Marital status of TV presenter Dmitry Borisov. Dmitry Borisov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Dmitry Borisov

It can be assumed that her new host was pretty risky. Social battles for Dmitry Borisov are not quite a familiar genre, besides, “Let them talk” for everyone is associated exclusively with Malakhov. That is why the person of Dmitry still raises many questions ..

For some reason, in many comments on recent events at Ostankino, Dmitry Borisov is presented as a newcomer who unexpectedly got the chance to take the place of one of the most famous TV presenters in the country. But the television career of this “newcomer” is already more than ten years old. Dmitry started working on the air back in 2006, and today Borisov is the winner of the main TEFI television award in the nomination "News Program Host" and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree. And his journalistic career began even earlier. While still a schoolboy, he began working on the Ekho Moskvy radio station. I got there unexpectedly even for myself: I wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief with the concept of a new program, and he was suddenly invited to try his hand.

At first, Dmitry had a weekly broadcast, but soon Borisov was assigned to work on the daily news. It is good that the school treated this with understanding. Well, when the young man was invited to Channel One, they immediately offered the role of a news TV presenter. By the way, on television they did not even suspect that Borisov was so young. Indeed, on his radio broadcasts, the complete impression was created that it was not a boy who was broadcasting, but a husband. So when Dmitry got on TV, he became one of the youngest TV presenters.

At first he led the morning news, then the evening news and even the Vremya program. Well, in October 2015, Borisov took the position of general producer of Channel One. World Wide Web". So talking about young and promising sounds a little strange. Dmitry Borisov himself speaks modestly about himself: “I am an ordinary person with a bad habit of eating fast food.”

loud romance

The personal life of Dmitry Borisov is hidden from prying eyes today. But a few years ago, happy with love, he did not try to hide from strangers. In 2009, he met the one who was ready to throw the whole world under his feet. During the broadcast of the program "Companions", he met the singer Yulia Savicheva. Relations developed slowly, so at some point Borisov decided to speed them up.

In 2012, on live radio, Dmitry sang a romantic song for Yulia, and thus everyone became aware of their relationship. They constantly appeared at secular parties and other events, not hiding from the cameras, showing how happy they were. That's just together Dmitry and Yulia could not last long. And today Savicheva already appears in the new status of a young mother, and Borisov is still looking for the one who will become his new muse. In the meantime, he appears everywhere with a tiny dog.

O sport, you are life!

In 2014, Boris became one of 14,000 torchbearers, running the distance from Borovitskaya Square to Prechistenskaya Embankment. And then he decided to buy the torch - to show his heirs. “In the instructions that nice people gave me, there was nothing about how to pass the fire or how to carry a torch - in an outstretched hand or holding both. It was hard, but I did it, I changed my hand ... You should have seen how everyone's eyes were burning! As if the relay is a vital matter. Then I bought this torch to show my children and grandchildren, ”Dmitry later said. Moreover, during the race, it suddenly turned out that the person who was supposed to take over from Dmitry did not appear. Therefore, Borisov had to run two distances at once.


Dmitry is one of Andrei Malakhov's close friends. It is enough to look at Malakhov’s microblog to find there a huge number of joint photos with the new host of the “Let them talk” program. Because of this, rumors immediately appeared that Borisov's new appointment was a betrayal of Malakhov.

However, according to insider information, it was Malakhov, who had already made the decision to leave for himself, who proposed a worthy candidate in his place. By the way, a few years ago, Dmitry Borisov, when asked if he wanted to host an entertainment program, replied that, on the one hand, he was ready, but on the other, he was not sure that he needed it. “It's very easy to move from news to entertainment. And it's impossible to go back."

Although many predicted the transfer of "Let them talk" a complete collapse, nevertheless, the first releases showed good results. So, the first program with Borisov was watched by 22% of viewers over 18 who turned on TV at that time (Mediascope data). While transmissions with Malakhov shortly before this broadcast, they collected about 13%.

