Do you agree with Balzac's statement. "A noble heart cannot be unfaithful." O

A noble heart cannot be unfaithful.

Honore de Balzac.

Is there a connection between the concepts of "nobility" and "fidelity"? From the point of view of Honore de Balzac, people who follow the norms of morality cannot betray their beliefs, ideals, friends and loved ones. Is it really impossible to have true fidelity without generosity, disinterestedness, the ability to be near in the most difficult moments of life, the ability to sacrifice one's own interests in the ranks of another person? Or can a traitor also have pure thoughts, a noble heart? Is the great writer right in saying that morality presupposes devotion? This is the question I will answer in my essay.

Examples of the fact that fidelity is the criterion of a noble person can be found in the works of Russian and foreign authors. A.S. Pushkin and A. Dumas, F. M. Dostoevsky and V. Scott, L. N. Tolstoy and D. Orwell - in the novels of these and many other writers, the theme of the relationship between nobility and devotion is revealed. An example of true feelings is shown by John Boyne's novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Reading about how Austrian and Jewish teenagers communicate, you understand that the relationship between Bruno and Shmuel is built on the universal laws of kindness, honesty, mutual assistance, and responsiveness. Before our eyes, the son of a German officer and a prisoner of the POW camp make "expeditions", Bruno seeks to feed his friend, invites him to try to find the missing father Shmuel together. Watching Bruno, you are convinced that he has both material wealth, and servants who are ready to fulfill any requirement, and mom, dad, sister, who are always there. Unlike him, the Jewish boy lives behind barbed wire, doesn't even have a home, and the only thing that Bruno envies is "striped pajamas". Surprisingly, the difference between the boys does not affect their friendship! The author shows relationships that are based on universal human laws. One of the final scenes of the novel, in which the characters find themselves in a gas chamber and, holding hands, walk towards death, shows that, as Balzac argued, noble hearts cannot be unfaithful.

The friendship of the main characters of V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons" helped to make sure that the words of Honore de Balzac were true. The author tells about a fifth-grader who finds himself far from home and experiences all the difficulties of the post-war period. You feel compassion when you read about how a hungry child earns a mug of milk and a piece of bread by playing "chika". It is hard to imagine how the story of a teenager would have ended if not for Lydia Mikhailovna. Can a French teacher be considered a person with a noble heart? Undoubtedly. It was she who repeatedly tried to feed the main character, on behalf of her mother sent a parcel with food. Playing in the "wall" is another way to make life easier for a child, to help survive. It seems to me that this is exactly what a person who lives according to the rules of morality should do. Lidia Mikhailovna proved her loyalty to the friendship between teacher and student when she had to make a difficult decision. Losing her job, she protected the boy from the wrath of the school principal. Reading the history of the relationship between the heroes of Rasputin, you understand that his ability to be faithful depends on the nobility of a person.

In my essay, I turned to the heroes who lived in the 20th century. Is Honore de Balzac's assertion that a noble heart cannot betray is true today? Of course, because a person who does not have good feelings and positive qualities is not capable of being faithful. Therefore, it is important for each of us to realize how true devotion depends on the ability to live for the sake of others, to put the interests of society above our own.

One of my favorite expressions of O. de Balzac is the following: “Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to indecisive ones.” What does this expression mean?

The first part of the statement speaks of timidity, but as something good. It's like a kind of pleasant excitement when you fight fear. The second part is about courage.

When a person goes to some business, fear makes an indecisive person courageous, courageous and courageous.

Let's look at an example from the work of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Taras Bulba and his son Ostap are valiant Cossacks. They showed their courage and courage by going into battle without fear of being killed. When Ostap was tortured in the square, his father was not afraid to support his son. That very feeling of courage came to Taras at that very moment.

In the end, I want to say that I completely agree with this statement. It is important that each person understands it and tries to live by this statement. And then it will not be so difficult to cope with your fears. And cowards in our world will become less and less.

Updated: 2017-10-23

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Useful material on the topic

  • Do you agree with the statement of O. de Balzac: “Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive”?

Honore de Balzac in his works always touched upon the themes of human nature. His deeply philosophical thoughts can be interpreted in different ways, but let's turn to one of the most popular.

