Chamomile tea: benefits and harms, medicinal recipes, preparation. Chamomile infusion: benefits and harms, the best recipes, contraindications and uses

Hello dear readers. Let's talk about the benefits of herbal teas. Do you love herbal tea? I really love it, moreover, brewed not from one herb, but from a mixture of various herbs, seasoned with a sprig of fragrant mint or a slice of lemon. I always prefer natural honey to this tea. Today, the shelves of our stores are filled with various teas, choose any. But, in my opinion, it is herbal tea that is tastier and healthier. Therefore, I decided to pay attention to chamomile tea. I want to tell you how chamomile tea is useful for women and children. So many times chamomile tea has helped our family in the treatment of various diseases.

I will share the recipe for making tea with you, and also tell you for which diseases chamomile tea can be used, and for which diseases I felt relieved by taking chamomile tea. I always use .

Where to get chamomile for tea? You can prepare chamomile yourself, you can buy it from herbalists in the market, or you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Chamomile is a common medicinal plant, since ancient times this herb has been used to treat various ailments. Chamomile has a wide spectrum of action, its decoctions, infusions and tea are used for various diseases.

I buy chamomile from herbalists or from a pharmacy. I brew dried chamomile flowers.

Herbal teas help to quench thirst and enrich our body with useful substances. Moreover, chamomile tea does not contain caffeine, as, for example, in black tea or coffee.

How to brew chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has a very pleasant taste, aroma and color. The color of chamomile tea can be from light yellow to brown, depending on the time of tea brewing.

1 Chamomile tea can be brewed in a glass or teapot. I brew both in a glass and in a teapot.

2 For 250 ml. boiled water (for brewing herbal tea it is recommended to use water heated to 90 degrees), you need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers.

3 Be sure to insist the drink, I insist for 20 minutes.

4 Chamomile tea should be strained. I used to strain herbal teas through cheesecloth, but now I use a fine strainer, it's much easier and more convenient.

How to prepare an infusion and decoction of chamomile

From chamomile, you can prepare not only tea, but also an infusion or decoction. To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of chamomile with a glass of boiled water (250 ml.) 90 degrees and leave for 15 to 25 minutes. The drink must be filtered.

From chamomile, you can prepare not only an infusion, but also a decoction. A decoction is as easy to prepare as an infusion. I put a few tablespoons of dry chamomile in a saucepan and pour 500 ml. water, put on fire and boil for 3-4 minutes, from the moment of boiling, let the broth brew. I used the decoction mainly externally, and if I need to prepare a chamomile drink for oral use, then I prepare an infusion.

How to drink chamomile tea and how much?

If you are using chamomile tea to treat a specific condition, it is better to drink it in courses and then take a break.

Drink chamomile tea on an empty stomach for half a glass before each meal. Keep the interval before eating at 20 minutes. For treatment, chamomile tea does not need to be sweetened.

If you are using chamomile tea for a high fever or cold, lemon and honey can be added to the tea to taste.

You can add honey to chamomile tea to taste and drink it with it. If you are allergic to honey, add a few pieces of cane (brown) sugar to your tea.

If you drink chamomile tea at night, with insomnia or headaches, then you can add a little lemon balm or mint to the teapot for chamomile tea. These herbs have sedative properties that help you relax and fall asleep faster.

How many cups of chamomile tea can you drink a day? I do not drink chamomile tea all the time, only occasionally when I feel like it, and also if I use chamomile to treat a specific disease.

You can drink 1 or 2 cups of chamomile tea per day, this is not only a safe, but also a healthy amount of tea.

Chamomile tea. Benefit and harm

Chamomile tea has practically no contraindications. This is a natural and safe medicine that does not harm the body.

A big plus of chamomile tea is that drinks made from this plant really have a positive effect on the body, and are a natural medicine.

