Joke predictions. Funny, comic predictions for corporate parties "New Year's Lottery" Predictions for Valentine's Day for children

Celebrating holidays with a big company is fun and interesting. But only if the entertainment program is planned. Without it, the celebration will turn into a banal eating of food and empty talk. If you take on the organization of the holiday, you need to think through everything carefully and prepare in advance. Decoration of the room, menu, music - all these are important components of the party. Most importantly, do not forget to prepare contests, games and quizzes. Guests will be completely delighted if you read them comic predictions. Short and funny, a little touching and romantic, positive and unusual words will give people a good mood.

crystal ball

Each of us wants to look into the future at least for a minute. Find out what awaits him and loved ones in the coming years. So give your friends this opportunity! Include in the script of the evening the visit of a famous witch. In her role, you can act on your own or involve one of the invitees. Set up a speech beforehand and the show can begin.

A few days before the celebration, prepare comic predictions. Short and funny, in verse they are best suited. Write them down on small sheets of paper, then roll them into a tube. You can age the paper with ordinary strong tea or, conversely, paint the tubes in bright colors. Place these mysterious bundles in a regular balloon and inflate it. Tie one balloon to each guest's chair. They will not even suspect that there are comic and funny people behind their backs. In the middle of the evening, the witch appears!

The fun begins

The sorceress is dressed according to her image, in her hands is a crystal ball! She slowly enters the hall, giving everyone a mysterious look: “Hello, people! I came to you for a reason, the ball brought me! I see your future in it! Do you want to know the whole truth? Magic balls will appear behind your backs! Extract from them what was sent to you by higher powers!”

All come true

Guests can start popping balloons and taking out packages. Now the real fun begins! short and funny will amuse the audience and give a lot of positive emotions:

  • soon you will meet love, you will marry again;
  • as soon as you put on a red chignon, you will receive a million in a day;
  • you will fly up the career ladder, you will quickly sit down with your boss;
  • you will never go bald, your hair is kept by a lucky star;
  • soon in your house you will hear a child's roar, laughter and trampling, and a pot, have fun soon, my friend;
  • the miraculous balm will come across to you soon, you will be forever young, mischievous and groovy;
  • wake up in the morning - under the window of a foreign car, you did not expect such a gift?

These are universal comic predictions. Short and funny, they are perfect for colleagues. This number will be relevant at the corporate party for any holiday!

Gypsy motifs

There is a strong stereotype that all gypsies are fortune tellers. So we will not dispel it, but, on the contrary, we will beat a fun situation. For the holiday, the gypsy Aza will come to you directly from the camp, which goes into the sky! He will look for five minutes and predict a bright future for everyone. it is very simple to make: you will need a colorful long skirt, a scarf on your head and more jewelry. Prepare in advance comic predictions, short and best suited. Write them down on sheets of paper and put them in a pretty box. The gypsy enters the room and explains that she found this chest by chance in her great-grandmother's house. She opened it and saw a note inside. She told that she should come to this house and distribute these sheets to those present.

Mysterious messages

The development of events can be different, let the guests take turns pulling out the package they like and enjoy what is written there! These should be comic predictions, short and funny, in verse or prose. A gypsy woman can call guests herself and tell them predictions in a mysterious voice!

  • I can see very clearly, you have a huge family. You will all live together, your son will go to serve in the army.
  • A trip to the mountains awaits you, you will make a splash there.
  • A lot of money will fall on your head, and a friend will get rid of the disease.
  • You will always have delicious food in the house.
  • There will be a lot of joy, ice cream and sweets.
  • Exactly at night your happiness will come.
  • Very, very soon, I see you at sea!

Everyone will definitely like these comic predictions, short and funny. For teenagers, youth and those over thirty, these are the best wishes!

All the best for children

If a children's holiday is planned in the house, be sure to prepare entertainment for the children. Without them, the celebration will be boring and dull. Children will quickly get tired, overeat and want to go home. Hold several games, contests, let the smart ones show off their intellect in quizzes. After receiving small prizes, let the guys have a good rest and refreshment, and you can start the quest! After completing all the tasks and obstacles, present comic predictions, short and funny, as a prize. For children, this will be an unusual and interesting surprise! They will gladly open the cherished notes and read the messages!

