“The Rotaru family robbed the Jews! Sofia Rotaru - biography, personal life, family, husband: I will sing until my last breath! How old is Sofia Rotaru now.


At concerts Sofia Rotaru rooms are always crowded. In tense silence, the viewer is waiting for her with great impatience. She is welcomed by young listeners and the older generation. When she appears on stage to the sound of a melody, the audience greets her with a storm of applause. Why is the singer's popularity not falling? How does she captivate the viewer? Not every artist can achieve this. always a welcome guest of cities. Over the many years of her artistic career, she not only did not lose her listener, but, on the contrary, increased it, despite the fact that she does not go to concerts so often anymore.

Sophia Rotaru's birthplace

The village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region, is a land of songs. Here, in 1947, a daughter was born to the foreman of winegrowers Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexandra Ivanovna Rotaru. She became the second of six children. Elder sister Sofia Rotaru, Zina, lost her sight in childhood, but had perfect hearing. She listened to the radio and memorized new songs easily. This Zina taught Sonya many folk songs and the Russian language, because the whole family is at home Rotaru spoke Moldovan.

Sofia she was the first assistant at home and around the house: she milked a cow and cooked for everyone, cleaned the house and went to the market early in the morning to sell greens. Often worked in the field. Probably, it was for such work that she found the deepest and most sincere notes for her future songs.

From amateur performance to popularity

From first class Sofia began to sing in the school and church choir, but the latter could end up being expelled from the pioneers. The young artist was engaged in a drama club and at the same time sang folk songs in amateur performances.

In 1962, she won the regional amateur art competition, which opened her way to the regional review. For her voice from fellow countrymen, she received the title "Bukovina Nightingale". Nobody doubted the happy fate of the young singer.

The diploma of the first degree at the regional amateur art show in Chernivtsi, which Sonya received in 1963. And next year Sofia won this festival of folk talents. Her photo was placed on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" No. 27 for 1965. It was it that later played an important role in her life.

After graduating from school, Sonya decided to go to Chernivtsi to enter a music school, but, to her great regret, there was no vocal faculty there. It didn't stop. She entered the conductor-choir.

The first performance took place in 1964. Sofia Rotaru on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses - and Moscow was conquered. "Who will marry you? - Mom used to say. “One music in my head.”

Sofia Rotaru found love from a photograph

Meanwhile, in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil, a guy from Chernivtsi served - Anatoly Evdokimenko, the son of a builder and teacher - who also had “one music” in his head: as a child he graduated from a music school, played the trumpet, dreamed of creating an ensemble. And by some miracle, the same magazine "Ukraine" got into their unit. Anatoly showed the photo to his colleagues: “Look, what kind of girls we have in the villages!” And he pinned the cover to the wall next to his bed. And then he came home and started looking Sofia. I searched for a long time, finally found a school, Sonya's friends ...

Sonya did not imagine that she would someday sing with a pop orchestra. In addition to violins and cymbals, other instruments to accompany she did not admit until she met her future husband, a student at Chernivtsi University and at the same time a trumpeter in a student variety orchestra. Anatoly understood that only music can win the heart Sofia. He was the initiator of the appearance of a soloist in the orchestra. Indeed, at first Sofia only folk Ukrainian and Moldavian melodies were selected. But Anatoly persuaded Sofia try yourself as a soloist in a variety orchestra. And one day she succumbed to persuasion, took a chance - and the song turned out.

It is curious that in 1968 she celebrated her birthday by winning the title of laureate of the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (Bulgaria). So the debut on the stage of the then amateur singer took place. When Sofia handed over a gold medal, it was literally bombarded with Bulgarian roses. And one orchestra member joked: "Sofia's flowers for Sofia." And the newspapers were full of headlines: "21-year-old Sofia conquered Sofia."

In the same year in Marshintsy Sofia and Anatoly got married. And two years later, a son was born in a young family. He was given the name Ruslan. He turned out to be an absolute copy of his father, but his parents had no time to raise their heir. Education was entrusted to the mother and sisters. Remembering those years Sofia Mikhailovna thanks fate for deciding to become a mother before her national popularity and that Ruslan, despite the lack of parental attention, grew up to be a good, kind person, a wonderful son, father and husband.

