Sts on the topic beauty will save the world. Composition on the topic: Beauty will save the world

“... what is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel, in which there is emptiness, or fire, flickering in a vessel? So wrote the poet N. Zabolotsky in the poem "Beauty will save the world." And the catchphrase in the title is known to almost every person. She probably touched the ears of beautiful women and girls more than once, flying from the lips of men fascinated by their beauty.

This wonderful expression belongs to the famous Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky. In his novel "The Idiot", the writer endows his hero, Prince Myshkin, with thoughts and reasoning about beauty and its essence. The work does not indicate how Myshkin himself says that beauty will save the world. These words belong to him, but they sound indirectly: “Is it true, prince,” Ippolit asks Myshkin, “that “beauty” will save the world? Gentlemen,” he shouted loudly to everyone, “the prince says that beauty will save the world!” Elsewhere in the novel, during the prince’s meeting with Aglaya, she tells him, as if warning him: “Listen, once for all, if you talk about something like the death penalty, or about the economic state of Russia, or that “beauty will save the world ", then ... I, of course, will rejoice and laugh very much, but ... I warn you in advance: do not appear before my eyes later! Listen: I'm serious! This time I'm being serious!"

How to understand the famous saying about beauty?

"Beauty will save the world." How is the statement? This question can be asked by a student of any age, regardless of the class in which he is studying. And each parent will answer this question in a completely different way, absolutely individually. Because beauty is perceived and seen differently for everyone.

Everyone probably knows the saying that you can look at objects together, but see them in completely different ways. After reading Dostoevsky's novel, a feeling of some ambiguity about what beauty is is formed inside. “Beauty will save the world,” Dostoevsky uttered these words on behalf of the hero as his own understanding of the way to save the fussy and mortal world. Nevertheless, the author gives the opportunity to answer this question to each reader independently. "Beauty" in the novel is presented as an unsolved riddle created by nature, and as a force that can drive you crazy. Prince Myshkin also sees the simplicity of beauty and its refined splendor, he says that there are many things in the world at every step so beautiful that even the most lost person can see their magnificence. He asks to look at the child, at the dawn, at the grass, into loving and looking at you eyes .... Indeed, it is difficult to imagine our modern world without mysterious and sudden natural phenomena, without the gaze of a loved one that attracts like a magnet, without the love of parents for children and children to their parents.

What then is worth living and where to draw your strength?

How to imagine the world without this enchanting beauty of every moment of life? It's just not possible. The existence of mankind is unthinkable without it. Almost every person, doing everyday work or any other burdensome business, has repeatedly thought that in the usual bustle of life, as if carelessly, almost without noticing, he missed something very important, did not have time to notice the beauty of moments. Nevertheless, beauty has a certain divine origin, it expresses the true essence of the Creator, giving everyone the opportunity to join Him and be like Him.

Believers comprehend beauty through communication through prayers with the Lord, through the contemplation of the world created by Him and through the improvement of their human essence. Of course, a Christian's understanding and vision of beauty will differ from the usual ideas of people who profess another religion. But somewhere between these ideological contradictions, there is still that thin thread that connects everyone into one whole. In such a divine unity, too, lies the silent beauty of harmony.

Tolstoy on beauty

Beauty will save the world... Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich expressed his opinion on this matter in the work "War and Peace". All phenomena and objects present in the world around us, the writer mentally divides into two main categories: this is content or form. The division occurs depending on the greater predominance of objects and phenomena of these elements in nature.

The writer does not give preference to phenomena and people with the presence of the main thing in them in the form of form. Therefore, in his novel, he so clearly demonstrates his dislike for the high society with its forever established norms and rules of life and the lack of sympathy for Helen Bezukhova, whom, according to the text of the work, everyone considered unusually beautiful.

Society and public opinion do not have any influence on his personal attitude towards people and life. The writer looks at the content. This is important for his perception, and it is this that awakens interest in his heart. He does not recognize the lack of movement and life in the shell of luxury, but he endlessly admires the imperfection of Natasha Rostova and the ugliness of Maria Bolkonskaya. Based on the opinion of the great writer, is it possible to assert that beauty will save the world?

Lord Byron on the Splendor of Beauty

For another famous, true, Lord Byron, beauty is seen as a pernicious gift. He considers her as capable of seducing, intoxicating and committing atrocity with a person. But this is not entirely true, beauty has a dual nature. And it is better for us, people, to notice not its perniciousness and deceit, but a life-giving force capable of healing our heart, mind and body. Indeed, in many respects our health and correct perception of the picture of the world develops as a result of our direct mental attitude to things.

And yet, will beauty save the world?

