a struggle for the right to rule. Adonijah wanted to win over the people with a truly royal feast. He surrounded himself with a large number of horsemen, started many walkers and chariots. Adonijah set the day when he would proclaim himself the new ruler of Israel. At the appointed time, he gathered all his close associates and, in honor of the holiday, arranged a stormy celebration in the vicinity of the city. Bathsheba became aware of this event and, turning to the prophet Nathan, she was able to convince her husband to immediately appoint Solomon as head of the country. Near the source of Gihon, in the presence of the priest Zadok, the prophet Nathan and a detachment of bodyguards, the clergyman blessed Solomon for the kingdom. All those who, at least out of the corner of their ears, heard about the perfect rite, recognized the newly-made monarch as their ruler.

Adonijah became aware of what had happened. He was afraid of his brother's wrath and fled to the sanctuary. Solomon promised him his pardon in exchange for decent behavior. This is told in the parables of King Solomon, which have survived to this day.

Saint Tatevatsi and his interpretation

Grigor Tatevatsi (XIV-XV centuries) - a great philosopher, church figure, teacher and theologian from Armenia. He left an extraordinary mark in the history of literature and science of the Middle Ages. It was he who wrote a work called "The Interpretation of the Proverbs of Solomon." The work was of small volume, therefore, like other categories, it was not awarded the attention of publishers and textual critics. And this is due to the fact that in his manuscripts the philosopher commented on different parts of the Bible, revealing his own economic, ethical, pedagogical and socio-political views.

It can be safely asserted that the parables of King Solomon, the interpretation of which was undertaken by Tatevatsi, are worthy of being published and given a scientific assessment. "The Interpretation of the Parables of Solomon" is a book that belongs to the number of moralizing works written by Tatevatsi. They are addressed to those who study biblical texts in great detail. Commenting on the parables of the king, Grigor in some places also refers to his own views of an ethical nature. He also interprets religious morality in his own way, which the legendary king expresses in parables. Explaining the meaning of the parables, Tetevatsi reinforces each of his remarks with a large number of references and quotations to other books of Holy Scripture.

The most famous ring in the world

The parables of King Solomon number about three thousand writings, which made up 31 sections of the Book of Solomon's parables. Royal tales are parting words to a young lady on how to live correctly in the world.

One of the most famous parables is the parable of the ring of King Solomon. She tells how Solomon turned to his court sage with a request to help him cope with his feelings. The son of David was reputed to be a wise man, but his life was restless, he often succumbed to passions that upset him incredibly. To this, the sage replied that he was giving the ruler a ring with an engraved inscription: “It will pass!” He said that as soon as Solomon felt joy or disappointment, he should look at the decoration and read the engraving, which would sober up the ruler. It is in it that he must find salvation from oppressive experiences.

Thanks to the sage, Solomon found peace. But once the king became angry like never before, and even the inscription on the ring did not help him. He took off the jewelry and wanted to throw it away, but on the inside he found the following phrase: “This too shall pass!”

An old song with a modern twist

The parable of King Solomon “Everything will pass” was highly appreciated not only by our ancestors, but also by contemporaries. So, on its basis, the latter composed their own, so to speak, wisdom: one person turned to a psychologist to help him. After all, he lost his job, there is practically no money to exist, and all his friends turned away. The doctor told the man to spread out in all rooms, in all prominent places, a piece of paper with the inscription: "Everything will pass." After some time, the man again came to the doctor and said that everything was fine: he found a great job, reconciled with his wife, found new friends. He asked the doctor if the notes could be thrown away, but the doctor replied: “Why? Let them lie still.”

great wisdom

Israel spoke of the great wisdom of King Solomon after he judged two women. The parable of King Solomon about the child proved that this ruler is indeed a perspicacious ruler and judge. The essence of the legend is that two mothers appeared before the monarch. Both gave birth to sons on the same day, but one of them had a boy who died. Each claimed that the living child was her baby. Then Solomon ordered to bring a sword and cut the crumb in half, so that one and the other woman would get half of the child. One mother shouted in horror not to do this, but to give the child alive to her opponent. The other, on the contrary, agreed to such a decision, they say, let neither her nor me get it. The king proclaimed that the son should be given to the one who was opposed to cutting the baby, for only a real mother is capable of mercy.

