How old is Natasha Podolskaya. Singer Natalya Podolskaya: personal life, husband, children photo biography

The future singer was born on May 20, 1982 in the city of Mogilev in Belarus. Moreover, she was not born alone, but together with her twin sister Juliana. Girls from birth had different characters. Natalya constantly sang something and tried to stand out from the crowd, but her sister, on the contrary, was very quiet and modest. Already in the kindergarten, the future singer began to constantly participate in holiday concerts. At home, the girl imagined herself a star. She wore her mother's clothes and performed the hits of those years in front of a mirror with a comb in the form of a microphone.

Already at the age of nine, her parents sent Natalia to a children's music school to study vocals. She managed to study well in a regular school. Therefore, after receiving a general education, dad insisted that his daughter go to study as a lawyer. So Podolskaya became a student of the Belarusian State University. But the girl could not live without music, and after a couple of years she began to study in absentia and left to conquer Moscow. In the capital, she began to study at the Institute of Contemporary Art in the vocal department. In 2004, Natalia successfully completed her studies in Belarus and finally moved to live in Russia.

All these years, the young singer constantly performed in her homeland with concerts. At first she was the soloist of the popular youth group Double V. And then she started her solo career. In 2002, Natalia took part in the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk. But she gained her first fame after successfully overcoming the casting of the Star Factory-5 in 2004. And although the girl took only third place on the project, she was remembered by all viewers for a very interesting performance of songs. Podolskaya met producer Viktor Drobysh. He helped the girl record her first album, Late.

A year later, the singer went to Eurovision to represent Russia. The song "Nobody Hurt No One" was specially written for her. But Natalia did not perform very well at the competition of performers and took a place in the second ten.

After that, the girl started having problems with her first producer Igor Kaminsky. He blamed the failures of the singer Viktor Drobysh and constantly disrupted the concerts of the young singer. Natalya, through the court, achieved the termination of the contract and began to cooperate only with Drobysh. This had a positive effect on the popularity of Podolskaya. She constantly released new songs, shot videos and appeared on television in various projects.

The fruitful cooperation between Natalia and Viktor Drobysh ended in 2010, when they, by mutual agreement, suspended their joint activities. From that moment on, the singer went on an independent voyage. In 2013, the girl released a new album "Intuition". She continued to collaborate and record joint songs with many pop stars. Podolskaya also released several hits with her husband Vladimir Presnyakov.

Natalia still pleases her fans with new hits. At the beginning of 2018, her next video for the song “Lost” was released, which instantly became very popular on the Internet and collected several million views. Podolskaya decided to radically change her image and began to pay more attention to her appearance.

Singer's personal life

Natalia's first serious relationship with a man appeared in her youth. She lived for several years with her producer Igor Kaminsky. But then they broke up.

After participating in the Star Factory, Podolskaya met Vladimir Presnyakov. A spark immediately flew between them. Young people fell in love with each other and decided to start a family. In 2010, they officially got married, and five years later they had their first child, son Artem.

was born Natalya Yurievna Podolskaya in the city of Mogilev (Belarus) in 1982 on May 20. Natasha was born along with her twin sister Yuliana. The eldest daughter, Tanya, was already growing up in the family. Therefore, the parents were sure that this time they would have a boy. The birth of two girls at once was a real surprise in the Podolsky family. After some time, the long-awaited boy was born - Andrei, Natalia's younger brother.

Natalia Podolskaya with her twin sister

The future pop singer grew up in an ordinary, non-creative family. The father of the family Yuri Alekseevich worked as a lawyer, and the mother Nina Antonovna managed the exhibition hall. Despite the absolute resemblance of Natasha and Yulia, the girls were different in character. Natalia grew up as an active and lively child. She always sang different songs and arranged impromptu concerts at home in her mother's clothes. Julia, on the contrary, grew up as a quiet and calm girl. When Natalia was nine years old, her mother took her to "Rainbow"- children's music studio. There, professional teachers have already taken up the training of a talented and bright girl.