Our modern world, in which there are so many social contradictions and heterogeneities... A world in which there are rich and poor, healthy and sick, happy and unhappy, free and dependent... And that, despite all the hardships, beauty will save the world? Maybe you are right. But beauty should not be understood literally, not as an external expression of a bright natural individuality or grooming, but as an opportunity to do beautiful noble deeds, helping these other people, and how to look not at a person, but at his beautiful and rich in content inner world. Very often in our lives we pronounce the usual words “beauty”, “beautiful”, or simply “beautiful”.

Beauty as an evaluation material of the surrounding world. How to understand: "Beauty will save the world" - what is the meaning of the statement?

All interpretations of the word “beauty”, which is the original source for other words derived from it, endow the speaker with an unusual ability to evaluate the phenomena of the world around us in an almost simplest way, the ability to admire works of literature, art, music; the desire to compliment the other person. So many pleasant moments hidden in only one word of seven letters!

Everyone has their own definition of beauty.

Of course, beauty is understood by each individual in his own way, and each generation has its own criteria for beauty. There is nothing wrong. Everyone has long known that thanks to the contradictions and disputes between people, generations and nations, only truth can be born. People by nature are absolutely different in terms of attitude and worldview. For one, it is good and beautiful when he is simply neatly and fashionably dressed, for another it is bad to go in cycles only in appearance, he prefers to develop his own and increase his intellectual level. Everything that somehow relates to the understanding of beauty sounds from the lips of everyone, based on his personal perception of the surrounding reality. Romantic and sensual natures most often admire the phenomena and objects created by nature. The freshness of the air after the rain, the autumn leaf that has fallen from the branches, the fire of the fire and the clear mountain stream - all this is a beauty that is worth constantly enjoying. For more practical natures, based on objects and phenomena of the material world, beauty can be the result, for example, of an important deal concluded or the completion of a certain series of construction works. A child will be unspeakably pleased with beautiful and bright toys, a woman will be delighted with a beautiful piece of jewelry, and a man will see beauty in new alloy wheels on his car. It seems like one word, but how many concepts, how many different perceptions!

The depth of the simple word "beauty"

Beauty can also be viewed from a deep point of view. “Beauty will save the world” - an essay on this topic can be written by everyone in completely different ways. And there will be a lot of opinions about the beauty of life.

Some people really believe that the world rests on beauty, while others will say: “Beauty will save the world? Who told you such nonsense?" You will answer: “Like who? The great Russian writer Dostoevsky in his famous literary work "The Idiot"! And in response to you: “So what, maybe then beauty saved the world, but now the main thing is different!” And, perhaps, they will even name what is most important for them. And that's all - it makes no sense to prove your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beautiful. Because you can, you see it, and your interlocutor, due to his education, social status, age, gender or other racial affiliation, never noticed or thought about the presence of beauty in this or that object or phenomenon.


Beauty will save the world, and we, in turn, must be able to save it. The main thing is not to destroy, but to preserve the beauty of the world, its objects and phenomena given by the Creator. Enjoy every moment and the opportunity to see and feel the beauty as if it were your last moment of life. And then you won’t even have a question: “Why will beauty save the world?” The answer will be clear as a matter of course.

Many great people have argued that beauty will save the world. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was also sure of this. Beauty, first of all, is expressed in two senses: the beauty of the human face and the beautiful inner world. This great phrase is used quite often today and is even the slogan of a beauty contest. But I am sure that Fedor Mikhailovich put a completely different meaning into it.

Today beauty for many people plays a huge role in life. Recently, people are completely uninterested in the inner world. Getting acquainted with a person, everyone pays attention only to appearance, but, as you know, appearance is often deceptive. Dostoevsky urged us to pay special attention to the depth of the human soul. This is shown in many of his works. A striking example is the novel Crime and Punishment, where one of the heroines completely changes the main character with her deep inner world. Sonechka Marmeladova, that is the name of this very girl who changes the callous soul of Raskolnikov, the main character. Sonya Marmeladova, a girl who steps over herself for the sake of the life of her loved ones. The heroine was forced to earn money in a dysfunctional way. She tried to change the state of her family, while practically not leaving herself a penny. Rodion Raskolnikov sees in Sonya a close and dear person. It is to her that he confesses to the murder. Rodion trusts her from the first minutes of meeting, and all because Sonya is also an outcast in society. Sonya Marmeladova changes the worldview of Rodion Raskolnikov. She went with him to hard labor only in order to support Rodion in difficult times. Raskolnikov missed her look in order to feel better. Listening to Sonechka's stories, Rodion begins to change. He takes the gospel and begins to believe in the existence of God. His soul is being cleansed of all actions, he begins to look at the world differently. Rodion becomes really happy.

