Russian public initiative. What is the “Russian public initiative” (swarms)? Russian public initiative Internet resource for placement

In April 2013, the Public Initiative portal appeared in Runet. Its creation was sanctioned directly by the President of the Russian Federation and secured by a relevant decree. The purpose of this portal is to provide any citizen of the country with the opportunity to directly contact the authorities, sign petitions and participate in the promotion of public projects by voting. The project is located at Voting and any other actions on it are available only to users of the State Services portal - there is no separate registration on the site. Further, a detailed analysis of how to work with this service.

Portal features

On the site of public initiatives, each registered user can submit his petition concerning the public life of the country, region, city, etc. According to the presidential decree regulating the work of the portal, the petition, which received more than 100,000 votes in favor, goes to the consideration of a working group organized by the government specifically for this purpose.

Important! Since 2016, information about initiatives that have received more than 35,000 support votes has also been transmitted to the State Duma.

After consideration, the commission decides whether to develop the proposed idea. It can be accepted and sent for work or rejected with an explanation of the reasons on the portal.

What initiatives can be promoted?

The requirements for proposals that are allowed to be published on the portal of public initiatives are enshrined in Presidential Decree No. 183, adopted on March 4, 2013. The site has moderators who check all submitted proposals for compliance with these criteria. After approval, the petition is published in the public domain.

You can make proposals regarding both changes in federal legislation and improving the quality of life in a particular locality. For example, it was thanks to this service that one of the pedestrian crossings in Izhevsk was organized and a front fountain was built in Kursk.

By the way, the ability to save a cell phone number when changing a telecom operator is also one of the public initiatives implemented with the help of the portal.

How many votes do you need to approve?

Once a proposal is published on the swarm website, voting must continue for a year. The number of votes required to submit a proposal to the government commission for consideration depends on the level of the initiative:

  • at least 100,000 - for proposals of national significance;
  • 100,000 - for regional initiatives (applies to regions with a population of more than 2,000,000 people);
  • 5% of the number of inhabitants of the region - for smaller regions;
  • 5% of the population of the municipality - for proposals of municipal importance.

The term for expert consideration of a proposal that has overcome the required threshold is 2 months. The decision made on the basis of the work on the initiative must be published on the portal.

How to work with the service?

Before you can start using the Initiatives site, you must create your own account on it. The site rules provide for two types of accounts:

  • standard;
  • confirmed.

The first gives the user access to a limited set of features, which does not include the creation of petitions and voting. The second opens the full range of portal possibilities. Such a division was adopted in order to remove the possibility of cheating votes under the proposals made.

What do you need to register?

Logging into the roi portal is possible only with the login and password entered on the State Services service. Moreover, just creating an account via the Internet is not enough, it must be confirmed. Otherwise, the user will not be able to access one of the main services - voting. Public services offer several ways to verify your account:

  • through a visit to the MFC;
  • by entering a personal code from a letter sent by the portal;
  • using an electronic signature.

Important! The letter will be sent to the user in paper form via Russian Post. The average delivery time is about two weeks.

Possible login issues

Having issued, the user can, using the credentials he has, access the site of public initiatives. The login button is located in the upper right corner of the site page.

  • whether the user's contact email is indicated in the State Services account;
  • Is the email address verified?

If this contact is not in the profile or it has not been verified, it will be impossible to enter the community initiatives service. The system will simply give a login error. In this case, you will have to return to the State Services and complete the profile.

Important: specifying an email is necessary, since it is to it that the user will receive all information about the initiatives put forward by him and other actions taken on the site.

How to vote?

A list of the most popular initiatives that are being voted on has been published on the main page of the roi website. If a portal visitor needs a particular petition, he can find it by number using the search bar at the top of the page. For those who are interested in a particular topic or proposals made in a particular region, the page also has the appropriate filters.

To vote, you just need to select a specific proposal from the list by clicking on its name. A detailed description of the initiative will appear on the monitor, and a voting form will appear at the bottom. By clicking the appropriate button (for or against), the user will see a message that his vote has been taken into account. The same message in a minute will come to his e-mail.

How to track petitions?

In order to learn in time about the appearance of new petitions, as well as about the fate of the initiatives for which the vote was cast, portal users can:

  • visit the site office daily;
  • subscribe to email notifications;
  • join one of the groups of the portal in social networks.

