Tales and stories. Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev author of children's fairy tales

All the adults went to the field for cleaning, we were left at home with my grandmother. And you guys, go to the garden and pick vegetables, - grandmother told us. We took the bags and ran to the grandmother's garden. And Chapka and Usyk are behind us - to help. Chapka helped Masha dig potatoes very well: she dug the ground with all her paws and even with her nose. The potatoes flew, and Masha collected them in a bag. And I went to pull a carrot, although I did not know what it was. And it turned out: I pull a carrot, and then I pull out turnips, then beets. I accidentally pulled out even cucumbers and tomatoes, and only three carrots. I wanted to cry, but my grandmother said that you won’t know everything right away, but when you sow yourself and grow every bush, then you won’t confuse anything.

Somehow the Bear went to the Hare in the garden and asked:

What's up, Kosoy?

Yes, I'm pulling a carrot, Uncle Misha.

Is a carrot good?

Good, Uncle Misha, but only sits deep.

I, perhaps, also need carrots, - the Bear said thoughtfully, - in reserve for the winter ...

Cheers, Uncle Misha! Take as much as you want! The Bear spat on his paws and went carrots

pull, so much so that she flew in all directions ...

The Hedgehog was just passing by, and one carrot hit him right in the head and hung on the thorns.

The guys looked at the calendar this morning, and there was the last sheet left.

Tomorrow is the New Year! Tree tomorrow! The toys will be ready, but the Christmas tree is not. The guys decided to write a letter to Santa Claus so that he would send a Christmas tree from a dense forest - the most fluffy, most beautiful.

The guys wrote this letter and quickly ran into the yard - to sculpt a snowman.

Spring has begun.

We wanted to go for a walk without a coat, but we were not allowed to go without a coat. Then we both cried loudly, and we were allowed to go in summer coats. Probably, we still wept a little and quietly; if I had cried for another hour, they would have let me in without a coat, but I was afraid that they might not let me in at all.

The weather was very good outside: the sun was shining and the snow was melting. Water flowed everywhere.

We dug a groove, and the water gurgled loudly and flowed down the canal.

In June, we went to see our grandmother in the village and took Chapka and Usyk with us.

Tickets were bought for all of us, and Chapke got a dog ticket. Usyk rode for free, and dad said that Usyk "rides like a hare."

I don't understand how a kitten can ride like a hare? In the evening we came to my grandmother, and in the morning we went to the river to fish. First, Chapka and I dug worms: Chapka dug the ground with her feet, and I collected the worms in a jar. Masha did not collect them: she was afraid of worms, although they do not bite at all. Then we went to look for a place on the river.

Somehow the Cat went to the river to catch fish and met the Fox at the very edge.

The Fox waved her fluffy tail and said in a honeyed voice:

Hello, kum-kumanyok, fluffy cat! I see you are going to fish?

Yes, I want to bring fish to my kittens. The fox lowered her eyes and asked very quietly:

Maybe you can treat me to a fish too? And then all chickens and ducks ...

Cat chuckled.

So be it. I'll give you the first fish.

I don't know how to thank you.

My first fish, my first fish!

The puppy slept on a rug next to the sofa. Suddenly, in his sleep, he heard someone say:

The puppy raised his head, looked - no one was there. “I must have dreamed this,” he thought, and lay down more comfortably. And then someone said again:

Who's there?

The Puppy jumped up, ran around the whole room, looked under the bed, under the table - there was nobody! He climbed onto the windowsill, saw - outside the window in the yard a Rooster was walking.

"That's who did not let me sleep!" - thought the Puppy and ran into the yard to the Rooster.

Did you say "meow"? - asked the Puppy Rooster.

Works are divided into pages

Stories and tales of Vladimir Suteev.

With the work of the Soviet illustrator, writer, screenwriter and director of cartoons Vladimir Suteev (b. 1903, d. 1993), many children are familiar from an early age. Exactly Suteev's books with illustrations by the author himself are often the first for many girls and boys. The cartoons that were filmed according to his scripts still do not cease to win the souls of young viewers.