The reaction of the stars

Russian celebrities immediately rushed to pay their respects to the new TV presenter. So, Anfisa Chekhova published a joint photo with Dmitry Borisov in her microblog, in which she happily kisses him on the cheek. It's funny, but after the post, for some reason, many fans began to seriously discuss Chekhova's romance with Borisov.

Borisov Dmitry Dmitrievich is a young, talented and very promising guy. He not only brilliantly hosts television programs, involving viewers in them entirely, but also produces interesting and incredibly informative documentary projects.

About a man who, despite his young age, has already won numerous television awards, including TEFI, they spoke publicly only from the end of summer 2017. The fact is that at that time Dmitry Borisov was offered to become the host of the popular show “Let them talk”, which caused heated debate and intrigue.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Borisov

Only after it became known about the possible replacement of Andrei Malakhov, the fans began to compare Borisov with him and decided to find out what height, weight, and age the new television presenter had. How old Dmitry Borisov was also a mystery at first, but now they are talking about the age of the guy everywhere.

Dmitry Borisov was born in August 1985, so he was thirty-two years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, he belonged to the sensual, passionate, fiery, trusting, creative, strong, charming Lions.

According to the Eastern horoscope, Borisov is a persistent, purposeful, punctual, hard-working Bull.

Dmitry Borisov's height is one meter and seventy-six centimeters, and the weight is not known, because the guy is very closed and does not like to put personal data on public display.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Borisov

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Borisov also became a very popular request on social networks and on Internet sites at the end of summer. It is worth saying that he is far from a rich or influential guy, Dmitry just made himself absolutely by himself.

Dima was born in Ukrainian Chernivtsi, however, he could not even walk along its streets. The thing is that at the age of one year he was transported to the capital of Russia. The reason for such dramatic changes was the infamous Chernobyl disaster, since the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was dangerously close to Dima's hometown.

The boy did not live long in Moscow, as the family again decided to move to a neighboring republic. Dimka began to live in Lithuania, where he spent all his childhood, but went to first grade again in Russia. At school, the boy showed himself to be an active and capable student, he was excellent at humanitarian subjects, including the Russian language and literature, the history of his native country and the world. Dmitry played in school productions and was interested in the history of world theater.

After graduation, the guy decided to link his future with history and philology, enrolling in the Russian State University for the Humanities.

At the same time, Dmitry became interested in journalism and, at the age of less than sixteen, became an editor at the Echo radio station. He was incredibly purposeful and persistent, so he soon began to broadcast news, a little later, in tandem with Plushev, he began to broadcast the Silver music program at night.

Dima was completely inexperienced and young, so he was terribly complex. He only later realized that youth is not a vice, but an advantage that allows you to make a dizzying career. A little later, Borisov became the author and host of the Argentum and Fellow Travelers programs, he constantly spent time on business trips.

Already at the age of twenty-one, the guy, by invitation, got on Channel One, he became a news anchor. Dmitry was so talented that two years later he received a prestigious award and was recognized as the best presenter of the television season.

In 2009, the guy also proved to be a worthy actor, starring in the films Black Lightning, Escape, and also began to blog on LiveJournal and Twitter. He became the best blogger on the territory of Runet, and already in 2011 the guy became the permanent host of the Vremya program.

He is a very athletic guy who is a master roller skater. Dmitry was one of those who carried the torch in the Olympic torch relay, however, he had to run two distances at once, because the changer did not appear. Later, the guy led news releases and diaries of the Olympics from the Olympic Village and from sports.

Since 2015, the man has become the youngest general producer in the history of CJSC Channel One. Worldwide Network”, he expanded the number of TV channels included in the subsidiary network to six. Dmitry claims that he is interested in working in projects, but it takes almost all his free time, leaving not a minute for his personal life.

2016 gave an unforgettable evening as part of the Moscow Evenings entertainment show team. In June 2017, the guy became the co-host of the Direct Line program with the current President of Russia.

The personal life of Dmitry Borisov is very strange and very closed, since a handsome and bright guy practically does not appear in public with female persons. Evil tongues talk about non-traditional sexual orientation, however, the guy claims that all this gossip is just the result of envy of his success.