  • very soon you will have new friends;
  • in the mall you will buy just cool pants;
  • when you hear a loud ringing, you get a new phone;
  • you will get five fives, although you teach very poorly;
  • they call, you open the door, and there is a brand new briefcase;
  • soon everything will be cool, you will have a red dachshund;
  • a neighbor will fall in love with you, and you will live a hundred years;
  • in the coming month of October, luck itself will come to you;

Such comic predictions, short and funny, will be a pleasant surprise for children.

School years

Not everyone likes to go to school, but, having matured, they remember these years and dream of returning to the past! Try to arrange parties, discos, competitions and games for the guys for every holiday. So the class will become more friendly, united. At any of the events, you can give children an unusual surprise - comic predictions, short and funny. For schoolchildren, select the special phrases they need. Let them be with humor, but also with a hidden meaning.

  • Something good will happen and you will want to change! You will study only for five and attend all sections.
  • This year you will find yourself, you will start writing books and poems.
  • Learn a foreign language, because you are a natural diplomat.
  • They will send you to the running competitions, you show yourself there properly.
  • You need to start dancing, and pump your back muscles, your parents are very happy, you will become a pop star.
  • You will sing like a nightingale, do not be too shy on stage!

The guys will be delighted and will remember these predictions for a long time. And if you believe in good, then it will definitely come true!

Would you like to know what awaits you in the new year? Maybe you will meet your first love, maybe you will give birth to a baby, maybe you will go on a trip, maybe you will find the job of your dreams? Or maybe your most cherished dream will finally come true? To find out if it will be the way you want, just look at our New Year's predictions in verse for each zodiac sign - for children and adults. And you will immediately understand everything what to expect from the New Year.

Predictions for children according to the signs of the zodiac


In this bright New Year
A happy turn awaits you
If you are the best
Know that success will come to you!

The year will be rich in roads,
But there will be no trouble with them,
Because your success
Bring your first snow!

For schoolchildren Aries New Year
Will be full of fun worries
Learning will be so easy
Lighter than a white feather!


The year is rich in joy for you,
For friends and enemies
Purposeful sweetness
He'll bring more!

* * *

The year will bring you joy
Lots of fun things to do
Money, sweets, flowers,
And candy until spring!

On a summer day, a wish will come true
Unexpectedly, beautifully and easily,
If there is one more wish,
Guess it, drink milk!


You cool poems and songs
Unexpectedly, all dreams will come true
You choose verses and texts,
And in one you will know the prediction!

autumn day for twins
Will bring the news
And advice: drive rather laziness,
To live more interesting!

Luck is on your side
Among the pictures of February,
You will soon be surprised
How new friends will appear!


New Year will bring you
Interesting twist
In personal life and in fate,
Be always on top!

surprise, discovery
Promises New Year
Walk proudly,
And you will be lucky again!

New Year will give Cancers,
Joy, holiday and surprise,
True, go along the gully
You'll have to get your prize!

a lion

This year you will be visited
Friends distant, funny,
They will give in the snow
You meet bright, dear!

In this bright New Year
There will come a bright round dance
Have a nice day and a summer day
Everything bad will go away into the shadows!

A small holiday promises you
An unexpected gift
But be patient
To claim your prize!


New Year's fairy tale will last
Unnoticed for a whole year
And good luck for 30 years
Will definitely bring!

This year among the gifts
It will definitely be hot
After all, reading congratulations,
Don't put your finger in the jam!


Promises you fun
And friends for a year round dance,
Coin necklace
And the snow cycle!

Comic prediction
In the year will give a promise
And make all your dreams come true
Everything that you think!

If you want to be happy
All the beautiful New Year,
Wear whatever is beautiful
And rather in a round dance!


Happy New Year
Invite to the whirlpool
Adventures and guests
Well, happy friends!

Predictions for children
Friends will be invited in your year,
Where are the enemies and where are the friends
Everything will tell your life!

In this bright New Year
The cat will cross the road
But do not be afraid - he is with him,
Happiness will bring home!


This year will be rich
For sweets, marmalade,
Sweet gingerbread, sweets,
There will be a lot and no trouble!

Magic happens in a year
And the celebration will come
The year will be rich in affection,
Life will be easy, like in a fairy tale!

