Sniper auction. eBay sniper software

Each Buyer with experience has its own bidding strategy. Buying a valuable lot, not bringing the auction to a high price, but leaving it as profitable as possible is a real talent. Sometimes for interesting offers on eBay, a whole online struggle begins among numerous competing buyers. As a result, sometimes it happens that the lot goes at a price that exceeds its real value. But it's all about passion and perseverance, which in this case is not a plus.

Alternative - Proxy Bidding

To some extent, this problem can be solved by the Proxy Bidding feature, which is presented to all eBay Buyers in the public domain. With this key, the user sets the maximum price that he is willing to make for the lot (it will be invisible to other participants in the auction). The system itself starts bidding without the participation of the Buyer, gradually increasing the price in case of receipt of competitive offers. But she will not step over the established “threshold”. The disadvantage of this function is that often the Buyer even wins the lot, but its price will not be the most profitable, because the auction still continues and cannot be “replayed”. Using Proxy Bidding, the Buyer cannot cancel or change the price maximum. And according to the rules of an online auction, if a user wins a lot, he must purchase it.

eBay Snipers - eBay sniper software

Just for such situations, the so-called "sniper" programs are excellent - online services that are actively used by experienced eBay Buyers. Such programs were opened by companies that decided to capitalize on the needs of modern users. The sniper scheme for the eBay auction works elementarily. Buyers with experience, as a rule, do not actively participate in the auction and do not drive competitors with new rates. They offer a "bomb" bid seconds before the end of the online auction. And this rate will be slightly higher than the previous one. This scheme is the basis of the "sniper" programs.

eBay Snipers services come in two types:

  1. Programs that you can install on your computer as a separate program. Minus: The computer must be turned on during bidding. The connection speed greatly affects the operation of the program.
  2. web services. A plus: user-friendly interface, often integrated into the browser. In a special footnote with data about the lot, you just need to enter the threshold bid and time.

First you need to download the eBay sniper, register, connect to the service. Having entered the trading platform, the Buyer sets the lot number and its maximum value. Sniper will place the winning bid seconds before the end of the online auction. If the price maximum set by the Buyer was not previously exceeded, then the lot will be his. A plus such a program - it makes the lowest and most profitable rates for the Buyer, focusing on those offered by competitors.

Other features of work:

  1. To guarantee a win, the bid made by the Buyer must take into account the bid increment of the auction and must not be in round tens. The auction will often be won by the one who bid, for example, $31.01, and not his competitor with $31.00.
  2. The time of setting the bet also plays a role. For example, in other online auctions, if two users made the same maximum bid at once (for example, $200), the system will choose the Buyer who did it earlier as the winner.
  3. As practice shows, it is most profitable to participate in the auction at the “inconvenient” time, on a working day. And with the help of a "sniper" this problem is easily solved.


Basically, "sniper" services are paid and cost from $45 per year. From time to time you can see cheaper or completely free programs, but for their use confidential data is requested to access your eBay account, which cannot but alert. Read more about hacking and theft of logins and passwords here.

List of popular "sniper" applications.

This topic is quite old, but in my experience, not everyone knows about it. I will talk about the service which is popularly called "sniper".
Basically, its essence is quite simple:
Place a bid on a tracked lot at the right time and win that lot. One accurate but winning shot. That's why it's called a sniper.

But first, let's discuss a little.
If you often buy on ebay, then you know that the most delicious prices are usually those for which the price is set using the auction.
The principle of the auction is simple: the goods are taken by the one who will give the highest price at the end of this very auction. While the auction is running, anyone can place their bid.
And this is the disadvantage for the buyer. The more bids, the higher the price.
It happens especially often when several people fight for a lot, raising the price tag often even higher than the average price. This is of course good for the seller. But we go to ebay to buy and not to sell.
And this is where the sniper service will help us.
I personally use the service

I have been using it for over 10 years and have won dozens of auctions with it. Therefore, I can recommend the service.

In order to start using it, we go into your personal account using your ebay login and password (yes, the paranoids are tense here, but it's up to you whether to trust or not.)

