Scenario of the event “Visiting Soyuzmultfilm. Event dedicated to the international day of cartoons

Elena Pereverzova

October 28 is international cartoon day. And how can you miss such a wonderful day. Finally, this is a small I got the event.

I called it "Journey to the country animation"

Target Events: to generalize and consolidate children's knowledge of acquaintances cartoons.


develop memory, thinking, speech of children;

develop communication skills, skills of interaction with each other;

cultivate interest and love for cartoons;

to introduce children to such a genre of cinema as animation;

develop the ability to recognize cartoons and cartoon characters image and musical accompaniment.

Equipment: computer, presentation "How to create cartoons", records with children's songs from cartoons, split pictures "Collect cartoon character"for each child, pictures with heroes cartoons and scenes from cartoons to create a collective collage, whatman paper, scissors and glue for each child, a disk with cartoons.

Event progress:

caregiver: Children, October 28 was international cartoon day. Tell me do you love cartoons? (children's answers)

caregiver: What is your favorite cartoon? (Children talk about their favorite cartoons)

caregiver: Do you want to know how and who creates cartoons? (Yes). Then I propose to go to the camp " Animation"

Showing the presentation "" How to create cartoons"

After watching, we discussed the presentation we watched with the children.

caregiver: And now, I propose to complete a few tasks since we are in a magical land " cartoons"

1st task "Collect cartoon character"

On the tables were plates with split pictures on which are depicted cartoon characters, children collected a picture.

Having collected the picture, they named the hero and what he is from cartoon.

2nd musical task "Guess which cartoon song»

The children listened to songs from cartoons(singing happily) and guessed

3rd task creating a collage "We love cartoons

Children cut out pictures with the image cartoon characters or cartoon scenes and pasted on whatman paper creating a collective collage.

at the end of our little journey to stan" cartoons", having completed three tasks, I propose to choose cartoon to view and watch it. On this our event ended. The children were delighted!

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Purpose of the event: preparation and holding of the educational and entertaining event “Animated show “Space Borsch” by the teacher of additional education, students and parents of the creative association “Masterilka”, for the effective interaction of all participants in the educational process.
Tasks: activation of cognitive interests of students; involvement of parents in joint activities; organization of interaction "teacher - student - parent"; increasing the creative activity of students, the development of the motivational sphere.
Participation in the event:
Teacher of additional education: scenario development, event organization;
Students: team members (7 teams of 5 people, 10 - 12 years old); theatrical performances, meeting guests;
Parents: participation in the preparation of the necessary props, holding the event (host, jury).
- Music from cartoons.
- A poster (A hedgehog standing on a pine branch is drawn on a blue background, and double-sided tape is glued all over the background), drawn from a frame from the cartoon "If the Stars Fall"
- Cartoon "If the stars fall" KIEVNACHFILM, 1978 Director: Gracheva Alla.
- Pictures depicting vegetables (Appendix 1).
- Sheets A-3 with the outlined contour of the earth (Appendix 3).
- Caps with the image of vegetables.
- Envelope with details to create cartoon characters.
- Sheet with text.
- Pictures depicting cartoon characters (Appendix 3).
- Evaluation sheet for the jury.
- For each team: glue - pencil, felt-tip pens, pens, paper.
Event progress:
Fun music from cartoons sounds. At the entrance to the hall there is a poster, near which the Bear and the Girl are standing, meeting the guys.
The bear gives stars to all the guests and says: “Hello, help the Hedgehog and I collect all the stars in the sky, guys, come up to the poster and stick your star wherever you want. Tomorrow is Cosmonautics Day and we are gathering our starry sky.”
The girl also says: “Hello, help the Bear and the Hedgehog collect all the stars in the sky, guys go to the poster and stick your star wherever you want. Tomorrow is Cosmonautics Day and we are gathering our starry sky.”
Students stick stars, go into the hall and take their seats. The cartoon "If the Stars Fall" is shown on the screen.

