Scenario of a family holiday "Inseparable friends - adults and children." Scenario of the concert inseparable friends - adults and children

Scenario of the holiday "Adults and children"
Compiled by a primary school teacher of the Moscow Educational Institution of the Lyceum No. 14, o. Zhukovsky
Rusina Tatyana Igorevna
A grain begins to see clearly in the earth, A child begins to see clearly in a family. A person grows up in a family, And everything that he then acquires does not come to him from outside.
I will tell you one legend. In ancient times there lived one family. The family is huge - 100 people, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumor about this flew to the very supreme ruler. And he decided to visit this family. When the ruler was convinced that all this was true, he asked the elder, the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other?” Then the elder took a paper, wrote 100 words on it and gave it to the ruler. He quickly read it and was surprised: the same word “understanding” was written 100 times on the sheet.
Until now, in many houses, especially in villages, photographs of all family members, close and distant relatives, hang on the walls, and in the center, in a conspicuous place, enlarged portraits of the heads of the family: father and mother.
Parents and Motherland are words of the same root. These holy words help us understand, love our native language, native nature, traditions of our people.
It's great that representatives of several generations of wonderful families have gathered in our class today. After all, at all times youth and wisdom, experience and youthful maximalism went through life side by side. It will always be so, as long as there are adults and children on earth.
Music sounds. There is a slide show with family photos.
The song "Adults and Children" sounds.
Adults and children
1. Adults live in the world:
Big and serious.
They, at times, once
Look out the window.
Talking about the world
Behind the walls of apartments
And they don't notice
How the world has changed.
Let's, let's
Take us in your arms
And put it on your shoulder.
Let's, let's
Let's all play together.
Let's all play together
And we'll sing a song.
2. Live in the world cute
Funny boys:
funny, naughty,
Like me or like you.
About magic and wonder
We read books.
Look all around
What a beautiful world.
Let's, let's
Take us in your arms
And put it on your shoulder.
Let's, let's
Let's all play together.
Let's all play together
3. Live on an amazing,
mysterious planet
And adults are parents
And we are small.
And if with all my heart
Let's stay like children
It will be more interesting
And the world will become more beautiful.
Let's, let's
Take us in your arms
And put it on your shoulder.
Let's, let's
Let's all play together.
Let's all play together
And we will sing a song (with a sunbeam).
Leading. How a person needs a family, a house with disinterested warmth and light. And the main thing in this house is my mother.
1st student: Mom! Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands.
2nd student: Mom ... You still could not speak - she understood you without words. Guessed what you want, what hurts you. Mom taught you to talk, to walk. She read you the first book. From her you learned the names of the birds. Mom helped you see the first snowflake.
Host: And when I ask the question: where does love for the Motherland begin, the answer turns out to be simple and natural - with love for the mother. In their writings, our guys sincerely wrote a lot of warm words about their moms.
Fragments from compositions.
3rd student: What does the word "mother" mean to me? It contains your sensitivity, warmth of the heart, Readiness to praise, forgive, understand, Your love, endless patience.
4th student: I clearly hear your sweet voice in it, It gives strength and inspiration, You are glad to support me in everything, And if necessary, you give consolation.
5th student: You are the source of all my victories, My successes and spiritual strength. What does the word "mother" mean? This is the light with which you illuminated my entire path.
6 student: In it is the kindness of your beloved hands, Their tenderness warms my whole life. You, Mommy, are my closest friend! Thank you honey for this!
Children sing the song "Our mothers are the most beautiful." Slideshow.
Our mothers are the most beautiful
The song flies into the blue sky From a large school window, Our mothers are the most, most beautiful, Spring gave them a song. Our mothers are the most, most beautiful, Spring gave you a song. Winter no longer sweeps with powder, The sun looks into our classroom, Our mothers are the best, the best, Who knows about this better than us. Our mothers are the best, the best, Who knows about this better than us. White as swan feathers, Fluffy clouds float in the distance, Our mothers are the most, most beloved, In a world full of stars and cornflowers. Our mothers are the most, most beloved, In a world full of stars and cornflowers. Rainbows play with modulations, Shine over the expanses of the earth, Our mothers are the most, the happiest, We read this in their eyes. Our mothers are the happiest, We read this in their eyes.
Scene "Conversation"
Boy 1: Our call is terribly sonorous,
I fly out into the corridor ...
I have with one girl
A conversation ensued.
Girl 1: And we had an intern! This time!
We wrote a dictation! It's two!
Thirdly, we read a book,
It's about one boy
He invented the helicopter
Flying backwards! And you!
Boy 2: And we have Natasha - a crybaby,
She has a blot in her notebook,
Natka will not erase the inkblot,
Because of the blot, the day roars! And you?
Girl 2: And we have flowers on the wall,
And on the wall - a plan ...
He also doesn't like foam.
There is one kid in milk ... And you?
Boy 3: And we have Petya Vasiliev
He is the strongest in the world -
Broke two boys' noses!
Dad came to school...
Girl 3: Andryusha loves sweets,
He's always chewing on something...
He ate one and a half cake -
My stomach hurt for ten days! Here!
Boy 4: And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!
Girl 4: Although men are strong -
Can't bake pancakes...
You are men, fools,
To educate you, teach you:
And parsley from dill
You can't tell!
By the way, who does the washing at home?
God didn't give you a talent...
TV consuming,
You lay down on the sofa!
Boy 5: Is a man useless?
Is this talent not given to us?
Who nailed a shelf in the kitchen?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?
Girl 5: You are reluctant to cook borscht,
Do not fry cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there is no more sense!
Boy 6: You prickly thorn
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears
And also for no reason...
You hurtful words
You say timid...