Why do kids love it so much? Suteev's fairy tales? Their plots are unusually simple and understandable, they are understandable even to the smallest children. Each of these wonderful tales brings genuine light and goodness, teaches sincere friendship, condemns such traits as greed and cowardice. Suteev wrote fairy tales in such a way that they easily and unobtrusively teach kids the first lessons of morality, true love for nature, and the fight against evil.

Vladimir Grigoryevich Suteev lived a very interesting life, he was the author of many stories and fairy tales. The man who for the first time in his life took read Suteev will be surprised at how much his works are distinguished by wit, the right sense of humor, liveliness and simplicity. Suteev's stories they are able to explain simple truths to the children without tedious moralizing, to show where the truth lies, and where lies lie. Good in his fairy tales and stories will always emerge victorious.

Vladimir Suteev was an extraordinary and talented person. Throughout his life, he tried to give young boys and girls as many of his works, illustrations and children's cartoons as possible. To this day, books with his author's illustrations are especially adored by children and their parents. Suteev gave his extraordinary talent of ambidexter - the simultaneous possession of the left and right hand, to the pleasure of the children. On our website you can read Suteev's fairy tales online and absolutely free.

The books of Vladimir Suteev are admired by adults who, rereading and reviewing them together with their children and grandchildren, do not get tired of admiring the work of a kind storyteller.

He gave children joy, bright colors and funny stories. What is the magic talent that Vladimir Suteev possessed? The artist's biography simply answers this question - in love and kindness.


Vladimir Suteev (07/05/1903 - 03/10/1993) was born in Moscow. Grigory Osipovich Suteev, his father, was a doctor and also a versatile person. He was fond of art, sang at concerts in the Noble Assembly, drew, read Dickens and Gogol to his sons. From "Viya" there were the most terrible memories. And the first book I read on my own was The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne. The brothers Volodya and Slava drew and ran to their father with their drawings and waited with impatience and excitement for what mark a strict connoisseur would give them.


Vladimir Suteev began his studies at the male gymnasium No. 11, but had already graduated from school. Since 1917, he had already begun to earn money little by little, making drawings for exhibitions and sports diplomas. He was a nurse, taught physical education classes and studied at the same time. Vladimir graduated from the College. Bauman, but realized that technology was not his calling.


Suteev continued his education at the College of Cinematography, which he graduated at the age of 25. Animation was just taking its first steps then, and a young artist stood at its origins. He was included in the group that created the first hand-drawn cartoon China on Fire. The next was the sound film "The Street Across". Together with the young one, who was only two years older, an image of the Blob character was created, intended for several series. These cartoons have not survived. Then Vladimir Suteev moved to a studio that studied the experience of Walt Disney in America.

The task of the new group was to quickly create fun films on celluloid film. And then there was work at the Soyuzmultfilm studio created in 1936. And the films “Noisy swimming”, “Why the rhinoceros has a skin in folds”, “Uncle Styopa”, “The Tale of the White Bull” appeared, and eight scripts were written, which later turned into entertaining works.


On June 22, "Fly-Tsokotuha" was completed, and on the 24th, Vladimir Suteev went to the front. The artist was 37 years old and married. He went through the whole war. Sometimes he was recalled to create educational films at the Voentekhfilm studio. And his wife left as soon as the war ended and Suteev was demobilized. They didn't have children.

Family life

And in 1947, at Soyuzmultfilm, he met the only woman whose feelings he would carry through the years. Her name was Tatyana Taranovich. But she was married and raised a daughter and could not destroy her family. And Suteev quickly married a woman with whom he studied at school. They lived together until her death, but the artist never forgot his true love. He nevertheless connected his life with her when she became a widow at the age of 67, and he himself was 80. They lived together for ten years.

Storyteller illustrator

In 1948, Vladimir Suteev completed his work as a director and began to cooperate with the largest children's publishing house in the country - Detgiz. His illustrations for Korney Chukovsky and Agnia Barto have become classics.