  • Chamomile tea helped me with gastritis, tea perfectly relieves inflammation, reduces pain. Tea is used for pain in the stomach, gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, in complex treatment.
  • Chamomile tea helps reduce fever. Especially, it is a safe medicine for children. When our son was a year old, he developed a high fever. I gave him chamomile tea throughout the day. By evening, the temperature subsided and I did not have to resort to medication.
  • Chamomile tea is of great benefit in bowel diseases. Helps reduce gas formation, helps with intestinal inflammation, removes toxins from the body.
  • Chamomile tea is used in complex treatment as a choleretic and diuretic.
  • It is used for colds and viral diseases. May be combined with other herbs. For example, thyme, mint, St. John's wort, blackcurrant leaves, raspberries and other herbs.
  • For headaches and insomnia, even doctors recommend drinking 1-2 cups of chamomile tea. Tea calms, helps to fall asleep and relieves headaches.
  • Chamomile in its composition has macro- and microelements, ascorbic acid, essential oil.
  • Chamomile tea helps lower blood sugar levels.
  • With stress and fatigue, you need to drink 1-2 cups of chamomile tea per day, as a soothing drink. It is advisable to add a sprig of mint to tea.
  • The benefits of chamomile tea are simply invaluable for women. During menstruation, especially painful, chamomile tea helps relieve pain and cramps.

Since we are talking about the topic: chamomile tea, benefits and harms. It will not be superfluous to mention the harm. You should not use tea if you are allergic to herbs, including chamomile, which is extremely rare, as well as individual intolerance.

Sometimes, but in rare cases, herbal teas can cause itching or allergies. In this case, you should stop using chamomile tea.

Benefits of chamomile tea for women

This drink has a very positive effect on women's health. Chamomile infusion is used both internally and externally, for douching, used for inhalation, baths, compresses.

Chamomile has gained wide popularity in the treatment of diseases during pregnancy. During pregnancy, tea helps to cope with headaches, relieves stomach pain, spasms in the intestines, helps to cope with colds and high fever.

Most importantly, do not abuse this drink, use chamomile in courses. If you drink as tea, then drink no more than 2 cups of tea per day. And be sure to consult your gynecologist about the use and dosage of chamomile tea.

Chamomile tea for children. Benefit

Speaking of children, it is impossible not to mention the benefits of chamomile tea for children. Of course, you don’t need to use anything on your own, be sure to consult a pediatric nurse or pediatrician.

But usually, doctors themselves prescribe chamomile tea to children. This is a very healthy and safe drink that works effectively and has no obvious contraindications and side effects.

Chamomile tea has a calming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Tea is given to children as a sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent.

A drink from this medicinal herb has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Doctors recommend giving children tea with chamomile when teething.

Chamomile, as a rule, is used in courses so that addiction does not occur. Children begin to give chamomile tea in teaspoons, gradually increasing the dosage.

Chamomile Tea Recipes

Tea can be prepared only from chamomile flowers alone, or you can add other medicinal herbs to it according to your taste and if necessary (if you use tea for treatment).

Chamomile and mint tea. Chamomile-mint tea is very tasty and healthy. Its taste is quite pleasant, it helps to relax, calm down in a stressful situation, reduce stomach pain, fall asleep with insomnia, and eliminate headaches.

To make tea, in the teapot in which you brew chamomile tea, add a sprig of fresh mint or half a teaspoon of dried mint herb.

Chamomile and thyme tea. You can also add dry thyme to chamomile tea. In a teapot, along with dry chamomile flowers, add a teaspoon of dry thyme herb.

Chamomile tea with lemon balm. Very tasty and no less useful is chamomile tea with lemon balm. I really like lemon balm, it has an unusually pleasant taste (of tea) and aroma.

This tea is very good for colds and high fever. Brew it in the same way as chamomile with mint. Add half a teaspoon of lemon balm to the chamomile teapot.

In addition to the herbs I have suggested, you can mix dry chamomile with other herbs. For example, with, and brew a delicious and fragrant herbal drink.

The benefits of chamomile tea are really very great. This healing drink will not only fill the house with an amazing aroma, give warmth and comfort, but also alleviate the symptoms of many diseases. Be healthy!

Pharmacy chamomile is the herb that is familiar to everyone, and not just caring mothers and traditional healers. Since childhood, we know that these small flowers, with a convex yellow center and white thin petals and a specific smell, are medicinal. Chamomile really has a lot of different properties, it is used in medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, folk healing, dietetics, and cosmetology. There are many recipes for health and beauty for all ages, for men and women.

Babies are fed with chamomile tea., it helps them calm down, eliminates colic and the tummy stops hurting. Even babies are bathed in chamomile, it has a good effect on the skin, helps to cope with prickly heat and diaper rash.

