A hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly increases the speed of the Internet. Increasing the speed of the Internet on a smartphone: the most effective ways

It is not always possible to use wired Internet, for example, in a country house, in a country house, in a new office, and mobile Internet does not work well or even disappears. In order not to burn nerve cells, trying to download a video or a heavy page for 10 minutes, you can buy an antenna amplifier. This article is devoted to one of the modern models - HiTE HYBRID, which helps to increase the speed of both 3G and 4G (LTE) Internet, does not require long settings (it took me no more than five minutes to connect) and is connected using one cable, through which both power and data transfer takes place.

The HiTE HYBRID antenna amplifies the signal using MIMO technology, which greatly increases the quality and stability of the Internet connection. The declared antenna gain for 4G is 2 × 16 dBi, for 3G - 2 × 13 dBi.

In addition, the Internet can be distributed through a router: HiTE HYBRID is compatible with all routers, and you can connect it to both a PC and a router.

We tested the HiTE HYBRID antenna for 4G signal amplification and got good results not only in Internet speed, but also in the convenience of installing and configuring the antenna.

By the way, since the 4G Internet is far from ubiquitous, in the absence of it, the antenna amplifies the 3G signal, and this deserves special mention.

Already now and for the future

Now all mobile operators are switching from 3G to the fourth generation Internet, but still 4G coverage is not everywhere.

It turns out that if you decide to amplify the 3G signal, you need to buy an antenna for this particular reception frequency, and in a year or two, when the 4G coverage area reaches your area, you will have to buy a new one.

With HiTE HYBRID such troubles are excluded. It amplifies 3G and 4G signals and selects the best, so you don't have to worry about frequencies or buying new equipment.

Complete set and setup

In the box you will find the antenna itself and a neatly folded PoE adapter, Ethernet connection cable, power adapter and mount.

Antenna and accessories in the box

The HiTE HYBRID antenna has a durable and fully sealed metal and plastic housing with dimensions of 250 × 250 × 75 mm and a weight of 2 kg.

Antenna housing with waterproof connectors

Of course, it is best if the antenna is installed outdoors, on the roof of a building or on a bracket outside the window. In this case, you can achieve maximum gain.

Working temperature range from -30 to + 50 °C. The manufacturer promises that it is possible to work at lower temperatures if the power is not turned off in winter. Mounting on a mast (or bracket) is included in the package.

A cable with a length of 30 m is suitable for the antenna. This is quite enough to stretch it from the house to the roof, but if you need more, you can extend it up to 100 m.

As we wrote above, this cable is used for both power and data transmission, which further simplifies installation - you do not have to buy any adapters and extension cords. The kit already has everything you need to operate the antenna.

Choosing a SIM

You will need a SIM card for the antenna. If your SIM card does not support 4G network at a frequency of 2500-2700, the antenna will work with a 3G network at a frequency of 1900-2200.

In general, the antenna will work with any Russian operator that provides mobile Internet using 3G or 4G technology. I tested the antenna with a Megaphone SIM card with 4G Internet.

SIM-card "Megaphone" 4G

We insert the SIM card into a special slot and twist the waterproof cover. Sealed, so you don't have to worry about the safety of your SIM card.

We open the address indicated in the instructions on the PC and see the connection management interface.

Connection management interface

Here is the connection status and statistics.


Antenna testing in the field

To test the speed of the antenna, I used the Speedtest.net service. To compare the speed, I took a modem from Megafon with me and tested it with the same 4G SIM card.

We decided to test the antenna in the field, for which it is, in fact, intended. Since I have neither a dacha nor a country house, we just went to nature - to the forest not far from the city (about 12 km).

Location 1. Glade in the forest, 12 km from the city

6.21 Mbps - incoming speed, 1.21 Mbps - outgoing speed.

Modem: does not connect.

In the meadow

We assembled it according to the instructions included in the kit: we connected the antenna to the POE adapter, the adapter to the laptop and connected it to the car network through the converter.

Antenna connection
Connected and ready to go

I must say right away that we tested in more than one place - somewhere the antenna worked better, somewhere worse. In the original location, where the modem completely refused to catch a 4G signal, the antenna gave out an incoming speed of 6.21 Mbps.

Location 2. On a hill, 12 km from the city

8.62 Mbps - incoming speed, 1.05 Mbps - outgoing speed.

Modem: does not connect.