Boys: Dad in the house head
Girls: And mom is the neck in the house!
Boy 1: I waved to Sveta.
Eh! I didn't make it to the buffet.
It's always these girls
Get away from important things!
Girl 6: No! It is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In a hallway conversation.
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is more tender than everyone!
Leading. A family is strong where a husband and wife live well. So the proverb says. Where the husband is the head and the wife is the heart, there the family is happy. Spouses are two people who understand and love each other, they do everything harmoniously. The support of the house, its protection are our dads. Here is what our children wrote in their essays.
Dear dads, this song is for you.
The song “There is no better friend than dad” sounds.
Once upon a time, dad was small, like me, And he let the boat float along the stream, And this boat was carried away by the water, So he remained in childhood forever. There is no better friend's dad, believe me, Nearby and in the cinema, and at the concert, Even the zoo is not interesting to go Without him. And it was not for nothing that my mother and I decided that my dad is the kindest, the best, that you can’t find anything like this anywhere else. We are very similar, my dad and I, I'm waiting for him to come home soon, We will probably read the books of Grandfather Korney or Marshak. There is no better friend's dad, believe me, Nearby and in the cinema, and at the concert, Even the zoo is not interesting to go Without him. And it was not for nothing that my mother and I decided that my dad is the kindest, the best, that you can’t find anything like this anywhere else. I want to imitate dad in everything, Even keep a spoon at the table the same way, We play with dad, joke and sing, It's twice as fun if we're together. There is no better friend's dad, believe me, Nearby and in the cinema, and at the concert, Even the zoo is not interesting to go Without him. And it was not for nothing that my mother and I decided that my dad is the kindest, the best, that you can’t find anything like this anywhere else. And it was not for nothing that my mother and I decided that my dad is the kindest, the best, that you can’t find anything like this anywhere else.
Human life is only a moment In the boundless time of the Universe. And only in the memory of the living It becomes imperishable. All this is true. Yes, the trouble is, That we sometimes forget, Where we come from, who our ancestors are. To make us forget about them The evil people should not be a genius. Having left the memory of the living, Many generations will disappear. We are connected by one fate, One family, one blood. , faith and love. And our spirit, continuing to live, will spill into grandchildren, great-grandchildren. And the thread that connects the ages will never break.
We want to say a huge thank you to those to whom both young children and adults are indebted. These are our grandparents.
I sat down and sit, And I don’t go out for a walk, I don’t turn on the TV, I refused tea, I don’t want to eat or sleep, I’ll wait for my grandmother! fell ill? Who will give the patient pills, Except for a kind neighbor? Maybe she needs help, After all, she lives alone? That's it! Decided! I’ll run, I’ll help her myself! Suddenly, I hear: knock-knock-knock! It’s a knock on the door of a granny! Hello, my dear, I’ll hug her, loving!
My grandfather dear, We are all proud of you! And I'll tell you a secret: It's better not to have a grandfather in the world! I will always try to equal you in everything!
Leading. There is a wonderful Russian proverb about human life. It begins with the words: three times a man is wondrous. The first miracle is the birth into the world. The old families had many children. Everyone's birth is a joy. That's how spring is. How many times people meet her! So is the birth of man. We want to talk about large friendly families with more than two children.
The host calls large families.
A child from a large family reads a poem.
A large family gathered at the table. Here, everyone is no longer considered a mouth. You can’t say about these: “Eaters are sitting.” Men gathered at the common table.
Leading. The children's hut is fun. All our joy, all our happiness lies in children. All of us, adults, want our children to be healthy, smart, cheerful, happy. And we do a lot for this.
What are our boys and girls like?
Girls read a poem by M. Plyatskovsky "What are the boys"
Boys are pugnacious
Boys are grouchy
Curly, red, blond,
Skinny and plump
Daredevils and cowards.
Boys are chewing
whistling and singing,
Playing hide and seek
Shooting from a slingshot.
There are cat chasers
Then the champions of the steps,
pigtail hunters,
And also - without nicknames and with nicknames:
For example, "Magpie", "Rubalo",
"Goat", "Filimosha" and "Salo".
What does it mean: Sorokin, Rubalnikov,
Kozlov, Filimonov and Salnikov.
There are boys - screamers,
Teasers and pushers.
And all of them without exception
Find your adventure.
They dream of chases and jumps,
Hockey sticks and chewing gum.
Besides, they dream
That their behavior is exemplary.
Boys read a poem by M. Plyatskovsky "What girls are"
There are skinny girls
There are fat girls.
There are also short ones.
There are still - laughter.
Sometimes - with short haircuts,
Sometimes - with funny freckles.
Some girls are whiny
And the usual assholes,
But most of the time they are beautiful.
And just very cute.
And all of them without exception
Can't stand grief
Which is not a secret at all.
They sing in admiration
At the sight of honey and jam,
Halva, ice cream and cookies,
Various cakes and sweets.
They know firsthand
How the boys pull the bow,
And this is not a secret either.
However, any girl
Grievances quickly forgetting
Only because he is silent in response,
As for the boys, it doesn't matter!
Leading. We would like to end our holiday with the words of Olga Volkova, People's Artist of the USSR, well-known for her role as a grandmother in the TV series “Daddy's Daughters”: “We stopped rejoicing, and the worst thing is, we stopped being surprised. To be surprised at everything: the birth of a child, the sunrise, the arrival of spring. Return to the traditions of home gatherings, visiting each other, joint holidays. The starting point in the process of our revival is the home, the family. I believe in this.”
And we believe that everything will be fine in your families, that there will always be goodness and harmony, comfort and peace in them, your family hearth will never go out. Health to you and all earthly blessings.
Giving gifts to families.
Building children.
You and I, yes we are with you, You and I, yes we are with you, It's great when there is a family in the world. We will always be inseparable. Friendship gives us the key to happiness, Friendship will be with us forever.
Sounds like "Song of Friendship"
A song about friendship 1. The stream rang and you can hear How the ice cracks on the river, And drops from the wet roof are flowing down our collars!
Sunny bunnies Jumping through puddles, The brook sparkles with a blue ribbon. Drops scatter with splashes of freckles! .. Only strong friendship Do not spill water! friends. And our cheerful song The nightingale sings along! Chorus
Tea drinking.

