Consumer segmentation in the sportswear market in Krasnoyarsk

The global footwear production is 13.5 billion pairs. Almost all of the world's leading shoe manufacturers are located in Asia, and China has been the world's largest exporter of textiles and footwear for many years. Every second pair of footwear products is made in China.
Approximately 1.2 billion pairs of shoes are produced in Europe, of which 900 million pairs are produced in Western Europe and about 300 million pairs in Eastern Europe. In the segment of middle and high-end footwear, the Italian shoe industry is considered the world leader, and Italian shoemakers are in fact generally recognized trendsetters in the global shoe fashion. In terms of shoe production, Italy ranks third in the world after China and Brazil. The Russian shoe industry produces about 0.3% of the world shoe production (based on and and
The world buys an average of 1.9 pairs of shoes per person per year. In the USA, this figure is 6.5 pairs, in Europe - 3.8-4.5 pairs, in Southeast Asia - from 0.7 pairs, in India up to 2.0, in Russia - 1.35 pairs of shoes ( based on materials

Diagram 1.
Number of pairs of shoes purchased per person per year *

As can be seen from Diagram 1, this indicator for Russia is below the world average, and footwear consumption in our country outstrips only the countries of Southeast Asia. The history of the formation of the branded footwear market in Russia began in the mid-90s, when manufacturers from Italy, Spain and Germany came to the country. In the minds of consumers, "made in Italy" became a substitute for brands, and during this period, any imported product, regardless of quality, was in demand. The consumer was poorly oriented in brands, and all Italian shoes were perceived as a single look. After the default, Western importers left the country, and vacant niches were occupied by Chinese brand-free products. During this period, a homogeneous product of anonymous sellers was presented on the market for all categories of buyers. In the late 1990s, the production of high-quality Russian footwear grew slowly: the demand was mainly for low-price footwear. In addition, the Russian footwear industry lacked equipment, technology and experience. In the early 2000s, leading Russian shoe manufacturers began placing orders with Chinese factories, partly solving the problem of high costs. However, this did not allow us to single out national products from the general range in terms of quality and, accordingly, start creating brands.

An important stage in the development of the Russian shoe market was the gradual formation in Moscow and St. Petersburg of narrow segments of advanced buyers who perceive shoes as an image item, a demonstration of status. These groups allowed the shoe market to develop, albeit slowly, but still, and also to look for ways to solve the quality problem. In large cities, the first mono-brand stores began to appear, working directly with Western manufacturers, a little later - multi- and mono-brand stores for the middle class (based on the article "The Market Inside Out", Ekaterina Alyabyeva, "Expert North-West" No. 11 (264) / March 20, 2006,

At present, China occupies a leading position in the Russian market in terms of footwear production. If two or three years ago the share of unbranded Chinese shoes on the Russian market was about 85%, now, according to the estimates of the electronic magazine, it has dropped to about 60% (Diagram 2). At the same time, market participants do not advertise the presence of Chinese production, and if they talk about it, they emphasize the degree of control over product quality. It should be noted that, taking into account the "gray" turnover, the share of Chinese products in the Russian footwear market will increase (based on the review of the electronic magazine "Allshoes.Ru - All about footwear" and articles "The Market Inside Out", Ekaterina Alyabyeva, "Expert North-West" No. 11 (264) / March 20, 2006,

Diagram 2.
Shares of shoe-manufacturing countries in the Russian market, % (in this case, the countries where production is located are represented, the brand may belong to a company from another state)**.

** Source: ABARUS Market Research, based on the article "The Market Inside Out", Ekaterina Alyabyeva, "Expert North-West" No. 11(264) / March 20, 2006, /11/rynok_shoes

As can be seen from Diagram 2, Russian manufacturers can still provide only 20% of the required number of shoes, so most of them have to be purchased abroad.
According to various estimates, the volume of the Russian shoe market in 2005 amounted to about 250-280 million pairs, in value terms, the market volume is estimated at $6-6.5 billion (according to stati_2418.htm).

Diagram 3.
Dynamics of changes in the size of the Russian footwear market, million pairs*

Chart 3 shows that the size of the footwear market has been growing in recent years. The average annual market growth in real terms is 12-15%, for leading companies - 20-30% (according to Thus, the turnover growth rate of Ekonika-obuv was 25%, Ralf ringer and Palmira - 30% each (diagram 4).

Diagram 4.
Turnover growth rate of leading Russian manufacturers in 2005, %**

** based on the article "The Market Inside Out", Ekaterina Alyabyeva, "Expert North-West" No. 11 (264) / March 20, 2006,

It should be noted that growth in the footwear industry is largely due to the exit from the shadow of individual manufacturers, as well as due to imported products. Domestic manufacturers are currently able to provide only a fifth of the required number of shoes, the share of imported footwear supplies to Russia is currently 70-80% of total sales (according to and

According to the Ministry of Industry and Energy, more than 45 million pairs of leather shoes are produced in Russia annually. Currently, 260 large and medium-sized enterprises produce shoes in Russia. Production volumes are uneven - up to 90% of footwear is produced at 50 large enterprises. The leaders in the production of footwear are Bris-Bosfor LLC (Krasnodar Territory) and Unichel Shoe Factory CJSC (Chelyabinsk Region). Also in the ranks of the leading domestic manufacturers are such enterprises as Antelope, Westfalika, MUE Production LLC (Vladimir Region), Parizhskaya Kommuna MOF CJSC, Tula Shoe Factory LLC, Ralf Ringer and others. The Ministry of Industry and Energy claims that the quality of Russian footwear is much superior to similar types of imported footwear. Thus, inspections of shoe markets show that up to 80% of cheap imported shoes do not meet the requirements of Russian norms and standards.