Luck will come on a summer day
You catch her in the country,
Among daisies and flowers,
Butterflies and mosquitoes!


In the spring will come to you
The guest that was on New Year's Eve,
He gives good advice
Which will give good luck for 100 years!

Wishes for this evening
All wishes will be fulfilled in a year
Guess to the stars,
What do you want in poetry or prose!

Capricorn will be happy
If this New Year
He is a coin with chocolate
In a glass of lemons will bring!


Smile, Aquarius
Luck is waiting at the door
The year is rich in gifts
There will be chocolate!

Divination will tell you
Where luck awaits will show
If only in the New Year,
You will be the first to taste the cake!

For the paper to predict
Good luck to you
Write a wish on it
And wish the Snow Maiden!


Your wishes will come true
Even this New Year.
If you write wishes
Friends and will not tear their black cat!

The year promises you a lot
amazing roads,
Happiness is on the doorstep again
Orange Pie!

Your year will be rich
For sweets, chocolate,
Sweets, cakes, salads,
And strawberry marmalade!

Adult comic predictions for the New Year 2020 in verses according to the signs of the Zodiac


Aries on corporate night
Gives many perspectives
The lonely will find
In March all your destiny
A married year will give
Many happy moments
Serving you great tea
When the guests have all left!


For Taurus, short skirts will be in fashion,
And they will tell you where to find a chance in your love,
Good luck boldly awaits you, happiness is beyond the threshold,
And this year will generously endow money!


The year will be rich in Christmas trees,
But not only on needles,
But also for outdoor recreation,
Even in bad weather
There will be many bright days
Many happy guests
Well, in the life of prospects,
And at the end of the corporate!


Cancers will not laugh:
To achieve faster success
Gotta hurry up again.
Well, maybe learn
Will you lead in a row
For sweets, chocolate,
For love pleasures
And great success!

a lion

Lions will be lucky
Somewhere around mid-February
When the sun wakes up
And things will get better
There will be a lot of money
If you don't refuse
At night you work hard
But don't mess with Yaga!


Year recommends to Virgos
Be bold in love
Shyness will get in your way
Reach for hearts
Cupid's arrow will hurt,
But the year will give glamor
Gives good luck and success
Be the prettiest of all!


For Libra, the year will bring
Lots of fun things to do
Joy in personal life:
Will surely bring you soon
Who is married will get a home
Happiness, joy and comfort,
Maybe procreation
The stars will send you from the sky!


Scorpio will get joy
Unless he's stupid:
Even if life and sweetness
Don't turn off the path
Achieve your goals boldly
If you want a year
Gave money, walk, fall in love,
And then you'll be lucky in everything!


For Sagittarians, everything will be simple:
The main thing is to move forward
And then quite seriously
This New Year will be
He will always bring joy
new life turn,
And let it give you gold
The beauty of you red cat!


Capricorn: will perform again
Year of desire, will give success,
The main thing is that with an extra word,
You didn't scare away success
Boldly make your way to the goal,
Have fun from the heart
Sing songs and fall in love
The year will fulfill all dreams!


Aquarius cold year
Promises vanity
Even if the schedule is tight
Makes you sad again
Wait for the turn again
In personal life and love,
And luck is out the gate
Will fly soon!


A year rich in luck
The stars promise you
If only you are the jam
Take it to your friends at night
Feel free to share your luck
And everything will come back again
Don't be scared - small change
Love will not come to you!

Other predictions:

Caution: this year
Black cat around the corner
Will bring you good luck
And a whirlpool of friends
There will be happiness and love
Will return again and again
Money is sharp like a river
All will fill the shores.

* * *
This New Year's Eve
Let a prophetic dream
He will light candles on the tree
Windows will decorate everything with silver,
Promises good luck
Change in fate
If only you surrender
You can't take yourself in a taxi!

Comic predictions for children are no less popular than adults. They will amuse children and help adults have a great children's holiday. Just print them on paper, cut them in such a way that one prediction fits on each piece of paper. Put them in a hat or a pretty vase and let everyone choose their own “destiny” for the coming year 2021. Another interesting way is to put pieces of paper in. It's not only fun, but also delicious.

Choose predictions in verses:

Predictions for preschool children

Predictions for preschool children are well suited for both large and small companies. Of course, such kids cannot cope without the support of adults who can organize festive fun for them.

