Scenario Dance Day in DC. Scenario of the concert of the choreographic school - "Dance Festival" Event World Dance Day form name

Dance Through the Ages”


Good afternoon dear friends. April 29 is International Dance Day. The holiday has been celebrated since 1982 by decision of UNESCO on the birthday of the French choreographer Jean Georges Noverre, a reformer and theorist of the art of dance, who went down in history as the "father of modern ballet".
Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from hoary antiquity... In my opinion, he is the same age as the “reasonable man”. Everyone knows that work has shaped a person, and I will add - also dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to convey to other people his joy or sorrow, through the movements of his body.

What kind of beauty

The whole world hides in itself.

Let the spark in our every dance

From now on it's on fire.

And friendship is strong children

Warms the whole planet

All girls and boys

They know how to make friends and dance.

Dance: "Starfall" (group "Asterisks").


What does it mean to touch beauty? Here is one person's thoughts on the matter: “I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch beauty with your heart.”

Yes, beauty should be able not only to see and feel. Beauty must also be protected! This is the hardest part. Capturing beauty in the soul, remembering it, always carrying it in the heart - maybe this is the highest manifestation of human culture?

So, tonight we dedicate to the beauty, the beauty of dance - the most exciting, most sublime and beautiful of all arts, because dance is not just a reflection of life, dance is life itself!

The country is on the globe

Childhood country.

She is full of kids.

And although we are small, we will give odds to adults,

After all, it's not easy for you to be a child.

We will help you to return youth for a moment,

And also cheer up the guests.

Dance: “Once a palm” (younger group).

Did you like us guys?

Say without hesitation.

And this dance to all the guests

Will cheer you up.

"Devil" (group "Asterisks").

Happy dance day today, we congratulate everyone,After all, everyone dances more than once in their life.We wish you smiles, pleasant emotions,Let the sea of ​​energy be with you!We wish you to dance only for joy,Beautiful is the figure, beautiful is the soul.And the music will relieve any fatigue,And you will see that life is good!

Dance "Girlfriends"
Celebrate fun, freely
We dance international day.
And let the whole evening
Dance all and sundry!
Everyone knows for sure:
Don't need a language dance
Everything is clear without idle words:
And life, and tears, and love!
We want to wish today:
Let's dance together!
Dance "Rosinochka - Russia" (Younger group).


Today dancing is a sin to forget

Dance more than normal.

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

Dance "Dance with us". (senior group).

Friends, look! On the map Russia!

So kind, so beautiful!

Now we will see native birches,

Great beauties will appear before us.

And what dances! We love and know them.

We glorify our native Russia here!

Dance "Ivan-Kupala" (middle group).


And now I want to introduce you to one of the most popular dances, which was born in distant America. From the very beginning, this dance was known as a ballroom dance, but now it is gaining more and more sporting character.

important in this dance is the ability to quickly and correctly work with your feet and, most importantly, in rhythm.

You probably already understood that this is rock and roll.

(Performance by the senior group "Rock and Roll").


The man was born cheerful.
Changed fashions and rhythms too,
But we cannot live without dance.

Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and in the hour of leisure
Cheerful dance was the best friend.

Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

(younger group “Let's decorate the whole planet).

How many styles, directions,How many creative ideasIncendiary moves!With dance, we live more fun!Congratulations to all who loveCircling to the rhythm of the musicWho on holidays and on weekdaysMight appreciate it!Dance "Our rhythm" middle group ".

Questions for the quiz.

    The muse of dance in Greek mythology? (Terpsichore.)

    Name the oldest type of folk dance art. Performed today. (Round dance.)

    What was the name of the dance teacher in Y. Olesha's fairy tale "Three Fat Men"? (Split.)

    Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)

    When is International Dance Day celebrated? (April 29)

    In Argentina, everyone dances on December 11th. After all, this day was declared a national holiday by a special government decree and it is called ... (The tango holiday. “Argentine tango” is a well-known and beloved dance all over the world.)

    What country is considered the birthplace of the dance "Lady"? (Russia.)

