Death of Bazarov: one of the most important episodes of the novel "Fathers and Sons. "Trial by Death"

The episode of Bazarov's death is one of the most important in the work. Being the denouement of the idea of ​​the work, this episode plays a key role in the novel, being the answer to the question: "Is it possible to live, rejecting all human feelings and recognizing only reason?"

Bazarov returns home to his parents a person different from what he was before. He begins to avoid the loneliness that used to be an integral part of his life and helped him to work.

He is always looking for company: he drinks tea in the living room, walks in the forest with his father, because being alone becomes unbearable for him. Alone, his thoughts are taken over by Odintsova, the woman he loves, who destroyed his unshakable faith in the absence of romantic feelings. Because of this, Bazarov becomes less attentive and less focused on work. And, due to this very inattention, he receives a slight cut, which later became fatal for him.

Bazarov, as an experienced doctor, is well aware that he has little time left to live. Understanding the imminent inevitable death tears off the mask of insensibility from him. He worries about his parents and tries to protect them from worries, hiding the disease from them to the last. When Bazarov’s condition worsens completely, and he stops getting out of bed, it doesn’t even occur to him to complain about the pain. He reflects on life, sometimes inserting his characteristic ironic jokes.

Realizing that he had very little time left, Bazarov asks to send Odintsova to see her for the last time before his death. She arrives dressed all in black, as if to a funeral. Seeing the dying Bazarov, A.S. finally realizes that he does not love him. Bazarov tells her everything about what is in his soul. He still does not complain, but only talks about life and his role in it. When E. B. asks Odintsova to give him a glass of water, she does not even take off her gloves and timidly breathes in fear of becoming infected. This once again proves the lack of romantic feelings in her towards Bazarov. The dying Bazarov still has a small spark of hope for reciprocity of love, and he asks for her kiss. A. S. fulfills his request, but kisses him only on the forehead, that is, in the way that the dead are usually kissed. For her, the death of Bazarov is not an important event, and she has already mentally said goodbye to him.

Analyzing this episode, we see that the illness and understanding of imminent death finally turns Bazarov from an independent nihilist into an ordinary person with his own weaknesses. In his last days, he no longer harbors any feelings and opens his soul. And he dies a strong man, without complaining or showing pain. Odintsova's behavior shows her lack of love for Bazarov. Her visit to the dying man is only politeness, but not the desire to see the hero for the last time and say goodbye.

This episode is inextricably linked with others in this work. It is the denouement of the main conflict of the work, logically continuing the whole idea of ​​the novel, and especially chapter 24. In this chapter, a duel takes place between Kirsanov and Bazarov, which is why the latter has to go back home to his parents.

From all of the above, we can conclude that this episode plays one of the key roles in the work. Being a denouement, it brings to an end the story of a man who rejected all feelings, and shows that it is still impossible to live, denying human joys and being guided only by reason.

In the 60s of the XIX century, Russia was embraced by a new trend of "nihilists" and J.S. Turgenev studies its foundations, its directions with interest. He creates a wonderful novel "Fathers and Sons", the main character of which is an ardent representative of the nihilists.

Appears before readers. Throughout the novel, the author tries to reveal the features of his character, demeanor, habits and life principles.

Eugene was a hardworking person who studied natural sciences, devoted all his time to research. The hero is of the opinion that society needs only useful sciences, such as physics, mathematics or chemistry. They can be much more useful than ordinary poetry and poems.

Bazarov is blind in relation to the surrounding beauties of nature, he does not perceive art, does not believe in religion. According to the principles of the nihilists, he is trying to destroy everything that the ancestors left and handed over. In his opinion, it is necessary to clear the place in order to create something new. But, creation is no longer his concern.

The main character is extremely smart and witty. He is independent and independent. However, such a position in life is quite dangerous, because it fundamentally contradicts the normal laws of human existence.

Deep changes take place in the soul of the hero after he falls in love with Anna Odintsova. Now Eugene understands what feelings are, what romance is. And most importantly, the emotions that have appeared are absolutely not subject to reason, they are difficult to manage. Everything that Eugene lived before is destroyed. All the life theories of the nihilists are dispelled. Bazarov does not know how to live on.

To put things in order in his thoughts, the hero leaves for his parents' house. And then misfortune befalls him. At the autopsy of a typhoid patient, Eugene becomes infected with a virus. Now, he will die! But, the desire to live in it flared up more and more. He understood that neither chemistry nor medicine would save him from death. And at such a moment, Bazarov thinks about the existence of a real God, who could miraculously correct the whole situation.

