Drawings for April 1 for parents. April Fool's Day: Ideas for Jokes and Pranks

The first of April is one of the most fun and reckless holidays of the year. Indeed, only on this spring day is it possible, on a “legal” basis, to play a funny joke on parents, friends and classmates. Despite the fact that April 1 is considered an ordinary working day, it is always “in sight” on the calendar - everyone is preparing for April Fool's Day in advance and in all seriousness! According to one of the many versions of the origin of the holiday, the ancient Romans celebrated the Day of Fools with funny jokes and pranks, which became the prototype of the modern April Fools' holiday. According to another source, the April 1, popular today, originated in medieval Europe with its carnivals and costumed entertainment. Starting from 1703, April Fool's Day began to be celebrated in Russia too - thanks to the foreign courtiers of Tsar Peter I, who also liked this "overseas" holiday. Since then, on April 1, it is customary to play pranks on children and adults, inventing the most incredible jokes and arranging practical jokes. Of course, the purpose of these fun amusements is a general good mood and laughter, so jokes on April 1 need to be selected that are not offensive or degrading to someone's dignity. We are happy to share with you fun ideas and videos for April Fool's Day pranks - mom and dad, classmates at school and friends in the yard. We are sure that your April Fool's jokes will cause a cheerful laugh and provide all participants with a good mood for the whole day!

Short jokes for April 1 at school for classmates - Ideas for funny pranks on April Fool's Day, video

School humor is truly an endless scope for imagination! In our country, the tradition of organizing funny pranks for classmates on April 1 is firmly rooted, so school “merry fellows” annually carefully prepare for this day. As a rule, situations from school life are chosen as topics for jokes, and classmates and even teachers become “objects”. Undoubtedly, a joke on April 1 should be positive and funny for all participants - so, in our "arsenal" there are many ideas for short funny pranks on April Fool's Day. So, how to make a good and fun joke on April 1 at school? Instead of the “traditional” putting buttons on a chair or smearing a chalkboard with soap, we offer no less funny alternative jokes on video.

Original ideas for short school jokes for April Fool's Day:

To implement such an April Fool's joke, you will need double-sided tape, with the help of which a classmate's school supplies - notebooks, textbooks and a diary - are discreetly glued to the desk. Such manipulations are best done at recess, during the absence of the “victim” of the prank in the classroom. When the next lesson begins, the student will definitely try to “move” any object from its place - this is where this funny joke will work.

With the advent of mobile phones in our lives, a lot of jokes and pranks related to these irreplaceable gadgets have appeared. Having learned the number of a cellular classmate, you can send a comic SMS on April 1 - about debiting the payment for communication from the account (we come up with an amount) or “voluntary-compulsory” transfer of the subscriber to the new Balabolny tariff.

School jokes with a “false” call of a classmate to the director or head teacher are always popular. And who will "risk" and arrange such a prank for the teacher? At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher who came to the class is informed that the director is calling him to his office. While the teacher is being distracted, one of the students hangs a piece of paper on the "director's" door with the inscription "April 1 - I do not trust anyone, even the best students!"

Funny jokes and pranks on April 1 for friends - a selection of interesting ideas, video

On the eve of World Laughter Day, many adults and children are trying to come up with the most unusual and funny pranks for their friends and acquaintances. After all, only on this spring day you can “with impunity” play a trick on anyone, giving all participants a charge of positive emotions. Of course, the most fun and unforgettable pranks traditionally "go" to our friends - after all, with whom else can you have so much fun on April 1st? In our selection you will find cool versions of April Fool's jokes and pranks that will cause a cheerful laugh and cheer up the whole company for a long time. Many interesting ideas for jokes can be gleaned from our video - give your friends an unforgettable April Fool's Day!

Interesting ideas for funny April Fools' friendly pranks:

The theme of telephone pranks is inexhaustible - prepare a joke for your best friend on April 1 by calling his home number and introducing yourself as a water utility worker. Then inform that in connection with the repair work, the water will be turned off for a day, so the residents are asked to fill all the containers. After 10 minutes, we again make a “call to a friend” and ask if he got water. Having received an affirmative answer, you can “rejoice” that now geese will be brought to him to swim.

Such an idea of ​​a prank on April 1 will be of interest to students living in a hostel. We choose the moment when the neighbor left his room and “penetrate” inside (in this case, the door of the room should open outward). With the help of threads, we tie together a lot of objects - a chair, notebooks and books on the table, spoons, a cabinet door. Then the tip of the thread must be attached to the inside door handle. As soon as a friend opens the door, a real April Fool's surprise awaits him and a complete mess in the room.