Leading: Hello dear guys. Hello dear guests! Today is the most wonderful day of the year. Because we met at the fantastic holiday “Space Borsch Animated Show”, and what fantastic holiday can be without a riddle?
Leading: Let's watch a video riddle, and you will guess it. (Viewing a video fragment about the city).
Leading: What city is this mystery about? That's right, this is our city, the most beautiful and wonderful in the world - Yugorsk. (There is noise and roar)
Leading: Who came to us?
Alien dance
Leading: Here are such wonderful alien little men who reminded us that tomorrow is a holiday, what?
Leading: International Day of Cosmonautics. What was the name of the person who first flew into space? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin).
Leading: On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on the Vostok-1 spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the Earth. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes.
Leading: Guys, we probably do not live alone in our huge galaxy, and there are other residents?
Leading: Imagine, one day a flying saucer landed in our city and a green alien appeared from it ... (Watching a cartoon about the city, created by students of the creative association "Masterilka").
Leading: The alien flew away, but sent us a message video message.
“Hello, I'm from the planet Shrob. My son was given homework to make a cartoon about space borscht. But, unfortunately, on my planet they have lost all the knowledge about how to make cartoons. Help us"
Leading: Guys, are you ready to help the boy from the planet Shrob complete the task?
Music from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet"
Leading: Oh, listen guys, it seems that someone has come to us again.
A girl enters with a flower in her hands
Girl: Hello, my name is Alisa Selezneva. I came to you from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet". Who has seen this cartoon? That's wonderful, then you know that unusual mirror flowers grow on the third planet, which remember everything they see.
Girl: I brought such a flower at the request of my friend from the planet Shrob, for you when I found out that you would have a "Cartoon Show". This is a very difficult flower, each of its leaves will remember everything that you will do. And then I'll send it back.
Leading: Thank you, Alice, sit down, you will be a guest at our holiday. That's what a good assistant we have, let him listen.
1 child.- Everyone loves to watch cartoons: both adults and children. Cartoons are part of our life. We learn from cartoon characters about kindness and justice, courage and honesty.
2 child- We often hear animated film, animated film. Do you think animation and animation are the same or different concepts?
1 child- Animation means animation or animation, this is the Western name for animation.
Leading: In our country, it is customary to say - animation, which means multiplication, increase. These are techniques for obtaining movement with the help of several or many still images.
Animation and animation are different names for the same art form.
2 child- Guys, do you like cartoons? You must have seen a lot of them. Are cartoons all the same or are they different from each other?
Leading: Done, right. Cartoons are made using different technologies. Name what cartoons are according to the technique of execution.

  • Drawn - consist of numerous drawings.
  • Cartoons in the transfer technique - the characters have body parts separately and when shooting they are shifted, thereby creating movement.
  • Puppet - cartoons with voluminous puppet characters.
  • Animation of objects - the characters of these cartoons can become any object that can be moved.
  • Silhouette animation - cartoons of shadows, where illumination from below is used.
  • Animation of bulk materials - for example, sand.
  • Computer cartoons - cartoons created using a computer.
  • We all know well drawn and puppet cartoons, computer animation has also become a part of our lives. Someone likes some cartoons, someone else.

Leading: How are cartoons made? You know?
2 Child: We will tell you now.
1 Child: Discussion and search for a topic for the plot. Script writing. We already have a topic, what is it? (space borscht)
2 Child: Storyboard. Breakdown and rendering of scenes of the future cartoon.
1 Child: Creation of characters and scenery from improvised material.
2 Child: Shooting scenes.
1 Child: Selection of musical accompaniment.
2 Child: Mounting.
1 Child: Voice acting.
2 Child: Cartoon premiere.
Leading: Guys, look what an unusual space flower. Its petals have already memorized the information received. This will help us go through the main stages of creating a cartoon, each leaf will be a test for you in the game.
Leading: Our "Cartoon show" will be held in the form of a team competition. The team is invited to welcome...
Exit and presentation of commands. (Teams came up with a name and distinctive symbols in advance).
Leading: Many thanks to the team, it was a pleasure to meet you. Good luck to everyone, and let me introduce our fair and independent jury.
Leading: Well guys, let's turn to our assistant in our show - this is a cosmic seven-flower, it's time to start the game. Remind me what we need to make a cartoon about, who listened carefully?
Leading: That's right, about space borscht, and now guess my riddles. Children guess riddles and get a picture with a guessed vegetable.

1. She hides from the sun
Under a bush in a deep mink,
Brown is not a bear,
In a mink - but not a mouse. (Potatoes)

2. Garlic beloved brother,
And no one is to blame
Who will touch him
Instantly sheds a tear. (Onion)

3. For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar.

4. What's a fiddle? What's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch.
If I ... (Cabbage)
5. It is sweet, bitter,
Yellow, red, thick, thin,
riddles, riddles about vegetables
Round, long, small, large;
The owner's friend is the best. (Pepper)

6. As in our beds
Riddles have grown
Juicy and round
Those are big ones.
They turn green in summer
And by autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

7. He bites - but not a dog.
There is a tooth, but where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is it, tell me ... (Garlic)

