The most famous cartoon characters in the country. The most famous heroes of fairy tales and cartoons in the world Fairy-tale character of Soviet cartoons and films

The main characters of almost all Soviet cartoons are extremely negative characters - loafers, deceivers, lazybones. They drink, rowdy, hooligans. None of them works and does not benefit society. Under the cut are just a few examples.

"Wait for it". The wolf - drinks, smokes, hooligans. Judging by his reaction at the sight of the police, he was clearly involved, and more than once. Does not work. All his free time, it is not known why he pursues a completely respectable citizen - a hare. Although he is also negative. The hare, like the wolf, is a loafer - he does not work anywhere and does not do anything useful for society. Tries to appear better than it really is. So pedantic and sterile that it's disgusting.

"Winnie the Pooh". Comrade Zakhoder distorted Milne's fairy tale so much that the Soviet Winnie the Pooh is nothing like the original prototype. It turned out pretty nice, but Winnie didn’t stop being negative (by the way, in the first translation into Russian, the bear’s name was Mishka-Pluh). He is rude and stupid. He sits idle all day, out of boredom he decides to rob the hive. His accomplice, Piglet, is also not an angel - he kept weapons at home and, on occasion, did not fail to use them. Among other things, Winnie the Pooh also rats - out of greed, he eats all the honey that he was going to give to a friend, but pretends that nothing happened and gives an empty container to an unsuspecting donkey.

"Kid and Carlson". The Swedish fairy tale has almost nothing in common with the Soviet cartoon. In the original, Carlson, like Winnie the Pooh, is a negative character, in which all human vices are collected. We tried to make a good and positive hero out of him. Did not work out. He is a bum who huddles in the attic. He gained confidence in the neighbor's boy and tricked him into stealing things from the house (it all started with a jar of jam, but where is the guarantee that this will not be followed by gold?). Instead of finding a job, Carlson spends all day lounging or acting hooligans. He pulls the Kid out onto the roof and throws him there - the boy has to be shot by firefighters. The kid is good too. He is an unsociable nurse. He sits at home all day long and sulks. He has no friends, his relatives also do not like him and do not take him anywhere with them. For brothers and sisters, he is an object of ridicule, and his parents even put a price tag on him - a little more than a hundred thousand million. Expensive, but as in a joke - we have already found out whether you are for sale or not, it remains only to agree on a price. Freken Bok - an old hag was hired to keep an eye on the apartment and the Kid. Doesn't work with either one. Allows an unfamiliar man to enter the house, dances with him, arranges a mess together. She frankly hates the kid, although she, presumably, is well paid.

"Dog and Wolf". The dog is old and can no longer fulfill his duties - to guard the house. The house is being robbed. The owners, like all villagers, do not stand on ceremony with animals and drive out the useless dog. In the forest, he contacts a wolf, an extremely anti-social element, inciting him to help him return to the house. By deception, the dog succeeds. They take him back and he begins to live even better than before. But now - does not even try to guard the house. Here is her gratitude. On the day of the master's daughter's wedding, the dog lets a wolf into the house and steals food and booze from the table for him. He quickly gets drunk and begins to howl. Everyone is in a panic, the holiday is ruined, the dog again deceives the owners, supposedly driving away the wolf. In the end, he tells the one to come again. In return for kindness, instead of a guard, the owners receive an enemy in the house, from whom it is not known what to expect. The groom, by the way, is also good - a flayer, for the sake of entertainment, he steps on the cat's tail, so that he yells heart-rendingly.

"Kolobok". He left home from loving, though not native, parents. Old people might not survive this.

"Prostokvashino". Uncle Fyodor - left home from loving parents, illegally settled in an abandoned rural hut with a mongrel and a homeless cat. He doesn't work, he doesn't study, what he does for a living - it's not clear. When, apparently, there was absolutely nothing to eat, he goes to look for a treasure. From the state he hides what he has found - therefore, he violates the law. The postman Pechkin is, apparently, a stupid and unpacked worker. Or the state does not appreciate it. According to the plot, Pechkin is not long before retirement, and in his whole life he has not managed to save up even for a bicycle. Low salary, no prestigious job, no family, no friends. Due to dissatisfaction with material values, he often breaks down in public. For the sake of profit (bicycle) is ready to hand over the only friend. He behaves strangely - it is not clear why in the summer he walks in a raincoat and a hat with earflaps. Extremely dependent on TV - he refuses to celebrate the New Year without TV. It is surprising that such a person in the village did not take to drink. Of course, this is banter and nothing more. =) I grew up on Soviet cartoons and I still watch some with pleasure (for example, Treasure Island). By the way, Winnie the Pooh is my favorite character. Moreover, I took the nickname "Sanders" in his honor - this is the name of a fabulous bear.