In his views, the writer was a supporter of the fact that "fear makes a daredevil timid, but he gives strength to indecisive ones." Perhaps, here the natural law of opposition takes place, that is, a brave person is one who is able to accept his inner fears, discipline in his soul what he is afraid of.

Therefore, he owns his feelings and lives in harmony with them, but as soon as this balance is disturbed, fears already begin to take over power over a person, and in this case, control over the situation and his own perception of some things collapses. This is the cause of uncertainty in the future and in their subsequent actions.

For an indecisive person, fear sets the limits beyond which he will not go, since the territory beyond them has not been explored. And the narrower the space in which you can act, the easier it is to study it. Therefore, such a person will act with increased power, for fear from the outer limits will determine what he is able to possess. And such awareness always raises the tone and makes you move forward.

Updated: 2017-10-15

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Useful material on the topic

  • Do you agree with the statement of O. de Balzac: “Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive”? Courage and cowardice Examples, arguments from literature

Beautiful independent women over 30 were Balzac's true passion. No wonder the name "Balzac" was assigned to this age.

♦ The inability to make a mistress of his wife proves only the inferiority of the husband. One must be able to find all women in one woman.

♦ With her walk, a woman can show everything, without letting her see anything.

♦ A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore.

♦ A woman knows the face of the man she loves as well as a sailor knows the open sea.

♦ The jealous man does not really doubt his wife, but himself.

♦ No one loves a woman for her youth or maturity, beauty or ugliness, stupidity or intelligence; they love her not for anything, but simply because they love her.

♦ He who can manage a woman will also manage the state.

♦ Only the last love of a woman can compare with the first love of a man.

♦ A man loses if he doesn't win anything. A woman wins if she doesn't lose anything.

♦ A woman loves victory over a man who belongs to another!

♦ No one becomes a woman's friend if he can be her lover.

♦ Women tend to prove the impossible on the basis of the possible and deny the obvious, referring to premonitions.

♦ In the most sincere confessions of a woman, there is always a place for default.

♦ A woman should belong to the man who will save her from problems.

Do you agree with these statements? Tell us about it in the comments!

Nice sunny day. The playground is lively: running around, laughing. Only one baby firmly holds her mother's hand ...

... The child watches the children with interest, sometimes smiles, but does not participate in the game himself. And when he is encouraged to join the team, he clings even tighter to his mother. He doesn’t cry, he doesn’t act up, but he doesn’t leave his mother.

Here comes the girl. Holds a puppy. He whines, barks, shakes the girl by the sleeve. The baby is looking at the dog. His face expresses both interest, tenderness and fear. The little boy quickly climbs onto his mother's lap and watches the puppy from a safe distance. He rejoices, laughs, but he does not dare to pet the dog, he only asks his mother to treat the puppy with cookies.

Some fearfulness and shyness, at least with strangers, is common to all children. And this even has its advantages. Imagine a child who is absolutely not afraid of anything and no one, ready for any adventures and at the same time has neither life experience nor the strength to defend himself. Problem child, right?

But fearfulness and shyness, which “protect” the child from too risky actions, is one thing, and timidity and shyness, which complicate life, is another matter. The first, "security" shyness disappears with age, but the second does not weaken over the years, and sometimes even intensifies and continues to complicate the life of a teenager, a schoolboy.

Why is the child fearful and shy?

There could be a number of reasons for this. Let's talk about the most common.

1. This is a character trait of a child. For example, a child of a phlegmatic temperament. It is difficult for him to adapt to a new environment. He doesn't pick up new skills quickly. A phlegmatic child tends to be afraid of everything new.

2. The source of timidity is family problems, in which the child does not feel safe in his own home. For example, the father went on a drinking binge, the mother is nervous, perhaps the father's binge is accompanied by scandals. Or in the family there are constant quarrels and mutual accusations. For a child, especially a sensitive one who takes everything to heart, a bad family environment can be too difficult a test. As a result, the baby, who does not feel at home, as in a fortress, is afraid of the "dangerous" world.

3. A sickly child can also become fearful, who often feels unwell or needs help and does not feel enough strength in himself. Therefore, he feels insecurity more acutely, and, consequently, experiences fear. In addition, such a child, due to frequent illnesses, is forced to communicate little with peers and, therefore, may feel insecure in the children's company. Hence the shyness.