Market experts say that every year there is a reduction in the number of Russian manufacturers by 10-15%, and most of the products produced are government orders and children's shoes. One of the most significant factors in the decline in Russian production is the insecurity of the domestic manufacturer from the illegal import of footwear into Russia. According to various estimates, shadow imports account for 60-80% of the total footwear imports. Another important reason is the high cost of Russian production and, accordingly, the low profitability of the business, which is about 3-5% (according to and http:/ /

However, Russian manufacturers have new opportunities. Now there is a process of creating new Russian shoe production and the simultaneous formation of shoe retail chains. In recent years, shoe retail has been growing very dynamically: the number of stores within the chains has increased one and a half to two times a year.

Currently, a number of large shoe companies, such as Tervolina, Ekonika and Palmira, have begun transformations in their retail stores. The quantitative direction of the reforms involves the expansion of networks. For example, "Tervolina" opens two to four stores a month, having about 70 stores of its own, and develops franchising. "Monarch" (Palmira's network) has 140 stores, "Carlo Pasolini" - about 50, "Econika" - 80, including franchising ones.

Qualitative reforms are carried out by increasing the level of service, changing the appearance and interiors of the store, changing the assortment policy, and introducing new sales technologies.
For example, "Econika-Obuv" began to promote the "casket" format - this is a point of sale, which is a cross between a classic mono-brand store and a boutique. It sells shoes from the upper part of the middle price segment, and a unique atmosphere is created by specially designed musical accompaniment, smells and service standards (based on the article "The Market Inside Out", Ekaterina Alyabyeva, "Expert North-West" No. 11 (264) / March 20, 2006 , and

According to experts, these changes have already brought results: sales of "Tervolina" increased by 30%, in "Palmira" sales growth for the season was about 22%, while usually this figure was about 15% (Based on the article "Urgently required shoemakers" , Lina Kalyanina, Natalya Litvinova, "Expert" No. 21(515) / June 5, 2006,

Thus, in the process of changing shoe retail formats, a culture of consumption of branded shoes is being formed, the clientele is flowing into branded stores focused on customers loyal to certain brands. This trend contributes to a decrease in the share of markets in the structure of the main places to buy shoes.
Thus, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the share of specialized stores currently exceeds the share of markets, but in a number of regions the markets remain the main places of purchase - the share of markets as the preferred places for buying shoes by consumers exceeds 50%.

Diagram 5.
Shoe shopping places, %***

According to Chart 5, markets remain the most preferred place to buy shoes, their share for Russian consumers is 42%, 25.4% of buyers buy shoes in specialized stores, 10.5% of consumers in company stores, and 6.6% in department stores. consumers, 15% of consumers prefer other places.
When choosing shoes in a store, the majority of buyers consider the quality of the goods to be the most important factor (63.7%), other significant factors are the price of the goods (38.2%), the breadth of the range offered (14.4%), the degree of comfort of shoes (13.3 %) and others (diagram 6).

Diagram 6.
Main criteria for choosing shoes ***

By “quality”, the average Russian buyer now understands the functional characteristics of shoes - the material of manufacture, the quality of tailoring, the expected wear time, and brand awareness. This is evidenced by the fact that when choosing between two models of approximately the same quality and other things being equal, the buyer will choose a familiar brand of shoes.

Experts note that the importance of the factor "product quality" continues to grow. In addition, the most important criteria are "place" and "assortment" - in recent years, the success of a store selling shoes is determined by these concepts by 75-80% (according to 2005.03.14_2.htm and Experts call a large number of different price-quality combinations, as well as a significant segmentation of consumers in terms of purchasing power and preferences, a feature of today's shoe market.

Currently, there are 5 main price segments of shoes on the market. The range of prices is quite large - in the low price segment, a pair of shoes costs less than 1 thousand rubles, in the luxury segment - more than 7.5 thousand rubles. (Table 1).

Table 1.
Price segments of shoes presented on the Russian market ****.

Price segment

Average cost of a pair of shoes

low price segment

up to 1 thousand rubles

medium-low price segment

from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles.

medium-mid price segment

from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

medium-high price segment

from 3 to 4.5 thousand rubles.

luxury price segment

more than 7.5 thousand rubles.

