Sunshine Lisa. Liza Anokhina: if it didn’t work out the first time, it will work out the second How do you combine school and filming

The popularity of Lisa Anokhina is growing every day, and this is not surprising, since at the age of ten, the girl was able to reach great heights in show business. This talented child is professionally engaged in vocals, is fond of drawing and choreography, and also tries his hand at acting and modeling. Despite her rather young age, she managed to participate in many interesting projects and communicate with famous people. Lisa recorded a joint song with Dima Bilan, and released a video for this song.

Now Lisa has decided to start her own personal blog on Youtube to share interesting events from her life with her fans. If you are a big fan of Liza Anokhina, or are interested in her work, you can use this link‎ and subscribe to her channel.

Instagram about the life of Liza Anokhina

Liza Anokhina was no exception, and also started her own page on Instagram, and also constantly uploads the most interesting and high-quality photos. With their help, you can watch how her career develops, see famous people with whom she managed to make friends, see her relatives and friends. And for this you just need to use this link‎, and you will immediately be taken to her page.

Young and promising talents always attract people, and their work is always interesting to watch and I want to know as much as possible about their life outside the stage, where there are no cameras, where they are who they are.

Liza Anokhina is a popular Russian video blogger. She was born in 2005.

Almost nothing is known about the young and very successful girl, as she carefully keeps her age, as well as her parents, a secret. Many fans, in fact, do not know anything about their idol. Such a small but already successful girl proves once again that age is not an obstacle to achieving goals, whether you are eight or fifty, there is always a chance to prove yourself and realize your dream.

Most people are simply amazed at how much Lisa was able to accomplish in such a short time at such a young age. Some argue that Anokhin has very influential parents who promote the girl up the career ladder.

Liza herself shakes her head in this regard and claims that she has achieved everything herself. In addition, you can see that Lisa really has some charisma and talent, which helped her eventually become one of the youngest celebrities in the country.

Acquired Popularity

Lisa herself quite a long time ago began to run her own YouTube channel, which, in fact, also brought her enough popularity. But she was able to gain real fame only when she began acting in the vines of Rakhim Abramov, along with Ulyana Medvedyuk. After that, she became simply torn, as the number of her subscribers increased dramatically and many began to recognize her.

Although at that time she was actively engaged in a television career, being the host on such channels as Karusel and Muz-TV. In addition, she also works as a model and shoots for children's magazines, and is also the face of many Russian brands. In a word, the career of a 13-year-old girl is very enviable, since at such a young age she was able to achieve many heights, and this is only the beginning, it is not known what awaits us in the future.

Success on the channel

In 2017, Liza Anokhina decides to create her own channel, which in a short time was able to earn about one hundred thousand subscribers. Many of Lisa's videos are liked not only by her peers, but also by adults who are simply touched and surprised by Lisa's talents. In addition, the girl also recorded her own song "Open Your Eyes" and released a video on it, which for a long time took first place in the children's hit parade.


How to get 820 thousand followers on Instagram and 230 thousand on YouTube if you are an 11-year-old schoolgirl? How to combine photography and study? Where do you get ideas for videos? The Artek people from the Polevoy camp media team talked about this with Liza Anokhina, a popular blogger and one of the hosts of the Hype Camp reality show on YouTube, in which aspiring bloggers participated.

How did you get started vlogging?
- It all started with the game. A friend came to my older sister Anyuta, and we decided to shoot a series in the style of a horror movie. I was then about five years old, and my sister was ten. We walked around with an ordinary tablet and recorded that someone was making scary sounds, frightening us. It was a film with a lot of feigned emotions, but then we were like, "Wow, guys, what a cool film we got! Let's put it on YouTube." As a result, they disgraced themselves and then deleted them (laughs).

- How do your parents feel about what you do?

At first, my parents said: "Lisa, can you still be a TV presenter? A blogger is not very good ...". Over time, they changed their views. My dad was initially against it, but then he realized that this was really important to me. Now he gives me great emotional support, for which I am very grateful to him!

- How do you combine school and filming?

I usually wake up, get ready and go to school. My daily routine has changed a lot, because I began to lag behind the program due to absences. After the lessons, which end at 16:00, I stay for a couple of hours to write dictations, tests and everything that I did not do while I was away. Then I go to the canteen to eat, then I go to the shooting. To be honest, I don't have days without filming. In most cases, I don’t know where I’m going: to vocals, to modeling (note - this is a field of activity in which the appearance of a model is used to promote goods and services), to shoots - I only find out about this when I arrive there. You often have to eat on the run. I return home late: often at 23:00, sometimes even at 1:00 - 2:00 at night. But I understand that all these activities will help me become better.