4. Sensitive personality type.

5. Wrong education.

We will talk about the last two reasons in more detail.

Sensitive means very sensitive

There is such a psychological type of personality that stands out among the variety of other types with special sensitivity and the fact that its representatives tend to take everything to heart. The features of the psychological type of personality are inherited and develop in one way or another in the process of education. Each psychological type has its own strengths and its own problems.

Children of the sensitive type at a younger age are timid, they do not easily adapt to a new unusual environment, they do not easily converge with new people, they are burdened in a noisy company.

However, sensitive children can communicate well with well-known people, and they are very attached to close people.
Sensitive children do not mature easily. They have to overcome many difficulties associated with their timidity. In a situation where you need to quickly show courage and determination, they are often lost. However, the sensitive type has remarkable features: conscientiousness, responsibility, patience, early development of moral and ethical qualities, the ability to understand other people and empathize.

It is important not to “break” a child of a sensitive type by excessively harsh upbringing and misunderstanding in childhood and adolescence. It is also important to show patience and tact with such a child, to gradually (!) teach him to defend his point of view, to show decisiveness when necessary and to overcome his timidity himself. It’s great if you can develop a child’s ability to understand people.

With proper upbringing, over time, a sensitive type child has a good chance of becoming a successful and respected person. That person who understands the relationship between people well can reconcile the conflicting parties, come up with a non-standard way out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

Don't be fearful!

What kind of upbringing has a big risk of making a child timid? In the "risk group" are children of authoritarian parents who do not know how or for some reason do not consider it necessary to support the child, comfort, encourage. The main place in education is occupied by the demands of obedience, pulling, criticism, calls to do what is right and be what is needed, punishments in case of disobedience or if the child does “not the right way”. In this case, often the child is afraid of the parents. And this means that he does not have the main support in his life, and he feels helpless in life. Hence the problematic timidity and shyness.
At the risk of raising a too timid and shy child are those parents who surround the child with such strong guardianship that there is no room left for the child to show independence and initiative.

The requirement of unquestioning obedience can be combined with overprotection. Only this obedience is achieved not by harsh measures and punishments, but by gentle, but constant pressure.

If a mother or other family members themselves are afraid of everything, panic over trifles, very strongly, literally illogically fear for the safety of the child, then they may well infect the growing little man with their fears. I'll give you an example. Anechka's mother was very afraid that hooligans might attack the girl. The school where the girl studied was located in a small well-groomed garden. This garden, where a bully might be waiting behind a tree, seemed to my mother a dangerous place, despite the fact that the garden was crowded and there was a busy street next to the garden. Anya was always seen off and met by someone from the family from school. If the girl could not be escorted, then her mother demanded that Anya bypass the garden side, a longer, but "safe" road. Anya was infected by her mother's fear and for a long time she was afraid of any square, and even a small cluster of trees as a potentially dangerous place.

Knowledge and compliance with safety measures, including those that allow you not to become a victim of hooligans, is necessary for the child. But safety must be done in such a way as to protect the child, and not intimidate.

On the other hand, if you strive too actively and harshly to re-educate a timid child into a bold one, then you can achieve exactly the opposite effect - to consolidate timidity. The meaning of such education is expressed in the saying "Throw into the water to teach you how to swim." Sometimes, in this way, a child can be scared for the rest of his life. Haste and abrupt movements in overcoming timidity and shyness are unacceptable. They may do more harm than good.

What should a parent remember?

Shyness and timidity are not a sentence. If a child in childhood and adolescence was a “cowardly bunny” who could not stand up for himself, with difficulty finding his place in a peer group, this does not mean at all that this little man will be timid all his life, unable to communicate, weak and not penetrating. With proper upbringing, the former “coward” in adulthood can turn out to be a person with good adaptive qualities and a strong character, the ability to act consistently. After all, in order to cope with their problems, the child goes through a good practice in developing the above qualities in childhood and improves in adulthood.

It is necessary to discern the strengths of the character of your child and develop them. Slow, perhaps somewhat clumsy and fearful of everything new, the phlegmatic child has valuable traits. He is balanced, assiduous, obligatory, you can negotiate with him. These valuable features must be taken into account, appreciated and developed. For example, a phlegmatic person learns new knowledge and skills not quickly, but firmly. When dealing with a phlegmatic person, he does not need to be rushed, repetitions are useful. So, with the right approach, the result of the classes will be very good.