If your friend "part-time" is a neighbor in the stairwell, you can arrange a fun prank on April 1 - with a clapperboard. We tie a firecracker to the door handle of a neighbor's apartment with a rope, and fasten its other end to the railing. We ring the doorbell, quickly hide at home and settle down at the door peephole. As soon as the neighbor's door opens, a deafening "explosion" will immediately be heard - the April Fool's joke was a success!

Easy jokes on April 1 for mom and dad - Funny pranks for parents, ideas, videos

The first of April is a great occasion to prank not only colleagues or friends, but also beloved parents. Of course, jokes for mom and dad should be light, funny and positive. After all, the purpose of such funny pranks is surprise, joy and cheerful laughter - parental and childish. We hope that our April Fool's video ideas will inspire you to create a real holiday, and your parents will have fun with your jokes and jokes.

How to play mom and dad on April 1 - a selection of easy jokes:

For mom and dad on April 1, you can arrange a draw - a fun tea party. To do this, the night before, we pour salt into the sugar bowl, and in the morning we set the table and invite the parents to drink tea. In addition, you can drop iodine into your cup of tea and dip a piece of bread or biscuits into it. As a result of the effect of iodine on starch, the bread will become bluish in color - those present will be surprised!

Dad on April Fool's Day can be "pleased" with cosmetic procedures by painting his toenails during sleep. Of course, such a funny prank is best done with the moral "support" of the mother. Waking up, dad will definitely appreciate such a creative - then you can "admit" that the nail polish remover at home is over. As a “soothing” gift for dad, a small souvenir gift is suitable, which will remind the whole family of this funny April Fools’ prank for a long time.

Funny jokes for children on April 1 - video pranks for April Fool's Day in kindergarten

In kindergarten on April 1, there are many draws and cheerful children's laughter sounds. We bring to your attention a video with funny jokes for April Fool's Day - for kids on this day you can arrange an unforgettable holiday!

April 1 - April Fool's Day, jokes on video

Spring brings us not only the warmth of the sun and greenery on the trees, but also the most fun holiday - April 1st. On this wonderful day, you can joke everywhere and with everyone - even strangers will perceive your pranks with understanding and humor. In the video you will find interesting ideas for April Fool's Day jokes that your relatives and friends will definitely appreciate.

What jokes to pick up on April 1st? We have collected the best ideas from videos of funny jokes and pranks for April Fool's Day: for classmates at school, friends, mom and dad (parents). Arrange a funny prank for children and adults - in the form of a cool SMS to your phone or in person. Let your jokes and jokes on April 1 give others only cheerful laughter and a sea of ​​​​unforgettable impressions!

In terms of the number of draws, this day is the record holder of the year. By the way, it is considered bad form to be offended by April Fools' jokes.

Sputnik Georgia has prepared a selection of "jokes" for those who want to play their household members, friends, colleagues, classmates on April Fool's Day and cheer up those around them - relatives, friends or just passers-by.

How to play household

Waking up early, put children's things for adults, and parents' things for children, replace slippers with a larger or smaller size. You can put slippers of different sizes, hide one sock from a different pair, or stitch a sock, and so on.

If you are not too lazy to spend a little time preparing the draw, you can sew up the sleeves or trousers in the clothes of your household with a thin, easily torn thread the night before. You can also sew the sleeve to the leg or sew the neck. Such innocent jokes will turn the process of dressing into a game and set all family members in a major way.

You can recall the jokes that we did more than once in childhood - paint the face of a sleeping person with toothpaste, ketchup or another quickly washed off mixture, and cover the soap with a colorless varnish so that it does not foam.

You can also squeeze out toothpaste, and instead fill the tube with milk, sour cream or mayonnaise with a syringe. By the way, milk would be funnier.

And yet, the divider of the tap can be tinted with liquid dye - blue or red, as a result, blue or red water will flow from the tap. By the way, the latter is scarier.

You can pour detergent into the toilet that lathers well, or put dry pasta under the toilet seat, and when someone sits on it, it will crack like it's broken.

© photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

You can carry out various manipulations with cosmetics. For example, replace face cream or deodorant with butter.

In the kitchen, according to tradition, you can replace sugar with salt, add pepper to coffee - this drink is very invigorating in the morning, especially on April 1st. But it will be funnier to make fried eggs from sour cream and halves of a canned peach and serve jelly instead of juice.

The list of various jokes is endless, and it doesn’t matter how you play your family on April Fool’s Day. Most importantly, remember that this is a great occasion to have fun with the whole family.