Student years of the future singer

In 1999 Podolskaya She graduated from high school and entered, at the insistence of her father, the Belarusian Institute of Law. Despite the fact that the girl wanted to become a singer, her parents believed that she needed to get a "serious and promising" profession.

Natalia Podolskaya in her youth

However, in 2002, Natalya Podolskaya nevertheless decided to take a cardinal step: she transferred to the correspondence department at the Belarusian Institute, and she left for Moscow, where she became a student of the vocal department of the Moscow Institute of Modern Art. The teacher and mentor of the future star was Tamara Miansarova- pop singer. It was thanks to Miansarova that Natalia revealed her vocal potential and began her career as a professional singer.

In 2004, Natalia Podolskaya received red diploma of the Belarusian Institute of Law. And since 2008, the girl began to permanently reside in Moscow, as she received a Russian passport and became a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Natalia Podolskaya

The beginning of a musical career

Podolskaya began her professional musical career at the age of twelve. It was then that the girl was taken as a soloist in the ensemble "Double V". Together with this team, Natalya Podolskaya went on tour not only in different cities of her native Belarus, but also in Germany, as well as other countries of Eastern Europe. When the singer was 17 years old, she received her first international prestigious reward at the competition "Golden hit". Also at this competition, the artist was awarded a cash prize in the amount of one thousand dollars. For her first earned money, the girl bought a fashionable sheepskin coat and boots.

Natalia Podolskaya at the beginning of her career

2002 was a very fruitful year in the work of Natalia Podolskaya. So, the singer successfully performed at the international competition "Slavic Marketplace" which is traditionally held annually in Vitebsk. This was followed by participation in the festival "Universetalent Prague 2002". In Prague, the singer was awarded in several categories at once. About a talented girl from Belarus became known abroad. In the same year, Natalia Podolskaya signed a contract with her first producer Igor Kaminsky.

In 2003, Natalya Podolskaya received an offer to become a representative from Great Britain at the international song contest. "Eurovision 2004". A song was even written especially for the singer. "Unstoppable". Unfortunately, Natalya Podolskaya did not manage to perform this song at the competition. The singer was forbidden to represent any other country except Belarus.

Natalia Podolskaya after performing in 2003

Participation in the "Star Factory"

AT 2004 year, Podolskaya got on a project that is significant for many young singers in Russia - "Star Factory". Natalia has already become a member fifth season this popular TV show. It was on this project that the singer met the producer. The famous producer was able to truly appreciate the vocal talent of the young performer and even helped Podolskaya to record her first album called "Late". As part of participation in the "Star Factory-5" Natalia Podolskaya became the only singer who released her record. And although Natalya failed to win in this project: the girl took an honorable third place, participation in this TV show was a big and important step on the way to the heights of the singer's musical career.

Natalia Podolskaya at the "Star Factory-5"


In 2005 Natalia Podolskaya again received an offer to participate in "Eurovision". This time the performer was invited to speak from Russia. During the qualifying round, Natalia Podolskaya managed to get around even such well-known performers as Anastasia Stotskaya. Especially for participation Podolskaya in Eurovision 2005 Viktor Drobyshev wrote a song "Nobody Hurt No One". A video clip for this song was also filmed. Despite the serious preparation and work of a team of professionals, Natalia Podolskaya did not even manage to enter the top ten finalists of the show. Such results of the competition upset the young singer very much.

Natalia Podolskaya at Eurovision 2005

Since at that time the singer had two producers: Igor Kaminsky and, after the defeat of Podolskaya in the European competition between producers began scandals. Kaminsky blamed Drobysh for his unsuccessful performance on the show. Due to constant conflicts and even disruptions of concerts, Evitsa decided to stop working with Igor Kaminsky. However, he demanded a huge amount of compensation upon termination of the contract. Natalya Podolskaya had to go to court and prove that the contract signed in 2002 with Kaminsky was invalid. Litigation regarding the rights to the singer's work lasted until 2007. As a result, Natalia Podolskaya managed to win the case.