It is very important to believe in your child. This helps a lot in overcoming any difficulties for both the parent and the child.

A lot of useful information for parents: methods of raising children, the right toys for children can be found on the website Also there you can find a lot of practical material about children with impaired health functions.

How can you help your child overcome shyness and fear?

Boost your child's self-confidence. Focus on your child's accomplishments, not their shortcomings. Praise even the smallest success, encourage the manifestation of initiative, independence.

Timid children are often afraid to make a mistake and fail. This fear greatly hinders their development of independence. Therefore, the child should not be scolded for mistakes (precisely for mistakes, and not for hooligan pranks!). It should be borne in mind that a child, due to a lack of life experience, often makes mistakes that seem stupid to us adults. Scolding a sensitive and insecure child for such oversights, pointing out his "stupidity", we run the risk of slowing down his initiative for a long time and making the child even more insecure.

It is much wiser to behave in such a way that the child is not afraid to make a mistake. The child needs to know that a mistake is also an experience and many mistakes can (and should!) be corrected. And after making a mistake, there is an opportunity to do the same, only better.
And, of course, you can not criticize the child for his fearfulness, compare him with other more nimble and, at the moment, more successful children. Criticism and humiliation are bad stimulation. Much more effective stimulation is the provision of support.
Don't force your child into any activity or activity he/she is afraid of. Help your child gradually get used to the "terrible" activities and figure out that there is nothing to worry about.

It's the same with communication. No need to force a shy child to interact with other children. Let him first communicate with peers in a dosed manner, gradually increasing the dose. Let the child learn to interact with other children in the process of this dosed communication. Practice how to ask another child for something, how to agree on something with a friend, what to do in case of a conflict, how to accept if another child calls names. This knowledge will help the child feel more confident in the circle of peers, and he will be less fearful and shy.

Trust your child to do things on their own. Teach your child various skills in passing, as a matter of course, and not as if the child is doing an assessment task. Accept the initiative of the child, if necessary, correcting it to an acceptable level, but not suppressing it.

I'll give you an example. Yulia helps her grandmother cultivate the beds. Grandmother supports her “initiative” and even gives her a small garden bed, on which Yulia will plant what she wants and will water and weed it herself. The enthusiastic little girl invites her grandmother to sow field cornflowers throughout the garden, which Yulia really liked during the walk. Grandmother agrees that cornflowers are very beautiful. But he explains that when they grow all over the garden or field, they become weeds. However, there is a way out! Julia can turn "her" garden into a flower bed with cornflowers. So in the grandmother's garden there was a cornflower flower bed, which Yulia looked after on her own.

Among peers, not small and beloved, but equal

It is impossible for a child to transfer the principles by which adults communicate with him to communication with other children. This sometimes happens in children who, for one reason or another, have little contact with their peers and mostly spend time among close adults. For example, a frequently ill child attends little (or does not attend at all) kindergarten and is forced to spend a lot of time at home with his grandmother. The kid loves to play checkers. The grandmother, who ardently loves her grandson and empathizes with him wholeheartedly, wanting to please the child, constantly “loses”. The child gets used to "victories", waiting only for winnings and concessions. Playing checkers with other children, he is offended that they are not inferior to him. Joint play with peers does not work, communication stalls.
Teach your child to understand the principles of equal communication before he runs into problems. The child must understand that the game is a game, with its own rules, binding on everyone. Sometimes you win, and sometimes your partner in the game and that's okay. To win more often, you need to train, deepen your knowledge. It is better for a grandmother to play with her grandson according to the rules, without “giveaways”. If the kid is upset about losing, then you need to explain to him that in this way you will not be able to play his favorite game at all. After all, in order to play, one must be prepared for both winning and losing, because both are completely natural.

Another example. Lesha's mother bought new sneakers at the store closest to the house. Mom and son went to visit mom's friend. Lesha showed his aunt a new thing, and she admired it. Playing with the children in the yard, Lyosha also first of all boasted of his new clothes. However, peers did not admire, but reported that Vanya had the same sneakers. Lesha was offended. Explain to the child that there is no reason for resentment. Both he and Vanya have good sneakers. It's just that other kids want their sneakers to be praised too, so they won't praise it. Even better, when going to a children's company, do not brag about a new object, but just go to play. And tell about the new only if the guys notice and ask.