Labutina Elena Vladimirovna - Educator of the MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 25", Asbest, Sverdlovsk region
Date of receipt of work for the competition: 09/14/2017.

Scenario of a joint holiday

"Inseparable friends - adults and children" for children 6-7 years old

with parents on International Family Day

PURPOSE: To create a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding. Establishment of emotionally positive contact between parents and children in the process of joint motor-playing activity.


1. Enrich children's ideas about the Family Day holiday, about the importance of the family in the life of every person.

2. To form motor skills and abilities.

3. To cultivate moral and volitional qualities (honesty, determination, courage, perseverance). Cultivate a caring and respectful attitude towards family members.

4. To promote the emergence of a sense of joy in parents and children, pleasure from joint motor-game activities; entertain, amuse children.


Spheres, an exhibition of family photos "House through the eyes of children" and drawings "My home! My family!”, posters.


"It's great that we are all here today"

“When the family is together, the soul is in place”

"The child learns

What he sees in his house.

Parents are an example of this.”

Event progress:

Presenter 1:Family - how much in this word

Seven "I" - you listen to it

This team is friendly and more…

In the family one for all and all for one!

Hello dear friends! We are glad to see you at a family holiday and it is not without reason that we started our holiday with such beautiful lines. Of course, you know that May 15 is celebrated as the International Day of the Family all over the world. And we dedicate today's program to the dearest, dearest, most beautiful on earth - a friendly, close-knit and strong family.

Presenter 2:Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

Presenter 1:We are starting our holiday, now families will come here to us: ....

Families come out and take their places, while the presenter reads poems for the guests:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important! Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to talk about you

What a good family!

Music sounds, the presenter introduces couples.

Presenter 1:We dedicate today's program to the dearest, dearest, most beautiful right on earth - the right to a family.