Natalia Podolskaya and Igor Kaminsky

Musical hits of the singer

AT 2010 year Natalia Podolskaya and decided not to renew their contract, and the singer continued her musical career on her own. Natalia recorded new singles, loved experiments with sound, collaborated with famous DJs in the process of musical processing of her songs. AT 2011 Podolskaya returned to the "Star Factory" again, to compete with other graduates of this project.

Natalia Podolskaya now

AT 2013 year the singer released his second solo album titled "Intuition". Before the release of the entire disc, Natalya Podolskaya presented the song separately "Heart", which became the first song of the album.

AT 2014 year released a new single Podolskaya "There Far Away". In January 2015 year, the singer shot the video of the same name.

The repertoire of Natalia Podolskaya includes songs recorded together with her husband- . It: "Rain", "I remember everything", "Kisslorod", "Breathe".

Natalia Podolskaya

Personal life

First civil spouse Natalia Podolskaya became Igor Kaminsky - her producer. The couple lived together for five years. Natasha was much younger than Igor, so in his person she found a mentor and teacher. Thanks to Kaminsky in many respects Podolskaya managed to become a professional singer. However, soon the relationship of the couple came to naught, and the singer and the producer broke up.

Natalya Podolskaya with her husband -

In 2005, an acquaintance took place Natalia Podolskaya with her future husband Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. composer and singer. At that time, Presnyakov was married to Elena Lenskaya. At first, between Natalia and Vladimir began friendships that soon developed into romantic ones. According to the memoirs of Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalya stunned him at first sight. Some time later Vladimir and Natalia began to live together. In addition, the couple worked together on creativity and recorded duet songs.

In 2010 Podolskaya and Presnyakov formalized their relationship officially in the registry office, and also got married in the temple. In June 2015, the couple became parents - they had a son Artyom. According to Natalia and Vladimir, they prayed for a very long time that they would have children. And the birth of Artyom is considered a real miracle.

Natalia Podolskaya in position

The couple's parents were also very pleased that they had a long-awaited grandson. Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. even before the birth of Artyom assured that the grandson will look like him and found his features in the ultrasound scans. Natalya Podolskaya gave birth in an elite family. house, which cost the Presnyakov family almost half a million rubles. Little Artyom has an affectionate family nickname - Presnyachok. Numerous grandparents of the family love to mess with their grandson.

An interesting fact is that in 2015, Natalya's sister also became a mother - Juliana. The girl had two twin daughters.

Pair Podolskaya-Presnyakov is surprisingly strong. Perhaps this is because young people value family relationships very much and try to overcome any conflicts. Also, Natalya and Vladimir are sure that their family happiness is helped by the fact that they got married. And they advise all newlyweds to also go through this church ceremony to strengthen family ties.

Small Artyom already showing his talents: sings songs, plays the piano and dances. Parents are confident that the boy will become a worthy representative of their creative dynasty.

Natalya Podolskaya has always been distinguished by her model appearance. Even after giving birth, she managed not to gain excess weight and quickly get in great shape. Also, the girl always knew how to choose her wardrobe with taste: in everyday life she prefers simpler clothes, but shows bright dresses at social events.

Natalya Podolskaya with her husband -

Natalia Podolskaya now

The singer regularly continues to delight fans of her work with new songs. So, in 2017, Natalia Podolskaya released a video for the song “Neither more nor less”, and in April 2018 the clip “Lost”. All the videos of the singer are gaining millions of views in a short time. And the new bright image of Podolskaya did not leave anyone indifferent among the audience.

Natalya Podolskaya with her husband - and son

Natalya Podolskaya is one of the fairly successful young singers performing on the Russian stage. She became the winner of the famous musical project "Star Factory", but failed miserably at Eurovision. She became only the fifteenth among 20 performing artists. According to Natalia, this was a positive experience that helped her achieve a lot in the future.

For her creative activity, the performer sang a large number of songs, many of which were filmed video clips. The star has a large number of prizes and awards in the piggy bank. The tour schedule is scheduled for several months ahead.

