Sexual relationship in the synastry (astrology). Synastric aspects

This combination implies the emergence of exciting, although far from always stable, relationships between people. Here everything will depend on the general characteristics of the comparative aspect and the entire comparison as a whole. So, let's say, if in comparison there are no positive aspects of Saturn that can balance the relationship, then we can speak with a high degree of confidence about the obvious instability of the relationship, based on an unpredictable and unexpected change of feelings. Nevertheless, in a number of cases, a psychoidelic connection may arise between individuals, which is largely due to their mutual passion for astrology and the occult. The "Uranian" personality has a stimulating effect on the feelings of the "lunar" one, which can lead to unexpected changes and twists of fate in their relationship.

As for the personal life of these people, they may well live together even without being spouses. Their house is very fond of visiting guests and friends, as it is always distinguished by its cordiality and hospitality. The “lunar” personality knows how to competently organize home comfort and leisure, which greatly contributes to the further even more effective life of the “Uranian” personality. This combination is great for business and professional relationships, and in any, even very unusual, at first glance, field of activity.

This aspect arouses mutual interest and stimulates intellectually. Sometimes unpredictable Uranus will annoy the Moon, especially if the Moon loves order and consistency. Between people of the opposite sex, an aspect can indicate an involuntary, sometimes unusual, magnetic attraction. Romantic feelings are shown here, but if people do not connect many other aspects, the relationship can be unstable, unreliable or changeable. Here you can assume a passionate love or attraction, which will be temporary. But in the event that the comparison as a whole indicates the possibility of building an alliance on an ongoing basis, this aspect will stimulate the continuation of romantic attraction. In friendship, the alliance can be casual or periodic. Attraction may be short-lived if other aspects contribute to this. The qualities of Uranus can completely destroy the emotional state of the Moon if the Moon is overly sensitive. In marriage, the aspect may indicate a frequent change of residence, when some of these places may annoy the person of the Moon.

Moon male conjunct Uranus female

This aspect brings excitement and instant attraction. Long-term relationships are difficult, as partners can be too unpredictable. Expectations may be unrealistic, or the two-way flow of love that makes the partnership complete may be absent. The man appears to submit to his more distant and independent partner. A woman either leads the relationship because of her willfulness or terminates it because of her need for spontaneity and freedom. If these are mature enough people who are able to recognize their own differences, then emotional development and awareness is possible.

Moon woman conjunct Uranus man

This aspect creates very interesting relationships. A woman tends to live in the past, while a man makes his way into the future. There may be a strong instantaneous sexual attraction in these relationships, but real sexuality may lack security or satisfaction. There is emotional involvement on the part of the woman, but her individualistic partner does not seem to be able to provide her with the sense of security and peace she seeks. Despite this, relationships can be characterized by personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Moon sextile Uranus

With this comparative aspect, relationships arise between individuals, based mainly on an unusual friendship that impresses with its dynamics. They, as a rule, meet for the first time under very improbable circumstances and from the very beginning intuitively feel mutual attraction. Further, these interesting relationships develop with an unpredictable liveliness of the palette of shades of emotional-sensual connection, which is most often formed between individuals from the first days of their acquaintance. The "Uranian" personality helps the "lunar" one to overcome the negativity of emotional habits based on a one-sided analysis of the experience of past years of life, and that, in turn, helps the "Uranian" personality to even more effectively develop abilities, creative self-expression, providing a reliable and comfortable household base for her. Both individuals, being socially active, have many common friends and associates, are interested in the sciences, including astrology and the occult, culture, art, and strive for self-improvement.

Moon sextile or trine Uranus

Uranus awakens the Moon and inspires her with his ideas. In turn, the imagination of the Moon can stimulate the originality, versatility, mobility and variability of Uranus. Relationships will always have something unusual, special. Uranus will help the Moon in non-standard, unexpected ways.

Moon square Uranus

In some cases, in this comparative combination, relationships may arise between people based on mutual temporary attraction and recklessness. Soon, however, the "lunar" personality will begin to seem "Uranian" uninteresting and banal by nature, and the "lunar" one quite reasonably considers that frivolous and superficial for a solid relationship. The eccentric behavior and environment of the "Uranian" personality can quickly destroy the silence and harmony of the everyday idyll of the "lunar", accustomed to a certain order and way of life. Emotionally, these partners oppress each other, stimulating negative reactions of the psyche - irritability, depression, neuroses. In addition, disagreements of a spiritual and ethical nature begin to emerge more and more clearly between them.

Moon in opposition or square to Uranus

This aspect can lead to mutual irritation, dissatisfaction with each other. Uranus manifests itself in a very defiant and unpredictable way, which confuses the Moon, leads her into confusion and in an exciting way affects her mood and emotions. Uranus has a tendency to disrespect the Moon or neglect the Moon, not attaching much importance to it. Any romantic attraction where this aspect occurs can lead to unusual relationships and imprudent, reckless, careless behavior, unless the individuals are highly developed spiritually and are able to resist temptation and temptation. Uranus stimulates ideas in the Moon, but at the same time tests its ability to adapt. Alliances may not be long lasting, unless other aspects between the cards indicate the permanence of the relationship. If this does happen, an aspect between the Moon and Uranus will indicate frequent separations, changes in family affairs, or multiple movements, which will almost always be unacceptable for the Moon. In marriage, the desire for a personal career can become a source of mutual friction, especially if the woman's Uranus aspects the man's Moon.

Moon male square Uranus female

The man's possessiveness is heightened as he is subconsciously jealous of the bizarre "feminine position" that continually frustrates his need for emotional security. He feels threatened by the universal sense of freedom expressed by his partner. A man may wonder why he disagrees with her more liberal positions. In reality, she is trying to free herself from her mother and rebels against her partner when he hopes for maternal care. This is a bad aspect for a long-term partnership.

Woman's moon square Uranus man

A woman is emotionally frustrated with this aspect because a man is counting on her reliability and protection, but is trying to remain free from emotional dependence. He sees her as his symbolic mother and sees the relationship as a challenge that he must overcome in order to defend his individuality during the struggle to sever the subconscious umbilical cord. She finds him exciting, stimulating, and unique, but cannot sincerely call him her own, as part of his appeal comes from the impractical fantasies and shifting oddities that constantly free him from emotional traps. This is a very difficult aspect to create strong and lasting relationships.

Moon trine Uranus

With the complete positivity of this comparative aspect, we can talk about the likely emergence of relationships between people based on strong physical attraction. The "Uranian" personality constantly brings a certain interest into the life of the "lunar" personality, thanks to its involvement in the socially-intellectually active field of activity. The "lunar" individuality, in turn, provides "Uranian" constant support in all its good undertakings in this field, which further strengthens their union and stimulates even more effective joint life. Being socially active supporters of adventurers and everything unusual in this life, both partners enjoy great prestige among associates and friends who almost constantly gather in their home. With the full positivity of the personality aspect, they not only constantly stimulate each other to more creative self-expression, but also in every possible way contribute to the manifestation of personal ambitions and emotional-sensual self-expression of each other.

Moon male trine Uranus female

This aspect brings a pleasant excitement to the relationship. A note of unpredictability keeps each partner interested in the other. Thanks to her sparkling originality, a woman teaches a man to be more flexible about emotions. He, in turn, provides emotional stability so that she can safely express her personality. While this aspect does not cement an otherwise shaky partnership, it adds the potential for understanding through which both partners can grow.

Woman's moon trine man's Uranus

Here the woman subconsciously accepts the role played by her mother in order to help the man free himself from the bond with his mother. His sense of freedom helps him establish his unique identity, and a woman is able to understand this without losing her sense of self. The combination of the original expression and ingenuity of the man and the harmonious perception of the woman can make this relationship very interesting.

Moon opposition Uranus

With this comparative aspect, very unusual, interesting and exciting relationships arise between individuals, which, however, do not differ in duration. Unconventionality and an element of incredible coincidence usually determine their fate. For a romantic relationship full of passion and attraction, this is very, very good, however, if we talk about strong serious relationships that involve marriage, then this aspect in itself is not effective. True, if the other factors of comparison are positive and suggest the strength of the relationship, then their seriousness and duration no longer raise such big doubts. The “Uranian” personality, with its excessive activity and curiosity, may well stimulate the imagination of the “lunar” in a creative way, unless, of course, she is too overzealous in her impulsiveness and constant change in the direction of business activity, which the more inertial nature of the “lunar” will clearly not keep up with. » personality. In addition, she is embarrassed by the constant aspirations of the "Uranian" personality for freedom and independence. And the factor of the desire to "conquer more and more peaks of being" does not at all contribute to improving the relationship of these people, although they may well find many common interests for themselves. The “lunar” personality, striving for stability and comfort, is gradually becoming more and more difficult to get used to the constant “change of scenery”. For the "Uranian" personality, the "lunar" one more and more seems to be a kind of brake and ballast in all good undertakings.