Teach your child not to burst into tears immediately and not to react too painfully if he is faced with a provocation in his address. If the provocateur does not see a violent response, there is much less incentive to provoke. Let's look at the situation again with an example. A new teacher came to the second graders. She began to get acquainted with the children, reading unfamiliar names to her in a class magazine. Kolya's last name was read incorrectly, for example, instead of Ryvikov, the teacher read Rybikov. The children laughed, the teacher was corrected. Touchy Kolya got angry. At recess, one of his classmates called Kolya Rybikov, and the nickname Fish immediately appeared. Kolya was offended, angry, fought back. And the more aggressively the boy “lost his temper”, the more often he heard Rybikov and “Fish” from his classmates.

Shyness often occurs in children, especially in the presence of adults or among strangers. They become shy, embarrassed, and seem more inhibited than usual.

In extreme cases, the child shows his fear in advance, protesting with tears and screams against a visit to the doctor or not wanting to go to visit. He clings to his mother's skirt, hides behind her every time someone approaches, and refuses to answer questions.

Needless to say, such extreme cases are rare. Much more often, shyness manifests itself calmly. However, in any form, she always makes her parents very angry.

Just when they expected that their child would look his best, he shows that he does not know how to behave in society at all. Parents' distress quickly turns into impatience and anger, the manifestation of which, unfortunately, only increases rather than reduces the child's timidity.

Why does one baby become timid and the other not? The easiest way to say that they have different characters, it is more difficult to explain this difference by some innate features.

The truth is that children become timid after being scared by adults, and more than once. This can happen both in infancy and in childhood, when, it would seem, they still have no contact with the big world.

In general, it is not recommended to keep children in isolation from others. However, it is not uncommon for adults who approach children even with the best of intentions to scare them. The voice of a stranger may seem too loud to the child, his movements may be too abrupt. But no matter how often such incidents occur, nothing can be compared with the negative impact that parents themselves can have on him in some cases.

Every time we demand something from children that they don't understand or can't do, we leave something negative in their minds. The children are already frightened that they are not able to fulfill our request, and therefore they are afraid of losing our love, and this is a very serious fear, because the children know that they are completely dependent on us.

The impatience and irritation that we show when we feed them, wean them from the horn, teach them to use the potty, put them to bed, take care of their neatness, lead to the fact that we involuntarily instill in children that we should not only be loved, but also feared.

Since we serve as an example for the child in everything, it is natural that he transfers the impressions received from us to almost all people, except that he communicates less often with other adults and therefore he has fewer opportunities to balance negative impressions with the tenderness that we still give him. As a result, he is somewhat wary of people he doesn't know.

The best way to eliminate timidity is to try to avoid showing our discontent. Yelling at a child is like punishing him. This only complicates matters. If 5-year-old Eva, having come to visit, holds on to her mother's skirt all the time, this means: "I want to remain a child, then I will not have to be responsible for my actions."

The example is typical, and the only thing that can be done in this case is to caress the girl. This, of course, will not completely remove her shyness, but at least she will feel: she is understood and loved so much that they are ready to satisfy her desires. ONCE SHE KNOWS THAT she CAN RELY ON PARENTS, SHE WILL FEEL EASIER WITH OTHER PEOPLE ALSO.

And yet, to help her gain confidence, they need to do a lot, and BEYOND the special situation that forced the girl to be timid. They need to think about what they asked their daughter. Their demands were reasonable and did not differ from those that other parents make to their children, but how did they try to satisfy them? Perhaps too insistent. In addition, the parents of this girl may have their own problems, for example, the difficulties of family life or difficulties in communicating with others.

A child can also be timid because he is the youngest in kindergarten and the children treat him as the weakest and most incapable compared to others. He may be upset if parents pay more attention to a younger brother or sister who is superior to him in some way.

So there are many different circumstances that cause a child to feel exaggeratedly shy or shy, far more than the parents may notice, although they are near him. And yet, no matter what, the white flag should never be thrown.

On the contrary, it is necessary to take a completely different position - to show the child that you understand him well, sympathize with him and love him for who he is, and not some ideal good boy. We will try to encourage him to meet people, help him find friends and rejoice with him in his successes.