Presenter 2:We invite the participants of today's program to solve riddles: Leading, in turn, riddles for families:

We are a big family

The youngest is me!

Do not immediately count us:

Manya is and Vanya is,

Yura, Shura, Klasha, Dasha,

And Natasha is also ours.

We're walking down the street

They say it's an orphanage.

Count quickly

How many of us are children in the family? (8)

Listen here is my family

Grandpa, grandma and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And purity, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have? (6 people)

Everyone knows this word

Will not change for anything!

To the number "seven" I will add "I" -

What will happen? (A family)

Who is the most beloved in the world?

And for the whole family in the answer?

From paycheck to paycheck

What would we do without... (dads)

Who worked all his life

Surrounded by care

grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Respect for ordinary people?

Retired for many years

Our ageless... (grandfather)

Always treat with jam

The table will be set with refreshments,

Lada is our darling,

Who? - Native... (grandmother)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail

Let the car drive

And tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All you guys know -

This is our favorite... (dad)

Who will solve the riddles

He recognizes his relatives:

Someone mom, someone dad,

Who is a sister or brother,

And to know you grandfather and grandmother -

You don't need to think at all!

All relatives with whom you live,

Even an uncle or aunt

Surely you friends

Together you are one... (A family!)

Presenter 1:Our families are ready to move on to more difficult stages of our competition - games and relay races.

We know that mothers need to wash a lot of dishes, sweep the floors, do laundry! Do you children help your mothers at home? Now let's check what good helpers you make!

Game - relay "Cleaning"

Competition with brooms, plastic balls, hoops. All families play, forming teams. It is necessary to sweep the ball into the scoop with a broom and transfer it to the hoop.

Presenter 2:All moms love to receive gifts, and although helping with cleaning is a gift from you, they love receiving flowers too! And we will try to pick flowers for moms.

Sweet words contest

The participants of the holiday, one after another (dad, daughter or son), call the words: swallow, berry, sun, kind, sweet. Mom sits on a chair, dad and child, in turn, run to the table, take a box of chocolates (flowers, fruits), run around obstacles and give mom a gift.

Presenter 1:We continue our conversation about the family, about a close-knit family, because the family is when everyone is together: happiness, joy, sadness, and, of course, children. There are many proverbs and sayings about the family. Let's remember them. You need to correct what is wrong.

Competition "Folk Wisdom Says"

- Do not be born beautiful, but be born rich (happy).

- Love is a ring, and the ring has no problems (there is no beginning and no end).

- Seven nannies have a child in sight (without an eye).

- Lovely scold only on Fridays (amuse).

Presenter 2:Now continue the proverb.

- A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (house).

- A house without a mistress ... (an orphan).

- Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).

- The apple never falls far from the tree).

- What are rich, ... (they are glad).

- Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

Presenter 1:They call her yellow-eyed flower,

They plucked a flower - they guess with petals,

But in order to truly become happy,

You should not, believe me, pluck chamomile.

You know that Family Day has its own symbol - a camomile. Chamomile is considered a Russian flower and even one of the symbols of Russia, as well as chamomile - a symbol of sweet simplicity and tenderness, and most importantly - a symbol of fidelity. They guess on it, and we will try with its help, it's fun to play. Everyone is welcome to play.

"Fantas with chamomile"

You run, run chamomile, quickly, quickly on your hands, whoever has a chamomile in his hands, that desire will fulfill us, the chamomile petal tears, and the desire will say to everyone:

- Find 7 daisies in the hall;

- Name 7 female names;

- Perform a dance with your family;

- Come up with 7 affectionate words for your child (mother);

- To perform a song in the grass sat a grasshopper with the voices of domestic animals; (Home orchestra).

- Show everyone the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way"

- Congratulate everyone on the holiday in an original way.

Presenter 2:And now a game called "Island".

Two families play (dad, mother, child). Each family is given a sheet of paper the size of a newspaper and the rules of the game are explained. “Imagine that there is water all around, and you need to escape on a small island.” It is necessary not only to stand, but also to dance. Then the command is given to fold the sheet in half, twice more ... Which of the players makes the first mistake and does not stand on the sheet, touches the floor, after the leader's command, he lost.

Presenter 1:So our fun competition program has come to an end. By and large, there are no losers today. After all, the fact that this time was spent in the circle of a beloved and friendly family is already a victory. It seems to me that the audience also received a lot of positive emotions.

Happy Holidays to all - Happy Family Day!!! And at parting, I propose to sing a song, both children and parents sing. Parents are given leaflets with the words of the song.

Song about our family

(To the tune of "Songs about Bears")

Somewhere in the world our family lives,

He does not know grief and troubles, he is reputed to be friendly.