Moon male opposite Uranus female

A woman's unpredictable behavior reveals a man's past insecurities. She symbolically protests against the protective bosom. Unstable patterns date back to her adolescence or college days, when she began to discover her own originality and independence. Subconsciously viewing a man as a substitute mother figure from which she must free herself, a woman is not ready to give the relationship all that she is capable of. This aspect is very difficult and too unstable for a marriage or long-term partnership.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Uranus of a man

A man sees a woman as a symbol of the values ​​that his mother held in the past. He feels the need to protest against any form of domination and will fight to defend his sense of freedom and originality. Relationships will not be boring, but a woman will not escape the final surprise if she becomes dependent on the unstable nature of a man.

Various sources of synastric astrology.

Article summary:

Allaaltin: Katya tried to put together a motley material. Patchwork quilt turned out. Simple, but tasteful. For many it will be useful. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Houses, planets, signs have several levels of elaboration and several layers of information. To paint each of them - the topic will be lost. Given the average temperature in the hospital.

Canela: Good raw material, like modeling clay, is the basis for a quality product.

To begin with, it should be noted:

1. Any compatibility analysis begins with an analysis of natal charts separately, mainly on the topic of relationships, identifying strong channels (each has its own method) and mutual expectations (

2. Tense aspects in the synastry are not always correctly called defeat, especially between gender planets (Venus, Mars, Sun, Moon), benefactors and Pluto, such a connection, on the contrary, can create long-term attraction or short-term passion.

Light: The whole "Santa Barbara" in our life goes along the squares (author's note: they are the most difficult to work out), and "office romances" with mismatches - strongly, jealously, zealously and painfully (author's note: opposition in general) may not attract, but repel). But any gender aspects are the decoration of the synastry, the aspects of attraction are the essence: : The more aspects between personal planets, the stronger the ties between people, I don’t think that good aspects of Jupiter can fix a hopeless synastry.

Canela: But there are carriers of natals for whom these aspects are tangibly important, and there are those who, even without them, on other indicators, such as touching a corner or turning on one Neptune, will sigh and carry on their hands; there are also those who have the focus of attention shifted to themselves / work / benefit, or "a mean emotional-heart fund", they generally, when activating their sexual Mars, Venus, etc. rubbed, stewed and run away into the bushes from sin (author's note: that's why we begin to consider the synastry from the study of natals separately and highlight strong channels).

3. The orb between personal planets is taken in the entire sign, that is, we consider rather the compatibility of signs of celestial bodies, elements, in other cases no more than 5-6 degrees and 8-10 for luminaries. But it's different for different schools. The most precise aspects will dominate, play out most vividly. Aspects through a sign in the synastry should not be taken into account, even if they are practically accurate (for example, his Venus is at 30 degrees of Aries, and his Saturn is at 1 degree of Capricorn, the program will show a trine, but there can be no trine between earth and fire), because in synastry, the interaction of the elements is important. Perhaps you will feel something, but it is advisable to push such aspects into the background.

4. When the planet of a partner makes a tense aspect to your planet in its own sign (for example, Saturn in Libra (m) square Mars in Capricorn (g)), such an interaction is considered as easier and more natural in terms of the function of the planets, (i.e. the owner Mars in Capricorn "loves" and understands Saturn martyr, so it will give in to his control and help him limit himself according to the functions of his Mars). And so it is useful to consider any reception in the case of an aspect. But if it is, for example, the square of Mars in Aries and Capricorn, of course they can become good employees, or passion will flare up between them, but also in their natural functions, they will want to conflict in the presence of each other, it will simply be perceived as inalienable, natural part of a relationship.

5. It is much easier for people with tense aspects in natal to get along with people who also have similar connections (for example, if you have conjunctions of the Sun with Uranus, then a good union will turn out with a person who also has a conjunction of Uranus with the luminary, thus, both will not claim each other's personal space, which they so need). This is especially true for aspects of gender planets (a man with the opposition of the Moon Venus will be happy with one who has the same opposition or square). But there is another opinion:

vici2004: men with tense aspects of similarity very quickly began to annoy, heaviness was felt and some similarity, a feeling of the same psychological problem.

Daragan wrote that sometimes it is better for a partner to have a tense aspect, and you have the same, but harmonious, although opinions differ.

In any case, all aspects of similarity must be considered. It is for them that we often attract people. For example, I have Mars in conjunction with Neptune and all men had a tense aspect between these planets.

6. It is equally important to pay attention to what natal configurations the partner completes with his planets, this can significantly improve or worsen compatibility.

Canela: If large squares are obtained, partners will either scatter from tension, or a closed system of energy distillation will result.

If your planet completes an already existing configuration of the same planets in natal, because you are approximately the same age (for example, the native has a Moon-Saturn square, and your Saturn connects with him, that is, it also squares to his moon), you should not hope that you don’t feel it, since you are already used to these vibrations, on the contrary, you will feel it doubly, and you will be able to clearly distinguish its functions in your relationship, as if you look at yourself from the side, feel and understand this aspect better in your own map.

Gia: In natal there is the Sun square Neptune, because of which I do not like my peers, because they also square my Sun with Neptune. And they are trying to hang noodles on their ears - almost all of my boyfriends of the same age tried to lie wildly to me, embellish everything and fill in the fog. It drove me crazy.

Again, it is more useful to look at such aspects by house, and not by function.

7. Most often, it is the distant planet that performs an "action" on the near one, that is, if, for example, the Moon (g) is in opposition to Mars (m), then it is the man of Mars who will injure and make the man of the Moon "cry" or if Saturn (m ) in conjunction with the Moon (g), then the person of Saturn will decide how long this relationship will last, since he "holds" the Moon, and let him go.

8. It is more correct to consider aspects between the higher planets according to their belonging to houses, as well as the personal aspect to the higher, when we want to consider not the action of the higher over the personal function from paragraph 6, but vice versa (for example, Mars squared with Pluto of the partner’s ruler 4 - those close to a Pluto person will irritate a Mars person). Other aspects are also important to look at in this context, but they can also be interpreted by function. In practice, it is noticeable that, first of all, the position in the house works, and then management.

9. Canela: So far, no one has met who did not perceive well the aspects to different planets of the same character in the corresponding aspect for them. That is:

For Venus, the Moon is interesting and friendly, first of all aspects of trine (smoothness, acceptance of the Yin planets) and conjunction are clearly manifested - a close, personal, very physically tangible interaction, and the conjunction combines tension and harmony - "not boring" for both.

For Mars, Pluto is equivalent, understandable, but also influential, the aspects are good sextile - a pleasant drive and a square - recharge, activation, the voltage necessary for both planets to work. Energy dependence on each other (now I'm not talking about happiness, but just dependence) - approx. Light. By the way, according to statistics for strong long-term pairs, Mars square/Pluto conjunction is one of the most popular aspects.

Finally, the Sun to the Moon is the eternal yin-yang, external / internal, classic. Works on a spectrum of major aspects, with large orbs.

And according to the Yang nature, the Sun-Mars complement each other in a convenient form: the potential / ideas of the first + the implementation of the second = tandem.

10. A mine is a rare phenomenon, since decent orbs are taken in the synastry, but if there is one, then the one to whom it belongs will feel the unaspected planet more painfully. He will try to show it, to prove that he fully possesses these functions, but his own efforts will seem in vain - like peas against a wall. The difference with aspected planets lies in the fact that you do not strive to demonstrate them to your partner in any way out of the ordinary, and so you feel that he has noticed them. When, like feral planets, they seem to be unsure of themselves and from that they try to manifest themselves brighter, as if they are waving to be noticed: "Hey, we are here !!!". So if your Mercury is in such a feral situation, you will feel as if your partner is not listening to you, although this may not be the case at all. You will start talking louder / more, demand not to interrupt, start asking again and again why he is not attentive to your words ... The partner who missed your planet would seem to be not interested in its functions, no matter how hard you push. In fact, it’s not that he doesn’t notice it, he simply follows his own stereotype, not being able to look at the real situation. Roughly speaking, if he decided that you are an idiot, then no matter how hard you try to prove the opposite, this person is unlikely to change his mind. So, for example, if this is the sun of a partner, then you probably will not fully understand the goals, aspirations and life position of a person, and you will not be able to find a way to find out for yourself for some reason.

11. In the old school of Shestopalov, it was believed that the presence of three conflicting aspects (between Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) would certainly lead to separation or at least not allow an official marriage (orb 5 degrees), in practice this is not always confirmed, but very often (read more: The same aspect of Saturn square Mars is very common in long-term unions.

12. Synastry helps to find out the psychological compatibility between people and what pitfalls they have to stumble on, but it is believed that love cannot be seen in it, as well as the level of human development in the natal chart.

Light: We fall in love not by planets, something higher - then, waking up, we begin to understand what train we are traveling in, what landscapes are outside the window and where and in general what conditions are around. A good synastry allows you to make a not very bright feeling pleasant, vital, joyful and stable, which will never get bored. And vice versa, the bad one is to turn a great and great feeling into endless mental pain and hell.