Look at the images of Chipollino, Cherry and Radish, which are otherwise impossible to imagine!

First book

And in 1952, Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich had already created his first own story, which was called "Two Tales about a Pencil and Paints."

According to one of them, it was possible to teach a child to draw. This is a fairy tale "Pencil and mouse". It consistently shows how a kitten's torso is drawn from simple elements (circles, ovals, triangles).

Try it and see for yourself how easy it is. But such ease came to Suteev over the years, and not everyone wants to reveal the secrets of their technique. And the child, enthusiastically drawing not kalyaki-doodles, but a cat, will feel like a real magician.

Stories and fairy tales

Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich wrote fairy tales for the smallest. He understood children very well. At first glance, these stories are very simple, but with a small child you can neither lisp nor overload him with complex concepts. To begin with, it is enough that he distinguishes the bad from the good, so that he worries about how good characters fight dangerous villains. At the same time, these scary characters do not scare the kids. They are shown with humor.

In the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" all forest animals and insects (Ant, Butterfly, Mouse, Sparrow, Bunny) hide from the rain under a mushroom cap, and there is a place for everyone. After all, this is how it should be in life: no one kicks anyone out of the game or drives them out of their jobs, everyone can make a little room and accept a comrade. And this is an important thought for the life of a child in a team.

"A bag of apples"

This is another smart and wise tale by V. Suteev. Papa hare collected a bag of apples for his family. Barely drags him home. And on the way he meets different animals, and everyone asks them to treat them with apples. The good Hare did not refuse anyone. But each of the animals gave him a gift in return.

"Who said meow?"

The puppy was sleeping and suddenly heard a strange sound. He went, full of curiosity, to find out who said "meow." And as a result, curiosity did not bring him to good. He must save himself from the evil shaggy Dog, he was bitten on the nose by a Bee. Offended, he returns home. It turns out that one must be able to distinguish curiosity from curiosity, which is combined with caution. And it's important for a baby.

Books by V. G. Suteev should not only be read, but must be considered for a long time. These are real cartoons. Only each new frame is stopped and you can admire it for as long as you like. All the little animals have a character, some are kind and some are not, but they are all bright and good, and most importantly, understandable to a small listener. Everything that does not finish, the master draws.

Born July 5, 1903 in Moscow, in the family of a doctor. The father was a gifted person, his passion for art was passed on to his son. Vladimir entered the men's gymnasium No. 11, and in the last grades he studied at a Soviet school. From the age of 14, he worked part-time: he drew diagrams for health care exhibitions, diplomas for winners of sports competitions, worked as a nurse in the first communist Red Army hospital, and as a physical education instructor in the lower grades of the school. Studied at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.


He entered the art department of the State College of Cinematography. Even during his studies, he joined the experimental production group of multipliers at the technical school. He made his debut as an animator in China on Fire (1925), where the landscape animation method was first applied. In 1928 he graduated from his studies and got a job at the Mezhrabpomfilm film factory. In 1931, he staged the first Soviet original sound cartoon, Street Across.

Together with Lev Konstantinovich Atamanov and Dmitry Naumovich, Babichenko developed a serial character - Blot. In 1935, he moved to the team of Viktor Fedorovich Smirnov (to the Experimental Cartoon Workshop at the GUKF, then to Mosfilm), where he worked, being listed as an artist in the credits, in fact, also performing directorial functions.
Cartoon by V. Suteev “And we are going to the Olympics!” (1940)

Since 1936 - at the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm". Fought, went through the whole war. During the war, he directed a number of training films at the Voentekhfilm studio. Since 1947, he taught at the courses of animators at Soyuzmultfilm. Contributed to the development of color cinema. In 1948, he stopped directing and quit Soyuzmultfilm without finishing the film The Hunting Rifle (completed by Sazonov). V. G. Suteev wrote about 40 scripts for animated films, and almost all of them were filmed by such directors as L. K. Atamanov, L. A. Amalrik, V. I. Polkovnikov, E. N. Raikovsky and others.

