The speed of the moon around the earth. Apparent movement of the planets in the celestial sphere

The Moon is said to be a satellite of the Earth. The meaning of this lies in the fact that the Moon accompanies the Earth in her constant movement around the Sun - she accompanies her. While the Earth is moving around the Sun, the Moon is moving around our planet.

The movement of the Moon around the Earth can be generally imagined as follows: sometimes it is on the same side where the Sun is visible, and at that time it moves, as it were, towards the Earth, rushing along its path around the Sun: sometimes it passes to the other side and moves in the same direction. the direction in which our earth is also rushing. In general, the Moon accompanies our Earth. This actual motion of the Moon around the Earth can easily be noticed in a short time by any patient and attentive observer.

The proper movement of the Moon around the earth does not at all consist in the fact that it rises and sets, or, together with the entire starry sky, moves from east to west, from left to right. This apparent movement of the Moon is due to the daily rotation of the Earth itself, that is, for the same reason that the Sun rises and sets.

As for the proper motion of the Moon around the Earth, it affects something else: the Moon, as it were, lags behind the stars in their apparent daily motion.

Indeed, notice any stars in apparent close proximity to the Moon on this evening of your observations. Remember more precisely the position of the Moon relative to these stars. Then look at the moon in a few hours or the next evening. You will be convinced that the Moon has lagged behind the stars you have noticed. You will notice that the stars that were on the right of the Moon are now farther from the Moon, and the Moon has become closer to the stars on the left, and the closer the more time has passed.

This clearly indicates that, apparently moving from east to west for us, due to the rotation of the Earth, the Moon at the same time slowly but steadily moves around the Earth from west to east, completing a complete revolution around the Earth in about a month.

This distance is easy to imagine by comparing it with the apparent diameter of the Moon. It turns out that in one hour the Moon travels in the sky a distance approximately equal to its diameter, and in a day - an arc path equal to thirteen degrees.

the orbit of the Moon is drawn with a dotted line, that closed, almost circular path along which, at a distance of about four hundred thousand kilometers, the Moon moves around the Earth. It is not difficult to determine the length of this huge path if we know the radius of the lunar orbit. The calculation leads to the following result: the orbit of the moon is approximately two and a half million kilometers.

There is nothing easier to obtain immediately and the information we are interested in about the speed of the Moon around the Earth. But for this * we need to know more precisely the period during which the Moon will run all this huge path. Rounding up, we can equate this period to a month, that is, approximately consider it equal to seven hundred hours. By dividing the length of the orbit by 700, we can find that the Moon travels about 3,600 km in an hour, that is, about one kilometer per second.

This average speed of the Moon's movement shows that the Moon does not move so slowly around the Earth, as it may appear from observations of its displacement among the stars. On the contrary, the Moon is rapidly rushing along its orbit. But since we see the Moon at a distance of several hundred thousand kilometers, we hardly notice this rapid movement of it. Similarly, a courier train seen from a distance seems to be barely moving, while it rushes past nearby objects with extreme speed.

For more accurate calculations of the speed of the Moon, readers can use the following data.

The length of the lunar orbit is 2,414,000 km. The period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth is 27 days 7 hours. 43 min. 12 sec.

Did any of the readers think that a typo was made in the last line? Shortly before this (p. 13) we said that the cycle of the lunar phases takes 29.53 or 29% of the day, and now we indicate that the full revolution of the Moon around Earth occurs in 27 g / s of a day. If the indicated data are correct, then what is the difference? We will talk about this a little further.

The moon has been accompanying our planet on its great cosmic journey for several billion years now. And she shows us, earthlings, from century to century always the same lunar landscape. Why do we admire only one side of our satellite? Does the moon rotate on its axis, or does it float motionless in outer space?

Characteristics of our space neighbor

The solar system has satellites much larger than the moon. Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter, for example, twice as heavy as the Moon. But on the other hand, it is the largest satellite relative to the mother planet. Its mass is more than a percent of the earth's, and its diameter is about a quarter of the earth's. There are no more such proportions in the solar family of planets.

Let's try to answer the question of whether the Moon rotates around its axis by looking more closely at our nearest space neighbor. According to the theory accepted today in scientific circles, our planet acquired a natural satellite while still a protoplanet - not completely cooled down, covered with an ocean of liquid hot lava, as a result of a collision with another planet, smaller in size. Therefore, the chemical compositions of the lunar and terrestrial soils are slightly different - the heavy cores of the colliding planets have merged, which is why the terrestrial rocks are richer in iron. The moon got the remains of the upper layers of both protoplanets, there is more stone.

Does the moon rotate

To be precise, the question of whether the Moon rotates is not entirely correct. After all, like any satellite in our system, it turns around the parent planet and, together with it, circles around the star. But, the moon is not quite usual.

No matter how you look at the Moon, it is always turned towards us by Tycho Crater and the Sea of ​​Tranquility. "Does the moon rotate on its axis?" – from century to century earthlings asked themselves a question. Strictly speaking, if we operate with geometric concepts, the answer depends on the chosen coordinate system. Relative to the Earth, the axial rotation of the Moon is indeed absent.

But from the point of view of an observer located on the Sun-Earth line, the axial rotation of the Moon will be clearly visible, and one polar revolution up to a fraction of a second will be equal in duration to the orbital one.

Interestingly, this phenomenon in the solar system is not unique. So, Pluto's satellite Charon always looks at its planet with one side, the satellites of Mars - Deimos and Phobos - behave in the same way.

In scientific language, this is called synchronous rotation or tidal capture.

What is a tide?

In order to understand the essence of this phenomenon and confidently answer the question of whether the Moon rotates around its own axis, it is necessary to analyze the essence of tidal phenomena.

Imagine two mountains on the surface of the Moon, one of which "looks" directly at the Earth, the other is located at the opposite point of the lunar ball. Obviously, if both mountains were not part of the same celestial body, but rotated around our planet independently, their rotation could not be synchronous, the one that is closer, according to the laws of Newtonian mechanics, should rotate faster. That is why the masses of the lunar ball, located at points opposite to the Earth, tend to "run away from each other."