Our heroine is married to a Russian pop star - Vladimir Presnyakov - the youngest, with whom she is raising her son Artemy.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalia Podolskaya

In 2017, the famous Russian performer became a member of the popular show program "Alone with Everyone", which is attended by many stars of domestic show business. Many interesting information could be learned from the program, including the singer's height, weight, and age. How old is Natalia Podolskaya - it is easy to calculate by performing simple mental manipulations in the mind. In 2018, the artist celebrated her 36th birthday.

Natalya Podolskaya, a photo in her youth and now which is collected by numerous admirers of her talent, is talented, gentle, beautiful. She has an average height of 174 centimeters. The singer managed to recover quickly after the birth of her long-awaited son. The artist currently weighs 54 kg. She often visits gyms, where she works out to the point of insanity, trying to lose those extra pounds.

Every week, the star of the national stage arranges obligatory fasting days. At this time, she is on an apple-kefir diet.

Biography and personal life of Natalia Podolskaya

A baby was born in a large Podolsky family in the early 80s of the last century. The Belarusian Mogilev became the hometown for Natasha, as her parents called her. Father - Podolsky Yuri Alekseevich was engaged in jurisprudence. Mother - Podolskaya Nina Antonovna raised four children. The popular pop singer has two sisters, and one of them was born a few minutes earlier than our heroine. The family also has a younger brother, whose name is Andrey.

According to the recollections of her parents, the baby was incredibly talented. She imagined that she was performing on stage. Natasha took something oblong and sang into it. Already in kindergarten, the girl amazed others. They said that the baby would certainly become a singer, who would be known throughout the Soviet Union. From the age of 5, Podolskaya began attending the Rainbow studio, in which she honed her vocal talent.

As a teenager, Natalya became a member of a youth group, as part of which she won several music and vocal competitions not only in her native Belarus, but also in Poland.

The girl became a certified lawyer in the early 2000s. At the same time, she performed at many venues in her native country. In 2003, she was among the winners of the Belarusian television festival "At the Crossroads of Europe".

Natalya decided to hone her vocal talent in the Russian capital. Her teacher was the famous Tamara Miansarova. In 2004, the performer decided to perform at the Belarusian selection of the Eurovision music contest, but could not become a participant. But the girl managed to become a participant in the 5th season of the Star Factory, which was led by the famous producer Viktor Drobysh. The young singer was able to take third place in the final. The girl had a large number of admirers of talent, who watched with interest the development of her talent.

In 2004, music lovers could listen to the songs of the artist's first album, which were written by Viktor Drobysh, Igor Kaminsky and others.

In 2005, our heroine was able to win the final of the Eurovision qualifying round. She went to the competition, held in the Ukrainian capital, where she defended the Russian Federation. The girl took only 15th place. Failure at the competition did not break the singer. She continued her vocal career, performing throughout Russia, Belarus and neighboring countries. Clips have been shot for many compositions performed by the star. In some of them, Natalia starred along with her twin sister Elya, who is engaged in the image of the singer.

Since 2005, Natalia has repeatedly become the owner of various awards. Her collection includes the awards of Russian Radio, Songs of the Year, Chanson of the Year and others.

Natalia regularly took part in various television show projects. She became one of the winners of the One to One show program.

In her personal life, our heroine was unhappy at first. She could not find a real life partner. But after participating in the "Great Races" in France, everything changed for the better. She met the famous singer - Vladimir Presnyakov - Jr. For several years, the stars met, and then officially registered the union. Now they are one of the happiest and most beautiful couples in the domestic pop firmament.

Family and children of Natalia Podolskaya

The family and children of Natalia Podolskaya live in two countries: Russia and Belarus. She believes that she was able to achieve success thanks to the participation and support of loved ones.

Now Natalia lives with her husband, Vladimir, who has been successfully performing on the stage since the late 90s of the last century. For a long time the couple was childless. All nine months, our heroine felt great. She starred in music videos, recorded songs and performed without feeling tired. In 2015, the family was replenished with a son. Natalya stopped performing for some time, devoting all her time to her newborn son. Now Podolskaya, her husband and son often travel. Recently, the couple, taking their son with them, rested on the Jurmala coast.

Recently, a number of media outlets wrote that Natalya Podolskaya was pregnant for the second time. The artist herself and her husband have not yet commented on this information.

