Happy hours are not watched - stelinka. Happy hours are not observed? And the unfortunate

You never said that everything passes.
Who regretted that he lost, he does not find.

And everything goes by itself!


Fate reserved a lucky chance for everyone.
And I missed it, so don't be sad - there is better!
He is lucky who believes in luck all year round, waiting for a miracle -
And everything goes by itself.

Let happy hours not be observed!
And the nightingales spill their trills in sleepy groves!
Stars in the sky, like asters bloom,
And the heart again and again, so I want love!

Let happy hours not be observed!
And the nightingales spill their trills in sleepy groves!
Stars in the sky, like asters bloom,
And the heart again and again, so I want love!

Let happy hours not be observed!
And the nightingales spill their trills in sleepy groves!
Stars in the sky, like asters bloom,
And the heart again and again, so I want love!

Let happy hours not be observed!
And the nightingales spill their trills in sleepy groves!
Stars in the sky, like asters bloom,
And the heart again and again, so I want love!

The words of this song are the property of its author, taken from open sources and are intended for informational purposes only.

Tell your friends

Transliteration / transcription:
Ty nikogda ne talkoril that vse proxodit.
Kto pozhalel, chto poteryal, tot ne naxodit.

I vse samo soboj idet!


Sud "ba dlya vsex priberegla schastlivyj sluchaj.
A upustil, tak ne grusti - najdetsya luchshe!
Tomu vezet, kto kruglyj god v udachu verit, chuda zhdet -
I vse samo soboj idet.

Puskaj schastlivye chasov ne nablyudayut!
I razlivayut svoi treli v sonnyx roshhax solov "i!
Na nebe zvezdy, slovno astry rascvetayut,
A serdcu vnov "i vnov", tak xochetsya lyubvi!

Puskaj schastlivye chasov ne nablyudayut!
I razlivayut svoi treli v sonnyx roshhax solov "i!
Na nebe zvezdy, slovno astry rascvetayut,
A serdcu vnov "i vnov", tak xochetsya lyubvi!

Puskaj schastlivye chasov ne nablyudayut!
I razlivayut svoi treli v sonnyx roshhax solov "i!
Na nebe zvezdy, slovno astry rascvetayut,
A serdcu vnov "i vnov", tak xochetsya lyubvi!

Puskaj schastlivye chasov ne nablyudayut!
I razlivayut svoi treli v sonnyx roshhax solov "i!
Na nebe zvezdy, slovno astry rascvetayut,
A serdcu vnov "i vnov", tak xochetsya lyubvi!

Quote message Happy hours don't watch

What do old clocks sing about

Clock and sculptural composition - the balcony of the hotel "Nobilis" - Lviv

Clement Philibert Leo Delibes -
"Waltz of the Clock" from the ballet "Coppelia"

Happy hours do not notice
Live outside of time, space and boundaries
You never distinguished in the crowd
Their joyful and enlightened faces?

Ballet "Coppelia"
Composer - Clement Philibert Leo Delibes
Staging by Ninette de Valois based on choreography by Lev Ivanov and Enrico Cecchetti
Live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden - London (2000)
The main parts were performed by:
Swanilda - Leanne Benjamin
Franz - Carlos Acosta
Dr. Coppelius - Luke Haydon
Coppelia - Liana Palmer

Clement Philibert Leo Delibes - French composer, creator of ballets, operas, operettas, was born February 21, 1836 in Saint-Germain-du-Val.
Delibes studied music with his mother and uncle, organist of Sainte-Eustache and teacher of singing at the Paris Conservatory, studied at the Paris Conservatory.
He was a chorister at the Madeleine in Paris.
From 1853 to 1871 he served as organist at the church of Saint-Pierre-de-Chaillot. At the same time, as an accompanist and tutor, he collaborated with the Parisian Lyric Theater.
In 1871, Delibes resigned as organist, married and devoted himself entirely to composition.
The first thirteen small operas did not bring Delibes great fame. His real fame began in 1865, after writing the cantata "Alger" and, especially, after writing the ballet "The Source", staged in 1866 at the Grand Paris Opera.
Delibes made a great contribution to music for ballets - he gave this music elegance and symphony.
Among Delibes' ballets, the ballet "Coppelia, or the Girl with the Enamel Eyes" occupies a special place.
The plot of this ballet is based on the short story by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann "The Sandman", which tells about the old master - Dr. Coppelius and his doll of extraordinary beauty Coppélia, which young guys fall in love with, mistaking her for life. And the girls of these guys, as usual, are jealous of them until they find out the secret of this magical beauty.
In 1884, Delibes was elected a member of the French Academy of Fine Arts.
Leo Delibes wrote many musical works of various forms, among which the most famous and remarkable, in addition to the ballet "Coppelia", the ballet "Sylvia, or the Nymph of Diana" and the operas "Thus said the king" and "Lakme".
The composer died in Paris on January 16, 1891.