It is impossible to see in it the prospect of marriage or the birth of a child, such events are determined with the help of prognosis. But there is the so-called event compatibility, it shows well whether your couple has the potential to hobble to the registry office. If circumstances do not flock favorably, you will have to swim against the current and initiate events yourself, which is simply not for everyone. When we say the word "circumstances", we automatically switch to houses. So in the map we will look for nothing more than connections between the elements of the 7th and 10th houses of partners, and the more accurate they are, the stronger fate will push them together:

a. Major aspect to cusps 10 or 7 from partner planet of element 10 or 7.

b. Major aspect between the elements of the 7 houses of partners.

c. Major aspect between elements of 1st and 7th houses

d. Personal planets in 7 and 10, especially in conjunction with the elements of this house (cusp, planets in it)

If there is at least one connection from the above, this is already good, the circumstances will help you to be together. But to be 100% sure, rectification is necessary to analyze event compatibility.

Rey: In general, all angles are important. I noticed that the aspects between my planets and the partner's planets do not yet guarantee a certain connection. For example, I have several acquaintances, their Mars is connected to my Venus and their Venus to my Mars. But there is no love between us. Friendship - yes, flirting and flirting - is possible .... but there is no sensual connection. But when I meet a person and his planets are rolled into my 7,4,10 houses, then everything, like a mouse, reacts to a boa constrictor.

Light: If it's just about starting a relationship and having a good time, then the rulers of the 5 houses should be aspected.

13. Light: For additional information it is necessary to study the average: aspects of Mars-Venus, Mars-Moon, Sun-Moon.

And the composite (midpoint map) - the flow of energies within the couple, external circumstances and causes:

Olis: The average between the progressives is just a storehouse of information

Mashina: And of course, it is important whether there is a period in a person's life now when he can fall in love. And then the whole synastry will pass by.

The basic principle of interpreting aspects:

Sun- this is our personality and life direction / position.

Light: The sun of a man should be aspected as much as possible for the man's desire to keep the marriage as long as possible. Otherwise, it is difficult for a woman to see a personality in him, and for a man to manifest.

Tense Aspects partner, one way or another, they prevent him from manifesting openly / naturally,

Harmonious aspects on the contrary, they help. If the luminaries are in a harmonious aspect, then people already have something in common.

Light: The aspects of the Sun with Venus are very good, because Venus, as a small happiness (and yet she is closer to the body than Jupiter), simply adores the Sun.

Moon- it is necessary to consider the compatibility of the Moons, because this is a matter of everyday life and how comfortable you are together (location in opposition / quadrature signs or lack of contemplation already creates problems, especially when living together, although this is unlikely to cause separation without other evidence). The principle of the Moon is to absorb like a sponge, therefore, making any aspect with any planet, it grasps its principle and even slightly exaggerates (in exaltation). For example, when the Moon is square with Venus, the first sees the second as almost a goddess (one can say literally - Venus is the goddess of love), that is, she is stunned by her beauty (principle). But because of the square, he does not know how to approach, he is nervous, jealous, offended by lack of initiative .. and the Moon perceives any planet so close "to the heart". So if you still feel the urge to look for love in the synastry, despite paragraph 10, I give a hint - love in many schools goes along the Moon, it is the person of the Moon who loves and is attached to the partner's planets in terms of aspects.

Light: For good compatibility, the Moon of a woman should not be strongly affected when Venus can be affected.

Tense Aspects Luna gets hurt and starts to react emotionally. If, for example, Saturn touches the Moon, then the person of the Moon may lack warmth, tenderness, Saturn will seem too cold to him, and at the time of the quarrel, the Moon will begin to sort things out or cry (see how this manifests itself in the native in natal), and Saturn just stop talking, he seems more ruthless to the man of the moon. With Mars, the tense aspect is very bad, because the man of the Moon feels constant tension in the presence of Mars, as if a hunt is open for her and can begin to defend himself in advance, hence the constant quarrels almost from scratch. Although Mars really gives the Moon a lot of trouble, as if it cuts like a living, whether it be harsh statements, careless actions, or even assault. The Moon in Scorpio may enjoy this, but others will suffer and shed tears. For example, my good friend's Mars squared my Moon and any touch, even a friendly pat on the shoulder, left bruises on my skin. Sometimes, in tense aspects, the principle of the Moon "to absorb" turns into a purely consumer one, especially after the desire to receive the principle of the planet being aspected meets obstacles corresponding to the tense aspect - the soul has been wounded, so we will stupidly use it.

Harmonious aspects The moon is beckoned sincerely, this is something that is almost related to her. They can also be considered as a subconscious understanding of the functions of the planet by the Moon and a good attitude towards them on a sensual level (smells, touches, sounds, tenderness). That is, if it is a trine Moon Mercury - the person of the Moon will understand well why Mercury said so, it will be close to him, or maybe he will like the voice of the person Mercury (for a friend, the Moon connected with a partner struck by Mercury in the 1st house - she really liked how he burr). The Moon is also a concern, and if, for example, it falls into the 4th house of a partner, then the person of the Moon will actively take care of the comfort in the home of a loved one, and if in the 1st - about his appearance and so on.

Mercury- it is important to consider this planet as an understanding between partners. For love relationships, Mercury does not need to have a harmonious aspect, you can argue if everything else is in order, but in a friendly circle, you will most likely find that all Mercury are located in the same element.

Harmonious aspect (including connection) of Mercury causes an understanding of the functions of the planet at the analytical level, although they may not be spiritually close to him ("Yes, yes, I understand your position, I will not argue," Mercury, which harmoniously aspects Jupiter, will say. "Although it is completely different for me," since Jupiter is in opposition signs). So if this is an aspect with the luminary, then a good understanding in a couple is guaranteed. A disharmonious aspect can deprive a person of Mercury of interest to communicate with a person of the luminary (may not listen to him carefully), but there are other ways of interaction if you are a guy and a girl;)

Tense Aspects Mercury arouse interest in the functions of the planet aspected by it, as a result of misunderstanding, and this depends on the sign of Mercury, because otherwise it will cause condemnation of the functions of the partner’s planet in verbal form, or at the level of analysis, thinking, that is, we look at how much Mercury curious. But do not forget about item 6: so, when Mercury is square with Mars, it is the man of Mars who will argue with the man of Mercury, in turn, the man of Mercury may stop being tactful and polite in dealing with Mars, he will want to defend himself with a word, hence involuntary mate in their dialogue, Mercury's causticity, etc. If a guy and a girl communicate with this aspect, then the man of Mars will provoke Mercury on all sorts of sexual topics, he will like to talk to him about such things, but at the same time, the communication style or responses of Mercury can annoy the man of Mars. If, instead of Mars, Pluto, it will be interesting to raise all sorts of esoteric topics in the dialogue, and also the person of Pluto will clearly tease Mercury, quibble, troll.

Light: There is nothing good in a Mercury square, especially if they are in fixed signs, although they can spark initial interest.

Here it is correct to use the word like / dislike, that's what Venus will tell us about (but do not forget about points 2, 6 and 7). Its principle is to evaluate and, if you like, appropriate.

Tense Aspects Venuses repel from the function of the aspected planet, give frank hostility. For example, a friend in the synastry of her Venus stood in opposition to Saturn in the 4th house of her partner - she simply couldn’t stand his mother.

But the tense aspects of Venus with gender planets and Pluto, on the contrary, give sexual attraction and passion (which, however, has an expiration date and if there are no other significant aspects, the relationship will not last long), and if it is Venus (g) Mars (m ), in this combination, a woman, as expected, feels like a woman, and a man like a man. When these planets change roles, that is, Mars is for the lady, and Venus is for the martyr, then in relationships the initiative begins to come from the woman more strongly, she feels dominant, playing the role of Mars, especially sexually (depending on the position of Mars in natal, we we will understand whether she likes it or not, and according to clause 4 - whether the martyr likes it). Tense aspects of Venus with Pluto are also considered good for intimate compatibility. The opposition of the Sun with Venus speaks of a strong attraction in the sense of external attractiveness.

Harmonious aspects Venus attracts, this is what suits Venus in a partner, for which the man of Venus appreciates him. For example, Venus trine Neptune exercise 10 in a partner's chart means that we like what a person strives for, like his work, like his status in society, etc. But the trine of Venus with Saturn can be considered a harmonious aspect only if the first is in the abode / exaltation of Saturn. If not, then the relationship will be like the relationship of a rabbit with a boa constrictor - the person of Saturn will seem too cold for the person of Venus.

Mars- this is a provocateur and / or stimulant in the synastry. If he connects with exercise 1, then he provokes actions according to the symbolism of his sign: "Go in for sports, go in for sports!" - Dad keeps telling me with Mars in Aries even when I'm already doing it)).

Light: The lack of involvement of Mars (male or female) in the synastry can lead to the direction of the energy of Mars outside the synastry - trips to the left (author's note: if there are indications of the ability to change in natal, I will soon write an article about this)

There is also an interesting observation from Lewka - very often we find men with Mars, like our dads, a degree, a sign, sometimes an aspect is similar.

In tense aspects Mars provokes not only to activity according to the functions of the aspected planet, but also to aggression, and to passion, and to sex, he does it quite straightforwardly. If there is an opposition or a square of Mars with the luminaries / ascendant of the partner, then despite the harmonious relationship, the partner can be seriously annoying.