The site interface is simple to disgrace. It seems to me that it has not changed even once in all the ten years that I have been using it:

In order to add the required auction lot, use the lot ID. It is taken from the page here:

As part of the article, I will not talk about exactly how to choose the right auction. But for example, I’ll take a lot with the sale of a used Nintendo switch console (in your case, it can be absolutely any product)

Add the lot ID number to mybidder, specify the maximum price you are willing to pay and wait for the lot to end:

In the settings, you can set the time for placing a bid before the end of the lot. I usually set it to 3 seconds. A live person who tracks the lot, fought for it, placed bets, it is unlikely that he will have time to react. And the lot will be ours.
Now we are waiting for the auction time to come to an end, and three seconds before the end of the auction, the sniper will make his shot.
Do not worry that if the lot price is $300 and the amount you declared is $400, the sniper makes a $400 bid. Everything is well thought out here too. The minimum bid is set based on the auction step. Therefore, it happens here that with a set price of one amount, the auction works for a smaller amount. And it's very convenient.

It is also worth considering the situation when you have 2-4-7 on your note, etc. lots. But the product itself is needed only one. In the settings, you can group the product, and if one of these products is the winning one, the rest of the bids and products will be canceled.
The fact that you won or lost, the sniper will notify the mailbox.

I recently bought myself a smartphone. I looked at several lots, decided on the price and added them to the list, just waited. As a result, the smartphone was won at a very tasty price. And with the help of a sniper.
That's all. Use the method. And buy well.

The Proxy Bidding system works. If you place a bet, you may see a lower value instead. The thing is that your bet will be equal to the bet of the previous game + the minimum step. For example, the current bid at the auction is $15. If you bid $20, then due to Proxy Bidding your current bid becomes 15 + 1 (minimum step) = $16. If another buyer bids higher, for example $17, then thanks to Proxy Bidding your bid will become $18 (17 + the minimum step). Proxy Bidding is generally good for the eBay buyer because allows you to buy goods cheaper. The only problem is that Proxy Bidding can stir up interest in the auction, and gamblers can be forced to purchase goods more expensive than they planned to spend (although of course no one forces them to make higher bids).

Some bidders have become adept at bidding in the closing seconds of an auction. Such a strategy can be very profitable, allowing you to buy cheap lots that other buyers have not paid attention to. Of course, the most popular items can not often be purchased much cheaper, but with rarer ones you can try your luck. Of course, in order to bid in the last seconds of an auction, you need to keep track of when it ends.

Tracking can be inconvenient for several reasons:

  • end of the auction at night,

  • unstable internet,

  • tracking multiple auctions.

The eBay sniper application, which can be offered as an online service, application for Windows, Android, iOS, allows you to get rid of the inconvenience, as well as nervous work with rates. It is important to understand that the eBay sniper does not guarantee winning the auction.

Caveat: To place a bid, the eBay sniper must have access to your eBay account. The auction itself does not have a way to grant access to a third-party application with limited permissions, so in order to work with the eBay sniper, you have to provide him with an eBay login and password. Accordingly, there is no guarantee that your personal data will not be in the hands of intruders. For this reason, using free or pirated eBay snipers is even more risky.

One of the popular online snipers for eBay. You can use it for free if you make no more than 1 bid per day and at the same time participate in only one auction.

Myibidder offers , which is free to use for 30 days. After the trial period, the app can be purchased for $15.
Myibidder also offers a free online service for eBay sniping.
for iOS costs $1. At the same time, it comes with 10 free snipes (bets). Only snipes won are counted. All snipes up to $10 are also free. Additional snipes are sold through the app.
Myibidder for Android is a free app, but you can also purchase a PRO version.

Old trusted mail broker Rusbid also offers an online eBay sniping service. Rates from $1, but are cheaper for expensive items. The big disadvantage of their service is that the operator makes the bids, so it is recommended to add them a few hours before the end of the auction. Plus, of course, it is better to evaluate the cost of delivery services to Russia before you replenish your account with this intermediary and place a bet.