How to prank friends

There are many jokes associated with the phone. For example, call a friend from an unknown phone number and say the following text: "Hello, this is Durov's corner? Do you need a talking horse? Just don't hang up, you know how difficult it is to dial with your hoof!"

Or, call a friend and ask him not to answer the phone for a few minutes, as there is a telephone operator on the line and he could be electrocuted. After a while, call back, and if your friend picks up the phone, let out a heart-rending scream. This prank is not for the faint of heart, so joke in a way that does not harm your loved one.

For the next drawing, you need to turn on call forwarding to any number on your mobile phone - for example, a government agency, a hairdresser, a bathhouse or a rest home. There will be no limit to the surprise of people calling you when, instead of your greeting, they will hear an unfamiliar voice pronouncing the name of the organization.

You can play a prank on a friend by placing a farting pillow on him. To make the cushion more difficult to see, it is better to place it under the seat cushion. Just make sure the air has somewhere to go.

You can successfully pin it by offering cola with ice. Only now the ice should be filled with mentos chewing candy. After the ice melts and the cola reacts with the mentos, a real fountain is guaranteed.

A friend can be played in the following way, which is called "secret admirer". You should order a chic bouquet and enclose an anonymous note in which you indicate the place and time of the meeting, and a request to bring this very bouquet with you.

To meet with a girlfriend, you need to send a man unfamiliar to her, but he must come with his companion. Approaching your friend, he must take away the bouquet from her and hand it solemnly to his companion. But in order not to bring a loved one to the handle, you need to immediately appear and hand over flowers that were already intended for her.

If you work with a friend in the same office or get to his workplace without interference, you can paste over it with stickers on which you first write declarations of love, good wishes, and so on. Or just throw toys at his workplace, for example, frogs, various rattlesnakes, and so on.

By the way, you can have a party with friends and ask each of them to prepare several comic contests for the evening, and before the end of the holiday, sum up the results and present a prize for the most successful draw.

How to prank colleagues

The easiest prank to perform is to seal the mouse with tape and watch a perplexed colleague or colleagues. On the adhesive tape, you can draw or write something cool: "I'll be there after dinner, your little mouse."

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin

Gala show "Congress of Fools" takes place in Moscow

Or even hide the mouse by placing a note with painted footprints and the words: "Don't look for me, I found a more caring daddy." You can also stick everything that is on it with double-sided tape to a colleague's table - pens, pencils, keyboards, notepads, mice, phones, and so on.

An explosion of laughter in the office guarantees a fan horn under a colleague's chair.

Wait for a colleague to leave the office for a bit, and change the birthday on his Facebook page to April 1st, and look at his (her) reaction when they are bombarded with congratulations.

Want to prank all employees at the same time? Bring to work a box of delicious cakes or candy that says April 1st. At the same time, so in passing, say that you do not want something. I guarantee that no one will touch these goodies, as everyone will be wondering what you did with them.

You can also bring a box of sweet pads, for example, "Taste the Crunch" to the office, after replacing the contents with Whiskas pads and observe the reaction of colleagues to the "sweet" pads.

You can print out the boss's order to change the vacation schedule and post it on the bulletin board. Or say that half of the salary of each employee will be transferred to the organization's fund.

If your boss has a good sense of humor, you can prank him or her, or maybe them. For example, the whole team can write a letter of resignation of their own free will and bring it for signature at the same time. True, there is a danger that the boss will actually sign these statements.

You can also compose statements asking for financial assistance in the amount of 10 salaries in connection with the birth of five, flight to Venus, the arrival of aliens, and so on, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

How to play teachers and classmates

For teachers, April 1 has always been a difficult day, as at every step there are pranks of young pranksters, for whom this day brings indescribable joy.

Schoolchildren are more resourceful than adults. The range of their jokes and pranks is quite extensive, and their fantasies can only be envied.

Among the most common school pranks is sticking stickers on the backs of classmates with inscriptions of various contents, such as "I'll ride with the breeze" or "if you don't have a horse, get on me."

The old joke, "where are you so smeared" always works. You can also offer someone soda by shaking the bottle well beforehand.

A simple prank that always works. On a piece of paper, write "a broom on the ceiling" and let it go around the class. One of the classmates who reads will definitely raise his head up, then the next one and so on. And with them, the teacher begins to look at the ceiling, trying to understand what is happening.

If you are not afraid of the teacher's righteous wrath, you can use the old trick and rub the chalkboard with dry soap. In this case, writing on the blackboard with chalk will not work. But keep in mind that you yourself will have to wash the board later.

