The largest population. The peoples of Russia: list and number

  • 2. Factors influencing the distribution of productive forces and their change in the epoch of ntr.
  • 3. Determination of the type of reproduction of the country's population by the age-sex pyramid.
  • 1. Nature management. Examples of rational and irrational nature management.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the countries of Western Europe.
  • 3. Determining and comparing the average population density of the two countries (at the choice of the teacher) and explaining the reasons for the differences.
  • 1. Types of natural resources. Resource availability. Assessment of the resource endowment of the country.
  • 2. The importance of transport in the world economy of the country, modes of transport and their features. Transport and environment.
  • 3. Determination and comparison of population growth rates in different countries (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Patterns of distribution of mineral resources and countries distinguished by their reserves. Problems of rational use of resources.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Western Europe (at the choice of the student).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the transport systems of the two countries (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Land resources. Geographic differences in the provision of land resources. Problems of their rational use.
  • 2. Fuel and energy industry. Composition, importance in the economy, features of placement. The energy problem of mankind and ways to solve it. Problems of environmental protection.
  • 3. Characteristics according to the maps of the egp (economic and geographical position) of the country (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Land water resources and their distribution on the planet. The problem of water supply and possible ways to solve it.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the countries of Eastern Europe.
  • 3. Determination of trends in the sectoral structure of the country based on statistical materials (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Forest resources of the world and their importance for the life and activities of mankind. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Eastern Europe (at the choice of the student).
  • 3. Definition and comparison of the ratio of urban and rural population in different regions of the world (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Resources of the World Ocean: water, mineral, energy and biological. Problems of rational use of resources of the World Ocean.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the United States.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of directions of the main cargo flows of iron ore.
  • 1. Recreational resources and their distribution on the planet. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Japan.
  • 3. Explanation on the maps of the directions of the main oil cargo flows.
  • 1. Environmental pollution and environmental problems of mankind. Types of pollution and their distribution. Ways to solve the environmental problems of mankind.
  • 2. Agriculture. Composition, features of development in developed and developing countries. Agriculture and the environment.
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two industrial regions (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. World population and its changes. Natural population growth and factors influencing its change. Two types of population reproduction and their distribution in different countries.
  • 2. Crop production: location boundaries, main crops and areas of their cultivation, exporting countries.
  • 3. Comparison of the international specialization of one of the developed and one of the developing countries, explaining the differences.
  • 1. "Population explosion". The problem of population size and its features in different countries. demographic policy.
  • 2. Chemical industry: composition, significance, placement features. Chemical industry and problems of environmental protection.
  • 3. Evaluation on maps and statistical materials of the resource availability of one of the countries (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Age and sex composition of the world's population. Geographic differences. Gender pyramids.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the countries of Latin America.
  • 3. Comparative characteristics according to the map of the provision of individual regions and countries with arable land.
  • 1. The national composition of the world's population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.
  • 2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, features of placement. Countries distinguished by the level of development of mechanical engineering.
  • 3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Placement of the population on the territory of the Earth. Factors affecting the distribution of the population. The most densely populated regions of the world.
  • 2. Power industry: value, countries distinguished by absolute and per capita indicators of electricity production.
  • 3. Determination of the main grain exporters based on statistical data.
  • 1. Migration of the population and their causes. Influence of migrations on population change, examples of internal and external migrations.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the People's Republic of China.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of directions of the main cargo flows of coal.
  • 1. Urban and rural population of the world. Urbanization. Major cities and urban agglomerations. Problems and consequences of urbanization in the modern world.
  • 2. Animal husbandry: distribution, main industries, location features, exporting countries.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of directions of the main gas cargo flows.
  • 1. World economy: essence and main stages of formation. International geographical division of labor and its examples.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Latin America (at the choice of the student).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the provision of individual regions and countries with water resources.
  • 1. International economic integration. Economic groupings of the countries of the modern world.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of African countries.
  • 3. Determination of the main exporters of cotton based on statistical data.
  • 1. Fuel industry: composition, location of the main areas of fuel production. The most important producing and exporting countries. Major international fuel flows.
  • 2. International economic relations: forms and geographical features.
  • 3. Determination of the main sugar exporters based on statistical data.
  • 1. Metallurgical industry: composition, placement features. Major producing and exporting countries. Metallurgy and the problem of environmental protection.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the African countries (at the student's choice).
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two agricultural regions (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Forest and woodworking industry: composition, placement. Geographic differences.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Asian countries.
  • 3. Determination of the main coffee exporters based on statistical data.
  • 1. Light industry: composition, placement features. Problems and prospects of development.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Asian countries (at the choice of the student).
  • 3. Designation on the contour map of geographical objects, the knowledge of which is provided by the program (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. The national composition of the world's population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, features of placement. Countries distinguished by the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the choice of the teacher).