Columbine - kinetic sculpture from the Theater Museum in St. Petersburg

Well, why not Coppelia ?! This wonderful Columbine, made especially for the Theater Museum in St. Petersburg, is the fruit of the creative efforts of a whole team of craftsmen:
Alexandra Getsoy (Workshops of Alexander Getsoy - "MAG");
Sergei Vasiliev and Kirill Bashkirov ("Professional workshops");
Viktor Grigoriev and Vera Marinina ("Art Mechanics");
Alexey Limberg.

Photograph of Columbine Circus was taken
in the Moscow Manege at the exhibition "The Art of the Doll"

The photo was taken at the Theater Museum,
where does this Colombina "live"

The kinematic sculpture, whose photograph is located on top, is also called Colombina.

In the photo she is shown with one of her authors - Viktor Grigoriev. He made this Columbine together with Vera Marinina.

This Colombina is a circus performer - she walks on a wire.
She has a couple - Harlequin, who juggles while sitting on a circus wheel.

Paired kinematic sculptures Columbine and Harlequin
Authors - Vera Marinina and Viktor Grigoriev ("Art Mechanics")
Both videos were filmed in the Moscow Manege

Nowadays, in such toys it is possible to use electricity for lighting, which makes them even more spectacular.
Below is a video of one of these rather complex toys.

And this is a wonderful jukebox - how much invention and skill was applied to it by an unknown master!

Kineticism (from the Greek kinetikos - movement that sets in motion) is a trend in contemporary art that plays with the effects of the real movement of the entire work or its individual components.
Elements of kineticism have existed since ancient times in the form of various kinds of tricks that brought sculptures to life, in applied arts, and theatrical scenography.

The kinetic figures or sculptures presented above, as for me, would be more correct to call mechanical toys, similar to those that mankind has been fond of for a long time.
Actually, one of the first mechanical toys with an applied purpose was a mechanical watch.
The principle of operation of clocks with a motor in the form of a spring, with weights, counterweights, gear gears was used to create toys that performed simple movements for jukeboxes: all these playing hurdy-gurdies, caskets, snuffboxes.

In the city of Utrecht (Netherlands) there is even a Museum of Clocks and Caskets, which contains mechanical musical instruments created from the 17th to the 20th century: music boxes, clocks playing melodies, street organs, mechanical pianos and hurdy-gurdies. Among the exhibits of the museum there is also a musical souvenir of Soviet production - a model of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, performing the melody of Isaac Osipovich Dunayevsky's song "Broad is my native land."
Most of the exhibits are in working order.
This museum was founded in 1956 and is located in an old church building.


A selection of mini-video clips about this museum and its wonderful exhibits

The museum has a lot of jukeboxes - from very small to very large and all kinds of musical toys. All this can be seen and heard if you watch the video above.
Watch and I promise you, you won't regret it.

There is a wonderful Soviet cartoon based on the fairy tale by Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky "The Town in a Snuffbox", which tells about a mechanical toy - a musical snuffbox. I think it will appeal to everyone who has not yet seen it, and those who are familiar with it can watch it again, I hope with great pleasure.

Now all children watch movies and cartoons on TV and many of them enjoy all the advantages that computers give. True, now you will not find a children's program during the day with fire in television programs. But during my childhood, television had not yet arrived in all cities, so radio programs made especially for children were very popular. One of these was the radio show "Town in a Snuffbox". I still remember the magic phrase from this radio tale:
"I'm a bell boy from Tinker Bell City."