In any case, we will consider his timidity a temporary phenomenon. Then we can look at things more calmly, and this will keep us from reprimanding the child, which means that it will certainly have a beneficial effect on his communication with others, even if we do nothing more.

posted by: Julia | 23/04/2014

Every child at least once experienced shyness and self-doubt. This state prevents him from performing any action or expressing his opinion, even objecting to injustice towards him.

Shyness arises for several reasons:

  • The action to be performed carries a risk that is, the child has a sense of self-preservation. You should not get rid of the fear of driving fast or climbing to great heights. Shyness in these situations is the norm, it protects the child from danger.
  • Lack of self-esteem, manifested in the reluctance to make contact with people, avoiding communication.

To help your child get rid of shyness, you must follow these steps::

Accept a timid child as an individual, he is not obliged to behave the way his parents want.

If you do not hide your dissatisfaction and hint that the child is behaving incorrectly, then this can exacerbate the problem.

Don't label your child. If you call him timid, then this feature will be fixed in his mind. In the future, to avoid any unpleasant situation, he will refer to this label. "I'm timid, so I don't have to do it." You should not compare the child with other children, so as not to strike a blow to the baby's pride.

try hard understand the child. Most of all, he needs the support of his parents.

Approve all attempts to communicate with the child but by no means do not force. If the baby plays with other children, then you can even encourage him.

Present the problem to the child in a playful way. For example, you can tell him about a doll that wants to play with children, but does not dare to approach them. And then you should offer several options and ask the baby how best to do the doll. After a while, the child will begin to use this advice.

If the child is holding a toy, then it will be easier to fit into the children's company. However, first, you need to warn the child that the toy will have to be shared.

Help the child get into the game. For example, invite him to show the children his new toy. You can even go with him, but leave the child with the guys as soon as possible.

At first time accompany the child to school, on a circle and so on, to make it easier for him to get comfortable.

Timidity- the state of the psyche and the behavior of animals and humans caused by it, the characteristic features of which are: indecision, fearfulness, tension, stiffness and awkwardness in society due to self-doubt or lack of social skills.

Personality Researchers are convinced that shyness is inherited, just like intelligence or height of a person.
The modern version of the theory of innate shyness belongs to Raymond Cattell. He believes that an individual's personality is made up of a set of basic qualities that can be determined by systematically analyzing a person's responses to test questions. The answers are correlated, then they are compared with the answers of parents or children, and thus it turns out whether the trait is “inherited” or not.

Behaviorists It is believed that shy people simply lack the social skills necessary to fully communicate with other people.

Psychoanalysts they say that shyness is nothing more than a symptom of the expression on a conscious level of deep mental contradictions raging in the subconscious.

Sociologists and some child psychologists believe that shyness can be understood in terms of social attitudes: we are embarrassed when it comes to maintaining social decorum.

sociopsychologists say that shyness makes itself felt from the moment a person says to himself: "I'm shy."

From point of view neuroscientists, shyness is caused by a violation of the metabolism of neurotransmitters in the brain (deficiency of serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, etc.), i.e. this condition is always associated with asthenia of the central nervous system. Pathological shyness is mainly characteristic of personality disorders from cluster C (according to the DSM-IV classification), and for character accentuations of the same circle. People with a hyperthymic psychotype do not show such a quality as shyness.

Summer will come very soon. If the sleigh needs to be prepared in advance, then you need to take care of comfort in “your fortress” during the hot season now. In the heat, being at home for both adults and children is simply unbearable. You can hide from the heat by going on vacation, but sooner or later you still have to return. Air conditioners have proven to be an effective way to create a suitable microclimate. Wall conditioners in will make the atmosphere in your house pleasant and comfortable.

Shyness and independence are two traits that are on opposite sides. Olga Gavrilova, a child psychologist and specialist in family relations, spoke about the independence of children.
about independence of children (html5 player)

Television program “Our Children”, plot “Shy child”, expert: psychologist-teacher Irina Sidorovich

Interesting: what else do you read on this topic?

Cowardice is a person's reaction to fear, expressed in the inability or unwillingness to perform any proper actions (actions); mental weakness.

Alexander the Great noticed among his warriors a man named Alexander, who constantly turned to flight during battles. And he said to him: "I beg you, either overcome your cowardice, or change your name, so that the similarity of our names does not mislead anyone."