Concert of a lifetime

In 1971, at Ukrtelefilm, Roman Alekseev made a musical film Chervona Ruta about the tender and pure love of a mountain girl and a Donetsk boy. became the main character. The picture was a success. And when in October the artist received an invitation to work in the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, the name appeared by itself - "Chervona Ruta". The song "Chervona Ruta" is still a calling card Sofia Mikhailovna. For she has found her red rue...

Anatoly Evdokimenko became the head of the ensemble. Madly in love with his wife, he quit his job at the department, graduated from the directing department of the Kyiv Institute of Culture, became the director of all her concert programs. All this was the beginning of widespread recognition Sofia Rotaru. Since 1971, she has been counting her professional creative activity.

Rotaru the leaders of the country were very fond of, invited to all government concerts. More precisely, they were not invited, but obliged to appear. But the public has always been kind to Sophia Mikhailovna. When she traveled through the villages, in the absence of expensive gifts, the people brought their favorite eggs, sour cream, milk. Once, at a concert, the Adyghe people brought a small puppy onto the stage, which immediately ruined the artist's stage dress. “I had to wrap him in a towel and carry him to concerts like that.” Shepherd Yarman lived in the house Rotaru ten years.

Sofia Rotaru sings to spite all troubles

1997 was a turning point. Husband became seriously ill. Doctors pronounced a terrible verdict - brain cancer. Sonya took her husband to Germany. In the medical history, the diagnosis "cancer" was changed to "stroke". But this did not bring relief: the first stroke was followed by a second, third. Anatoly lost his speech, hardly got out of bed. Five years Sofia she nursed her beloved husband, spent huge amounts of money on doctors and medicines, and prayed in church for his recovery. But in 2002, while on tour, she received a call from the hospital: “Your husband had a fourth stroke. Come quickly, he's dying."

Canceled all performances Sofia flew to Kyiv. When I entered the ward, Anatoly was already in a coma. She just sat down and started talking about everything: about their lives, about work, about her son, about her grandchildren. In just a few seconds, Anatoly came to his senses and ... died in the arms of his beloved Sonika.

She thought she could not bear such a loss. She locked herself in the room, did not want to see anyone. It was even said that after these events, Sofia Rotaru spoiled voice and she won't be able to sing anymore. “I didn’t want to live without him. But my family, son and grandchildren helped me pull myself together and go on stage again.

Today Sofia Mikhailovna continues touring. Son Ruslan became her music producer. In this he is a worthy successor to his father's work. She entrusted the solution of current, everyday tasks to her office - the Sofia art studio, which organizes the entire process that concerns her outside the stage. In the meantime, the People's Artist of the Three States continues to amaze everyone with her youth, delight with songs, spend time with her grandchildren Anatoly and Sofia and take care of the garden in Yalta.


Father Sofia Rotaru, Mikhail Fedorovich, loved to tell how once professional artists came to the village for the first time, and he brought Sonya backstage to them and proudly announced: “Here is my daughter. She will definitely be an artist!

- the owner of 24 orders and awards. She performed more than 400 songs in Russian, Moldovan, Ukrainian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Polish, Italian, English, German, toured in many countries of Europe, Asia, America and Australia.

She has acted in many musical and feature films.

Updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

The creative career of Sofia Rotaru is an example of unconditional success on the international stage and universal recognition. The singer's repertoire consists of 500 different songs in many languages. Back in Soviet times, Sofia Rotaru was considered one of the best singers of our time. Today, a talented woman is often called the "golden voice of the country" and the "queen of the stage."

Childhood and youth of the star

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was born into a large family, in which, in addition to herself, there were five more children. The singer's birthday is August 7, 1947. The family lived in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine.

According to Sofia's memoirs, she took her first steps to the stage thanks to her older sister, who taught her to sing. The girls' father also contributed a lot to the musical development of the baby. The man had a beautiful voice and perfect pitch.