**** based on and

Currently, most purchases of shoes fall on the medium-low and medium-mid price segments, which are oriented to the majority of Russian manufacturers. These segments are developing most dynamically and shoe sales are actively growing here due to the process of buyers moving from the medium-low to the medium-mid price range, and the active shift in consumer preferences from the low price segment. This trend is associated with an increase in the level of well-being of Russians, which has affected the most numerous stratum of society - poor people. The rising incomes of this population group allow people to move from the lower to the middle class, gradually acquiring middle-class consumption standards. At the same time, the mid-price segment is characterized by a rapid change in consumer preferences.

The Russian consumer has become better oriented in the footwear market, he follows fashion trends, making high demands on the quality and style of footwear, paying attention to the brand. Most consumers are now looking to buy one-season shoes that are trendy but affordable.

A feature of the footwear market and its main difference from the clothing market is the consumer's special attention to the brand: 58% of consumers look at the brand when choosing shoes. This is explained by the fact that low-quality shoes are more common than low-quality clothes, and manifestations of poor quality are more serious, while a well-known brand is associated with quality by most buyers.

The research results show that Salamander is the most frequently bought brand, Monarch, Belwest, TsentrObuv, Ecco are a little less bought, but also popular. Almost every third buyer purchases shoes of some other domestic or foreign brands, which indicates a significant share of local brands and non-branded products on the Russian shoe market.
The preference of producing countries is even more pronounced among consumers - this factor is important for 81% of buyers. The most popular Italian and German manufacturers. According to a study conducted by Restco Holding, the focus on brands and producing countries is the greater, the higher the income of the buyer (according to, and

Experts note the further growth of the shoe market. However, in the long term, market growth is expected to be no more than 8-10% per year. Nevertheless, leading players point to the possible development of the domestic market and the emergence of new participants and new brands. Assessing the current state of the footwear market, experts consider it premature to talk about its glut. Even strong players may well be forced out by new retail chains pursuing an active marketing policy. Among the factors contributing to the development of the market, it is worth noting the increase in the well-being of the population, the growth of the middle class, and the growth in spending on non-food products.

State regulation of the shoe market, aimed at suppressing the reduction of customs duties and combating illegal imports, will create more favorable opportunities for the activities of Russian enterprises (based on, http:// and

Main conclusions:
China is the world's largest exporter and main supplier of footwear to Russia. Despite the decrease in its share in the Russian market, the presence of footwear from Chinese manufacturers is still quite large and amounts to about 60%.
There are 260 large and medium-sized enterprises operating in Russia, with 50 large enterprises producing the bulk of products. The number of Russian manufacturers is decreasing every year, and the bulk of the products produced are government orders and children's shoes.
The main trend of the Russian shoe market over the past few years is the dynamic growth of shoe retail. The appearance and interior of stores are changing, service is improving, assortment is being optimized, new formats of outlets are appearing. This suggests that the market is acquiring a structure similar to the Western one.
Large shoe centers focused on consumers with low and medium incomes, as well as the development of network structures aimed at representatives of the middle class, are reducing their market share every year, especially in large cities.
The success of a shoe store is largely determined by two complex concepts - "place" and "range", the importance of the factor "product quality" is growing.
The most dynamically developing are the medium-low and medium-middle price segments. There is a growing tendency for buyers to move from the medium-low to the medium-mid price range, which is associated with an increase in the level of well-being of Russians.
Shoe buyers are becoming more and more familiar with brands and manufacturers, making higher demands on the quality and style of shoes, and paying attention to the brand. Most buyers associate a well-known brand with quality, and more than half of buyers look at the brand when choosing shoes. This is especially true for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, who have plenty to choose from.
The footwear market requires the players to be able to be sufficiently mobile and flexible to respond to changes in the expectations and preferences of buyers, organizing activities in accordance with the behavior of their consumer.

Zhilkina Elvira Evdokimovna, Khametova Nuria Gumerovna k. e. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Commerce and Marketing, Kazan State Technical University. A.N. Tupolev

The sportswear and footwear market in Russia has recently been recognized as one of the most dynamically developing markets, and Kazan is no exception. The key issues that need to be addressed in the course of the activities of a retail trade enterprise are the price, assortment, advertising, and competitive policies of the enterprise. With a comprehensive consideration of these parameters of the activity of a retail trade enterprise, it is possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, and, based on the analysis, develop proposals for improving specific parameters of the company's activities. The correct solution of these issues will ensure the success of the trading enterprise and contribute to attracting consumers. It should be noted that all of the above parameters are closely related to each other and, of course, a change in one of them will entail a change in the other.

The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship of these factors, as well as the degree of influence of each of them on the formation of the level of consumer demand. The object of the study was the company Sportivny Mir LLC. As part of this study, 2,351 respondents were interviewed.

The Sportivny Mir LLC company was established on 12/04/1997. The Sportivny Mir LLC chain of stores sells sports and fashion clothes, as well as sports equipment, focusing on retail trade, covering a wider range of consumers. At the moment, the sports world company is represented by three stores located in the cities of Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk.