- Girls and boys with rashes on the face recommend washing your face with a decoction of chamomile or wiping your face with a chamomile tonic- all pimples dry up and heal, inflammation disappears.

- Blondes use brewed chamomile to rinse their hair, so they get a beautiful shade and become shiny.

- It is useful for older women to wipe their face and décolleté area with ice cubes from frozen chamomile infusion - tired skin immediately comes into tone.

- For men, chamomile baths help to cope with excessive sweating of the legs.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea deserves special attention - it helps against many diseases and unpleasant conditions, acts gently and does not cause side effects. Chamomile tea is known as a natural sedative that relieves tension and irritation well, improves mood. It is shown to drink with stress, overwork, neurosis, quick-tempered and angry people. Also, a decoction of chamomile helps to get rid of insomnia, it is recommended to drink it at night with honey and milk.

Brewed pharmacy chamomile is good for solving digestive problems, it relieves irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, stops the fermentation process, and kills pathogenic microflora. Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic, it can be drunk as a preventive measure to prevent upset or indigestion. If you drink chamomile tea after a hearty dinner, it will improve digestion, relieve heaviness, and prevent heartburn.

Chamomile tea is useful for colds and SARS as a drink and as a gargle. It relieves inflammation and actively fights bacteria.

Pharmaceutical chamomile has a very specific taste, not everyone likes it, and therefore chamomile tea often consists of several components that significantly improve its taste, increase its usefulness and effectiveness.

Chamomile tea recipes and brewing methods

To prepare chamomile tea, you can use loose purchased or home-made grass, as well as chopped chamomile packaged in separate bags. It goes well with black, green, red, white tea and other medicinal herbs, fruit additives, spices.

Soothing chamomile tea

Take one tablespoon of chamomile, a sprig of mint, a teaspoon of valerian root, a tablespoon of green tea and brew in a liter of boiling water. Honey and lemon can be added to tea to taste. This tea is great for calming and lowering blood pressure.

Tonic chamomile tea

To prepare the drink, you need to take a tablespoon of chamomile, 10 tea rose petals or 1 tablespoon of hibiscus, 3 dried orange peels, a pinch of cinnamon and a tablespoon of black tea. All ingredients are mixed and poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water, infused for 40 minutes.

Healing chamomile tea

For the preparation of medicinal tea, chamomile, calendula, lime blossom, mint, leaves and dried raspberries, celandine and St. John's wort are taken in equal parts. A mixture of herbs is brewed in a proportion of 2 tablespoons per liter of water, before use, let it brew. You can add lemon, honey, sugar to taste.

Chamomile tea for beauty

To prepare chamomile tea for health and beauty, you need to take a tablespoon of dry chamomile, a teaspoon of ginger, a teaspoon of licorice, a tablespoon of black or green tea, any dried berries (raspberries, strawberries, rose hips). In the finished tea, add honey and milk to taste.

Vitamin chamomile tea

It is useful to drink this chamomile tea for colds, in winter, when the body lacks nutrients and the immune system weakens. In equal parts, you need to mix chamomile, rose hips, dry orange peels, raspberry and black currant leaves, mint, lemongrass, linden. You can add green or black tea, ginger, a few slices of lemon, honey.

Harm and contraindications of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea cannot bring much harm, but you should not abuse it and make the drink strong. With caution, it should be drunk by pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers, people with low blood pressure and taking sedatives.

Herbal teas have been prepared since ancient times, they were loved by both ordinary people and crowned heads, because they had not only a pleasant taste and aroma, but also useful medicinal properties. Among all herbal drinks chamomile infusion has been and remains one of the most popular. He is familiar to us from early childhood, because with all the healing properties, he has practically no contraindications. In addition, preparing such a healing and tasty drink is quite simple.

The main thing - choose the right raw material. The properties of the drink depend on its quality.

Poor-quality grass can cause great harm to your health, so you should not buy medicinal plants from your hands, in spontaneous markets, because you have no idea where and when it was collected. Chamomile from roadsides, growing near industrial enterprises, landfills, in polluted places contains carcinogens, which, when ingested, cause severe poisoning. Don't risk your health!

Dry chamomile can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription, just pay attention to the date of manufacture. Over time, the flowers lose their valuable qualities, so they can only be used within a year after collection.

You can collect medicinal chamomile yourself, but be sure to keep in mind that the place where you pick flowers should be away from roads and industrial facilities.