Family and children of Dmitry Borisov

The family and children of Dmitry Borisov are very important to him, as they are his support and support in life. The family of the famous producer and journalist has always been intelligent, understanding and supporting all their children.

Father - Dmitry Bak - a fairly well-known person in the territory of the former USSR and the Russian Federation, since he is a literary critic, philologist, translator. They say that the son followed in his footsteps, since Dmitry Petrovich is a talented journalist, he is still the head of the State Museum of Russian Literature, named after Vladimir Dahl.

Mom constantly made sure that the children grew up in an atmosphere of goodness and beauty, she worked as a teacher of the Russian language and culture of our state.

Two more daughters were growing up in the family, while the parents were an example of love and a happy marriage for Dima, since they met at the institute and went through life together.

The kids of Dmitry Borisov have not yet been born. The reason for this phenomenon was by no means non-traditional sexual orientation, not diseases of the genital area, not that the guy refuses to have them.

The reasons that Dima does not have children is that the guy is trying to make a career and fulfill himself. He says that he has not yet found that very beloved and only girl from whom he will be ready to have a long-awaited baby and far from one.

Dmitry Borisov's wife - Yulia Savicheva

Dmitry Borisov's wife has not yet appeared in the guy's life, because the guy has no time to start a relationship, including short-term intrigues. The fact is that there is no data on the Internet that Dmitry had an affair with anyone.

Only once did data appear on the network that the guy had a girlfriend. Her chosen one was the singer, actress, participant of Eurovision 2004 Yulia Savicheva. The young singer came from a musical family, she first appeared on the stage at the age of four, as part of the group of her father and Max Fadeev.

They even talked about the fact that Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savichev's wedding should take place any day.

The first meeting of young people took place in 2009, when the guy was still working at the Echo radio station, and Yulia was an aspiring singer. The guys began to often appear at public events constantly together, they demonstrated gentle and friendly relations in front of people.

Already in 2012, fans started talking about the fact that the couple lives in a civil marriage and is going to get married. This happened after Dmitry sang the song on the radio station "Echo", and the fans said that she, apparently, was dedicated to Yulia Savicheva.

Young people even appeared together at the presentation of the solo album "Heartbeat", constantly hugging and holding hands. Dmitry Borisov and his wife is a mythical concept, because, despite all the hopes of the fans, Yulia and Dima never got married.

Savicheva in 2014 unexpectedly married her longtime friend Alexander Arshinov, whom she had met for more than ten years and even gave birth to a baby from him. The fans were shocked, because they realized that the young people had never had any relationship.

After it became known that Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva did not and had no relationship, the press lost interest in the person of the journalist and television presenter. The guy remained the most enviable bachelor of the Russian Federation, about whose personal life they say very little.

TV presenter "Let them talk" - Dmitry Borisov

The TV presenter “Let them talk” - Dmitry Borisov - recently appeared on the screens of the country, he is already accustomed to the fact that he is constantly compared with the previous handsome Andrei Malakhov. At the same time, the first issue of this well-known program, dedicated to the first host of the program, on August 11, 2017, Dmitry spent simply brilliantly.

However, it is not yet known whether Dmitry will remain the host of this program or leave when Andrei Malakhov comes out of vacation. It was also clarified that the television presenter could leave Channel One on maternity leave, since his wife was about to become a mother, but she was not going to give up her career.

One way or another, but Malakhov himself continues to remain silent about the reasons that he is going to leave the project, with which he had most of his life connected. Fans no longer imagine the program without Malakhov’s sacramental phrase: “Take care of yourself and your loved ones,” and they cannot understand whether the new presenter will repeat these words. Dmitry Borisov didt all the dots and ended the first debut broadcast with this phrase, which indescribably pleased and won over the fans.

By the way, the entire show team quit, saying that they would not work without their leader. At the same time, the team members said that they could return to Channel One in the same way or move with Malakhov to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Malakhov said that he had nothing against Borisov leading his brainchild, considering the guy a professional journalist who could find and develop many sensitive topics.