The best years in the history of the country

King Solomon ruled Israel from 965 BC. e. to 928 BC. e. This time is called the era when the monarchy flourished. During the 40 years of his reign, Solomon gained fame as the wisest ruler in the whole world. It was built during the life of the king. The parables of King Solomon prove the true wisdom of the ruler and his greatness. Moreover, they have not lost their relevance to this day.

The parables of King Solomon are written as an appeal from a father teaching his son the wisdom of life, which actions can be considered pleasing to God, and which are bad. Instruction to the son, as the heir, the dearest person for the real father, conquers with his love and care. No one can reproach a parent for moralizing, observing which his own son will achieve human respect and God's blessing.

The Parables of Solomon are combined into 31 chapters, which list all conceivable situations in life and give advice on how best to act in each case. But if we consider them as a whole, then the meaning of the instructions is similar to God's 10 commandments, which must be observed by everyone who wants to live in peace and prosperity.

Solomon's advice can be downloaded on the Internet for free, so that you can listen and study them without interference at home. Also, numerous sites offer to study the Bible online, helping to clarify incomprehensible places. Priests interpreters of biblical texts help beginners and those who are simply interested in religion to pass the sacred Book through their hearts and souls so that there are no omissions and understatements.

Solomon in translation means peace-loving. For 40 years of his reign, Solomon did not enter into any serious war, justifying his name. The country under the rule of the wise king reached prosperity and wealth. There were legends about the wisdom of Solomon: all people who could not solve their problems on their own turned to the wise king for help, and everyone agreed with the royal decision.

What do the parables of the king of Israel teach?

Solomon's parables are the result of his life experience, which he passes on not only to his heir, but to all people who want to live in peace and harmony with their conscience. The fear of the Lord, which many readers of the parables of Solomon take literally, means respect and reverence for the Divine covenant about how all people on earth should live.

The book of Solomon's parables is still relevant today. With the development of the Internet, you can read the instructions of the ancient king yourself online or download the video to a computer or disk. Many Christian sites make it possible to listen to the wise commandments of Solomon online.

Historically, no confirmation of Solomon's life in reality has been found. All data about the third king of Israel are taken from the Bible. It is believed that King Solomon built the Temple of Jerusalem, of unprecedented beauty and splendor.

Legend of King Solomon

God gave Solomon a ring with which a person gains power over demons. Solomon managed to neutralize all the demons so that they could not interfere with the construction of the Temple, which his father David did not have time to finish. But the main demon, King Asmodeus, did not obey the will of Solomon, who could not understand the origins of the demon's power.

By deceit and cunning, Solomon managed to lure Asmodeus into a trap and take him prisoner. The king of the demon settled in the garden, entangling it with a chain engraved with the name of God. Asmodeus could not escape and carried out all the orders of Solomon, obeying the ring with the divine seal. The demon was forced to give up his witchcraft book and tell the secret of the Shamir worm, which could grind a stone of any size and was used in the construction of the Temple.

But King Solomon was seized with curiosity about what power the demon had and what was its cause. For the discovery of the secret, the ruler of Israel threw off the chain from the demon and removed his ring from his finger. At the same moment, Asmodeus of gigantic proportions became, connecting God's world and the underworld with his wings. He snatched the ring of God from the hands of Solomon and threw it into the sea, and threw the king himself into a distant country. He himself took the form of Solomon and began to rule in his place in Jerusalem.

For a long 3 years Solomon wandered in a foreign country, not renouncing God, accepting a well-deserved punishment for excessive pride, self-confidence, curiosity. But one day he found his ring in the belly of a fish and was able to return to the palace. Asmodeus perished at the same moment, and Solomon began to rule Israel again. But he remembered his misadventures forever and drew conclusions so as not to be mistaken in the future.

Instructing his son and all who read the parables of the wise king, Solomon warns future generations against the intrigues of evil demons. Only in the name of God can one conquer one's passions, finally gaining victory over the intrigues of the Prince of Darkness.
The book of Solomon's proverbs teaches the living to listen to their inner voice before acting rashly, regretting later an unrighteous act.

Solomon's sermon is divided into several themes dealing with the education of young people, mature men, women, and rulers. Parables are similar to poems about the moral character of people living on earth, interpreting how a person who believes in God should act in this or that case.