The inability or unwillingness to cope with fear or any phobia becomes the driving force behind cowardice. Courage is trained cowardice. When a person in a moment of danger “thinks” only with his feet, ignoring the voice of conscience and reason, it means that we are facing cowardice. She always makes a choice in favor of a comfortable, non-threatening present versus an unpredictable and uncertain future.

Instead of solving the problem, the coward hides from it. From the suggestion of Pliny the Elder, a legend came to us from Ancient Rome about ostriches allegedly hiding their heads in the sand for fear: “Ostriches imagine that when they stick their heads and necks into the ground, their whole body seems to be hidden.” It is curious that this misconception still exists in the minds of citizens. An ostrich is a bird that actively defends itself when threatened. The ostrich has long, very strong, two-toed legs, perfectly adapted for running and defending against enemies. The ostrich bends down to the ground to eat and swallow sand and small pebbles. Many birds do this - after all, they have no teeth, they are replaced by a muscular stomach with hard walls, so the ostrich has to swallow stones to make it easier to digest his dinner.

Various entertainment events help to hide from the fear of solving life's problems of cowardice. Behind the screen of revelry, sexual promiscuity, or simply hobbies of cinema and sports, cowardice avoids resolving unpleasant situations, accumulating more and more of them. Cowardice reaches out to laughing friends, cheerful, cheerful people, trying to find in them at least psychological support. She involuntarily realized the truth - funny is not dangerous, and, defending herself from fear, acquired a tendency to laugh and giggle.

Cowardice should not be equated with caution, moderation, gradualness, or prudence. A coward, faced with uncertainty, does not want to take risks, he is a slave of fear. At the same time, he is fully aware of the groundlessness of his fears. But when a person, seeing an aggressive drunken company, avoids communication and eye contact with her, of course, this is a reasonable precaution. If he is engaged in spearfishing for the first time, then it is reasonable to familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior under water.

When cowardice becomes a manifest quality of a person, it is natural that she rejects her opposites - courage, courage, courage and selflessness. At the same time, it easily transforms into fearfulness, fearfulness, timidity and apprehension.

An inexplicable phenomenon, uncertainty and the risks associated with it, always cause a certain fear in any person. Unless the insane are afraid. Everyone experiences fear. Cowards die many times. However, a courageous person overcomes fear by an effort of will, forcing himself to fulfill his duties and duty. In cowardice, the muscles of the mind are atrophied, the willpower is suppressed by fear, and the conscience is silent. When the fatal moments come, she only under third-party coercion, "out of the stick" does her due. F. M. Dostoevsky wrote: “The coward is the one who is afraid and runs; and whoever is afraid and does not run is not a coward yet.”

Everything in the world is relative. Who is better an undisciplined brave man or a disciplined coward? V. Tarasov writes in “Principles of Life”: “The brave one does not advance alone, the coward does not retreat alone. One warrior, unable to withstand the tension of the upcoming battle, ran up to the enemy positions, cut off two heads, and returned with them. But the commander ordered to add the head of the hero to these two. Since there was no order to attack. These three heads in a row are a symbol of the prohibition against attacking without an order. The brave do not come alone. Discipline cannot be maintained if the brave advance without orders. Here are the soldiers in the trenches. Looking forward to the start of the battle. The brave man got up and, without waiting for the order, went on the offensive. Behind him is another, a third, and the whole company. Only the coward remained in the trench. He alone is disciplined and awaits orders. But there is no order, because everyone has already left. How to evaluate the behavior of a coward? Like discipline, and reward! Or as cowardice, and punish? If a year has passed, and he is still sitting and waiting for an order? If every thing is in its place, every person is where he should be, and does what he must do - this is order. If the order is violated, then we can say who is the violator and what he violated - this is a mess. If the order is violated, but it is impossible to say who exactly is to blame and what exactly he violated, this is disorganization. Disorganization is worse than disorder. With her, fear and fearlessness change places. It's scary to keep order. And don't be afraid to break it. That's what disorganization is. When a coward retreats alone, he makes a mess. When the brave advances alone, he produces disorganization. The way from disorganization to order is through disorder. First turn the disorganization into a mess. Then punish the culprit in this new mess. To return the picture of the world, when it’s scary to break the order, and it’s not scary not to break it. ”

That is why, in peacetime conditions, an employer would prefer to take an executive, disciplined, cowardly official into a large economic structure. An overly independent enterprising brave person in emergency circumstances can behave extraordinary and risky for the system. A coward will play it safe ten thousand times and do what is beneficial to the system.