How the moon "stopped"

How tidal forces act on this or that celestial body, it is convenient to disassemble on the example of our own planet. After all, we also revolve around the Moon, or rather the Moon and the Earth, as it should be in astrophysics, "dance" around the physical center of mass.

As a result of the action of tidal forces, both at the nearest and at the most distant point from the satellite, the level of water covering the Earth rises. Moreover, the maximum amplitude of the ebb and flow can reach 15 meters or more.

Another feature of this phenomenon is that these tidal "humps" daily go around the surface of the planet against its rotation, creating friction at points 1 and 2, and thus slowly stop the globe in its rotation.

The impact of the Earth on the Moon is much stronger due to the difference in masses. And although there is no ocean on the Moon, tidal forces act just as well on rocks. And the result of their work is evident.

So does the moon rotate on its axis? The answer is positive. But this rotation is closely related to the movement around the planet. Tidal forces over millions of years have aligned the axial rotation of the Moon with the orbital.

But what about the Earth?

Astrophysicists claim that immediately after the big collision that caused the formation of the Moon, the rotation of our planet was much greater than it is now. Days lasted no more than five hours. But as a result of the friction of tidal waves on the ocean floor, year after year, millennium after millennium, the rotation slowed down, and the current day lasts for 24 hours.

On average, every century adds 20-40 seconds to our days. Scientists suggest that in a couple of billion years, our planet will look at the Moon in the same way as the Moon looks at it, that is, on one side. True, this, most likely, will not happen, since even earlier the Sun, having turned into a red giant, will “swallow” both the Earth and its faithful companion, the Moon.

By the way, tidal forces give earthlings not only an increase and decrease in the level of the world's oceans near the equator. By affecting the masses of metals in the earth's core, deforming the hot center of our planet, the Moon helps to keep it in a liquid state. And thanks to the active liquid core, our planet has its own magnetic field that protects the entire biosphere from the deadly solar wind and deadly cosmic rays.

Forty years ago, on July 20, 1969, man stepped onto the surface of the moon for the first time. NASA's Apollo 11 spacecraft, with a crew of three astronauts (Commander Neil Armstrong, Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Aldrin, and Command Module Pilot Michael Collins), became the first to reach the Moon in the USSR-US space race.

Every month, the Moon, moving in orbit, passes approximately between the Sun and the Earth and faces the Earth with its dark side, at which time a new moon occurs. One or two days later, a narrow bright crescent of the "young" Moon appears in the western part of the sky.

The rest of the lunar disk is at this time dimly illuminated by the Earth, turned to the Moon by its daytime hemisphere; this faint glow of the moon is the so-called ashen light of the moon. After 7 days, the Moon moves away from the Sun by 90 degrees; the first quarter of the lunar cycle begins, when exactly half of the lunar disk is illuminated and the terminator, i.e. the dividing line of the light and dark sides, becomes a straight line - the diameter of the lunar disk. In the following days, the terminator becomes convex, the appearance of the Moon approaches the bright circle, and in 14-15 days the full moon occurs. Then the western edge of the Moon begins to deteriorate; on the 22nd day, the last quarter is observed, when the Moon is again visible in a semicircle, but this time with a convexity facing the east. The angular distance of the Moon from the Sun decreases, it again becomes a narrowing crescent, and after 29.5 days a new moon occurs again.

The points of intersection of the orbit with the ecliptic, called the ascending and descending nodes, have uneven backward movement and make a complete revolution along the ecliptic in 6794 days (about 18.6 years), as a result of which the Moon returns to the same node after an interval of time - the so-called draconian month - shorter than sidereal and on average equal to 27.21222 days; The frequency of solar and lunar eclipses is associated with this month.

The visual magnitude (a measure of the illumination created by a celestial body) of the full moon at an average distance is - 12.7; it sends 465,000 times less light to Earth on a full moon than the Sun.

Depending on what phase the Moon is in, the amount of light decreases much faster than the area of ​​the illuminated part of the Moon, so when the Moon is in a quarter and we see half of its disk is bright, it sends to Earth not 50%, but only 8 % light from the full moon.

The color index of moonlight is +1.2, i.e., it is noticeably redder than the sun.

The moon rotates relative to the sun with a period equal to the synodic month, so the day on the moon lasts almost 15 days and the night lasts the same amount.

Not being protected by the atmosphere, the surface of the Moon heats up to + 110 ° C during the day, and cools down to -120 ° C at night, however, as radio observations have shown, these huge temperature fluctuations penetrate only a few dm deep due to the extremely weak thermal conductivity of the surface layers. For the same reason, during total lunar eclipses, the heated surface cools rapidly, although some places retain heat longer, probably due to the large heat capacity (the so-called "hot spots").

relief of the moon

Even with the naked eye, irregular darkish extended spots are visible on the Moon, which were taken for the seas: the name has been preserved, although it has been established that these formations have nothing to do with the earth's seas. Telescopic observations, initiated in 1610 by Galileo Galilei, revealed the mountainous structure of the Moon's surface.

It turned out that the seas are plains of a darker shade than other areas, sometimes called continental (or mainland), teeming with mountains, most of which are ring-shaped (craters).

Based on long-term observations, detailed maps of the Moon were compiled. The first such maps were published in 1647 by Jan Hevelius (German Johannes Hevel, Polish Jan Heweliusz,) in Danzig (modern - Gdansk, Poland). Having retained the term "seas", he also assigned names to the main lunar ranges - according to similar terrestrial formations: the Apennines, the Caucasus, the Alps.

Giovanni Batista Riccioli from Ferrara (Italy) in 1651 gave fantastic names to the vast dark lowlands: Ocean of Storms, Sea of ​​Crises, Sea of ​​Tranquility, Sea of ​​Rains and so on, he called the smaller dark areas adjacent to the seas bays, for example , Rainbow Bay, and small irregular spots are swamps, such as Rot Swamp. Separate mountains, mostly ring-shaped, he named the names of prominent scientists: Copernicus, Kepler, Tycho Brahe and others.