- How often do you get recognized on the street, and how do you usually feel about it?

Yes, they often find out, and I'm really very pleased. When a little "Lizochek" comes up to you and asks you to take a picture, I feel like a mega-star!

- How do you get ideas for new vines (note - short videos)?

My sister helps me come up with ideas. We have billions of life situations: we communicate, quarrel, make peace, make friends - this becomes the idea for the vines. At the same time, she never appears in my videos, but she constantly inspires me ideologically. For example, the vine about how friends come to the sister, and the youngest turns all the attention to herself, is taken from life.

- How did you get into Hype Camp?

Kasprzak: to succeed, you need to reach the limit of possibilitiesOn the occasion of Artek's birthday, at the media campus of the Artek International Children's Center and Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, Artek director Alexei Kasprzhak gave an interview to Artek residents Yulia Shishko and Maxim Pravoslavnov.

I just passed the audition. It was specially held for girls in order to find a presenter who would annoy the audience a little, thereby adding her own little peppercorn. There were two main roles in this show: mine and Dani Komkova - this was done to gain views. I read the script and got to work. I also loved to walk around the castle in which they were filming and imagine that it was mine.

Are there any bloggers you look up to?

Yes. I really like to watch Yulik, because he is cool, but I am not equal to him. I try to be nicer, kinder, in short "plagiarism" Alena Venum (laughs). Which blogger do I like? Nikolai Sobolev - he has cool videos.

- Do you plan to make blogging your profession in your adult life?

I do not like to live in the future and the past, I am glad that I am doing now. And it seems to me that life is too short to talk about what will happen next. At the moment, I am too young to make such decisions and, most likely, when I grow up, my interests will change completely.

- Now many people want to start blogging, but don't know where to start. Give some advice to newbies.

You know, I will give you one piece of advice, if something didn’t work out for you the first time, then it will work out the second, maybe the third, you have to try. And for this you do not need a good technique, quality. The main thing is the idea. To become a blogger, you need to start shooting.

Oksana Bondarchuk

Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine

TV presenter Lisa Anokhina about relations with Olga Buzova and haters on the Internet, and filming with Hollywood actors

Lisa Anokhina is only ten years old, but she is already acting in major projects of the country's leading TV channels. The young actress is the host of the Children's Morning Mail programs on the Karusel channel and TOP CHART 18- on the RU TV channel, which she hosts together with Olga Buzova. Lisa also sings in the Fantasy Patrol music group and, as a blogger, runs her own Hey! Liza YouTube channel. Recently, Lisa played in the new TV series Veil for Channel One and The Heiress for Home. Tricolor TV Magazine learned from an aspiring actress and singer how easy it is to combine show business with school, relationships with Olga Buzova and haters on the Internet, and amazing moments on the set of films and series.

Liza sings in the musical group "Fairy Patrol" and hosts "Children's Morning Mail" on the channel "Carousel"

Lisa, you are a TV presenter, and an actress, and a singer, and a blogger - do you manage to combine your studies and work in show business? When did your career start?

In fact, I am an absolutely ordinary girl and I study in the most ordinary Moscow school, despite the development of my career in show business. I have always been attracted to creativity and creative people. Once I sent an application to the STARS Academy, this is where my creative career began ... As a child, I watched the cartoon The Princess and the Frog, where the main character was both a waitress and a cook, but dreamed of her own restaurant. Apparently, even then I liked it when a person can do a lot, succeed and dream of even more! It seems to me that now I remind myself of the heroine of this cartoon. To be honest, it is very difficult to combine shooting, performances, rehearsals and study. I'm not a very super-organized person by nature, I'm used to planning my day the way I like it, the way I find it interesting, a very tight and busy schedule can be very tiring. But what saves me is that I sincerely like the stage, performances, communication with people - it charges me and gives me a lot of energy, so I think I can handle big loads! Communication with the audience, the audience is my support.

Together with Olga Buzova you are hosting TOP CHART 18-. What is your impression of working with an adult colleague?

To Olga Buzova I have a special relationship. When I released my video "Open Your Eyes" dedicated to the topic of Internet haters, Olga sincerely supported me. She wrote “A cool video came out from Liza Anokhina!” on your Instagram, and I realized that since the topic of hating, fatigue from anger and negativity of many anti-fans is very relevant and for such popular artists as Olga, I should not worry so much about this. After that, at the awards Kinder Muz Awards 2017 I gave along with Nikolai Baskov Olga special prize "Best Performer of the Year"- according to the leading Kinder MUZ Awards, and then we performed her song "Hit Parade" together. I was incredibly pleased when from the stage she confirmed her intention to support me in the future. Olga is an incredible professional, her overflowing energy is energizing and at the same time she is sincere and very real. I believe that this is what a real artist should be like! I am glad that we are working together again and I have the opportunity to communicate with Olga and recharge with her energy and ability to work!