Leading: Put the pictures on the table, we'll need them later. I'm inviting a team representative... to pick a petal!
In turn, a representative from each team will come out and choose a petal task, and then all teams will perform it.
Music plays in the background while the children complete tasks.
Leading: So let's start.
RED PETAL - Voice acting
Leading: Guys, now we will watch fragments of cartoons without sound. Your task is to come up with dialogues, words for the cartoon characters. Then we will turn on the cartoon again, and the characters will speak with your voices. There are 7 fragments in total.
Each team turns on the dialogue of heroes from the cartoon without sound. The team is making voiceovers. After we turn on the original.
- fragment No. 1- "Belka and Strelka lunar adventures"
- fragment No. 2 - "Big Wow"
- fragment No. 3 - "Dunno on the moon"
- fragment No. 4 - "The Secret of the Third Planet"
- fragment No. 5- “Prisoners of Yamagiri-maru”
- fragment No. 6 - "Contact"
- fragment No. 7 - "Flight to the Moon"
ORANGE PETAL - Create Heroes
Each team receives a glue - a pencil, an envelope with details.
Leading: Guys, there are leaflets on your tables, vegetables are drawn on them, each team has its own. Now you will receive glue and envelopes with details to create the image of the hero - eyes, ears, arms, legs. You will need to stick the details on the drawing to get a character for the cartoon. The number of eyes, ears at your discretion. The drawing of the received hero must be signed and submitted for evaluation by the jury. You have 3 minutes for everything.
Each team receives a piece of paper with the text: Once, in early spring, grandmother Shura called me and said: “Sasha, I just saw an alien saucer fly over our meadow and land.” She assured me that it was definitely a plate. She flashed lights from all sides. I rejoiced and told her to watch further. During the evening, grandmother Shura called me five times and reported about the alien saucer. And in the morning, encouraged by my mother, we went to the meadow to look at this miracle. As we approached this place, we saw that...
Leading: The task is this: come up with an ending to the story.
Leading:For example, a real plate stands and flashes all the lights below, and little green men run around and chirp something in their bird language. And then everyone ran into the plate and it disappeared.
Leading: You have 3 min.
GREEN PETAL - Making decorations
Everyone is given the same A-3 sheets with the outlined contour of the earth.
Leading:Scenery play a very important role in the cartoon. The scenery is the scene in which the events of the cartoon story take place. This is the space in which the heroes move, and the objects that the heroes can manipulate.
Leading: Guys, in 3 minutes you need to fill the sheet with images of dishes, plants, everything you might need to make the scenery for the cartoon about space borscht.
BLUE PETAL - Shooting(Display photo of object)
Students receive hats with the image of vegetables and objects
Leading: We do not forget that we have a space borscht, so we must take a photograph accordingly. Now each team will receive hats and a task. Your task is to take a live photo of your task, that is, to depict the plot. Preparation time 3 minutes.
1. 4 Luke run away from the Cook.
2. 4 Potatoes - boiled in a tight Saucepan.
3. 4 Tomatoes - do not want to go to the Meat Grinder.
4. 4 The cabbages pretended to be a caterpillar so that the caterpillar would not recognize them.
5. 4 Carrots were scared of Grater.
6. 4 Peppers are fried with pleasure in a Frying Pan.
7. 4 Garlic scare the Germ.
BLUE PETAL - Montage
Leading: The next task is to come up with a caption for the frame. A catchphrase or instructive phrase, proverb, morality. For example, "I'm not greedy, I'm homely!". Time for preparation 3 min.
Teams are given pictures of cartoon characters.
VIOLET PETAL - Musical accompaniment "Guess the melody".
Leading: Our competition is called "Guess the melody". You will listen to short excerpts of melodies from cartoons. Whoever guesses the name of the cartoon first raises his flag.
Leading: Attention! You must remember the full correct name of the cartoon. The jury will keep track of who raised the flag first and help us in all contentious issues.
1. Cat Leopold. (If you are kind).
2. Little raccoon. (Smile).
3. Song about traces (Masha and the bear)
4. Octopuses. (Stick, stick, cucumber).
5. Mom for a mammoth. (Song of the Mammoth).
6. Dobrynya Nikitich and Serpent Gorynych. (They sat on the golden porch).
7. Big secret for a small company.
8. Bremen town musicians. (Let there be no stake and no yard).
9. Fun carousel. (Red, red, freckled).
10. Winnie the Pooh. (Winnie the Pooh song. If I scratch my head).
11. Winter in buttermilk. (Song of the cat Matroskin).
12. Crocodile Gena. (Song of the old woman Shapoklyak).
13. Flying ship. (Chatushki Butterflies Hedgehog).
14. Chamomile train. (Song of the train).
Girl: The flower is filled with knowledge, and I will take it to the planet Shchorb. Thank you and goodbye!
The girl leaves.
Leading: This was the last test in our cartoon show, it's time to take stock.
The jury sums up.
Leading: While the jury is deliberating, we will move on to the most interesting stage of creating a cartoon: viewing the finished work!
Viewing an animated cartoon created by students of the creative association "Masterilka" "Give fire like Prometheus."
Leading: Who do you think is the author of the cartoon "Give Fire Like Prometheus"? The guys from the creative association "Masterilka", who participated in the second All-Russian competition "Talents of Russia" and became the winners of this competition, took 1st place!
Leading: Cartoons can be made by hand. And believe me, it is very interesting and exciting to create your own cartoon! The results will exceed all expectations! You can enjoy the cartoon you created yourself, as well as show it to all your friends, and you can send the cartoon you made to the amateur cartoonist competition, and then you will win national recognition! Dare!
Leading: The most exciting moment of our show has come, now we will find out who won this game.
Rewarding teams with prizes and diplomas.
Leading: Dear friends, our "Cartoon Show" has come to an end, thank you very much for your participation. You showed yourself as real creative personalities, you were attentive, resourceful, extraordinary thinking, in a word, real animators. We wish you good luck in all your creative endeavors, all the best to you, goodbye!