The singer's dad worked as a lawyer in one of the organizations of Mogilev. He supported his daughter in her endeavors. The man always believed that Natasha could become famous.

The girl's mother was engaged in raising three daughters and a son. She is happy that all her children were able to find their place in life.

Podolskaya also has a brother and two sisters. One of them was born just a few minutes before her. The girls are incredibly similar. Julia helps her sister in creating the image.

Podolskaya calls her friends her family - a beautiful couple: Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin. They often perform together, go on trips.

The Presnyakov family takes part in charity events. Recently, they transferred part of the money from their fees to help children from one of the capital's orphanages. These funds will be used to buy gifts for pupils for the New Year and Christmas, as well as purchase equipment for the computer class of the institution.

The son of Natalia Podolskaya - Artemy Presnyakov

After the wedding with Vladimir Presnyakov, the youngest, Natalia was happy. She repeatedly stated that now she lacks one thing - a child, but the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur. The couple went to the doctors, who diagnosed the infertility of the wife. Thanks to the efforts of specialists from the Center for Reproduction in the Russian capital, a baby was born. With a height of 52 cm, he weighed about 3 kilograms at birth. At the birth that took place on one of the days of 2015, the newly-made dad himself was present. He supported his wife, took his son first in his arms.

The son of Natalia Podolskaya, Artemy Presnyakov, was carefully guarded by his parents from excessive attention. He was baptized in one of the best churches in the country, where a few years before that, the wedding of the baby's parents took place.

The boy is fond of music, plays the guitar. Recently, his father posted a video on his Instagram page in which Artemy sings along with a small guitar.

Husband of Natalia Podolskaya - Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.

The husband of Natalia Podolskaya - Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. was born and raised in a creative family. His parents performed in the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Gems". Very young, Vladimir became famous. His voice evoked delight and attracted numerous admirers. In his youth, the guy married for the first time. His wife was the daughter of one of the stars of the national stage Alla Pugacheva - Kristina Orbakaite. The marriage was short lived. After the birth of their son, the couple broke up, but maintained friendly relations. Vladimir participated in the fate of his son.

Presnyakov's acquaintance with Natalia Podolskaya took place back in 2005. Together they took part in the show program "Big Races". Somehow imperceptibly for themselves, the future spouses began to communicate quite tightly. After a short time, the lovers began to live in a civil marriage. In 2010, they registered their marriage first at the registry office, and then got married in one of the churches of the capital, in which they later baptized their long-awaited son.

The happiness of the spouses is immeasurable. They perform together. Vladimir often arranges pleasant surprises for his wife. Recently, he gave her a car, which the singer had dreamed of for a long time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Podolskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Podolskaya are popular. Admirers of the star's talent can find here all the most detailed information about the girl.

Lots of information for fans on the Wikipedia page. All competitions won by the singer are listed here. On the page you can find out how the creative activity of a domestic pop star is developing. Wikipedia makes it possible to learn about the parents, spouse, son of Natalia Podolskaya.

In social networks, the singer has her own pages. She quite often replenishes only the page on Instagram. The lack of long-term news in other social networks is due to the fact that the artist is incredibly loaded with performances. On Instagram, she posts pictures of her parents, sister Yulia. A lot of joint photos with her husband and son. Fans can see the happiness of lovers.

Often the singer on Instagram uploads new videos for her songs. They are carefully viewed by admirers of the talent of our heroine. Also on the page you can listen to songs performed by Natalia Podolskaya at different moments of her creative activity.

Podolskaya Natalya (born 05/20/1982) is a Russian singer of Belarusian origin, a participant in the musical show "Star Factory", the international Eurovision Song Contest "(2005).

Creativity from a young age

Natalia was born in the Belarusian city of Mogilev. Father's name is Yuri, he is a lawyer, mother Nina is the director of exhibitions. The girl was born with her sister, who was named Juliana. He also has an older sister and a younger brother. Natalya learned to sing before speaking, she was always a loud child, unlike her silent and thoughtful twin sister.