This service will certainly be useful for people with an active civic position.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2013 N 183
"On the consideration of public initiatives sent by citizens of the Russian Federation using the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative"

With changes and additions from:

In order to ensure the development and strengthening of civil society, the protection of human and civil rights, the participation of citizens in the management of state affairs, I decide:

1. Approve the attached Rules for Considering Public Initiatives Submitted by Citizens of the Russian Federation Using the Russian Public Initiative Internet Resource.

2. Establish that in accordance with the Rules approved by this Decree, the following submitted by citizens of the Russian Federation using the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative" are subject to consideration:

b) public initiatives implemented at the regional and municipal levels - from November 1, 2013.

2.1. Establish that the public initiatives provided for in paragraph 2 of this Decree can be sent only by citizens of the Russian Federation who personally presented during registration in the federal state information system "The Unified Identification and Authentication System in the Infrastructure Providing Information and Technological Interaction of Information Systems Used to Provide State and municipal services in electronic form" the main identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

It is not allowed to vote on such public initiatives of citizens of the Russian Federation who did not present, when registering in the specified information system, the main document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Establish that the responsibility for checking the main document and identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation registered in the federal state information system "Unified Identification and Authentication System in the Infrastructure Providing Information and Technological Interaction of Information Systems Used to Provide State and Municipal Services in Electronic Form", are borne by authorized persons of bodies and organizations that carry out registration in the specified information system.

3. Establish that the non-profit organization authorized to carry out the functions provided for by the Rules approved by this Decree is the Information Democracy and Civil Society Development Foundation "Information Democracy Foundation".

4. The Government of the Russian Federation to include in the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form, the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative".

5. The Government of the Russian Federation, senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to bring their acts in line with this Decree.

6. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

President of Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

consideration of public initiatives submitted by citizens of the Russian Federation using the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative"
(approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2013 N 183)

1. Proposals of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens) on the issues of the socio-economic development of the country, improvement of state and municipal government, sent using the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative" (hereinafter referred to as the Internet resource) and meeting the established present Rules requirements.

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 and are registered in the federal state information system "Unified Identification and Authentication System in the Infrastructure Providing Information and Technological Interaction of Information Systems Used to Provide state and municipal services in electronic form".

3. The placement of a public initiative on an Internet resource is preceded by a mandatory preliminary examination, except for the cases established by these Rules. The duration of the preliminary examination shall not exceed two months.

4. The functions of conducting a preliminary examination of a public initiative, making a decision to place a public initiative on an Internet resource (in the voting section) or to refuse to place it, as well as to ensure the operation of an Internet resource, are carried out by an authorized non-profit organization.

5. To implement its functions, an authorized non-profit organization has the right to request and receive information, necessary materials from federal state authorities, federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

6. The direction of the public initiative is carried out by filling out in Russian a special form on the Internet resource.

7. The text of a public initiative must not contain obscene or offensive language, threats to the life or health of citizens, calls for extremist activities.

A public initiative, the text of which contains obscene or offensive expressions, threats to the life or health of citizens, as well as calls for extremist activities, is removed from consideration by an authorized non-profit organization without a preliminary examination, of which the citizen who sent such an initiative is notified electronically.

8. The citizen who sent the public initiative indicates at what level (federal, regional or municipal), in his opinion, this initiative should be implemented.

9. An authorized non-profit organization has the right to take a decision to withdraw a public initiative from consideration without conducting a preliminary examination in cases where a citizen repeatedly sent a public initiative, on which a decision was made to refuse to place it on an Internet resource or which did not receive the necessary support, and at the same time, the public initiative does not provide new arguments or indicate new circumstances, or if a similar public initiative has already been posted on the Internet resource and received the necessary support during the voting, or voting on it has not been completed.

The citizen who sent the public initiative is notified of this decision electronically.

10. During the preliminary examination, the compliance of the public initiative with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, including in the field of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, the relevance of the problem contained in the public initiative, the validity of the proposed options for its solution are established.

11. Based on the results of the preliminary examination, the authorized non-profit organization makes a decision:

a) posting a public initiative on the Internet resource (in the voting section) and starting the voting procedure;

b) on refusal to place a public initiative on an Internet resource;

c) on changing the level of implementation of the public initiative.