The script for the holiday

80th anniversary of the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm"

Cartoon Journey.

Dramatization of songs from cartoons»

1.Multi - Pulti - a wonderful country!

How much joy she gives!

Here you can see this

What to say in a fairy tale

Can't describe with a pen!

2. More fun, music, play,

Gather all your friends to visit us,

Let the cartoon characters again

We will be entertained

They will mourn with us

They will play with us!

1. Hello dear guys!

2. Good afternoon! Today we have an unusual holiday - the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" turned 80 years old! On August 30, 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio was born. Remember this date.

1. Guys, do you know that many people make cartoons. This is a director and operator. A master who makes dolls. There is an artist - a cartoonist who draws cartoon characters. The actors who voice them. Composers and poets.

2. We all love to watch cartoons. Know a lot of the characters. And today we will remember our favorite cartoons, their heroes, we will test our knowledge in a quiz game.

1. Guys, you know a red-haired cheerful sunny boy who didn’t want to go digging potatoes so much, but at the same time he really liked to eat delicious food. Of course, this is Antoshka. In the performance of 1 "a" class, the song "Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes" sounds. By the way, this cartoon is 47 years old. Meet!

2. Malvina, I know that your favorite holiday is the New Year. Have you already started preparing for it?

1. Of course. I even know that the guys of the 1st "b" class are also preparing for the New Year's holiday. They even learned the song "Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree, Forest Aroma" from the cartoon "New Year's Tale".

2. Malvina, yesterday I went to visit my grandmother. When I was returning home, and it was late in the evening, I saw that the light was on in the forest school. I looked out the window, and there you can imagine - the Wolf and the hare in New Year's costumes are rehearsing something. What, I didn't understand.

1. For that, I understand. Now you will see. Performed by the 1st "in" class, the New Year's song "Tell me, Snegurochka" sounds

2. Malvina, tell me, please, if there was no winter, what would it be?

1. And we will ask this from the 1st "g" class. The guys in their song will tell us how we would live if there was no winter. Meet!

1. Little Red Riding Hood, please tell me, are you afraid of robbers?

2. Of course not! And you will not be afraid when you get acquainted with the song of the robbers performed by the 2nd "a" class.

1. Little Red Riding Hood, if you are not afraid of robbers, then who are you afraid of?

2. Well, wolf. Although no, Babu Yaga, probably.

1. What are you doing! There is no need to be afraid of her! After all, in the country of Multi-Pulti all Grandmothers-Yagusenki are kind and cute. They can also sing and dance! Look! Meet Babok-Ezhek from 2 "b" class!

2. What kind of birds are these
Swim in the water?
speckled wings,
The legs are pawed.
In a merry song
Grandmother feeds them.
Guess who it is?
Well, of course …

1. geese! Performed by 2 "in" class, the song "Two Merry Geese" sounds

2. I so want to lie on the warm sand on this winter day, close my eyes and sing: I'm lying in the sun ... The director of the cartoon, Inessa Kovalevskaya, asked what this cartoon was about: - This film just gives a good mood. Let's plunge into the warm summer and listen to the song of the Turtle and the Lion cub performed by the 2nd "d" class.