These names have been preserved on lunar maps to this day, and many new names of prominent people, scientists of a later time have been added. The names of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin and others appeared on the maps of the far side of the Moon, compiled from observations made from space probes and artificial satellites of the Moon. Detailed and accurate maps of the Moon were made from telescopic observations in the 19th century by German astronomers Johann Heinrich Madler, Johann Schmidt and others.

The maps were compiled in an orthographic projection for the middle libration phase, i.e., approximately the same as the Moon is visible from the Earth.

At the end of the 19th century, photographic observations of the moon began. In 1896-1910, a large atlas of the moon was published by French astronomers Morris Loewy and Pierre Henri Puiseux from photographs taken at the Paris Observatory; later, a photographic album of the Moon was published by the Lick Observatory in the USA, and in the middle of the 20th century, the Dutch astronomer Gerard Copier compiled several detailed atlases of photographs of the Moon obtained with large telescopes of various astronomical observatories. With the help of modern telescopes on the Moon, you can see craters about 0.7 kilometers in size and cracks a few hundred meters wide.

Craters on the lunar surface have a different relative age: from ancient, barely distinguishable, heavily reworked formations to very clear-cut young craters, sometimes surrounded by bright "rays". At the same time, young craters overlap older ones. In some cases, the craters are cut into the surface of the lunar seas, and in others, the rocks of the seas overlap the craters. Tectonic ruptures sometimes cut through craters and seas, sometimes they themselves overlap with younger formations. The absolute age of lunar formations is known so far only at a few points.

Scientists managed to establish that the age of the youngest large craters is tens and hundreds of million years, and the bulk of large craters arose in the "pre-sea" period, i.e. 3-4 billion years ago.

Both internal forces and external influences took part in the formation of the forms of the lunar relief. Calculations of the thermal history of the Moon show that soon after its formation, the bowels were heated by radioactive heat and largely melted, which led to intense volcanism on the surface. As a result, giant lava fields and a number of volcanic craters were formed, as well as numerous cracks, ledges and more. At the same time, a huge amount of meteorites and asteroids, the remnants of a protoplanetary cloud, fell on the surface of the Moon in the early stages, during the explosions of which craters appeared - from microscopic holes to ring structures with a diameter of several tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers. Due to the lack of atmosphere and hydrosphere, a significant part of these craters has survived to this day.

Now meteorites fall on the Moon much less frequently; volcanism also largely ceased as the Moon used up a lot of thermal energy and radioactive elements were carried into the outer layers of the Moon. Residual volcanism is evidenced by the outflow of carbon-containing gases in lunar craters, the spectrograms of which were first obtained by the Soviet astronomer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev.

The study of the properties of the Moon and its environment began in 1966 - the Luna-9 station was launched, transmitting panoramic images of the Moon's surface to Earth.

The Luna-10 and Luna-11 stations (1966) were engaged in the studies of the circumlunar space. Luna-10 became the first artificial satellite of the Moon.

At this time, the United States was also developing a program to explore the moon, called "Apollo" (The Apollo Program). It was the American astronauts who first set foot on the surface of the planet. On July 21, 1969, as part of the Apollo 11 lunar expedition, Neil Armstrong and his partner Edwin Eugene Aldrin spent 2.5 hours on the moon.

The next step in the exploration of the moon was the sending of radio-controlled self-propelled vehicles to the planet. In November 1970, Lunokhod-1 was delivered to the Moon, which covered a distance of 10,540 m in 11 lunar days (or 10.5 months) and transmitted a large number of panoramas, individual photographs of the Moon's surface and other scientific information. The French reflector mounted on it made it possible to measure the distance to the Moon with the help of a laser beam with an accuracy of fractions of a meter.

In February 1972, the Luna-20 station delivered to Earth samples of lunar soil, taken for the first time in a remote region of the Moon.

In February of the same year, the last manned flight to the Moon was made. The flight was carried out by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft. A total of 12 people have landed on the moon.

In January 1973, Luna-21 delivered Lunokhod-2 to Lemonier Crater (Sea of ​​Clarity) for a comprehensive study of the transition zone between the sea and the mainland. "Lunokhod-2" worked 5 lunar days (4 months), covered a distance of about 37 kilometers.

In August 1976, the Luna-24 station delivered samples of lunar soil to Earth from a depth of 120 centimeters (the samples were obtained by drilling).

Since that time, the study of the natural satellite of the Earth has practically not been carried out.

Only two decades later, in 1990, Japan sent its artificial satellite Hiten to the Moon, becoming the third "lunar power". Then there were two more American satellites - Clementine (Clementine, 1994) and Lunar Reconnaissance (Lunar Prospector, 1998). At this, flights to the moon were suspended.

On September 27, 2003, the European Space Agency launched the SMART-1 probe from the Kourou launch site (Guiana, Africa). On September 3, 2006, the probe completed its mission and made a manned fall to the lunar surface. For three years of work, the device transmitted to Earth a lot of information about the lunar surface, and also carried out high-resolution cartography of the Moon.

At present, the study of the Moon has received a new start. Earth satellite exploration programs operate in Russia, the USA, Japan, China, and India.

According to the head of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) Anatoly Perminov, the concept for the development of Russian manned cosmonautics provides for a program for the exploration of the moon in 2025-2030.

Legal issues of the exploration of the moon

The legal issues of the exploration of the Moon are regulated by the “Treaty on Outer Space” (full name “Treaty on the Principles of Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies”). It was signed on January 27, 1967 in Moscow, Washington and London by the depositary states - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain. On the same day, the accession to the treaty of other states began.

According to it, the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, regardless of the degree of their economic and scientific development, and space and celestial bodies are open to all states without any discrimination on the basis of equality. .

The moon, in accordance with the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty, should be used "exclusively for peaceful purposes", any activity of a military nature is excluded on it. The list of activities prohibited on the Moon, given in Article IV of the Treaty, includes the deployment of nuclear weapons or any other types of weapons of mass destruction, the establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any types of weapons and the conduct of military maneuvers.