The genre of most people, regardless of age, gender and level of education. But it is also the most difficult for the creators, because its main connoisseurs are children who will not explain their preferences, but will choose only the best. At the same time, it is also necessary to please adult directors and screenwriters if they want to create an animated film not for one year, but for decades. Such tapes were created by Soviet ones, who certainly possess the secret of mastery in this craft, because their masterpieces are still remembered and loved. And those cartoons, apparently, will never be a thing of the past.

1. Perhaps the first place in the popularity rating rightfully belongs to the Wolf and the Hare from the beloved "Well, wait a minute", directed by Alexei Kotenochkin. Characters - and enemies, at the same time. It is impossible to imagine them without each other, they have “grown together” so much over the long years of coexistence (the first series came out in 1969). And, despite the fact that the Wolf, according to the script, is a negative character, a violator of law, order, a scoundrel, his charm is so great that the viewer, empathizing with the positive, good-natured Hare, falls more in love with. And what kind of musical accompaniment in the series is just a fairy tale.
Music for Soviet cartoons was created by the country's best authors and almost always became a popular children's hit.

2. Another great work of animation is "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot" and its main character is Kesha, a hero who completely symbolizes his time. The voice of Gennady Khazanov, with his excellent parodic capabilities, was the best fit for an egocentric, capricious parrot who wants to live in better conditions than he already is. New cartoon series periodically appear until now.
3. Cat Matroskin from the magnificent trilogy - "Three from Prostokvashino", "Winter in Prostokvashino", "Vacations in Prostokvashino" - a character who is not only loved, but also constantly quoted. Phrases from the cartoon dispersed immediately after the appearance and are not forgotten until now. Kind, economical and never discouraged, Matroskin will surely linger in the hearts of his audience for a long time.
4. “A man in the prime of his life” named Carlson, who became a friend of the Kid from the masterpiece “The Kid and Carlson” instead of a dog, is familiar to every person. He is without a doubt one of my favorite characters.
5. Cheburashka is a cute, carefree, naive character from the cartoon "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka", created by the talented children's author E. Uspensky and transferred to the drawn world by Roman Kachanov. Both kids and adults like it for many years. For most of us, movie heroes created in the USSR have remained beloved to this day, and we try to introduce our children to them, because, unlike many of today's "masterpieces", they teach decency and culture, as well as cultivate respect for adults.
The most famous Soviet studios are Soyuzmultfilm and Ekran. The most famous Soviet cartoons were the brainchild of these creative associations.

Remembering the amazing and original characters of the Soviet multi-industry - brownie Kuzya, Winnie the Pooh, Leopold the cat, Hedgehog and Bear cub and others, I would like to note their charm and kindness, honesty and naivety, such, probably, it is necessary to create heroes so that decent people grow out of them.

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Which cartoon character is the dumbest? The first thing that comes to mind is SpongeBob Squarepants - the hero of our time: modern, positive and a little eccentric.

There are a lot of stupid characters in the cartoon genre. After all, the "" hero is one of the win-win solutions for. It makes it possible to create many comic situations. Cartoons with such characters often copy situation comedy adapted for the audience in many ways.

Sponge Bob Square Pants

One of the brightest representatives of the genre. SpongeBob - Squarepants has been running Mr. Krabbs for many years. This is a fast food restaurant, the boss tries to save money on his subordinates at every opportunity. At the same time, SpongeBob shows an unhealthy enthusiasm for work. He reads comics, holds an analogue of a lazy cat - Gerry the snail, who is constantly hungry.

The positive, naive and a little stupid cartoon character was liked by children and teenagers with his cheerfulness.