Children's literature

Since his youth, Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, periodically published in the magazines Pioneer, Murzilka, Friendly Guys, Iskorka, and in the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper. Since 1947 he worked in Detgiz. He illustrated many children's fairy tales by Soviet writers: Chukovsky, Marshak, Mikhalkov. For the first time, books with illustrations by the artist in Russian were published: D. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" (Suteev's characters of this fairy tale became a model for children's toys), Norwegian writer A. Preisen "Merry New Year", Hungarian writer Agnes Balint "Dwarf Gnomych and Izyumka" , the English writer L. Muur "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond." And in 1952, the first book was published by Suteev, "Two tales about a pencil and paints." Chukovsky welcomed her appearance with a review in Literaturnaya Gazeta.

Vladimir Suteev wrote many fairy tales that are distinguished by liveliness, wit, simplicity and accessibility for the smallest readers. Almost every sentence was accompanied by a vivid illustration, to which Suteev brought a lot from animation: his dynamic drawings look like cartoon frames; characters have a graphic identity, expressed in appearance, movements, facial expressions. There is always a lot of humor in his books, which helps to explain simple truths to children without moralization.

Interesting Facts:

Vladimir Suteev was ambidexterous, that is, he equally owned his right and left hands, and at the same time he could write with one and draw with the other.

Postcard books (without words) by Vladimir Suteev

Seasons. Isogiz. 1959

List of fairy tales by Vladimir Suteev:

"Uncle Misha"
"A bag of apples"
"Christmas tree"
"Who said MEOW?"
"Under the Mushroom"
"Different Wheels"
"Mouse and Pencil"
"Naughty cat"
"Chicken and Duckling"
"Angler Cat"
"Rooster and colors"
"Three kittens"
"What kind of bird is this?"
"Skillful hands"
"Magic Shop"

"About Christmas Trees"
"Mom's Holiday"
"About the Snow Maiden and the Snowflake"
"How Winter Ended"
"Everyone has a holiday"
"How I Fished"
"We are in the forest"
"Grandma's Garden"
"We are already at school"
"We are artists"
"About Aibolit and Chapkin's portrait"
"One, two - together!"
"About the Hippo who was afraid of vaccinations"
"We are looking for a blot"
"Peter and Little Red Riding Hood"
"Petya Ivanov and the Tick-Tock Wizard"


"Street Across" (1931)

"The Tale of the White Bull" (1933)
"Blob in the Arctic" (1934)
"Kolobok" (1936)
"Noisy Swimming" (1937)

"Uncle Styopa" (1939, together with Lamis Bredis)
"And we are at the Olympics" (1940)
"Fly-Tsokotuha" (1941)
"Merry Garden" (1947)
"Fly-Tsokotuha (cartoon, 1960)" (1960)


"The Tale of the White Bull" (1933)
"Blob in the Arctic" (1934)
"Kolobok" (1936)
"The Brave Sailor" (1936)
"Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf" (1937)
"Why the rhinoceros has a folded skin" (1938)
"And we are at the Olympics" (1940)
"Fly-Tsokotuha" (1941)
"Merry Garden" (1947)
"When the Christmas trees are lit" (1950)
"Zai and Chick" (1952)
"Magic Shop" (1953)

"Snowman Postman (New Year's Tale)" (1955)
"What kind of bird is this?" (1955)
"Ship" (1956)
"Million in a Bag" (1956)
"Mushroom-Teremok" (1958)
"Peter and Little Red Riding Hood" (1958)
"Buzzing Fly" (1960)