Private property on the moon

The sale of plots of the territory of the natural satellite of the Earth began in 1980, when the American Denis Hope discovered a California law from 1862, according to which no one's property passed into the possession of the one who first made a claim on it.

The Treaty on Outer Space, signed in 1967, stipulated that “outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation,” but there was no clause stating that a space object could not be privately privatized, which and let Hope claim ownership of the moon and all the planets in the solar system, excluding Earth.

Hope opened the Lunar Embassy in the United States and organized wholesale and retail trade in the lunar surface. He successfully runs his "moon" business, selling plots on the moon to those who wish.

To become a citizen of the moon, you need to purchase a plot, get a notarized certificate of ownership, a lunar map with the designation of the site, its description, and even the Lunar Bill of Constitutional Rights. You can apply for lunar citizenship for some money by purchasing a lunar passport.

Ownership is registered at the Lunar Embassy in Rio Vista, California, USA. The process of registration and receipt of documents takes from two to four days.

At the moment, Mr. Hope is engaged in the creation of the Lunar Republic and its promotion in the UN. The failed republic has its own national holiday - Lunar Independence Day, which is celebrated on November 22.

Currently, a standard plot on the Moon has an area of ​​​​1 acre (a little more than 40 acres). Since 1980, about 1,300 thousand plots have been sold out of the approximately 5 million that were "cut" on the map of the illuminated side of the moon.

It is known that among the owners of the lunar sites are American presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, members of six royal families and about 500 millionaires, mostly from among Hollywood stars - Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Harrison Ford, George Lucas, Mick Jagger, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dennis Hopper and others.

Lunar representative offices were opened in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and more than 10 thousand residents of the CIS became the owners of the lunar lands. Among them are Oleg Basilashvili, Semyon Altov, Alexander Rosenbaum, Yuri Shevchuk, Oleg Garkusha, Yuri Stoyanov, Ilya Oleinikov, Ilya Lagutenko, as well as cosmonaut Viktor Afanasyev and other famous figures.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The most unexplored object in the solar system


The moon is a special object in the solar system. It has its own UFOs, the Earth lives according to the lunar calendar. The main object of worship for Muslims.

No one has ever been to the moon (the arrival of the Americans on the moon is a cartoon filmed on Earth).

1. Glossary

Light electromagnetic wave perceived by the eye (4 – 7.5)*10 14 Hz (lambda = 400-700 nm)
Light year Distance traveled by light in a year 0.3068 parsec = 9.4605*10 15 m
Parsec (ps) The distance from which the mean radius of the earth's orbit (1 AU), perpendicular to the angle of view, is visible at an angle of 1 second 206265 AU \u003d 31 * 10 15 m
diameter of our galaxy 25000 parsec
Radius of the Universe 4*10 26 m
Sidereal month (S) This is a sidereal month - the period of movement of the Moon in the sky relative to the stars (a complete revolution around the Earth) 27.32166 = 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes
Sidereal year (T) The period of revolution of the earth around the sun
Synodic month (P) Saros cycle, or METON ST = PT - PS phase change 29.53059413580..29 d 12 h 51 m 36″
Dragon Month (D) The period of the Moon's revolution relative to the nodes of its orbit, i.e. the points of intersection of its ecliptic plane 27.21222 = 27 days 5 hours 5 minutes
Anomaly month (A) The period of revolution of the Moon relative to perigee, the point of its orbit closest to the earth 27.55455 = 27 days 13 hours 18 minutes
The line of nodes of the lunar orbit slowly rotates towards the motion of the moon, making a complete revolution in 18.6 years, while the major axis of the lunar orbit rotates in the same direction as the moon moves, with a period of 8.85 years
APEX (direction of the Sun) Lambda-Hercules, located above the main plane of the star system (offset 6 pc)
Outer boundary of the solar system (Hill's sphere)

1 pc \u003d 2 * 10 5 a.u.

The boundary of the solar system (Pluto's orbit)
Astonomical unit - the distance of the Earth from the Sun (AU)
S.S. distance from the central plane of the Galaxy
Linear speed of movement S.S. around the galactic center


Radius 6.96*105 km
Perimeter 43.73096973*10 5 km
Diameter 13.92*105 km
Acceleration of free fall at the level of the visible surface 270 m/s 2
Average rotation period (Earth days) 25,38
Tilt of the equator to the ecliptic 7,25 0
solar wind range 100 a.u.

3 moons have arrived. 2 Moons are destroyed by a planet (Phaeton) that blew itself up. Parameters of the remaining Moon:


Orbit - elliptical
Radius R
Circumference (perimeter)

10920.0692497 km

Average distance
Barycenter of the Earth-Moon system from the Earth's center of mass
Distance between the centers of the Earth and the Moon:

Apogelion -

Perigee -

379564.3 km, angle 38 ‘

384640 km, angle 36'

Inclination of the plane of the orbit (toward the plane of the ecliptic)

5 0 08 ‘ 43.4 “

Orbital average speed

1.023 km/s (3683 km/h)

The daily speed of the apparent movement of the moon among the stars
Period of orbital motion (sidereal month) = Period of axial rotation

27.32166 days

Change of phases (Synodic month)

29.5305941358 days

The equator of the moon has a constant inclination to the plane of the ecliptic

1 0 32 ‘ 47 “

Libration in longitude
Libration by latitude
The observed surface of the moon
Angular radius (from Earth) of the visible disk of the Moon (at an average distance)

31 ‘ 05.16 “

Surface area

3.796* 10 7 km 2


2.199*10 10 km 3


7.35*10 19 t (1/81.30 from m. W.)

Average density
From the moon to the corner of the earth
The density of the ionic structure is uniform and is

2. The composition of the ionic structure includes ionic formations of almost the entire table of ionic structures of the cubic structure with a predominance of S (sulfur) and radioactive rare earth elements. The surface of the Moon is formed by sputtering followed by heating.

There is nothing on the surface of the moon.

The moon has two surfaces - outer and inner.