Have you used eBay snipers? Which one do you prefer?

On the same page, we want to tell you about a specific software product, the first Russian-language auction sniper, which deservedly gained considerable popularity over almost 2 years of its existence.

Fully automatic assistant - sniper Rapidcatch, according to many users, is unique in its kind. This product will help you to bet on any branch of the eBay auction in a matter of seconds before the end of the auction, become the winner of the auction and, accordingly, the owner of the goods.

You do not participate in the auction on eBay, so as not to "inflate" the price and not create a stir - the bid is made by the sniper automatically and only one - a few seconds before the end of the auction, so that opponents do not have time to react and raise the price with a response bid. As you know, a large number of rates gives bidders excitement and provokes a strong price increase. This service will help you avoid this. The interface is simple and functional, but let's first analyze in detail the main benefits that you will get using this sniper, the main one of which is saving money.

saving money. Other bidders cannot evaluate your interest in this product, because you don't bet. The sniper will automatically bid at the very last moment, leaving no time for competitors to react and raise the price.

the freedom of action. The freedom of action. You should not sit at the monitor for hours and wait for the end of the auction, afraid that someone will outbid your bid. Rapidcatch does not require you to be personally present, or have a computer turned on, or highly reliable access to the Internet. It works for you 24 hours a day. All you need to do is enter the lot number and the maximum bid.

Completeness of information. The service will allow you to monitor similar lots by placing them in one folder, so that you can then choose the one that suits you best for the price and instruct Rapidcatch to place a bid on it.

Functionality. The service can track dozens of lots at once and automatically bid on any of them. You can set the maximum acceptable price and if during the auction the price rises above the set one, the bid will not be placed. If you have multiple eBay accounts - Rapidcatch can bid on different items using multiple eBay accounts you specify.

There's time to change your mind. You can always adjust your maximum bid and, if necessary, remove a lot from the list of those that you need to bid on, if, for example, you change your mind about buying or choose a cheaper option. This program compares favorably with the usual process of placing bids on eBay (Proxy Bidding), where by setting the maximum price in your eBay account, you are obliged to buy the item if your bid wins.

Cheap and flexible payment. One of the main advantages of Rapidcatch is that you can use this service absolutely free of charge, having tried all its advantages. And then, if you wish, pay for a subscription to this service for any period of 1 month. The price of relatively equivalent and equally reliable Western analogues is extremely low, and the flexibility of the subscription terms generally favorably distinguishes Rapidcatch from many English-speaking competitors, because. many services require you to immediately pay for the use of a sniper for a year in advance.

History of appearance

Rapidcatch- a pioneer among Russian-speaking snipers, he was the first and no doubt remains the best. Let's make a short digression into the history of the appearance of this program - it is undoubtedly interesting.

The frantically growing popularity of the eBay auction and the many benefits that users get using auction snipers (you have already read about them above) have forced many to use the services of various "sniper" services from foreign companies. But difficulties arose at every step: these snipers were either too expensive, or problems arose with technical support, in which, apart from English, they did not understand another language, and sometimes it happened that small, as a rule, companies paid insufficient attention to security and login and password from an eBay account (and the specificity of "snipers" obliges them to report them when using the service) became the prey of intruders.

Statistics show that an ordinary user is not always able to read ten pages of English text in detail and clearly understand the specifics of the work of a particular sniper, the conditions for its use, etc., so it happened that by subscribing to one or another "sniper service" at a low price (for example, $ 2 per month) and paying it with a credit card, users after some time found that much larger amounts were withdrawn from the cards - and the fault was that many, due to the language barrier, could not read the user agreement, where it was said that the prices for use could be raised without warning.

With the technical support of English-speaking snipers, incidents generally occurred and occur regularly. Then the answers to users' questions are given on the so-called. “slang”, then suddenly the company stops selling this product altogether, leaving all customers without any support and much more. Therefore, the first Russian-speaking auction sniper with full-fledged Russian support was initially doomed to success, and the creators of Rapidcatch also showed themselves to be professionals and, as a result, against the backdrop of a mass of auction snipers appearing and disappearing like clouds, Rapidcatch managed to not only hold out, but also become enough popular. The Rapidcatch service is constantly being improved, becoming more reliable, convenient, functional, while remaining simple and understandable.