He asks his parents to pray for him. Right now, just before his death, Eugene understands the value of life. He looks differently at his parents, who were madly in love with their son. He rethinks his love for Anna. He calls Odintsova to him, goodbye and the woman fulfills the request of Eugene. It is in moments of communication with his beloved that Bazarov reveals the true essence of his soul. Only now he realizes that he lived his life completely pointlessly, that he left nothing behind.

Turgenev's hero was endowed with intelligence, strength, and diligence. He was a good man who fell under the influence of nihilism. And what happened in the end? It was nihilism that killed all human impulses in his soul, destroyed all the bright dreams that a person can aspire to.

Bazarov in the face of death is one of the most striking images created by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in his famous work Fathers and Sons. This work became a landmark for the generation that grew up in the 60s of the XIX century. Many perceived this hero as an ideal, a role model.

Roman Turgenev

Bazarov appears in the face of death at the very end of this novel. His actions take place in 1859, on the eve of the peasant reform, which forever abolished serfdom in Russia. The main characters are Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. These are young people who come to visit the Maryino estate with their father and uncle Arkady. Bazarov develops a difficult and tense relationship with the older Kirsanovs, as a result of which he is forced to move out of them. Arkady, carried away by his comrade, goes after him. In a provincial town they find themselves in the company of progressive youth.

Later, at a dinner party at the governor's, they meet Odintsova, perhaps the main female character in the novel. Bazarov and Kirsanov go to her estate called Nikolskoye. Both of them are infatuated with this woman. Bazarov even confesses his love to her, but this only frightens Odintsova. Eugene is again forced to leave. This time again, together with Arkady, he goes to his parents. They love their son too much. Bazarov is soon frankly tired of this, so he returns to Maryino. There he has a new hobby - the girl's name is Fenechka. They kiss, and it turns out that Fenechka is the mother of Arkady's father's illegitimate son. All this leads to a duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Arkady's uncle.

Meanwhile, Arkady himself goes to Nikolskoye alone and stays with Odintsova. True, he is not fond of the mistress of the estate, but of her sister, Katya. Bazarov also comes to Nikolskoye. He explains with Odintsova, apologizes for his feelings.

The fate of the heroes

The novel ends with Bazarov, having said goodbye to his friend, leaving for his parents. He helps his father in a difficult task - the treatment of patients with typhus. During the operation, he accidentally cut himself during the autopsy of another deceased and contracted a fatal infection.

Before his death, he asks Odintsova to see him for the last time. The fate of the rest of the characters is as follows: the progressive Pavel Petrovich goes abroad, Nikolai Petrovich marries Fenechka, and Arkady Kirsanov marries her sister, Katya Odintsova.

Problems of the novel

In Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", as a result of Bazarov, it turns out to be in the face of love and death. The author's decision to complete his work with the death of the protagonist says a lot about the intention that the creator had. Turgenev's Bazarov dies in the finale. Therefore, it is so important to understand why the author treated him this way, why the description of this death is so important for understanding the meaning of the whole work. A detailed study of the episode dedicated to the death of the central character helps to answer these questions. How does Bazarov find himself in the face of death? You can find a summary of the denouement of the novel in this article.

The image of Evgeny Bazarov

Describing the main character of his work, the author notes that Bazarov was the son of a doctor. When he grew up, he decided to continue his father's work. The author himself characterizes him as an intelligent and cynical person. At the same time, somewhere inside, in the depths of his soul, he remains attentive, sensitive and kind.

Bazarov has a specific life position, which in subsequent years received a large number of adherents and supporters. Eugene denies any moral values ​​of contemporary society, as well as morality and any ideals. Moreover, he does not recognize any art, he does not perceive love, which is sung by many poets, since he considers it to be pure physiology. At the same time, he does not recognize any authorities in life, believing that each person should focus only on himself, not following anyone.


Bazarov is a supporter of nihilism, but at the same time he differs from other young people who adhere to a similar philosophy, for example, from Kukshin or Sitnikov. For them, the denial of everything around is nothing more than a mask that helps to hide their own failure and callous deep vulgarity.

Bazarov is not at all like them. He does not prevaricate at all, defending his views with his characteristic ardor. He believes that the main thing for which a person should live is work that benefits the whole society. At the same time, Eugene condescendingly treats most of those around him, even despises many of them, puts him below himself.

Meeting with Odintsova

This life philosophy of Bazarov, in the inviolability of which he was sure, changed radically after meeting with Odintsova. Bazarov truly falls in love for the first time, and after that he realizes how much his beliefs diverge from the truths of life.