    1. The national composition of the world's population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    There are about 3-4 thousand peoples or ethnic groups in the world, some of which have developed into nations, while others are nationalities and tribes.

    For your information: an ethnos is a historically established, stable community of people, possessing a combination of such features as a common language, territory, features of life and culture, ethnic identity.

    The peoples of the world are classified:

    I. By number:

    In total, there are more than 300 peoples in the world, numbering over 1 million people each, which account for 96% of the total population of the Earth. Including the number of over 5 million people are about 130 peoples, over 10 million - 76 peoples, over 25 million - 35 peoples, over 100 million - 7 peoples.

    For your information: 7 most numerous nations:

    1) Chinese (Han) - 1048 million people (in China - 97% of the total number of people in the country);

    2) Hindustanis - 223 million people (in India - 99.7%);

    3) US Americans - 187 million people. (in the USA - 99.4%);

    4) Bengalis - 176 million people. (in Bangladesh - 59%, in India - 40%);

    5) Russians - 146 million people. (in Russia - 79.5%);

    6) Brazilians - 137 million people. (in Brazil - 99.7%);

    7) Japanese - 123 million people. (in Japan - 99%).

    But there are peoples numbering less than 1 thousand people.

    II. By linguistic proximity:

    Related languages ​​are combined into groups, which in turn form language families.

    1) The Indo-European language family is the most numerous, 150 peoples of Europe, Asia, America and Australia speak its languages; the total number is more than 2.5 billion people.

    This language family includes a number of groups:

    Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Latin Americans);

    German (Germans, British, Americans);

    Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats);

    Celtic (Irish)

    Baltic (Lithuanians);

    Greek (Greeks);


    · Armenian;

    Iranian (Persians, Kurds).

    2) Sino-Tibetan language group: over 1 billion people speak its languages.

    Somewhat less numerous language families:

    3) Afroasian.

    4) Altai.

    5) Niger-Kordofanian.

    6) Dravidian.

    7) Austronesian.

    8) Ural.

    9) Caucasian.

    National criteria underlie the division of mankind into states.

    If on their territory the main nationality is over 90%, then these are single-national states (Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Japan, etc.).

    If two nations prevail - binational (Belgium, Canada, etc.).

    If countries are inhabited and make up a significant proportion of dozens and even hundreds of peoples - multinational states (India, Russia, USA, Spain, Great Britain, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc.).

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, features of placement. Countries distinguished by the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest branches of the economy. As an industry, it arose 200 years ago during the industrial revolution in England.

    Mechanical engineering provides other branches of the economy with equipment and machines, produces many household and cultural items.

    In terms of the number of employees (more than 80 million people) and the cost of production, it ranks first among all sectors of the world industry.

    The level of development of the economy of any country is judged by the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    The following main branches (more than 70 in total) of mechanical engineering are distinguished:

    1) machine tool building;

    2) instrumentation;

    3) electrical and electronic industry;

    4) computer technology;

    5) railway engineering;

    6) automotive industry;

    7) shipbuilding;

    8) aviation and rocket industry;

    9) tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.

    The location of engineering enterprises is influenced by many factors.

    As the main ones it should be noted: transport; availability of qualified labor resources; consumer; and for some (metal-intensive) industries - and raw materials.

    Recently, there has been a decrease in the dependence of mechanical engineering on metal sources, but its orientation towards labor resources, research centers, etc. is increasing.

    There are four machine-building regions in the world:

    1) North America: where almost all types of engineering products are produced, from the highest to medium and low complexity.

    Major corporations:

    Automotive (USA): General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler;

    Computer technology (USA): International Business Machines;

    Electronics (USA): General Electric, American Telephone and Telegraph, etc.