The store is multi-brand, which justifies its name. It presents, first of all, the products of three titans-manufacturers in the world of sportswear, such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas. Moreover, in each Sportivny Mir store they have their own department. All other manufacturers are also located separately from each other, though in smaller quantities and mostly on different racks. Such a display of goods allows the consumer to quickly orientate, without wasting time looking for a thing of a certain company. Also, the advantage of such a display of goods is that the consumer can immediately determine the possibility of acquiring full equipment from one company, which will allow him to create a fashionable and stylish image with minimal time.

The concept of a “quality” assortment of the “Sportivny Mir” company under study in this study is carried out through a comparison of the parameters characterizing the assortment with the parameters of the most successful competitor of the company - the Sportmaster chain of stores.

The assortment policy of the retail trade enterprise Sportivny Mir LLC is one of the key factors in the formation of consumer demand, as well as its competitiveness.

The multistore under study includes 28 clothing brands and 11 sports footwear brands. The same picture in the Sportmaster chain of stores looks different. For example, Sportmaster presents 47 clothing brands and 23 footwear brands, which in total is almost twice as large as the same number of manufacturers represented in Sports World. This indicates the limited range of the Sportivny Mir store compared to its main competitor. But to draw conclusions only on the basis of the brands presented in stores, we consider it unreasonable. Therefore, we will consider the total number of goods in each of the stores, as well as the number of types and varieties of goods for a more complete and adequate picture. Brands that represent accessories, equipment, sports equipment, related materials, various kinds of equipment, underwear, socks and other products that are also of no small importance in the world of sports and recreation were not considered.

The products of Nike, Reebok, Adidas have long won the respect, trust and love of consumers. And it is not surprising that, according to the research, these brands are the most popular among the respondents. For example, Adidas is preferred by 38% of the residents of the Republic of Tatarstan. In second place in popularity is Reebok, 27% of respondents gave their votes to it. In third place is Nike, 13% of respondents are ready to buy clothes and shoes from this manufacturer of sportswear and shoes.

Thus, these three manufacturers occupy more than three quarters of the sports goods market of the Republic of Tatarstan, namely 78% of the total market share. So, if we talk about the range of sportswear and footwear in the Sportivny Mir multi-store chain and the Sportmaster chain of stores, then for both companies to trade successfully, it is necessary that the bulk of the goods on the trading floor be occupied by these three well-known brands. What happens in reality?

As can be seen from Figures 1 and 2, the situation in the Sportivny Mir multistore does not differ much from the assortment policy of the Sportmaster company, if we talk about the top four manufacturers.

Rice. one. Distribution of brands in the assortment of the Sportmaster store

Rice. 2. Distribution of brands in the assortment of the Sportivny Mir store

Studies have shown that the most popular and oldest company in the world of sportswear and shoes, Adidas, has a percentage of 22.65% of the total number of goods presented and 18.80% of the total number of product types (table).

Table. Percentage of brands in the Sportivny Mir store

And this is not a leading place, but only the second in the company's assortment policy. The honorable first place is occupied by Nike - 24.26 and 25.07% of the total number of goods presented and of the total number of types of products, respectively. As for the third and fourth brands, namely Reebok and Puma, their situation is not much different from their competitors.

All four fundamental brands are in the category of goods with an average or above average price level. As for the remaining third of the manufacturers represented in both stores, the picture is radically different. Thus, in the Sportivny Mir multistore, brands prevail in the residual share of the assortment, as well as the previous leaders belonging to the middle and above average price segment of the sportswear and footwear market. And again, an important part is the diversity of manufacturers. So, in the "Sports World" there are almost two times less of them than in the "Sportmaster" chain of stores.

As for the Sportmaster store, the bulk of the brands represented in the remaining third belong to the price level below the average or economy, due to which a wide group of buyers of sportswear and footwear is formed, belonging to different social and material levels. This group is practically not represented in the Sports World multistore, which leads to an outflow of customers to a competitor, since in the current situation of an abundance of goods, anyone wants to have a choice, even with the minimum payment for a particular purchase.

When analyzing the assortment policy of stores and comparing the results with the results of the study, it should be noted that the most popular product among the respondents is sneakers / shoes, 55.1% of the total number of respondents. In second place are shorts/trousers, in this category of goods respondents gave a total of 13.1% of their votes. The third place is taken by (down jacket / jacket) - 10%. Other options suggested by the interviewees themselves include tracksuit (5.6%) and t-shirts/shirts (6.3%). These data were obtained based on respondents' answers to the question about the purchases they made during the year.

Based on the information obtained during the study, it was revealed that the portrait of the modern consumer of sportswear and footwear is characterized by the following parameters: these are men (41.8%) and women (58.2%) aged 18 to 39 years (74, 5%), with an income of up to 30,000 rubles (79%) per month per unmarried person (59%).

The scope of a potential buyer of sporting goods is as follows:

  • mid-level worker - 33.2%;
  • individual entrepreneurs, business owners - 18.4%;
  • managers (administrative apparatus) - 13.8%.

For the largest number of respondents, sportswear and shoes are comfort (42%) and a necessity for playing sports (32%).

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the main consumer in this market uses the desire for the beauty and attractiveness of their appearance as the main motivation for buying sportswear and footwear, and, as a result, a change in social status.