At the age of seven, Sonya sang not only in the school choir of folk songs, but also soloed during church services, which threatened her with expulsion from the pioneer organization. Having Moldovan roots, Sonya felt a special attraction to the old chants of Moldova, which the girl sang in the evenings, picking up accompaniment on the accordion.

Sonya was also attracted by the stage. The aspiring actress was engaged in a drama circle.

In addition to creative activities, the girl was also fond of athletics and wrestling. Subsequently, the skills of the future singer helped her perform complex stunts in videos and movies without the help of professional stuntmen.

What was the beginning of the creative path of Sofia Rotaru

Since childhood, the girl participated in various music competitions. A truly resounding success overtook her in 1962 after a regional competition in amateur performances. It was thanks to this victory that young Sofia was able to perform at the regional competition, where she also defeated her rivals.

After winning the leading places at the shows, the beginning talent Rotaru was waiting for the festival in Kyiv, where the young singer won again. According to the results of the competition, information about the success of Sofia Rotaru appeared in a magazine, where a young man named Anatoly saw a photo of a young artist. The man was in love with the singer at first sight, and was also captured by the idea of ​​founding his own musical group. Subsequently, the future husband of Sofia Rotaru did everything to ensure that his beloved had his own musical orchestra.

In 1964, the aspiring artist also performed at the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin.

After graduating from school, Sonya finally decided on the choice of her future profession and therefore went to study at the Chernivtsi Music College.

The youth of the singer

After successfully graduating from a music school, the singer decided to participate in a youth festival in Bulgaria, which took place in 1968. At this event, the singer became a gold medalist as the best performer of folk songs.

In the same year, Sofia married her admirer Anatoly. In a marriage, a boy Ruslan was born to young people. In addition to significant changes in her marital status, Rotaru devoted herself to teaching.

The singer is also known for her film roles. For example, in 1971, Rotaru starred in the title role in the Chervona Ruta project, which caused a lot of various discussions in society. Shortly after the release of this film on the wide screen, Sofia founded her own musical ensemble and called it Chervona Ruta. In addition, by that time the singer had a position at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

As for the activities of her musical ensemble, the singer worked for him in collaboration with composer Vladimir Ivasyuk. The musicians created many beautiful compositions that were distinguished by their unique folk style.

Thanks to her songs, as well as her unique manner of performance, Sofia quickly became famous during her tours in foreign countries. A dizzying success awaited the talented performer everywhere.

Soon the singer received the official title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic.

Since the 1970s, she has regularly won various music competitions.

Subsequently, the singer decides to continue her musical education. In 1974, Sofia completed her studies at the Institute of Arts in Chisinau. After that, the young performer went to the Polish festival "Amber Nightingale", where she became a well-deserved laureate among other participants. In the same period, the first album of the talented singer was released. The name of the album is quite simple: "Sofia Rotaru".

In connection with the events of a political orientation, the singer, along with her orchestra, moved to a permanent place of residence in Yalta, where the artist immediately found her vocation on the stage of the local philharmonic society.

In 1976, Sofia became the owner of a new status for herself - People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. In addition, now Sofia Rotaru regularly participates in the filming of the New Year's program "Blue Light", which is a great honor for every talented singer and artist.

The singer also has another disc called “Sofia Rotaru sings the songs of Vladimir Ivasyuk”, which was released in 1977.

After 2 years, other creative works by Rotaru come out:

Disc giant "Sofia Rotaru - My tenderness";

"Only for you";

Sofia Rotaru.

Artistic successes

In the eighties, the domestic audience was able to admire the magnificent game in the film “Where are you, love?”, And in which she performed one of her songs and impressed with her bold stunt number - she drove along the coast on a motorcycle.

Shortly after the appearance of the film, a disc was released that contained all the musical compositions performed in the film.

In the future, the actress Rotaru was in search of a new style, which she had never used before either on stage or in films. In particular, Sofia starred in a film with Makarevich and his team in the film Soul, and also took up rock songs.