In harmonious aspects Mars stimulates activity, helps a partner, and with real deeds, physical actions. Therefore, it is good to have a trine or conjunction of Mars with co-workers.

Boys' friendship requires the location of Mars in friendly signs, as well as the absence of tension between Mars and Pluto.

For the friendship of girls - Venus. As well as the lack of tension between Venus-Moon.

Katia-crimea: One familiar practicing astrologer said that it is very easy in the synastry to see who will "run" after whom more. According to him, it is enough to see whose Mars looks at the sun.

Our views, morals, attitudes, worldview and the ability to bestow a partner. In the synastry, it is considered a conflicting planet with tense aspects. No matter how strong the passion is, Jupiter square (not opposition!) Jupiter will kill love in any case (approx.Hamburgerin)

With harmonious ones, this is a seal of happiness.

In tense aspects Jupiter resents and tries to pester with his advice, lectures and morals.

Despite this, when Jupiter is in opposition/conjunction with the luminary/ascendant of the passion, the person of Jupiter often seeks to benefit a loved one, whether it be material support or help with advice. She also observed the square of Jupiter to Venus, and Jupiter constantly with reluctance gave her his things to wear, but he did.

Mashina: My husband's Jupiter is in exact opposition to my Venus - he gives with desire. But the fact that I didn’t fit into his worldview as a woman is another matter. That is, the facets of the aspect are important. Maybe that's why it gives a lot, because everything wants to get the ideal according to its weight Venus at last! Go, grit, cut your hair, go to the pool, go buy a dress ... That is, it gives not because I am so all lovely, but to please me to your taste. Gives as if because it is necessary. You can’t say that it’s forced, but not like with a trine / sextile.

In harmonious aspects Jupiter admires and takes pride in the functions of the planet it is aspecting. If this is a synastry of friends, it will be great if their Mercury is mutually well aspected by Jupiters, then with other confirmations, they will always have something to chat about. The harmonious aspects of Jupiter with the luminaries are called seals of happiness, because the person of the luminary feels happy next to Jupiter.

Light: Without aspects of Jupiter, marriage is possible, without aspects of Saturn it is unlikely.

Saturn- this is the glue of any synastry, without its aspects to the luminaries / ascendant, not a single relationship will last for a long time. And it is the man of Saturn who decides how long they last.

Slope: Saturn tends to push more for control purposes, hence the impression that the duration depends on Saturn as outwardly it looks like independence. However, I observed such a thing: a Saturn Man is deliberately sent, and for some reason he begins to bend on his own, tk. feels extremely insecure, miserable and doomed. The arrogance disappears somewhere and bleats like sheep...

So Saturn is the desire for control, losing control, Saturn will try with all its might to return it, the familiar past. But there is another opinion:

Light: Pluto for control, Saturn for something else. Saturn intends to correct what is wrong: "I will lay down my life, but I will make a man out of you"

In tense aspects (including connection) it controls and limits the functions of the aspected planet, doses them or puts them in the framework (whether the planet meets him depends on how it relates to Saturn by reception, I repeat, this applies to any aspect!). The tense Aspects of Saturn to the luminaries are called the seals of misfortune, but it is they who seal the relationship for a long time (because Saturn is patience, without it, you yourself understand, there is nowhere in a serious relationship). Of course, it’s better if Saturn connects with the moon / sun, sits on the partner’s ascendant or makes a trine with the luminary in a party way, but even with its tense aspects, people coexist well together, especially if see item 3: on another forum they posted a synastry of people , married for 35 years, there is a mutual square of Saturns to the suns in Capricorn and Aquarius, in this case, Saturn made a square to the planet that "loves" him and is ready to accept, therefore it worked unambiguously, like glue, and not a seal of misfortune.

Light: Excerpt: Irinkin Dmitry Borisovich Matia

“I think that keeps the “defeat of the Moons by Saturns” near each other. Stefan Arroyo mentions in his works that Saturn in the synastry is a stabilizing factor.

I am convinced from my own experience that the mutual aspects of Saturn (Saturn - the Sun, Saturn - Venus) cause people to feel a strong mutual connection and force them to undergo joint tests. Moreover, this connection cannot be rationally explained. in relation to the partner as a disciplining factor.However, this disciplining factor is not perceived as something strongly dominating or weighing on him.

Or so let's say. A person sees in himself (or feels vaguely) some negative qualities, but due to his current structure, he is not able to cope with them. And when the person of Saturn appears in his life, he positively perceives his disciplining role. He, as it were, finally found something that will discipline him ... Of course, more often these will be unconscious sensations or desires.

Such Saturnian aspects can be interpreted as a strong karmic connection that is formed over many incarnations.

Two more words about the aspects of Saturn and Venus. This can manifest itself in the so-called addictive love (see the books of our wonderful psychologist M.E. Litvak). It is a craving that can be harnessed but cannot be destroyed. That is, it can be contained at the level of behavior control, but it cannot be contained at the level of desire. It (desire) is present in spite of any of our tricks and persuasions.

Aspect Saturn (w) and Venus (m) - a woman is cooler towards a man when he wants love. Male Venus is like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor, in front of the female Saturn, especially in a negative aspect (and do not forget about item 4). But the opposite also happens:

Lewka: There is a familiar couple: his Saturn is on her Venus. He's just "addicted" to her, and she .. grumbles, roams that he "presses and oppresses" her.

There is nothing criminal in the square between Saturns.

In harmonious aspects he tolerates the functions of the aspected planet, even if he does not like something, he will not even hint about it, he will keep it in himself.

Uranus- the higher planets are not easy to interpret in the synastry, because not everyone actively manifests themselves in natal, and in compatibility they begin to work with closer relationships. Uranus is a thirst for liberation and renewal, therefore:

Tense Aspects Uranus dreams of getting rid of the functions of the partner's planet as soon as possible, cannot spend time with him for a long time, gets bored. I knew a synastry in which the Moon of the girl fell under the opposition of Uranus and Saturn of the guy. He loved her very much at a distance, they met like that for many years, but as soon as she arrived, that was it, the guy dreamed of getting rid of her as soon as possible, since she whined all the time and sorted things out with him, sent her home, and then returned again and they continued Skype communication. (useful to read:

Mashina: When MCH put Venus in an exact square to Uranus, I was overwhelmed by some kind of rage at close contact. As soon as excessive shusi-pusi went, the irritation was physically felt. I couldn't be with him for a long time. Five hours is the limit, and then I want to run away.

Harmonious aspects Uranus, however, as well as tense ones, can liberate the partner’s planet, give it a touch of paradox, that is, roughly speaking, if a person is straight, in the society of Uranus, he can unexpectedly begin to behave bisexually. For example, when my Uranus made a trine to Mercury of a friend, he could fall into the role of a clown with me and carry ridiculous nonsense, although in life he did not behave like that with anyone, except for my peers, in whom Uranus also touched him with Mercury.

Neptune- the planet of anesthesia, euphoria and castles in the air. If this is a creative union, then the person of Neptune will be inspired by the functions of the partner's aspected planets. It is not difficult to guess that his:

Tense Aspects will deceive the partner in terms of the functions of his aspected planet, deceive expectations.

If this Sun-Neptune - the one whose Sun - wears rose-colored glasses in relations with Neptune, and Neptune will mislead the Sun, for what things do you see in which house in natal the sun and what rules.

Canela: Yes, and in any aspects with Neptune there is often a deceit, a desire to be deceived.

Moreover, it is precisely for the planet that Neptune aspects, especially if it is in the signs of Neptune or has the same natal aspect (as it happens with peers in the synastry - see item 6), then maybe Neptune was not going to deceive anyone at all, to the question: " How do you like me in this dress?", He said: "Nothing like that, it's normal," and the planet already decided in its head that he liked this dress soooo much, that he was ready to go down the aisle with her at least (this is by the way about tense aspect of Venus-Neptune).

If this is the square of Neptune (m) Moon (g) - a person of Neptune can make it clear to the Moon how he wants her to become the mother of his children, although in fact he is not at all ready for this. And the man of the Moon will strongly idealize / idolize Neptune, see only the best in him, not noticing the shortcomings. If friends have such an aspect, then the person of Neptune will “solder” the Moon, try to drag him into some sects, share his beliefs, etc.

Canela: Also, the owner of the Moon can confuse his emotions for the owner of Neptune (and if instead of the Moon the Sun, he will confuse his thoughts). The moon absorbs the culture of Neptune as native. But unfortunately, in the truth of life - there is often a deception, a desire to be deceived.

Venus to Neptune in opposition - contrasting the irrational blurry ideals of one and the specific tastes of the other, a blurry / biased perception of appearance and femininity in a couple, a lot of things for individual natals. There can even be a difference in the approach to money, since Neptune is like a cashless deal and non-specific in investments, and Venus is comfortable materialism. The opposite of a value system. But for romantic dreams / fantasies at a distance, Venus opposition Neptune will give food.