The study revealed that the majority of respondents purchase sports goods once a year (41%), 25% of those surveyed buy sportswear and shoes twice a year, and only 13% do so once a quarter. This trend is explained by the fact that the purchase of these products is not for professional sports, but rather to maintain physical fitness, i.e. for training in the gym no more than three times a week for two hours, or just as comfortable clothing / shoes. Based on this, the service life of sportswear and shoes varies between a year and a half. During the same period, the acquired model remains relevant and fashionable.

The number of respondents who buy these goods less than once a year is 17%.

Over the past two years, a large number of shopping malls have been opened in the Republic of Tatarstan, located near the house, including a huge number of various stores. This combination of different types of goods in one place greatly facilitates the purchase process. Since most consumers make large purchases (for a large amount) once or twice a month, which is associated with the schedule for receiving money at work, it is convenient for them to purchase various types of goods (food, household chemicals, clothes, shoes, etc.) etc.). The results of the study confirm this - 74% of respondents prefer to buy sportswear and shoes in the sports departments of shopping centers, and only 13% of respondents do so in branded separately located stores.

It is also worth paying attention to consumer preferences regarding popular sports brands. The most popular brand, according to respondents, as already noted, is Adidas (38%), followed by Reebok (27%), then Nike (13%), Columbia (9%) and Puma (5%).

This percentage is explained, in particular, by the price factor. Since Puma is one of the most expensive brands among the most popular, the consumer prefers to buy more affordable and equally high-quality products from other brands. The popularity of the Adidas brand, in turn, is explained by the fact that this brand of sportswear and footwear was intensively positioned on the market of the Russian Federation in the 90s, which led consumers to people's love and absolute trust in this brand to this day.

In addition to price, quality, design, and brand preference are factors that determine the purchaser's choice of a particular product. The most important factors determining the choice of the consumer are the price and quality of the product. This is the opinion of 26% and 25% of respondents, respectively. This is followed by the external attractiveness of the product, i.e. design, this factor was named the most important by 22% of respondents. Brand loyalty was chosen as a determining factor by 13.5% of surveyed buyers.

The most attractive for the consumer are various marketing campaigns, one way or another related to lowering the price of specific goods. According to the results of the study, the most popular promotion is a discount, 48% of respondents agree with this. Less popular are discount cards. 31% of respondents are interested in this form of stimulation. Only 13% of those wishing to purchase two goods for the price of one.

The study made it possible to identify four segments of buyers: from buyers with small purchases (from 1 to 3 thousand rubles) to buyers with large purchases (more than 10 thousand rubles) in one visit to the store.

The principal role of Big and Large Buyers is that together they bring from 65 to 70% of the store's income. However, the number of these people is small. In our case, this figure is equal to 35.6% of buyers, i.e. one third of buyers brings two thirds of the revenue.

If we specify the number of buyers of all four categories, we get the following picture:

  1. buyers with small purchases - 1-3 thousand rubles - account for 24.8% of the total number of buyers. According to the study, they bring the store only 10% of the total profit;
  2. buyers with an average purchase - 3-5 thousand rubles - account for 36.2% of the total number of buyers. They, according to the study, bring the store 25% of the total revenue;
  3. buyers with a large purchase - 5-10 thousand rubles - account for 22.5% of the total number of buyers. They, according to the study, bring the store 40% of the total revenue;
  4. buyers with a large purchase - more than 10 thousand rubles - account for 13.1% of the total number of buyers. They, according to the study, bring the store 25% of the total revenue.

It follows from the above that it is most profitable for a store to attract consumers with high income levels, who can afford purchases for larger amounts than the category of consumers with an average income level.

It was also interesting to say that the longer the consumer is in the store, the larger his consumer basket becomes. Thus, according to the study, a purchase made in 20 minutes spent on the trading floor is from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, and a check for 30 minutes is already moving into the category of an average purchase, i.e. from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. This principle extends to the remaining categories of purchases.

It is also worth noting that the time a person spends in a store directly depends on the area of ​​the trading floor and on the quantity and quality of information about the goods offered in the store. The buyer spends 25 minutes on the trading floor, while 70% of buyers carefully study the information inside the store, and 40% buy a product after learning about it in the store.

A retailer needs to systematize and improve their work with in-store design and communications as much as possible.

This will help:

  • increase the time spent by the buyer in the store and thereby increase the amount of the check;
  • increase customer awareness of the products in the store and thereby increase the size of his basket.

It should be noted that the amount of the purchase, and, accordingly, the profit of the enterprise, depends not only on the area of ​​​​the outlet, the duration of the buyer's stay in the store, the quality of the interior design of the trading floor, but to a large extent on the level of preparedness of the attendants.

As a result of the information received (using questionnaires) about consumers, it was decided to segment them. The most important segmentation criteria in the sportswear market are demographic and socio-economic criteria.

Let's group the respondents by sex and age. (table 28).

For greater clarity, on the basis of table 28, we will build a histogram.

Figure 18. Grouping of respondents by age and gender.