12. The authorized non-profit organization shall notify the citizen who sent the public initiative of the decision taken based on the results of the preliminary examination in electronic form. At the same time, a notice of a refusal to place a public initiative on an Internet resource or a change in the level of its implementation must be motivated.

13. An authorized non-profit organization makes a decision to refuse to place a public initiative on an Internet resource in cases where:

a) the public initiative is contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, including in the field of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens;

b) the public initiative is contrary to Article 6 of the Federal Constitutional Law of June 28, 2004 N 5-FKZ "On the Referendum of the Russian Federation";

c) the public initiative does not contain a description of the problem, or the options for solving the problem are not proposed in the public initiative, or the proposed options are not justified.

14. A public initiative posted on an Internet resource must receive the necessary support during voting using an Internet resource. An initiative is considered supported if, within one year after its placement on the Internet resource, it received:

b) at least 5 percent of the votes of citizens permanently residing in the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation (for subjects of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 2 million people - at least 100 thousand votes of citizens permanently residing in the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation), - in support of a regional level initiative;

17. An authorized non-profit organization ensures:

a) the possibility of free use by citizens of the Internet resource to get acquainted with the public initiatives posted on it, the results of voting, decisions taken, as well as to obtain information on the progress and results of the implementation of the public initiative;

18. A public initiative that did not receive the necessary support during the voting is considered unsupported and is removed from consideration. Information about this is posted on the Internet resource.

19. A public initiative that has received the necessary support during the voting is sent electronically by an authorized non-profit organization to an expert working group of the appropriate level (federal, regional or municipal) to conduct an examination and decide on the advisability of developing a draft of the relevant regulatory legal act and (or) on other measures to implement this initiative. Information about the direction of a public initiative to the expert working group of the appropriate level and the decisions made by it is posted on the Internet resource.

20. When sending a public initiative to an expert working group, an authorized non-profit organization shall indicate the following information:

22. The composition of the expert working group at the regional level is determined by the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and includes representatives of state authorities of the Russian Federation, deputies of representative (legislative) public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, members of public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, deputies of representative bodies of municipalities, representatives of state institutions, the business community and public associations.

23. The composition of the expert working group at the municipal level is determined by local governments and includes representatives of these bodies, deputies of representative bodies of municipalities, representatives of municipal institutions, the business community and public associations.

24. Based on the results of consideration of the public initiative, the expert working group, within a period not exceeding two months, prepares an expert opinion and a decision on the development of the relevant regulatory legal act and (or) taking other measures to implement the initiative, which are signed by the chairman of the relevant expert working group, about which notifies the authorized non-profit organization electronically.

Information about the consideration of a public initiative and measures for its implementation is sent to an authorized non-profit organization for posting on an Internet resource.

Initiator: Alexei Navalny, Anti-Corruption Foundation

Fate: On February 25, 2015, the federal working group recognized the development of the relevant regulatory legal act as inappropriate. According to its participants, the proposed changes are contrary to the Russian Constitution. At the same time, the expert opinion states that the Russian Federation agreed on Article 20 of the Convention in full back in 2006. This assertion was previously disputed by and. The working group only recommended an analysis of the current anti-corruption legislation. It is worth noting that the final decision on the Open Government initiative could only be made the second time - at the first meeting, it was not possible to collect a quorum.

In the spring of 2015, supporters of the initiative to attempt to submit to the State Duma a proposal to ratify Article 20 through regional parliaments.

To oblige the Russian Football Union and the Ministry of Sports of Russia to conduct a rating Internet voting on candidates for the position of head coach of the Russian national football team, as well as on candidates for the Russian national football team before world competitions

Initiator: anonymously

Fate: At a meeting of the federal working group on June 10, 2015, the idea of ​​such elections was supported. Despite the negative assessment of the initiative by representatives of the RFU, the Ministry of Sports and the All-Russian Organization of Fans, the expert group supported the idea and recommended holding a rating vote. “It is proposed to make the result of the Internet voting optional, but recommendatory, so that sports officials are aware of their responsibility for making a decision and explain their position in the event of a choice different from the result of the Internet voting,” the decision published on the page of the initiative states. , the conclusion of the group is advisory in nature and the RFU will be able to independently accept or not accept the proposals of the working group.

