The most expensive strings for an acoustic guitar. Types and types of strings

Nylon or metal strings? Many guitar players have once gone through (or are currently going through) the complex procedure of selecting strings.

Let's start with the most common ones metal strings. They really seduce guitarists with their ringing sound, excellent sustain and, most importantly, familiarity of sound. But you have to pay for everything. Firstly, pain in the fingers. You can bet that I can play for hours and nothing will happen. I can do that too. But we are talking about training. I personally remember very well how my fingers hurt after five minutes of playing (I studied metal).

There are many parameters that characterize strings. The main ones are the thickness of the first string and the tension force of the string. Thickness ranges from 0.08 to 0.15 mm (or so). On good strings( , ​​) the diameters of ALL strings and, preferably, the tension force (in kilograms) should be written. These numbers are important. Experiment with different types and brands of strings, don't be afraid to make mistakes. But I want to warn you: it’s too thin strings difficult to handle. They are easy to press, but they are VERY difficult to tune and can go out of tune if you press the string hard between the nuts.

Secondly, if your goal is not just strumming in the yard (nylon is definitely not suitable for this purpose), then try to find a professional guitarist who plays metal (of course, there are such people, but they are few). The fact is that the soft nylon sound is perfect for chamber performance. And in general, the speed of playing on nylon is really higher than on metal.

Metal strings less susceptible to aging than nylon strings. If nylon needs to be changed every two months, then metal lasts six or more. But here it is necessary to make a reservation that in general the first two strings fail (i.e. they stop building, change the color of the sound) much earlier than the rest, so you can often replace them (only if spare ones are included in the kit).

I’ll say right away: nylon strings it’s more difficult to tune, the fact is that you simply have to catch the desired tone like a flea. You just have to get used to it. Nylon strings are suitable for all types of guitar music that require fast passages, tremolo, vibrato or just fingerpicking. Where the rich sound of six strings is needed at the same time, nylon falls on the shoulder blades: metal strings are excellent when playing with strikes.

Now a few words about guitars. There are guitars either only made of nylon or only made of metal. There is no other option! St. Petersburg's old guitars don't count - they actually fit both types of strings, but the sound left much to be desired. Whatever strings were installed when purchased (naturally, in the store), these should be installed when replacing. The fact is that technically a replacement is possible, but what will be the consequences? The guitar may simply not be in tune, or its neck may be bent (believe me, this is possible), the manufacturer will not wish anything bad.

As a result, I would still advise learning to play nylon, and then making a choice. After all, it is easier for a real guitarist to switch from one type of strings to another than for a beginner.

Which nylon strings to choose?

The typical choice of a professional guitarist is nylon strings high tension (High Tension) with silver-plated winding. Teachers usually recommend that beginner guitarists use normal-tension strings; they are easier to play on, although the nuances of sound production that are available on high-tension nylon cannot be obtained with them. You may also be advised not to install silver-plated strings on low-quality guitars. Pay special attention to the frets. If the grinding of the frets leaves much to be desired, but you still want to use nylon strings, then the optimal choice is strings with copper (or copper alloy-based) braid. They will “live” longer, although their sound is initially less bright.

When choosing “voices,” the determining factor is the quality of their processing. There are polished and honed (matte) surfaces, each with its own “sound” nuances. Polished strings are the most common. This is due to the fact that they produce fewer overtones during fast passages.

Now - a couple general rules on communication with strings:

1) Never reinstall old strings - this can lead to breaks and a permanently out-of-tune guitar.
2) After installing the strings, let the guitar sit for at least a day (just tune it first) to allow the strings to stretch. You shouldn't start playing right away - the strings will go out of tune very quickly - there will be little pleasure.
3) Do not play the guitar with dirty or greasy hands - the strings will deteriorate.
4) Periodically wipe the neck of your guitar along with the strings - it won’t make it worse, but the strings will be nice.
5) If a string breaks, it is better to replace all six - the sound of the new one will still stand out from the general background.
6) If the guitar SUDDENLY stops playing, there is no need to throw it away, just try changing the strings to new ones.

Information provided- website Secrets of a Musician, author Izotov

It has always been an honor to be able to play the guitar. Even after learning a few chords, you can already play simple songs in the yard or near the fire to lift your mood and morale. But there are times when, due to carelessness or prolonged use, the strings on a guitar break. In order not to cut short the holiday, you should always have a spare set of strings with you. This is where it comes in main question: "How to choose strings for acoustic guitar?"

