Composition: The tragedy of the fate of Eugene Onegin. The tragedy of the fate of eugene onegin Why the fate of the heroes is tragic eugene onegin

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is the greatest work of P. The poet worked on it for more than 7 years. The action of the novel takes place against a broad background of Russian reality in the 20s of the XIX century. The focus is on the life of the capital's nobility in the era of spiritual quest of the advanced noble intelligentsia. Conceived and begun in the years of public upsurge before the Decembrists' performance, the novel in its main chapters was created and ended after the defeat of the Decembrist movement. Pushkin showed the movement of history through the changing fates and characters of the main characters of the novel. The protagonist, after whom the novel is named, is Eugene Onegin. This is a young metropolitan aristocrat of the 20s of the XIX century, who received a typical secular education. Onegin was born into a wealthy but bankrupt noble family. His childhood was spent in isolation from the people, from everything Russian, national. He was brought up by French tutors. Upbringing and education were superficial and did not prepare him for real life. They taught him "everything jokingly", "something and somehow." But Onegin nevertheless received that minimum of knowledge that was considered mandatory in the nobility. He knew a bit of classical literature, Roman and Greek, history "from Romulus to the present day", had an idea about the political economy of Adam Smith. Impeccable French, elegant manners, wit and the art of keeping up the conversation make him in the eyes of society a brilliant representative of the youth of his time. Young Onegin strives to fully meet the ideal of a secular person. Wealth, luxury, enjoyment of life, brilliant success in society and among women - that's what attracts the protagonist of the novel.

It took Onegin about 8 years to secular life. But he was smart and stood well above the secular crowd. No wonder he felt disgusted with his empty idle life. "A sharp, chilled mind" and satiety with the pleasures of the world led to Onegin's deep disappointment, "the Russian melancholy took possession of him."

Languishing in boredom, Onegin tries to look for the meaning of life in any activity. His first attempt was literary work. But the education system did not teach him to work, so "nothing came out of his pen." Onegin began to read: "I read and read, but all to no avail."

In the village, he makes another attempt at practical activity:

In his wilderness, the desert sage,

And the slave blessed fate.

I replaced the quitrent with a light one: But even this activity, out of boredom, "just to spend time," did not capture Onegin. And he plunged into the blues again.

The prejudices of the world, fixed by the whole course of life, were strong in the soul of the hero. They could be overcome only by life's trials, mental suffering, contact with real life. Pushkin shows in the novel the contradictions in Onegin's thinking and behavior, the struggle between the "old" and the "new" in his mind, comparing with other heroes of the novel: Lensky and Tatiana, intertwining their destinies. The complexity and inconsistency of Onegin's character is revealed primarily in his relationship with Tatyana. In the new neighbor she saw the ideal that had long been formed in her under the influence of books. The nobility and courage of Onegin correspond to her hidden views and democratic moods.

All the best, pure, bright, untouched by secular morality woke up in Onegin's soul:

I love your sincerity

She got excited

Feelings long gone.

But indifference to life, passivity, "desire for peace", indifference and inner emptiness then came into conflict in Onegin's soul with sincere feelings and defeated, suppressed him. He refused the love of a provincial dreamer. Even more tragic is the clash of "old" and "new" in Onegin's mind revealed in his relationship with Lensky. Onegin and Lensky stood out from the environment with their high intelligence and disdain for the prosaic life of their neighbors-landlords. However, they were completely opposite natures. One was a cold, disappointed skeptic, the other an enthusiastic romantic, an idealist.

"Find your way, find your place - that's all for a person,

V. G. Belinsky

Eugene Onegin is a typical figure for the noble youth of the twenties of the XIX century. A. S. Pushkin made it his task to show in the hero “that premature old age of the soul”, which has become the main feature of the younger generation of nobles.

Eugene Onegin is a contemporary of Pushkin and the Decembrists. Onegin, like many nobles, was not satisfied with either secular life, or the life of a landowner, or the career of an official. Disappointment is the main feature of the protagonist Pushkin, who turned out to be unable to find his own way. The honesty and nobility of Onegin, like many other young nobles, did not allow them to follow the beaten path of high society, and the habits inherited from past years and the lack of a clear goal in life prevented them from embarking on the path of struggle. Hence - the spleen, melancholy and a sense of the aimlessness of their existence. Pushkin was the first in Russian literature to think about the causes of this phenomenon. In the novel "Eugene Onegin" he created a vivid and tragic image of a young nobleman who never found his destination.

Onegin's upbringing was devoid of national foundations. French tutors taught him "everything in jest." Eugene, "having fun and luxury a child", received superficial, shallow knowledge. But how little one had to know and know in order to be considered a secular person:

He's completely French
Could speak and write;
Easily danced the mazurka
And bowed at ease;
What do you want more? We decided
That he is smart and very nice.