Nowadays, almost every student has a mobile phone, so you can come up with different jokes related to the phone. Or just put lipstick on the phone and call him. His ear will be covered in lipstick after he picks up the phone.

For the next trick, take a large cardboard box and cut out the bottom. Put the cardboard on the cabinet so that the bottom fits snugly, fill it with confetti and cover it on top.

By the way, in order for the box to attract the attention of the teacher, you need to write something large on the side with a bright sticker that attracts attention, such as the sex of a boyfriend. When the teacher enters the classroom and sees the box, he will try to remove it or ask one of the students. Either way, the victim will be showered with confetti.

The teacher can be played by saying that the director calls him to him. But we must have time to hang a poster on the door of the director's office with the inscription: "The first of April, do not trust anyone!"

April Fool's drawings will give you a lot of vivid impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. So turn on your imagination, have fun and amuse the people around you.

Just remember that the pranks should be adequate to the sense of humor of the one for whom you have prepared jokes for April 1, and observe a sense of proportion in everything so as not to offend someone inadvertently.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

As this merry holiday, popularly nicknamed "April Fool's Day", approaches, the relevance of the issue increases. To figure out how to make fun of your parents, you will need to try hard, because pranks for your beloved parents should not be burning. The main task is for everyone to have fun laughing after your prank.

Ideas for drawing parents on April 1

1. Every morning starts with breakfast

To prepare a dish with peppercorns, you need to try very hard. You can add garlic or pepper to the dish, and even some unusual spices (just experiment with caution - spices can cause allergic reactions in some people!). But it would be best to make a burning dessert. When everyone eats the main breakfast, serve dessert and watch the reaction of loved ones.

To prepare such a prank dessert, you need to take one processed cheese and grate it on a fine grater, then add garlic squeezed through a press and finely chopped hot red pepper.

Roll up small balls from the resulting mass and roll them well in coconut flakes. Put the burning masterpiece in the refrigerator for half an hour.

This dessert looks very appetizing - everyone wants to try it!

2. Toothpaste

This joke is considered one of the most popular on April 1st. Parents almost always forget about this day, so they will definitely fall for such a trick. For this take a small piece of cling film and place it on the tube in the place where the paste is squeezed out. Close the tube and cut off the excess film so that it is not visible. And in the morning with a smile, watch the unsuccessful attempts of parents to brush their teeth.

3. Scattered things

For this draw using a spool of thread, you need to connect all possible objects, and simply attach the end of the thread to the doorknob. There can be any things and household items in the bundle, but the main thing is that they are light and do not break. As soon as someone tries to open the door, all things will be scattered around the room. What you will be for such a joke depends only on the damage caused and the mood of the parents.

4. Sew to bed

At night, when your parents are already asleep, sneak into their bedroom. Take a needle and stitch their blanket and sheet together with large stitches. Get up early in the morning and shoot your parent's bedroom screaming for a fire (you can think of another emergency). Enjoy a very funny spectacle!

5. Pedicure for dad

If your parents have a great sense of humor, sneak into your parents' bedroom at night and Give dad an interesting pedicure by painting his toenails. Be sure to hide all the nail polish remover in the house, and in the morning watch what dad will do in this situation.

6. Cheerful closet

This giveaway is for those who have there are many different balls in the house: collect them all and hide them in the closet that parents open every day. In the morning, one of the relatives, going to work, will open the very “fun cabinet”, from which a bunch of balls and balls will fall out. Such a pleasant prank will definitely charge parents with positive for the whole day.

7. Blue bread

Every breakfast starts or ends with tea. There is a traditional raffle with tea when salt is poured instead of sugar. But there is an even more interesting joke: when you pour tea for everyone, drop a drop of iodine into your mug. When everyone sits down at the table take a slice of bread or a bun and dip it in tea. Now watch the reaction of the parents: starch will react with iodine and the bread will turn blue.

8. Gift with a surprise

Take any cardboard box, for example, from under shoes. Cut a large round hole in its bottom. Hide the box in the closet so that you have to reach for it, and pour more confetti inside. Pack it in a bright wrapper on top and stick the inscription "Don't touch the gift!". When dad enters the room and sees a tempting box, he will surely want to consider the present. But as soon as he takes the box in his hands, a mountain of confetti will fall on him. Laughter and pleasant surprise guaranteed!