The outer surface area is 120 * 10 6 km 2 (Moon code - complex N 120), the inner surface is 116 * 10 10 m 2 (code mask).

The side facing the Earth is 184 km thinner.

The center of gravity is located behind the geometric center.

All complexes are reliably protected and do not detect themselves even during operation.

At the moment of the impulse (radiation), the speed of rotation or the orbit of the Moon may not change significantly. Compensation - due to the directed radiation of octave 43. This octave coincides with the octave of the Earth's grid and does no harm.

The complexes on the Moon are designed primarily to maintain autonomous life support, and secondly, to provide (in the case of an excess of charge equivalent) life support systems on Earth.

The main task is not to change the albedo of the Solar System, and due to the difference characteristics, taking into account the correction of the orbit, this task has been completed.

Geometrically, the pyramids of correction are ideally inscribed in the existing law of form, which makes it possible to withstand a 28.5-day tact of changing the sequence of radiations (the so-called phases of the moon), which completed the construction of the complexes.

There are 4 phases in total. The full moon has a radiation power of 1, the other phases are 3/4, 1/2, 1/4. Each phase is 6.25 days, 4 days no radiation.

The clock frequency of all octaves (except 54) is 128.0, but the clock frequency density is low, and therefore the brightness in the optical range is negligible.

Orbit correction uses a clock frequency of 53.375. But this frequency can change the lattice of the upper atmosphere, and a diffraction effect can be observed.

In particular, from the Earth, the number of Moons can be 3, 6, 12, 24, 36. This effect can last for a maximum of 4 hours, after which the grid is restored at the expense of the Earth.

A long-term correction (if the albedo of the Solar System is disturbed) can lead to an optical illusion, but in this case, the protection layer can be eliminated.

3. Metric of space


It is known that atomic clocks installed on top of a skyscraper and in its basement show different times. Any space is connected with time, and when establishing the range and trajectory, it is necessary to present not only the final destination, but also the features of overcoming this path in conditions of changing fundamental constants. All aspects related to time will be given in the “time metric”.

The purpose of this chapter is to determine the real values ​​of some fundamental constants, such as the parsec. In addition, taking into account the special role of the Moon in the life support system of the Earth, we will clarify some concepts that remain outside the scope of scientific research, for example, the libration of the Moon, when not 50% of the Moon's surface is visible from the Earth, but 59%. Note also the spatial orientation of the Earth.

4. The role of the moon.

Science knows the huge role of the Moon in the life support system of the Earth. Let's just give some examples.

- At full moon partial weakening of the Earth's gravity leads to the fact that plants absorb more water and trace elements from the soil, therefore, the medicinal herbs collected at this time have a particularly strong effect.

The Moon, due to its proximity to the Earth, strongly affects the Earth's biosphere with its gravitational field and causes, in particular, changes in the Earth's magnetic field. The rhythm of the Moon, the tides and the tides cause changes in the biosphere at night, in air pressure, in temperature, in the action of the wind and the Earth's magnetic field, and in the water level.

Plant growth and harvest depend on the stellar rhythm of the Moon (period of 27.3 days), and the activity of animals hunting at night or in the evening depends on the degree of brightness of the Moon.

- With the waning of the moon, the growth of plants decreased, when the moon arrived, it increased.

- The full moon affects the growth of crime (aggressiveness) in people.

The time of maturation of the egg in women is associated with the rhythm of the moon. A woman tends to produce an egg in the phase of the moon when she was born herself.

- During the full moon and new moon, the number of women with menstruation reaches 100%.

- During the waning phase, the number of boys born increases and the number of girls decreases.

- Weddings are usually held during the rising of the moon.

- When the Moon was growing, they sowed what grows above the surface of the Earth, when it was decreasing - vice versa (tubers, roots).

- Lumberjacks cut trees during the waning moon, because the tree contains it time less moisture and longer does not rot.

With the full moon and new moon, there is a tendency to reduce uric acid in the blood, the 4th day after the new moon is the lowest.

- Full moon vaccinations are doomed to fail.

- With a full moon, lung diseases, whooping cough, and allergies worsen.

- Color vision in humans is subject to the lunar periodicity..

- With a full moon - increased activity, with a new moon - reduced.

- It is customary to cut your hair during the full moon.

- Easter - the first Sunday after the spring equinox, the first day

Full moon.

There are hundreds of such examples, but the fact that the Moon significantly affects all aspects of life on Earth can be seen from the above examples. What do we know about the moon? This is what is given in the tables for the solar system.

It is also known that the Moon does not "lie" in the plane of the Earth's orbit:

The actual purpose of the Moon, the features of its structure, purpose are given in the appendix, and then questions arise in time and space - how much everything is consistent with the actual state of the Earth as an integral part of the Solar System.

Let's consider the state of the main astronomical unit - the parsec, based on the data available to modern science.

5. Astronomical unit of measurement.

For 1 year, the Earth, moving along the orbit of Kepler, returns to its starting point. The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit is known - apohelion and perihelion. Based on the exact value of the Earth's velocity (29.765 km/sec), the distance to the Sun was determined.

29.765 * 365.25 * 24 * 3600 = 939311964 km is the length of the journey per year.

Hence, the radius of the orbit (excluding eccentricity) = 149496268,4501 km, or 149.5 million km. This value is taken as the basic astronomical unit - parsec .

The whole Cosmos is measured in this unit.

6. The actual value of the astronomical unit of distance.

If we leave out that it is necessary to take the distance from the Earth to the Sun as an astronomical unit of distance, then its value is somewhat different. Two values ​​are known: the absolute velocity of the Earth's motion V = 29.765 km/sec and the angle of inclination of the Earth's equator to the ecliptic = 23 0 26 ‘ 38 “ , or 23.44389 0 . To question these two values, calculated with absolute accuracy over centuries of observation, is to destroy everything that is known about the Cosmos.

Now it's time to reveal some secrets that were already known, but no one paid attention to them. This is, first of all, what The Earth moves in space in a spiral, not in Kepler's orbit . It is known that the Sun moves, but it moves along with the entire System, which means that the Earth moves in a spiral. The second is that the solar system itself is in the field of action of the gravitational benchmark . What it is will be shown below.