If you listen to mom and dad,
You will eat sweets!
And not obedient for a whole year,
The ban on sweets is just waiting!

Those who like to sleep a lot
A year without surprises awaits again!
All the surprises you oversleep
Just don't blame us!

My friend, if you want to grow up
And save your health
Drink more milk
And do not shed tears over him!

you next year
Be constantly in sight!
You will perform a lot
You will stand for the kindergarten!

Today is a happy and cheerful day
Why did you hang your nose?
We promise you all year
Live only with the phrase "Lucky"!

The one who mom and dad
Does not listen stubbornly
Will sit at home for a year
And just look out the window!

If you don't eat porridge
You won't grow my friend
All year you will be weak
Like a pea pod!

If you don't sleep well
It will be hard to get up
You will be nervous, you will be angry,
And you won't grow big!

Fun awaits you all year long
Laughter, McDonald's, carousels!
adventure friends,
I guarantee you!

Many sweets prophesy
Prediction day and night!
The main thing is to make sure that the year
Your stomach didn't hurt!

Very soon you
There will be more friends!
Don't hurt their baby
Invite to visit!

The more you smile
The more you get
You've got it all year
We are talking ahead!

You have to sleep at nap time
After laying in bed.
You don't like to do this
You will be standing in the corner!

There will be a feast for you my friend
Well, prepare your mouth,
Lots of delicious ice cream
Candies, cakes, pastries!

We're talking to you now
Completely unadorned
All wishes will come true
And all dreams will come true!

You have a surprise friend
A fun prize awaits you!
You just have to earn
And be good all year long!

If you won't be lazy
You will work hard
Suddenly you open the planet
You will arrange a holiday for the whole world!

If you will work
If you are all in worries
You will become a friend of the president,
Get applause!

We are preparing for you
Sunny day in the middle of winter
You will walk all day
And "blame the loafer"!

Will bring you good luck
New sports record!
You will be a super hero
Fans will walk in formation!

Some evening you will fall asleep
As usual, we tell you.
And wake up and understand
Three foreign languages!

If you want candy
Send your parents hello
In the form of washing floors,
And sweeping corners!

There will be a holiday in your garden
Lots of different gifts
They will give you at that hour
Everything you want with us!

If you will help your mother
Wash dishes, clean up everything
Your wish will come true
For exemplary obedience!

Gifts are waiting for you
Loving from parents
But they must be earned.
Or right to ask!

Your wishes will come true!
But keep them a complete secret,
Then they will be fulfilled!

For your merits, for yours,
Waiting for a declaration of love!
You will be happy today
Because dreams will come true!

You will become famous
Everyone will give flowers
You write a book
For girls and boys!

If you brush your teeth at night,
Then the whole stomach will be clean,
Well, if it's the other way around
Your stomach hurts a lot!

Comic predictions for schoolchildren

Short predictions for children are fun entertainment that will suit any holiday event. Schoolchildren not only believe in miracles, but also expect them. And what if not predictions will help strengthen their faith? In addition, comic predictions for children will perfectly cheer up the whole company.

Soon, soon into you
Confessions will fly loving.
Maybe from the next desk,
The stars speak like cards!

You will have happiness
There will be new friends
Adventure awaits you
Predictions don't lie!

Everything will be fine at school
Everything is good at home too.
Most importantly, don't forget
Help mom and dad!

Adventure awaits you
On vacation next
Confessions will be received by loving
From a real prince (princess)!

If you don't learn a lesson
You will get two right away.
For all your subjects,
And by star signs!

If you go to bed early
You are in your favorite bed
Stars in a dream for you
Growth will be added loving!

Literally very soon
Kiss you soon
But not on the lips, but on the cheeks
But still loving!

Congratulations you are with us
You will just learn!
Mom and dad will be happy
And they will give you a reward!

The stars say hello
And send you candy!
Eat them one at a time
Otherwise, your ears will curl up!

Make a wish soon
The stars favor you
The wait will be short.
They tell you honestly!

Soon you will have a holiday
They will give you different gifts!
Many guests will arrive
There will be many friends!

Rather open to the heart
You are for love door!
Some people care about you
And to your beautiful eyes!