Not having a solid education, Onegin had a critical mind that helped him to comprehend the worthlessness and emptiness of secular society. He felt like a stranger and a superfluous person in high-society living rooms:

Neither the gossip of the world, nor Boston,
Neither a sweet look, nor an immodest sigh,
Nothing touched him
He didn't notice anything.

Good inclinations of Onegin were crushed by the environment in which he lived. Eugene's boredom, his melancholy, apathy is a kind of protest of the protagonist against the way of life of secular society. Here they are - the sources of the tragedy that Onegin begins to experience, moving away from the life of the world. Eugene is trying to change something in his lifestyle, striving for something useful:

Onegin locked himself at home,
Yawning, took up the pen,
I wanted to write - but hard work

He was tired...

Here, Pushkin's idea is very clearly traced that only in labor can a person show his creative abilities. The lack of useful activity again brings us to the answer to the question of why Eugene was not happy:

Having lived without a goal, without labor
Until the age of twenty-six
Languishing in idle leisure
No service, no wife, no business,
Couldn't do anything.

Onegin did not give himself up to useful activity, as he was in the company of such people who denied its necessity. The alleviation of the fate of the serfs, carried out by Onegin, meant a lot to them, but for Eugene himself it did not seem an important and great thing.

The tragedy of Onegin lies in the fact that, surpassing the people around him in honesty, decency, nobility, he is not able to resist them. Onegin wants to act, but does not know how. “To see fun, sadness, laughter, tears around you and to realize yourself as a stranger to life. At twenty-six, there is so much to go through without tasting life, to get tired without doing anything ... ”, - wrote V. G. Belinsky.

The complexity and inconsistency of Onegin's character are manifested in the scene of his duel with Lensky. Where did his decency and nobility go? The fear of public opinion prevails over the noble mind of Onegin. Observing the unspoken code of noble honor established by secular society, Yevgeny kills Lensky. Again, the protagonist of the novel is faced with a tragedy, deeply and sincerely repenting of his deed:

He could find feelings
And not to bristle like a beast;
He had to disarm
Young heart...

Onegin did not respond to Tatyana's living, sincere feeling. At the beginning of their relationship, he did not see his happiness, because he did not believe in love and did not want to exchange "his hateful freedom." By the time I realized my mistake, it was already too late. People with a sensitive soul, thinking a lot, are doomed to suffering. They, like Onegin, are forced to languish "in empty inaction." But Pushkin condemns not so much his main character as the secular environment that shaped the character of Onegin, who was doomed to inaction, was not capable of either selfless love or true friendship.

Onegin, according to Belinsky's just remark, is "an extra person", "a suffering egoist", "an unwillingly egoist". He became a stranger to the people of his circle, but was forced to live in this society, never finding an application for his abilities. But also the main geoy of the novel did not find a way to the people, whose needs and aspirations were so far from him and were not clear to him. That is why Pushkin turned out to be a tragic hero. “The forces of this rich nature were left without application, life without meaning, a romance without end!” (V. G. Belinsky.)

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is the greatest work of P. The poet worked on it for more than 7 years. The action of the novel takes place against a broad background of Russian reality in the 20s of the XIX century. The focus is on the life of the capital's nobility in the era of spiritual quest of the advanced noble intelligentsia. Conceived and begun in the years of public upsurge before the Decembrists' performance, the novel in its main chapters was created and ended after the defeat of the Decembrist movement. Pushkin showed the movement of history through the changing fates and characters of the main characters of the novel. The protagonist, after whom the novel is named, is Eugene Onegin. This is a young metropolitan aristocrat of the 20s of the XIX century, who received a typical secular education. Onegin was born into a wealthy but bankrupt noble family. His childhood was spent in isolation from the people, from everything Russian, national. He was brought up by French tutors. Upbringing and education were superficial and did not prepare him for real life. They taught him "everything jokingly", "something and somehow." But Onegin nevertheless received that minimum of knowledge that was considered mandatory in the nobility. He knew a bit of classical literature, Roman and Greek, history "from Romulus to the present day", had an idea about the political economy of Adam Smith. Impeccable French, elegant manners, wit and the art of keeping up the conversation make him in the eyes of society a brilliant representative of the youth of his time. Young Onegin strives to fully meet the ideal of a secular person. Wealth, luxury, enjoyment of life, brilliant success in society and among women - that's what attracts the protagonist of the novel.

It took Onegin about 8 years to secular life. But he was smart and stood well above the secular crowd. No wonder he felt disgusted with his empty idle life. "A sharp, chilled mind" and satiety with the pleasures of the world led to Onegin's deep disappointment, "the Russian melancholy took possession of him."