From an early age, the girl loved to dress up and arrange concerts. At school she attended a music class and learned to play the piano. From the age of nine, she began to attend a theater studio, where she learned to sing, dance and perform in front of the public. For the first time she performed on stage as part of the musical group "Studio W". Becoming a soloist in it, Natalya went on tour in Belarus and Europe, participated and won various music competitions for young people.

After graduating from school in 1999, at the insistence of her father, she studied law at the Belarusian Institute of Law, and received a diploma with honors. In her first year, she won the main prize of the Golden Hit competition in Mogilev. She knew how to combine education with creativity, participated in many music festivals. She was a prize-winner at Slavianski Bazaar (Vitebsk), Universetalent (Prague). In 2004, she was a contender for participation in Eurovision, but did not pass the selection.

Conquest of the Russian capital

In 2002, Podolskaya decided to study by correspondence and move to Moscow. Her creative mentor was the famous singer Tamara Miansarova, whom the girl met at one of the competitions. Natalia began to study vocals at the Moscow Institute of Modern Art. She also studied dancing under the direction of S. Mandrik at the Street Jazz studio. Thanks to Miansarova, who invited the aspiring singer to perform at her concert, Natalia met producer Viktor Drobysh.

Podolskaya managed to withstand a serious selection and become a member of the "Star Factory-5" in 2004. There she had the opportunity to prove herself, as well as sing with Russian stars. By the end of the project, Natalia was among the winners. In addition, she is the only member to release an album at the time, dubbed "Late". This album collected 13 compositions written for Podolskaya by eminent authors.

Natalia Podolskaya and producer Viktor Drobysh

Natalia fought in 2005 for the right to represent Russia at Eurovision and won, leaving behind D. Bilan and A. Stotskaya. However, at the competition in Kyiv, she took only 15th place. The result unpleasantly upset the singer, but she gathered herself and continued to work. One after another, her songs and videos were aired, taking high places in the charts. The most popular songs were: “Late”, “Light a fire in the sky”, “Nobody hurt no one”, “Firebird”, etc. Since 2008, the singer has been a citizen of Russia.

Independent creative activity

After 2010, when the contract with V. Drobysh, her producer, ended, Natalya pursues her career on her own. She continues to shoot videos, give concerts, participate in various festivals and projects. So, on Channel One, the singer took part in the following popular shows:

  • "Big Races" (2005);
  • "Circus with Stars" (2008);
  • "Two Stars" - paired with actor Andrei Chernyshev (2009);
  • "Ice and Fire" - took third place in a pair with athlete Maxim Marinin (2010);
  • "Star Factory. Return "(2011);
  • "Just the same" - took third place (2014).

Singer Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. becomes a reliable support for her. Among the songs of Podolskaya, released at a new stage in her musical career, there are such as "Pride", "Winter", "Intuition". The singer has duets with V. Presnyakov, A. Varum, DJ Smash and others. A total of 13 video clips for Podolskaya's songs were shot. In 2013, she presented her second album "Intuition".

Natalia Podolskaya in the course of her creative activity became the owner of various awards:

  • victory at the Slavianski Bazaar” (Vitebsk, 2002);
  • victory in the nominations "Best Singer" and "Best Song" at the "Universetalent" (Prague, 2002);
  • "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Late" (2004);
  • Laureate of the Song of the Year (2008-2011, 2013);
  • "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Oxygen" in a duet with Presnyakov (2015).

Personal life

Natalia's first serious feelings were for her producer I. Kaminsky, who was much older than her. They worked and cohabited for almost five years. After Eurovision, relations went wrong, the singer broke off the contract with the producer. For a long time, Kaminsky tried to sue money from Podolskaya, but these attempts were unsuccessful.

Natalya Podolskaya with her husband and son, 2015

On the set of the sports TV show "Big Races" in 2005, Natalia met her future husband Vladimir Presnyakov, he is 14 years older than Podolskaya. The couple did not hesitate, almost immediately they began to live together, forming not only a love, but also a creative union. In 2010, Natalia and Vladimir registered their marriage and also got married.