You will be writing a letter soon
It will be love!
And who, history will be silent,
Keep it secret!

Wait for a love confession
In drawing class!
Will draw your portrait
And send a big hello!

News is waiting for you
Happy news!
The house will be full of guests,
The main thing is to clean up later!

Who will help mom
To receive gifts,
If there is no help
You will be judged even at school!

You have to be able to dream
You are too serious with us,
Then you will fly
Straight to the beautiful stars!

You will be very lucky in life
After all, there are many gifts!
But they must be earned
Go shopping with mom!

A great vacation awaits you
You go to the sea with your dad, with your mom!
Will you swim, sunbathe
And play with the kids!

Waiting for you update
From my mother loving!
Don't forget to thank her
Tell your mommy!

Waiting for a transfer in class
And a new neighbor is waiting
Your friendship will be smooth
Peaceful, glorious and without trouble!

Happiness will come to your house
As a big gift
And don't forget mom later
Thank you to say its hot!

When you grow up my friend
Then you will find a treasure with money
You will become a millionaire
And buy all your dreams!

To be with your figure
And you are active in dancing,
After all, the age of transition is ahead!

To be able in the future
Get busy learning!
When you suffer for a long time
At least something will work!

In summer you wind to the sea,
You will find fun there!
There will be new friends
Laughter, dating you!

Don't be sad, dreams will come true
After all, you are with luck "on you"!
But don't forget mom
You help, somehow!

You will receive from us soon
Secret declaration of love
Don't torment anyone anywhere
They don't know anything!

Remember that good will return
Happiness will turn into a long one,
Do a lot of it to everyone
Asking for nothing in return!

Comic predictions for teenagers

Teenagers love noisy parties and various games. He will offer them comic predictions and you will not hear them during the whole holiday.

Wait from your friends
You are awesome news!

There will be many kisses
It's going to be a long road!

To look great
You have to behave yourself!

Love will break into your days
And they will be great!

No need to be nervous in the morning
Happy time will come!

Make a wish for the night
Dreams will come true one day!

From love, love do not wait
Your happiness is ahead!

No need to run after anyone
You're running into a lot of problems!

Avoid bad company
These are bad undertakings!

Parents should not be rude
After all, they have a long life to live with!

Gossip you beware
Feel free to gossip!

Kisses are waiting for you soon
Not alone, but immediately the sea!

Kindle fires in the heart.
You a declaration of love.

He loves you not at all
Only with him happiness awaits you.

Make a cherished wish
The stars will help you in your endeavors!

Be more modest
So as not to lose friends!

Smile more often in life
Then it will be sweeter.

Will bring a lot of happiness
Happy New Year to you!

A fun journey awaits you
With friends from your school.

Fortune-telling games are an interesting and very cheerful element of the holiday, which invariably evokes a response from guests. Serious prophecies and real fortune-telling at parties are inappropriate, because a negative forecast can completely spoil the mood. But comic divination always goes with a bang.

There are many ways to play this game. You can, for example, make a deck of fake cards: on the one hand - a shirt, and on the other - a printed prediction. Someone dresses up as a gypsy and invites guests to draw one card at a time and read the prophecy aloud.

Other options:

  • make fortune cookies;
  • print funny candy wrappers with predictions inside, wrap sweets in them, distribute them to guests and offer to unwrap them;
  • write prophecies on small cards with congratulations, put them in a box and invite guests to pull out one at a time;
  • stick stickers with numbers on the bottom of plates or glasses. Put this dish on a separate tray. Let the guests take it apart before the feast. As a result, everyone will get a randomly drawn number. When the moment is right, the host will ask the guests to look at the stickers. The participants of the holiday will call the numbers that have fallen to them, and the presenter will read out the numbered predictions.

Comic predictions for films and songs

Movie titles

This is a simple, but original and very interesting way to predict the fate of the next year. The prophecy is directly the name of the film or cartoon. Not a plot, but only a phrase. Let the guests excel in interpretations.

For example: "Next year I'm expecting ... a game of thrones." This can be interpreted in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute over the role of the head of the family.