Soon, two series with Lisa will be released on the screens - "Veil" and "Heiress"

You recently starred in a new series for the First Channel "Veil". Tell us what this story is about and who do you play?

"Veil" is a new project of the actor and director Valery Ibragimov, it is just getting ready for release, and therefore I can’t divulge many details yet. In this film, I play the daughter of the main characters. plays my dad Anton Batyrev, a well-known actor also participates in the project Andrey Chadov. All the actors are very experienced, and for me this was the first role in such a project. I am very grateful that the entire film crew treated me very warmly, they encouraged me, suggested something, and this helped to overcome the excitement and get involved in the work. According to the script, serious twists and turns take place with the heroes of the film, and I play a little girl and, of course, I react to everything very emotionally, I often had to cry. It is considered that for an actor this is not an easy task, but I did it!

This is your first experience of filming in a big TV project, how did you prepare for the role?

The shooting was very intense, we shot 12 hours a day or even more, but such work helped me to see the acting profession from its most difficult sides. We shot episodes with my participation in Moscow, these were scenes in the hospital, on the streets. My role was difficult for me, but the tips of experienced professionals helped a lot! The most important thing was the ability to switch, because often in the frame I continued to be Liza Anokhina, but it is important to learn to feel like the hero of the film, to completely internally identify yourself with your character.

Together with Olga Buzova, Lisa hosts the TOP CHART 18- program on the RU TV channel

What do you, a 10-year-old actress, remember about shooting the TV series Veil? Who surprised, inspired on the court?

I was impressed with how the light operators worked: they made day or early morning out of night, and it was so believable that we really forgot what real time was outside the window. We also shot scenes when it was supposed to be hot outside, but there were cold days. We put on a lot of thermal underwear, while outwardly remaining lightly dressed. In the frame, we had to act as if we were languishing from the heat, but in fact we were shivering from the cold. All these shooting "chips", secrets and techniques made a strong impression on me, this is real movie magic. But, of course, the main thing that fascinated me was the skill of the director, who managed from all the apparent chaos that reigned on the set to create a logical and consistent process, to follow everyone, to direct. It was great to watch the game of experienced actors, for example, Andrey Chadov, how amazingly quickly he entered the role and could also quickly switch to a normal state, joke, suggest something.

As Lisa Anokhina herself admits, she is an ordinary ten-year-old girl

You recently starred in another big project - the series "The Heiress" for the Domashny TV channel, where you play a leading role. Tell about it.

This series has not been released yet. Yes, I play the main role in it, that is, I am the heiress. The whole storyline revolves around my heroine, but is revealed with the help of many other characters. The audience is waiting for a lot of unexpected twists in the script, but I will not reveal all the intrigues. Film director - Maria Kravchenko. They play in the film Petar Zekavitsa, Lyubava Greshnova, Konstantin Solovyov, Anton Makarsky. I really liked the mutual understanding that I had with the director, I felt more confident on the set and got even more pleasure from work and an amazing experience.

What movie are you currently filming?

I am currently filming a Russian-Hollywood project "Oracle". This film has already taken part Oded Fehr, Michael Madsen, Stephen Baldwin, Eric Roberts, Alexei Chadov, Marat Basharov and other famous artists. And soon, at the end of April, an American actor will fly to Moscow to participate in the dosemki of the film Casper Robert Van Dien. This is a very global film company project. "King Pictures", the film tells about international relations, there are many interesting events related to the work of Russian and Western intelligence services. I'm looking forward to filming my scenes, I'm sure it will be amazing!

You are just starting your acting career. What is cinema for you today?

Cinema is a special magical world, and each time, joining it, it is as if you find yourself in a parallel reality, a fairy tale in reality. I truly enjoy every new project. What I try to do is to grow in terms of skills and abilities with each new role, learn from professionals and listen very carefully to all the director's advice and adjustments. I hope I succeed, grow as an actress with each new role, and I am sure that my best work is still ahead of me.

Photos provided by the Press Service of Lisa Anokhina

The young video blogger Lisa Anokhina has 800 thousand subscribers on Instagram on two pages, and on the YouTube channel the number of fans has gone beyond 300 thousand. In addition to blogging, Lisa sings, acts in films, works as a TV presenter and is fond of drawing. The girl has repeatedly worked on stage with celebrities, for example, with Philip Kirkorov and Dima Bilan. Lisa perceives show business as an opportunity to show her talents, realize herself and become popular. How old is Liza Anokhina, wherestudy and live, as well as interesting facts from the life of a young star - read the article

common data

  • Name: Elizaveta Anokhina
  • Date of birth: the girl was born in 2007.
  • Age: 11 years old.
  • Family: parents
  • Homeland: Russia, Moscow.
  • Activity: popular video blogger on YouTube, acting in vines and movies, singer, TV presenter and model.