For the most complete picture of consumer preferences, as well as in order to study the consumer demand for sportswear, a survey was conducted among residents of Krasnoyarsk. According to our calculations, the sample was equal to 100 people, of which 58 were women and 42 were men. Their proportion by age is approximately the same. Most of the respondents were between the ages of 23 and 40.

Further, the respondents were divided according to the socio-economic principle. (table 29). It was produced by dividing consumers into segments based on two primary characteristics - gender and average income per family member. And then on the basis of the secondary - the type of activity.

This table shows that the main segment for sportswear trade enterprises are working women (15%) and men (10%) with an income of 5 to 10 thousand rubles per family member, as well as working women (15%) and men (11%) with income from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. per family member. These groups of people can afford to dress in expensive branded sportswear.

Table 29

Grouping consumers by gender, income per family member and occupation.


Percentage, %













Table 30

Grouping consumers by gender, income per family member and sports activities.

Income per family member, thousand rubles


Percentage, %

Yes, professional

I'm at amateur level

No, I don't do it at all

Yes, professional

I'm at amateur level

No, I don't do it at all

Yes, professional

I'm at amateur level

No, I don't do it at all

Yes, professional

I'm at amateur level

No, I don't do it at all

Table 30 shows that the main segment is women and men involved in sports at the amateur level with an income per family member from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. Also the main segment is women and men involved in sports at the level of amateurs with an income per family member from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The purchase of sportswear by these segments can be characterized by the fact that there is a desire of the population for a healthy lifestyle. There is also a popularization of an active lifestyle, as a result of which a significant part of sportswear is purchased not for sports, but for free time. These consumer groups are especially attractive to mono-brand stores and multi-brand chains, as this segment has a good income and can afford to dress in expensive stores.

Target market segment - one or more segments selected for the marketing activities of the enterprise. Thus, as a result of segmenting respondents by gender, age, income per family member, occupation and sports, we have identified the following groups of sportswear buyers:

1) The most profitable group for sportswear trade enterprises is working women aged 23 to 40 with an income per family member from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. and sportsmen at the amateur level.

2) In order for the assortment in the store to be diverse in terms of gender, we select the target segment, consisting of the male sex. This segment includes working men aged 23 to 40 with an income of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, who go in for sports at the amateur level.

One of the main tasks of marketing research is to determine the capacity of a particular market, including the consumer goods market. In the next paragraph of this chapter, we will determine the capacity of the sportswear market in Krasnoyarsk.

Assessment of the capacity of the sportswear market in Krasnoyarsk

An assessment of the capacity of the consumer market as a whole and a calculation of the capacity of certain types of consumer goods are necessary for each enterprise (firm) to analyze its capabilities in this consumer market, determine the strategy and tactics of the enterprise and the feasibility of a particular marketing policy.

There are two ways to assess the capacity of the sportswear market: the first method allows you to assess the capacity of the market on the production side:

where Ep - market capacity;

Pr - the total volume of production;

E - the value of exports of products by trade organizations;

I - import of trade organizations;

He, Ok - the balance of products in warehouses at the beginning and end of the period.

It is not possible to calculate the capacity of the sportswear market using this technique, since there is no production of sportswear in Krasnoyarsk, and as a result, there is no export, and besides, there is no accounting of the balance of goods in warehouses.

The second method is from the consumption side. This method of calculating the market capacity is based on the average per capita adjusted physiological norms of consumption of the product, the second element is the population of the city.

Where: N - consumption rate per person, items.;

H - number, people.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, now the minimum consumption rate is 8 items for 4.2 years. It follows that the minimum annual rate of consumption of sportswear is 1.9 items per year. From here we calculate the market capacity:


From the above, it can be seen that the capacity of the sportswear market is 1,780,598.3 items.

As mentioned above, according to experts, only 1/10 of sportswear imported into Krasnoyarsk comes from Russian manufacturers. This is only 178059.8 items.

These figures fully indicate that the sportswear market is entirely dependent on the import of sportswear from other countries.

Today, there are not many areas on the Russian market where there are still reserves and potential for rapid development. The sportswear market belongs to such segments. Experts believe that its volume will almost double in five years.

The sportswear market in Russia in recent years has become one of the most dynamically developing segments. And the reserves of growth are far from exhausted.

It is important to note that the growth rate of this market in monetary terms (about 20-30% annually) is much higher than in physical terms, which indicates an increase in the market share of the middle and upper segments.

Among the reasons for the growth of the sportswear market (except for the increase in supply and growth in incomes of the population), the main ones are:

  • the desire of the population for a healthy lifestyle;
  • popularization of an active lifestyle, as a result of which a significant part of sportswear is purchased not for sports, but for leisure (this has led to the expansion of the range of leading brands in the lifestyle segment).

The prospects of the sportswear market

Despite the impressive current size of the Russian sportswear market, its potential capacity is much higher, which is why it is rightfully considered one of the most promising and fastest growing in the world (see diagram 1). It is expected that over the next 5-10 years it will reach the volume of 6-8 billion dollars a year. Realizing this, a large number of foreign manufacturers of sportswear enter the Russian market or increase the intensity of their work on it, adapt their collections to the needs of the Russian client. One of the representative facts illustrating the attractiveness of the Russian market for foreign manufacturers of sportswear is the ISPO exhibition held in Moscow in 2005, which was attended by more than 200 leading foreign brands, many of which were not represented on the Russian market before.