Before the first broadcast, no one really knew who would become the new TV presenter of the Let Them Talk Project. It was rumored that it would not be Dmitry Borisov, but also Dmitry Shepelev or Alexander Smol.

Malakhov's fans are not yet ready to accept the young presenter, because they consider him less professional than their favorite.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Borisov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Borisov are available, they are official, so the information posted in them can be trusted entirely. At the same time, the Wikipedia page contains data on parents, childhood, family, work on radio and television projects, as well as the career growth of a young star. It is worth noting that little information is available about the personal life of Dmitry Borisov, since the man is a rather secretive person and does not like to put his personal life on public display.

On Borisov's Instagram, you can find much more useful information. Dmitry is an experienced blogger, so he promptly replenishes the page with photos and videos from his personal archive, which makes each of his 60,000 subscribers incredibly happy. At the same time, many posts are provided with interesting and vivid comments that help fans learn more interesting facts about the life of their favorite presenter, producer, actor and blogger. Fans are not shy about commenting on posted posts, and information about a beloved dog that recently gave puppies to its owner is especially popular.

TV presenter, producer of documentaries, Borisov Dmitry Dmitrievich does not advertise his achievements. However, this is a person who really influences how our television will be today and what news we can count on tomorrow.


Dmitry Borisov was born in Chernivtsi, the most beautiful city in Western Ukraine, on August 15, 1985 in a family of philologists. Mom taught people the culture of speech and the Russian language. My father still teaches, and is also the head of the Museum of Literature. His parents studied together at Chernivtsi University, where they met. Both grandfathers were military men, one was a doctor, the other an aviator.

“I was taken to Moscow when I was less than a year old because of the Chernobyl disaster. Although Chernobyl is far from Chernivtsi, no one then knew what it would lead to, ”recalls Dmitry. “Then we moved to Lithuania, lived in Panezheves. We visited Siberia. My dad got his degree there. And yet Moscow is my favorite city, my childhood passed here,” he adds. By the time Dmitry went to first grade, his family had already settled in the capital of Russia.

First broadcasts

Even at school, Dmitry Borisov became interested in journalism and, as a teenager, he already planned to work in the media. At the age of sixteen, he first heard the broadcast of the Gazprom radio station, which was called Ekho Moskvy, and became interested in this difficult work.

Youthful perseverance paid off - and Dmitry received a position as a radio journalist in the information service. There he managed to work as an editor, and then received an offer to read the news feed as a presenter. In addition, he was provided with regular night broadcasts: together with Plushev Alexander Vladimirovich, a popular journalist at that time, he hosted the Silver music program, later renamed Argentum, and even later, Fellow Travelers.

When it seemed to Dmitry that this was not enough, he was instructed to prepare and conduct broadcasts about show business. In this program, he talked on all sorts of topics with the most famous and interesting people. “With the work on the radio "Echo of Moscow" I was able to try myself in different qualities. The main thing, of course, was the conduct of news releases, but I interviewed both presidents and movie stars. There were programs about show business, and trips to "hot places". I have been everywhere: from Beslan to Eurovision. So much journalism appeared in my life that I decided not to get a specialized education at all, ”says Dmitry Borisov.

University everyday life

After school, Dmitry Borisov prudently chose a parental path, becoming a professional philologist, and in 2007 he received a diploma in the history, culture and literature of Russia and Germany, graduating from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Then he immediately continued his postgraduate studies at the same university, studying French dramaturgy along the way.

For the first time on the "First"

In the spring of 2006, fate made Dmitry a real gift: he was invited to Channel One. He began his career as a TV presenter with regular morning and evening newscasts. As the most outstanding presenter of the television season, he was awarded in 2008.

Today Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter, and one of the most successful. His main work is the global Evening News on Channel One, aired daily at 18:00 Moscow time. In addition, he declared himself as "the highest quality microblogger." This area is both close and interesting to him.

“I like a dynamic lifestyle, I move forward and do what I really love. Having tried myself on the “First”, I realized that this is mine, ”says Borisov. It is not surprising that in 2011 his professional horizons expanded due to the Vremya news program. In it, he introduces the audience to the latest news, invariably ending them with the phrase: "Dmitry Borisov was with you, Channel One."

