Scenarios based on the works of bitter sparrow. The dramatization “What you teach a child to, you will receive from him” based on the work of M

Gulnara Valiullina
The dramatization “What you teach a child to, you will receive from him” based on the work of M. Gorky “Sparrow”


Dad Sparrow

Mother Sparrow

Vorobishko Pudik

On the stage there is a screen of a house, and in front of it is a nest, it is located on a hill. Mother is standing near the nest - Sparrow and sitting next to her Sparrow - Pudik. Vorobishko looks all around. In the distance - lies and sleeps a red cat. The cat occasionally glances at the nest.

Leading: In the village, a small nest, under the roof of an old hut,

lived sparrow with his family.

daddy the sparrow was very important,

And a mother, as one who loves her child,

She was caring and patient.

She loved everyone dearly

And their son Pudik was a little naughty.

Mother. What, what, my son, are you looking down?

Pudik. (shakes wings) Oh, the earth is too black! Oh, too much!

Arrived Sparrow - dad, brought insects to Pudik.

Dad. Am I Chiv? After all, I've been working all day! Am I Chiv?

Mother. Of course, chiv! More like chiv! After all, our Pudik will not grow without you.

Pudik. (swallows bugs) What are they boasting about? What are they boasting about? After all, they carry worms and midges. Here is a miracle!

(Mom and dad are stroking Pudik. Pudik has eaten. Again he sticks out of the nest and looks at everything around).

Mother (threatens): Child, Pudik, don't look at the ground! Look down - cheburahneshsya!

Pudik (open arms): What, what can I do, mom?

Dad (strictly): Not what, son, but just fall to the ground and the cat - chick! - and devour you!

Pudik: I'm sorry, what? I don't understand, chirp - chirp!

Mother (hugging him says and threatens): The wind will blow, Pudik, chirp on you! - and drop it! And you will fall into the paws of a red cat!

Pudik: Then don't let the trees sway! There will be no wind, there will be silence!

Mother (shaking head): Oh! Silly my son.

Pudik. And this why else, tweet?

Mother: Only man does not fall into the paws of cats. And if people had wings, they would catch us like midges. Be careful, Pudik, chirp - chirp!

Mom and dad stroke their son and fly away. They fly in the background of the stage.

Pudik (important): That's nonsense! What nonsense! When I grow up, I will make everyone fly big.

Pudik (sings): Oh, wingless man,

You have two legs.

Even though you are very big

The mosquitoes eat you!

And I'm quite small

But I myself eat midges.

Pudik sang and fell out of the nest. Sparrow - behind him. The cat rushed to Sparrow. Pudik spread his wings, sways on his feet.

Pudik: Chirik, chik-chik! Chirik, chik-chik! I have the honor, I have the honor.

Sparrow pushes Pudik aside. Leaps on the cat.

Mother: Get out! Away! Fly, son, hurry! Fly to the nest, fly.

Pudik jumped up, flapped his wings and flew into the nest. The cat jumped on Sparrow ripped off her tail. Sparrow escaped and flew into the nest.

Mother: What, what, son?

Pudik (lowering head): Well! Forgive me, I'll be careful! I will obey you!

The cat sits under the nest and cleans the feathers from its paws, looks at Vorobyov.

Cat: My-yakonky such sparrows, as if we are a donkey. Me-alas.

Leading: And that's the end of the story,

But remember, friends!

Such evil cats

You can always be expected

If you are disobedient and careless.

After all, mom and dad need to obey! Bye!

Related publications:

Dramatization based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen "The Princess and the Pea" (video report) Video material on the final work with older preschoolers. The event is dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia and presented at the Festival of Fairy Tales.

Dramatization based on the Russian folk tale "Alyonushka and the Fox" Dramatization of the fairy tale "Alyonushka and the Fox". A fairy tale can be shown at the New Year's holiday as a surprise moment. Characters: Alyonushka,.

Dramatization for children of middle preschool age based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" Purpose: staging a mini-performance based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" Tasks: - development of emotional responsiveness, artistry, expressiveness.

Educator: Barskova Nadezhda Nikolaevna Purpose: to introduce children to theatrical art, theatrical activities. Objectives: to promote.

For Mother's Day in our kindergarten, a performance based on the fairy tale "Mary the Artisan" was presented, in which all ages took part.