The Internet is full of fan clubs and sites dedicated to the hero. There is a large assortment of various goods with the image of SpongeBob and his friends.

About the animated series

The animated series "SpongeBob Squarepants" has been released for a long time - since 1999 and there have been seven seasons of the series in total.

The animated series tells about the life of the underwater inhabitants of the fictional town of Bikini - Bottom.

The starfish Patrick is Bob's best friend and perhaps another character that is hard to compete with in stupidity. Patrick has a poor memory and starfish intelligence. His demands are extremely low. He lives under a rock and does nothing. In each episode, this couple gets into ridiculous situations.

SpongeBob is the link between the rest of the inhabitants of the underwater town.

Another neighbor of Bob - the octopus Squidward, at the same time he is Bob's colleague - works as a cashier at. Squidward is a misanthrope and aesthete, he plays the clarinet, hates noise and constantly complains about Bob and Patrick, and not without reason.

Sandy the squirrel is Spach-Bob's friend. She can't breathe underwater, so she wears a spacesuit. Sandy is very talented, she plays tennis very well and is a professional karate student. Sandy helps Bob in extreme.

There is also a parallel plot of the cartoon - the war between Mr. Crabbs and Plankton. Plankton wants to compete with Krabbs by opening his own fast food restaurant, the Trash Can. But he has no visitors, so Plankton unsuccessfully tries to steal the secret hamburger recipe from Mr. Crabbs' cafeteria.

The rest - Crabbs' daughter, Mrs. Puff - play a minor role in the plots.

And deya, image, script, pencil, film, voice. This set, with a skillful approach, gets screen life. The cartoon hero lives his cartoon life - he is upset and surprised, gets into trouble and comes out the winner. Everything is on the screen. But on the other side of the screen, the cartoon characters have a sea of ​​​​love. Children's. When the child grows up, it is replaced by nostalgia, but remains in memory. And it pops up at the moment when your children meet the hero of your childhood. About heroes from Soviet childhood - Natalia Letnikova.

Hedgehog in the fog. The best cartoon of all time according to a poll of 140 animators and film critics from different countries. 35 awards worldwide. Favorite cartoon of the famous Japanese animator Miyazaki. Slow story, shrouded in mist. Hedgehog-philosopher, Little Bear - a true friend, a mysterious horse, an owl as an element of surprise, tea with juniper twigs and stars...

Carlson. The man is in the prime of his life, although he did not come out tall, but there is more than enough prowess, and acting talent is evident. The skillful manipulator, the tamer of house tormentors, invented by Astrid Lindgren, became native to all Soviet children and one single Malysh. After all, you can’t argue with the argument “I’m better than a dog”, especially when you fly to the roof.

Troubadour. The hippie minstrel is shaggy and charming. Yes, and with the voice of Muslim Magomayev in the main ballad. An unheard of thing: a Soviet cartoon with elements of a rock opera and Oleg Anofriev singing in all voices. And the main character is so informal and romantic that even a princess in a bold mini without hesitation exchanged the palace for a roof - “the sky is blue”.

Cat Matroskin. And embroider, and sew on a typewriter, and cook raspberry jam, and draw up a financial plan for the survival of a child with four-legged pets in the village. Unconditional authority for the parents of Uncle Fyodor and a reason for philosophical reasoning: "If I had such a cat, then maybe I would not have married." Dangerous for the institution of marriage.

Cheburashka. Topl in English, Plumps in German, Drutten in Swedish. Touching and once nameless, the toy gained worldwide fame after the release of the cartoon in 1969. The continuation of the story about the furry animal and his faithful friend the crocodile was filmed in Japan. And the Russian Olympic team several times made Cheburashka their symbol.

Winnie the Pooh. Medved is a poet, a lover of honey and "sit a little longer"... Unlike his Western colleague, good-natured and touching, the Soviet one is a practitioner with elements of philosophy. The image created by director Fyodor Khitruk was considered inaccurate by Boris Zakhoder, the father of Russian Pooh. But the bright picture in the style of a children's drawing, wheezing and the funny bear itself appealed to the children.

Mowgli. The hero of the first "heroic epic" "Soyuzmultfilm". In Japan, it is included in the list of the best anime in the history of animation. A human cub who managed to tame a pack of wolves, tactically win a battle with an army of dogs and defeat an insidious tiger. This is what it means to grow up outdoors, learn from a real bear, and befriend a panther.