    2) Foreign Europe (in relation to the CIS): produces mainly mass machine-building products, but also retains its positions in some of the latest industries.

    Major corporations:

    automobile (Germany): "Daimler-Benz"; "Volkswagenwerk";

    electronics: Germany - "Siemens", the Netherlands - "Philips", etc.

    3) East and Southeast Asia: Japan is in the lead here.

    The region combines the products of mass engineering with products of the highest technology - the centers of science.

    Large corporations:

    Cars (Japan): Toyota Motor, Nissan Motor;

    Electronics (Japan): Hitachi, Matsushita Electric Industrial, Samsung, etc.

    4) Commonwealth of Independent States: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus are leading in it.

    Recently, the pace of development of mechanical engineering has decreased in the region, although it produces a wide range of engineering products.

    Developing countries produce less than 1/10 of the world's engineering products. In most of these states, there is not mechanical engineering, but it is more correct to call it metalworking, in addition to this, there are many assembly plants that receive machine parts from the USA, Western Europe and Japan.

    But recently in some of them - Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico - mechanical engineering has already reached a fairly high level.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the choice of the teacher).

    According to the following response plan, you can characterize any state in the world.

    Take for example, Japan is one of the 7 economically developed countries in the world.

    For the answer we used: statistical materials; maps of economic sectors of the world; atlas maps for Japan (economy).

    Import in Japan (import of products):

    1) raw materials: fuel - 49%, ore, for the textile industry (textile fiber), etc.;

    2) products of the chemical industry (acids, alkalis, fertilizers, oil products);

    3) food products (grain, etc.).

    Export in Japan: products, products of the following industries:

    1) mechanical engineering (cars, ships, electronics, machine tools, watches);

    2) ferrous metallurgy (steel, rolled products);

    3) non-ferrous metallurgy;

    4) chemical industry (synthetic fibers, rubber);

    5) light industry (fabrics, clothes).

    From the above, we can conclude: in Japan, as one of the developed countries, the following trend is observed: the import of raw materials and food products (preferably from developing countries) due to the lack of their own natural resources; and the export of finished expensive products, both to the developing countries of Asia and to the developed countries of Europe and America.

    Ticket number 17

    National composition of the population distribution of people according to ethnicity. An ethnos (or people) is a historically established stable community of people, united by the unity of language, territory, economic life and culture, and national identity. Forms of ethnic community change and become more complex in the process of development of human society - from tribal and tribal associations in the primitive system, nationalities in early class societies to independent nations - in the context of the merging of local markets into a single national market. If, for example, the formation of nations has long been completed, then in some underdeveloped, and (, etc.) tribal associations are widely represented.

    To date, there are 2200 - 2400 ethnic groups in the world. Their numbers vary greatly - from a few dozen people to hundreds of millions. The largest nations include (in million people):

    • Chinese - 11 70,
    • Hindustanis (the main people of India) - 265,
    • Bengalis (in India and) - 225,
    • Americans - 200,
    • – 175,
    • Russians - 150,
    • Japanese - 130,
    • Punjabis (the main people) - 115,
    • – 115,
    • Biharis - 105.

    Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, 10 ethnic groups account for about 45% of all mankind.

    In many states and regions of the world, different ethnic groups are represented differently. Therefore, the main peoples are usually singled out, that is, the ethnic groups that make up the bulk of the population, and national minorities.

    According to their origin and social status, national minorities are usually divided into two types:
    autochthonous, i.e., indigenous peoples, ethnic groups born of immigration.

    So, the following proportions are typical for the national composition of the modern. The main ethnic group - the British - make up 77% of the total population; autochthonous ethnic groups, including the Scots, etc. - 14% and immigrants from different countries - 9%.

    In recent years, inter-ethnic contradictions have escalated in countries with a complex national composition.

    According to the most conservative estimates, more than 192 peoples live on the territory of the Russian Federation, differing from each other in terms of culture, religion or history of development. It is noteworthy that they all ended up within the same state borders almost peacefully - as a result of the annexation of new territories.