Presenter: Fairy tales roam the world, And we will tell you this story. It is familiar to everyone and very simple, But kindness always wins in it.

Target: acquaintance of preschoolers with the work of the writer Alexei Maksimovich Gorky.
The event is based on the preliminary reading by children of the fairy tales “The Case with Evseyka”, “Once upon a time there was a samovar”, “Sparrow” in the Social Rehabilitation Center and the creation of drawings and crafts based on the works.
- acquaintance with the biography of the writer;
- reporting in a playful way the main ideas of the author;
- mastering the deep national character of M. Gorky's literary tales.

Equipment: a multimedia projector for demonstrating the book trailers "The Case with Evseika", "Vorobishko".
Decor: exhibition of works by M. Gorky and children's drawings and crafts based on fairy tales.
For correct answers, each participant is awarded a token. At the end of the game, participants are awarded prizes.

LEADING: Good afternoon guys. March 28 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer Maxim Gorky. The real name of Maxim Gorky is Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. He was born on March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a carpenter. His parents died early, and little Alexei stayed with his grandfather. His grandmother instilled in him a love of literature.
For only two years he studied at the Nizhny Novgorod School. Then, due to poverty, he went to work. Gorky wrote many fairy tales for children: "The Tale of Ivan the Fool", "Sparrow", "Once upon a time there was a Samovar", "The Case with Yevseyka".
Remembering his difficult childhood, Gorky organized holidays for children from poor families, published a children's magazine.
From 1906 to 1913 he lived in the USA and Italy. After returning to Russia, he worked in publishing houses and was engaged in social activities. In 1921, due to an exacerbated illness, he again went abroad. The writer finally returned to Russia in October 1932. At home, Gorky continues to actively engage in writing, publishes newspapers and magazines. Maxim Gorky died on June 18, 1936 in the village of Gorki, Moscow Region.

Station "Adventures of Yevseyka in the underwater kingdom"

The boy Yevseyka comes in.
LEADING: Guys, what do you think, who came to us. Children's answers: Evseika.
YEVSEYKA: I know, guys, you liked the fairy tale "The Case with Evseika." I want to ask you questions.
Shows pictures, names underwater inhabitants, then children should recognize underwater inhabitants. There are (blue starfish, baleen lobsters, crab, sea anemones, sea lilies, shrimps, sea turtle, hermit crab, holothuria, siphonophores) in the fairy tale.
What fish are mentioned (pike, bream).
How Yevseyka returned to the shore (grabbed the gills of the fish).
Competition. Two teams have to color the image of a pike with pencils.

Viewing the booktrailer "The case with Yevseyka".

Curious Sparrow Station

LEADING: Guys, of course, you know the fairy tale about the sparrow.
What was his name? (Pudik).
Where did Pudik live? (above the window of the bath, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, moss and other soft materials).
What did dad feed Pudik? (insects and midges).
Guys, the wind often prevents birds from flying. Let's imagine that the wind is blowing and we are swaying from side to side.

The game "Swinging trees from the wind." We lean to the left for one, we lean to the right for two, we lean forward for three.

What color was the cat's fur? (redhead).
Koda Pudik fell out of the nest (when he sang verses of his own composition on the edge of the nest).
What was Pudik tweeting, standing in front of the cat? (I have the honor, I have the honor).
How did the fairy tale end? (Pudik was protected by the mother of the sparrow, he flew away, and the mother also flew away).
What was the main quality of Pudik? (curiosity, the desire to learn new things).
Viewing the booktrailer "Vorobishko".

Station "Life History of Samovar"

LEADING: guys, in ancient times the samovar was a favorite household item of people. Guests gathered around him. Alexei Maksimovich composed a fairy tale about a boastful samovar.
(Show a real samovar or its image).
The Samovar Boy enters (there is an image of a samovar on his chest).
BOY-SAMOVAR: Guys, do you recognize me? I want to ask you questions.
With whom did the samovar argue (with a teapot).
Who was present at the dispute (blue creamer and glass sugar bowl).
Why did the samovar fall into pieces (there was little water in it, it boiled away).
Why cups did not spare the samovar (he was arrogant, considered himself better than others).

Guys, you can’t turn on an electric samovar or a kettle if there is little water, and also put it on the stove.

Station "Literary confusion"

LEADING: Guys, fairy tales are mixed up. It is necessary to determine to which fairy tale the passages belong.