Wolf and Hare. A charming hooligan and a touching altruist. Animated series "Well, wait a minute!" - as unity and struggle of opposites. Where one character is impossible without the other. The wolf in each series tries to get to the Hare, violating public order along the way, and the Hare, a clever strategist, avoids danger from series to series. Charm heroes add voices

Good characters of good Soviet cartoons cannot leave us indifferent to this day. These cartoons are enjoyed by both children and adults. Let's plunge into childhood and remember how we once sat carelessly at the TV, watching the adventures of our favorite heroes.

The Soviet classics of cinematography and animation have always carried bright and kind images.We fell in love with them so much that we can easily remember each hero by quotes, which, as they say, "gone to the people."

1.Cat Matroskin from Prostakvashino- a very original character, he does not go into his pocket for a word and, it seems, will not disappear in any situation ...

- Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents!

- Wrong you, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich. You hold it with the sausage up, but you need to put the sausage on the tongue, it will turn out tastier.

2. Ball from Prostokvashino - A homeless, good-natured village dog who has found an owner - Uncle Fedor, friends and a roof over his head.

- Ball. I am from ordinary dogs, not from thoroughbreds.

- And I didn't ask to be pulled out. And I may not have drowned at all. And I can go scuba diving!

-Please pay attention! Make smart faces! I'm starting a photo hunt for you!

3. Cat Leopold- a kind cat, fundamentally incapable of harming anyone. But on the other hand, he is constantly pestered by two hooligan mice.

- How joyful it is to create miracles, to give people everything that is beautiful!

4. Cheburashka - a creature with huge ears, large eyes and brown hair that walks on its hind legs.

- Don't worry, Gen, we'll have a rest and redo it again.

- We built, built and finally built.

5. Brownie Kuzya - a small shaggy creature teaches modern children what can and cannot be done. Kuzya not only keeps order in the house, he keeps traditions and customs.

- Happiness is when you have everything at home.

- I'm not a goat - I don't eat grass.

- I don't have a home. I am a free bird. Wherever I want, I fly there.

6. Carlson, who lives on the roof, can fly, likes to eat a lot and play pranks.

- I'm a man anywhere! In full bloom.

- But what about me? .. Baby, am I better? Better than dogs? BUT?

- And here, you know, we all indulge in buns ...

7. Piglet- a small and funny pig, the best and most devoted friend of Winnie the Pooh. He is always afraid of something and always gets into funny and ridiculous stories.

- It seems the rain is starting...

- What day is today?
- Today.
- My favorite day.

8. Winnie the Pooh -naive and good-natured teddy bear, loveswrite poetry and eat honey.

- Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely!

I thought and thought and finally understood everything. These are the wrong bees! Completely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey...

- It seems the rain is starting...

9. monkey from the cartoon "38 parrots". The cartoon would obviously lose a lot if it didn’t have such a groovy, cheerful and cheerful Monkey. Her irrepressible temperament in the cartoon does not give anyone rest.

- Elephant is very smart. And the parrot is terribly smart too. They are both incredibly smart. Just one smarter than the other...
- I can't think about the same thing twice.

10. Boa from the same cartoon, a pensive philosopher. He can be a good friend and comrade, and even ready to patiently endure the very unceremonious attitude of his monkey friend to his own body.

- And in parrots, I'm a mountain-a-azdo longer!

- I don't want to be, excuse me, for example.

11. Wolf from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute" - a gallant petty hooligan, demonstratively cheeky. He gladly offends the weak, grovels before the strong, litters on the streets, rowdy in the museum.

- Hare, Hare, can you hear me?

- Do not be sad,
Whole life ahead,
Whole life ahead,
Well, Hare, wait!

12.Wolf from the cartoon "Once upon a time there was a dog" - aging, unfussy, wise with experience and knowledge of life, who is ready to help an enemy in trouble, not counting on gratitude.

- What will happen to him?

- I'll sing! ..

- Shaw again?

Of course, this is not the whole list of favorite Soviet characters. And we will definitely remember more cartoons. But that will be another story!

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