Types of strings

For an acoustic guitar, you have the choice of installing nylon or metal strings (on the same electric guitar, you can only install metal strings). These are two opposing camps. There is still debate about which strings are best for an acoustic guitar. In fact, it all depends on the person. Acoustic guitar strings sound different. That's why they are so great amount. There are many different sets that differ from each other in various parameters that affect the sound and quality of the game. Don't forget that, among other factors, the acoustic guitar itself also affects playing. What strings are best for beginners?

Strings for Beginners

The first steps in mastering the guitar are always difficult. It is very important that from the very beginning a person enjoys playing the guitar, otherwise he will soon give up. Since the main element of a guitar is the strings, the approach to their selection should be in the first place. For beginners, nylon ones are best suited, since they have all the parameters useful to them.

Pros and cons of nylon strings

For beginners, nylon strings are best, as synthetic strings are much easier to play. Metal is a much harder material than synthetics, so it is more difficult to pluck your first chords on such strings. Synthetics, in turn, are more soft material, so learning to play it will be many times easier.

For untrained fingers, the first loads will be quite large, so you need to do everything possible to reduce the load on them. In addition, synthetics are not so harmful to the skin: although at first it will be painful to clamp the frets, but then you will quickly get used to it.

But everything is not as simple as it seems. Synthetic is a soft material, which is why it is susceptible to deformation. Because of this property, the acoustics need to be constantly adjusted as the strings stretch. They are also less durable, so you should be careful and try not to tear them.

Nylon on a guitar does not sound as loud as metal. Its sound is more subdued, but soft. Therefore, when playing “forte” you need to put in more effort.

Pros and cons of metal strings

Metal strings are made of a stronger material, which gives them such strength. They are more durable and unpretentious to other conditions. They also don't deform as much. This makes it possible to keep them tight (no need to adjust them every time). Best Strings for acoustic guitar - metal. They are rightfully considered as such, because their sound is more ringing and loud.

But they have whole line shortcomings. Due to their strength, metal strings are made thinner. Especially for beginners, this results in thick calluses on the left hand. If you re-exercise out of a spiritual impulse, your fingers may bleed, and these are not just words. That is why it is important for yourself to choose a norm, several hours a day, in order to avoid overwork and bloody blisters. In addition, pressing chords will be much more difficult than with synthetics, since metal is a harder material. Here you need to use all your strength to make a sound.

Which strings to choose

So what are the best strings for an acoustic guitar? Well, for this it is worth taking into account all the factors. If a person is just starting to study music, then it is better to use nylon strings, since they are the easiest to learn on; if you have experience, then metal strings, because they have a more beautiful sound.

How to change strings on an acoustic guitar

If suddenly the guitar you bought turned out to have a set of metal strings, but you needed nylon ones, it doesn’t matter. The question of how to change strings on an acoustic guitar is resolved very quickly.

The first step is to buy a new set of strings. They are sold anywhere music store, there are still plenty of them on the Internet. After that, all that remains is to remove the old ones and attach the new ones.

Old strings need to be removed starting with the pegs (those things that are attached to the headstock). By reducing the tension, you can easily untangle them with your fingers and remove them from the peg. Then simply untie the knot on the bridge (the base on which the strings are attached near right hand). Then, following the reverse procedure, new strings are put on, starting from the lower bridge and ending with the pegs.

Valuable advice: it is best to change strings for an acoustic guitar not from top to bottom, but from the sides. That is, first the sixth and first strings are put on, then the fifth and second, and only then the fourth and third. The headstock is made so that pairs of pegs hold the strings in exactly that order. The farthest pair of pegs is responsible for the first and sixth. Same with the middle and third pair of pegs.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to practice a little.

Best Strings

You always want to have something of very high quality and reliability. The same applies to strings. As a rule, the strings for an acoustic guitar installed when purchasing it are not of high quality. This is why it is recommended to change the strings after purchasing an instrument. The best option there will be a famous brand dedicated to guitars, Fender. He collected all the best in himself. This pleasure costs more than other strings, but it's worth it.

If you have already purchased an acoustic guitar for yourself and want to take a set of spare strings for it, but still don’t know which ones to choose or have no idea about them at all, then in this article I will try to reveal all the secrets to you and answer such an important question: how to choose strings for an acoustic guitar?

What do you need to know first?