“To a coward it seems that even the mountains are shaking,” says a Mongolian proverb. Confessing the principle "No matter what happens", cowardice clogs up in the shell of its own egoism, protecting itself from the threats and challenges of the outside world. She is closed in her loneliness, like Robinson Crusoe on a desert island. The frightened Ego, fearing for its safety, is ready to commit betrayal and meanness. At all times, cowardice has been and will be the forge of traitors. Cowardice, betrayal and betrayal are the unchanging trinity of depravity. Paired with cowardice, many of the negative qualities of a person take on an exaggerated form: a stupid person becomes an insane stupid “brake” with paralysis of the mind, a deceitful one turns into a deceiver and slanderer. The phrase of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, which he wrote down in his diary on March 2, 1917, on the day of his abdication, became winged: "All around is treason, cowardice and deceit."

Cowardice breeds cruelty. Through cruelty to weaker or closer people, she skillfully disguises herself and hides her true nature. The coward spills all his anger and resentment onto the victim. Savage murders, chilling the heart with their cruelty, are often committed under the influence of fear. Fear develops into horror, and the latter into unbridled cruelty. Cowardice deprives a person of reason, and he becomes the embodiment of heartlessness, hardness of heart and indifference. Helvetius accurately noted: "Cruelty is always the result of fear, weakness and cowardice."

A man can live his life and never know, because of his cowardice, what he was capable of. The desire for security, the fear of risks, the desire to have a “roof”, the refusal to make vital decisions - all this together makes a potentially courageous person a pitiful cowardly lion. "Why are you a coward? - Ellie asked, looking with surprise at the huge Lion. - I was born that way. Of course, everyone considers me brave: after all, the lion is the king of beasts! When I roar - and I roar very loudly, you heard - animals and people run out of my way. But if an elephant or a tiger attacked me, I would be scared, I swear! It's good that no one knows what a coward I am, - said the Lion, wiping his tears with the fluffy tip of his tail. “I’m very ashamed, but I can’t change myself…”

/ / Do you agree with Balzac’s statement: “Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to indecisive”?

Timidity is a good quality of character, it can be compared with shyness or embarrassment. Courage, combined with timidity in the face of fear, adds a special charm to a person: going for a bold act, timidity gives a slight but pleasant excitement, a kind of trembling.

As for an indecisive person, fear adds courage to his character and soul. Courage can be compared to boldness, courage and, to some extent, pride.

The coward who is trying to overcome his fears for the first time will feel courage slowly dissipating through his body. As if a second wind opens up and you want to do more and more good deeds and end the feeling of fear forever.

Many stories have been written about timid and courageous people and many films have been shot. It is easy to compare such characters when they both appear in the same work, when their actions contrast. A sense of courage came to him when he was not afraid and went out to the square, where his son was beaten, bringing torture to death. He was not afraid to come to the enemies, to respond to his son. Also, a constant sense of courage did not leave the soul, from the same story. He devoted his life to the Cossacks, was true to his heart and fought valiantly.

Thus, a sense of courage helped them fight bravely and not even think about betrayal. They both did not know what fear is and were courageous heroes.

Valor came to the indecisive from Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man." This is the episode when he was in captivity for suicide bombers. On one of the difficult evenings in conclusion, Andrei was summoned to his place by the commandant and offered to drink to the victory of the Nazis. Sokolov refused. But when Mueller invites him to raise a glass to his imminent death, he agrees, drinks to the bottom and does not eat. A brave and valiant deed was appreciated. Valor came to Andrei at the last moment, he was able to decide on a bold trick, showing himself as a strong man.

Thus, I agree with the statement of O. de Balzac. I would like our society to act according to this statement and become less and less cowards. After all, such qualities as valor and courage help people fight their fears. Having overcome yourself once and having received real pleasure from a good deed, you will always want to do this. Good deeds are always rewarded, but the most important reward is to be a man of honor, not to be afraid of obstacles and dangers, to overcome them, despite timidity.

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