1. Once upon a time there was a small boat "Chizhik", which carried goods along the river: brought newspapers to lumberjacks, medicines to the hospital, magazines to the teacher. Once he decided to compete with an ocean liner and got into a storm that threw him onto a wonderful island called Chunga Changa. On this island they live simply and easily, they eat bananas, coconuts. Meet 3 "a" class with a song about a carefree life.

2. Many songs are heard in our favorite cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". And you know, guys, that all the roles in it are voiced by one actor, Oleg Anofriev. Composer Gennady Gladkov and poet Yuri Entin composed a musical fairy tale.
Actor Vasily Livanov recalled:
- On the go, they began to figure out how the characters would look like. Here, for example, one of the characters - Donkey, a wandering artist. And we presented him with a long shaggy mane and bangs - he has no time to get a haircut, he is always on the road. His mane burned out in the sun and became quite light, yellow. To keep his head warm, he wears a light cap with a visor like a cyclist. And we will have a dog with blue hair. The cat knows how to show tricks, the Rooster is a drummer ...

1. The song "There is nothing better in the world ..." is performed for you by students of grade 3 "b".

2. Guys, do you like funny, red-haired, mischievous kids? And I love them too. Hear the story of the red-haired boy everyone laughed at until the sun gilded everyone and everyone turned red. Meet, 3 "B" class!

1. Guys, tell me, please, who said these words:
- It's good that you're so flat and green!

Those who help people are wasting their time! That's right, Old Woman Shapoklyak.

2. Let's talk about your favorite cartoon 3 "d" class. Stage designer Leonid Shvartsman recalled working on the cartoon: - The first image of Cheburashka appeared like this: I drew a circle with a compass, attached ears, eyes to it - it's done! Then, from sketch to sketch, the ears increased and the legs decreased - this made the hero funnier.
But the image of Gene was born quite simply. I imagined a gentleman wearing a hat and smoking a pipe.
Let's listen to the famous song "Blue Wagon" performed by the 3rd class.

1. Do you know that 4 "a" class has a favorite cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". I'll tell you a secret, the guys at the end of the fourth grade want to visit the city of Bremen, and it is located in Germany. Meet the 4a's with a song about friends.

2. This cat is the kindest in the world.

He mice in his apartment

Always said what needed to be

Cats and mice live together.

That's right, guys, the kindest cat in the world is Leopold the cat. Meet 4 "b" with the song "If you are good"

1. Guys, a dog named Druzhok disappeared from the 4th "c" class. His signs

2. The puppy is snow-white, only red spots, only red spots and a tassel tail, he is very amusing, he is very amusing, still quite stupid, gullible dog.

1. If you find it, please return 4 "in" class for a big reward. Meet, 4 "in", with the song "Lost Dog"

2. While the jury is summing up the results, Vodyanoy will play a quiz game with you.

(Appendix 1,2,3 with presentation)

1. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury - …….

2. So our fascinating journey to the country of cartoons has ended.

1. It's time to say goodbye! Until we meet again!

Attachment 1

Guess the cartoon characters

1. Olya, ours, to the zoo,
I went with my brother
Look at the monkeys and Gena-… .
(crocodile, cartoon "Crocodile Gena") Slide 2

2. A shaggy baby elephant was looking for his mother.
He pestered everyone: “Whose child am I?”
The kid had a lot to experience!
The elephant accepted him like a mother.
(Mammoth, cartoon "Mom for a mammoth") Slide 3

3. He is not a soft toy,
And from a fairy tale an animal.
He worked at the zoo
And lived with a crocodile.
The fur on him is like a shirt.
The name of the beast is ... (Cheburashka, cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena") Slide 4

4. In Prostokvashino their house,
Four people live.
Which of them have a fine day
Suddenly fell into a pond?
(Ball, cartoon "Uncle Fedor, dog and cat"") Slide 5

5. Have you heard about him?
Knows everything and everything.
"Have you been to Tahiti?" -
Ask him yourself.
Yes, it's a simple puzzle!
What was the parrot's name?
(Kesha, cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot") Slide 6

6. This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees drove and flies.
bear name,

Of course - ... (Winnie the Pooh, the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh") Slide 7

7. He is always like a day of jam,
Celebrates a birthday
Pressing a button on the pants,
To take flight
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy, "in the prime of his life."
Who is he? Give me an answer.
(Carlson, cartoon "Kid and Carlson") Slide 8

8. The turtle is three hundred years old.
She is no longer older.
And she told
The secret that I knew
And which she kept
Pinocchio gave the key:
“Here it is, the golden key.
Open the door to the city of Happiness.
I'll stay here in the pond"
What is the turtle's name?
(Tortilla, cartoon "The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Golden Key") Slide 9

9. This cat is the kindest in the world.
He mice in his apartment
Always said what needed to be
Cats and mice live together.
(Cat Leopold, cartoon "Cat Leopold") Slide 10.