It was the best fishing near the car, although due to the long cable we moved around the clearing, trying to catch the best signal. The most successful indicator in this area is 8.62 Mbps (stopped on a hill).

Speedtest results in the second location

The next place was closer to the city, about 5 km away, in a field.

Location 3. Field, 5 km from the city

11.95 Mbps - incoming speed, 0.44 Mbps - outgoing speed.

Modem: 0.05 Mbps - incoming speed, 0.05 Mbps - outgoing speed.

We catch a signal in the field

Here the modem from Megafon began to work. He gave out 0.05 Mbps (not to mention the fact that we barely waited for him to open the speed test at all).

With the antenna, the mobile Internet from Megafon soared to 11.95 Mbps. In principle, these were the best indicators that could be achieved.

General impression

If you use a 3G / 4G antenna outside the city, where the Internet often disappears altogether, the performance is very different from the same modem (which can be seen in the screenshots above).

In a forest clearing 12 km from the city, we got the speed with which you can use the Internet without the risk of breaking your computer from rabies.

In principle, if instead of a person who wanders around the field and forest glades, raising the antenna above his head, there was a master who would install the antenna on the roof of the cottage, the speed would be even more cheerful.

But, as I said above, to connect an antenna and get your legitimate 5–10 Mbps even on 3G, you don’t need any knowledge and skills.

So, if you have been suffering from slow mobile Internet (or lack of it) for a long time, you can read detailed specifications and order an antenna here↓

Hite Hybrid 3G/4G Antenna

P.S. HiTE also produces more powerful 4G LTE antennas, but we chose the HYBRID model for testing for its versatility and ease of setup.

On the network you can find useful utilities that improve the performance of your smartphone. Often users ask questions about how you can speed up the Internet on Android, which applications allow you to control traffic, which affects the performance of the system as a whole. There is a solution for these problems as well.

With the help of programs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Speed-up-Internet1-e1498734678111.jpg" alt="(!LANG:speedup performance" width="300" height="171"> !} Internet Speed ​​Master is a simple and convenient application that allows you to adjust the data transfer rate. You can download it in the public domain on both Google Play and the App Store. The user can fine-tune the system settings, optimize the operation of Internet services. The main advantage of this program is the ability to interact with files without having root rights.

Viatun is an interesting and easy to use utility that is supported on EDGE, 3G, 4G and even WiFi networks. The principle of operation of Viatun is similar to programs that are responsible for compressing traffic. An interesting feature of this utility is that it encrypts data and hides the user's real IP.

Internet Booster is an easy-to-use program that optimizes data transfer performance by cleaning up temporary files. There is a version without root rights, just press “speed up” and restart your smartphone.

Browser settings

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Google_Chrome_logo1.png" alt="(!LANG:Google_Chrome" width="100" height="100"> !} You can optimize the operation of Android programs on your own without installing additional utilities. The well-known Google Chrome browser has advanced settings that each user can change depending on their preferences. This browser loads and functions on both phone and tablet. In order to configure the mobile browser, you need to.

The Internet has firmly established itself in our lives and it is already difficult for most to imagine a normal day without access to it, both entertainment and the search for information or answers to questions are tied to the Internet. Modern android smartphones allow you to access the Internet anywhere as long as it catches a signal, but sometimes the speed of the Internet is not at all happy: pages open for a long time, videos slow down, and there is a lot of ping in games. All these problems can be solved if you approach the solution correctly, we will tell you how to speed up internet and wifi on your android smartphone or tablet:)

The speed of the Internet depends on many factors, in their totality, the "total speed" is formed, the main ones can be distinguished (from the most important to the least important):

  1. Your ISP's network speed

    This is the most significant factor, because no matter how fancy and fast your device is, if there is a speed limit on the provider's side, then there is little that can help. The simplest example: if only 3G or even 2G networks are available in your city, and your smartphone supports 4G, you will be limited by the speed of the provider's network, until the provider transfers its networks to 4G, you will have to be content with what you have. Also, some unscrupulous providers can limit the speed after certain conditions are reached: the amount of traffic or the use of certain applications (90% of mobile operators severely cut the download speed from Torrent networks).