We read books together, we go to the movies together,

On a holiday we sing and dance, on weekdays we will find things!

Mom washes clothes, son sweeps the floor,

Dad cooks dinner while listening to football.

Work argues instantly, everyone is used to work.

And we know how to relax, fry barbecue in the forest!

La-la-la... We have a friendly family!

Presenter 2:Happy family day, congratulations to everyone,

We wish you good health.

For your families to flourish

And friends surrounded you.

Children give gifts made with their own hands.

Presenter:What a pity to leave, but it's time for us to say goodbye. We hope that this day allowed you to learn more about each other. And, our children, have well learned the right - the right to a family!

Scenario of the concert "Inseparable friends - adults and children"
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents! Dear teachers and guests!
Presenter 2: And he is kind today because he is dedicated to you, our dear, dear and only ones.
Presenter 1: We dedicate this holiday to the closest people.
Presenter 2: To the people who gave us life.
Presenter 1: To people who are always there.
Host 2: To the people who care about us.
The magic symbol of life is the family.
There is a drop of the Fatherland in him, in him - I.
It has mom, dad, brother, sister.
It has a small square in the yard.
In it - the sun, and a birch, and a house.
In it, everything warmly laughs around.
Seven notes of a magic song, seven phrases,
So that the wonderful light of the sun does not go out.
The children of the Earth laughed loudly,
They could continue the sacred race.
Presenter 1: Everything in our life begins with mom.
Host 2: Mom! The most beautiful word in the world is "mom"! This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.
Host 1: Mom! Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar. Such native. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice.
Presenter 2: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most gentle and affectionate hands that can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for her children never goes out, it does not remain indifferent to anything.
Host 1: Mom! You are small, you still could not speak, but she understood you without words. I guessed what hurts you, what you want. Mom taught you to speak, walk ... Mom read the first book. From her you learned the names of birds, that each flower has its own name. Mom helped you see the first snowflake.
Presenter 2: And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need a mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life.
Presenter 1: These are lines from Yu. Yakovlev's story "Mom".
Presenter 2: And now get acquainted with our work.
Presentation (children's drawings "Portrait of Mom").
Readers: When snowflakes flew from the sky,
And the whole city has long been quiet,
So I want to talk about the main thing
And write one spiritual verse.
Do you remember? Childhood. Night. And you're in bed.
And peace and serenity in the world.
And this voice is infinitely sweet,
It's like God is talking to you.
Magic enchanting sounds
As if angels are singing from heaven
And gentle mother's hands
They inspire peace, create comfort.
Let frosts and blizzards outside the window -
So good, cozy in the cradle...
Then he grew up, studied without support
Walk and fall, stuffed bumps.
But my mother kept a close eye on it.
And of course you knew about it.
You remember, returning memory
In those old years when you were growing up
You were stormy, but it was feasible
She will solve any problem for you.
Our world is cruel and everyone knows it
Danger looms here and there
In worldly storms it throws over the waves,
But, of course, everyone knows for sure -
There is a place where you are always expected.
You will come there tired and hungry,
Wounded, offended by the world, And my mother will encourage and reassure,
She is your main guide in life.
Our life is like a fast movie.
I only ask God for one thing:
You be healthy and happy yourself,
My beloved mother forever!
Let the years not affect you
Do not furrow wrinkles on the forehead
Let mom be endlessly twenty,
As if youth on earth is eternal!
The song "Mom is the first word."
What does the word "mom" mean to me?
In it is your sensitivity, warmth of the heart,
Willingness to praise, forgive, understand,
Your love, patience is endless.
Your voice, dear, I clearly hear in it,
He gives strength and inspiration,
You are happy to support me in everything,
And if necessary, you give consolation.
You are the source of all my victories,
My success and spiritual strength.
What does the word "mother" mean? This is the light
With which you illuminated my entire path.
In it is the kindness of your beloved hands,
Their tenderness warmed my whole life.
You, Mommy, are my closest friend!
Thank you honey for this!
Presenter 1: And what touching letters Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote to his mother!
Presenter 2: Antoine lost his father early, he was raised by his mother, a woman of great spiritual nobility and rare stamina.
Presenter 1: Maternal love provided the writer with a supply of tenderness for the whole harsh and difficult life.
Reader: "Mommy!
I have just re-read your letter of yesterday filled with such love. My little mother, how I would like to be with you! You don't even know that every day I love you more and more...
What are you doing, mom?