And again "Echo of Moscow"

A rather positive and lightning-fast career growth did not in any way contribute to the development of Dmitry's "star fever". On the contrary, he became more restrained and responsible in relation to the work, which has now become twice as much. This endless employment did not prevent the TV presenter from continuing his work on his beloved Ekho Moskvy radio, although not as intensively as before.

Dmitry had Sunday broadcasts at his disposal, in which he still talks with prominent people. This allows him to take a break from the endless news and at the same time stay in the thick of things, see significant stories through the eyes of celebrities and express his own opinion about what is happening.

The beginning of an affair with Yulia Savicheva

The personal life of Dmitry Borisov has never been a secret to the general public. It was the Ekho Moskvy radio that introduced him to the singer Yulia Savicheva. It happened in 2009, live on the program "Fellow Travelers". Then Yulia Savicheva and Dmitry Borisov did not even imagine that this meeting could develop into a serious affection. The singer herself, in numerous interviews, adheres to the version that she first met Dmitry on the First TV channel while filming one of the shows.

As often happens, it all started with a banal friendship and the exchange of standard greetings. In early 2012, Borisov sang a song especially for Yulia in the radio broadcast of the Echo program, thereby confessing his feelings to her. After that, they became a couple and announced the seriousness of their relationship.

In the same year, Savicheva presented the album "Heartbeat", appearing in public, accompanied by Dmitry, who carefully hugged her waist. From that moment on, the couple has already openly posed for cameras. Smiling Yulia Savicheva and a little embarrassed Dmitry Borisov, whose photos were later massively replicated, looked quite happy and did not hide the fact that there were tender feelings between them.

Old relationships and new plans

Today, Dmitry Borisov is under the scrutiny of the press, which does not miss the opportunity to learn new details of the relationship of the stars. Not so long ago there were rumors about their engagement. However, none of the lovers confirmed this information, although once Dmitry really said that they were planning a wedding. Perhaps Julia has not yet ended a relationship with which has been going on for more than nine years.

Olympic moments

The last highlight in the life of the TV presenter was the Sochi-2014 relay race, which started on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games on October 7, 2013 in Moscow. Dmitry Borisov was one of the thousands of torchbearers. He ran with a burning torch in his hands to Prechistenskaya embankment from “In the instructions that nice people gave me, there was nothing about how to pass the fire or how to carry the torch - in an outstretched hand or holding both. It was hard, but I managed, changed my hand and ran two distances: someone did not make it to their starting point. You should have seen how everyone's eyes were burning! As if the relay is a vital matter. Then I bought this torch to show my children and grandchildren,” he said.

Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter who is called a legend. Hearing this, he modestly replies, "I'm an ordinary person with a bad habit of eating fast food." He also believes that you can achieve a lot if you try. “I also love traveling and can roller-skate for hours,” Dmitry concludes.

Dmitry Borisov is one of the most successful TV presenters. The young man is an excellent journalist and aspiring documentary producer. His achievements are the result of incredible hard work and a desire to prove himself to the maximum.

Dmitry Borisov - to replace Andrei Malakhov

The charismatic brunette Borisov is rightfully considered a talented news announcer on Channel One. At 23, Dmitry received an award as the best presenter of the season. They invited him to the channel in 2006. He successfully coped with the work of a news announcer in the morning and evening. Every day a young man can be seen on the "First" at 6 pm. In addition, he perfectly manifests himself as a microblogger, calling this area as close and exciting as possible for him.

The charming presenter and journalist was nominated several times for the prestigious Teffi award. He received it last year. In 2015, he became the CEO of Channel One's subsidiary, PKVS.

A post shared by Dmitry Borisov Dmitry Borisov (@ddborisov) on May 24, 2017 at 9:28am PDT

A new stage in the career of a journalist is the host of the popular program “Let them talk”. Dmitry Borisov was approved for this role as a suitable replacement for Andrei Malakhov. According to some reports, in August, the starting episode of the updated show will already be aired. Such famous personalities as Anna Shatilova, Dmitry Dibrov and Ekaterina Andreeva will take part in this issue. Andrei Malakhov, the king of TV ratings, believes that he is transferring the case to a worthy presenter, distinguished by talent, charisma and incredible charm.