Once a little boy Yevseyka is a very good person! - sitting on the seashore fishing. ("The case with Yevseyka").

Forsisto snorting, as if he did not hear what the teapot said to him, sings to himself with all his might:
Phew, I'm hot!
Phew, how powerful I am!
I want to - I'll jump like a ball,
To the moon above the clouds! ("Once upon a time there was a samovar")

And everything ended happily, if you forget that mom was left without a tail. ("Sparrow").

LEADING: So the journey with the heroes of the fairy tales of Alexei Maksimovich Gorky came to an end. Now the participants of the competition of drawings and crafts and today's event will be awarded, after which we will drink tea by the samovar.


Gorky, M. Vorobishko: a fairy tale / M. Gorky; drawings by E. Charushin. - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1988. - 12 p. : ill.
Gorky, M. Once upon a time there was a samovar / M. Gorky. – URL:
Gorky, M. The case with Evseika: a fairy tale / M. Gorky; artist Y. Molokanov. - Moscow: Malysh, 1990. - 12 p. :. ill.
Video films based on the fairy tales "Vorobishko", "The Case with Yevseyka" Youtube

State educational institution elementary school No. 300

St. Petersburg
central District

Open lesson for students

For literary reading

M. Gorky "Sparrow"

Teacher: T.V. Kyaveryainen
3D class

2013 - 2014 academic year
Summary of a reading lesson in the 3rd grade on the topic "M. Gorky. "Sparrow""

Analyze a fairy tale: help children understand how to treat those who love them, value them.
Cultivate a sense of humor.
Developing the skills of expressing one's attitude to the characters.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

I give you my smile, and you give me yours. Color your mood.

- Today the hero of our lesson will be a representative of the feathered world. Listen to the riddle.

Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is it?

Children. Sparrow.

- That's right, or rather, the whole family. Pick up single words.

(Hanging a picture of a sparrow)

D. Sparrow, little sparrow, sparrows.

(Write on the board).

- Well done, how many words were named. And today we will get acquainted with another work by Maxim Gorky “Sparrow”.

(I am writing on the board).

2. Work with the work.

D. He was small, and perhaps bitter, loved him very much. He treated his hero well, he loved sparrows.

We will now find out who was right.

(Listening to the recording)

– What did you feel? Why was it funny?

D. When the sparrow fell, I was afraid for the sparrow. I felt sorry for my mother sparrow. It was funny to me, because Vorobishko was stupid. He didn't know anything about the world.

- Who was right? Prove it.

D. We were right about Pudik. He was small. We were right.

- Reread it again, mark unfamiliar words with a pencil, paint your mood-perception in parts (reading to yourself).

– Do you have any questions?

D. What is tow?

- Who knows what tow is?

D. This is used when building a house, laid for insulation between logs.

Who is the most unlucky? Why? Prove?

D. I think the cat, he was left without lunch. And I think the mother-sparrow, she was left without a tail.

- And who is lucky? Prove?

D. Pudik, he learned to fly.

- What kind of work? Why?

D. This is a fairy tale. Birds do not talk, only in fairy tales animals and birds talk like people.

- Let's pretend that we are Pudiks and sing a song.

(We all sing together)

- You said Pudik is small. Find words in the story that indicate this.

D. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and peeping out of the nest.

- How did you present it? Why? Prove? Find words in the text.

D. He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped ...

Dad flew in, brought insects to Pudik ...

Pudik thought: “What are they boasting about - they gave a worm with legs - a miracle.”

Why do trees sway? Let them stop then there will be no wind ...

Purely his wings were cut off by a cat, only the bones remained.

Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone must have wings. When I grow up big, I will make everyone fly.

- Think about what allowed him to reason like that, to criticize everything that surrounded him?

D. He thought he was the best. Mom and dad love him, they take care of him. Everyone must love him.

- Did the pudik ask interesting questions? So what is he? Prove?

D. Curious. He kept sticking out of the nest, interested in everyone. Cheerful. Everything was fine, there was nothing to be afraid of.

- Find the words of Pudik's parents who warned of danger.

D. The wind will blow on you - teal! And throw it to the ground - a cat!

Child, child, look, you're going crazy.

- Did Pudik trust his parents?

D. Didn't trust his parents. He thought he was being scared.

- Let's read the place where Pudik fell out of the nest.

D. He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang verses of his own composition at the top of his voice. He sang, sang, and fell out of the nest.