About Myibidder Sniper:
1. For example, the current auction bid is $100. I loaded the sniper for $150. Will he shoot $150 or just one step?
2. What should be done to beat an opponent who can bet more?
3. I need a phone charger. There are a lot of sellers on eBay with such chargers, but I only need one charger.
4. What else is delicious for Myibidder and browsers?

About the client program:
1. What is the client program and how can it be useful to me?
2. What systems does the client program run on?

About the sniper in general:

1. What is sniping?
Sniping is a way of bidding in an auction where the bid comes in in the last seconds. Thus, the opponents have no time to react to this new bet and raise theirs.
With the help of sniping, you can buy goods much cheaper than with the usual struggle on eBay.

2. What is a sniper?
A sniper is a service or program that monitors auctions and places a bid in the last seconds.
This is a fully automatic system. It is only necessary for her to set the auction and her maximum bid (snipe).

3. Why does sniping work? Why is it better than regular Proxy Bidding?
It works because, fortunately, not everyone understands how Proxy Bidding works. For many people, this is an insurmountable psychological barrier.
Let's look at examples.
Participants Vasya and Petya. Everyone wants to buy the same product. Starting price $100. For simplicity, the step will be equal to $1.

Simple example 1 (no sniper):
1) An experienced buyer Vasya comes, who agrees to pay about $140 for the goods (after all, it costs $175 in the store). Vasya sees an auction with a starting price of $100.
Vasya bids $140 because he knows what Proxy Bidding is and how it works.
The first bet does not increase the current price by one step, so it remains at the level of $100 and Vasya wins for now (there are no opponents).
Vasya happily goes to the garage to repair his old moped.
2) Petya came. He does not understand what Proxy Bidding is and what it is eaten with, so he does not bother about things that he does not understand or does not want to understand.
Petya saw an auction with a price of $100, where there is only one buyer. Petya wanted this thing for a long time and so he decided to make a bet.
The next bet due to the step is $100 + $1 = $101, so Petya bets $101.
Proxy Bidding automatically increases the current price to $102 (Petya's bid plus a step since Vasya bid much higher).
Without hesitation, Petya strikes back and bets $103. Proxy Bidding again raises one step and the current bid is $104.
It was getting dark.. After a long struggle and a couple of broken buttons on the computer, Petya takes the lead with the current stake of $141!

The auction has ended. The dust had settled after the battle. Parents call their children home for dinner.
Vasya returned home. The moped still does not work, and then he also finds out that his bet was outbid and he lost.

It would seem that everything is fine. Vasya could win if he simply placed a higher bet and Proxy Bidding would support him in this.
But the problem is that Petya made his bids as a reaction to the work of Proxy Bidding because of Vasya's initial high bid.

Let's add some heat to the fight...
3) Vasya received an e-mail on his laptop in the garage that someone outbid his bet. Vasya is angry and strikes back by increasing his bet to $170.
4) Petya does not lag behind and raises the bet to $171 in small steps.
5) Vasya really wants to win, because so much time has already been spent on it, the moped is already infuriating, the screwdriver has rolled behind the cabinet, the crocodile is not caught, the coconut is not growing and all that. Vasya is angry. Vasya bets $200!
6) Petya is no longer surprised. He makes a few bets up to $180, and then he gets bored and unhappy with leaving to play Counter Strike. The current price becomes $181. Vasya is the leader.
7) The auction has ended. Vasya starts to cool down. Moped out of fear pulled a screwdriver from behind the cabinet.
Vasya just now realized that the auction ended for $181 when he planned to buy it for no more than $140. Moreover, he overpaid for it, because in the store the exact same one costs $175.

In the first case, Vasya lost due to the fact that he showed his interest in the product and the opponent had the opportunity to interrupt him.
In the second case, although Vasya won, he overpaid because he was emotionally involved in the fight.