Write. I feel so good after your letters, as if some kind of breath of freshness reaches me. Mommy, where do you get all those captivating words with which your letters are full? After them the whole day is good touched.
I need you now, as in the days of infancy ...
How could I make you cry? I feel so bad when I remember this. And I could give you reason to doubt my love! If you only knew how much I love you, mother!
You are the best thing in my life. Today, like a boy, I'm homesick! Just think that you are walking and talking somewhere and that we could be together, but I am deprived of your affection and cannot be a support!
Today I am sad to the point of tears. And when I'm sad, you are the only consolation. When I returned home as a boy, sobbing after punishment, you made me forget hardships with one kiss. You were all-powerful protection ... In your house I felt safe, and I really was safe with you, I belonged only to you, and how good it was.
And now, just as then, you are my only refuge, you know everything, you know how to make everything forgotten, and under your wing, willy-nilly, you again feel like a little boy ...
Gently, gently kiss you.
Your big son Antoine."
Host 1: Guys! Love your mothers! Treat them with respect! Appreciate their concern for you!
Presenter 2: Take care of their health! Help them at home! Just feel sorry for them!
Presenter 1: The meaning of the life of every mother is her children!
The song "I love you crazy, mom."
Presenter 1: What could be more expensive than a family? Warmly welcomes the father's house, Here they always wait for you with love, And see you off with goodness!
Host 2: Love! And value happiness! It is born in a family, What can be more precious than it. In this fabulous land!
Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not a resurrection
And outside the window - not the sun,
And the blizzard
It's just what they have
They just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both easy and light.
me with dad and mom
So lucky!
My dad is handsome And strong as an elephant. He is beloved, attentive, Affectionate. I look forward to Dad from work. He always brings something in my briefcase. A mischievous and prankster. With him, every day of mine Turns into a holiday. My dad is cheerful, But strict and honest. Reading books with him is interesting. He instantly turns into whatever you ask for. He can become a clown, a tiger, a giraffe. But best of all, he knows how to be a dad. you are only mine!
In the life of tiny girls And gray-haired old women, There is a special man - He is loved and sinless!
He is the only one in the world! He will replace anyone! And there is no other like it in life!
He does not sleep on a dark night, If you get sick ... He wants to help you, Since you yourself do not know how ...
He will protect you And warm you with love! He is sad with you, And laughs with you!
Teaches the exact sciences, Helps to draw ... And he, the cunning one, loves you with all his heart!
He only remembers you in deep separation ... Greedily catches Your thin hands at the meeting!
He will support, teach, And prompt skillfully ... Your fears will be voiced, He will make you bold!
In light feelings to admit He helps you! He offers you to catch up with the growth of the world!
How familiar is his smell, And the shirt, and the hat ... I will hug and whisper: “I love you, Dad!”
The song "There is no better friend than dad."
1 - me: Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk? 2 - me: What are you, I haven’t done my homework yet. 1 - me: What lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You've been out of school for a hundred years! 2 - I: Yes - huh? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. 1 - me: Yes, I have been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life. 2nd me: Really? Is that how you pamper them? 1 - me: I do not indulge! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always rewrite me cleanly. 2nd me: Oh, really strict. 1st: So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience. 2 - me: Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem Hm - hm ..., By the seashore there is a green oak; a golden chain on that oak ... 1st: So, good 2nd: And day and night a learned dog ... 1st - me: What kind of dog? What dog? 2nd Me: Well, I don't know what breed he is. 1 - me: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat! 2 - I: Ah - ah, I understand - I understand! I then at first, By the seaside, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night the cat is a scientist ... 1 - me: Well? 2 - I: With a string bag, he goes to the grocery store .... 1 - I: With what string bag? Which deli? Where did you see this? 2 - I: Oh, well, what are you, a friend! I have so many more lessons, I messed everything up. 1 - me: What do you think, if we continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor? 2nd me: She's already been named. 1st me: How? 2 - I: Kol! It is put to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do homework.
Host 1: Well, of course! What is a family without grandparents?
Host 2: Their love for their grandchildren knows no bounds!
Presenter 1: But still, you should not do the lessons for them!
I am Masha, and my grandmother too,
My grandmother and I are very similar.
We love cheesecakes and rolls,
And songs while walking.

We are together on a sewing machine
We sew dresses for Polina's doll,
And dress it up together
And we love her together.

And if we have a name day,
We cook raspberry compote.
And kiss each other hard
And we give each other a toy.