When choosing strings for your guitar, I would advise you to be careful about the opinions of the so-called “experts”. This is especially true for unfortunate salespeople in music stores, who for the most part are not particularly professional and want to push you the most expensive or stale product in the window, but are not as interested in helping you choose strings for an acoustic guitar.

I'm sure that for mine creative life Any guitarist will try more than a dozen different strings and change his preferences more than once, because a person’s requirements and tastes change over time, and string production technologies also do not stand in one place. Quite often, professionals have several different guitars and, accordingly, for each they select a separate set of strings that are best suited in terms of physical and sound parameters. Therefore, it makes no sense to give any advice on choosing certain brands of strings. But then, I will try to introduce you to modern types strings and their design differences.

Deciding before purchasing

As I already talked about in the article, you first need to decide what kind of guitar you will master. Whether it is a classical guitar or an acoustic one, the strings will also be different; in fact, the strings are almost the whole difference between a classical and an acoustic guitar.

When choosing strings for your acoustic guitar in a store, you will definitely encounter a problem that did not exist when you were choosing your instrument. I’ll tell you what this problem is now. Before purchasing, you will not be able to listen to how the strings sound in order to choose the most suitable ones for yourself. Therefore, first, consult with friends or acquaintances of guitarists who have experience behind them before you decide to buy strings.

String thickness

You need to decide what thickness of strings suits you best. Keep in mind that to play thick strings confidently, you must have well-trained fingers on your left hand. As a rule, the diameter of the 1st string in different sets can vary from 0.008 to 0.013 inches. The thicker the strings, the richer and more voluminous the guitar will sound.

Winding material

Copper or its various alloys. These strings are the most common and most often used on acoustic guitars and are therefore less expensive.

Silver coating. This metal has little effect on the sound, but has a good effect on aesthetic qualities. Strings with this coating do not fade, look beautiful and do not leave dark marks on the fingers.

Brass or phosphor bronze. Such strings will be more durable and, unlike copper ones, will have a slightly different sound.

String winding type

Round winding. Strings with such a winding will have a ringing and bright sound, especially immediately after replacement, but not for a long time.

Flat winding. When choosing such strings, keep in mind that their sound will be dull, as if muffled.

The 1st and 2nd strings are always made without winding. The 6th, 5th and 4th bass strings are always wound. The 3rd string most often comes without a winding, but in thicker sets with a winding, which gives its sound a more beautiful and rich sound, but it also has a drawback. Due to the fact that the winding is very thin, it often breaks and becomes unusable, and because of this it is necessary to change the entire set.

Classical Guitar Strings

Synthetic (nylon) strings. The first three strings are made of nylon fishing line, but the bass strings are made of large number threads of exactly the same nylon and have an external metal winding, most often made of copper, less often of silver or brass (phosphorus bronze).

High density synthetic. These strings, unlike nylon strings, are made of carbon fishing line, and at the same time have an increased density and a thinner diameter. Such strings are characterized by a ringing, pronounced sound. The disadvantage is the high price.

Strings on a steel cable. The strings are relatively soft and have different windings: the first three are with nylon tape, and the 6th, 5th and 4th are with silver-plated copper. These strings have virtually no stretch and change pitch quite quickly when the pegs are turned. They are less popular due to their high price and are quite unusual.

Synthallic strings. They are characterized at the metal level by high sound brightness and the usual softness like nylon. They tune up quickly, the winding does not wear out so much from contact with the frets, and these strings also allow you to make “braces.” Maintains tune and rich timbre for several months without changing.

Acoustic guitar strings

Monolithic steel strings. The core of these strings consists of high-strength, so-called “piano steel”, from which the first three strings are also made. Alloys based on copper or phosphorus bronze are most often used as windings, and the windings differ in hardness and elasticity, while imparting different rigidity to the strings. This in turn affects the sound of the instrument and the comfort of playing with your fingers.

Steel strings with semicircular or flat winding. Such a winding can lie flat side out. These strings are a type of string with a solid steel base. When sliding fingers along the coils, the windings do not make a “whistle”. They are characterized by a more matte sound on bass strings and a more ringing sound on unwound strings.

Steel strings covered with thin synthetic material. There are two types of them. The first type includes strings in which on top of the metal winding there is another additional thin tape winding consisting of Teflon - a synthetic material that has low friction and good wear resistance. Protects the twisted string from dirt and moisture and reduces wear from contact with the frets. The second type differs in that, according to the technology, the wire winding the strings is already enclosed in a plastic sheath. Disadvantage - the gaps between the turns are less protected from contamination and sweat from the fingers, but they more effectively reduce wear from contact with the frets. These two types of strings are quite expensive and lack the iridescent sound that is characteristic of round wound strings.