In 1983, the singer and her musical group managed to perform in Canada and even released a record there, dedicated to her grandiose tour. After such a high-profile event that shocked the world of the Soviet stage, the singers for some time lost the opportunity to leave their country.

The performer released the album "Tender Melody" in 1984, which recalled the original image of the Soviet and Moldovan singer.

Subsequently, a Ukrainian song began to sound from the lips of all members of the Chervona Ruta ensemble. That is why Sofia Rotaru soon decides to change the team and begins cooperation with the capital's musicians.

In the early 90s, the singer's new album was released, which contains obvious elements of metal.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, the performer's career, as if nothing had happened, continued with new albums and performances.

The singer has earned such a status as "Man of the twentieth century" in Ukraine, and also became the owner of many other honorary titles and awards.

Details of the personal life of Sofia Rotaru

The singer entered into a single marriage - Anatoly Evdokimenko became her husband. Since then, the couple did not interrupt their relationship and lived together until the death of Anatoly. Sophia's legal husband became for her not only a faithful and caring life partner, but also a person who made a significant contribution to the development of the singer's career. Despite numerous trips around the country, as well as tours abroad, Rotaru did not feel abandoned, because she traveled everywhere accompanied by her husband, with whom they lived for more than 30 years.

May 27, 2017 No comments

The famous singer Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru - her biography (born, nationality), personal life, family: children, grandchildren and a new husband - all this is an excellent reason for gossip. After all, for many years, the talent and beauty of the artist have delighted more than one generation of listeners who grew up on the famous hits of the star, which sound on the radio stations of the countries of the former USSR to this day!

Sofia Mikhailovna is a native of the village of Marchantsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. Born in 1947 in a family of immigrants from Moldova. The tendency to sing showed up from early childhood. At school, little Sophia very quickly became one of the main voices of the choir. But at the same time, in addition to active participation in the creative life of a general education institution, the future star showed herself in sports, in particular, in athletics. And the all-round development of the girl was helped by a visit to the theater circle, along with participation in school performances and plays. It is no less interesting that Sofia could play several musical instruments at once!

For the first time, they began to talk about Rotaru as a talented singer in 1962: it was then that the girl managed to take first place in the regional amateur art competition. A little later, Sofia Mikhailovna took the Grand Prix at a similar competition in Chernivtsi.

The phenomenal success of the "Bukovina Nightingale" was also appreciated in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR: Sofia also won an honorable first place at the republican competition. It was this competition that determined the future life of the future star: after graduating from school, the singer entered the Bukovina Music College for a course in choral singing and conducting. In 1968, the already formed singer became the winner of the ninth world festival of youth and students in the capital of Bulgaria - the city of Sofia.

In the same year, Rotaru marries Anatoly Evdokimenko, who fell in love with the singer at first sight when he saw her picture on the cover of the once popular Ukraine magazine. Since then, Anatoly Evdokimenko (husband of Sofia Rotaru) has provided all possible support to the undertakings of his wife. In 1970, the singer knew the joy of motherhood, and in 1971 the Chervona Ruta ensemble was created, named after the musical, which became the acting debut of young Sofia. A little later, in tandem with the famous Ukrainian composer Vladimir Ivasyuk, Rotaru became known far beyond the borders of the USSR.

Since 1975, after moving to the Crimea, Sofia Mikhailovna has become a regular guest of the New Year's Blue Lights. In the 80s, the singer reached the top of the domestic show business, releasing successful albums, acting in films and expanding her repertoire with works in various styles and directions. And, contrary to a common phenomenon, Rotaru's star did not fade away throughout the 90s: releasing hit after hit, the singer strengthened her position in the starry sky, becoming the best Ukrainian pop singer of the 20th century. In the mid-2000s, the singer was awarded the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd degree, "For Services to the Fatherland."

Due to the incredible popularity, the personal life of the star was an excellent occasion for various gossip regarding how many children Sofia Rotaru has. At present, we can say with confidence that Sofia left one heir - the son of Ruslan, who works in the field of sound recording. It is worth noting that the guy gave her two beautiful grandchildren - Anatoly and Sofia, named after their grandmother.