It is known that the center of the Earth's gravitational mass is shifted towards the South Pole by 221.6 km. However, the Earth is moving in the opposite direction. If the Earth were simply moving along the orbit of Kepler, according to all the laws of motion of the gravitational mass, the movement would be forward the South Pole, not the North.

The top does not work here due to the fact that the inertial mass would take a normal position - the South Pole in the direction of motion.

However, any top can rotate with a displaced gravitational mass only in one case - when the axis of rotation is strictly perpendicular to the plane.

But the spinning top is affected not only by the resistance of the medium (vacuum), the pressure of all radiation from the Sun, the mutual gravitational pressure of other structures of the Solar System. Therefore, the angle equal to 23 0 26 ‘ 38 ” is precisely taking into account all external influences, including the influence of the gravitational benchmark. The Moon's orbit has an inverse angle to the Earth's orbit, and this, as will be shown below, does not correlate with the calculated constants. Imagine a cylinder on which a spiral is “wound”. Spiral pitch = 23 0 26 ‘ 38 “. The radius of the spiral is equal to the radius of the cylinder. Let's expand one turn of this spiral onto a plane:

The distance from point O to point A (apogee and apogee) is 939311964 km.

Then the length of the Kepler orbit: OB = OA*cos 23.44839 = 861771884.6384 km, hence the distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun will be equal to 137155371,108 km, that is, somewhat less than the known value (by 12344629 km) - by almost 9%. Is it a lot or a little, let's look at a simple example. Let the speed of light in vacuum be 300,000 km/sec. With a value of 1 parsec = 149.5 million km, the time of passage of the Sun's ray from the Sun to the Earth is 498 seconds, with a value of 1 parsec = 137.155 million km, this time will be 457 seconds, that is, 41 a second less.

This difference of almost 1 minute is of tremendous importance, since, firstly, all distances in space change, and secondly, the clock interval of life support systems is violated, and the accumulated or unreached power of life support systems can lead to a breakdown in the operation of the system itself.

7. Gravitational reference.

It is known that the plane of the ecliptic has an inclination relative to the lines of force of the gravitational reference point, but the direction of motion is perpendicular to these lines of force.

8. Libration of the Moon. Consider the refined scheme of the Moon's orbit:

Given that the Earth moves in a spiral, as well as the direct effect of the gravitational reference point, this reference also has a direct effect on the Moon, as can be seen from the angle calculation scheme.

9. Practical use of the “parsec” constant.

As shown earlier, the value of the parsec constant differs significantly from the value that is used in everyday practice. Let's look at a few examples of how this value can be used.

9.1. Time control.

As you know, any event on Earth occurs in time. In addition, it is known that any space object with a non-inertial mass has its own time, which is provided by a high octave clock generator. For the Earth it is 128 octaves, and the beat = 1 second (the biological beat is slightly different - Earth's colliders give a beat of 1.0007 seconds). The inertial mass has a lifetime determined by the density of the charge equivalent and its value in the connection of ionic structures. Any non-inertial mass has a magnetic field, and the decay rate of the magnetic field is determined by the decay time of the upper structure and the need for lower (ionic) structures in this decay. For the Earth, taking into account its Universal scale, a single time is accepted, which is measured in seconds, and time is a function of the space that the Earth passes through in one complete revolution, progressively moving in a spiral after the Sun.

In this case, there must be some structure that cuts off the “0” time and, relative to this time, perform certain manipulations with life support systems. Without such a structure, it is impossible to ensure both the stability of the life support system itself and the system's communications.

Previously, the motion of the Earth was considered, and it was deduced that the radius of the Earth's orbit is significant (by 12344629 km) differs from that accepted in all known calculations.

If we take the speed of propagation of the gravito-magneto-electrowave in the Cosmos V = 300,000 km/sec, then this orbital difference will give 41.15 sec.

There is no doubt that only this value will make significant adjustments not only to the problems of solving life support problems, but it is extremely important - to communication, that is, messages simply may not reach their destination, which other civilizations can take advantage of.

From here - it is necessary to understand what a huge role the time function plays even in non-inertial systems, so let's consider once again what is well known to everyone.

9.2. Autonomous structures for the control of coordination systems.

Unusually - but the pyramid of Cheops in El Giza (Egypt) - 31 0 east longitude and 30 0 north latitude should be attributed to the system of coordination.

The total path of the Earth in one revolution is 939311964 km, then the projection onto the Kepler orbit: 939311964 * cos(25.25) 0 = 849565539,0266.

Radius R ref = 135212669.2259 km. The difference between the initial and current state is 14287330.77412 km, that is, the projection of the Earth's orbit has changed by t= 47.62443591374 sec. Much or little depends on the purpose of the control systems and the duration of communication.

10. Initial benchmark.

The location of the initial benchmark is 37 0 30 'East longitude and 54 0 22 '30 "North latitude. The inclination of the benchmark axis is 3 0 37 ‘ 30 “ to the North Pole. Reference direction: 90 0 – 54 0 22 ‘ 30 “ – 3 0 37 ‘ 30 = 32 0 .

Using the Star Map, we find that the original benchmark is directed to the constellation Ursa Major, the star Megrets(4th star). Consequently, the original benchmark was created already in the presence of the Moon. Note that it is this star that astronomers are most interested in (see N. Morozov “Christ”). In addition, this star is named after Yu. Luzhkov (there were no other stars).

11. Orientation.

The third remark is the lunar cycles. As you know, the non-Julian calendar (Meton) has 13 months, but if we give a complete table of optimal days (Easter), we will see a serious shift that was not taken into account in the calculations. This offset, expressed in seconds, takes the desired date far from the optimal point.

Consider the following scheme: After the appearance of the Moon, due to a change in the angle of inclination of the equator by 1 0 48 ‘22 “, the Earth’s orbit shifted. While maintaining the position of the initial benchmark, which today no longer determines anything, only the original benchmark remains, but what will be shown below may at first glance seem like a small misunderstanding that can be easily corrected.