Appropriate movie titles

Foreign films

  • Armageddon
  • big score
  • The scent of a woman
  • chicken coop escape
  • Taming of the Shrew
  • groundhog day
  • Monsters, Inc
  • Deal with the devil
  • Midnight in Paris
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Sky over Berlin
  • money train
  • Sex in the city
  • Key to all doors
  • Third wheel
  • Getting to know the parents
  • fatal attraction
  • best friend wedding
  • obscene proposal
  • Forty year old virgin
  • 12 angry men
  • haunted mansion
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Blonde in law
  • Breaking Bad

Soviet and Russian films

  • Love affair at work
  • Love and pigeons
  • good luck zigzag
  • 8 first dates
  • Long road in the dunes
  • Girl with no address
  • love-carrot
  • White sun of desert
  • Big change

Lines from songs

Entertainment similar to the previous one. Only this time, the prophecy is a line from a famous song. Phrases can be printed on paper (indicating the artist in brackets). But if not laziness, it is better to prepare audio cuts. In this case, fortune-telling will turn out to be much more spectacular and interesting.

Fragments of songs are numbered. The guests draw numbers, according to which short musical predictions are voiced to them. So, what has fate prepared for your guests in the coming year?

Suitable song lines:

1. Only a glass of vodka on the table (G. Leps)
2. Million, million, million scarlet roses (A. Pugacheva)
3. Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man's world (ABBA)
4. And the sea has white sand, a warm wind blows in the face (J. Friske)
5. Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced
6. There is nothing better in the world than friends wandering around the wide world ... (m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians")
7. Oh, mother, chic ladies, chic ladies (F. Kirkorov)
8. I am free, like a bird in the sky (V. Kipelov)
9. You are lucky - you are not like everyone else! You work in an office! ("Leningrad")
10. Voyage, voyage. There, where I have never been (S. Minaev)
11. I love boogie-woogie, I boogie-woogie every day ("Secret")
12. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. (A. Pugacheva)
13. Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome. There are big changes ahead. I know this for sure: everything will be awesome (P. Volya)
14. Oh, I feel, girls, go on a spree. Oh, I'll take a walk (Verka Serduchka)
15. The plane easily takes me away (Valeriya)
16. Everything is in a bunch, but we have everything in a bunch. Where we can’t climb straight, we’ll go sideways (Potap and Nastya)
17. I am lying in the sun. I look at the sun. I lie and lie and look at the sun (m / f “How the Lion and the Turtle sang a song”)
18. Freedom, freedom, give me freedom! I'll fly up like a bird! (m / f "Flying ship")
19. The trailer will move, the trailer will move, the trailer will move ... The trailer will move, the platform will remain (film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath")
20. If there was a sea of ​​​​beer, I would become a beautiful dolphin. If there was a sea of ​​vodka, I would become a submarine ("Dune")

From a bad habit in the new year
You will definitely get rid.
But here's the problem: instead of one
Two new ones will come to replace

You will spend your vacation at sea
Warm both body and soul.
You will spend the whole amount, you will burn yourself five times,
You will gain six kilos.

Smile always, smile everywhere
Smile on land and on water!
Fate will repay you for smiles
A couple of wrinkles and a bunch of dough!

Either you eat, or you pump up,
Whether you sit in a chair -
Know that next year
You will significantly increase your ass.

If you start kissing
Every day for half an hour
All dreams will come true.
Life will be filled with miracles!

Have a higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year promises you
Love roofer!

If you can, without being lazy,
Plow like a horse on Thursdays
Fate will open the way for you
For big, big money.

If you go across the field -
You will find money in the field;
When you find money
You will spend it all on a spree

Go around for three miles
Shreds, anyhow,
And cut off your ear!

We must forget for a year
About cognac, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise, you will
in crime reports.

The cockroaches in your head will have a very fun year.

Your friends will not forget you next year. Don't forget the one who owes you money.

Next year all your problems will be gone. Because even they are bored with you...

Your life next year will be multifaceted, like a glass. Well, you understand…

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your couch.

Next year you will understand that your inner core is an awl in the ass.

In the coming year, your body will decide for itself when to sleep, where to sleep and with whom to sleep. Don't contradict him - he knows best!

You will spend your vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.

If you get bored - sing romances. Your finances will always keep you company.

The bad news is you'll put on weight. The good news is that the increase will occur in the wallet area.