Introduce amendments to the Labor Code (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), providing for mandatory indexation of employees' wages at least once a year at a level not lower than the actual inflation rate

Initiator: Russian Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders

Fate: On June 10, the Working Group found it inappropriate to introduce the amendments proposed by the public initiative to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

There is a similar petition on the portal "People's Initiative" of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. To date, she has garnered 1,492 votes out of the 20,000 required.

In April 2013, at the direction of the President of the Russian Federation, a special Internet project was created, the main task of which was to collect and report public opinion to the authorities. The Russian Public Initiative is a project that allows any citizen to create appeals to the authorities and participate in the signing of various petitions.

The official website of the Russian public initiative is located at To conduct any activity on it, you must register. All users of the State Services portal can use all the necessary functionality of the ROI website. When you enter it under your account, the user will be able to get acquainted with all the initiatives discussed, create his own appeal, cast his vote for a particular petition.

Registration procedure

There is no special procedure for registering on the website of the Russian Public Initiative (ROI) for users of the State Services website. You can go there with your login and password assigned during registration on the State Service portal. The authentication or user identification system used for both sites makes it easy to do this. Therefore, there is nothing complicated in this procedure.

In order to use all the functionality of the ROI website, you need to go to and enter your cell phone number in the format +7 900) 00-00-000 in a special input form. Please note that the full functionality of both portals is only available to users with a verified account. Raising the status of your personal account to this level is very simple. It is enough to apply personally to any of the MFCs with a passport or other identity document.

The standard account type does not even provide an opportunity to vote for a particular petition. Such security measures have been taken recently. They were introduced in order to exclude the possibility of artificially increasing the significance of a particular initiated document.

Voting on the website of the Russian public initiative

In order to vote on the site of the Russian public initiative, you need to go to this portal. In the upper right corner of the page there is a special login form. Enter your password and login into it, Log in to the portal.

Next, you need to find in the catalog the initiative for which you would like to vote. There is also an option to subscribe. In this option, notifications will be sent to the email address about changes in the status of monitored petitions and initiatives.

What is the Russian Public Initiative (ROI)? Russian public initiative Internet resource for placing public initiatives of citizens of the Russian Federation

PREREQUISITES 2 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 601 c) by September 1, 2012 to approve the concept of "Russian public initiative", providing for the creation of technical and organizational conditions for the public presentation of citizens' proposals using a specialized resource on the Internet from April 15, 2013 d. "... ... we need to provide for the "active right" to enable citizens themselves to form the legislative agenda, put forward their projects and formulate priorities ... Article 32: ... Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives ... The Constitution of the Russian Federation Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

TODAY IN RUSSIA, THE INTERNET USER IS A CITIZEN, AND THE CITIZEN IS THE INTERNET USER. THE TIME HAS COME… February 6, 2012 One Hundred Thousand Likes Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin publishes an article “Democracy and the Quality of the State” in the Kommersant newspaper May 7, 2012 Decree 601 Decree provides for the development of the concept of “Russian public initiative” August 8, 2012 Round table in RIA Novosti what the system of "Russian public initiative" should look like August 23, 2012 D. Medvedev approved the concept of ROI October 15, 2012 The Foundation for Information Democracy begins work on the creation and introduction into trial operation of the "ROI" system November, 2012 Forum of NGOs At the forum " Infosociety 2012" Ilya Massukh spoke about his vision of ROI November 9, 2012 Open government discusses ROI November 12, 2012 The Human Rights Council discussed the mechanisms of e-democracy and the launch of the ROI system March 4, 2013 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2013 N 183 “On the consideration of public initiatives…” April 15,2013 Start of work In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the system should be launched on the federal level


The municipal registry -for -federal check with the help of the search engine, are there any initiatives that are similar to yours you are registered on the portal and fill out the form of submitting the initiative in your personal account (taking into account the type of initiative), you can register on the Unified Portal of State Services and get the login and password in one day! HOW TO APPLY INITIATIVE? VOTE

What does it take to submit an initiative or vote for an initiative? 1. Be a Russian citizen over 18 years of age. 3. Be registered on the portal Have access to a computer connected to the Internet. 4. Have a formulated initiative in order to offer it to the authorities.

1. 2. A search is available on the resource, which can be used to find existing initiatives on a given topic before publication. Directly when the initiative is published, the user will also be offered similar initiatives published on the resource. How to exclude the submission of two identical initiatives?