Pluck just opened inflorescences without stems and dry them in the shade with good ventilation. This is important, since direct sunlight will cause the destruction of some of the valuable substances, and the plant will lose many of its useful properties. The raw material is ready when, when rubbed in the hands, a fine dry powder is formed.

So, you stocked up on chamomile. You can make fragrant tea. And what will be the use of it?

And also women have long used the healing properties of the plant for beauty. Rinsing hair with chamomile infusion makes it light, soft, shiny, brightens and gives a golden glow. Tea and lotions from chamomile improve the condition of the skin, give it elasticity.

If you wipe the face, neck and décolleté every morning with a frozen decoction, the skin will be taut, fresh, without wrinkles.

Also medicinal infusion helps with back pain, toothache, hemorrhoids, swelling nasal mucosa. It is used in the form of compresses for conjunctivitis and other inflammations of the eyes.

Harm and contraindications

The wide range of health benefits of chamomile tea makes it a very valuable remedy, but the drink should be used with caution.

In some cases, it should be abandoned.

  • If you are allergic to a plant
  • While taking diuretics and sedatives, as the drink enhances the effects of medications and can cause an overdose

In all other cases you just need to be reasonable- and healing chamomile tea will only benefit you. It is so useful that it can even be used for babies.

Since we are talking about children, let's see how a drink from sunny flowers can help pregnant women, young mothers and their babies.

Use during pregnancy

Doctors say that chamomile is safe and beneficial at any stage of pregnancy if used correctly.

Tea from it will help to cope with heartburn, stomach pain, relieve stress, irritability, apathy, improve sleep. Often during pregnancy, constipation, flatulence are disturbing - these problems will also be solved by a healing drink. The infusion can also be used externally: gargle for colds, mouth for stomatitis, make lotions for joint pain, take care of skin and hair.

Baths with chamomile will be useful for both pregnant women and babies This is a wonderful soothing treatment. However, remember: you can drink no more than 2 cups of weak chamomile infusion per day, otherwise you risk getting an allergy. Also, the abuse of chamomile tea can lead to more active production of the hormone estrogen, and this is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth.

How to brew

Preparing a chamomile drink is easy - just pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers into 300 ml of boiling water. Then the container must be placed in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. When the liquid has cooled (after about an hour), you will get healing decoction.

For regular tea you can take a teaspoon of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, mix. After 5-7 minutes, the aromatic drink is ready!

With the use of chamomile tea, like any other product, it is important to observe the measure, and then the healing power of nature will give you health and beauty!

Russian families love tea very much. Not a day goes by without this invigorating aromatic drink. Someone likes to brew stronger black tea. Someone prefers the refined taste of green. Some prefer only expensive, elite varieties, while others prefer tea bags. Well, those who know a lot about medicinal plants and care about maintaining their health prepare tea from simple chamomile. Such a drink is tasty, fragrant, and most importantly, healthy. Yes, and at a price it is available to everyone, regardless of financial wealth.

Tea from dried flowers has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Freshly prepared drink has medicinal properties. For example, the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties of tea have been proven. They drink it, and also use it externally in the form of compresses, lotions.

Let's talk more about this healing drink. Let's find out why we need chamomile tea, we will find out its beneficial properties. Let's also talk about contraindications.

Benefits of chamomile tea

First of all, let's dwell on the property of the drink to calm the nervous system. Just a cup of chamomile tea, drunk in the evening, will help you fall asleep faster, and make your sleep deep and calm. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it after a hard day's work. Just be careful if you are taking any sedative drugs.

It should also be noted that a drink based on chamomile has a moderate analgesic property. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for rinsing the mouth if the tooth hurts, the gums are inflamed, or there are ulcerative lesions on the mucosa. If you need to relieve pain, it is better to rinse with cool tea. It is most effective in this case.

In addition, chamomile tea improves and stabilizes digestion. It will help relieve colic, eliminate gas formation, abdominal pain. Just be careful if you are taking drugs that thin the blood, such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Chamomile contains coumarin, which also has blood-thinning properties.

Antimicrobial, antioxidant properties are given to tea by flavonoids, a large amount of which is found in the flowers of the plant. Therefore, a regularly drunk cup of the drink eliminates inflammation, reduces bad cholesterol and glucose. Therefore, it will be useful for people suffering from diabetes. The drink is a prophylactic against the occurrence of malignant tumors.