Rimma Moskalenko

Psychological action: « Basket with predictions»

Target: Improving the emotional background and psychological microclimate in the preschool educational institution raising the mood of the participants.

essence shares in that everyone (parents, children, teachers who believe in fate or just want to cheer themselves up, it is proposed to pull out one of the notes with a prediction from the basket and find out what the coming day is preparing. These "prophecies" may be different, but the obligatory condition is always positive.

Initially stock« Basket with predictions» was carried out as part of "Weeks psychology» in DOW. Now I often use it when conducting trainings with teachers and parents, parent meetings at the very beginning, in order to cheer up the participants, create a trusting atmosphere, and unite the participants.

For stock need to prepare a small basket and notes with predictions.

Examples of happy predictions:

Lots of events await you.

And interesting trips -

On courses, on vacation, abroad -

Where will fate decide!

To you to be, friends, and henceforth

Burn with creative work.

But you won't burn your wings,

Take care of your health!

You will enter the cream of society

Perhaps you can find a sponsor.

You will be very lucky soon

Fate will surprise you!

Love will brighten your days

And they become bright.

Everything will be fine in life

Especially on the personal front!

Waiting for you soon

A trip to the sea.

Every day and every hour

Someone is thinking about you.

Have fun looking ahead

There wealth awaits you.

Gingerbread and sweets

There will be a lot of joy.

you at the end of the week.

Holidays and fun await.

By next Saturday

Expect success at work

You will always have

Delicious food in the house.

Being in a bad mood today, do not twist, the hair on the back of the head will fall out - you won’t sew it on;

Fireworks of bright events await you soon. Start preparing immediately.

Expecting a bad event don't twist the button: she will definitely come off

When crossing the road, look around - there is a chance to meet your fate.

Today is the best day for you! As the others!

A trip to the Black Sea will help you change for the better.

With such a sun, everything can only be good.

You are moving towards a better life situation.

An amazing meeting awaits you next evening.

Unexpectedly for everyone, a big success awaits you!

All your wishes will come true!

New opportunities will open up!

You will find a treasure!

Everything will be in chocolate!

Don't worry if you meet a black cat on the way, it remains to be seen who is worse!

Today you will find great luck, which you will not be able to part with for a very long time!

Success is ahead of you!

A large amount of money awaits you, prepare your pockets!

A promotion awaits you, the main thing is that your head does not spin from such a height!

You will have fun at your favorite job!

Immediate fulfillment of your cherished desires awaits you!

Today you will find an exciting journey on the ROUTE!

Take heart! You are in for a big loss. You will be speechless from the happiness of a long-awaited meeting!

Hold on! Money will attack you from all sides!

You are waiting for a promotion. The department will transfer you to an office on the floor above.

A tour to Europe and a surprise according to the horoscope are waiting for you!

Your picture is clear - beautiful love awaits!

A trip to the sea awaits you soon.

From today, a white streak will begin in your life, long to infinity!

Expect revenue growth and cost reduction!

A lot of travel and happy incidents are waiting for you!

Be attentive to the clues of fate.

Enjoy happiness today and always and share it with others.

If you take the initiative, success will not keep you waiting.

Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all expectations.

You will start a new sweet life!

The events of the coming days will pleasantly surprise you!

Represent?. Everything will be fine!

The kids will make you happy today!

Suddenly, a whole ton of happiness will fall upon you!

Today at work the Internet will be turned off and you will have to work.

Fate will throw a wallet, and this is all in the near future!

You are the happiest person in the world, no doubt!

Today and always keep your tail in the gun.

Life is a good thing!

Rejoice every day! Start today!

Warm those around you with the warmth of your soul! You will be warmer too! Your road to life is bright and wide - do not get lost!

Think positive and it will happen!

If you want to change your life for the better, today is the best day to do so!

Believe in dreams, they will definitely come true!

Smile! Of course, everything will be fine!

Everything will work out today! Happiness is inevitable!

Smile, smile suits you!

Success is near!

You are a very good person, everything will be fine with you!

Happy meeting ahead!

Happiness is already knocking on the door, let it in!

You are on the threshold of a new happy life!

Smile! What does it cost you!

The day will bring joy!

You will succeed!

All " predictors"I put it together in a table, so it's more convenient to cut the notes. For aesthetics, I printed them on colored xerox paper.

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