9. Unnecessary things

Hide things that are unusual for them in the personal handbags of the parents. Dad, for example, you can discreetly "give" mom's manicure set or cosmetic bag, and mom - dad's set of nuts and keys. Just don't go overboard with the weight so that the parents don't guess the joke before they even leave the house.

10. Mom's blouse

If your mom is a fan of cleanliness, then this prank is a great idea. Mix ammonia and purgen, pour the mixture on some favorite mother's blouse or other thing. When mom sees this disgrace, she will be very upset. But before she even reaches the washing machine, mom will be very surprised, because the ammonia will evaporate and there will be no trace of the stain! But it’s better to try this trick on the eve of the holiday on some unnecessary thing.

11. Early alarm

In the evening, when the parents go to bed, set their alarm an hour early. In order not to arouse suspicion, translate all the clocks in the house. Don't forget about phones. In the morning, parents will wake up an hour earlier and will not understand why they did not get enough sleep and why it is not yet as light on the street as it usually is. It is a very fascinating sight to watch the reaction of sleepy loved ones. But it's even funnier when the parents arrive at work and stumble upon a closed door (this joke is only for moms and dads with the most subtle sense of humor!).

12. Dad to school!

This joke with a mobile phone is considered one of them. Persuade your friend to called your parents and said that on April 1 they were called to school. Say that it was a joke only when dad is already dressed and starts to go out. In the meantime, watch him get angry and chastise you for your bad behavior at school.

13. Child in the police

Another simple phone prank. During the working day dial the parents and say in a stern voice that their child is now at the police station. You can ask someone you know to call so that your family does not recognize you by your voice. Any of the parents, of course, will immediately rush to save their child. Well, then think for yourself what to do: you can call in a few minutes and say that this is an April Fool's prank, or you can stand at the police station and wait for your parents with a cake.

Each person, probably, played their friends, relatives, teachers and just acquaintances on the day of deception. And many of them will do it next year, whether it's a teacher, co-worker, classmate, mom or dad. A few tips on how to play your neighbor will help you. Just do not forget - laughter can be good and evil, and jokes can be witty and stupid, choose for yourself what you like best. You can practice these draws both on ordinary days and on April 1st.

1. This giveaway is meant to be played at home, not outdoors, although if you can use it in another way, well done! With it, you can play a friend, girlfriend, parents, even a teacher. For the draw you will need a small box, bright wrapping paper, felt-tip pen, confetti. Paste the box with wrapping paper so that it is bright and eye-catching, for the same purpose you can write on it something like “Candy”, “Do not touch, it will kill!” or "Take me." The box should not have a bottom. Put it in a high place (so that it is located above human height), on a closet, for example. Fill the box with confetti, and if the “object” you are playing has a good sense of humor or, on the contrary, really bothered you, fill the box with some garbage (gnawed bones, potato peels, garlic, onions to make it smell nicer). "Object" enters the room, sees the box. She attracts his attention to herself, he removes her. But the box has no bottom! Fireworks are guaranteed if there is confetti in the box, and something less pleasant than fireworks if it is rubbish.

2. Call the neighbors and say in a calm voice that does not portend any danger that they called you from the telephone exchange and warned that electric current would be started through the telephone wire in connection with the repair of the telephone line. Draw their attention to the fact that within 10 minutes it is not worth answering calls in order to avoid loss of life. After 15 minutes, call the neighbors and, if they pick up the phone, let out an inhuman scream. Most likely they will think that you were electrocuted.

3. Inform your friends that in 15 minutes hot steam will be released through the telephone wire, so you need to wrap the handsets with a towel and polyethylene and put them on the floor. And then - it's up to you, you have to run around everyone to check who believed in your joke.

4. To a friend, an acquaintance who is not computer savvy, you explain the rules for using e-mail. And casually you remember that just now you should have been sent 500 rubles by e-mail. Having previously put the specified amount into the drive, you pull them out in front of the astonished student. A miracle of technology!

5. Invite some of your friends for this prank. You enter the subway car, approach the button for communicating with the driver, pretending to communicate with him. Loudly: "Pizza and a big cola in car number ..." (you call the car number). At the next stop, your accomplice enters with an order (it is desirable that he be in appropriate clothing). You pick up the order, pay, your assistant comes out immediately. You again get in touch with the driver: "To the final without stopping." The reaction of the passengers is indescribable.

6. You and your company (it is better that there are more of you) are traveling by river transport (you can use land transport, only, for example, on a bridge under which a river flows). You suddenly yell loudly something like "Sharks!" or “Look! Whale!". All passengers look overboard.