Radio show "Town in a snuffbox"

Lyadov Anatoly Konstantinovich - Waltz joke "Musical snuffbox"

Watches accompany us always and everywhere: at home, on the street, at work. They are our indispensable helpers. But it happens that the clock becomes our enemy - when we are late somewhere or do not have time to do something necessary by a certain time. But is the clock to blame?
And the hours are inexorably counting the happiest moments of our lives and there are fewer and fewer of them. But you can’t blame the clock for this either, because they just do what they should.

Let happy hours not watch
Singing Natalia Valevskaya

Happy hours are not a hindrance -
They only hear the beating of the heart
He barely hears the echo:
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...

Man invented the clock a very long time ago - water clocks (clepsydra) were found in Babylon and Egypt as early as the 16th century BC. Some written sources claim that in China and India, water clocks were found even earlier - in the 4th millennium BC, but, unfortunately, no evidence of this has yet been found.
In addition to water clocks, there were sundials, fiery, and sanddials. The latter are still in use today.

The prototype of modern mechanical watches appeared in the II century BC in Greece. The first mechanical escapement clock was made in China in 725 AD. From China, the secret of the device came to the Arabs, and from there spread throughout the world. Already in our time, electronic and highly accurate atomic clocks appeared. But still, mechanical watches, especially well-known brands, have not lost their popularity. On the contrary, for example, among business people, expensive mechanical watches are the subject of prestige and confirmation of the status of their owner.

Clocks at all times, in addition to their utilitarian purpose, were the subject of art. Famous jewelers and sculptors have been and continue to be engaged in the manufacture of unique cases for watch movements.

Cupid and Psyche - watches from the Hermitage collection - St. Petersburg

Mikael Tariverdiev - "Old Clock" from the cycle "Memories of Venice"

For all happy people it doesn't matter
Hours go or stop -
In their unusual dimension
Years float, and days fly.

Raymond Pauls on the verses of Ilya Reznik - "Old Clock"
Sings - Alla Pugacheva

But if happiness ran away
Hours ago do not wait for him -
Turn them on, they have little grief:
Know that they are going measuredly ticking ...

There are many so-called catchphrases in our speech. I would like to understand their origins and origins. For example, who said "happy hours don't watch?"

We hear this phrase often. It is pronounced both seriously and with irony, and even with anger. It all depends on the situation in which it is said.

History of appearance

This expression was introduced into Russian everyday life by A.S. Griboyedov. In the comedy Woe from Wit, Sofya says such words to the maid Lisa about her date with Molchalin. (act. 1, yavl. 4).

"Happy hours don't watch!"

But with some variants of such expressions met in the literature before.

Matthew Prior's satirical poem "Alma", written in 1715, says:

Happy hours do not know!

And in Friedrich Schiller's drama "Piccolomino" (the second part of the trilogy about Wallenstein), Marco Piccolomino says:

Happy clock does not strike!

Time is relative?

The fact that the passage of time in different situations and in different emotional states is felt differently is no secret to anyone. And this can probably be called the emotional theory of relativity.

While waiting, the time is very long. We look at the clock every minute, but time seems to freeze!

Vladimir Mayakovsky in his poem "A Cloud in Pants" writes how he is waiting for Maria, who promised to come at four o'clock, but she is still not there. Every hour is like an ax blow.

The twelfth hour has fallen, like the head of the executed from the chopping block!

Or Fazil Iskander writes that in the Abkhaz language there is a stable expression: "The time at which we stand." It means immutability, constancy, absence of events. This time, as a rule, is gloomy, devoid of joy.

In the life of Nina Chavchavadze, Griboyedov's beloved woman, the time of her life was also divided into two unequal parts. In 1828, Alexander Sergeevich arrived in Tbilisi and fell in love with the Georgian princess Nina Chavchavadze. In the autumn of the same year, they got married and left for Persia, where Griboyedov was appointed ambassador. He left his wife in Tabriz. And in January 1829, a brutal mob of fanatics who attacked the Russian embassy tore it to pieces.

For only a few months, Nina was happy and wore mourning for more than 30 years.

Why did my love survive you?

Written on her grave.