    Dance with cries of "Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)

    What is the name of the partner in the dance? A. Order bearer. V. Laureate.B. Cavalier.G. Cavalryman.

    The most pleasant noise for artists during a performance is ... (Applause.)

    What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)

    The most ballet skirt is ... (Tutu.)

    What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates? A. "Wig".V. "Mask".B. "Grim". G. "Role".

    What qualities should a good ballerina have?A. Eversion.B. agility. B. resourcefulness. D. Clumsiness.

    According to Ilze Liepa, dance helps to make beautiful not only the body, but also ... (Soul.)


We will playfully look at the map again:

We are waiting for the appearance of beautiful girls.

Their name is Gulnara, or maybe Zuhra.

In oriental tales, friends, it's time for us.

"Dance with veils" (senior group).


Now for the dance quiz.
1. What are specialized dance halls called in the West? (Dancing.)
2. What is the name of the dance area in a bar or club? (dance floor)
3. Whose dance is Krakowiak? (The folk dance of Russia, has Polish roots - from a folk dance that was performed only by men or a knight and his squire.)
4. Which dance is recognized as the "king" of dances? (Waltz.)
5. Whose is this old dance "Polka"? (Czech.)
6. Whose dance is "Limbo"? (Dance from the island of Tobago, where Robinson Crusoe spent many years.)
7. Whose dance is Sirtaki? (Dance of the Greek butchers.)
8. Mazurka? (Dance of Polish riders.)
9. What is this "white dance" and what is it called? (The episode at the evening, when the right to invite to the dance is granted to a woman, is also called "ladies'".)
10. What dances were danced at Larina's ball in the novel "Eugene Onegin"? (Waltz, mazurka, cotillion.)

Leading: This truth is knownDancing is very helpful.For health and figure,And for all muscles.For fun and sleepWe all need activity.Dance can tellWhich cannot be described in words.We give you faithful advice:Dancing is the secret of joy!Accept congratulationsAnd light it up to the fullest!Senior group dance "Get up"

Dancing quiz
1. Holiday in Rio de Janeiro. (Carnival)
2. The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba)
3. Caucasian dance. (Lezginka)
4. The cry of a lezginka. (Assa!)
5. Greek group dance. (Sirtaki)
6. Cowboy Mouzon. (Country).
7. The first dance of Natasha Rostova. (Waltz)
8. Dance with high tossing of legs. (Cancan)
9. Dance after gorilka. (Gopak)
10. Russian belt under the tramp (Trepak)
11. What kind of dance can polish the floor to a shine? (Twist)
12. "Fruit" dance of sailors. (Bullseye)
13. Letkin's half. (Enka)

And if someone asks: “Where have you been in the world?”

And he was in the world of dance - all the children will answer.

Let the dance walk next to us all our lives,

After all, we will never get tired of dancing!

Final dance "Russia".


Today we are finishing our program. But we are still together. We learned only a small part of the big choreography. There is also rhythmic choreography (Esperan), folk, stylish ("modern"), balance.

Congratulations on the international holiday of the World dance! See you again.

Diana Semenova
"The Wonderful World of Dance" Scenario of the reporting concert dedicated to the Day of Dance

Scenario of the reporting concert dedicated to the Day of Dance

"The Beautiful World of Dance"

While the audience is gathering, children's songs about creativity are heard.

(Fanfare) The host enters the stage.

Leading: Good afternoon dear parents! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this bright hall at the reporting concert of the Caramelki dance group dedicated to the International Dance Day, which is celebrated annually on April 29th. One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography. On this day, the entire dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday. And today the members of the dance circle invited us to their Dance Festival.

Music is playing today.

Today is joy and fun.

Let the dance festival complete

April week.

So, we present to your attention young dancers who are looking forward to their appearance on stage. Yakut dance "Patterns" (children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND). Dance "Patterns" is performed

Leading: Thanks to our guys!

And our holiday continues

Grief is not allowed here.

Yes, is it sad here

If there is a Russian dance on the stage!

We meet the senior group "Kuncheen" with the Russian dance "Plyasovaya".