7. This prank is best arranged for the teacher. If it's snowing outside, make a snowball (ball of snow). At recess, while the teacher is not in the classroom, you attach it to the ceiling right above the teacher's desk. If you're lucky, the snowball, having melted, will fall right on the teacher's head (like snow on his head, as they say), if not, nothing too: the snowball will fall on the teacher's table. The main thing is that your class is friendly and no one gives away the secret of who was the author of the prank.

8. Take a box of powder or something else chemical, pour out the contents, insert a plastic bag with some treat of the same color into it. You can eat it on a bus or tram in front of dozens of people. Perhaps someone will want to save you, and someone will ask you to treat.

9. Draw for a fun company. One person runs past a crowded place (bus stop, etc.) and asks people to cover him. In this case, it is necessary to depict some kind of wild animal: a tiger (the hero is in a striped jacket and makes terrible faces), a deer (hands over his head like a fan). After 15-20 seconds, a whole company of “hunters” runs past the same stop, with toy guns in their hands, asks the people at the stop: “Did you see a tiger (deer)?”. Guaranteed, they won't soon forget such a hunt.

11. You dress with a friend in the same clothes, it is best that the jacket is with a hood. You are standing at one bus stop (more fun to play in the subway), and your friend is at the next one. When the bus comes, you allegedly do not have time to get into it and run after it. When the bus arrives at the next stop, your friend enters it, while he pretends to be very out of breath from running, and says: “I completely lost my skill.” The next time you change places, and you watch the reaction of the people.

12. Find a long rope and ask a passer-by on the street (near the house) to hold it, then go around the house after 5 minutes. At this time, you go around the house yourself so that the first passer-by does not see you. You find another "victim", hand her the second end of the rope, ask her to do the same. Passers-by stand stupidly on different sides of the house, holding the rope, and you stand in a safe place and watch both of them. In 5 minutes they will meet, maybe they will get to know each other and laugh at their naivety, or maybe they will go looking for you to take revenge.

13. Play this prank if you have a couple of extra hours to spare. Put in your pocket a spool of thread that is a different color from your clothes. Leave the end of the thread sticking out of your pocket, of course, someone will want to serve you, do not bother him in this.

14. You came to visit a friend, wait until he is busy. You go into the kitchen, pour water into the pan, cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over, while the water does not spill out, and install it in a place that is inconvenient for the landlord (on the floor, on the table). A friend enters the kitchen, sees an "orphan" pan, removes it and makes a flood. Another version of this prank: instead of a saucepan, you can pour water into a transparent 1, 2, 3, 5-liter jar. The “victim” will know what awaits her, but how to deal with smaller victims is another matter.

15. When you come to a party and go to the bathroom before dinner, don't forget to leave the shower on so that your friends can "take a bath" too.

16. The necessary item for the draw is a bunk bed. The time of its implementation is the night or the moment when the player being played is sleeping. Pour water into a large jar, put a towel into it (at its end there is a knot). You are with a jar on the second floor of the bed, your friend is sleeping downstairs. You turn the jar over and hang the end of the towel down so that the water dripping from it falls on the "victim's" face. After a few minutes, the “subject” will wake up and most likely pull the towel. Well, in vain ...

17. If your friend has a computer, then you can play it like this: you need a long, strong wire from the mouse. It is better that the system unit is under the table. If possible, then use a fake mouse - the same as the "victim", only non-working. Wait for the “object” to leave the room, use a rope to tie the tail of the mouse to the leg of the chair, slide it under the table. When your friend enters the room, the first thing he will do is move the chair to sit down at the computer, while the mouse will “run away” from him, and when he tries to “catch” it, pulling it towards him, the chair will move under the table, hitting him on the legs.

18. You are riding in a cramped bus (subway car, tram, trolley bus), there is a strong crush in the morning, and you want to sit down. Turning to your friend or even to a stranger, say a few phrases (speak louder so that others can hear you):

1) "Last time I stole, now it's your turn";

2) “K-he, k-he, tuberculosis completely tortured”;

3) “Don't you know, AIDS is not transmitted by airborne droplets? The people are sorry";

4) “You don’t know where you can make a fake passport here, otherwise they are after me.”

19. You can arrange a snowfall in the teacher's room, classroom or just the room of a friend, sister or brother.

Pour confetti or baby powder into an appropriately sized tube, insert the tube into the gap between the wall and the door or through the keyhole. On the other hand, put a hair dryer on the tube. Dazzling spectacle!