Jiya: But we must also remember the level of development - the more developed a person is and the more he uses his Neptune for its intended purpose, and not at the lowest level, the more likely it is that there will be no lies. And if Mch has one gyrus, and even then a direct one, how else can he use his Neptune to the poor? Here he uses it as best he can. And if Martyr uses his Neptune, for example, in finance, as his intellect allows, then he does not need to lie, why?

Harmonious aspects will inject into euphoria, provided that Neptune is a working planet in the map, it can give a feeling of "wrapped up", detachment, relaxation, serve as inspiration.

Pluto- like Mars provokes, but on a more subtle-psychological level. If he makes tense aspects to the corners or to their rulers, he can be interpreted as fatal circumstances (what kind of circumstances - see the house in which he stands in natal).

Tense Aspects Pluto is gently squeezing/squeezing functions out of the aspected planets of the partner, provoking them to some risk. So the opposition of the Moon with Pluto is not only a sexual attraction (see above), but also an incitement of the cautious Moon to adventurism, that is, extreme sensations, squeezing emotions out of it. When I observed the opposition of Jupiter with Pluto, Pluto "squeezed" optimism out of the Jupiter man so that he would always be in a good mood with him, although this was not said openly, but the Jupiter man felt such a strange pressure, as if he was constantly expected to have a joyful expression on his face and phrases: "Everything will be fine with you!". Well, of course, Pluto is also dissatisfied, like Mars, but instead of an open struggle, he will try to adjust / transform you for himself. Moreover, the owner of the planet after the relationship can safely say that they were instructive for him, he developed in them (approx. Solovushka)

Harmonious aspects Pluto as well as Mars give support, stimulate, but not on a physical level, but on a psychological one.

Knots and Lilith - I don’t like to consider fictitious points in the synastry, and without them there is enough information, but if you are interested, then the partile connection of personal planets with the south node or the partner’s lilith is considered a karmic relationship, which means that it’s difficult together, since you work out some lessons / debts from a past life (see the symbolism of the planet in conjunction and aspects of Saturn) and separately it’s bad, it’s impossible to leave until you work everything out.

It is believed that in conjunction with Lilith, it is her owner who "hangs" on the functions of the partner's planet, vampirizes and cannot let go. But there is also another opinion:

Alina: If the planets of a person rise on my Lilith, this person is not very pleasant to me, and I definitely do not cling to him. And he, if this is MCH, is very strong and has some interest in me for years, for example, such a strange love ... A F reacts inadequately to me, attributing something that is not there, and even jealous! But I can't wait for indifference from her! The trick is that I myself am indifferent to them. The owner of Lilith is purple, and his partners are tense.

The rest of the karma in relationships is well written here:

Planets in partner's houses a separate extensive topic, we slightly touched on it:

Light: Doma is a passive observer of the activity of an alien planet.

For example, Venus in my 8 - makes the owner of this Venus show properties that may not be inherent in it, but if it is aspected by my planets, then I will see something diabolical in this planet, and the rest simply see the twin Venus, well, it doesn’t have any -something there serious properties. And the owner of the planet in my 8th house will not be very comfortable, since I can bring this planet under crisis and these relationships can cost her dearly. These relationships can be experienced with love by the owner of the planet or vice versa, but there will always be anxiety. The owner of the house can "buy" love, but as they say, you have to pay for every "purchase" in life

Mashina: Planet Hit in the 1st very important, especially on Asc. For example, when Mars hits the first, I feel unreasonable irritation with the owner of Mars, when the Sun hits the first, it is important for me that the owner is always sunny. I can hardly bear the gloomy mood of such a person. When Saturn hits the 1st - just boas and rabbits. I just gave in terribly for no reason (author's note: it was the same, just a very big tension was felt in the presence of the owner of Saturn on my Asc, I was afraid to make an extra wrong movement, something not so to say). Lilith in my first - the man was sure that I directly see only flaws in him: "You, grit, you hold me for d***o." Well, I actually saw them clearly. - topic 2-8 houses in relationships, giving and receiving in the synastry.

If the planets of the partner fall into our 5th house, we like their functions, this is what we notice in a person that is pleasant for us at first sight. For example, in the synastry of my acquaintances, a girl’s mars falls into the 5th house for a guy, and his uranium falls into her: he fell in love with her when he heard how sexually she swears, and she fell for him because he behaved like a jerk, very outrageous.

Light: it is important to hit the planets in 4th and 6th house- the ability and desire to take care of each other. The one who gets into the house of the partner's planet shows concern. Other opinion:

Canela: not the one who serves, whose house or whose planets; when hit, the sphere of the house itself and the action of the planet gain a greater scope, manifest themselves. - a planet that falls into 8 house partner, serves as a gradual instigator of a crisis in relationships and, as a result, often becomes the reason for separation, according to the owner of the 8th house.

Jiya: But also, depending on who. Such a position can affect finances or be played as a very strong, drug-addicted sticking in the owner of the eighth house according to the functions of the planets that got to him, and, as a rule, to the point of stupefaction. It also depends on the house, of course - the 8th Aquarius and Scorpovsky - the difference is significant.

Venena: You can't get stuck on drama with an Aquarius. 8, in a scorpion, from such irritation, the buzz probably gets, from there the sticky.

If you want to know what it will be like for you with a partner in sex, the 8th house will also come in handy. Consider aspects of exercise 8 and planets in 8 with partner planets. For example, one friend recalled the worst sex in my presence, as literally dirty, even in terms of hygiene. In his synastry with the young lady of his exercise 6, Neptune squared her 8 house Mars. He also mentioned that in bed she behaved like a log, did not react in any way to his caresses: his exercise 8 Venus trine her Saturn. Good sexual compatibility suggests tense or harmonious aspects of Mars and Pluto with elements of the 8th house.

Moon conjunct the Moon
This aspect indicates instant intuitive understanding. Both people are aware of the mood, emotional changes and needs of each other. As a result, through creative and emotional flow that improves relationships, a strong sense of emotional compatibility and understanding develops.

Moon male conjunct Mercury female
This is an interesting aspect, because the emotions of partners are understood rationally and are easily conveyed. A man may feel a certain amount of frustration when his emotional reactions are met by the cold analytical mind of his partner, for he could count on the warmth of the emotions. Over time, he learns that being a woman helps balance out any overreactions he has retained from childhood. At the same time, by imitating her partner, a woman learns to be more feminine. The subconscious reversal of the roles of a man and a woman can eventually be corrected, because each of them learns about himself from a partner.

Moon of a woman conjunct Mercury of a man
This is an excellent aspect for compatibility. The emotional and mental aspects of life meet together and balance. A woman can be especially attached to her partner, as she can feel his every thought. This may make the man feel overprotective, but on the whole he rejoices in her receptivity to his analytical mind.

Man's Moon conjunct Woman's Venus
This aspect indicates a relationship with a "feminine orientation". Artistic interests, musical taste and the development of personal talents are important areas in this relationship. However, a woman must be responsible if she wants this partnership to work. Although her partner is sensitive and receptive, she cannot rely on him any more than she relies on her own inner emotional experience.

Woman's Moon conjunct Man's Venus
Emotions and feelings come together to form a special sensitivity between partners. A man shows his softer side, which allows a woman to express her most vulnerable feelings. Many childhood memories, especially those of adolescence, can be processed in these relationships. The result of the instinctive harmony and participation that is found in this partnership can be abundance, the accumulation of possessions and possessions.

Man's Moon conjunct Woman's Mars
This is the impulsive aspect. It brings out the instinctive and progressive sides of both personalities. The energy can create a strong sexual attraction, a woman can be a more energetic partner. Vigorous activity and strong reactions create a living relationship. An Oedipal conflict is possible, as each partner copes with the reversal of roles expressed by this aspect. The woman reacts as if she were a man addressing the childish image of her mother. A man may subconsciously react as if he were his partner's mother as he tries to balance his feelings with the more primitive qualities of her ego. Everyone becomes an important teacher for their partner.

Woman's Moon conjunct Man's Mars
The feminine mystique responds to male sexuality and acts as a backdrop for its expression. There is a strong sexual attraction that helps to maintain this relationship. However, if the partnership is to last, impulsiveness should be curbed. Spontaneity and hope for the future are combined with action to eventually overcome the challenges of both egos.

Moon male conjunct Jupiter female
Here a woman can elevate a man to a higher consciousness. It is almost impossible for him to feel despondent in her presence. His emotional realm expands as the woman learns how he reacts to her ideas and helps him see the higher truth in everything he feels. This aspect seems to reduce sexuality, as it emphasizes the higher mind of a woman. However, the increased awareness, optimism, and joy symbolized by this aspect allow the relationship to express a sense of happiness.

Moon woman conjunct Jupiter man
This aspect frees the woman from past inhibitions and inhibitions because her partner brings out feelings of overflowing energy and exuberant freedom. These relationships bring opportunities and good fortune into her life, while the natural hesitancy she may feel helps her keep a man's interest.

Sexuality is less important in this aspect, but pairing her feelings with his effusiveness creates the perfect combination for a long-term partnership.