Let's add a sniper to example 1:
1) Vasya saw the auction, but did not bid. Instead, he charged the sniper for $150.
2) Petya came. I saw that the auction is worth $100. Petya made a bet of $100 and calmed down, as he is currently in the lead.
Petya downloaded Duke Nukem to save humanity from evil spirits.
3) There are a few seconds left before the end of the auction, and then a snipe from Vasya comes into play, who makes a $150 bet. The current bet becomes $101 (Peter $100 + $1 = $101). The auction ends.
4) Petya has two messages on his mobile phone at once - someone outbid him and the auction is over. Vasya was killed by some monster in the game. 0:1

The sniper hides interest until the last seconds of the auction so that the opponent simply does not have time to react and place a higher bid.
Also, the sniper eliminates the emotional struggle, because of which you can easily overpay and be in the red. Indeed, in the last example, Vasya had to stop and just look for another auction with the same product

4. What makes Myibidder a sniper especially good?
The first advantage is that Myibidder is a completely free service.
He has access through a browser, so you do not need to install anything on your computer, and you can access your snaps from any device with a modern browser and the Internet.
Sniper is available at this link:

5. Free service? After all, only cheese in a mousetrap is free. What does Myibidder live on?
Myibidder lives on donations from its users and on the sale of a Windows client program that helps you control your snipes in a more convenient way.
The purchase of the program is not required, but the profit from sales goes to support the free Myibidder service.

About Myibidder Sniper:

1. For example, the current auction bid is $100. I loaded the sniper for $150. Will he shoot $150 or just one step?
The sniper will shoot for $150, but the final auction price will be equal to the opponent's previous bid plus a step.
If there are no other rates higher, then in this case it will be $100 + $2.50 = $102.50.
If there is another opponent's bid, say $120, then the final price will be $120 + $2.50 = $122.50.
If the opponent bids higher than $150, say $180, then the auction will end at $150 + $2.50 = $152.50 and the opponent will win because they were willing to pay more.

2. What should be done to beat an opponent who can bet more?
There are two ways here:
a) Raise your maximum to the current maximum you are willing to pay up to. That is, if the goods are a little more expensive, then the purchase is not interesting.

Find another auction. Fortunately, most items on eBay are sold by different sellers and there is always a choice if you suddenly lost the auction.

3. I need a phone charger. There are a lot of sellers on eBay with such chargers, but I only need one charger.
Myibidder sniper has a Groups feature. It is possible to group all snipes with chargers into one Group and put "1" in the win limit.
When the sniper wins the first auction in the Group, the rest will automatically be cancelled.
The only feature of Groups that you need to pay attention to is that there must be a minimum of 30 seconds or more between auctions so that the sniper can cancel the rest of the snipe.

4. What else is delicious for Myibidder and browsers?
There is an add-on for the Firefox browser that adds a "Snipe it" button to the auction page to make it easier to add to your snipes:
There is also an extension for Google Chrome browser:

About the client program:

1. What is the client program and how can it be useful to me?
The client program helps to work with your snipes in a more convenient way without the participation of a browser.
There is a demo version of the client program, which is available for download and purchase at
The demo version is fully functional (can do real snaps on eBay) for 30 days.
Buying a client program is not required to use the sniper. The Myibidder sniper service itself is free, so there will be no monthly, annual or other fees when purchasing the program. The money goes to support the Myibidder Sniper.

2. What systems does the client program run on?
At the moment the client program works on all versions of Windows (Windows 7 32/64-bit, Windows Vista, 2000, XP, 98).

MacOS X:
There is also a beta version for Mac OS X (10.4 and above) available on the forum:
For the duration of the beta testing, the client for Mac OS X is free. When the program leaves beta testing, users will receive a free key as a thank you.

At the moment, Myibidder client is being developed for the Android platform.
You can download a fully functional version from the Android Market:
Supports Android 1.6 and above.

Seems to be right. Although, I personally did not ask, but only advised this sniper in the next thread.

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