The beneficial properties of chamomile tea are known for violations of the intestinal microflora. Useful substances, which the drink is rich in, improve microflora, restore balance.

With stomach pain, the beneficial properties of the drink will also help. The tea will soothe the lining of the stomach. With gastritis, peptic ulcer will relieve pain. Improves the condition in diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys.
Flower tea can be given to children for good sleep. However, you can give it if you are not allergic to chamomile. So, be careful. Here is the recipe for this drink:

Chamomile tea for children

Pour 1 tsp into an enamel mug. dry flowers. Add 400 ml of boiling water. Cover the top with a saucer. Let it stand for 15-20 minutes. After that, strain the tea through cheesecloth, cool. Add 1 tsp. honey.

Such a drink will calm the child, improve the quality of sleep. In addition, it is useful to give it to children with indigestion.

Chamomile tea for adults

It is prepared in the same way as for children. Only the proportions are slightly different. Put 1 tsp. for 200 ml of boiling water. Then, when brewed, strain and drink. Honey can also be added if desired. If you prefer to prepare a drink from sachets, then 1 sachet is taken for 1 cup of boiling water. It is recommended to drink the drink moderately warm, not hot.

With the addition of mint or oregano

This drink also well eliminates fermentation processes in the intestines, will help get rid of increased gas formation, and pain in the abdomen. The drink will calm the nerves, help with stressful conditions, improve sleep.

To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. l. chamomile, mint or oregano. Pour 0.5 l. boiling water. Cover with a warm towel. Tea will be ready in 5-10 minutes.

Green tea

This drink is effective for stress, excitement. It is recommended to drink to people who are in emotional stress, as it helps to relax. To prepare, pour the amount of green tea you need into the teapot. Then pour 1 tsp. dried chamomile flowers. The drink will be ready in 10 minutes. In the evening it is useful to drink it with honey. And in the morning it is better to put a circle of lemon in a cup.


You should not drink it often during pregnancy. The drink can increase the production of estrogen. A significant increase in their number can harm the normal course of pregnancy, up to its termination. So be careful and check with your doctor about using chamomile tea.


So we talked about how tea in which there is chamomile is useful for our body, we discussed its benefits and harms. It is also worth recalling that you need to understand that chamomile is a medicinal plant. Therefore, like all medicines, in some cases it may not help, but aggravate the state of health. And all because this plant is quite allergenic. Therefore, when drinking tea, always monitor your well-being. If there are signs of an allergy, it should be discontinued.

A simple and unpretentious flower is suitable not only for girlish fortune-telling. This herb has long been famous for its beneficial effect. The decoction has a soothing and antibacterial agent. Chamomile tea has benefits and harms, like everything else in this world. This herb has more positive qualities than negative ones.

Chamomile tea benefits

Or a solar flower has long been known both in folk and traditional medicine. The infusion effectively helps with diseases of the stomach. Doctors recommend taking a drink from this plant for a month and positive results will not keep you waiting.

Chamomile tea has the following effects on the human body:

  1. Calming effect and lowering pressure.
  2. Reducing gas and bloating in the intestines, reducing colic.
  3. Prevents the appearance of stones in the kidneys, gallbladder.
  4. Increases immunity, prevents colds.
  5. It has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The decoction is used for and. The infusion relieves inflammation and prevents the development of purulent processes in the teeth.

Benefits for children

Substances contained in the plant have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. That is, chamomile can destroy bacteria that cause various diseases. The properties of the flower include the removal of harmful toxins from the body.

Chamomile helps children with colds, as well as their complications. A decoction is very effective for coughing. It is recommended for diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Infusions are used not only internally, but also in inhalations.

Important! Inhalation procedures with chamomile tea or oil are not recommended for children under three years of age.

It is important to note that in case of SARS in children, it is useful to drink chamomile tea, as it is an excellent diaphoretic and lowers the temperature. The plant not only facilitates the general well-being of the child, but also removes toxins from the body well.

During the bearing of a child, any diseases can be very harmful to the development of the fetus. Treatment in such cases is limited to a small number of drugs. Therefore, if painful conditions appear, they try to resort to the help of chamomile.