Appendix 2

Quiz Slide 11

1. Heroes, from which cartoon do they sing a song about the island "Chunga-Changa"? ("Katerok") Sl.12
2. A cartoon about a veterinarian? ("Doctor Aibolit") Sl. 13

3. What did the Hedgehog lose in the fog? (Knot) DC 14

4. What did little Raccoon vomit by the pond? (sedge) Sl.15.

5. In which cartoon was the growth of the boa constrictor measured? ("38 Parrots") Sl.16

6. Name the evil of old age. Does her name match the name of the hat?
(Shapoklyak) Sl. 17

7. What was the name of the kitten who suggested being afraid together?
(Kitten Woof) Sl. eighteen

8. What is the name and patronymic of the postman Pechkin? (Igor Ivanovich) sl.19

9. What was the name of the big black cat from the Jungle? (Bagheera) w.20

10. Name the boy who went to live in the village. (Uncle Fyodor) sl.21

Appendix 3

Competition "Know the artist" slide 22
- You need to find out the artist who either voiced the cartoon character or sang a song for this character.

1. Who voiced Carlson? (Vasily Livanov) sl.23

2. Who spoke for Cheburashka? (Clara Rumyanova) sl.24

3. Who voiced the Waterman and sang a song for him? (Anatoly Papanov) sl.25

4. Did you voice and sing songs for Ivanushka from the cartoon "The Flying Ship"?
(Mikhail Boyarsky) sl.26

6. Who voiced the cat Matroskin? (Oleg Tabakov) sl.28

7. Which artist sang for all the characters in the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians"?
(Oleg Anofriev) sl.29

8. Which actress voiced Vovka from the thirtieth kingdom? (Rina Zelenaya) sl.30

9. The artist who spoke for the postman Pechkin? (Boris Novikov) sl.31

10. The artist who voiced Freken Bok? (Faina Ranevskaya) sl.32

Scenarios for children's parties - scenarios for children's parties Cartoons come to visit - children's party script Characters



Images of cartoon characters: Shrek, Thumbelina, Leopold the cat, Tom and Jerry, Winnie the Pooh,

Leaflets with the names of cartoon characters,

cartoon dvd,

Medals with the name Multi-Pulti.

The Multi-Remote enters the room.

Multi-Remote: Hello kids! Hello adults! I

- Multi-Remote. Once I was invented by one artist, he wanted to make me the main character of his cartoon, but, alas ... Soon he came up with another character, but forgot about me.

I came into your world by accident. My permanent residence

- the country of multimilitary.

We have a lot of fun there. You can meet the characters of any cartoon ... By the way, now we will try to meet them. Do you know how? Children: No.

Multi-Remote: I will tell you riddles about cartoons, and you will guess them. Deal?

Children: Agreed!


He is fat, green,

A little funny

In love with Fiona.

Well, who is he?

Multi-Remote hangs a picture of Shrek on the wall. The child receives a sweet prize for each correctly guessed answer.


Her fate is complex and difficult,

She was the bride of Mole.

They wanted to marry her with Toad,

But happiness with an elf met her own.


Multi-Remote hangs the image of Thumbelina.


You can't find a kinder cat in the world,

Mice-pranksters, he can forgive everything.

There is no need to think long, in general.

He always says "Let's live together!".

(cat Leopold)

An image of the cat Leopold is hung on the wall.

And here's another cat

- another,

He's not kind, but he's not evil either.

All his life

- racing for a small mouse,

With which weave intrigues on each other.

(Tom and Jerry)

There is a picture of Tom and Jerry hanging on the wall.

He visits in the morning.

Where is the honey, he is right there,


Well, what's his name?

(Winnie the Pooh)

Well done! All my riddles have been solved. And the cartoons are already with us - here they are! (Points to the images hanging on the wall.) In our cartoon country there are evil characters, but there are kind ones, there are funny ones, but there are sad ones, there are fat ones, and there are thin ones.

Here is a task from the cartoon Shrek.

Multi-Poolypi turns over the sheet with the image of Shrek and reads the task written on the back: “Play the game“ Such different cartoons ””.