After the death of the king, numerous stories about the wisdom of Solomon, his resolution of difficult everyday situations, spread among the people. Now it is difficult to distinguish between the fantasy of the people and what was in reality, but the story of the ring is one of the most famous legends about Solomon.

In our time, Solomon's advice is set to music, the chant can be watched on video clips, listened to through the player, downloaded to your disk.

Legend of Solomon's Ring

The parable of Solomon and his ring is presented on the Internet in several versions that can be read or listened to online. Also, those who wish can download information from the Orthodox website.

The legend tells of a terrible famine in the country ruled by Solomon. Seeing how people die a cruel death, the king began to sell gold and jewelry in order to buy provisions and save his people. Seeing the senselessness of his actions, the king turned to the priest with a request to help him. The priest presented the ring, which in ancient times was considered a symbol of power, a magical sign of infinity and unity. The priest advised the young king to keep this ring with him at all times and, in moments of emotional excitement, simply hold it in his hands.

Arriving home, Solomon examined the inscription on the outside of the ring, made in an ancient language, which, however, Solomon understood: "Everything will pass." At that moment, the young ruler understood the hidden meaning of the phrase and acquired the calmness that is so necessary when deciding matters of national importance. Without a doubt, wisdom prevailed, and Solomon made a decision that was the only possible one in this situation.

Years passed, the king got married and raised children. The ring, as a faithful adviser, he constantly wore with him. But one day, the untimely death of his beloved unsettled him. And the words that everything will pass caused protest and indignation. With fury, the king threw the ring, but managed to make out another inscription on the inside, which he had not seen before: "this too shall pass."

It was still a long time before King Solomon grew old. On his deathbed, he was no longer consoled by both inscriptions on the ring. Before death, it is time to take stock of the life lived, what he was able to achieve, and what everyone leaves to posterity. To the amazement of the king, another phrase was found on the edge of the ring: "nothing passes."

Each person, having lived a life, leaves a trace in it. But good or bad, it depends on what a person did during his lifetime, what words his descendants will remember.

The story can be viewed on video online on the Internet and downloaded. You can also listen to this and other parables about King Solomon on Christian sites.

According to legend, King Solomon was buried along with his ring. Many treasure hunters wish to find a royal attribute, attributing magic power and power to the ring. But where is the burial place of the wise king, no one knows.

The legend of the real mother

Another life situation that Solomon allegedly judged is the story of a child. The story can be easily downloaded on the Internet for free, read or watched online.

Two women came to Solomon with a request to find out whose child was left to live. Women in labor were born with a difference of 3 days, but one of them accidentally crushed the baby in a dream. Without thinking twice, the woman changed the baby. When in the morning the second mother decided to feed the child, she saw that the baby was dead and did not belong to her. Disputes over whose child died did not lead to anything. It came to a fight, but none of the women wanted to retreat.

The royal decision horrified one of the women in labor - the king ordered to bring a sword and, cutting the living baby in half, give the halves to both applicants so that no one would be offended.

The true mother fell at the feet of the ruler and begged to give the child to her neighbor, saving the baby's life. The second woman was satisfied with the royal decision and agreed to accept half of the child, knowing that her baby was already dead.
Solomon recognized the right of a real mother to a baby - a mother will do everything so that her child stays to live, even with a strange woman.

You can watch the story online on the Internet via video, or download it to your computer and listen carefully at home. All the stories about Solomon amaze with the justice of the decision, regardless of the financial situation, official rank of the petitioners.

Perjury is a great sin and sooner or later becomes obvious. Therefore, it is recommended to tell the truth in any situation, so as not to be considered a liar among the people around you.

Choice Legend

Once a certain person came to King Solomon for advice: what to do if, before every vital choice, a person cannot sleep peacefully, as he constantly thinks about how to choose the right decision. The fear of making a mistake robs him of peace and sleep. And the more he thinks, the more he doubts the upcoming decision.

Solomon asked a visitor what he would do if he saw a child drowning in a river. He would have rushed to save someone else's baby or would have passed by, justifying his act, that he still would not have time to help the baby.

The visitor, without a shadow of a doubt and without hesitation, replied that in spite of everything, he would immediately rush to save the child from water captivity.