The collapse of ideals

The main character of Turgenev's novel feels that love is not only physiology, but also a real, strong feeling. An epiphany sets in, which changes a lot in the hero's worldview. All his beliefs are crumbling, and after them his whole life loses its meaning. Turgenev could write about how this person eventually abandons his ideals, turning into an average person. Instead, he puts Bazarov in the face of death.

It is worth recognizing that the death of the hero happens stupidly and largely by accident. It becomes the result of a small cut that was obtained during the autopsy of the body of a person who died of typhus. However, death was not at all sudden. Knowing that he was ill, Bazarov was able to evaluate what had been done and realize the extent of what he would never accomplish. It is noteworthy how Bazarov behaves in the face of death. He doesn't look scared or confused. Instead, Eugene is strong, surprisingly calm and steadfast, almost unflappable. The reader begins at these moments to feel for him not pity, but sincere respect.

Death of Bazarov

At the same time, the author does not let us forget that Bazarov is still an ordinary person who has various weaknesses. No one perceives his death indifferently, and therefore Eugene frankly worries. He constantly thinks about what he could still do, about the power that is in him, but has remained unspent.

At the same time, Bazarov remains ironic and cynical to the last in the face of death. Quote "Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it!" it only confirms. Here, behind the irony of the hero, we can consider bitter regret about the passing minutes. In the last moments of his life, he longs for a meeting with his beloved woman, with whom he could not be together. Bazarov, in the face of death, asks Odintsova to come to him. She fulfills this wish.

On his deathbed, the protagonist softens to his parents, realizing that in reality they have always occupied an important place in his life, shaped his essence and worldview. Everyone would probably like to look like Bazarov in the face of death. He calmly analyzes everything done during his short but fruitful life, which he devoted to science, wanting to benefit his country. Death for the protagonist is not only the cessation of physical existence, but also a sign that Russia does not really need him. All his dreams to change something end in virtually nothing. The physical death of the protagonist is preceded by the death of his views. Together with Bazarov, his genius also dies, as well as his powerful character and sincere convictions.

The question of why Turgenev killed his hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons" - Yevgeny Bazarov, was of interest to many. Herzen said on this occasion that the author of the novel wanted to kill his hero with "lead", that is, with a bullet, but he killed him with typhus, because he did not accept much in him. Is it so? Maybe the reason lies much deeper? So why did Bazarov die?

Why Turgenev killed Bazarov

And the answer lies in life itself, in the political and social situation of that time. Opportunities in order to implement the aspirations of raznochintsy for democratic reforms, the social conditions of Russia in those years did not give. In addition, they remained cut off from the people they were drawn to and fought for. They were not able to carry out the titanic task that they set for themselves. They could fight, but they could not win. They were stamped with doom. It turns out that Eugene was doomed to death and defeat, to the fact that his deeds would not come true. Turgenev was sure that the Bazarovs had come, but their time had not yet come.

The death of the protagonist of "Fathers and Sons"

Answering the question of what Bazarov died from, we can say that the cause was blood poisoning. He injured his finger while opening up the corpse of a typhus patient he was treating. But most likely, the reasons lie much deeper. How did the hero accept his death, how did he treat it? How did Bazarov die?

At first, Bazarov tried to fight the disease by asking his father for a hellish stone. Realizing that he is dying, he ceases to cling to life and gives himself into the hands of death rather passively. It is clear to him that to comfort both himself and others with the hope of healing is a vain thing. Now the main thing is to die with dignity. And this means not to relax, not to whimper, not to give in to despair, not to panic and do everything to alleviate the suffering of old parents. Such concern for loved ones before death elevates Bazarov.

He himself has no fear of death, he is not afraid to part with life. During these hours, he is very courageous, which is confirmed by his words that he will not wag his tail anyway. But his resentment does not leave him because his heroic forces are perishing in vain. He demonstrates his power. Raising a chair by the leg, weakened and dying out, he says, “The power, the power is still here, but you have to die!”. He overcomes his semi-forgetfulness and at the same time speaks of his titanism.

The way Bazarov died looks random and ridiculous. He is young, himself a doctor and anatomist. Therefore, his death looks symbolic. Medicine and natural sciences, which Bazarov hoped so much for, turn out to be insufficient for life. His philanthropy turned out to be misunderstood, because he dies just because of an ordinary peasant. His nihilism is also inexplicable, because now life denies him.

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