My grandmother and I are very similar.
I am Masha, and my grandmother too.
She's not my old lady
And the best friend in the world.
If you suddenly have a hard time, a friend will save you from various troubles. I am very similar to a friend, Because he is my grandfather.
On Sundays, my grandfather and I are on our way to the stadium, I love ice cream with jam, And he loves cartoons.
Cranes, satellites and guns I scattered in the corners. Grandfather brings me toys, And he plays with them himself.
Battalion tin Grandfather commands: "Forward!" - And leads to distant countries My paper ship.
With such a good grandfather It's not boring even in the rain, With such a good grandfather You won't get lost anywhere!
We bought skis with my grandfather, They creak in the snow. I'm trailing after my grandfather In full view of all the guys.
I still can't understand, Surprise is not melting,
Which of the two of us is younger -
Is it my grandfather or me?
Presenter 1: May every day that fate has taken away Bring joy with a sunny sunrise. And a lucky star shines on you, Keeping you from troubles and life's hardships.
Presenter 1: Let the years go by, the head will turn gray. Grandchildren are growing, and the soul is getting younger. Let the house fill with warmth and comfort. For a sensitive heart to you - Low bow.
Song "Grandma Zoya"
Presenter 1: Children are happy if their parents take care of them, love, understand and make sure that they do not experience all the difficulties of life.
Presenter 2: Parents are happy if they feel mutual love from the children, their attention and warmth. Appreciate your parents! Take care of them! Do not offend, but support!
Mom and dad fell asleep
I stubbornly do not sleep -
Like a soldier on guard
I'm standing at the window.
I keep them safe
In the semi-darkness, in silence -
It's very like that
The thing I need!
For parents to know
What are their sons for?
For parents to sleep
To see dreams.
And when I am in the morning
I'll wake them up tomorrow...
But I look: for some reason
I'm lying in bed...
Dad happily walks -
He got up a long time ago.
- Strong as today,
I never slept!
Host 1: Loved you for no particular reason. For the fact that you are a grandson, For the fact that you are a son,
Presenter 2: For being a baby, For growing up, For being like mom and dad. And this love will remain your secret support until the end of your days"
Presenter 1: The wise commandment says: "Honor your father and mother, and you will be fine, and you will live happily ever after."
Presenter 2: Thank you, our dear mothers and fathers, grandparents. Low bow to you!
The song "Inseparable friends - adults and children"


The grain grows clear in the ground,
The child begins to see clearly in the family.
In a family, a person grows up
And everything that then gains,
It does not come to him from outside.

I will tell you one legend. In ancient times there lived one family. The family is huge - 100 people, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumor about this flew to the very supreme ruler. And he decided to visit this family. When the ruler was convinced that all this was true, he asked the elder, the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other?” Then the elder took a paper, wrote 100 words on it and gave it to the ruler. He quickly read it and was surprised: the same word “understanding” was written 100 times on the sheet.

Until now, photographs of all family members, close and distant relatives, hang on the walls in village houses, and in the center of this iconostasis, in a conspicuous place, enlarged portraits of the heads of the family: father and mother. Parents and Motherland are words of the same root. These holy words help us understand, love our native language, native nature, traditions of our people.

This year has been declared the Year of the Family in Russia. After all, at all times youth and wisdom, experience and youthful maximalism went through life side by side. It will always be so, as long as there are adults and children on earth.

Music sounds. There is a slide show with family photos.


You, me, and we,
You, me, and we,
It's great to have a family in the world.
We will always be inseparable.
Friendship gives us the key to happiness,
Friendship will be with us forever.

The song "Adults and Children" sounds.

Leading. How a person needs a family, a house with disinterested warmth and light. And the main thing in this house is my mother.

Mother! Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands. Mom ... You still could not speak - she understood you without words. Guessed what you want, what hurts you. Mom taught you to talk, to walk. She read you the first book. From her you learned the names of the birds. Mom helped you see the first snowflake. And when I ask the question: where does love for the Motherland begin, the answer turns out to be simple and natural - with love for the mother.

1st student

About the one who gives life and warmth,
Sounding like a lullaby.
About the one who us in infinite patience
Grows, cherishes, puts on the wing.
About mother...

2nd student

Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our mothers
Still, we won't.

3rd student

You are so nice to us!
You moms are just class!
That's why we all want
Be like you!

4th student

We wish you happiness.
And let's tell you a secret:
Our mothers are more beautiful
It just doesn't exist all over the world!

5th student

Born sooner or later
At least for this world,
To say the word "mom" for the first time,
Which is not sacred in the world.

6th student

And let her be generously rewarded for everything!
Gathering love and revelation into a bouquet,
Come, children, to your mother
And kneel before her.

Students perform a waltz.