The king asked if the decision to save the child would change if the event happened yesterday or in the future. Having received a negative answer, Solomon said that a person chooses situationally the only correct solution. Therefore, he does not need to suffer whether he is doing the right thing. As long as his actions are consistent with conscience and God's teachings, a person has only one option for actions - the right and right one. Therefore, there is no choice as such.

However, in attachment to another person, one should act according to one's heart. And the choice will appear only when a person changes - other habits, other priorities.

The visitor went home reassured and no longer suffered from insomnia.
Many people think painfully for a long time about how to act in a given life situation. Meanwhile, the right decision depends on the moral values ​​professed by each citizen. And a person acts according to his education and upbringing, on a subconscious level, dividing good and evil.

They say that God once dreamed of Solomon and asked him about his most cherished desire, promising to fulfill it immediately. The Jewish king asked the Lord to give him intelligence and wisdom to rule the country. The wish was fulfilled, and the fame of the wisest ruler spread to different countries.

Later, Solomon learned to understand the language of animals and birds, to speak with animals living on land and in water. This knowledge was reflected in the stories about King Solomon, which were passed from mouth to mouth. Today, these stories can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

About the Serpent and the Peasant

God entrusted the Snake to keep the treasure, commanding to sting on the heel of all who encroach on the treasure. But it so happened that a drought came, the snake was dying of thirst. At this time, a man was passing by with a jug of milk. The snake asked for a drink and promised to tell where the treasure was hidden as a reward.

The peasant gave milk to drink, and she showed the stone under which the treasure was hidden. But when the man wanted to carry away the treasures, the Snake remembered its purpose - to guard the jewels - and wrapped itself around the benefactor's neck.

The peasant was indignant and offered to go to the trial of King Solomon, so that he would determine which of them was right. The snake agreed, but did not get off the neck. So they came to Solomon.

Solomon forced the Serpent to get off the neck of the peasant, because the king must first punish, and only then his subjects solve problems among themselves.

The snake got off the neck, the king, meanwhile, did not stop listening attentively to the story of their meeting and further actions. In the words of the Snake about the need to bite everyone who covets the treasure entrusted to her, Solomon said that every person, when meeting with a snake, should break her head. At this saying, the peasant grabbed a stone and crushed the head of an insidious snake.

From this story came the saying: "and the best of the snakes smash the head." The parable teaches to keep the contract and, if you had to violate your obligations, you should not be cunning and push the blame onto another, betraying the innocent to punishment.
You can download for free these and other parables about the wise decision of the king of Israel, which make you believe in the justice of the judge's verdict.

Why Solomon's Parables Are Useful Today

These and other stories emphasize the moral high ground of King Solomon. Before laying out his instructions to future generations on paper, the ruler himself suffered and understood God's commandments, why in some situations one should act this way and in others differently. And therefore the parables of Solomon cannot be regarded as empty moralizing. Only great love, concern for future generations of their heirs could push a person to write such a work.

A person is not immune from errors in judgment and behavior, but it is better to listen to the advice of the older generation than to fill your bumps by testing the veracity of Solomon's teachings.

Numerous sites on the Internet help everyone who wants to develop spiritually to study the Bible. You can listen to the interpretation of scholarly theologians of individual chapters of Solomon's parables, you can download material for self-study, listen to or read the text online in your spare time.

The book of Solomon's parables is a vivid example of the wise attitude of the ruler - father to his people in the present and future.

When King Solomon descended from the mountain, after meeting the sunrise, those gathered at the foot said: - You are a source of inspiration for us. Your words transform hearts. And your wisdom enlightens the mind. We yearn to listen to you. Tell us who are we? He smiled and said: - You are the light of the world. You are stars. You are the temple of truth. The universe is in each of you. Dive your mind into your heart, question your heart, listen through your love. Blessed are those who know the language of God.

- What is the sense of life?

Life is a journey, a goal and a reward. Life is a dance of love. Your purpose is to flourish. TO BE is a great gift to the world. Your life is the history of the universe. And therefore life is more beautiful than all theories. Treat life like a holiday, because life is valuable in itself. Life is made up of the present. And the meaning of the present is to be in the present.

Why do misfortunes haunt us?