The turning point in her career was the death of her husband Sofia Rotaru, with whom the singer lived in a happy marriage for over 35 years. The first concert after the departure of Yevdokimenok from life was dedicated to the bitterness of the loss of a loved one. In connection with the sudden death of her husband, the singer's fans began to wonder where Sofia Rotaru lives now. However, it is quite difficult to answer this question, because the singer owns real estate in the Crimea and Koncha-Zaspa. By the way, the singer has long dreamed of a cottage in the forest, so Ruslan's gift was a rather pleasant surprise for her!

While some are discussing the "kidnapping of Rotaru", a statement about which appeared on the Web at the end of January, others admire how Sofia Mikhailovna congratulates her fans on Valentine's Day with a new video "Red Arrow" on the official website.

There are a lot of rumors about her. So, the singer did not take Russian citizenship when Crimea was annexed to Russia, but she declares that she does not mind receiving a Russian passport from the hands of the president. What of this flow of information is true, and what are journalistic "fishing rods" to attract new readers, it is worth finding out.

Rotary or not?

The girl was born in the Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR on August 7, 1947 in a family of Moldovans, whose surname the Ukrainian authorities adapted to their language. So, in the official documents of the parents, the surname Rotar is indicated, although the singer claims that the correct spelling is Rotaru.

Sofia Mikhailovna, who will turn 70 in the summer of 2017, is happy to share her childhood memories with her fans and looks to the future of Ukraine and Russia with optimism.

"Bukovina Nightingale"

In her youth, Zina taught her younger sister songs. Sophia's sister and confidante memorized them by ear. Sonya was supported in her passion for music by her father.

In 1962, 15-year-old Sophia performed at a regional competition and won, followed by a regional festival. And a year later, in 1964, Rotaru knew the whole USSR after speaking at the all-Union competition and in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. The young performer appeared on the cover of the magazine and won the hearts of millions.

International recognition in Bulgaria in 1968 strengthened the position of the singer in the world of music. Soon she was invited to the film, and then to the Chervona Ruta ensemble. Since 1973, for only one year, Rotaru has not been nominated for the Song of the Year award - and then only for family reasons.

In free flight...

The singer began her solo career in 1986, when Chervona Ruta decided to refuse to work with Rotaru. Sofia Mikhailovna tries herself in a new genre of rock. “Moon moon”, “Only this is not enough” - compositions of those years. In 1991, a hard rock album was released.

In the 90s and early 2000s, the singer actively collaborated with other performers. Her work with Nikolai Rastorguev, Nikolai Baskov and others is received very warmly by the public.

Rotaru also tries himself in the cinema. Back in the 80s, she plays almost herself in the role of a singer from the provinces, then a number of films with a musical bias follow. Not a single show program, New Year's light or folk festivals can do without the Bukovinian Nightingale.

family hearth

Sofia Mikhailovna carefully treats family traditions. Music also helped her choose a life partner. Anatoly Evdokimenko became her chosen one. They got married in 1968 and were together for 34 years. The death of her beloved husband at the age of 61, the devoted wife was very worried and even left the stage for several years.

The love of Ruslan's son, grandchildren and the support of fans helped to get out of the abyss of despair.

The only son appeared to the couple Evdokimenko and Rotaru on August 24, 1970, and in the summer of 2017 he will celebrate his 47th birthday. To support his mother, he also became her producer, and his wife Svetlana helps him promote the social accounts of his star mother-in-law and is an executive producer.

Ruslan and Svetlana are raising two children. Anatoly was born the first on March 23, 1994; in the spring of 2017, the young man will turn 23 years old.

The second child of Ruslan Evdokimenko was Sofia. She was born on May 30, 2001. In the spring of 2017, the girl will celebrate her 16th birthday. Young Sonya has already become prominent in the world of the show. On February 7, 2017, she was recognized as the "Best Model" according to "Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days", and she decided to devote herself to the modeling business.