Voting for the initiative for no more than 1 year It is necessary to collect at least 100 thousand votes of citizens Voting for the initiative for no more than 1 year It is necessary to get at least 5% of the population of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 2 million - it is necessary to obtain support not less than citizens) Voting for the initiative no more than 1 year It is necessary to recruit at least 5% of the population of the corresponding municipality HOW DOES IT WORK? IF YOUR INITIATIVE GOT THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF VOTES IT WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE STATE AUTHORITY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FOLLOW ALL STAGES OF CONSIDERATION OF YOUR INITIATIVE MUNICIPAL REGIONAL FEDERAL VOTING

What is included in the preliminary examination? 2. Checking for compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, including in the field of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 5-FKZ “On a referendum”. 1. Checking for the absence of obscene or offensive expressions, threats to the life or health of citizens, calls for extremist activities. 3. Checking for the presence of a description of the problem, options for solving the problem, the validity of such options.

Raise the minimum wage to the real level A moratorium on raising utility rates for 10 years Oblige Russian Railways to build two-level interchanges at its own expense Control and justify the need for privatization Amendments to some articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on Copyright Regulation of the number of stray animals 12 federal initiatives from the Vologda region areas

Cancellation of permits of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the export and import of civilian weapons when crossing the border Restrict the export of capital Ban on the merger of the Supreme Court (SC) and the Supreme Arbitration Court (SAC) of Russia Create an independent television One standard for writing the surname (and name) in Latin on a foreign passport and other state documents Introduction banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles 12 federal initiatives from the Vologda region

1. First Deputy Governor of the region A.I. Sherlygin approved the Action Plan for the creation of a mechanism for public initiative in the region. 2. The deputy of the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation responsible for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and interaction with local governments was appointed - Deputy Governor of the region Alexey Yuryevich Makarovsky. What has been done in the Vologda Oblast?

3. July 1, 2013 under the Deputy Governor of the region A.Yu. Makarovsky held a meeting on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. 4. Expert working groups have been set up in municipal districts and city districts to review public initiatives at the municipal level.

5. Regulatory legal acts of the region have been brought into line with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Amendments have been made to the Regulations of the Government of the region -! a new basis for the development of a normative act! July 2013 between the Government of the region and the Foundation for the Development of Information Democracy and Civil Society signed an Agreement on cooperation in ensuring the consideration of public initiatives ....

7. Public discussion of the draft resolution of the Government of the region "On the regional expert working group for the consideration of public initiatives." 8. Preliminary discussion of the draft resolution of the Government of the region "On the REWG on ROI" at a meeting of the public council under the Government of the region. 9. Decree of the Government of the region dated 745 “On the regional expert working group for the consideration of public initiatives” approved the regulation on the regional group and its composition.

September 2013, they took part in the videoconferencing on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation at the regional and local levels under the guidance of Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation I.O. On October Shchegolev, the first meeting of the regional expert working group to consider public initiatives took place! October, information about those authorized to work in the personal account at the ROI was sent to the Information Democracy Foundation

13. On October 3, information about those authorized to work in the personal account at the ROI was sent to the Information Democracy Fund in October. Governor of the region O.A. Kuvshinnikov at a meeting of the extended council of the Public Chamber of the region launched the implementation of the federal project "Russian Public Initiative" in the region

On October 2015, the ERWG organized a videoconferencing meeting for the municipal-level EWG on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

To perform the main task, the EWG performs the following functions: 1) conducts an examination and decides on the advisability of developing a draft of the relevant regulatory legal act and (or) on other measures to implement a public initiative; 2) sends an expert opinion and a decision on the advisability of developing a draft of the relevant regulatory legal act and (or) on other measures to implement a public initiative to the regional authority in accordance with its competence; 3) sends a notification to the authorized non-profit organization on the consideration of a public initiative (in electronic form).

What needs to be done in the Vologda Oblast? 1. Authorized employees to register on and 3. November 1, 2013 to inform the public about the federal project ROI. 2. Conduct an examination of the municipal act on the expert group of the municipal level.

The e-mail address of the secretary of the expert group (direct!), - the secretary's work and mobile phone number, - the position of the expert group and the composition of the expert group. 4. Send the following information to the email address by November 15, 2013.

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