Moon male conjunct Saturn female
This aspect binds the relationship, strengthening their intentions and bringing two people together through karmic experiences. A man feels the causes, while a woman should be responsible for the results. Due to the fact that a woman is aware of the outcome of things, she tends to restrain her partner, implanting a traditional and responsible lifestyle. As a result, he may feel as if caged, but it is difficult for him to destroy his possessive attachment to a woman. On a subconscious level, a man takes on the role of his mother, while a woman plays on her father's lifestyle. As a result, relationships become deeply rooted in customs, values, memories, and unresolved karmic issues.

Woman's Moon conjunct Man's Saturn
Here each of the partners beats the parental role. She plays the role of a mother, and he plays the role of a father, and both try to imitate their family. The partnership is imbued with a possessive attitude, as well as a sense of restrained wisdom and prudence. A man tries to capture his self-esteem. A woman needs development, as her emotions are characterized by childish features. These are karmic relationships, often representing the remnant of a marriage in a previous incarnation. In many cases, they are associated with religious or spiritual lessons that a woman should learn from a man.

Moon male conjunct Uranus female
This aspect brings excitement and instant attraction. Long-term relationships are difficult, as partners can be too unpredictable. Expectations may be unrealistic, or the two-way flow of love that makes the partnership complete may be missing. The man appears to be subservient to his more distant and independent partner. A woman either leads the relationship because of her willfulness or terminates it because of her need for spontaneity and freedom. If these are mature enough people who are able to recognize their own differences, then emotional development and awareness is possible.

Moon woman conjunct Uranus man
This aspect creates very interesting relationships. A woman tends to live in the past, while a man makes his way into the future. There may be a strong instantaneous sexual attraction in these relationships, but real sexuality may lack security or satisfaction. There is emotional involvement on the part of the woman, but her individualistic partner does not seem to be able to provide her with the sense of security and peace she seeks. Despite this, relationships can be characterized by personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Moon male conjunct Neptune female
This aspect creates an aesthetic attraction that suggests mystical overtones. Each partner is mentally attuned to the other. Both are compassionately receptive to each other's needs. The result of this combination can be artistic creation. The sensitivity of a man acquires cosmic understanding through the attunement of a woman to nature and the universe as a whole. The receptive flow makes this aspect one of the most pleasing combinations for a relationship or marriage to flourish.

Woman's Moon conjunct Man's Neptune
Sensitivity, receptivity and charm are combined with compassionate understanding and a sense of plasticity. Partners feel comfortable and can work together, so that intuitive understanding is enhanced. Added to this wonderful combination are similar musical and aesthetic tastes. A woman finds new ways to idealize her partner, and he shares his feeling of divine love with her. This relationship combines emotional grounding (through the woman) with the ability to touch the infinite (through the man).

Male moon conjunct female Pluto
This aspect symbolizes a direct psychic connection between two people. It causes powerful magnetism and strong sexual attraction. But the relationship is actually deeper. The subconscious needs of each of them are brought to the surface because of the other partner. A woman opens the conscious cosmic meaning of the collective unconscious to a man so that he can grow out of emotional isolation. This dynamic and strong partnership can also generate great wealth.

Woman's Moon conjunct Man's Pluto
The psychic connection between both people gives the relationship a greater depth. A woman relies on a man, as he can reveal to her hidden cosmic truths, symbolized by her emotional reactions. A man can break through the make-believe associated with old memories to help her make an important transformation. There is a strong sexual attraction here. Intense passion can hold people together long enough to reveal other important facets in their personalities and relationships.

Moon square to the Moon
Each individual sees the tension caused by past experiences as a threat to current relationships. Maternal influence in partners is expressed in various ways, so that conflicts are possible. Sexual attraction can be strong, but differences of opinion over family, home, feelings, and children can chill romantic relationships.

Man's Moon square Woman's Mercury
A man subconsciously plays up his childhood difficulties. However, this time he can assume the role of a mother, while the woman acts as he did in his school years. The woman, in turn, may imagine him as similar to her mother, with whom she did not see eye to eye. The difficulties caused by this quadrature will depend on the friction experienced by each of the partners in their childhood. The woman must mentally cut the umbilical cord with her own mother, as the man (in the role of his mother) symbolically fights to preserve and protect his nest.

Moon of a woman square Mercury of a man
This aspect causes tension between the woman's natural maternal instinct and the man's ability to connect with her. There may be communication barriers that hinder the flow of relationships. A woman does not feel the masculine "power" she was looking for, and can withdraw into herself or even stop communicating if she subconsciously feels some kind of threat to her femininity.

Man's Moon square Woman's Venus
This aspect indicates tension. The woman is forced to face subconscious rivalry with her mother, while the man may view the woman as a source of tension between him and his mother. Because the relationship is dominated by the woman, the man often feels frustrated in his attempts to successfully achieve the male role he wants to play. As a result, this aspect brings out the internal struggle in both partners, which causes difficulties when trying to communicate honestly.

Woman's moon square man's Venus
Here the woman is trying to play the role of her mother, but she sees how the mature maternal instinct struggles with the child. Because she never fully resolved her childhood problems with her mother, she tends to pass this role on to her partner. While fighting for his sense of self-worth, he in turn relives the conflict with his own mother and the internal feelings of resentment and resentment that he may have experienced. Since both partners carry feelings from the past, these feelings need to be resolved if the relationship is to be saved.

Man's Moon square Woman's Mars
Here the man subconsciously fights with himself as he allows the woman to fulfill most of his ego desires, which are contrary to everything his mother taught him. A woman may feel that he is pushing her away. She may also have difficulty understanding her own aggressive tendencies in this relationship, as she is subconsciously fighting her own mother through her partner. As a result, she tends to make him seem submissive as she tries to develop a strong sense of self. There is sexual attraction here, but the sexual relationship can be used as a subconscious theater of war where the child is trying to free himself from the parent.

Woman's moon square man's Mars
This aspect causes strong sexual tension. Since Mars symbolizes the young vigorous man and the Moon represents the mother, there may be some subconscious incestuous temptation hidden in this relationship. The woman gets her "God of War" but cannot really be herself, because in some vague or subconscious way she may feel that she is violating the acceptable role in society that she wanted to play. Thus, she tries to convince herself that she does not dominate her partner, while he, in turn, fights for dominance. This partnership can be filled with tension and subconscious fears.

Moon of a man square Jupiter of a woman
This aspect causes exaggerated feelings resulting in unfounded judgments. The man's possessive attitude clashes with the woman's desire for freedom. However, the optimism with which she can raise the consciousness of a man comes from her free spirit. Thus, there is a contradictory conflict here, which can only be resolved if the man raises his level of consciousness.

Woman's moon square man's Jupiter
The woman's basic protective instincts are thwarted in this partnership, as her knight in shining armor may well protect himself. He dismisses her emotional reactions in favor of his power plans. Because of her inability to express those instincts taught by her mother, a woman may subconsciously recede back into a more childish state rather than trying to face her inability (as a woman) to accept the wildness in the man she loves.

Moon of a man square Saturn of a woman
Here a man can play a role similar to that of his mother when she tried to get recognition from his father. The female partner feels stressed by her parental influence. She may subconsciously play a role similar to that of her father when he tried in vain to imprint a certain social dignity on her mother. These relationships contain built-in feelings of fear, dependency, and the continuation of karmic tensions from past generations.

Moon of a woman square Saturn of a man
Here each individual plays a parental role. In these relationships, family values, which are an extension of each family, come into conflict. For karmic reasons, a man tries to restrain his partner in some traditional way. The woman feels blocked because the man is not receptive to her emotional reactions. The more she restrains her feelings, the more the man feels that his influence on her is effective. If these relationships are to continue, an open reappraisal of personal values ​​is necessary.

Moon male square Uranus female
The man's possessiveness is heightened as he is subconsciously jealous of the bizarre "feminine position" that continually frustrates his need for emotional security. He feels threatened by the universal sense of freedom expressed by his partner. A man may wonder why he disagrees with her more liberal positions. In reality, she is trying to free herself from her mother and rebels against her partner when he hopes for maternal care. This is a bad aspect for a long-term partnership.

Woman's moon square Uranus man
A woman is emotionally frustrated with this aspect because a man is counting on her reliability and protection, but is trying to remain free from emotional dependence. He sees her as his symbolic mother and sees the relationship as a challenge that he must overcome in order to defend his individuality during the struggle to sever the subconscious umbilical cord. She finds him exciting, stimulating, and unique, but cannot sincerely call him her own, as part of his appeal comes from the impractical fantasies and shifting oddities that constantly free him from emotional traps. This is a very difficult aspect to create strong and lasting relationships.

Man's Moon square Woman's Neptune
This aspect brings confusion to the relationship. A man senses an escapist position in a woman, but cannot really define it. He may try to provide protection and reliability, but he is never sure of the partner's loyalty or intentions. Thus, the feeling of being deceived tends to obscure important issues. A man subconsciously tries to please his mother by holding on to the woman of his dreams. In reality, he experiences a sense of failure, but if he seeks mystical answers, he only deepens his sense of loneliness. He can symbolically become Don Quixote chasing windmills.