20. This draw is best done in a building with a large crowd of people and rooms (at a school, institute, supermarket, train station). Stock up on a lot of signs with the inscriptions “Toilet”, “Buffet”, “Cashier”, “Canteen”, “Cheburechnaya”, “Dean's office”, etc. Hang these signs on any door: at the dean's office - "Canteen", at the cash desk - "Buffet ". One can only sympathize with the staff, who will have to fend off persistent visitors. To avoid queues for the toilet or before entering the elevator, hang signs on the doors of these establishments that say “Out of Service”. You will save a lot of time.

Holiday table jokes

If you decide to prank your friends or acquaintances at the evening dedicated to April 1, then the festive table itself can become one of the main assistants in your endeavors. The harmless swapping of the fork and knife of a sleeping neighbor will cause others around you, and especially you, to burst out laughing. By the way, the end of the joke can be a small knot that will tie your unlucky comrade to the leg of his own chair (if you have enough patience, you can tie the chairs of all the members of the gala dinner together). And a couple of fun patterns from the cream of the birthday cake on the face of the subject will also not be superfluous. Waking up, your friend will undoubtedly want to drink sparkling water, and you, as a faithful comrade, will, of course, give him such an opportunity, after carefully shaking the highly carbonated drink. Just keep in mind that everyone at the table, including you, will become the “victim” of such a joke.

At the table, you can also show your psychic abilities. To do this, do not be too lazy to write numbers from one to ten on separate pieces of paper and put them in different places (be sure to remember where and with what number you hid the piece of paper). Now you are fully armed. Ask your friend to name a number from one to ten, then point him to some place in your apartment (under the table or on the windowsill), where he will find a piece of paper with the intended number. Do not forget to make a postscript on it with a phrase that determines the level of mental development of your comrade.

There are pranks especially for economic girls. Ask one of them to go to the kitchen and check the readiness of some dish, drink (for example, milk or cocoa), which is being cooked in a pot on the stove. But don't forget that today is April 1st! A few minutes before she appears in the kitchen, you should pour hot soapy (use shampoo) water in a saucepan of dry ice. The girl learns a lot about the escaping "milk".

For the next draw, you will need two helpers. You stay in the same room with the “victim” of the prank, you need to prepare her for the next “terrible” event, for this, talk with your friend about the untimely deaths of many great people. After the “object” reaches the necessary state and plunges into sad thoughts, quietly hide or silently leave the room. At this moment, one of your accomplices, having laid out on the pavement (it is desirable that the apartment in which this action will take place be at least on the second floor) a pre-prepared doll dressed in the same clothes as you, will loudly shout that something like “Fell, crashed, guard!”. The second assistant takes the person being played into the yard, where you supposedly found your end (do not give yourself away with loud laughter). Not finding you sprawled in a puddle of "blood" on the pavement, your friends come back in bewilderment, and you calmly wait for them in your original place...


Surprise your husband with your third eye. I mean, say that you visited a psychic during the day, and under his hypnosis your third eye opened, but, you know how to predict the future. He, of course, will not believe your serious tone of voice and distant expression on your face (you need to practice in facial expressions), but here you invite him to test your abilities. Tell him how he spent his day at work, who he saw, what emotions he experienced, what he was worried about, etc. To do this, arrange with his colleague or secretary to tell you the details of his day by phone while the husband returns home. To enhance the effect, let him ask about the fulfillment of desire. You tell him to count the first four cards from the deck and draw the fifth. He pulls it out and looks at what is written on the inside of the card - "From April 1, dear." Also, a minute before his arrival, you can invite home several acquaintances whom he has never seen, and they would loudly discuss your clairvoyant talents, lining up. But with the arrival of your husband, you would authoritatively tell them that the reception is over, and, they say, come tomorrow.

Arrange with a parodist (a talented acquaintance or find an actor) to call her husband on the phone. The actor, in the voice of the president of the country or a famous person, will tell him that he won the competition, became elected, or something like that. Let your husband be proud of himself for a few minutes and get the opportunity to talk with his favorite actor, singer or politician.

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Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries are an occasion to bring together the closest and dearest. A fun friendly prank will help you make the holiday unforgettable. How to play guests so that they will remember this day for a long time?


Invite guests to play a game. Two of them, whom you will play - and the young man - take to different rooms. Explain to each of them the rules of the game. The young man needs to be told that he is an electrician, he is going to screw on the light bulb, and the girl will dissuade him. But he, with the help of gestures, must explain to her that he is doing a good and necessary thing. The girl receives the following instruction: the young man is going to commit suicide - hang himself. And she, with the help of sign language, must persuade him not to do this. After that, both participants are brought into the same room and the draw begins.