After his death, Nina wore mourning for more than 30 years. And the months spent with Griboyedov were her main life.

Music also affects our perception of time. Different melodies either speed up or slow down our perception of reality. Physiologists have proven this by measuring the frequency of heartbeat and respiration while listening to various melodies. For example, when performing the work "Time Forward" by Georgy Sviridov, the subjects' pulse increased by 17%. And Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" slowed down the pulse by 8%

Catchphrase in our life

Modern writers also often play with the expression: "Happy hours do not watch" in different ways. Igor Guberman in his "Gariki" writes for example:

Happy then always sob that they don’t watch the clock on time!

It is clear that this is not only about the loss of vigilance during a love date. Happiness is always followed by retribution.

Happy hours don't watch
From the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). Sophia's words (action 1, appearance 4):
Lisa Look at your watch, throw it out the window: People have been pouring down the streets for a long time; And in the house there is a knock, walking, sweeping and cleaning.
Sophia Happy hours are not observed.
A possible source of this expression is the drama "Piccolomini" (1800) by the German poet Johann Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805): "Die Uhr schlagt keinem Gliicklichen" - "The clock does not strike the lucky one."

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Happy hours are not observed" in other dictionaries:

    Wed Look at your watch, look out the window: People have been knocking down the streets for a long time, And in the house there is a knock, walking, sweeping and cleaning (Lisa). Happy hours are not observed. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 8. Sophia. Wed Dem Glucklichen schlägt keine Stunde. Wed Oh, der ist… …

    Happy hours are not observed. Wed Look at your watch, look out the window: People have been pouring down the streets for a long time, And in the house there is a knock, walking, sweeping and cleaning (Liza). "Happy hours are not observed." Griboidov. Woe from the mind. 1, 3. Sophia. Wed Dem… …

    Happy cowards don't watch- (or do not wear) jokes. alteration of a popular expression from A. S. Griboyedov's play "Woe from Wit": "happy hours do not watch" ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    - (inosk.) It depends on you (it is in your power) Cf. Happy hours are not observed! Don't watch your power! Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 3. Liza Sofie. See happy hours don't watch... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Mikhail Zelikovich Shabrov Date of birth: August 7, 1944 (1944 08 07) (68 years old) Occupation: songwriter, playwright, screenwriter. Language of works: Russian Mi ... Wikipedia

    There is pleasure without remorse. Leo Tolstoy Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of the imagination. Immanuel Kant To be happy means to inspire envy in others. But there is always a person who envies us. The main thing is to find out who he is. Jules Renard ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Aya, oh; happy and happy, ah, oh. 1. One who experiences happiness, joy. How I was in love with that night, how happy I was! L. Tolstoy, Cossacks. I saw a happy man whose cherished dream came true. Chekhov, Gooseberry. Salavat ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    - (inosk.) It depends on you (it is in your power). Wed Happy hours are not observed! "Do not observe your power!" Griboidov. Woe from the mind. 1, 3. Liza Sophia. See Happy Hours Don't Watch... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    And, well. 1. The right to govern the state, political domination. Soviet authority. Come to power. □ Relying on the will of the vast majority of workers, soldiers and peasants, relying on the victorious uprising of the workers and ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    - (inosk.) quietly, slowly Cf. Ah, rather, rather, time passed. It crawls like a turtle... In a moment of happiness it flies like a falcon, like an eagle, and in moments of grief and doubt it stretches, crawls without end. N.P. Gnedich. Queen's date. See happy hours… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Seven years ago, on December 5, 2008, Patriarch Alexy II left this world.

The patriarch is always a historical figure, and he is remembered as the High Hierarch, and his deeds are also evaluated. For many, the title itself overshadows the common man. This is understandable, because the inner circle of His Holiness is very small. Today "Orthodox Moscow" gives the floor to those who were lucky enough to know Patriarch Alexy from this - human - side.

If not for Berezovsky...

Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyansky ,
Rector of the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, in 2005–2012. Head of the Press Service of the Moscow Patriarchate (in 2009 it was transformed into the Press Service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia)

In the late autumn of 2000, I received a call from the Patriarchate:
– You should be at Patriarch Alexy on Thursday at 14.00.
He asked excitedly:
- Do not know - on what issue?
- Now I’ll clarify ... Yes, exactly at 14.00
I puzzled for a long time - why did the Holy One need me? For some reason it seemed that this call was not good. Before that, I had never communicated with the Patriarch. Or rather, I served with him - and more than once, but I never had a chance to speak.

Arrived on time, waited half an hour. I enter the office. The patriarch gets up, walks, smiling, towards him, sits him in a chair opposite, offers:
- Tell us about yourself.

I was in a hurry. He started talking about his parents. When I told you that on my mother’s side my ancestors were Frenchmen who lived and worked in Russia, His Holiness perked up and began to ask clarifying questions. Then he spoke about his German ancestors. He told how he was brought up as a monarchist, that one of his grandfathers was a White Guard shot by the Bolsheviks. I briefly mentioned that I live in the same place where he does - in Peredelkino.

An hour later, the Patriarch got down to business:
- Boris Abramovich Berezovsky offered me to become one of the shareholders of the Public Russian Television, to enter a certain Teletrust. Of course, I do not want to have anything to do with this gentleman, but I am advised not to shirk the offer for the benefit of the church. However, I can't do it myself. We need a trusted person who would represent our interests in managing the channel. Are you willing to be this person?

I answered the way we usually do:
“Bless me, Your Holiness.
The patriarch wrote down my phone number and gave his number. He said that they would call me to issue a power of attorney, and that I could call him at any time.

As I learned from the press some time later, Boris Berezovsky sold 49% of his shares in ORT to Roman Abramovich for almost $150 million (later it turned out that "only" for $10 million). And now I think: if not for Berezovsky, there would not be this confidential conversation between His Holiness and me, this “secret” between us. Subsequently, he called me jokingly “countryman” (due to the fact that we lived in Peredelkino), noted, passing by my house, that I “changed the picket fence”, and finally offered to become his press secretary.

Talking chronometer

Deacon Sergius Pravdolyubov,
Cleric of the Church of St. Innocent of Moscow in Beskudnikovo, in 2001–2007 - Subdeacon of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II

In September 2002, during an all-night vigil at the Cathedral of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo, the senior subdeacon and cell-attendant of His Holiness Sergei Kuksov left me for some time in his place. At that moment, one of us had to be near the Patriarch in case he needed something. I stand and look at His Holiness, how he blesses, talking to someone. Everyone came up, blessed, the Patriarch stands alone. Suddenly he makes a sign to me, I come up:
- What time is it? the Holy One asks.
The fact is that the Patriarch always wore a watch in a thin case, so that under the handrails they would not put pressure on his hand. Therefore, when he was in vestments, he often asked the nearest subdeacon what time it was.
“Your Holiness, I don’t know!” I don't have a watch, but I'll go and ask now.
The rector of the cathedral, Archpriest Matthew Stadnyuk, sits on a stool behind the column and holds out his hand to me: “Look, what time it is.” I return to the Patriarch:
“Twenty minutes to six, Your Holiness.
- Happy hours do not watch!

I still don’t know if His Holiness said it just like that, or meant my recent wedding, for which I asked his blessing in the spring.

Spirit Aristocrat

Abbess Quiz (Perminova),
Mother Superior of the Nativity Stauropegial Monastery

Patriarch Alexy was born into a deeply religious family and inherited from his parents love for God, as well as aristocratism in the best sense of the word... More than once I observed how His Holiness the Patriarch communicated with a variety of people. He could, contrary to protocol, devote time to an ordinary, unremarkable person, listen to him with attention and respect, seeing in him the Image of God. And the interlocutor felt warmth and participation and understood that he was heard.

Only a loving, spiritually sensitive person who does not live for himself can truly hear another. True ascetics possessed such sensitivity. This shocked the boy Alyosha on Valaam, where he saw the elders of high life, who supported his spiritual mood and warmly responded to his children's letters. And all his life he tried to follow their example.

The ever-memorable Patriarch Alexy could, in a business conversation or simply in communication with people, say a simple and seemingly insignificant phrase, but do it with such love and kindness and so timely that what was said encouraged and gave hope.

Photo by Vladimir Khodakov

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