Woman's Moon square Man's Neptune
A woman experiences a feeling of subconscious loneliness, as her idealized relationship is constantly falling apart. The more she tries to identify with her partner, the more she loses herself. A man may try to find himself through her maternal instinct, subconsciously resenting the return of the symbolic childhood from which he is trying to escape. There is a lot of psychic interaction as each partner reaches out to the other on many levels. Misunderstandings, a lack of clearly defined goals, and confusion about identification make it difficult for partners to define their relationship.

Man's Moon square Woman's Pluto
This aspect, apparently, introduces force elements into the relationship. On a psychic level, each individual confronts and tests the other. A woman can be a destroyer of a man's concept of family security. The man, in turn, views her as everything he could be if he were more assertive. Sexual intensity is high, but so is rivalry and jealousy. The symbolic protective male instinct meets a worthy rival in a woman who can actually protect herself.

Woman's Moon square Man's Pluto
Here the woman is literally pushed into Dante's Hell. Relationships force her to break with the past, but she is not promised a reliable future. The man is trying to escape from the womb. He may try to symbolically humiliate his partner in order to feel his own strength. There is a struggle between the dark side of a man who needs to come to the surface, and a woman who can only reflect the negativity of her partner. In time, if each person faces their own internal struggles, the relationship can resolve itself.

Moon trine the Moon
These relationships are characterized by a harmonious emotional quality. Both people understand each other's feelings without losing themselves in the process. Good communication, camaraderie, cooperation, and a helping spirit make this aspect a great combination for a long-term relationship or marriage.

Moon male trine Mercury female
A man likes this relationship because he finds the understanding that he sought from his mother. He feels confident expressing his emotions and enjoys the fact that a woman is able to focus his subconscious feelings. The woman, in turn, enjoys his receptivity to her ideas, as his reactions help her develop harmony with herself. These relationships can have a sincere and spontaneous childlike quality. A man may feel threatened, but his fears are easily overcome because a woman understands his feelings.

Woman's moon trine man's Mercury
This aspect indicates free and easy communication. The woman symbolically shows passion, and the man combines emotions with reason so that each of the partners functions in the most harmonious archetypal way. A man enjoys the maternal qualities of his partner, while his logical mind provides a reliable basis for her feelings.

Man's moon trine woman's Venus
This aspect with a feminine orientation is characterized by mutual receptivity and sensitivity. A man seeks the satisfaction of his needs. The woman completes the pattern of love he learned from his mother. Thus, the love that he receives from his partner is well known to his subconscious. This aspect adds a touch of lightness and ease to what can be a wonderful partnership.

Woman's moon trine man's Venus
This is an excellent aspect for good compatibility. The woman feels emotionally comfortable, and her partner enjoys her support and motherly qualities. Creativity is emphasized in both partners, since the principle of the Mother of God nourishes these relationships from the natural resources of the universe. As a result, a steady flow of feelings, intuition and cooperation never ceases to strengthen the harmony of relationships. A man can appreciate how his mother helped develop his needs. Therefore, it is easy for him to positively transfer maternal love to his partner.

Moon of man trine Mars of woman
The persistence and energy of a woman act as a stimulus for everything that a man needs to express. By revealing her partner's emotional nature, she learns how her mother's emotions can be combined with actions to achieve consistent goals. As a result, she transfers the image of her mother to herself and provides her partner with the fullness that he seeks. It is a living and active relationship.

Woman's moon trine man's Mars
A woman's natural maternal instinct connects with her partner's desires as he guides her forward into the future. The attraction is instinctive and easily controlled. A woman learns how to translate her instincts into actions, while a man learns how to act through his instincts. A vibrant spirit of collaboration pushes this partnership to discover - about themselves, as well as about their relationship with the world. However, if this partnership is to last, both people need to rein in their often restless or even reckless stance.

Moon male trine Jupiter female
This aspect gives the relationship a note of lightness and happiness. Expanding senses teach a man how to find his place in the universe. A woman learns how to combine emotions with her higher mind. If partners are wary of excesses, this aspect can create an emotional center of truth in the partnership. If these excesses are not limited, emotional "weakness" can affect the reliability of the relationship.

Moon of a woman trine to Jupiter of a man
Two people experience harmony in travel, philosophy and finding their place in life. A woman appreciates the free spirit of a man and provides him with a cozy nest, while he helps to develop her emotional "I" and expand her consciousness. This aspect does not bind the relationship, but can add pleasure and enjoyment to an otherwise stable partnership.

Man's Moon trine Woman's Saturn
This aspect brings a sense of reasonableness and caution to the relationship. Restraint and caution bind two people together in ways that can isolate them from the rest of the world, yet neither feels dependent. A man welcomes a woman's projection of her father, as it increases his maturity. The woman, in turn, is proud that he is growing up to take on a worthy role. As a result, this aspect can create a fairly stable foundation for a solid partnership or marriage.

Woman's moon trine man's Saturn
This aspect creates a harmonious balance between the woman's emotions and the man's need for height and status. Both partners feel patrons towards each other. The ability of a woman to yield to a man because of his strength and wisdom makes this relationship compatible. She recreates the role of her mother as she tries to fulfill the traditions of the past; the man imposes traditions that make her feel like a part of something bigger than herself.

Moon male trine Uranus female
This aspect brings a pleasant excitement to the relationship. A note of unpredictability keeps each partner interested in the other. Thanks to her sparkling originality, a woman teaches a man to be more flexible about emotions. He, in turn, provides emotional stability so that she can safely express her personality. While this aspect does not cement an otherwise shaky partnership, it adds the potential for understanding through which both partners can grow.

Woman's moon trine man's Uranus
Here the woman subconsciously accepts the role played by her mother in order to help the man free himself from the bond with his mother. His sense of freedom helps him establish his unique identity, and a woman is able to understand this without losing her sense of self. The combination of the original expression and ingenuity of the man and the harmonious perception of the woman can make this relationship very interesting.

Male moon trine female Neptune
This aspect indicates the subconscious receptivity of both individuals. Each of the partners understands the feelings of the other on an intuitive level, a gentle romantic flow guides the relationship. Like a woman bathed in moonlight, partnership reflects one of the most harmonious combinations of characters. A man warms a woman with his love, and she sings soothingly and thanks him for his efforts. Her inspiration helps birth his eternal feelings for the universe.

Woman's Moon trine Man's Neptune
Here the woman sees in the man an idealized dream of herself. Like rain falling on fertile soil, a man pours his love on a woman, and she grows to the image of his ideal. Mutual enthusiasm and psychic understanding are characteristic of both partners, as their creative imagination moves to the same vantage point. Like Cyrano de Bergerac, the man sings of his Roxana.

Man's Moon trine Woman's Pluto
This aspect brings depth and understanding to relationships. The man encourages the woman to dive into the well of her subconscious so that she can transcend her lower self. She may eventually become the diamond that he patiently sought. He must understand her changing nature and how much she needs to be transformed. With the help of attention, care and sincere love, both partners can literally transform each other.

Woman's Moon trine Man's Pluto
With the help of this mental aspect, the woman tries to transform her partner. She makes her way through the thorns to find the tiny seed that will eventually cause birth in his mind. If he allows her to exalt himself, then through passion and suffering, darkness can be transformed into light. The great challenge of this aspect can give rise to partnerships of great social significance.

Moon in opposition to the Moon
This is a difficult combination for compatibility, as the emotional susceptibility of the two individuals is opposed to each other. There is a strong attraction, both partners strive to achieve a balanced sense of objectivity. But when each of them tries to move to the center, emotions can go to extremes. This causes tension and an explosion of feelings, giving additional excitement. However, in the end, this tension can lead to the end of the relationship.

Moon of a man in opposition to Mercury of a woman
This aspect indicates that a man's feelings may be incompatible with his partner's ideas. A woman's analytical view of his emotions can make it difficult for the mind and heart to meet. Frustration and dissatisfaction can eventually destroy these relationships.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Mercury of a man
The natural opposition between thoughts and feelings causes friction. A woman's maternal instinct opposes a man's ability to think for himself. His ideas seem to be different from her usual patterns of feelings and behavior. As a result, the harmony of relationships can be disturbed by subconscious childish expressions of resentment and indignation. In general, there may be a lack of understanding on both sides, constantly hindering the free flow of communication.

Moon of a man in opposition to Venus of a woman
This aspect causes difficulties at the level of feelings. Relationships seem to have a feminine orientation. A woman subconsciously struggles with the power of her mother. A man who has often experienced a difficult childhood is drawn into these relationships in order to develop new emotional positions. He subconsciously sees his mother's preoccupation with her femininity playing out again, allowing him to learn lessons that will lead to greater contact with his true feelings.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Venus of a man
Here the woman presents herself as her mother and herself, in the perception of the man. She can create situations aimed at ensuring that a man punishes her. Through its power, she can learn to distinguish her own feelings from those that were projected onto her as a child. This is a difficult psychological complex that can destroy relationships. The man seems to play a very minor role in this whole complex, and he may develop resentment. Both partners may never see each other for who they really are. Practicing this complex can be beneficial, but solving the problem can ultimately end the relationship.