What you sow is what you reap. Unhappiness is your choice. Poverty is a human creation. And bitterness is the fruit of ignorance. By accusing, you lose strength, and by lusting, you dissipate happiness. Wake up, for a beggar is one who is not self-aware. And those who do not find the Kingdom of God inside are homeless. The one who wastes time becomes poor. Don't make life a waste. Don't let the crowd ruin your soul. May wealth not be your curse.

- How to overcome adversity?

Don't judge yourself. For you are divine. Don't compare or divide. Thank you for everything. Rejoice, for joy works wonders. Love yourself, for everyone loves those who love themselves. Bless the dangers, for the brave find bliss. Pray in joy - and misfortune will bypass you. Pray, but don't bargain with God. And know that praise is the best prayer, and happiness is the best food for the soul.

- What is the path to happiness?

Happy are those who love, happy are those who give thanks. Happy are the peaceful. Happy are those who find heaven in themselves. Happy are those who give with joy, and happy are those who receive gifts with joy. Happy seekers. Happy are the awakened ones. Happy are those who listen to the voice of God. Happy are those who fulfill their destiny. Happy are those who know Unity. Happy are those who have tasted the contemplation of God. Happy are those who are in harmony. Happy are the beauties of the world who have seen through. Happy are those who open themselves to the sun. Happy flowing like rivers. Happy ready to accept happiness. Happy are the wise. Happy are those who realize themselves. Happy are those who love themselves. Happy are those who praise life. Happy are the creators. Happy free. Happy are those who forgive.

What is the secret to abundance?

Your life is the greatest treasure in the treasury of God. And God is the treasure of the human heart. The wealth within you is inexhaustible, and the abundance around you is limitless. The world is rich enough for everyone to become rich. So the more you give, the more you get. Happiness is at your doorstep. Open to abundance. And turn everything into the gold of life. Blessed are those who find treasures within themselves.

- How to live in the world?

Drink from every moment of life, for unlived life breeds sorrow. And know what is inside, so is outside. The darkness of the world - from the darkness in the heart. Happiness is the sunrise. Contemplation of God is dissolution in the light. Enlightenment is the radiance of a thousand suns. Blessed are those who thirst for light.

- How to find harmony?

Live simply. Don't harm anyone. Don't envy. Let doubts cleanse, not bring impotence. Dedicate your life to beauty. Create for creativity, not for recognition. Treat others as revelations. Transform the past by forgetting it. Bring something new into the world. Fill your body with love. Become the energy of love, for love spiritualizes everything. Where there is love, there is God.

- How to achieve the perfection of life?

Live in harmony! Be yourself!

Solomon is the third Jewish king who ruled the united Jewish state in times unknown. The opinions of historians about the era to which it should be attributed, and the nature of the processes taking place at that time, differ. Traditionally, he is assigned the role of a herald of wisdom, who did not ask God for anything secular for himself, but desired knowledge and the ability to use them, which he somehow gave to Solomon, the son of David. He is also traditionally considered the author of a number of philosophical and theological works - "The Book of Ecclesiastes", "Song of Songs" and "Book of Parables".

The personality of the king is overgrown with many legends, each of which is only a sample of the folklore of a particular era. For example, “Solomon's decision” is simply a synonym for a wise decision, and the expression “King Solomon's mines” is associated with legends and even methods of informational influence from the time of the Crusades. The knights were told that the treasures of King Solomon were hidden somewhere in Palestine in order to force them to take part in dubious military campaigns.

By nature, the parables are divided into synonymous, antithetical and parabolic. And in style they are poetic works of art that arose in ancient times. The essence of the material presented is an enumeration of completely banal imperatives that only occasionally remind readers or listeners that spiritual values ​​are still more significant than material well-being.

In some places, Agur and King Lemuel are listed as authors. Agur's sayings are placed in the 30th chapter Proverbs of King Solomon, and Lemuel - in the 31st. King Lemuel is instructed by his mother. She warns him against the unrighteous behavior of a member of the elite. In particular, it recommends to beware of debauchery and drunkenness. It can be seen from the text that in her instructions, Lemuel's mother offers to give alcohol to poor, suffering people so that they can forget about their sorrows. But to the king and princes, she strongly recommends sobriety.

