Sergey Amoralov. Biography

37-year-old Sergei Amoralov, one of the soloists of the group "Inveterate Scammers", at the beginning of the "zero" was considered the main sex symbol of the domestic show business. Fans across the country went crazy for him, singing lines from the band's hit Love Me Love. However, now Sergey has disappeared from the TV screens, but, according to him, he continues to tour, write songs and dream of a big family.

“Nothing has changed for me since 1998, when it all started. Concerts, trips, recording songs, filming clips. I am not a fan of going to parties, it is extremely difficult to get me there, and thank God that now is such a time, and there is no need to do it on purpose. And before, you had to be sure, if someone had a presentation - you had to go, “smile” at the camera, they say, how great it is, what I’m like here in a star party. And it always jarred me so, so broke off. To be honest, we are such workers of the invisible shop. We arrived, performed, the people lit up, left. It’s much easier for me, and I very rarely agree to any kind of interview, because this is not really my topic, ”Sergey told SUPER.


Sergey admitted that at concerts they are more often asked to perform old hits than new songs.

“We are slowly inserting some songs, but 90-95%, of course, are hits. People come to relax, you don't order a new song in karaoke that you don't know. We want to sing something familiar, with good memories, with good emotions: “Girls are different”, “And by the river”. Our entire program is just hits, ”he said.

“In general, I always broke off when 30-40 girls guarded me at the entrance all the time, I had to run through the roof. My friend and I had two identical cars, he drove up and distracted them so that I could pass. This is not my story, I strive when they recognize me. That's what glasses, caps, hats are for. Everything that happened to us was just a pleasant coincidence. But to be bored and depend on it - I don’t have that. All the star-dependent people - you see them on TV, these are people who cannot live without seeing their physiognomy on TV. I’ll say to myself: if they show me somewhere on TV, I switch, because it breaks me off. We are self-sufficient, I feel very comfortable, while people also come to our performances, ”he said.

The group "Dirty Scammers" enjoyed incredible popularity 20 years ago. Then many girls tried to attract the attention of the star guys: Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov, Igor Bogomazov. Fans were on duty under their houses around the clock and were ready for literally anything.

Now the soloists have not caused such a stir for a long time and they look at it quite normally. But sometimes the echoes of past glory still make themselves felt and remind the stars of the negative side of popularity. For example, one of his fans began to threaten the wife of Sergei Amoralov.

“There was a case: a girl on Instagram started writing “I love you” and all that, I deleted her. So she began to write nasty things to my wife, like "I'll meet you at the entrance." My wife has always been calm on this subject, but here she was really scared. I say: “Man, what kind of nonsense is this? Well, I'm not 17 anymore. We drove it a long time ago ... ", - the musician said.

Sergey Amoralov // Photo: Instagram

Now the group continues to release new songs, but with a new soloist. Igor Bogomazov left the team back in 2011, and Andrey Repnikov came to replace him. Musicians believe that the lack of such close attention to their personal lives on the part of fans has a positive effect on their work.

Sergei Amoralov is a handsome blond from the "Inveterate Scammers" group. Do you want to know where he was born and in what family he was brought up? How did you get into show business? Now we will tell about everything.

Sergei Amoralov: biography

He was born on January 11, 1979 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Our hero comes from a simple family. Serezha's parents have nothing to do with music and the stage. Father worked as a locksmith. And my mother was a housewife.

Sergei Amoralov grew up as an active and inquisitive child. Whom he just did not dream of becoming - a sailor, a military man, a mechanic, a history teacher and so on. Every year the boy changed his wish.

Surovenko is the real name of our hero. Amoralov is just a bright and sonorous pseudonym. But few people know about this.

Abilities and hobbies

Serezha went to first grade at the age of 6. He did not like to sit at his desk and diligently display letters in cursive. To channel their son's energy in the right direction, his parents enrolled him in the gymnastics section. The boy enjoyed attending training. Every year he showed ever better results.

As a teenager, Seryozha even received the first adult category. Coaches predicted a brilliant sports future for him. But fate decreed otherwise. During one of the competitions, the guy received a serious back injury. In order to avoid complications, he had to say goodbye to gymnastics.

Soon Amoralov found another hobby. He was seriously interested in painting. He enrolled in an art studio located near the house. The teachers did not reassure Sergei. He didn't have any special talent. The guy diligently studied the basics of painting. But the paintings he created can hardly be called masterpieces.