For the next draw, you will need a long rope. Pull it around the apartment so that you get a maze. Explain to the guest whom you will play that he must pass without hitting the ropes. While he is being blindfolded, the rope must be removed. During the draw, other guests should play along - suggest where to bend over, jump, etc.

Invite guests to play a game for a prize. They should stand against the wall and press their palms against it at shoulder level. And your job is to ask questions. If the guests answer “yes”, then they must take one “step” up, if “no”, then a “step” down. Questions, of course, need to be asked in such a way that more often it sounds “yes”. The last question should be: “Did you go to school?”. The guests will answer in the affirmative, and you will ask: “Why are you climbing the wall?”.

Guests, in turn, can also host. For example, before going up to the birthday man, you can decorate his standing at the entrance with balloons, flowers, posters, etc. Then go to him and say that his car is going to be evacuated. The owner, of course, will run out into the street, where a pleasant surprise will await him.

While the guests are having fun, seize the moment and sew one sleeve on each friend's outerwear. When seeing guests off, try to keep a straight face while they unsuccessfully try to get dressed and pretend that nothing is happening, because. for some time they will think that alcohol is to blame for this incident.

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Useful advice

Remember that pranks must be kind!

April 1 is funny jokes, harmless and mischievous practical jokes. All this makes life more fun and brighter. But playing with family and friends is not easy. On the one hand, they know everything that you are capable of, what surprises you can present, especially your wife. On the other hand, a very cruel joke can lead to retaliatory actions.


There can be many ideas for pranking a wife. Just remember to consider if she has a sense of humor, if she is too touchy, and if she has any serious health problems. Suddenly, the prank will seem too angry or unpleasant.

If the wife is jealous, but not too much, then take advantage of this. Get home early and get ready: scatter men's and women's clothing intermixed along the hallway from the front door to the bedroom. To form an opinion about the undressing of lovers in a fit of passion. Only ask for women's things from someone, for example, from a sister or wife's friend. Since even a woman blinded by jealousy can easily guess her clothes. Then turn on some romantic music and don't open the door as soon as your wife comes home. When an angry jealous woman bursts into the bedroom, let her see a beautiful bouquet, a delicious dinner and a poster on the wall: “April 1!”.

Another joke about this. When the wife calls on the phone, pick up the phone and purr: “Yes, Masha, honey. Are you bored already?" The whole trick is that your wife's name is not Masha at all, and you never called her sweetie. How then to make excuses, what explanations to look for - this is another question.

If you don’t dare to play your wife so cruelly, then you can come up with less dangerous jokes. If your loved one is always losing her keys or looking for them in her bottomless purse for a long time, then freeze them in a mug of water. In this case, the keychain should stick out. You can imagine the wife's reaction and expression when she finds the keys in such an unusual place in the morning, late for work. Firstly, you will hear a lot of interesting things about yourself, and secondly, your wife will learn to be attentive.

You can do with a simple but funny trick. Find a black shirt or T-shirt in your wardrobe and put it on, take a spool of white thread. With a needle, pull the thread from the inside out somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder or back, so that it catches your eye, leave a small tip, and put the spool in your pocket. An attentive wife will definitely notice the thread and want to remove it. She will be surprised when she discovers an endless thread.

The day of laughter and jokes is approaching, and this is a great occasion to arrange a fun holiday for the whole family. In addition to the fact that pranking loved ones is always fun, it's also nice. At first, they all laugh at each other together, and over time, they remember the old joke more than once, raising the general mood in the family.


You can play household members all day long, and in the evening gather a party and sum up the most fun of its events.

On the eve of the holiday, hide your slippers. Next, take a cup for toothbrushes, drop Moment glue to the bottom and glue the brushes to the bottom of the cup. And empty the contents of the toothpaste tube and fill, for example, with mayonnaise. It is convenient to do this with a syringe without a needle. In the morning, wait for everyone to get out of bed and try to brush their teeth. Then congratulate everyone on the holiday, give out new toothbrushes and slippers. Now watch the second attempt at the morning toilet.

In the morning, quietly move all the clocks in the house 1 hour forward. It’s very fun if a person lives a “new” time all day and comes everywhere an hour earlier.

Sitting with someone from your family in the kitchen, make yourself tea or coffee, calmly start a serious conversation. When you captivate a person with a conversation, stage a poisoning. And then it all depends on your acting skills.

Ask your mother to call your husband on the first of April and say: “Hi, son-in-law! Tell Allochka that his father started a renovation, so for now we will stay with you.

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