In The Idiot, Dostoevsky wanted to depict a "positively beautiful person", which is why he created the image of Myshkin, calling him "Prince Christ". Myshkin acts as "prince Christ" because he lives completely and entirely for other people. His motto:“Love your neighbor!” This phrase was the main commandment of Jesus Christ. Prince Myshkin himself is seized with a passion for the sympathy of people, for the support of a drooping person. In the novel Idiot, no one understood Myshkin. Everyone considered him "out of this world." And the fault was his kindness, innocence. Problems in love bring great suffering to Myshkin, but he suffers not because his desires are not satisfied, but because he becomes the cause of the unhappiness of his beloved women. I think that Dostoevsky got the very image of a “positively beautiful person”. In my opinion, Prince Myshkin is such. His soul is indeed beautiful, he is able to perform human deeds, despite the difficult end of this work, where Myshkin's spiritual beauty perishes, because he ruined Nastasya Filippovna with his love. But this is precisely what gives rise to the whole plan of Dostoevsky in people, we understand that spiritual beauty cannot live in such a harsh world. dostoevsky beauty hero

The beauty of a person is expressed in the depths of his soul, Fyodor Mikhailovich wanted to convey this in his famous works. He said beauty would save the world. I completely agree with him, because only deeply spiritual people can change our world for the better.

Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world." Yes, perhaps there is something true in this, but here we are not talking about beauty itself, but about the ability of a person to perceive the miraculous as the real content of the world.

A person, nature, even the world in which we live can be beautiful. But the true dimensions of beauty that will save the world and lead humanity to a better place are love, kindness, labor and people's sympathy for global problems.

We live in a world in which we are surrounded by the forces of good and evil, love and hate. Every day we face cruel and amazing blows of fate. So day by day our lives go by, but what gives us the strength to move forward and rationalize our existence is love.

Love is the greatest and highest beauty that accompanies a person. This is a wonderful feeling, to give happiness, to give birth to life. Everyone who has experienced and touched the magic of love, which is so beautiful and unforgettable, felt loved, happy, joyful and thirsty, waiting for something new. Love is pure and holy, it makes us better. Thanks to this, we learn to love and be loved, to give and receive happiness.

Love is not only giving and receiving, but also something more real and intimate, giving meaning to human life - the birth of children. Children are the purest and most innocent beings in this world. They continue the tradition, offspring. Love and children holding hands are the greatest beauty that will save the world. Love, with its inexplicable power, can transform a person: from the greatest criminal to the greatest saint. This is where we reveal the true beauty inherent in ourselves - kindness. It is this beauty that makes us feel important in the world we live in. What could be more beautiful than being good and doing good in this world of evil and lies. Kindness is beauty, it gives us strength, it makes us feel satisfied with the good work we have done. We live, in a sense, to die. But one of the most important things for us is when we go back in memory to see what we have experienced and it is full and beautiful. Let's be kind and contribute to the beauty of our actions to save the world.

Essay 2

"Beauty will save the world!" - so wrote Dostoevsky. This is true? I believe that she can save the world, but whether this will answer the future. And it depends on whether beauty overcomes ugliness. But what is the beauty? It's that simple - the beauty that will save the world is "invisible to the eye" as the Little Prince said. And invisible to the eyes within us. There, in the soul, there is good and evil. Good is beautiful, but evil is ugly.

And much more depends on our spirit. The spirit that we carry within us, with which we were born. He is not intelligent. Not knowledge from encyclopedias and books, but knowledge of existence, wisdom, humanism - this is what reflects the development of the spirit. Humanism is love for people, and love is beauty and kindness in human relations. I know that everyone has their own understanding of good and evil. But for the most part, these understandings are similar. Evil causes pain, and good - joy, happiness, smiles. It is a pity that pain for one may be joy for another, but pain is almost always evil, although sometimes more harm must be prevented.

There is a vicious circle that may be necessary for balance in our world. If this balance between good and evil is maintained, the world can exist, that is, be saved from destruction. But if evil, hatred, ugliness still prevail over beauty, goodness and love, it will already be destructive for the earth, which is our outer world. Because we don't have anything else. Madness, evil and fear have accumulated enough weapons on Earth to be destroyed not once, but many times. Will beauty still save the world?

Unfortunately, I am rather pessimistic and have no great illusions about the victory of good, because I remember the ironically bitter idea that there is no unpunished good, and this is almost always confirmed in life. Because there is hardly anyone who has not encountered people who live to hate others. They just hate. Hate is their way of thinking and hurting is their need. And they act in any way and by any means to achieve their goal, to please themselves. They use speculation and slander, they seek to spit, slander, beat, and kill. There is no reason. Just. Evil. Local and global. I don't know if they realize their misfortune. Perhaps there are such moments, but some of them are convinced that doing harm to one brings good to others, others justify that if everyone is good, the world will be boring, and this will be enough reason for evil. It is a pity that there is no beauty in evil and pain. He who bears beauty in himself does not hate.

Gogol's new comedy excited people with disturbing emotions. Not surprising, because the Russian public met with a true masterpiece. About two centuries have passed, but the "Inspector General" sounds no less sharp.