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Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna by nationality is a Ukrainian with Moldovan roots. She was born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR, which until 1940 was under the control of Romania, hence the Romanian pronunciation of the surname (ending in -y). Sophia's father was a foreman of winegrowers, her mother worked in the market. There were six children in her family, among whom Sophia was the second oldest. It is curious that in the passport office the ninth number was mistakenly put as the date of birth of the future star. Since then, Rotaru has celebrated his birthday twice.

Sofia Rotaru with her sister

In everyday life, the family spoke the Moldovan language. In general, the multicultural environment had a huge impact on the future singer. So, her sister Zina, who became blind at an early age and therefore had a wonderful fine ear, memorized Russian songs on the radio and taught Sophia to sing them, and at the same time to communicate in this language. It was her sister who became Rotaru's first vocal teacher and guide to the world of music and art. She was also taught to sing by her father, who had a wonderful ear and voice - he already knew then that a great future for the artist awaited her daughter.

Possessing great energy and curiosity, Sofia Rotaru in her childhood had many different hobbies in which she achieved high achievements: she went in for sports - became an all-around champion among the students of her school, was fond of theater and attended a drama club, played the button accordion, domra, sang in the choir, participated in amateur art circles at the rural and regional levels.

Even then, she had a strong contralto, approaching a soprano, and already on her first tour of neighboring villages she received the nickname “Bukovina nightingale”, which suited her.

"Chervona Ruta"

Fame came to her in just three years. In 1962, when Sofia Rotaru was only fifteen, she won the district amateur art competition. This gave her the opportunity to compete for the championship at the regional level. In 1963, the "Bukovina Nightingale" was able to win first place in it, and already in 1964, fight for the title at the Republican Talent Festival, winning there as well. Soon Rotaru gained fame on an all-Union scale - in the same year she performed at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, and her photo was chosen for the cover of the magazine "Ukraine".

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru entered the world level by winning the IX World Festival of Creative Youth in Bulgaria. There she was noticed by prominent pop figures, and Bulgarian newspapers were full of her name.

In 1971, the songs of Sofia Rotaru were included in the sensational musical film by Roman Alekseev "Chervona Ruta", which gave her not only nationwide success, but also became the beginning of her career as part of the pop ensemble of the same name from the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

Sofia Rotaru in the ensemble "Chervona Ruta"

The authors of her songs were Valery Gromtsev, Levko Dutkovsky, Arno Barabadzhanyan, Alexei Mazhukov, and others. With their compositions, she participated in concert programs in Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, song contests in Poland.

In 1973, she won first place in the Golden Orpheus competition, for the first time she became a laureate in the final of Song of the Year, after which, in more than four decades, she missed only one festival in 2002 due to the death of her husband. In the same 1973, she received the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR - at that time she was twenty-six years old.

Sofia Rotaru on stage

In 1974, the first song album Rotaru was released. In 1975, due to disagreements with the Chernivtsi Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, she was forced to move to Yalta, but the move had no effect on the singer's career - she immediately became a soloist of the Crimean Philharmonic, and in 1976 received the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

After recording a small album of two songs in German in 1976, Sofia Rotaru became very popular in Western and Central Europe. In 1977, 1979, 1983 several of her new albums are released in Russian, Ukrainian and English: “Pisni Volodymyr Ivasyuk sing Sofia Rotaru”, “Sofia Rotaru”, “Only for you”, “Sofia Rotaru - My tenderness”, as well as an album recorded in Canada. Because of these records, the team was issued a five-year ban on traveling abroad. The artists spent this time organizing a wide tour of the collective farms and state farms of the Crimean region. In 1983, Evica received the honorary title of People's Artist of Moldova.

Solo career

In 1986, the Chervona Ruta ensemble broke up, the group decided to continue their career without Sofia Rotaru, returning to the old role of the folk song. For the singer, this came as a surprise and caused severe feelings. Rotaru begins to look for himself again, changes the direction of his work. This is largely due to the name of the composer Vladimir Matetsky, who created rock and europop compositions for her over the next 15 years, which quickly became popular.