Moon of a man in opposition to Mars of a woman
This aspect seems to introduce impetuous or impulsive actions into the relationship. The woman plays the part of the man. A man sees himself as a woman, while he subconsciously plays the role of his mother as opposed to himself. To gain freedom from his mother's influence, he must create situations in which an argumentative woman (played by himself) wins a major victory. The more a man does this, the more he is freed from his past. However, when this problem is resolved, current relationships suffer.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Mars of a man
Here the man subconsciously turns through the woman to his mother. Therefore, the strong sexual attraction indicated by this aspect carries hidden incestuous tendencies, which inhibits this relationship. At the same time, a woman tends to unintentionally play on the subconscious feelings of her own mother. Friction, passion and conflict are the hallmarks of this partnership.

Moon of a man in opposition to Jupiter of a woman
With this aspect, there is a conflict between the possessive feelings of a man and the free spirit of a woman. He tries to connect with her emotional feelings and expects the same from her. She addresses him through her higher mind. As a result, relationships function at two different levels of consciousness that do not complement each other. This conflict is manifested by differences of opinion, opposing philosophies, and contradictory positions that are difficult to resolve.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Jupiter of a man
With this aspect, the woman's natural maternal instinct is suppressed by the man's need for freedom. She feels irresponsibility in him, which makes her feel insecure. The man believes that she is overreacting to his need for expansion and the desire to try everything that life has to offer him. Thus, he often fails to offer her enough security and protection, and she feels somewhat vulnerable. The optimism she possesses relieves her despair in moments of genuine confrontation.

Moon of a man in opposition to Saturn of a woman
This aspect imposes a strict tone on the relationship. Both individuals appear to be working out parental conflicts that disrupt their personal sense of harmony. This is due to the fact that the woman subconsciously absorbed some kind of guilt from her father and tends to project it onto her partner. He feels restricted for reasons that have nothing to do with him. Karmic patterns are woven here, as the woman's difficulty understanding the man's emotions must be overcome if the relationship is to last.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Saturn of a man
This aspect often causes a situation of dependence, in which the woman fights for her emotional freedom, and the man spends a lot of energy trying to influence her. The confusion between the man's anima figure and the real woman he is dealing with makes it difficult to communicate genuinely. A man tries to impose his sense of wisdom, dignity, and rightness on a woman, and she feels overwhelmed and overwhelmed. Relationships with such an aspect can continue for an indefinite period of time until each of the partners reaches a certain karmic maturity.

Moon male opposite Uranus female
A woman's unpredictable behavior reveals a man's past insecurities. She symbolically protests against the protective bosom. Unstable patterns date back to her adolescence or college days, when she began to discover her own originality and independence. Subconsciously viewing a man as a substitute mother figure from which she must free herself, a woman is not ready to give the relationship all that she is capable of. This aspect is very difficult and too unstable for a marriage or long-term partnership.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Uranus of a man
A man sees a woman as a symbol of the values ​​that his mother held in the past. He feels the need to protest against any form of domination and will fight to defend his sense of freedom and originality. Relationships will not be boring, but a woman will not escape the final surprise if she becomes dependent on the unstable nature of a man.

Moon of a man in opposition to Neptune of a woman
This aspect causes a feeling of loss in a man. He reaches for the woman, only to find that she is not there. Instead, he is faced with dreams, illusions, fantasies, and battles with the Maya, when in reality it is a receptivity to his real feelings. In turn, the image of the animus in a woman is not consistent with what she sees in a man. She becomes confused and may try to force him to live up to her ideal, thus creating dreams in which she will have to live. Due to the difficulties caused by this aspect, relationships can easily turn into a source of frustration.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Neptune of a man
With this aspect, it is difficult for both individuals to express true feelings for each other. A man may hide behind images that mask his real identity, while a woman keeps trying to bring to the surface his feelings that she knows she has. She reaches for the wind, and he constantly slips out of her hands. As a result, she may become disillusioned with herself or lose her sense of individuality.

Moon of a man in opposition to Pluto of a woman
This aspect brings an impermanent, continuous quality to the relationship. A woman "recharges" a man, but he sees her strength as a threat to his sense of confidence and reliability. Arguments that lead to breakups, separations, and separations eventually lead a man to a more cosmic understanding of his feelings. A woman, in turn, tends to destroy the very house she aspires to, as she pursues a constant need for rebirth.

Moon of a woman in opposition to Pluto of a man
With this aspect of the regenerating power of Pluto, it is often too much for the refined feminine emotions. A woman may feel threatened by the dark side of life, not understanding the depths her partner is leading her to. A man seeks to personify "Man" through her receptivity, but may find her too sedate and balanced to satisfy his energetic impulse. This energy is symbolized by the classic case of Diana's confrontation with Lucifer, when the Moon Goddess tests the Devil. In mythology, she wins, but in real life there are no winners, since this aspect challenges the very essence of both individuals.

Uranus is a distant superior planet that seeks isolation and superiority. For this reason, Uranian people are often considered egocentric.

Uranus is constantly striving for new heights, circulation of energies, improvement of spiritual experience. He and the people he patronizes need freedom, independence and a periodic departure from the usual reality.

Moon and Uranus: conjunction in the synastry

The conjunction of the Moon and Uranus speaks of a strong connection between people on a spiritual and energy level. Partners are attracted to each other at first sight, their searches and interests largely coincide. In such a relationship, both companions will stimulate each other to various achievements, while coexisting peacefully together. Over time, the Uranian person will try to distance himself - travel alone, stay late at work in order to be alone with himself. However, these couples will be stable in marriage if the representative of the Moon can accept the Uranian partner's desire for occasional solitude.

Moon and Uranus: opposition in the synastry

The opposition of the Moon and Uranus shows a relationship that is similar to the movement of a pendulum. Initially, a strong attraction causes a certain dependence and passion for each other. Over time, the depression and melancholy of the Lunar partner will irritate the Uranian personality. This situation will lead to a conflict gap, after which rapprochement will follow again. These couples often have a karmic connection in a past life. After a break in relations, years later, partners will be just as strongly attracted to each other. For a while, they can resume relations, but in the end, they will almost certainly part again.

Moon and Uranus: a square in the synastry

The square of the Moon and Uranus represents a form of emotionally complex relationships. Magnetic attraction and sexual passion will unite partners, but the representative of Uranus will eventually get tired of the dullness of the Lunar personality. Such an alliance is likely to be short-lived, but it will certainly bring both people a lot of food for thought. The energy attachment will exist for a long time even after the breakup of the relationship, which can bring the couple closer again.

Moon and Uranus: sextile in the synastry

The sextile of the Moon and Uranus in the synastry indicates that an instant magnetic attraction will arise between the partners. From the first day they met, they no longer want to leave. This is due to the fact that in past incarnations they were also a couple. True, after a romantic period, the Lunar partner may suffer from the lack of usual attention from the Uranian personality. And yet, such an alliance will be stable, the mutually dependent influence on each other will help everyone to transform and grow in personal terms.

Pluto is responsible for the subconscious, instincts, sensations and depths of the psyche inaccessible to man. This planet is associated with the hidden plans of the personality and the incomprehensible secrets of the subconscious.

Moon and Pluto: conjunction in the synastry

The conjunction of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry of partners can be both constructive and destructive, depending on other compatibility parameters. Such couples will have a strong physical attraction, sexual compatibility, but this does not at all guarantee the stability and duration of the union. Pluto's partner can oppress the Moon man with his jealousy and dominance, which can eventually lead to a break.

Moon and Pluto: a square in the synastry

The square of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry speaks of complex and unequal relationships. In such a pair, the partner of the Moon will give himself entirely, sacrifice and adjust, endure humiliation for the sake of love. And the Pluto partner will manage relationships and emotions for their own satisfaction or benefit. Over time, the Moon Man will be devastated, but will never be able to end the relationship. Such a connection very often acts as a karmic working off.

Moon and Pluto: opposition in the synastry

The opposition of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry speaks of the dominance of Pluto in human relationships. Such relationships can be built on the manipulation and management of emotions. The lunar partner will certainly suffer in such a union, while the constant change of emotions and behavior of the Pluto person will completely subdue the chosen one or the chosen one. Such unions can be long-term, but the Moon's partner will always be a victim of Pluto.

Moon and Pluto: sextile in the synastry

The sextile of Pluto and the Moon speaks of the possibility of a happy life, subject to the transformation and adaptation of partners. A Pluto person will have to learn to trust in order not to show jealousy and aggression. The partner of the Moon should stock up on patience and endurance, putting up with the shortcomings of the chosen one, showing wisdom and tolerance, allowing the loved one to take the place of the leader in the pair. Often such couples separate for a while, so that after a personal transformation they will unite again for a happy and stable marriage. Aspects of the Moon and Pluto in the synastry of partners characterize, to a greater extent, the possibility of transformation and growth, the fight against the dark sides of the subconscious and the control of feelings and emotions. These aspects in the synastry very rarely play a dominant role in the prospect of marriage, but with some nuances in the analysis of partner cards, they can become very important. You can find out the details of compatibility with a partner from a professional
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