Personal life, Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva

Not much is known about Dmitry Borisov's personal life today. The young man reports that he is not married and is not dating anyone. His relationship with singer Yulia Savicheva worried many a few years ago. Their first acquaintance took place in 2009 on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, where Dmitry worked. Later, the couple began to appear together more often, holding hands and smiling gently at each other. A vivid example is the presentation of the singer's album called "Heartbeat".

A post shared by Julia Savicheva (@yuliasavicheva) on Aug 15, 2015 at 4:36am PDT

In 2012, a young man sang a song for Yulia on the radio broadcast of his program. However, none of them confirmed the information that they are dating or in official relations. Now the TV presenter says that Yulia Savicheva is his good friend, and they still communicate well. Dmitry is on good terms with the singer's husband, Alexander Arshinov.

Biography and family of Dmitry

To date, the popular TV presenter has neither a wife nor children. Due to heavy workloads and a busy schedule, Borisov has not yet started a serious relationship. He was born in the city of Chernivtsi in the western part of Ukraine in 1985 (August 15). The mother of the journalist and TV presenter is a teacher, and the father is an employee of the Museum of Culture, a literary critic, and also a translator.

From childhood, the boy was taught that he needed to be well-mannered, active and educated.

In 1986, the family moved to the capital after the tragic events in Chernobyl, but after that they had to go to Siberia, since their father had to work. Dmitry attended a school in the capital, and then graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology at the Russian State Humanitarian University.

At the age of 17, the guy got a job as a decorator at Ekho Moskvy.

He was very worried about his young age, but then he realized that it was thanks to this that he could stand out. A little later, he was noticed on Channel One, and he began to successfully and quickly move up the career ladder.

Dmitry Borisov is an active and purposeful young man. In his spare time, he skates, travels the world, and hangs out with friends.

A talented person, a well-known journalist, TV presenter, documentary film producer, Borisov Dmitry Dmitrievich does not advertise his achievements. However, this is a person who really influences how our television will be today and what news we can count on tomorrow.


Dmitry Borisov was born in Chernivtsi, the most beautiful city in Western Ukraine, on August 15, 1985 in a family of philologists. Mom taught people the culture of speech and the Russian language. My father still teaches, and is also the head of the Museum of Literature. His parents studied together at Chernivtsi University, where they met. Both grandfathers were military men, one was a doctor, the other an aviator.

“I was taken to Moscow when I was less than a year old because of the Chernobyl disaster. Although Chernobyl is far from Chernivtsi, no one then knew what it would lead to, ”recalls Dmitry. “Then we moved to Lithuania, lived in Panezheves. We visited Siberia. My dad got his degree there. And yet Moscow is my favorite city, my childhood passed here,” he adds. By the time Dmitry went to first grade, his family had already settled in the capital of Russia.

First broadcasts

Even at school, Dmitry Borisov became interested in journalism and, as a teenager, he already planned to work in the media. At the age of sixteen, he first heard the broadcast of the Gazprom radio station, which was called Ekho Moskvy, and became interested in this difficult work.

Youthful perseverance paid off - and Dmitry received a position as a radio journalist in the information service. There he managed to work as an editor, and then received an offer to read the news feed as a presenter. In addition, he was provided with regular night broadcasts: together with Plushev Alexander Vladimirovich, a popular journalist at that time, he hosted the Silver music program, later renamed Argentum, and even later, Fellow Travelers.

When it seemed to Dmitry that this was not enough, he was instructed to prepare and conduct broadcasts about show business. In this program, he talked on all sorts of topics with the most famous and interesting people. “With the work on the radio "Echo of Moscow" I was able to try myself in different qualities. The main thing, of course, was the conduct of news releases, but I interviewed both presidents and movie stars. There were programs about show business, and trips to "hot places". I have been everywhere: from Beslan to Eurovision. So much journalism appeared in my life that I decided not to get a specialized education at all, ”says Dmitry Borisov.