- Why do you think Maxim Gorky writes “without a tail” in two places? Find these places and read.

D. He probably felt sorry for Pudik's mother.

Then mom flew up - without a tail ...

Everything ended happily, if you forget that mom was left without a tail ...

- What is the tail for?

D. To fly. For beauty.

Will mom's tail grow back?

D. Probably how it is without a tail.

- No, guys, mom's tail will not grow back.

D. Then it will be difficult for her to fly without a tail. Sorry mom.

- Who does Pudik look like? And the sparrow?

D. Pudik looks like a child. Yes, he looks like a naughty child. Sparrow is like our mother.

- What do the sparrows and your mother have in common?

D. Pudik's mother and our mothers teach us something all the time. They worry about us, they wish us all the best. They are strong and determined.

Who has learned what?

D. Pudik learned to fly. He understood that he had to obey his elders.

- Will Pudik recover? Why?

D. Yes, he will improve. He will become obedient. He was very afraid of the cat. He will look at the world differently, his attitude towards his parents will change, he will love his parents.

– How is your mood? Draw. How has your mood changed?

D. At the beginning of the lesson, my mood was restless, timid. And now I have a cheerful, bright, warm, fabulous. It was interesting for me to talk about Pudik, about his actions. And I'm in a sad mood, because I feel sorry for Pudik's mother.

“See what good work does to us. That is why children love to read fairy tales, and people like funny humorous and satirical works. Read more.

3. Quiz based on the story of Maxim Gorky "Sparrow"

1. Where did the sparrow Pudik live?
Above the bath window
On the thickest oak branch
next to the fence

2. What did the sparrow chirp, looking out of the nest at the ground?
"Something there, what?"
"I want to go there!"
"Too black"

3. How did Pudik explain what caused the wind to blow?
The old janitor sweeps the yard and raises the wind
Someone from behind the house is blowing
The trees sway and make the wind

4. Who does Pudik describe like this: "The cat cut off his wings, only the bones remained"?

5. What did Pudik decide to do for everyone when he grows up?
So that everyone has wings and everyone can fly
For everyone to be fed
For everyone to be healthy

6. After what Pudik fell out of the nest?
After talking with the crow
After a song of his own composition
After I saw a cat and got scared

7. What color was the cat that decided to eat a sparrow that had fallen from the nest?
black and white
grey, striped

8. What lifted Pudik into the air and helped him fly to the window?
His mother

9. What did the mother of the sparrow lose in the battle with the cat?
Few feathers

10. What conclusion did Pudik draw from this situation?
"You can't learn everything at once!"
"A cat for birds is a fierce enemy"
"You need to learn to fly!"

4. Sign the picture


- Today you talked interestingly about Pudik, his actions. I suggest you draw Pudik at home the way you imagine him.

5. They argued very well ...

Thank you for your active work.

Safina Yazilya Yasavievna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Gymnasium No. 9"
Locality: Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan
Material name: abstract
Topic: Reading lesson in 3rd grade
Publication date: 10.10.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Reading lesson in 3rd grade

Our theatre. M. Gorky "Sparrow". Staging.


Learn to distribute roles, collectively discuss what they read, negotiate with each other

role-playing facial expressions, gestures, intonation.






M. Gorky







assign roles).

Personal: take part in dramatization




dramatization of the work, cards with the text of speech warm-up

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Greeting guests.

2. Speech warm-up (1 slide)

We have a reading lesson now. We will talk a lot.

Let's prepare our speech apparatus for vigorous activity.





What is required of you to get an A?

Working with a proverb (2 slide)

The epigraph of our lesson will be a proverb: "He's the size of a sparrow, but his heart is the size of a cat."

What do you think this proverb is about? (about brave people)

At the end of the lesson, we will return to it once again and analyze your answers.

3. Checking homework (3 slide)



works? What do you remember about Maxim Gorky from my story at the last lesson?






Gorky loved children very much, felt sorry for them, remembering his difficult situation. Organized for

Nizhny Novgorod children from the poorest families Christmas trees, a free skating rink. Was


and editor of the first Soviet children's magazine Severnoye

shine". He corresponded with children, and these letters brought joy to the writer,

nourished his creativity. Real name and surname Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov.