In 1986, the singer performed the song “Moon Moon”, which became a hit, a year later - “It was, but passed”, a year later - “Only this is not enough”, which also forever entered the golden fund of the Soviet stage. In the mid-80s, the active touring activity of the artist continued. All this made her the number one singer on the Soviet stage, the crowning achievement of which was the assignment to her in 1988 of the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

The end of the eighties passed in close cooperation with the Todes dance group, which established itself largely due to the performances at all the artist's concerts. The creative union of the artist and the ballet lasted for five whole years.

In 1991, on the wave of popularity of hard rock, perhaps the most “heavy” album of the singer “Caravan of Love” was released. At the same time, the premiere of the musical film of the same name took place. In the same year, Rotaru celebrated the 20th anniversary of her creative activity at the State Concert Hall "Russia". In the concert, special effects innovative for that time were used - laser graphics, unusual moving scenery.

After the collapse of the Union, the artist did not lose popularity at all. In the first years after the great and mighty died, she released several collections of her best songs. Despite her age, the singer not only does not lose her position, but surprisingly remains on the wave of popularity even among young people.

In 1997, she participated in the film "10 Songs about Moscow", where she performed the song "Moscow May" together with Ivanushki International, who were at the peak of popularity. A year later, the first official disc of the performer “Love Me” was released, and then a concert program was held under the same name in the Kremlin Palace. In the same 1998, Rotaru was awarded the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For the increase of goodness on Earth."

At the turn of the 2000s, Rotaru became the owner of a number of different titles. She is recognized as the "Woman of the Year", "Man of the XX century" and the best Ukrainian pop singer of the twentieth century. She receives the title of "golden voice" of Ukraine. In 2002, she was awarded the highest title - the Hero of Ukraine. In general, that year became a landmark for the singer, both with a plus sign and a minus sign.

Rotaru's popularity reached its peak, with the song "My Life, My Love" she opened "Blue Light" on Channel One. At the same time, a new successful album "I still love you" was released. However, in October, a misfortune happened in her family - her husband Rotaru died of a stroke in a Kyiv clinic. After that, the singer canceled all tours and performances and for the only time in almost 30 years she missed the final concert of the Song of the Year festival.

In 2003, Rotaru got a personalized star on the celebrity alley in front of the Rossiya concert hall. In 2004 and 2005, new albums "The sky is me" and "I loved him" were released. In 2007, Rotaru celebrated its 60th anniversary. A grandiose concert was held in Yalta, and President Yushchenko awarded Sofia Mikhailovna with the Order of Merit, II degree.

Rotaru was noted not only for solo performances, but also for successful duets with and. In 1998, Rotaru sang the song “Zasentyabrilo” with the soloist of the Lube group, and in 2005 and 2012. - with the "golden voice of Russia" songs "Raspberry blossoms" and "I will find my love." In 2011, Rotaru performed at a concert in Chechnya dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the head of the republic and the opening of the Grozny City complex.


In 1980, Sofia made her film debut as an actress, playing an almost autobiographical role as a provincial singer. The film "Where are you, love?" lifted her to the peak of popularity, the audience fell in love with the songs from the film and were included in the double album of the same name.

Then Rotaru becomes the winner of the international competition in Japan with the Yugoslav song "Promise". At the same time, she performs the song "Temp", written especially for the Olympic Games in Moscow. Later it becomes the soundtrack for the film "The Ballad of Sports".

By the way, Rotaru performed the song "Temp" for the first time on stage in a trouser suit. Before her, no one in the USSR risked such a radical change of image for that time. Not all songs of Rotaru were passed by official censorship. So, one of the songs from the Red Arrow album was banned on Soviet radio because the head of the music editorial office did not like the performance style. However, this did not stop her from winning people's love.

This was immediately followed by shooting in the autobiographical drama film "Soul", which became a new solution in the direction of arranging Sofia's songs (rock music), revealing the tragic and philosophical aspects of the artist's life. Her partners were and, accompanied by the group "Time Machine".