Gymnastics and painting are not the only hobbies of Sergei Amoralov. The love of music has always lived in his soul. The idols of our hero were such groups as Cure, Nirvana and Prodigy. His musical tastes were shared by neighbor Garik Bogomazov. Together, the guys often held home concerts, portraying Russian and world pop stars. Often in their performance one could hear obscene songs.


In 1995, our hero received a "certificate of maturity". He was not going to leave his native St. Petersburg. The guy easily entered the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. But there Sergei Amoralov studied for only a year. The love of music took over.

"Dirty scammers"

Together with his neighbor Garik Bogomazov, Sergei created a team. Soon Slava joined them. The guys recorded several songs. Slavik was responsible for the music. And Garik and Seryozha were the authors of the texts. The guys came up with a long time. As a result, they settled on "Inveterate scammers."

In December 1996, the newly minted team went to the Dancing City festival held in Cherepovets. The professional jury highly appreciated the work of the St. Petersburg group. Their song "Quit Smoking" became a real hit. It was played on all radio stations in the country.

The nationwide love and recognition of the listeners to "Inveterate scammers" was brought by another composition - "Everything is different." The guys went on tour in Russian cities. Everywhere their performances were held with a bang. Young and talented guys have a whole army of fans.

During the history of the group's existence, 7 studio albums have been released, as well as dozens of incendiary clips and singles. Recently, almost nothing has been heard about the "Dirty Scammers". Each of the guys went headlong into their personal lives. And the music was in the background.

Personal life

Sergei Amoralov was a real womanizer. In his youth, he often had affairs with beautiful girls. But he did not think about a serious relationship.

In the early 2000s, Sergei met with the soloist of the Cream group Dasha Ermolaeva. The guy and the girl were kind to each other. Their friends and colleagues in the shop were sure that it was going to the wedding. After 3 years of relationship, Amoralov and Ermolaev announced their separation.

Fans of "Dirty Scammers" were delighted that the handsome blond again joined the ranks of bachelors. But at the end of 2007, information appeared in the print media about his romance with model Maria Edelweiss. This turned out to be true. Tall and slender blonde won the heart of the singer.

08.08.08 - this is the date of the wedding of Sergei and Masha. The celebration took place in one of the best restaurants in Moscow. The bride and groom literally glowed with happiness.

The couple have been living together for 7 years. They travel a lot, attend social events and make pleasant surprises for each other. For complete happiness, they do not have enough joint children. Sergei Amoralov's wife is ready to give birth to his daughter and son. We hope that God will give them this happiness.


Biography, personal life and photos of Sergei Amoralov - all this is in the article. We wish this wonderful singer creative success and the soonest birth of heirs!

June 22, 2016, 14:17

Sergey Amoralov was born on January 11, 1979. His father worked at the plant as a mechanic of the 5th category, his mother was a housewife. Sergei's real surname is Surovenko, his nickname is the Snooty Philosopher.

As a child, he wanted to become a pilot, but it quickly passed. At the age of seven, he began to study in the gymnastics section and even received the 1st adult category in gymnastics, but due to an injury, Sergei had to stop playing sports. Then he began to get involved in painting. According to the people who happened to see his picturesque canvases, he painted quite well. He also studied well at school, although he was not a "nerd" at all, once he even got into a fight with a labor teacher. He does not have a musical education, since at school he wanted to become a historian, and his parents wanted him to become a specialist in the field of electronics. As a result, he entered the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, from where he left without finishing. The desire to enter the Academy of Culture at the pop faculty also gradually passed.


The official date of birth of "Otpetyh swindlers" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave their first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the "Dancing City" festival. The main characters of the team met much earlier. Sergei Amoralov and Garik Bogomazov have been friends since early childhood and even lived in the same stairwell. The first money they earned for themselves was chocolates, giving home concerts with their families.

True, the work of young artists was then too unpretentious: Garik read obscene rhymes heard somewhere in the yard with feeling, plainly, and arrangement, and Seryozha yelled not quite decent songs in a bad voice. Around the same time, in the pioneer camp "Spark" near Leningrad, there was an ensemble "Sinkopa", where two young musicians once met - Slavik Zinurov and Zhenya Orlov.