  1. Tea from this herb helps relieve stress, get rid of an apathetic state, which also provokes nervous breakdowns.
  2. Also, the infusion is recommended for, it acts as an antispasmodic and analgesic.
  3. During pregnancy, chamomile tea is used as a mild laxative and also has a diuretic effect.
  4. A decoction of the plant helps to eliminate nausea and toxicosis.
  5. If there are colds, the infusion eliminates well, reduces cough, lowers fever.

Note! Chamomile perfectly fills the body with calcium and magnesium. Its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action helps to get rid of many diseases, and does not harm the bearing of a child.

It is worth noting that during pregnancy, decoctions should be used within reasonable limits, and not overdo it. Excessive consumption of such a drink can provoke an increase in estrogen levels. Such hormones in large quantities can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

Interesting! Chamomile has several varieties. Each variety has its own qualities and characteristics. Only chamomile should be used for treatment, since odorous is a flower that is used exclusively in cosmetology, and is contraindicated for medicinal purposes.

Benefits of Chamomile for Men

An infusion of herbs can not only relieve fatigue, but also calm, normalize sleep. For men, tea is especially useful after a hard day's work, when in the evening the forces leave the body. A mug of decoction will help restore strength and calm the nerves. It is advisable to drink up to 5 cups of healthy infusion per week. This will help enhance the positive effect.

  1. It is worth saying that chamomile contains substances that can normalize the functioning of the gallbladder and urinary tract, which is very important in the health of the male body.
  2. Regular use of herbal decoction helps to eliminate toxins.
  3. Its action is aimed at restoring normal stools and solving problems with urination. That is, such a drink helps prevent the appearance of stones in the kidneys and bile ducts.

Note! Decoctions of the plant are widely used in inflammatory processes in the genital organs of men. Lotions effectively anesthetize and relieve irritation.

It is worth noting that foot baths from such a plant will help men get rid of sweaty feet and unpleasant odors.

Benefits for colds

Chamomile is a very good remedy for viral diseases. Herbal tea has a positive effect on the body during colds. This is a good diaphoretic, which helps to reduce body temperature, as well as increase weakness. The plant is able to relieve pain, has an antimicrobial effect, which is especially effective when rinsing the affected throat.

How to prepare an herbal drink correctly

Nowadays, in every pharmacy you can find a large selection of chamomile tea. It is sold both in loose form and in disposable sachets. It is good to buy grass in specialized establishments because here it is precisely selected and correctly processed. Also, for the preparation of the drink, you can use the grass collected on your own, but do not confuse it with fragrant chamomile.

Flower decoction has a good combination with other plants. And if you add it to black or green tea, it will only improve the taste. Honey, lemon and jam are welcome.

You can prepare several varieties of such a drink, which will have different positive properties:

  1. A soothing decoction is prepared from one spoonful of dried chamomile per liter of hot boiled water. Such an infusion will not only restore balance, but also lower the pressure that has jumped up.
  2. The following set of components has a tonic effect: chamomile, black tea and hibiscus (1 tablespoon each), tea rose petals (10 pieces), dried orange peel (3 crusts), cinnamon (1 pinch). All you need to mix and insist in 1.5 liters of boiling water for about an hour.
  3. The healing infusion is more useful if you add leaves or raspberries to chamomile, and. Enough two tablespoons of this mixture for 2 liters of boiling water. A similar drink is used for women's diseases, as an analgesic and diuretic, antibacterial and antispasmodic.

There are many recipes for preparing a healing infusion. Even a small amount of chamomile herb in a particular tea will have a beneficial effect on the body.

How to take chamomile tea, harm and contraindications

An important feature of such a plant is that it has practically no negative sides. Its beneficial effect on the body is widely known throughout the world. But still, there are nuances for the use of such a drink that you need to know:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. During this period, chamomile tea should not be abused, and it is better to coordinate its use with your doctor.
  2. Allergy to flower pollen. In this case, you should refuse a healthy drink, as it can cause an unforeseen reaction of the body to the tea components.
  3. Low blood pressure is also a contraindication. It is known that chamomile is useful for hypertensive patients, that is, people with high blood pressure. It can harm hypotensive patients.
  4. Individual intolerance to plant components.

It is worth remembering that chamomile is practically harmless. The main thing is to use it in moderation and not make it an everyday drink. Up to five cups of tea from such a plant per week will be enough to get the desired results and improve the overall condition of the body.

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