    Features of the residence of peoples

    For the first time, a list of peoples living on the territory of Russia was compiled in the middle of the 18th century in order to streamline the collection of taxes. The Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg seriously dealt with this issue, and during the 17th-19th centuries several dozen serious ethnographic studies on this topic were published, as well as many illustrated albums and atlases, which have become very valuable for modern scientists.

    At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the country's population can be formally divided into 192 ethnic groups. There are only 7 nations with a population of over 1 million in Russia. These include:

    • Russians - 77.8%.
    • Tatars - 3.75%.
    • Chuvash - 1.05%.
    • Bashkirs - 1.11%.
    • Chechens - 1.07%.
    • Armenians - 0.83%.
    • Ukrainians - 1.35%.

    There is also a term titular nation", which is understood as the ethnic group that gave the name to the region. And it may not be the most numerous people. For example, many peoples of Russia live in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (the list consists of more than 50 items). But only the Khanty and Mansi, who made up only 2% of the region's population gave it an official name.

    Ethnographic research continues in the 21st century, and works on the topic "Russian peoples: list, number and percentage" are of interest not only to serious scientists, but also to ordinary people who want to know more about their homeland.

    parts of Russia

    Russians are not mentioned as a nation in the current Constitution of Russia, but in fact these people represent more than 2/3 of the entire population. His " cradle"is - from Northern Primorye and Karelia to the coast of the Caspian and Black Seas. The people are characterized by the unity of spiritual culture and religion, homogeneous anthropology and a common language. However, Russians are also heterogeneous in their composition and are divided into various ethnographic groups:

    Northern - Slavic peoples living in the Novgorod, Ivanovo, Arkhangelsk, Vologda and Kostroma regions, as well as in the Republic of Karelia and in the north of the Tver lands. Northern Russians are characterized by " shakish"dialect and a lighter color of appearance.

    South Russian peoples live in the Ryazan, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Orel and Penza regions. The inhabitants of these regions okayut"when talking. For the part" South Russians"characteristic of bilingualism (Cossacks).

    The northern and southern regions are not located close - they are connected by the Central Russian zone ( interfluve of the Oka and Volga), where the inhabitants of both zones are mixed equally. In addition, in the general mass of Russians there are so-called sub-ethnic groups - compactly living small nationalities that are distinguished by the peculiarities of their language and culture. These are rather closed and small. Their list consists of the following groups:

    • Vod ( for 2010 the number of people is 70).
    • Pomors.
    • Meshcheryaki.
    • Polekhi.
    • Sayans.
    • Don and Kuban Cossacks.
    • Kamchadals.

    The peoples of the southern regions

    We are talking about the territories between the Azov and Caspian Seas. In addition to the Russian population, many other ethnic groups live there, including those who are radically different in terms of traditions and religion. The reason for such a striking difference was the proximity of the eastern countries - Turkey, the Tatar Crimea, Georgia, Azerbaijan.

    Southern peoples of Russia (list):

    • Chechens.
    • Ingush.
    • Nogais.
    • Kabardians.
    • Circassians.
    • Adyghe.
    • Karachays.
    • Kalmyks.

    Half of the " national Republics. Almost each of the listed peoples has its own language, and in religious terms, Islam prevails among them.

    Separately, it is worth noting the long-suffering Dagestan. And, above all, the fact that a people with such a name does not exist. This word combines a group of ethnic groups (Avars, Aguls, Dargins, Lezgins, Laks, Nogais, etc.) living on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan.

    and the North

    It includes 14 large regions and territorially occupies 30% of the entire country. However, 20.10 million people live in this territory. consists of the following nations:

    1. Alien peoples, that is, ethnic groups that appeared in the region during its development from the 16th-20th centuries. This group includes Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Tatars, etc.

    2. Indigenous Siberian peoples of Russia. Their list is quite large, but the total number is relatively low. The most populous are the Yakuts ( 480 thousand), Buryats ( 460 thousand), Tuvans ( 265 thousand) and Khakasses ( 73 thousand).

    The ratio between indigenous and alien peoples is 1:5. Moreover, the number of original inhabitants of Siberia is gradually decreasing and is estimated not even in thousands, but in hundreds.

    The northern territories of Russia are in a similar situation. " past"The population of these areas is concentrated in large settlements. But the indigenous, for the most part, lead a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle. Ethnographers note that the northern indigenous peoples are declining at a slower rate than the Siberians.