A new problem of authorship arose at the beginning of the 20th century. European Egyptologists have established that some of the biblical parables included in the collection of the Solomons almost verbatim repeat the teachings of Amenemope, which have come down to us in their entirety. Fragments of Proverbs 22:17 - 24:22 are allegedly completely identical to the Egyptian text. At present, most historians and Egyptologists agree with this. However, there are also objections. Egyptian pharaoh from the XXI dynasty Amenemope, who presumably ruled in 993-978 BC. e., could talk about the same thing as the ancient Jewish king, but later, seeing the similarity of meaning, Egyptologist translators repeated the text of parables, involuntarily put it into the mouth of the Egyptian pharaoh. However, the possibility that both texts include fragments of some earlier source, currently unknown, is not ruled out.

In any case, it is necessary to understand that this is not a separate work, but fragments and a compilation of some other works. Without a doubt, Canaan of the time of Solomon was in close contact with Egypt, and one of the wives of the Jewish king was an Egyptian, as indicated in the Bible itself. However, Solomon did not stop there. His wives included representatives of various nations and ethnic groups, including those with whom Jews were not supposed to marry. From a spiritual point of view, the tsar was clearly looking for wisdom quite widely and did not adhere to the views on religion that were primordial for the Jews. For his wives, as well as due to religious tolerance and tolerance, the king built temples in Jerusalem for Chemos and Moloch, and also served the goddess Astarte. This is clearly indicated by the Bible text from Kings 11:1-12. He also explains the reason for the death of the state after the death of Solomon.

In fact, it is not so important which culture dominated at that moment. In any case, like the teachings of Amenemope, they are primarily of social significance. These are advices not to plot evil to those who live nearby and are not afraid of anything, not to chat, not to hug violent and not to believe every word, but to carefully follow their ways. All this, no doubt, is useful, but people most often act in the exact opposite way.

In the book following the Proverbs, which is also included in the biblical corpus of the Solomon books, the author changes dramatically. Now it smells of fatalism and sorrow from the fact that a person always rules a person unrighteously, generating violence, rejecting kindness and decency. Corrupt courts and scoundrels in power are no longer scourged, but shown as a given. The righteous are doomed to suffering, and wisdom is only a vexation of the spirit. Such a truthful and compassionate Solomon, a preacher who pushes the reader to let the idea of ​​renunciation of everything worldly arise in the mind by itself, is much closer and more useful for the thoughtful modern reader.

It is characteristic that the very last postscript of this book does not belong to the author, but to the ancient editor. He noted that one should be afraid of God and His commandments. The author-preacher, on the other hand, did not say anything of the kind, but only admitted the obvious:

“There is much sorrow in much wisdom;
And whoever multiplies knowledge, multiplies sorrow.

Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

It is located in the exhibition halls of the Himalayan House apart-hotel, as well as on the second floor of the Cultural Center of India. It includes over 100 exhibits, this is the greatest collection of busts of sages of all times and peoples, who left the world the most valuable heritage - knowledge, indicated and demonstrated the path of spiritual development by their own example. Studying the works, scientific discoveries, philosophical treatises of these teachers, we come to understand that the basic system of values ​​is based on a single foundation: the unity of religions, the unity of peoples and the unity of man and nature. Near each bust at the exhibition there is an information plate with a short story about the main merits of the Teacher to humanity, indicating significant dates and a list of his works. The exposition is always open for independent study.

In the parables of the wise King Solomon, one can find a way out of any situation and an answer to any even the most difficult question.

The name (Shlomo) is translated from Hebrew as "peacemaker" or "perfect." The famous king Solomon fully justified the meaning of his name. He forever remained in the tablets of history as the wisest and most just ruler. And the answer to any question that concerns a person can be found in the books written by Solomon.

About true love

Solomon's most famous parable is the story of two women who did not share a baby. Both of them gave birth to boys at the same time. However, the baby of one of the women in labor died, and then she claimed her rights to another child. The women went for advice to the wise King Solomon. To find out which of the petitioners is the real mother, the king ordered to bring a sword and cut the baby in half. One woman was completely indifferent to this. "Chop! she said. “Let no one get it!” But the other wept and, falling on her knees, begged Solomon not to harm the child. “Give the child to my rival! - she said. “Just don’t touch him!” It was then that it became clear who the mother of the baby was.