I want to add to your story. When Maxim was 16 years old, he came to our city

Kazan to enter the university, but the knowledge was not enough, so he had to

work. He worked as a baker in a bakery. This building is still preserved - there is a museum

M. Gorky.

4. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will continue to work with the work "Sparrow", we will learn to reason.


let's think

M. Gorky


In the last lesson, you were asked to learn some facts about the life of sparrows. Who

did it? What did you learn sparrows? (slides 4,5,6,7)

by chance


domestic, because they live only where a person lives. sparrows live

settled and usually do not fly beyond the borders of the city or village where they appeared

into the world. They feed on plant seeds. The male sparrow is different from the female

bright plumage. They form one pair for life. At young sparrows around

beak yellow plumage. They are called "yellowmouths"

Vocabulary (slide 8)

When you reread the text at home, you had to mark with a pencil unfamiliar

words and work with the explanatory dictionary.

Sparrow - mother of a small sparrow

Yellowmouth - about chicks, with yellowness near the beak

Platband - an invoice strip around a door or window

Tow - coarse threads obtained from plants

too much - too much

Child is a child

He spread his wings - clumsily spread his wings to the sides

rank - position

Happily - fortunately

Well done boys! You did an excellent job.


And now let's remember the content of the work. A group of children prepared

for us a performance based on this work. Let's invite them here.


Work with text

Here we recalled the content of the work. Now let's talk

we will argue with you.

What genre does this piece belong to? Why?



they talk like people.

How many characters are in this story? (3) Who is the main character of the work, what is his name?

(Sparrow, Pudik)


So you found out that Pudik is small, find the words in the fairy tale that indicate this.

He hasn't tried flying yet. But he was already flapping his wings and peeping out of the nest.

What sound is more common in the speech of heroes? (chik - chirp)

How did you present it? Why? Prove it. Find the words in the text

He was carefree, reasoned, criticized everything.

He shook his wings and looked at the ground. Tweeted ... Dad flew in. brought

bugs Pudik.

Pudik thought: “What are they boasting about - they gave a worm with legs - a miracle”

Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind ...

Purely his wings were cut off by a cat. Only bones remained. Nonsense! Nonsense! Everyone should

have wings. When I grow up big, I will make everyone fly ...

Think about what allowed him to reason like that, to criticize everything that surrounded him?

He thought he was the best. His parents love him, feed him, take care of him.

And Pudik asked a lot of questions, so what is he, guys?

Curious. He kept leaning out of the nest and wondering.

And he is also cheerful. Everything was fine, there was nothing to be afraid of.



I propose

some character traits. Choose from them those that suit our hero. And

try to make 2-3 sentences about Pudik. What is he? (slide 9)

little unintelligent

naughty obedient

boastful brave

wise stupid

bold cowardly

caring brave

inexperienced inquisitive


5. Physical education minute (1 0 slide)

The sparrow stood up on its paws. Ready to charge. He spread his wings, feathers


turned around


Bent down,

stood up, loudly - loudly laughed



What is the mother like in this story? (caring, loving. Worries about Pudik)

Find the words of Pudik's parents who warned of danger. (The wind will blow

on you - teal! And throw it to the ground - a cat! Child, child, look, you're going crazy.)

Did Pudik trust his parents? (no, I didn’t believe it. He thought he was being scared)

So our Pudik is still what? (overconfident)

Working with illustration

And now guys, open page 137, look at the illustration. Pick lines from

text to it.

fell out

felt Pudik? (he was very scared)

What would you feel?

6. Continued work on the topic of the lesson

Here we come to the end of the story. Let's read the end of the story.

And everything ended happily, if you forget that mom was left without a tail ...

Yes, guys, everything ended well, the sparrow survived.

To whom does he owe his life?

Mom sacrificed herself for the sake of a disobedient son, but she herself was left without a tail. And for

why do you need a tail? (in order to fly, for beauty)

Will mom grow a tail? (No)

Mom's tail won't grow back. Then it will be difficult for her to fly without a tail. Do you feel sorry for your mother?

During the lesson, we talked about our feelings.


(Pudik looks like a little one,


child. Sparrow looks like mom.)

What do sparrows and your mother have in common?

You see what a mother's love can do.

Remember the beginning of the tale: Sparrows have exactly the same way as humans.

Who learned what in the story?

Will Pudik get better? Why?


And what have we learned?

Remember the proverb we talked about at the beginning of the lesson. Who is she talking about.