Leading. A family is strong where a husband and wife live well. So the proverb says. Where the husband is the head and the wife is the heart, there the family is happy. Spouses are two people who understand and love each other, they do everything harmoniously. The support of the house, its protection are our dads. Here is what our children wrote in their essays: “Daddy taught me not only to love nature, but to communicate with it. I am very grateful to him for that.” (Denis L.), “Daddy is the one you trust.” (Vitya F.), “I remember how my dad and I baked a pie for mom. True, it was a little burnt, but it was great!” (Alina B.) Dear dads, this song sounds for you.

The song "Dad can" sounds.

Human life is only a moment
In the boundless time of the universe.
And only in the memory of the living
She becomes incorruptible.
All this is so. Yes, that's the trouble
What we sometimes forget
Where are we from, who are our ancestors.
Make us forget about them
Should not evil genius people.
Leaving the memory of the living,
Many generations will disappear.
We are bound by fate
One family, one blood.
Descendants will become us with you
Hope, faith and love.
And our spirit, continuing to live,
It will spill into grandchildren, great-grandchildren.
And never break
Ages of connecting thread.

We want to say a huge thank you to those to whom both young children and adults are indebted. These are our grandparents.

Students perform the folk song "Semyonovna", the dance "At the outskirts".

Leading. There is a wonderful Russian proverb about human life. It begins with the words: three times a man is wondrous. The first miracle is the birth into the world. The old families had many children. Everyone's birth is a joy. That's how spring is. How many times people meet her! So is the birth of man. We want to talk about large friendly families with more than three children.

The host calls large families.

1st student

A large family gathered at the table.
Here everyone is no longer considered a mouth.
You can’t say about these: “Eaters are sitting”.
The men gathered at the common table.

2nd student

There is a bearded father in the red corner.
Although he is gray-haired, he is still well done.
On the right hand, the mother was attached,
Wrinkles have long stopped counting.

3rd student

Beautiful daughters-in-law, as from Russian icons.
In the feast, order and law reign.
Kids without an account. Only one trouble
What happens, alas, is not always the case.

4th student

One in Krasnoyarsk, another in Togliatti,
And the youngest is the donkey near Moscow.
They will flock for a month, and then in a year.
Well, what can I say - restless people!

5th student

Old people are sad, but proud of their children.
Raised good and kind people.
And the fact that the children have gone everywhere,
After all, people around, will not leave you in trouble.

An orchestra of folk instruments sounds.

Leading. The children's hut is fun. All our joy, all our happiness lies in children. What are they dreaming about?


When I am an adult, I will be very formidable.
And my children will say: “Is it possible to take a walk?”
“What time is it? Ninth? It's probably too late
Well, I’ll say, guys, now march to bed!”
When I am an adult, I will be very formidable.
And my children will say: "Can't you play?"
I’ll say: “Did you play all day? Was the box broken?
Lost your coil? Now march to bed!”

The song "Little Country" sounds:

There are behind the mountains, behind the forests
Little country.
There miracles await us and secrets,
There life is full of love.
In this country always shines
Sunny bright light.
This country is called childhood
There is no evil or grief in it.

In this country we are just children
But we know the time will come
And on a winged chariot
We'll take flight.
The adult world, the world of wonderful discoveries
Each of us is waiting
But to return to the fairy tale of childhood
We will all be more than once.


Leading. We would like to end our holiday with the words of Olga Volkova, People's Artist of the USSR: “We stopped rejoicing, and the worst thing is, we stopped being surprised. To be surprised at everything: the birth of a child, the sunrise, the arrival of spring. Do not be rude to the elderly, feed him something tasty, even if he has no teeth; before death, say the last kind word. Give your time and pay attention to the child. Have pity on the woman. And a woman be patient a little, if her husband is worthy of it. Turn to your friends. Return to the traditions of home gatherings, visiting each other, joint holidays. The starting point in the process of our revival is the home, the family. I believe in this.”

And we believe that everything will be fine in your families, that there will always be goodness and harmony, comfort and peace in them, your family hearth will never go out. Health to you and all earthly blessings.

The song “Family Beacon” sounds (lyrics by O. Roshchin, music by L. Belova).

The house smells of pies,
Cleaned floors:
Will gather here today
People close to me.

There will be songs, there will be jokes
And play the accordion
And under grandmother's songs
He will not be silent for a long time.

I love the family hearth:
It is both clean and light.
Whatever it was outside
I feel comfortable and warm.

Too bad it's not for long...
Everything will pass like snow in spring.
I just want to see
Mom is young again.

The ships go to sea
The wind strained their sail.
To reach a distant goal
You need a compass and a beacon.

And so we go through life
For a distant dream
May our family be eternal
Guiding star.

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