Dance "Plyasovaya" is performed

Leading: We meet the vocal ensemble "Freckles" with the song "Samovar" artistic director Yulia Shishmareva. (BACKGROUND).

Leading: Cheerful April smiled,

Sang, roared, played,

From the noise the snowdrop woke up

And he stood on the thaw.

It smelled, it blew a prelude,

A little audible snowdrop repeated:

Thank you April, thank you

For waking me up."

Performed by the preparatory group "Kustuk" dance "Snowdrops".

Dance "Snowdrops"

(a bench is placed in the center of the hall, during this the presenter speaks (BACKGROUND).

Leading: Let's turn the pages of the creative life of the choreographic circle "Caramelki" together again today. Let's remember the brightest moments, admire the best dance compositions, once again rejoice at their well-deserved victories and achievements. To your warm applause, we meet the Laureates of the 1st degree of the Republican competition "Sardatsalaakh Aartyk", the Laureates of the 111th degree of the International Festival "Diamond Notes", the Laureates of the 2nd degree of the Republican interethnic competition "Spring of Friendship" dance "Dandies" (children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND)

The dance "Stilyagi" is performed

Leading: To your warm applause, we send our guys backstage, getting ready for the next exit, and let the applause sound in honor of the senior group of the Karamelki choreographic circle! And we continue to flip through the pages of the circle's creative album.

That's lovely.

What can be danced, and in plastic

Embodi all feelings!

After all, dance is a flight of inspiration!

And lives in harmony with music!

And so, we meet the children of the preparatory group "Thumbelina" with the dance "Ice-snowflakes".

The dance "Ice-snowflakes" is performed

Leading: Thanks to our guys! And we continue our concert. We meet the vocal ensemble "Uolan" with the song "Uruts kun" artistic director Miroslav Ananyeva.


He is brown

Dressed in a warm coat

And in a dream and in reality,

Everyone chews their grass.

Day and night

And night and day.

Dear parents, what is his name?

Beast with swift legs

And branched horns

That's right - a forest deer!

Performed by the preparatory group "Asterisk" dance "Deers". (BACKGROUND)

Dance "Deer" is performed.

Leading: Let's clap guys!

The path runs through the meadow

Dive left, right.

Wherever you look, flowers are all around

Yes, knee-deep grass.

Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,

Smelly and fresh in the hours of dawn.

Beautiful, rainbow colors

They are strewn with bouquets.

Meet, performed by the preparatory group "Golden Key" dance "Flower Glade".

The dance “Flowers. (Children leave the room).

Leading: Let's clap again for the kids.

From cheerful rhythms

Nowhere to go

Rhythms modern -

These are the rhythms of childhood. Performed by the preparatory group "Fidgets" dance "Robot toy".

The dance "Robot toy" is performed.

Leading: How easily and beautifully our young artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing and dance - go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right? Of course not, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to go on stage here! And adult artists' knees are shaking! And what can we say about young artists… But the participants of our concert are already real artists! And again, our young artists are on stage, Laureates of the 1st degree of the republican competition "Sardatsalaah Aartyk", Laureates of the 1st degree of the international festival "Diamond Notes", Laureates of the 2nd degree of the interethnic republican competition "Spring of Friendship". Meet the dance "Joy of the Tundra". (BACKGROUND)

The dance "Joy of the Tundra" is performed.

Leading: Let's applaud the young artists! Meet the younger group of the ensemble on stage! While these kids take their timid, first steps on the stage. They are serious, and almost do not worry. Well, maybe just a little... Today's concert is the first serious test for them! But we are sure that they will successfully pass this creative test! (Children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND)

The dance "Children of the Sun" is performed. (At the end of the dance, the children remain in the hall and clap their hands, the leader speaks in the background of the music)

Leading: Our concert was a success

We hope everyone enjoys it!

May it be memorable and bright for all of us,

As the best expensive gift!

Dance numbers were prepared by the head of the choreographic circle "Caramelki" Semenova Diana Mikhailovna.