After the end of the shift with Zhenya of a light hand, Slava went to a music school, where he successfully trumpeted the prescribed number of years. Zhenya, meanwhile, delved into producer affairs, creating his first group, Neon Boy. After serving in the army, Slava worked as a dancer in it for five years, and after the collapse of the group, with the help of Zhenya, he became one of the first DJs in St. Petersburg. At the same time, Evgeny Petrovich began to think about creating a new project ... The link between all the musicians was Klava MS, well-known in the St. Petersburg party, dancing at that time in one of the largest nightclubs in the northern capital.

She introduced Serezha and Garik to Tom Chaos, the young hooligans showed Tom their text compositions, he quickly concocted a couple of unpretentious motives, and with all this creativity the trio went to Evgeny Petrovich. Having turned on all his producing talent, Orlov plunged headlong into mental work, while Serega, Garik and Tom began writing their debut album, which was released in early 1997. To date, she has firmly occupied her niche on the Russian stage for more than 11 years.

"Otpetykh" ​​has 17 video clips and 6 albums. The group traveled half the world on tour. In 2005, Sergei Amoralov and the famous St. Petersburg DJ Repa (who is also Andrei Repnikov, the author of many songs of the "inveterate") created a new musical project "Bootlegs". In parallel with their "dirty" activities, Amoralov and Repa promote their own dance compositions to the masses, created using old, well-known songs and melodies.


The sign of the zodiac is Capricorn.

According to the eastern horoscope - Goat.

Height - about 1 meter 75 cm.

Hair color: brunette, now bleached.

Eye color - blue.

Dream: to jump with a parachute.

Sergei did not forget playing sports, and therefore if football or Formula 1 is on TV, then he simply cannot be torn off the screen. Sergei likes to drink Baltika Troika beer, but he simply cannot stand lemons and herring. Sergei loves to listen to the group "Prodigy", as well as rock music, in particular: "Cure", "Nirvana", "Garbage", "DDT", "Spleen", "Alisa", "Kino", "Tekilajazz", "Zero", "Beastie Boys", "Portished" also respects rap, and generally listens to completely different music. As a child, I had great respect for the Beatles. Sergei loves tall fashionable girls, two heads taller than himself. He believes that without psychological compatibility there can be no long-term relationship: The longest love affair lasted 3 months, although, as Sergey assures, he does not know what love is at all. Despite this, he is already talking about how he wants to see his future children (although he does not intend to have them in the next 10 years). “If a guy is born, let him be the same as me,” says Sergey. (old information)

Now Sergey is married. His chosen one was the girl Masha, with whom they have been together for more than 4 years. The couple met at a club where Sergey came to relax with friends, and Masha celebrated her best friend's birthday. The acquaintance was marked by a walk through the central park and a ride on a trolley bus through Moscow at night.

The wedding day "08.08.08" the lovers chose together six months ago. For Masha, this step was especially exciting, because she had never been to weddings, and did not even know that the groom should not see the bride's wedding dress - Sergei himself warned her about this. Following the traditions, he specially ordered a formal suit for the solemn ceremony. True, immediately after the registry office, he changed classic shoes to sneakers.

Masha chose an ivory dress and an original bouquet of absolutely round shape for the ceremony. Known for his hooligan antics, Amoralov even ordered a symphony orchestra for the ceremony, Paparazzi reports. The ceremony took place in the Moscow registry office No. 4, where the bride and groom arrived in a chic white limousine. The “swindler”, unusually dressed in a black suit, did his best to cheer up the visibly nervous bride. But as soon as the guests entered the building, Sergei himself became seriously nervous. At the moment when the registration was to begin, the bride and groom ... remembered that they had forgotten the most important thing - their passport and wedding rings, which were left in the car. Sign? It is unlikely - he is "inveterate". In addition, Masha almost tore her veil.

The girl caught on the rough wrapper of the bouquet. The cries of Amoralov's colleague in Tom House's group became the apotheosis. The fact is that Tom was supposed to marry on the same day with Sergei - but his relationship cracked and the wedding did not take place. A frustrated Tom decided to spoil his friend's holiday and shouted: "Sergei, don't get married, don't make a mistake!" But it was too late to rush about. After the registry office, the newlyweds went to the Medved restaurant, which resembles a hunting lodge and is located in the forest. True, this place ceased to be quiet and calm immediately after the arrival of the "amoral" guests. Congratulations immediately began - from colleagues in the "Otpety" Garik and Tom, the producer of the "scammers" Evgeny Orlov, Dominic Joker and other guests.

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