  2. Maximum radio speed of your device

    This point is easier: even if your provider has a 4G network, and you do not have the newest smartphone, you will be limited by the speed of your radio module.

  3. Signal strength

    With a weak signal, even 4G Internet will be slow and unstable: you are waiting for packet loss, long delays and outright "stupid things". In this case, the only and most correct solution is to change your geographical location, if you are in a building, then the walls can jam the signal, while on the street, metal monuments or vast forest belts can do this.

  4. Firmware and/or radio module settings

    Oddly enough, but the default settings may not always work as efficiently as possible - that is, by following our instructions, you can significantly increase the speed of your Internet and make it more stable. But it is important to understand that the degree of strength of the Internet or Wi-Fi acceleration effect will differ from device to device.

Many users are dissatisfied with the speed of the Internet connection on their mobile devices and want to increase it. First of all, the Network depends on the operator itself, the tariff plan, coverage and quality of the connection, but there is also one point that few people know about.

Developers from Nez Droid have created an application Internet Speed ​​Master, with which you can try to increase the speed of the Internet on mobile devices running Android. The program makes changes to some system files (similar to the Linux tweak TCP / IP) and thus optimizes the data transfer settings.

According to the developers, Internet Speed ​​Master supports all versions of Android and all existing firmware. In some of them, this problem has already been solved, so it’s impossible to say for sure whether the application will be able to speed up the Internet on a particular smartphone or tablet.

Root rights are required for the program to work. Here are a few ways to get them. I advise you to take a look at them:

Also, the Internet Speed ​​Master application will be able to work without root. Read about it below.

How to increase Internet speed (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi) on Android: instructions

1. Open the application. When you first start the program, you will need Superuser rights. Provide them.

2. If your smartphone/tablet is rooted, click "Apply Patch" and reboot your device. After that, you can evaluate the results of the program.

3. If you do not have Superuser rights, click "Improve Internet Connection". Also restart your device. This method does not work on all devices, so it's better to try with root rights.

To restore the old settings, you need to select "Restore" in the main menu and then confirm the restoration of system files by pressing the "OK" button.

I repeat, in some firmware the problem with Internet speed has already been solved and it is possible that Internet Speed ​​Master will not help you.

Most of today's mobile phones support various formats or have the function of connecting to a wireless network. However, the speed of the Internet often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many users are interested in the question of how to increase the speed of the Internet on the phone. The answer to this question directly depends on the type of Internet and the capabilities of the phone itself.

How can I increase the speed of the Internet on my phone using applications?

The most common system installed on smartphones and tablets is Android. First of all, it is worth considering the possibilities and ways to increase the speed of the Internet on Android. The most convenient method of connecting mobile devices to the Internet is considered to be a wireless Wi-Fi network, especially now many public institutions and work offices provide unhindered access.

If the speed of the Internet leaves much to be desired, then it will be most convenient to use a special application for the Android system. Among accelerator programs, the most popular application is Internet Speed ​​Master. The developers claim that this program optimizes and accelerates all categories of modern Internet connections - Wi-Fi, EDGE, 3G and 4G.

This program can be downloaded for free on the Google Play service. The main functions of this utility come down primarily to optimizing settings and replacing system file parameters in order to improve the quality and speed of the Internet on the phone. It is very convenient for users that the application is supported by various versions of Android. The program has two modes - the first is a free trial (demo version), it is offered to evaluate the operation of the application on a smartphone. In the future, the program requires paid root access. If the user does not have this access, you must click the "Improve Internet Connection" button, after which you need to restart the phone. However, this way to bypass paid services does not work on all mobile devices.

Another way to increase the speed of the Internet on an Android smartphone can be one of the updates of free applications called Internet Booster. This Internet accelerator has convenient functionality, an interface that is understandable even for beginners, and is easily installed on a smartphone. The application allows you to optimize the quality of the Internet - Wi-Fi and 3G. The utility quickly reached the top of applications for smartphones and tablets. While this application can be found in the public domain on services that offer software for the Android system.

Of the latest developments for mobile devices, it is also worth noting the Sped-up-internet program. This application is still new and its advantage is the fact that it is supported to work with the latest versions of Android and optimizes the speed of the Internet in 4G and even 5G format, which is now actively developing.

When working with mobile devices, you need to consider and general tips on how to increase the speed of the Internet on your Android phone.

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