International Dance Day (World Dance Day) is a celebration dedicated to all styles of dance and a professional holiday for those whose occupation is associated with them. Dance groups, schools and ensembles, professional artists of classical schools, ballet and folk art, representatives of modern trends (break dance, tectonics), choreographers, directors, lovers of moving to the beat of music take part in the festive events.

In Russia in 2020, International Dance Day is celebrated on April 29 and takes place at an unofficial level 39 times.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the birthday of the French choreographer J.-J. Noverra 04/29/1727

By World Dance Day, dance festivals, open days in dance schools, dance flash mobs, and dance evenings are traditionally held.

history of the holiday

International Dance Day was founded in 1982 by UNESCO, an agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The date of the holiday was proposed by the Russian dancer, teacher and choreographer Pyotr Gusev. On this day, April 29, 1727, the French choreographer and founder of modern ballet Jean-Georges Noverre was born.

Holiday traditions

Traditionally, on April 29, a well-known representative of the dance world addresses the public with a message about the meaning and beauty of dance. In 1984, the Soviet choreographer Yuri Grigorovich performed, in 1996 - the Russian ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

On this day, dance festivals and competitions are held. Dance schools hold open days. There are flash mobs. Dance evenings are organized.

In Russia, on International Dance Day, choreographers, conductors, composers and artists are awarded the Soul of Dance professional ballet award.

Task for the day

International Dance Day is a holiday dedicated to all styles of dance, celebrated on April 29th. This art form unites people by erasing political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of dance. Celebrate this holiday creatively - express your feelings for another person with the help of dance.


“Congratulations on International Dance Day! I wish you an amazing sense of rhythm, incredible plasticity, endurance, enthusiasm and faith in your abilities. Good health, opening yourself in new directions, charming choreography and thunderous applause. May your talent shine brightly in the international arena!

“To all who cannot stay still when they hear music, congratulations on International Dance Day! Dance is an encrypted language of movement, it is speed and whirlwinds of emotions. Dance is more than words. Dance, open up in the dance, and discover other people. May the incendiary dance of your life never stop!”

“We wish all dancers that the goddess of dance visits you today and gives you the desire to flourish professionally! Happy Dance Day, dear dancers! Let your walk be airy and weightless, let your figure be slender and graceful! We wish you to plunge into the passionate embrace of dance and spin a dizzying romance with him for life! New energy to you, inspiration, cheerfulness, rhythm! Let your heart beat in your chest in time with the melody of your soul! Let the dance for you always be a welcome and favorite thing for the soul and body! We wish you that each of your dances ends with a storm of applause from the fans of your work!


Gift Certificate. A gift certificate for a master class in your favorite dance direction will be an original and thematic present.

Clothing for training. Comfortable and stylish clothes or shoes for training will be a practical and useful gift for the holiday.

Portable speakers. Portable speakers that create high-quality and loud sound will allow you to conduct training and rehearsals anywhere. In addition to such a present, you can present a flash drive with a selection of songs from your favorite artist.

portrait A portrait painted from a photograph will be an original and pleasant surprise for a creative person.


Dance on the ice
The competition is attended by couples who are given a piece of drawing paper. Participants lay out whatman paper on the floor and stand on them. The music then turns on and the couples begin to dance. The main rule of the competition is not to step outside the paper. Violators are knocked out of the game. The music is interrupted several times during the competition. During the break, the participants must fold the sheet in half. The most accurate pair wins.

Different styles
Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare forfeits, on which various names of dances will be written: tango, hopak, lambada, cancan, rock and roll, etc. The contestants take turns randomly choosing forfeits. They are given a few minutes to prepare the dance. Then a well-known rhythmic musical composition is turned on, and all the contestants begin to dance at the same time. The most creative and charismatic participant wins the competition.

Seated dancing
Before the competition, chairs are arranged in a row, on which the participants sit. Rhythmic music turns on and the contestants begin to dance without getting up from their chairs. The victory in the competition goes to the most resourceful and artistic participant.