Let's sum it up

When choosing strings for an acoustic guitar, you need to decide what sound you personally like, what kind of guitar you have and, not least, what kind of music you will play or already play. But for beginner guitarists who have no experience, I would advise the following:

Try to always tune the strings using a tuner or tuning fork, because the instrument will not be able to sound fully if it is not tuned correctly. Do not over-tighten the strings so as not to deform them or break them at the most inopportune moment. Also, you shouldn’t tighten the strings loosely, because the sound will be less dense and loud, and the tuning will “float.” Keep in mind that even if you take the most expensive strings, but don’t tune them correctly, they will sound much worse than cheap ones, but correctly tuned and matched to the hands and guitar of a particular player.

Perhaps this is the most important information for those who wondered: “How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar?” I hope that I was able to help you in some way and will be glad if you write a comment, adding your information to this article. Don't forget to share with your friends on in social networks, perhaps they will also be interested in knowing this. The next article will be about how to choose strings for an electric guitar. So, if anyone is interested, wait for updates on the site. Good luck to you!

Choosing guitar strings, the happy owner of a musical instrument must take into account the whole a number of parameters: manufacturer, material, coating, type of winding. One of the most important indicators is string thickness, or, to put it differently, their caliber.

String gauge defines two important points: sound and playability. The thicker the string, the richer and louder the sound will be, but they are more difficult to pinch. Thin strings are easier to handle, which is why beginners often prefer them. In general, the choice of caliber depends on what and how you want to play and what you are willing to sacrifice: sound or convenience.

String thickness most often expressed in fractions of an inch. The kit packaging indicates the thickness of the 1st and 6th strings separated by a hyphen. It looks something like 9-42, 10-46 and so on. In slang - “nine”, “ten”, etc. Acoustic guitar strings typically come in gauges of .009 or higher, while figure eight strings are used primarily for electric guitars.

What thickness of strings should I choose?

The thinnest strings are chosen either, as already mentioned, by beginners or virtuoso guitarists like Yngwie Malmsteen. Also thin strings They are better suited for all kinds of bends (“pull-ups”), so blues lovers will also like them. The most popular 1st string gauges are 0.010 and 0.011. More thick strings are used less frequently, but with them you can achieve a richer and denser sound. They will come in handy, for example, in jazz. Also, large gauge strings are often used for playing in low tuning (Drop D or even Drop C). In addition, thick strings are better suited for scratching.

There is a huge range of different strings on the market for this type of guitar. As a rule, for classical guitar strings are made of either nylon or carbon. In addition, there are vein strings of the intestines. Classical guitar bass strings are also made from nylon, but with the addition of metal winding threads. The winding material most often used is bronze with silver plating or bronze with the addition of phosphorus.

Nylon strings

It's pretty popular look strings for classical guitar. Strings of this type are wear-resistant and durable. Dimensions nylon strings are different, so the tension force must be determined from the information on the packaging. As a rule, the package with strings contains the following inscriptions: Hard, Normal or Light tension. These inscriptions are translated as strong, normal and weak tension, respectively. For guitarists, low tension strings are usually recommended. For more experienced musicians, it is recommended to purchase high and medium tension strings.

Carbon strings

Carbon strings are made from carbon fiber, a material superior to nylon in quality. This material was created in Japan and quickly found application in many areas, including manufacturing. musical instruments. Carbon strings are very strong and more durable than nylon strings. In addition, carbon strings produce more ringing sound. The density of carbon is higher than that of nylon, so with a small diameter you can achieve strong string tension. The main disadvantage of this type of string is obvious - the high price.

Gut strings

These exotic strings are made from animal intestines and are prized primarily by hobbyists. ancient music. You won't find such strings on the market. In the process of their creation they are used modern technologies to increase their service life.

Bass string wrap

Bass string windings also come in several types. Bronze windings without any impurities are used quite rarely, since such strings wear out quickly. The cost of strings with bronze winding is usually low. Silver plated bronze windings on bass strings are quite common in production. This coating increases the service life of the strings, and also improves the quality of the sound produced. The cost of this type of strings is slightly more expensive than strings with a simple bronze winding. There are also strings with windings made of silver-plated brass, which are highly wear-resistant. Bronze winding with the addition of phosphorus is one of the most best types windings These strings produce a very long, soft and voluminous sound.

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