"Different Wheels" (1960)
"Two Tales" (1962)
"Who said meow?" (1962)
"Not Now" (1962)
"Firefly No. 4. Our Pencil" (1963)
"Cockroach" (1963)
"Jokes" (1963)
"Angler Cat" (1964)
"Rooster and Paints" (1964)
"The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep" (1965)
"About a hippo who was afraid of vaccinations" (1966)
"Tails" (1966)
"One-two, together!" (1967)
"We are looking for Blot" (1969)
"Uncle Misha" (1970)
"Terem-Teremok" (1971)
"Bag of Apples" (1974)
"Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf" (1978)
"Who Gets the Prize" (1979)
"Petya the cockerel is gone" (1986)

production designer
"The Brave Sailor" (1936)
"Dog and Cat" (1938)
"The Hermit and the Bear" (1935)

"Living Houses (Dispute Between Houses)" (1928)
"Uncle Styopa" (1939)
"Zai and Chick" (1952)
"The arrow flies into a fairy tale" (1954)

"Start" (1925)
"1905-1925" (1925)
"China on Fire" (1925)
"The Adventures of Munchausen" (1929)

unfinished paintings
"Hunting rifle" (completed by P. P. Sazonov)

"How a Crocodile Swallowed a Porcupine"


The animated film "Tails" appeared on the country's television screens back in 1966. A good kind fairy tale is designed for the smallest cartoon lovers.

Plot: Bunny accidentally finds a fox's tail in the forest on a stump (which she lost when she ran away from the dogs, they simply tore it off). He would have galloped past, and there would have been no fairy tale, had it not been nearby, a white-sided magpie. She then advised the poor hare (he does not know how much trouble this “wealth” will bring him) to exchange tails.

"Fly Tsokotukha"

Released: 1960
Country of issue: USSR
Duration: 10 minutes

If your name is Fly, and you, walking across the field, found money, do not rush to invite goats, little bugs and all sorts of cockroaches for a treat. Because when the malicious Old Man-Spider comes into your house, which "dragged our Fly into a corner", none of your guests will help you. They will scatter in the corners, but in the fields. So it’s better to immediately call the daring Mosquito. He will save from the Spider, and will call for marriage.

Drawn cartoon "The Fly - Tsokotukha", created on the basis of the fairy tale of the same name by Korney Chukovsky, was filmed by directors Boris Dezhkin and Vladimir Suteev in 1960.

"Who said meow?"

Released: 1962
Animation genre: Short films, Films for children, Cartoons, Domestic films
Country of issue: USSR
Duration: 9 minutes

Animation director: Vladimir Degtyarev
Animation screenwriter: Vladimir Suteev

A kind puppet cartoon about an incredibly inquisitive puppy based on a fairy tale by Vladimir Suteev. One day, a little puppy hears a voice unfamiliar to him, which pronounces a strange word "meow". Our hero cannot leave such an amazing event without investigation. He goes on a journey in search of a strange stranger. The puppy is not afraid to ask questions to everyone who meets on the way, the question: “Who said meow?” does not give him rest, but finding the owner of a strange voice is not so easy. On his way there are very different animals: a mouse, a bee, a frog, an adult dog.

The puppet film “Who said “Meow” was created by screenwriter Vladimir Suteev. A small lop-eared puppy (voiced by actress Rina Zelenaya) wakes up in the morning from a perky “Meow!”, Runs out into the yard, runs to the river and naively asks everyone, from a mouse and a bee to a huge watchdog, seeking an answer to the main question.

"A bag of apples"

Released: 1974
Animation genre: Short films, Films for children, Cartoons, Domestic films
Country of issue: USSR
Duration: 20 minutes

"A Bag of Apples" is a kind cartoon about how a father hare went to the forest for apples to feed a large family.

The good Soviet cartoon "A Bag of Apples" was remembered by everyone from childhood with the famous phrase of the protagonist "I have four sons and a sweet daughter." The Hare has a really big family that needs constant food. The father of the family spends all day scouring the forest district in search of something tasty for his kids. One day, he accidentally stumbles upon a spreading apple tree rich in ripe fruits. Eared picks up a full bag of red-sided fruits, while a crow that has flown in begins to tease him. The hare brushes off the annoying bird with a stick and sets off on a long journey home, singing a cheerful song about his family.