  • December 11 is International Tango Day.
  • On April 29, 1991, the International Association of Choreographers founded the annual Benois de la Danse ballet festival. The international jury selects the most talented representatives in the nominations "best choreographer", "best ballerina" and "best dancer". The winners receive a statuette in the form of a dancing couple as a prize.
  • In Russian, the word "dance" appeared in the 17th century. Before that, the word "dance" was in use.
  • Since 1953, the Dance Museum has been operating in the capital of Sweden - Stockholm.
  • To make a ballet tutu, you will need 13-16 m of tulle.
  • The most famous ballet performance in the world is Swan Lake.
  • In Russia, the first ballet performance took place in 1673.

About the profession of a dancer

Dancing is an ancient art form that combines rhythmic movements, a breathtaking spectacle, a range of feelings and emotions. There are several professions related to dance: dancer, choreographer, set designer, trainer, dance therapy specialist, etc.

In most cases, people start dancing from childhood in artistic creative groups. This type of activity requires good physical fitness, a sense of rhythm, diligence, artistry. For some, dancing develops into a professional activity. In universities they receive education in choreographic areas. Dancers may perform solo or be part of professional troupes or ensembles.

Successful dancers tour a lot and have a high income. However, their career is not long. The profession of a dancer is associated with high physical exertion and the risk of injury.

This holiday in other countries

World Dance Day is an international holiday, which, just like in Russia, is celebrated in many countries around the world.

Purpose of the holiday:

1. Involving students in systematic sports and a healthy lifestyle.

2. Summing up the results of the academic year for extracurricular activities.

Dance holiday rhythmic gymnastics competition dedicated to the International Dance Day on April 29.

    Leading: Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall to the competition "Live while dancing", dedicated to the International Day of Dance, which is celebrated annually on April 29th. As conceived by the founders, International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of Dance, to become an occasion to celebrate this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

    Leading: One of the main features of any dance is its ability to unite in times of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

On this day, the entire dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday: opera and ballet theaters, modern troupes, modern and folk dance ensembles, both professional and amateur artists.

    Leading: Also on April 29, the annual participation of the great stars of the scene takes place. Since 1992, Moscow has been awarding the so-called ballet "Oscar" - Benois de la Dane. This prize is awarded to the most successful choreographers who created their dance pieces during the year, and the most famous choreographers and choreographers sit on the jury.

The prize is a small figurine depicting a dancing couple. It is very difficult to get this statuette, you need to make gigantic efforts in your business.

    Leading: We decided to celebrate this holiday in our own way. We present to your attention the competitive program, which includes the competition of rhythmic gymnastics.

    Leading: At the end of April, like a full-flowing river, International Dance Day Sparkles.

It is designed to different dances and styles

United under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who by their labors comprehended

Beautiful, understandable to all, body language!

May all performances be successful

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations!

2. Host: And now we will introduce our participants to you. The competition program is attended by: _____________, ______________, ____________, _____________________.

Music is playing today.

Today is joy and fun.

Let the dance festival complete

April Sports Week.

Today we will dance

And have fun until you drop

We will light the stars

I invite everyone to the stage.

Meet the contestants!

    Host: class __________

    Host: class __________

    Leading: Dear contestants, dear members of the jury and spectators, now we will read to you the “Rules for evaluating contestants”:

Performances are evaluated by jury members, each category separately, according to a 5-point system. Performance is evaluated according to the following criteria:

Purity and technique of performance, musicality.

Artistry, stage image: costume, appearance.

Synchronization of performance

Rebuilding the drawing.

All criteria are combined into one score.

    Leading: Well, now it's time to introduce you to the members of the jury: Chief judge of the competition _______________.

Before the competition program begins, we have a big request to the audience and fans: do not make noise during the performances, applaud only after the performances and do not interfere with the rivals. Deal?

    Leading: or you waltz in the hall,

Or in the rhythm of the tango you went.

On this International Dance Day

I wish my soul to fly up.

Your life passes under the sign of music,

You dance in a dream and in reality.

Let everything go during the dance,

Everything bad, so as not to invite trouble.

Passion goes the same way with you.

In the dance, feelings will overwhelm the mind.