However, here lies something that is able to bring any life support system to collapse.

The first relates, as mentioned earlier, to the change in the time of the Earth's motion from apogee to apogee.

The second is that the Moon, as observations have shown, tends to change the correction term with time, and this can be seen from the table:

It was previously stated that the Moon's orbit in relation to the Earth's orbit has an inclination:

Group A corners:

5 0 18 ‘58.42’ – apoglia,

5 0 17 ‘24.84’ – perihelion

Group B corners:

4 0 56 ‘58.44’ – apogelion,

4 0 58 ‘01 “- perihelion

However, introducing a correction term, we obtain other values ​​for the Moon's orbit.


Energy characteristics:

Transmission: EI \u003d 1.28 * 10 -2 volt * m 2; MI \u003d 4.84 * 10 -8 volt / m 3;

These two rows define only the alphabetic group and sign of the character system, and not all angles are always used.

When using all angles, the power is increased by 16 times.

8-digit alphabet is used for encoding:


The main tones do not have a sign, i.e. The 54th octave determines the main tone. The separator is 62 octaves of potential. Between two adjacent corners there is an additional breakdown of 8, so one corner contains the entire alphabet. The positive row is intended for coding commands, orders and instructions (coding table), the negative row contains textual information (table - dictionary).

In this case, the 22-sign alphabet known on Earth is used.. 3 angles are used in a row, the last characters of the last angle are a period and a comma. The more significant the text, the higher octaves of angles are used.

Message text:

1. Code signal - 64 characters + 64 gaps (fa). repeat 6 times

2. Message text - 64 characters + 64 gaps and repeat 6 times, if the text is urgent, then 384 characters, the rest - gaps (384) and no repetitions.

3. Text key - 64 characters + 64 gaps (repeated 6 times).

Given the presence of gaps, a mathematical cord of the Fibonacci series is superimposed on the received or transmitted texts, and the text flow is continuous.

The second mathematical cord cuts off the redshift.

According to the second code signal, the type of cutoff is set and the reception (transmission) is carried out automatically.

The total length of the message is 2304 characters,

reception-transmission time - 38 minutes 24 seconds.

Comment. The main tone is not always 1 character. When repeating a character (urgent execution mode), an additional row is used:

Command line tableCommand repetition table









Messages were decoded automatically using a conversion table in accordance with the frequency parameters of the spine, if the commands were intended for people. This is the full 2nd octave of the piano, 12 characters, a table 12 * 12, in which Hebrew was placed until 1266, English until 2006, and from Easter 2007 - the Russian alphabet (33 letters).

The table contains numbers (12th number system), signs like “+”, “$” and others, as well as service symbols, including code masks.

13. There are 4 complexes inside the Moon:



Octave A


Octave C

Octave D



(all frequency sets)







Octaves A - produced by the pyramids themselves

Octaves B - receive from the Earth (Sun - *)

Octaves C - are in the tube of communication with the Earth

Octaves D - are in the tube of communication with the Sun

14. Luminosity of the Moon.

When the Programs are dropped to the Earth, a halo is observed - rings around the Moon (always in phase III).

15. Archive of the Moon.

However, its capabilities are limited - the complex consisted of 3 Moons, 2 were destroyed (the meteorite belt is a former planet in which the Control System blew itself up along with all the objects (UFOs) that got to the secrets of the existence of the planetary system.

At a certain time, the remnants of the planet in the form of meteorites fall on the Earth, and mainly on the Sun, creating black spots on it.

16. Easter.

All Earth Control Systems are synchronized according to the clock set by the Sun, taking into account the movement of the Moon. The movement of the Moon around the Earth is the Synodic month (P) of the Saros cycle, or METON. Calculation - according to the formula ST = PT -PS. Calculated value = 29.53059413580.. or 29 d 12 h 51 m 36″.

The population of the Earth is divided into 3 genotypes: 42 (the main population, more than 5 billion people), 44 (“golden billion”, having a brain brought from the satellites of the planets) and 46 (“golden million”, 1,200,000 people dropped from the planet Sun) .

Note that the Sun is a planet, not a Star, its size does not exceed the size of the Earth. To transfer genotype 42 to 44 and 46, there is Easter, or a certain day when the Moon resets the Programs. Until 2009, all Easters were held only in the third phase of the moon.

By 2009, the formation of genotypes 44 and 46 is completed and genotype 42 can be destroyed, therefore Easter 2009-04-19 will take place on a new moon (phase I), and the Earth's Control Systems will destroy genotype 42 in the conditions of removal of the remains of the brain by the Moon. 3 years are allotted for destruction (2012 - completion). Previously, there was a weekly cycle starting on 9 Ab, during which everyone who had their old brain removed, but the new one did not fit, was destroyed (holocaust). Calendar structure:

Control Systems work according to Meton, but on Earth (in churches, churches, synagogues) they use the Julian or Gregorian calendar, which take into account only the movement of the Earth (the average value for 4 years is 365.25 days).

The full cycle (19 years) of Meton and 19 years of the Gregorian calendar roughly coincide (within hours). Therefore, knowing Meton and combining it with the Gregorian calendar, you can joyfully meet your transformation.

17. Objects of the Moon (UFO).

All "sleepwalkers" are inside the moon. The atmosphere of the Moon is necessary only for control, and existence in this atmosphere without means of protection is impossible.

To control the surface and atmosphere, the Moon has its own objects (UFOs). These are mostly machine guns, but some of them are manned.

The maximum lifting height does not exceed 2 km from the surface. “Sleepwalkers” are not intended for life on Earth, they have quite comfortable conditions for work and recreation. In total, there are 242 objects (36 types) on the Moon, of which 16 are manned. Similar objects are available on some satellites (and on Phobos too).

18. Protection of the Moon.

The moon is the only satellite that has a connection with Sur, a planet under Megrets, the 4th star of Ursa Major.