But the harmful crow harbored a grudge against the oblique and promised to take revenge. The road is not close, on the way the Hare meets motley forest dwellers who are not averse to eating sweet apples. An eared hero, a kind soul does not skimp on treats for random strangers and eventually ends up at the house with an empty bag. And then this treacherous crow conspired with a hungry wolf. What is the poor hare to do? What to feed your rabbits now? To help the good-natured bunny, as a reward for his treats, the animals of the forest brought him their vegetables, honey and other products.

Animation director: Vitold Bordzilovsky

The heroes of Vitold Bordzilovsky's tape speak in the voices of Georgy Vitsin, Anatoly Papanov, Boris Vladimirov.

"Magic Shop"

Directed by Leonid Amalrik,
Vladimir Polkovnikov
Screenwriter Vladimir Suteev
The roles were voiced by Yulia Yulskaya,
Georgy Vitsin (wizard manager),
Anastasia Zueva (Matryoshka),
Irina Pototskaya,
Claudia Koreneva,
S. Rosenblum,
Leonid Pirogov
1953 - V International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Venice - Diploma.

The Magic Shop is a 1953 Soviet children's animated film based on the fairy tale of the same name by Vladimir Suteev.

About the cartoon: Schoolboy Vitya Petrov wants to advance and therefore volunteered to draw a wall newspaper, although he does not know how to draw. He goes to classmate Misha and asks him to help. The clock strikes 7 o'clock. Vitya stands under the sign: "Magic children's department store." There he receives magical paints that draw the wall newspaper themselves. But all the drawings show caricatures of Vitya himself, and the guys laugh at him. Vitya exchanges paints for a self-playing miracle balalaika.

At the evening of amateur performances, he forgets the words of the spell, and they laugh at him again. Balalaika Vitya exchanges for a controlled miracle ball for a football match with a neighboring school. But while he is casting the spell, 13 goals are scored in his gates. Only once does he catch the ball himself, and then without the help of a spell. After such a failure, Vitya decides from now on to do everything himself. The clock strikes 8, and Vitya wakes up, as the magic shop was in a dream. He says to Misha: “I will draw a wall newspaper myself! If you take up the matter yourself, you will do any miracles.

"When the Christmas Trees Are Lit"

Written by Vladimir Suteev
Directed by Mstislav Pashchenko
Composer Karen Khachaturian
Roles were voiced by: Vladimir Volodin (Snowman), Yulia Yulskaya, Leonid Pirogov (Father Frost), Rostislav Plyatt, V. Ivanova, Tatyana Barysheva (Zaichika), Yuri Khrzhanovsky

1951 - VII International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary - Award for the best children's film.

Dubbing in 2001: Yulian Balmusov, Vladimir Konkin, Irina Malikova, Zhanna Balashova, Boris Tokarev, Tatyana Kanaeva, Vitaly Ovanesov

When the Christmas trees are lit - a Soviet cartoon fairy tale for children. Filmed in 1950 by director Mstislav Pashchenko based on a script by Vladimir Suteev. The cartoon was included in the animated collection "Christmas Tree Holiday" along with the cartoons "Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf", "New Year's Journey" and "Snowman-mailer".

In 2001, the cartoon was restored and re-recorded by Studio AS LLC and Children's Session 1 LLC. In the new version, the phonogram was completely replaced, modern actors were involved in the dubbing, data about the sound engineer and voice actors were replaced in the credits.

About the cartoon: On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus from the fairy-tale tower, together with his driver Snowman, goes to Moscow, to the Christmas tree in kindergarten, taking, as expected, a bag of gifts. Among other toys there is a teddy bear and a cotton bunny intended for the girl Lucy and her brother Vanya. But on the way, both gifts accidentally fall out through a hole in the bag and remain in the forest. They will have to go through many adventures before they finally get to their little owners.

Watch these wonderful cartoons with pleasure and come for books by Vladimir Suteev
to the Library - Center for Children's Reading and to other libraries of the city.