It doesn't go away with the years.

So sincere you find comfort.

Well, let this feeling be with you

Let it keep the warmth of the heart

Let dances give you peace,

Dancing - God has given you!

And we invite the _________ class to the stage.

    Leading: Thank you for your performance. Being the first is always difficult: it is a big responsibility and emotional stress. But on the other hand, now the “pre-launch excitement” is behind them and they can calmly watch the performances of their competitors.

Why do people dance?

Hoping and waiting

What will suddenly be slimmer

And gain flexibility?

What is their bold dance

Will anyone love?

That the world will become kinder

And just a little bit prettier?

Flickering legs, arms,

Knees, stomachs!

Don't be bored,

Dance quickly and you!

    Leading: I invite the class __________. Our competition is on the rise. And we want to say to everyone who has ever danced or will dance the following words: We wish our dear dancers that nothing interferes with you: neither an uncomfortable costume, nor embarrassment about a stupid hairstyle, nor nervous tension, nor irritation due to constant partners stepping on your feet!

And if something is wrong, immediately remind yourself: everything interferes with a bad dancer. I invite the class _______________.

    Leading: Spinning, dancing singing,

The flight of life and passions flight,

Young couple on stage

She is fire, he is blue ice.

Art that goes without saying

That never gets old.

It's nice on the day of the dance

Those who make us happy.

I invite class ______.

    Leading: if your favorite holiday is active, and not many hours of pastime at the computer, or communication with your own mobile phone, then our offer is just for you! Do you love to dance, but the same movements bore you? With us, in a fairly short period of time, you will be able to learn many movements in various dance styles and learn how to combine them into a spectacular dance (possible advertising for a dance club, studio of a given educational institution, organization). I invite the class ___________.

I'm in awe of your talent!

You don't just dance, you soar!

Outshining other contestants,

You do wonders in all tournaments!

I always watch with wild delight,

What a wonderful dance you are!

On Dance Day, I sincerely wish -

Let your cherished dreams come true! We invite the class ____________.

    Leading: We thank those who showed us their talent today, and we sincerely wish you victory. Now the jury members will go to the deliberation room to sum up the results of the competition (song or dance).

    Leading: The word for congratulations is given to the chief judge of the competition __________________________________________________.

    Leading: We once again congratulate our winners and participants on the International Dance Day. We sincerely thank everyone for the pleasure given to us and wish you further creative success.

    Leading: Many thanks and gratitude to you, dear viewers, for your attention and support to the participants of the competition with your applause.

    Leading: This concludes our rhythmic gymnastics competition. We do not say goodbye, but say "See you again!" Go in for sports, be healthy.

1st. Good evening friends!
2nd. Hello. Today we have not an ordinary concert, but a celebration of dance. We present a dance ensemble… (names) who is ready to please us with his art.

Choreographic number.

1st. What show do you like to watch on TV?
2nd. KVN, for example, "". In general, I'm more on the Internet, you know. Why did you ask?

1st. They say that girlfriends always have the same tastes. Maybe that's true, but I like shows about dancing. I watch ballroom dancing competitions with great pleasure! It's such a beauty! You know, there is a cartoon about Barbie when she becomes a princess. And in it she dances with the prince. As a child, I watched this cartoon the way I watch performances of dance couples now. Super!
2nd. I think that the soloists of the ensemble will perform the waltz no worse than Barbie and the prince.

Choreographic number.

1st. You know, there is an expression: “If you want to learn how to dance, learn to look into each other’s eyes!”
2nd. Here, the opposite often happens: the partner looks at the partner with all his eyes and ... forgets about the dance. Then the girl has to remove her leg before her partner steps on it.
1st. We hope that our guys do not have such omissions!
2nd. After all, everyone treats dancing with love!

Choreographic numbers.