DIAGRAM 1. Volume of the Russian sportswear market (billion US dollars)

The structure of production and sales of sportswear

It is foreign manufacturers that are leaders in the Russian sportswear market: they account for about 80% of the market in monetary terms. A significant part of the goods presented in Russia under foreign brands is of Asian origin, since many of the world's largest firms prefer to move their production to the countries of Southeast Asia. The share of goods of European origin accounts for about 10%. About 10% more are domestic products: for a long time they occupied an insignificant share, and only a few years ago the situation began to change. Russian manufacturers are actively developing, such as Baltic Bridge, BASK, Bosco Sport, Grishko, RedFox, Stayer, Stels, EFSI and some others.

The structure of sales of commodity items of the Russian sportswear market is as follows (see diagram 2):

Segmentation of the sportswear market by price

This market can be segmented by price. Belonging to a particular segment determines, as a rule, the place where sportswear is sold. Clothes of the upper price segment are sold in specialized boutiques; medium - in mono-brand boutiques and multi-brand networks; lower price segment - in the markets and in small non-chain stores (see diagram 3).

The highest growth rates in recent years have been in the middle and upper price segments. This is clearly illustrated by the redistribution of the sales structure in favor of sports boutiques and mono-brand stores from open markets.

Distribution specifics in the sportswear segment

It is important to note that the distribution of sportswear is still controversial. Many companies combine the functions of wholesale and retail trade, which is why some brands have a limited presence in retail. And the reasons for this are as follows:

  • unwillingness of regional players to compete with large networks in an identical assortment;
  • the desire of some players to obtain exclusive rights to sell certain brands.

In the future, the market will continue to develop according to the scenario of absorption of weak players by strong ones and redistribution of the market among a small number of companies.

SCHEME. Scheme of distribution of sportswear in Russia

Sales trends in the sportswear market

The main trends in the sportswear retail segment are as follows:

  • absorption of small multi-brand retailers by large chains;
  • increase in the number of mono-brand stores of world manufacturers of sports products;
  • increase in the average area of ​​sports stores;
  • targeting different demographic segments;
  • increasing the area of ​​sports shops dedicated to sportswear;
  • development of networks of sports shops operating on a franchise basis;
  • development of highly specialized networks, for example, such as the "Non-Olympic Games".

Almost every city with a population of more than 300 thousand people has several local, as well as regional and federal networks (see table).

Table. Some chains of sporting goods stores


The Pan Sportsman network has been renamed Epicenter to emphasize its focus on youth.

Prospects for the development of the sportswear market in Russia

Despite the ever-increasing competition in the Russian sportswear market, it remains extremely attractive for both existing players and opens up opportunities for new ones.

For Russian companies that plan further development in the sportswear segment, the most promising areas of work are the following:

  • creating clothes under private labels of network players (this direction is practically absent in Russia, while in many European networks clothes under their own private labels take the lion's share of sales);
  • creation of new brands using the names of famous athletes.


In Sweden, there is a brand Bjo..rn Borg, named after the famous Swedish tennis player, who was very popular. Currently, under this brand, registered in 1997, sportswear, bags, shoes and various accessories are produced, and sales are carried out in many countries.

Until recently, almost all sports shops were focused on the sale of expensive sports goods of famous world brands. Only in the last five to seven years, companies that have entered and established themselves in the market have begun to consistently expand their assortment, including products of less famous and expensive brands. Despite the high level of profitability in the premium niche, network firms began to serve the consumer with an average income. With the expansion of the presence in different price niches, the assortment policy of sellers also changed: products of domestic manufacturers of sporting goods began to appear - clothing, goods for fishing and tourism.

Dynamics. The sporting goods market in Russia has been growing quite steadily over the past decade - by an average of 15-17% per year. A negative figure was recorded only in 2009, but then growth recovered again. This is justified by the growing demand of the population for sports and health services, as well as the increasing popularity of sports. The preparation and holding of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi also gave impetus to the growth of the sports goods market. By the beginning of 2015 compared to 2011, the sporting goods market grew by more than 60%. It is important to note that the market growth rate in terms of money is much higher than in real terms, which indirectly indicates an increase in the market share of the middle and upper segments.

According to the research “Market of sports equipment. Forecasts and Current Situation” by Intesco Research Group, the structure of demand for sports goods in Russia and America differs greatly by groups: in Russia, the demand for sportswear is 45% higher than in the USA; for simulators, on the contrary, it is lower by 35%, the demand for sports equipment in Russia is less than in America, by 10%.

Online trading. According to the study by TEBIZ GROUP "The market of online trade in goods for sports and outdoor activities in Russia", conducted in 2015, the share of the segment of goods for sports and outdoor activities in the market of online trade in Russia in 2014 was 3.3%. Relative to the number of online stores, the share of this segment was 5.8% in the online trading market. In value terms, the volume of the online sports goods market grew by 36% in 2014 and amounted to 20 billion rubles. 43% of online sales of sports goods come from medium-sized online stores that take more than 50 orders per day.