In 1985, she participated in the filming of the film "Sofia Rotaru invites you." In 1986 - in the romantic musical TV movie "Love Monologue", in which Sofia is filmed in dangerous scenes without an understudy. In 2004, the artist played one of the main roles in the musical "Sorochinsky Fair", where she sang the song "But I loved him."

Rotaru and Pugacheva

Rotaru practically did not get into the scandalous chronicle during her career. And her most serious conflict arose with her prima donna and eternal rival. Rather, it is generally accepted that it was Alla Borisovna who was afraid of competition and was always jealous of Sofya Mikhailovna. Ever since the second husband of Alla Pugacheva, director Alexander Stefanovich, made the film "Soul" with Sofia Rotaru in the title role (she played herself).

They say that it was at the suggestion of Alla Borisovna that Rotaru was banned at one time from performing in Moscow. After that, the press has been exaggerating the unspoken enmity of the two pop divas for decades. True, to the credit of both, the performer never raised this topic.

Public reconciliation took place in 2006 on the New Wave in Jurmala. It was hard to say whether it was sincere, but subsequently the artists always behaved towards each other in a friendly and even warm way. The apotheosis of reconciliation was the joint performance of the song by the Tatu group “They Will Not Catch Us”, which fans discussed for a long time.

Personal life

Sofia Rotaru was married to, who acted as the head of the Chervona Ruta ensemble, was the director and organizer of all the artist's concert programs. The future husband first saw his beloved on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" in 1964. The young man was also passionate about music, graduated from a music school, was a trumpeter and dreamed of creating an ensemble. This prompted Anatoly to find Sophia, who, in his opinion, would be perfect for the role of the soloist of the new team.

In 1968, Rotaru married Evdokimenko, went with him to Novosibirsk, where he was supposed to undergo student practice. There she worked as a teacher and, together with her husband, performed at the local Otdykh club. Two years later, their son Ruslan appeared in their young family.

Anatoly Evdokimenko died of a stroke in 2002, Sofia Mikhailovna was very upset by his death, canceling all performances, filming and tours for some time.

The only son Ruslan now works as a music producer. Sofia Rotaru's grandchildren are apparently named after their grandparents - Anatoly (1994) and Sofia (2001).

Sofia Rotaru now

The actress today looks no less impressive than in her youth. Few people are able to believe that the year of birth of the singer is 1947. Rotaru is in excellent shape, although, of course, it was not without the intervention of plastic surgeons.

Sofia Rotaru now

Now she continues to be active, performs, acts in videos. In 2016, on New Year's Eve, Rotaru performed the song "Don't Forget Me", which became a hit. A year later, on the eve of the jubilee 2017, a new hit “On Seven Winds” sounded in Blue Light on the Rossiya channel and on Channel One.

For the New Year holidays, the Evdokimenko family went on vacation to Spain. Since Sofia Mikhailovna is not an active user of social networks, this function was taken over by her son Ruslan and daughter-in-law Svetlana. So, in one of the photos that got into the network, the singer poses in a swimsuit. However, only a part of the beach outfit is visible in the photo, so this news did not get into the scandalous chronicle.

Sofia Rotaru at sea

Meanwhile, Rotaru fans do not forget about her for a second. While the singer was resting in Spain, one of those called the police and said that he had taken Rotaru hostage and was holding her in one of the Moscow apartments. Of course, this turned out to be a hoax. The singer was amused by the news, although there were even worse cases in her career when, due to crazy fans, concerts had to be canceled. Sofia Rotaru always refuses repeated proposals to put security on the singer, citing the fact that "the people's artist should always be with the people."


  • Sofia Rotaru sings 1972
  • Chervona Ruta
  • Sofia Rotaru sings songs by Vladimir Ivasyuk
  • Only you
  • Love Caravan (album)
  • Lavender (album)
  • Farmer
  • Night of love
  • Love me
  • I still love you
  • Water leak
  • Heaven is me
  • I'm your love!
  • And my soul flies
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