What should we always remember?

If you don't believe your mom, it will end badly!

7. Reflection

How do you end the lesson?

What did you praise yourself for today?

8. Homework

Reasoning on the topic: "What happens if you do not obey your parents ..."

Dramatization based on the fairy tale by M. Gorky fairy tale "Sparrow"

Target: to educate in children observation, modesty, the ability to evaluate their actions.

Lesson progress

I. Introductory word of the educator.

Today we have a very interesting lesson.

Guess the riddles:

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat insects, worms.

I don't fly away for the winter

I live under the ledge. (Sparrow.)

In a gray feather coat

And in the cold he is a hero:

Jumps, frolics on the fly,

Not an eagle, but still a bird. (Sparrow.)

little bird,

Has legs,

And he can't walk.

Wants to take a step

It makes a jump. (Sparrow.)

II. A conversation about sparrows.

Educator. Before you is an image of a flock of sparrows. What can you tell about these birds?

Children talk about sparrow habits.

III. Watching a video about the habits and life of sparrows.

IV. Sparrow dance.

Y. Antonov's song "Sparrow Disco" sounds.

To the melody of the song, children dance, performing the following movements: jumping, clapping, flapping their arms (wings), turning their heads to the right, to the left. They represent sparrows.

V. Staging a fairy tale. "Sparrow".

Characters: storyteller, Sparrow-mom, Pudik, Sparrow-father, Cat.

Storyteller. Once upon a time there was a yellow-mouthed sparrow, his name was Pudik. He could not yet fly, but he was already flapping his wings and peeping out of the nest: he wanted to know what the world is?

Sparrow mother. I'm sorry, what?

Pudik (looks at the ground). Too black, too black!

Sparrow-father (brought insects to his son, boasts). Am I Chiv?

Sparrow-mother (approves). Chiv, chiv!

Pudik (aside). What are they boasting about! They gave a worm with legs - a miracle! (Steps out of the nest.)

Sparrow - mother (restlessly). Look, you're freaking out!

Pudik. What, what?

Sparrow-father (explains). Yes, not with anything, but you will fall to the ground, cat - chick! And swallow! (Flying off to hunt.)

Storyteller. One day the wind blew. The trees swayed.

Pudik. I'm sorry, what?

Sparrow mother. The wind will blow on you - teal! And throw the cat to the ground!

Pudik (capriciously). Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind ...

Sparrow mother. It can't be done. It doesn't depend on us.

PUDIK (watching from the nest, sees the peasant). Oh what is it? Purely his wings were cut off by a cat. Only bones remain!

Sparrow mother. It's a man, they're all wingless!

Pudik. Why?

Sparrow mother. They have such a rank to live without wings, they always jump on their feet, choo!

Pudik. What for?

Sparrow mother. If they had wings, then they would catch us, like me and daddy midges.

Pudik. Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! Everyone must have wings. Chat, it's worse on the ground than in the air! When I grow up big, I will make everyone fly.

Storyteller. Pudik did not believe his mother: he still did not know that if he did not believe his mother, it would end badly. He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang verses of his own composition at the top of his voice.

Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs

Even though you are very big

The mosquitoes eat you!

And I'm quite small

But I myself eat midges.

Storyteller. He sang, sang and fell out of the nest, and the sparrow followed him, and the cat - red, green eyes - right there.

Cat. Meow!

Pudik (spread his wings, chirping). I have the honor, I have the honor...

Sparrow-mom (pushing Pudik aside, opening her beak, aiming at the cat's eye). Away, away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly...

Pudik (one-time - and on the window). I'm flying, mom, I'm flying!

Cat. Meow! Meow meow! (Grabs Sparrow by the tail.)

Sparrow-mom (breaks out of the paws of the cat, sits down next to Pudik, pecks at the back of his head). I'm sorry, what!

Pudik. Well! You can't learn everything right away.

CAT (looks at them). Mya-akonky such a little sparrow, like we are a baby, meow ...

Storyteller. And everything ended happily, if you forget that mom was left without a tail.

VI. Fairy tale conversation.

Why was the sparrow left without a tail?

How did the parents take care of the sparrow?

What was the sparrow?

What was the sparrow like?

What feelings does this story evoke?

What does she teach?

VII. Drawing illustrations for a fairy tale.

At the end of the lesson there is a drawing competition.

VIII. Reflection of the lesson.

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