Languishing in boredom, Onegin tries to look for the meaning of life in any activity. His first attempt was literary work. But the education system did not teach him to work, so "nothing came out of his pen." Onegin began to read: "I read and read, but all to no avail."

In the village, he makes another attempt at practical activity:

In his wilderness, the desert sage,

And the slave blessed fate.

I replaced the quitrent with a light one: But even this activity, out of boredom, "just to spend time," did not capture Onegin. And he plunged into the blues again.

The prejudices of the world, fixed by the whole course of life, were strong in the soul of the hero. They could be overcome only by life's trials, mental suffering, contact with real life. Pushkin shows in the novel the contradictions in Onegin's thinking and behavior, the struggle between the "old" and the "new" in his mind, comparing with other heroes of the novel: Lensky and Tatiana, intertwining their destinies. The complexity and inconsistency of Onegin's character is revealed primarily in his relationship with Tatyana. In the new neighbor she saw the ideal that had long been formed in her under the influence of books. The nobility and courage of Onegin correspond to her hidden views and democratic moods.

All the best, pure, bright, untouched by secular morality woke up in Onegin's soul:

I love your sincerity

She got excited

Feelings long gone.

But indifference to life, passivity, "desire for peace", indifference and inner emptiness then came into conflict in Onegin's soul with sincere feelings and defeated, suppressed him. He refused the love of a provincial dreamer. Even more tragic is the clash of "old" and "new" in Onegin's mind revealed in his relationship with Lensky. Onegin and Lensky stood out from the environment with their high intelligence and disdain for the prosaic life of their neighbors-landlords. However, they were completely opposite natures. One was a cold, disappointed skeptic, the other an enthusiastic romantic, an idealist.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is the greatest work of P. The poet worked on it for more than 7 years. The action of the novel takes place against a broad background of Russian reality in the 20s of the XIX century. The focus is on the life of the capital's nobility

What is the drama of Onegin's fate? After all, the hero is smart, young, healthy, handsome, rich, and at the same time unhappy. The roots of what is the essence of the drama of Onegin's fate should be sought in the hero's childhood, then in his youth, which ran in vain and aimlessly, and his maturity will show the results of a colorless and empty life path. So we will meet for the first time with the "extra person".

Childhood Eugene

How does the author describe the carefree childhood of the hero? He was taught everything little by little, unsystematic, somehow and something. At the top, he was introduced to everything that is decent to know, without going deep, to a young secular man. Hence his some knowledge of Latin and a brilliant knowledge of French. He was probably more familiar to him than Russian, which he spoke with the servants. The first sign by which one can judge what the drama of Onegin's fate is is the absence of a systematic serious education that teaches you to set high goals in life and strive to achieve them.

Activities in youth

Our hero does not serve anywhere. He does not need to go to the regiment or to the office. Until noon, Onegin luxuriates in bed. At this time, they carry notes to him with invitations to a ball or a children's holiday.

Going through them, he does not know where to stop. Or maybe it will be a theater? After all, behind the scenes, he feels at home. And be sure to not only dress carefully, but also put your hands in order. He takes care of himself like an inveterate coquette. What is the drama of Onegin's fate? He is busy only with himself. Basically, no one cares about him anymore.

Ladies and Eugene

Onegin has a special interest in them. Captivate, turn your head and enjoy, being cool and indifferent, the result. But this is the wrong way. This is a road to nowhere. One victory, another, third, tenth, and it becomes completely boring. And then what? Everything is the same. All actions are worked out, like a good mechanism, since coquetry acts, or rather, follows precise and verified laws. There is no real feeling, there is a naked calculation - this is where the drama of Onegin's fate lies. She goes along the same track, not deviating anywhere.


Only thanks to his uncle, by chance, Eugene ended up in the village. He tried to introduce innovations, but he quickly got tired of everything, and Onegin got bored in this lovely corner. When a person is not looking for a goal in life, then everything is boring for him.

The only person whom Yevgeny noted for himself was Lensky. But Onegin did not spare him and betrayed him, courting Olga out of petty revenge. Lensky took the little diversion very seriously and was killed in a duel by his friend. Is this not the drama of Onegin's fate? The description of his thoughts that preceded the duel is a mixture of condemning himself for a stupid, unnecessary joke to anyone, and fear of how they will look at him if he refuses to duel, those whom he despises are village society.

First meeting with Tatiana

Tatyana does not stand alone in the novel. On the one hand, she is an ordinary county young lady, and on the other, she is a girl full of genuine poetry, whole and, if you look closely at her, contradictory. One simple example. She, according to the author, "knew Russian poorly, did not read our magazines." So what language does she speak with her nanny?