Many adult parents do not stop reading with pleasure the amazing, kind, fantastic tales of Vladimir Suteev with colorful pictures for their little listeners. Cute, fabulous, funny stories that children of all ages remember and know. Accessible, understandable and kind story stories will win little hearts even among the smallest children.
For everyone, the famous, popular and beloved characters of various incredible animals, with the help of their characters and habits, sometimes look so much like people. Any fantastic fairy tale story carries kindness, sincere joy, fun, always teaches to be an honest and devoted friend. In all fairy tales, cowardice, greed, selfishness, and excessive greed are not welcomed and condemned. In an understandable and kind form, in an accessible and understandable language of narration, the very first lessons of a careful, positive and very kind attitude towards the nature that surrounds us are presented. Often, all the real truths of modern life and life situations about truth and lies, about beaver and evil, about mutual assistance and compassion are explained in an accessible way.
Suteev Vladimir was unrealistically talented, his works are simply incredible. Each time rereading his fairy tales, one can understand how he put a piece of his heart and his kind soul into each of his works.
Apple, a positive, instructive fairy tale story about honesty, justice and sincere kindness. Many forest animals quarreled and could not figure out who would get a ripe, juicy apple. Each of them thought and believed that it was he who fully deserved to eat it, this is the last apple. And only a big old and wise bear managed to resolve this long dispute between the animals. He divided this one apple into different parts among all.
Who Said Meow is a positive, cheerful and very funny tale about a wonderful little puppy who made such a unique and curious sound of Meow from his mouth. The very first meetings and curious acquaintances with many residents of a large courtyard, with their unique habits, their behavior with different thoughts and voices.
The ship, a fascinating story, sincere honest friendship is valued in it and narcissism and boasting are strongly discouraged. The little frog laughed and always made fun of his friends who couldn't swim. They got together and made a boat and went on a trip on it, and the boastful frog was left all alone.
Read fairy tales by Vladimir Suteev online for free
Vladimir Grigoryevich Suteev spent all his creative long way to serve children. He started as an animator, but only after that, as a talented writer. He drew all his illustrations for his fairy-tale works by himself. Skillfully wielding his genius talent, he wrote and drew equally well both with his left hand and with his right hand too. Even the smallest children, even up to a year old, can read and listen to his stories, because all of his fairy tale stories are overflowing with love, tenderness and warmth.
Listen and watch the fairy tales of Vladimir Suteev online
And also for your convenience, you can not only read fairy tales, but also listen to audio fairy tales or watch video fairy tales and cartoons.

Fairy tales, as you know, are written by good storytellers, and first of all they are intended for kids . It was such a fairy tale writer Vladimir Suteev . Having initially received an art education, Vladimir Georgievich began his creative activity as an animator. Many cartoons were created according to his scripts. Even the smallest it is easy and interesting for viewers to watch them, andread Suteev's good fairy tales for free for kids gives real pleasure.

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They are imbued with kindness and sincerity, the characters are bright and memorable. Parents, reading stories with funny characters to very young listeners, can be sure that the kids will understand the meaning of the message correctly. Vladimir Suteev, among other things, was a wonderful illustrator, so the images shown by him in fairy tales are plausible and associatively understandable.

miraculous Suteev's fairy tales for the little oneswill always be of interest to adults. After all, more than one generation was brought up on these fairy tales, and animated films based on them can be watched by the whole family as many times as you like. “A bag of apples”, “Who said: “Meow”?”, “Terem-teremok”, “About the Behemoth who was afraid of vaccinations” - these names have been familiar to everyone since childhood. Everything is simple and clear. There is no imposition of aggression and lies, as in many foreign fairy tales that fill the screens and pages of books. If you want your child to grow up as a respectable person, then without a doubt start reading the “correct” literature to him, which includes the fairy tales of Vladimir Georgievich. Allread Suteev's fairy talespossible on this site. Start educating the next generation of adults today.

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