The game "Such different cartoons"

The facilitator names the character and describes it. For example, "kind. Aibolit".

The next participant must name another character with the opposite characteristic. In this case

- "Evil Barmaley". The game is going to be knocked out. The one who can't come up with an answer

Drops out.

After each game, the winning participant receives a Multi-Pulti round medal with his name.

Multi-Remote: Yes, you know a lot of characters from Multi-Remote. I'm glad you're so smart. Do you remember "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"?

Children: Yes, Pushkin wrote it.

Multi-Remote: Right. And how the evil stepmother pretended to be a kind old woman asking for alms, remember? Children: Yes.

Multi-Remote: In our country, almost everyone has magical powers. And often turn into one character, then another. So you won’t immediately understand who to expect trouble from, and who you can trust.

So, to find out if you can turn into a cartoon, Thumbelina has prepared the following task for you.

Multi-Remote turns over the sheet with the image of Thumbelina and reads the rules of the game on its back.

Game "Draw a cartoon character"

All participants receive leaflets with the names of cartoon characters. It is impossible to talk about who got what name. Next, each depicts his hero. The task of the rest

- Guess which character is in front of them. Those who guess the shown hero the fastest receive medals from the Multi-Remote.

Multi-Remote: It's very good that you know how to transform. You can become evil if you need to. Or don't want to be mean? Children: We don't!

Multi-Remote: And rightly so! Because evil and so enough. But goodness must be done constantly, every day. Remember the cartoon where the characters helped everyone.

Children name several cartoons (“Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers”, “Bag of Apples”, etc.).

Multi-Remote: Smarties! And now you will find yourself in a cartoon with me ... I won’t say which one. Try to guess.

Winter. An evil stepmother sends her stepdaughter to the forest for flowers. The poor girl wanders through the snowy forest and accidentally comes to a clearing where 12 people are sitting around a fire.

Children guess the cartoon "Twelve months".

Multi-Remote: Right. Remember the cartoon about 12 months based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak? But our next guest, the cat Leopold, invites you to travel through the cartoons on your own.

Multi-Remote reads the task from the cat Leopold and conducts the game.

The game "Journey through your favorite cartoons"

With the help of a rhyme, a leader is selected. You can choose a "cartoon" counting room. For example, “They sat on the golden porch”, familiar to everyone since childhood.

Sat on the golden porch

Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings

Come out, you'll be Ponca.

The host is thinking of some kind of cartoon. All the other players take turns asking him questions about him. But such questions to which the host can only answer "Yes" or "No". The one who guessed the conceived cartoon becomes the leader and receives a medal from


Multi-Remote: Guessed all the cartoons! The next task is more difficult. You need to guess both the cartoon and its character. By the way, this is the next task from Tom and Jerry.

Multi-Remote reads the task and conducts the game.

All participants are blindfolded. Any cartoon included. Players recognize the character by voice and call his name and cartoon.

The player who correctly named the hero receives a medal.

Multi-Remote: Well, no way to confuse you

- you know everything, you understand everything. And remember the cartoons. But what cartoon I'm from, you'll never guess. Because my artist never came up with a cartoon for me. So now I want to play screenwriting with you.

And the good Winnie the Pooh agreed to help me.

Multi-Pulti turns over the image of Winnie the Pooh, reads the task and conducts the game.

Game "Write a script"

Within 10-15 minutes they write the script of the cartoon with the participation of Multi-Remote. Then all scenarios are read aloud and the Multi-Pulti determines the winner who is awarded a medal.

Multi-Remote: Well, we remembered a lot of cartoons, talked to their characters, visited the country of Multi-military, and most importantly, I finally got the script for my cartoon and now I can play the lead role. Thank you! We are very happy with the cartoons!

And now I suggest everyone to watch a new cartoon together!

Multi-Remote includes a new disc with cartoons not yet familiar to children.

Scenarios for children's holidays download - scripts for children's holidays download

Natalia Safonova
Scenario of the holiday "Journey through cartoons" in the senior group

Holiday script"cartoon travel". Senior group

Target: Organization of creative cognitive leisure of children.


Educational tasks:

Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about cartoons;

Learn to recognize cartoon on assignment, fix the name and characters of acquaintances cartoons;

Development tasks:

Develop memory, auditory attention, observation, thinking, oral speech, develop the ability to analyze, creativity; develop the ability to expand and coherently answer questions;

Educational tasks:

To instill love for Russian cinema, in particular cartoons;

Expand the horizons of children about Soviet and Russian cartoons.