    Peoples of the Far East and Primorye

    The Far Eastern Territory consists of the territories of the Magadan, Khabarovsk regions, Yakutia, the Chukotka district and the Jewish Autonomous Region. They are adjoined by Primorye - Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Primorsky Krai, that is, regions with direct access to the eastern seas.

    In ethnographic descriptions, the peoples of Siberia and the Far East are described together, but this is not entirely correct. The indigenous ethnic groups of this part of the country are distinguished by a very peculiar culture, which was determined by the most severe living conditions.

    The Far Eastern and coastal indigenous peoples of Russia, which are listed below, were first described in the 17th century:

    • Orochi.
    • Oroks.
    • Nivkhs.
    • Udege.
    • Chukchi.
    • Koryaks.
    • Tungus.
    • Daura.
    • Duchers.
    • Nanais.
    • Eskimos.
    • Aleuts.

    At present, small ethnic groups enjoy protection and benefits from the state, and are also of interest for ethnographic and tourist expeditions.

    The ethnic composition of the Far East and Primorye was influenced by the peoples of neighboring states - China and Japan. About 19,000 people from China have settled in the Russian region. On the islands of the Kuril ridge and Sakhalin, the Ainu people live happily, whose homeland was once Hokkaido (Japan).

    Non-indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation

    Formally, all ethnic groups in Russia, except for very small and closed ones, are non-indigenous. But in fact, migration was constantly going on within the country due to wars (evacuation), the development of Siberia and the Far East, government construction projects, and the search for better living conditions. As a result, the peoples have mixed up in order, and the Yakuts living in Moscow will no longer surprise anyone.

    But the country is home to many ethnic groups with roots coming from completely different states. Their homeland is not even close to the borders of the Russian Federation! They appeared on its territory as a result of accidental or voluntary migration in different years. The non-indigenous peoples of Russia, the list of which is given below, make up groups of several tens of thousands of people over the age of 40 (2 generations). These include:

    • Koreans.
    • Chinese.
    • Germans.
    • Jews.
    • Turks.
    • Greeks.
    • Bulgarians.

    In addition, small groups of ethnic groups from the Baltic States, Asia, India, and Europe are happily living in Russia. Almost all of them are assimilated in terms of language and way of life, but have retained some of their original traditions.

    Languages ​​and religions of the peoples of Russia

    The multi-ethnic Russian Federation is a secular state, but religion still plays a big role ( cultural, ethical, power) in the life of the population. It is characteristic that small ethnic groups adhere to their traditional religion, received " in inheritance"from their ancestors. But the Slavic peoples are more mobile and profess various types of theology, including renewed paganism, Satanism and atheism.

    Currently, the following religious movements are common in Russia:

    • Orthodox Christianity.
    • Islam ( Sunni Muslims).
    • Buddhism.
    • Catholicism.
    • Protestant Christianity.

    A rather simple situation has developed with the languages ​​of the peoples. The state language in the country is Russian, that is, the language of the majority of the population. However, in national regions ( Chechnya, Kalmykia, Bashkortostan, etc.) the language of the titular nation has the status of a state language.

    And, of course, almost every nationality has its own, distinct from others, language or dialect. It often happens that the dialects of ethnic groups living in the same area have different roots of formation. For example, the Altai people of Siberia speak the language of the Turkic group, and among the Bashkirs located nearby, the roots of oral speech are hidden in the Mongolian language.

    It is worth noting that when looking at the list of the peoples of Russia, the ethno-linguistic classification appears in almost complete form. In particular, among the languages ​​of different peoples, almost all language groups were "noted":

    1. Indo-European group:

    • Slavic languages ​​( Russian, Belarusian).
    • Germanic languages ​​( Jewish, German).

    2. Finno-Ugric languages ​​( Mordovian, Mari, Komi-Zyryan, etc.).

    3. Turkic languages ​​( Altai, Nogai, Yakut, etc.).

    4. (Kalmyk, Buryat).

    5. Languages ​​of the North Caucasus ( Adyghe, Dagestan languages, Chechen, etc.).

    In the 21st century, the Russian Federation continues to be one of the most multinational states in the world. There is no need to impose "multiculturalism", because the country has existed in this mode for many centuries.

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