When there are only girls in the team - and for some reason it happens more often - everything somehow turns out faster and easier. Or am I wrong?
1st. I agree with you. Here at school you look at the guys - they are all so clumsy, awkward, their legs are barely dragging on the floor. It irritates me so much!
2nd. But when they come to dance classes, they dance with the girls with pleasure.
1st. They are happy to do everything to get noticed. It irritates me so much!
2nd. In general, I think that the problem with many guys is that when you want to dance with him, he thinks that you are in love with him!
1st. Exactly! It irritates me so much!
2nd. Yes, nothing irritates a girl like everything else.
1st. Did you come up with this yourself or did you find it on the Internet?
2nd. In social networks. Let's save ourselves from irritation by dancing?
1st. If there is only this remedy, then I agree!

Choreographic numbers.

2nd. Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, then it's exercise.
1st. Physical training? Agree. Who is your physical education teacher?
2nd (thinking, but not daring to name). Yes, whoever it was ... All the physical education teachers shout: “Faster! Move your hands! Why are you crawling from a crooked leg to a crooked one?
1st. That's it ... Choreographers also call on their students to pay attention: “Legs! Ears! Ears! Legs!"
2nd. Legs are understandable. And what about the ears?
1st. And this, as the dancers themselves say, is one and the same. After all, the dancer's ears are in his tiptoes! He hears music and ... on the toes, on the heel, on the toes, on the heel. And so the dance begins...

Choreographic numbers.

So many new things are happening lately!
2nd. Here are some ten years ago, cell phones with long antennas appeared. Now there are no such people anymore, there are smartphones.
1st. What about computers? At first they were with large monitors that occupied half the table, but now they are small and flat laptops and tablets. Rejoice, enjoy!
2nd. And in art, everything changes with even greater speed. For example, in dance: most recently they danced freestyle, then they studied hip-hop, but now the flash mob has become popular.
1st. For the uninitiated, let's explain. This is the unexpected appearance of strangers in a predetermined place.
2nd. Translated from English, “flash mob” is “instant crowd”. Mobbers come out and start dancing, and more and more people join them. An exciting spectacle!
1st. Why did the youth come up with this?
2nd. Firstly, it's great, a kind of mass "joke", and then - it's entertainment!
1st. BUT! Emotional recharge!
2nd. And, of course, these are new acquaintances and new friends.
1st. Perhaps it takes place in England or America?
2nd. Yes, and so do we! Look!

Choreographic numbers.

1st. Yes, don't chase them...
2nd. Street dancing is becoming more and more popular. It is interesting, right on the street, to dedicate everyone to their art.
1st. Waving!
2nd. Popping!
1st. Locking!
2nd. Waking!
1st. And all this...
Together. Funk!

Choreographic numbers.

2nd. We sometimes have to visit rehearsals of both vocalists and dancers.
1st. What can you see and hear! Fun, I tell you!
2nd. Especially when one choreographer brings up a bunch of unreasonable, restless and cheerful students.
1st. From our records. What choreographers say when they run out of patience...
2nd. Who dropped their elbows?
1st. You need to stand on your own feet!
2nd. Olya, turn your knee to the other side!
1st. And I'll call you Mister Dead Hips!
2nd. Let's not do this pose! I don't want corpses!
1st. Partners! Do not ride partners!
2nd. Yes, guys, dancing is not cracking grandma's pies!
1st. And no matter what, we dance!

Choreographic number.

2nd. Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.
1st. Africans say: “If you can talk, you can sing, if you can walk, you can dance!” And the inhabitants of Africa, as you know, are very musical and dancing people!
2nd. The task of any choreographer who is in love with his profession is to teach his students to dance not only with their feet, but also with their hearts.
1st. The whole universe is rhythmic. So, you can dance to the music of the stars.

Choreographic numbers.

2nd. There is no dance without jumping and flying!
1st. But there is gravity!
2nd. Our dancers are ready to take on gravity as...
Together. The final!

Choreographic number.

1st. Dear friends! The time for dancing has come to an end.
2nd. The most cheerful, energetic, musical artists and their teacher, the choreographer, take the stage ... (represents).

Concert participants fill the stage.

1st and 2nd. If you want to dance...
Concert participants. Come to us!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • The tradition of dancing wedding dances did not always exist. In ancient times, newlyweds on ...
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