Biography of Lisa Anokhina

Childhood and school years. Liza Anokhina does not have such an ordinary childhood as her peers. The girl started her career in show business early. Most importantly, no one forced her. She gladly goes to TV programs as a presenter, acts in films, works on her vocals, records songs, makes videos for her channel, and at the same time manages to give interviews. Now Lisa is 11 years old, and she is studying in the 5th grade at a regular comprehensive school in Moscow. True, in connection with the filming and the scheduled schedule, there is very little time left to study. But the smart girl is trying to catch up with the school curriculum.

Parents.From the public for a long time they tried to hide the age of the girl and whether her parents were rich or not. The media wrote that Lisa achieved everything herself, since her mom and dad have an average income. But this version was dispelled, it turned out that it was her parents who were producing the star, or rather her mother Marina Anokhina. Liza is certainly a talented child, but she cannot do without special supervision and mentoring.

Photo 2 - Lisa Anokhina - a young star on YouTube and TV screen

Popularity and blogging on YouTube

Popularity came to Lisa due to perseverance and lack of fear of the stage, the audience, famous people. The girl began her journey as a TV presenter on the Karusel and MuzTV channels. Lisa tries herself as a model and takes part in shows. Liza became more famous after she created her YouTube channel A-Liza and started adding videos just about her life. How he works, with whom he communicates, meetings, interviews and personal, this attracted the attention of Web users. The peak of popularity and the growth in the number of subscribers is still associated with filming in the vines of Rakhim Abramov.

Being a TV presenter, blogger and model, Liza Anokhina was not enough. The girl was engaged in vocals and recorded the song "Open Your Eyes", which was soon released a video. The new composition BOOM performed by Liza, which was criticized by many, became sensational. From the stage, the star went to conquer the cinema. In 2017, she starred in the film "Poluda", and in 2018 she was involved in two projects at once - "Random Bride" and "Oracle".
< h2>Photo by Lisa Anokhina

Photo 3 - Lisa Anokhina repeatedly worked on the same stage with Dima Bilan

Photo 4 - Lisa Anokhina is not only a video blogger, TV presenter and actress, but also a singer

Photo 5 - Popular video blogger Lisa Anokhina

Popular videos and vines of Lisa Anokhina

Video - Danya Komkov is trying to break the 10x10 challenge of Lisa Anokhina

Video by Lisa Anokhina: 10 ways to prevent a friend from drinking water

Vine - Oiza Anokhina and Rakhim Abramov "Somewhere in a Parallel Universe"

Vine Liza Anokhina about what love is

Video - New Vines on Instagram by Lisa Anokhina together with Vasilina Kat, Katya Yakunina.

1. In 2017, video blogger and TV presenter Lisa Anokhina received the Girl of the Year award from Igor Krutoy.

2. Lisa Anokhina performed a joint composition with Dima Bilan in the New Year's show "The Nutcracker". The singer was delighted with the young talent and even noted that the girl learns everything very quickly and is not afraid of the stage, and these are important qualities for an artist.

3. As a model, Liza showed herself perfectly at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week show in the capital.

4. Liza has an older sister, Anya, and Liza Anokhin calls Rakhim Abramov her brother. They have already filmed a large number of joint videos that are very popular on the Web.

5. Lisa presented an award at the Kinder MUZ Awards 2017 to singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova. Two stars even sang together Olga's song "Hit Parade".

6. As part of the Producer Film project, 11-year-old Liza Anokhina made her first short film. The girl admitted that it was a unique experience for her, as professionals helped young filmmakers.

7. Video blogger Liza Anokhina made her first video at the age of 5. It all happened while playing with my older sister and her friend.

8. Lisa's father was initially against the fact that the girl was engaged in video blogging. If you have chosen the profession of a TV presenter, give yourself to her in full. But over time, the dad's opinion changed, Lisa managed to achieve success in various fields of activity.

9. Lisa's schedule is very busy. Daily filming, interviews, screenings. The girl comes home late, sometimes well after midnight.

10. Lisa Anokhina's favorite bloggers, whom she wants to be like, are Yunika, Nikolai Sobolev and Alena Venum.

Liza Anokhina is a strong girl, with a strong-willed character and an understanding of what she wants to achieve in this life. Despite her young age, she has a very large list of regalia and achievements. Every day she grows in creativity and career.

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