With Onegin and Lensky, of course, in French, but where did she get a pure sincere feeling for Onegin? From her French novels, which she read? How did the girl decide to declare her love for a man whom she had seen a few times? Onegin was right when he reprimanded her, "Inexperience leads to trouble." He is far from confident in himself and is ready to treat Tatyana only in a brotherly way. In addition, there was an ill-fated duel with Lensky, and Onegin leaves, trying to escape from himself. He did not guess in Tatyana the spiritual potential that was in her, although he immediately noted her eccentricity.

The ideal of a woman

And now, two years later, at a ball in St. Petersburg in front of him is a majestic grand lady. She is beautiful in her special simplicity, not a simpleton, but in the fact that her true “I” is her mind, knowledge, instinctive femininity, in which there is no mannerism, the ability to listen and talk calmly, all that she absorbed in the village, being in Onegin’s house and reading his books - everything now manifested itself in people, in high society.

She does not favor him, but as a cultured person she calmly treats him, not overestimating the requirements for the people around her, but not underestimating herself. It was her love for Onegin that allowed her to become worthy of the position that she now occupies. This love has become a constant stimulus for self-improvement. And when Onegin offers her the only thing he can offer - adultery, then she is truly offended. She cries, reading his letters, they burn her heart with sincerity of feeling, but Tatyana simply cannot answer as Onegin would like. She is married and that says it all.

So what is the drama of Onegin's fate? It is now easy to write an essay on this topic, because all the facts are presented to your attention.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is the greatest work of P. The poet worked on it for more than 7 years. The action of the novel takes place against a broad background of Russian reality in the 20s of the XIX century. The focus is on the life of the capital's nobility in the era of spiritual quest of the advanced noble intelligentsia. Conceived and begun in the years of public upsurge before the Decembrists' performance, the novel in its main chapters was created and ended after the defeat of the Decembrist movement. Pushkin showed the movement of history through the changing fates and characters of the main characters of the novel. The protagonist, after whom the novel is named, is Eugene Onegin. This is a young metropolitan aristocrat of the 20s of the XIX century, who received a typical secular education. Onegin was born into a wealthy but bankrupt noble family. His childhood was spent in isolation from the people, from everything Russian, national. He was brought up by French tutors. Upbringing and education were superficial and did not prepare him for real life. They taught him "everything jokingly", "something and somehow." But Onegin nevertheless received that minimum of knowledge that was considered mandatory in the nobility. He knew a bit of classical literature, Roman and Greek, history "from Romulus to the present day", had an idea about the political economy of Adam Smith. Impeccable French, elegant manners, wit and the art of keeping up the conversation make him in the eyes of society a brilliant representative of the youth of his time. Young Onegin strives to fully meet the ideal of a secular person. Wealth, luxury, enjoyment of life, brilliant success in society and among women - that's what attracts the protagonist of the novel.

It took Onegin about 8 years to secular life. But he was smart and stood well above the secular crowd. No wonder he felt disgusted with his empty idle life. "A sharp, chilled mind" and satiety with the pleasures of the world led to Onegin's deep disappointment, "the Russian melancholy took possession of him."

Languishing in boredom, Onegin tries to look for the meaning of life in any activity. His first attempt was literary work. But the education system did not teach him to work, so "nothing came out of his pen." Onegin began to read: "I read and read, but all to no avail."

In the village, he makes another attempt at practical activity:

In his wilderness, the desert sage,

And the slave blessed fate.

I replaced the quitrent with a light one: But even this activity, out of boredom, "just to spend time," did not capture Onegin. And he plunged into the blues again.

The prejudices of the world, fixed by the whole course of life, were strong in the soul of the hero. They could be overcome only by life's trials, mental suffering, contact with real life. Pushkin shows in the novel the contradictions in Onegin's thinking and behavior, the struggle between the "old" and the "new" in his mind, comparing with other heroes of the novel: Lensky and Tatiana, intertwining their destinies. The complexity and inconsistency of Onegin's character is revealed primarily in his relationship with Tatyana. In the new neighbor she saw the ideal that had long been formed in her under the influence of books. The nobility and courage of Onegin correspond to her hidden views and democratic moods.

All the best, pure, bright, untouched by secular morality woke up in Onegin's soul:

I love your sincerity

She got excited

Feelings long gone.

But indifference to life, passivity, "desire for peace", indifference and inner emptiness then came into conflict in Onegin's soul with sincere feelings and defeated, suppressed him. He refused the love of a provincial dreamer. Even more tragic is the clash of "old" and "new" in Onegin's mind revealed in his relationship with Lensky. Onegin and Lensky stood out from the environment with their high intelligence and disdain for the prosaic life of their neighbors-landlords. However, they were completely opposite natures. One was a cold, disappointed skeptic, the other an enthusiastic romantic, an idealist.

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