Wellness tasks:

Relieve muscle tension (physical education)

Methods Key words: game, verbal-logical, ICT, independent.

tricks: view cartoon, artistic word (riddles, gymnastics for the eyes, physical education, independent activities of children.

vocabulary work: expansion of the dictionary on the topic - the selection of adjectives for a noun (word « cartoon» )

Material: fold game cartoon - puzzle"Mowgli", "Masha and the Bear", "Cheburashka".

Equipment: audio recordings with melodies, laptop, tables, screen, magic wand, chairs.

Forms of work: individual, collective.

Preliminary work: view cartoons, reading, listening to songs from cartoons.

Program progress:

caregiver: Hello guys! We will talk about what you love the most. Our country has holiday- Patriotic Day cartoon! Guys, do you like cartoons? And what is your favorite cartoon?

Today I invite you to plunge into the magical world cartoons and fairy tales. I'm inviting you travel to Multlyandiya. Guys, do you want to plunge into this world?

Only kind, smiling children like Little Raccoon are allowed into this country. Offers to smile and sing Little Raccoon's song "Smile" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

magic wand

Let's swing in the air

Magic will appear

Let's get into a fairy tale!

We are in a magical world cartoons! And the first thing that awaits on the way is riddles. Ready?

1 Contest "Guess the hero cartoon"

1. Man-helicopter

Takes flight

Taking for reinforcements

Just a jar of jam. Answer: Carlson

2. He decided to pretend to be a cloud,

After all, I wanted to eat honey.

On the ball he flew up to the bees,

But he couldn't eat honey. Answer: Winnie the Pooh.

3. He treats birds and animals.

Treats young children.

Looking at us through glasses

Good doctor ... Answer: Aibolit

4. Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold on the window.

rosy side

Yes round side Answer: Kolobok

5. Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on a stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the story, don't you?

Who was it? Answer: Bear

6. Just walking along the road

And I found a penny

I bought myself a samovar

I gave tea to all the beetles.

Who is the young mistress?

This is ... Fly-Tsokotuha

7. This cat is the kindest in the world.

He mice in his apartment

Always said what needed to be

Cats and mice live together. Answer: Cat Leopold

Well done boys! You have completed the task! The first puzzle is yours!

2 contest "Musical"

Guys, we invite you to listen to songs and name in which cartoons they sound.

Soundtracks of songs from cartoons.

Song of Cheburashka

Song of the cat Matroskin

Song of the crocodile Gena

Song Mammoth

Song of the cat Leopold

Winnie the Pooh song

caregiver: Well done, the second puzzle is yours!

The guys, while we were playing, the cat Leopold called us and complained that the mice had stolen his entire house. I propose to help Leopold build a house.

The game "Let's build a house" Children stand in a chain at a short distance from each other. Simulate the transfer of bricks to each other. The teacher praises the children that they carefully laid the bricks, not a single one was broken. Offers to build a house. Conducts finger play "Home for Leopold".

Let's build a house together.

(Children connect their fingers with a hut.)

Let's build the walls.

(Fingers close, put palms inward at a distance from each other.)

And then we'll put in the windows,

(Make a quadrangle out of index and thumb fingers.)

We will find a place for the doors.

(Leave a passage between the palms with closed fingers.)

Let's put the walls under the roof.

(Put fingers together.)

The rain won't wet it.

(Shake index finger.)

Leopold will be pleased.

The house is really nice!

(Put thumb forward.)

caregiver: Smarties! The third puzzle has been completed. The teacher, on behalf of the cat Leopold, praises the children for a wonderful home.

Fourth competition "Who says so?"

Which character belongs to the words:

"Guys let's be friends" (cat Leopold)

"My mom and dad! I live well. Just wonderful. I have a house. It has one room and a kitchen. I miss you very much" (Uncle Fedor)

"I'm a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I'm not a bear at all" (Winnie the Pooh)

"Tricks are sleight of hand and no cheating."

“Calm, only calm ... Trifles, a matter of life (Carlson)

"He flew away, but promised to return" (Freken Bock)

caregiver: Well done! The fourth puzzle has been completed.

Fifth competition "Guess cartoon»

The presentation is shown. Children call cartoons.

caregiver: So you have collected all the elements of the picture. Offers to return to kindergarten.

With a colorful, magical world

It's time for us to say goodbye

And with Cartoonland in kindergarten

Come back together

caregiver: Let's collect all the pieces of the puzzle. From what cartoon this picture? Children call cartoon.

Well done, you have completed all the tasks. Now let's see this cartoon.

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