Composition on the topic: Beauty will save the world

The greatest psychologist and subtle connoisseur of the human souls of the last century, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, said long ago that beauty would save the world. There are many imperfections in life, which can lead to family strife, wars, and environmental disasters. Of course, the author was right, she can save the whole world, but what kind of beauty was it then? I think not about the bright painted faces of beautiful girls on glossy magazine covers. He most likely meant and meant harmony in human relations and the human soul.
The beauty of true love was sung by Shakespeare, he wrote something like this: the more a person gives, the more he has left. In his works, he described the beauty of people who sacrificed their lives for the sake of happiness and saving others.

In the best legends of the whole world, the image of extraordinary personalities, heroes and daredevils has always been described as very beautiful outwardly people. We all, looking at Raphael's painting "Madonna and Child", always freeze in delight. Not a single heart can remain indifferent at the sight of this beauty of motherhood. She was ready to go to any hellish torment for the sake of her baby. Included in the anthology of Russian literature, the words of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov that everything in a person should be fine ... were relevant both then and in our time. It is we who must always be beautiful, not only in the eyes of strangers, but constantly. It is possible that only then will a person not be afraid of war, catastrophes, hunger.

Everything in the Universe is interconnected: both negative phenomena and human beauty. If we achieve harmony, then beauty, of course, will win and save our world.
Very often we hear the expression about how beautiful a person is. What could this mean? This is quite a capacious concept in my understanding. It seems to me that a person can be called beautiful not by his external data, but by his spiritual and inner content. When he selflessly engages in his favorite work, lives in complete harmony with his environment and himself, then he can handle everything. Self-sufficient people are always confident in themselves. They are happy to do good not only for their family and themselves, but also for others, and they get real pleasure from this. Such people do not need to envy, they can only be supported and take an example from them. They are always comfortable and very interesting.

Very often we love people, even if they do not have a perfect appearance. They are sincere, responsive and ready to help at any moment. This is the inner beauty of man, which is able to save our world.

"Beauty will save the world"

A lot has been written about beauty, it has been admired at all times. What is beauty? And how to feel the beauty? This is a volatile, fragile, unclear, but understandable state of mind for everyone. Or maybe it's not a state of mind, but a state of the surrounding world? Let's try to understand this, based on the experience of great Russian literature.

First of all, Russian poets saw beauty in nature. For example, A. A. Fet saw in nature the source of a mysterious and deep life, which can be accessible to a person only in moments of the highest spiritual uplift:

Night flowers sleep all day,

But only the sun will set behind the grove,

Leaves are quietly opening

And I hear the heart bloom.

Beauty in A. A. Fet is an intoxication with the joy of life, a holiday and at the same time a mystery.

For F. I. Tyutchev, nature is also an animated, rational being:

It has a soul, it has freedom,

It has love, it has language.

Beauty for him is in endless movement, in the inner music of the world, in the harmony of world forces:

In the endless, in the free space

Shine and movement, roar and thunder...

The sea drenched in a dull radiance,

How good you are in the emptiness of the night!

But beauty is not only nature, but also man. What is human beauty?

I remember the poem by N. Zabolotsky "Ugly girl". It speaks of a girl who does not differ in external beauty - “reminiscent of a frog”, as the poet writes. But that ugliness becomes invisible when she rejoices in someone else's joy, when her feelings are so strong that they change her appearance. “Infant grace of the soul” is that unity of the external and internal, that inner fire that melts any suffering into joy. And therefore N. Zabolotsky concludes:

And if so, what is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or fire flickering in a vessel?

This means that beauty is inside, in the life of human feelings, in their strength and tension: “And the secret of your charm is equivalent to the denouement of life,” wrote B. Pasternak. A person is beautiful in those moments when the element of life is manifested in him - all without a trace - when he, like the sun in a drop of water, reflects life in all its complexity, with its sufferings and joys, losses and gains. Of course, such moments are very rare, they are like an insight, this is the disclosure of the inner essence of a person.

Beauty is not only in nature and in the human person. She is in a poetic word about them. The word is a priceless gift that turns the smallest and most random details of our lives into something important and significant:

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Only the word is given life:

From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,

Only letters are heard.

And we have no other property!

Know how to save

Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,

Our priceless gift is speech.

The beauty of poetry is in the consonance of words, in a peculiar rhythm, in the originality of images. All this together creates a special sound that affects the reader, infects the mood of the poet, makes you feel the unity and fullness of life.

In my opinion, beauty is harmony. Harmony in everything: in appearance, in the soul, in nature, in the word. Beauty is present everywhere, but not everyone sees it, not everyone pays attention to it. Let's take a closer look at ourselves and those around us, and then we will see something beautiful in our monotonous life, because "Beauty will save the world"!

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