Online stores of sporting goods are most focused on such queries as "buy skis", "buy a trainer", "buy skates", etc. For sports online stores in November 2014 - October 2015, the most popular online queries were "buy a bike ” and “buy a tent” with 316,117 and 66,864 requests per month, respectively.

Among the leading players in the online trading market,,,,,, and were considered. In November 2015, the highest attendance rates were demonstrated by and online stores, the rank of which was 6,956 and 44,581, respectively.

The structure of production and sales of sportswear. Foreign manufacturers are leaders in the Russian sportswear market: they account for about 80% of the market in terms of money. A significant part of the goods presented in Russia under foreign brands is of Asian origin, since many of the world's largest firms prefer to move their production to the countries of Southeast Asia. The share of goods of European origin accounts for about 10%. About 10% more are domestic products: for a long time they occupied an insignificant share, and only a few years ago the situation began to change. Russian manufacturers are actively developing. For example, Bask not only manufactures clothing and equipment for sports and outdoor activities, but also exports its products to 12 countries around the world. The Velomotors company is a domestic leader in the production of bicycles. And the Center for Sports Technologies in Balabanov provides about 70% of the total Russian domestic ski market. Not bad is the case with tailoring for sports. One can single out, for example, such St. Petersburg enterprises as Iceberg, Baltic Bridge or Sparta, which is a technical sponsor of the Russian Freestyle Federation. The Tver company Mustang-2, one of the oldest Russian enterprises, does not lag behind them. The production of hockey equipment is also well developed. In terms of price-quality ratio, such well-known domestic manufacturers as Luch, EFSI and others have proven themselves to be excellent.

Segmentation of the Russian sportswear market. The market can be segmented by price. Belonging to a particular segment determines, as a rule, the place where sportswear is sold. Clothes of the upper price segment are sold in specialized boutiques; medium - in mono-brand boutiques and multi-brand networks; the lower price segment - in the markets and in small stores that are not part of the chain.

The highest growth rates recorded in recent years in the middle and upper price segments mean a redistribution of the sales structure in favor of specialized sports stores and boutique chains, as well as mono-brand stores.

Distribution specifics and trends in the sportswear segment. It is important to note that the distribution of sportswear is still controversial. Many companies combine the functions of wholesale and retail trade, which is why some brands have a limited presence in retail. Nevertheless, a clearly manifested trend is the development of the market according to the scenario of the absorption of weak players by strong ones and the redistribution of the market among a small number of companies.

The main trends in the sportswear retail segment are as follows:

  • absorption of small multi-brand retailers by large chains;
  • increase in the number of mono-brand stores of world manufacturers of sports products;
  • increase in the average area of ​​sports stores;
  • increasing the area of ​​sports shops dedicated to sportswear;
  • targeting different demographic segments;
  • development of networks of sports shops operating on a franchise basis;
  • emergence and development of highly specialized networks

Almost every city with a population of more than 300 thousand people has several local, as well as regional and federal sports networks.

Despite the increasing competition in the Russian sportswear market, it remains attractive for existing players and opens up opportunities for new ones.

For Russian companies that plan further development in the sportswear segment, the most promising areas of work are the following:

  • creating clothes under private labels of network players (this direction is practically absent in Russia, while in many European networks clothes under their own private labels take the lion's share of sales);
  • creation of new brands (for example, using the names of famous athletes).

The main risks of companies in the Russian sporting goods market are related to insufficient study of consumer demand, difficulties in finding regional partners, and unclear legal regulations regarding various types of sports marketing.

Crisis and latest trends

Today, more and more Russians admit that they are forced to spend more on more expensive products and less on clothes and shoes. Accordingly, in favor of bread and milk, spending on sports goods is reduced. Although the sellers of skateboards and skis, skates and snowmobiles have not yet lost optimism - if only the winter was frosty and snowy.

The “middle class”, the main consumer of sporting goods, who bought them in specialized stores, is getting poorer and shrinking. Experts believe that the share of cheap and low-quality consumer goods on the market may increase in the future, as it was during the 1998 and 2008 crises.

In general, according to the results of 2014, according to a study by the Infoline-Analytics agency, the capacity of the Russian sports goods market remained virtually unchanged compared to 2013, amounting to about 250 billion rubles. However, sales in physical terms decreased by more than 15%. In the general statistics of sales of sporting goods in the country, the first place is occupied by the Sportmaster retailer with a market share of 30%. In second place is adidas with a market share of 18%, followed by Decathlon with a market share of 6%.

The leaders of the Russian sporting goods market are slowing down the pace of expansion. According to, Sportmaster reduced its growth plans in 2015: it was planned to open about 35 outlets in Russia against 70 in 2014. Due to current political tensions, which provoke the fall of the ruble and consumer risks, adidas slowed down development already in 2014, opening only 80 new stores against more than 200 in 2013.

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