About the transience of troubles and joys

No less famous is the ring, which was presented to the king by a wise man. “In moments of despair, look at him,” he ordered Solomon, “and you will be comforted! Look at him in moments of joy, and you will appreciate them!” The ring was engraved with the inscription "Everything will pass." But one day, preoccupied with something, the king became so angry that the ring did not help him either. He took it off his finger and was about to throw it away. However, on the inside I saw another inscription that reads "This too shall pass!"

About the right choice

Once a man came to the king and complained that in any situation he suffers terribly, because he is afraid to make the wrong decision. "If you see a drowning child, what will you do?" Solomon suddenly asked the visitor. “Of course, I’ll rush to save him!” The man replied without hesitation. “Would you have done the same yesterday? And tomorrow?" the king asked again. The guest nodded. “So it is in everything else,” said the wise ruler. “In fact, there is only one correct solution. And it depends on the moral values ​​of the person himself. And there is no choice at all!”

About promises

Once God hid a treasure on the ground and ordered the snake to guard it. The snake honestly carried out its service, until one day the drought came. The snake was thirsty. And when a peasant passed by her with a jug of milk, she asked him to drink, and in return promised to show him where the treasures were hidden. The peasant agreed. The snake quenched its thirst and led its savior to the cherished place. But when the man bent over the treasure, the snake suddenly remembered God's command and wrapped itself around the peasant's neck. But he was not afraid, but suggested that the snake wait with the reprisal and ask the advice of the wise King Solomon. The snake told the king that she had the right to bite anyone who came close to the treasures entrusted to her. “Then,” Solomon said, “everyone has the right to crush the snake’s head!” The peasant immediately grabbed a stone and hit the snake. She dropped dead.

About life

Once, King Solomon descended from the top of the mountain, where he met the sunrise every day. Downstairs, as usual, people were already waiting for him, eager to know the truth. They began to ask the king questions about the meaning of life, happiness and sorrow, harmony and perfection.

Tell us who we are Solomon's servants asked.

You are the light of the world. You are stars. The Universe is in each of you,” the king replied. Dive your mind into your hearts and listen. Blessed are those who know the language of God.

And what is the meaning of life? the people asked again.

Life is a dance of love. And your purpose is to flourish. To be is a great gift to the world. Treat life like a holiday, because life is valuable in itself. Life is only present. And the meaning of the present is to be in this present.

Why do misfortunes haunt us?
What you sow is what you reap. Unhappiness is your choice. Poverty is a human creation. By blaming, you lose strength, and by lusting, you dissipate happiness. Wake up, for a beggar is one who does not know himself. And those who have not found the Kingdom of God within themselves are homeless. The one who wastes time becomes poor. May wealth not be your curse.

How to overcome adversity? the people asked again.
- Don't judge yourself. For you are divine,” Solomon replied without hesitation. Don't compare or divide. Thank you for everything. Rejoice, for joy works wonders. Love yourself, for everyone loves those who love themselves. Bless the dangers, for the brave find bliss. Pray in joy and misfortune will bypass you.

What is the path to happiness?
“Happy are those who love, happy are those who give thanks, happy are those who are at peace. Happy are those who find heaven in themselves. Happy are those who give with joy, and happy are those who receive gifts with joy. Happy seekers. Happy are the awakened ones. Happy are those who listen to the voice of God. Happy are those who fulfill their destiny. Happy are those who are in harmony. Happy are the beauties of the world who have seen through. Happy are those who open themselves to the sun. Happy flowing like rivers. Happy ready to accept happiness. Happy are the wise. Happy are those who realize themselves. Happy are those who love themselves. Happy are those who praise life. Happy are the creators. Happy free. Happy are those who forgive.

And how to live in the world?
- Drink from every moment of life, for unlived life breeds sadness. And know what is inside, so is outside. The darkness of the world comes from the darkness in the heart. Man is the seed of the Sun. Happiness is the sunrise. Blessed are those who thirst for light.

How to find harmony?
- Don't harm anyone. Don't envy. Dedicate your life to beauty. Create for creativity, not for recognition. Treat others as revelations. Transform the past by forgetting it. Bring something new into the world. Become the energy of love, for love spiritualizes everything. Where there is love, there is God.

How to achieve the perfection of life?
- Happy transforms many. The unfortunate remain slaves, for happiness loves freedom. Truly, joy is where there is freedom. Learn the art of happiness. Open to the world and the world will open to you.

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