An experienced singer and composer, Presnyakov had a serious influence on the work of his wife. Together they performed more than one song, organize joint concerts and projects. A married couple in 2015 moved to a large country house and got their first child (06/05/2015). The son was named Artemy.

Natalya Podolskaya is a singer who became famous after participating in the Star Factory-5 project led by Alla Pugacheva. Then the artist took third place.

After participating in the international contest "Eurovision-2005" Natalia Podolskaya, it can be said without exaggeration, woke up famous. In 2010, Natalia joined the most eminent Russian musical dynasty, becoming the wife of singer Vladimir Presnyakov.

Natalia was born in a Belarusian family, her mother worked as the director of the exhibition hall, and her father worked as a lawyer. Natalia has a twin sister Yulianna, as well as a younger brother.

As Natalya herself recalls, she first showed her singing abilities in early childhood, at the age of two, to the great surprise of the family, singing the song “A young Cossack walks along the Don”. After that, the parents paid attention to the girl's musicality and began to actively develop it. Simultaneously with her studies at school, from the age of 9, Natalya began to study at the W studio of the Mogilev Lyceum of Music and Choreography, whose teachers highly appreciated her abilities. It so happened that back in her school years, Natalya repeatedly became the winner of local song contests, and in the year she graduated from school, she won the largest of the festivals held in her native Mogilev, the Golden Hit. It would seem that God himself ordered the girl to become an artist, however, her parents insisted that her daughter receive a serious education. As a result, Natalia entered the Belarusian Institute of Law, which she graduated in 2004 with honors.

And yet, even while studying at the university, Natalia did not stop making music, regularly taking part in various festivals and competitions. And including quite large ones, such as the "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk. And in 2002, Natalya entered the department of the Moscow Institute of Modern Art, where the famous Soviet singer Tamara Miansarova became her teacher.

In 2004, Natalia was supposed to represent Belarus at the Eurovision Song Contest. But this was not destined to happen. As a result of vote fraud, other performers were selected for the competition. But in 2005, Natalia was chosen to represent at this competition, but not her native Belarus, but Russia. As a result, in Kyiv, where the competition was held, the young singer took 15th place, which she later called "a useful lesson that taught her a lot." In the same year, Natalya met her love, Vladimir Presnyakov, on the set of the Big Races program. At that time, the singer had just divorced his previous wife Elena Lenskaya, so he was in no hurry to build a new relationship. Natalya, after breaking up with producer Igor Kaminsky, who was much older than her, was in no hurry to step on the same rake again - to fall in love with an adult and accomplished man. Two years later, Natalia and Vladimir played a fake wedding in Las Vegas, and soon a real one.

Today, Natalia successfully continues her musical career, both in a pair with her husband (they got married with Vladimir Presnyakov in 2010), and independently. She releases albums, videos, and also participates in various TV shows (“Robot Child” on TNT (2006), “Ice and Fire” on Channel One (2010). Sometimes she acts as a host of various events (“Days of Culture Russia in China” in 2012. She also tries herself as a model.

In November 2014, Natalia Podolskaya appeared on the air of the Evening Urgant program on Channel One. During the shooting, the singer constantly stroked her stomach, which caused rumors about the pregnancy of Natalia Podolskaya.


  • Natalia has a twin sister Julianna, she lives in Switzerland
  • Natalia's favorite hobby is skiing
  • Natalia is a religious person and has been fasting regularly for many years
  • The best friends of the family of Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya - Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum

1997 - Grand Prix at the Zornaya Pristan festival in Belarus

1997 - Victory in the festival "Mighty God" in Belarus

1997 - Victory in the festival "Goldenfest" in Poland

1999 - First place in the international competition "Golden Hit" in Mogilev

2002 - Victory in the nominations "Best Song" and "Best Singer" at the Universetalent festival in Prague in the Czech Republic

2004 - Third place in the project "Star Factory-5"

2004 - Golden Gramophone for the song "Late"


2004 - "Late"

2005 - "Nobody Hurt No One"

2012 - "Be a part of yours"

2013 - "Intuition"

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§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...