University everyday life

After school, Dmitry Borisov prudently chose a parental path, becoming a professional philologist, and in 2007 he received a diploma in the history, culture and literature of Russia and Germany, graduating from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Then he immediately continued his postgraduate studies at the same university, studying French dramaturgy along the way.

For the first time on the "First"

In the spring of 2006, fate made Dmitry a real gift: he was invited to Channel One. He began his career as a TV presenter with regular morning and evening newscasts. As the most outstanding presenter of the television season, he was awarded in 2008.

Today Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter, and one of the most successful. His main work is the global Evening News on Channel One, aired daily at 18:00 Moscow time. In addition, he declared himself as "the highest quality microblogger." This area is both close and interesting to him.

“I like a dynamic lifestyle, I move forward and do what I really love. Having tried myself on the “First”, I realized that this is mine, ”says Borisov. It is not surprising that in 2011 his professional horizons expanded due to the Vremya news program. In it, he introduces the audience to the latest news, invariably ending them with the phrase: "Dmitry Borisov was with you, Channel One."

And again "Echo of Moscow"

A rather positive and lightning-fast career growth did not in any way contribute to the development of Dmitry's "star fever". On the contrary, he became more restrained and responsible in relation to the work, which has now become twice as much. This endless employment did not prevent the TV presenter from continuing his work on his beloved Ekho Moskvy radio, although not as intensively as before.

Dmitry had Sunday broadcasts at his disposal, in which he still talks with prominent people. This allows him to take a break from the endless news and at the same time stay in the thick of things, see significant stories through the eyes of celebrities and express his own opinion about what is happening.

The beginning of an affair with Yulia Savicheva

The personal life of Dmitry Borisov has never been a secret to the general public. It was the Ekho Moskvy radio that introduced him to the singer Yulia Savicheva. It happened in 2009, live on the program "Fellow Travelers". Then Yulia Savicheva and Dmitry Borisov did not even imagine that this meeting could develop into a serious affection. The singer herself, in numerous interviews, adheres to the version that she first met Dmitry on the First TV channel while filming one of the shows.

As often happens, it all started with a banal friendship and the exchange of standard greetings. In early 2012, Borisov sang a song especially for Yulia in the radio broadcast of the Echo program, thereby confessing his feelings to her. After that, they became a couple and announced the seriousness of their relationship.

In the same year, Savicheva presented the album "Heartbeat", appearing in public, accompanied by Dmitry, who carefully hugged her waist. From that moment on, the couple has already openly posed for cameras. Smiling Yulia Savicheva and a little embarrassed Dmitry Borisov, whose photos were later massively replicated, looked quite happy and did not hide the fact that there were tender feelings between them.

Old relationships and new plans

Today, the personal life of Dmitry Borisov is under the scrutiny of the press, which does not miss the opportunity to learn new details of the relationship of the stars. Not so long ago there were rumors about their engagement. However, none of the lovers confirmed this information, although once Dmitry really said that they were planning a wedding. Perhaps Yulia has not yet ended her relationship with Alexander Arshinov, which has been going on for more than nine years.

Olympic moments

The last highlight in the life of the TV presenter was the Sochi-2014 relay race, which started on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games on October 7, 2013 in Moscow. Dmitry Borisov was one of the thousands of torchbearers. He ran with a burning torch in his hands to Prechistenskaya embankment from Borovitskaya Square. “In the instructions that nice people gave me, there was nothing about how to pass the fire or how to carry a torch - in an outstretched hand or holding both. It was hard, but I managed, changed my hand and ran two distances: someone did not make it to their starting point. You should have seen how everyone's eyes were burning! As if the relay is a vital matter. Then I bought this torch to show my children and grandchildren,” he said.

Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter who is called a legend. Hearing this, he modestly replies, "I'm an ordinary person with a bad habit of eating fast food." He also believes that you can achieve a lot if you try. “I also love traveling and can roller-skate for hours,” Dmitry concludes.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...