19. Long-distance communication system.

The communication system is on the 84th octave, but this octave is formed by the Earth. Communication with Sur requires huge energy costs (octave 53.5). Communication is possible only after the spring equinox, for 3 months. The speed of light is a relative value (relative to 128 octaves) and therefore, relative to 84 octaves, the speed is 2 20 lower. In one session, 216 characters (including service ones) can be transmitted. Communication - only after the completion of the cycle according to Meton. The number of sessions is 1. The next session is in about 11.4 years, while the energy supply of the solar system drops by 30%.

20. Let's return to the phases of the moon.

Number 1 = new moon,

2 = young month (while the diameter of the Earth is approximately equal to the diameter of the Moon),

3 = first quarter (diameter of the Earth is greater than the actual diameter of the Earth),

4 = The moon was sawn in half. The physical encyclopedia states that this is an angle of 90 0 (Sun - Moon - Earth). But this angle can exist for 3-4 hours, but we see this state for 3 days.

Number 5 - what shape of the Earth gives such a "reflection"?

Note that the Moon revolves around the Earth and, according to the encyclopedia, we should observe the change of all 10 phases within one day.

The Moon does not reflect anything, and if the Moon Complexes are switched off due to the elimination of a number of frequencies in the Moon-Earth communication tube, then we will no longer see the Moon. In addition, the elimination of some gravitational frequencies in the Moon-Earth communication tube will move the Moon in the conditions of non-working Lunar Complexes to a distance of at least 1 million km.

The Earth is often and not without reason called the double planet Earth-Moon. The moon (Selene, in Greek mythology, the goddess of the moon), our celestial neighbor, was the first to be directly studied.

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, located at a distance of 384 thousand km (60 Earth radii) from it. The average radius of the moon is 1738 km (almost 4 times less than the earth). The mass of the Moon is 1/81 of the mass of the Earth, which is much larger than similar ratios for other planets in the solar system (except for the Pluto-Charon pair); Therefore, the Earth-Moon system is considered a double planet. It has a common center of gravity - the so-called barycenter, which is located in the body of the Earth at a distance of 0.73 radii from its center (1700 km from the surface of the Ocean). Both components of the system revolve around this center, and it is the barycenter that orbits around the Sun. The average density of the lunar substance is 3.3 g/cm 3 (the earth's is 5.5 g/cm 3). The volume of the Moon is 50 times smaller than the Earth. The force of lunar attraction is 6 times weaker than that of the earth. The moon rotates around its axis, which is why it is slightly flattened at the poles. The axis of rotation of the Moon makes an angle of 83 ° 22 with the plane of the lunar orbit. The plane of the Moon's orbit does not coincide with the plane of the Earth's orbit and is inclined to it at an angle of 5 ° 9 ". The places where the orbits of the Earth and the Moon intersect are called the nodes of the lunar orbit.

The orbit of the Moon is an ellipse, in one of the focuses of which is the Earth, so the distance from the Moon to the Earth varies from 356 to 406 thousand km. The period of the orbital revolution of the Moon and, accordingly, the same position of the Moon on the celestial sphere is called the sidereal (stellar) month (Latin sidus, sideris (genus) - star). It is 27.3 Earth days. The sidereal month coincides with the period of the daily rotation of the Moon around its axis due to their identical angular velocity (about 13.2 ° per day), which was established due to the decelerating effect of the Earth. Due to the synchronism of these movements, the Moon always faces us with one side. However, we see almost 60% of its surface due to libration - the apparent swaying of the Moon up and down (due to the mismatch of the planes of the lunar and Earth orbits and the inclination of the axis of rotation of the Moon to the orbit) and left-to-right (due to the fact that the Earth is in one of the focuses of the lunar orbit, and the visible hemisphere of the Moon looks at the center of the ellipse).

When moving around the Earth, the Moon takes different positions relative to the Sun. Associated with this are the various phases of the moon, that is, the different forms of its visible part. The main four phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter. The line on the surface of the moon that separates the illuminated part of the moon from the unlit part is called the terminator.

At the new moon, the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth and is facing the Earth with its unlit side, therefore it is invisible. During the first quarter, the Moon is visible from the Earth at an angular distance of 90° from the Sun, and the sun's rays illuminate only the right half of the side of the Moon facing the Earth. During a full moon, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, the hemisphere of the Moon facing the Earth is brightly illuminated by the Sun, and the Moon is visible as a full disk. In the last quarter, the Moon is again visible from the Earth at an angular distance of 90 ° from the Sun, and the sun's rays illuminate the left half of the visible side of the Moon. In the intervals between these main phases, the Moon is seen either in the form of a crescent, or as an incomplete disk.

The period of a complete change of lunar phases, i.e., the period of the return of the Moon to its original position relative to the Sun and the Earth, is called the synodic month. It averages 29.5 mean solar days. During the synodic month on the Moon, once there is a change of day and night, the duration of which is = 14.7 days. The synodic month is more than two days longer than the sidereal month. This is the result of the fact that the direction of the axial rotation of the Earth and the Moon coincides with the direction of the Moon's orbital motion. When the Moon makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 27.3 days, the Earth will move about 27 ° in its orbit around the Sun, since its angular orbital velocity is about 1 ° per day. In this case, the Moon will take the same position among the stars, but will not be in the full moon phase, since for this it needs to move along its orbit by another 27 ° behind the "escaped" Earth. Since the angular velocity of the Moon is approximately 13.2° per day, it overcomes this distance in about two days and additionally advances another 2° behind the moving Earth. As a result, the synodic month is more than two days longer than the sidereal month. Although the Moon moves around the Earth from west to east, its apparent movement in the sky occurs from east to west due to the high speed of the Earth's rotation compared to the orbital motion of the Moon. At the same time, during the upper culmination (the highest point of its path in the sky), the Moon shows the direction of the meridian (north - south), which can be used for approximate orientation on the ground. And since the upper culmination of the Moon at different phases occurs at different hours of the day: at the first quarter - about 18 hours, during the full moon - at midnight, at the last quarter - about 6 hours in the morning (local time), this can also be used for a rough estimate of the time at night.

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