Generic practices for the purification of the family and their own well-being. Practices and meditations on working with the family

Was held master class on Rod.
With the help of the method of Reincarnation, the participants studied their Genus,
communicated with ancestors, learned to work out their past incarnations in their own Family.

Parents, relatives, relatives, family... For some, these words are a huge force, but for someone - a huge pain.

Sometimes this is a very tangible story related to dad and mom, grandparents, children. And sometimes it is difficult to understand the mystery when it comes to situations that repeat from generation to generation or about hereditary diseases.

  • Where and how to look for the roots of such deep violations in the generic system?
  • How to change the situation that you stumble over all your life?
  • How to find the origins of problems that go deep into the past, into your family?
  • How to purify the karma of the family and change the life of future generations?

What do we know about the genus?

There seem to be many ways to solve such complex problems now. And this gives hope that it is possible to break the vicious circle, which sometimes takes years to walk.

Reincarnation provides a new perspective on the solution of generic problems, offers unique opportunities for resolving generic problems and in-depth study of energy failures in the generic system.

How? With what resources? These questions were explored by the participants of the master class.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what a genus is and who such relatives are. Reincarnation answers this question on a large scale and multidimensionally.

After all, if you think about the fact that the family is tens, hundreds of generations, and in each generation there are sisters and brothers, it turns out that almost We are all related to one degree or another. But that's not all.

Maris Dreshmanis, head of the Institute of Reincarnation:

“Remember that your soul has incarnated not only in this physical body, but in many others many, many times. And every time you had your blood relatives behind you, for many generations.

But in other incarnations you were in different countries, different nationalities, and therefore it is not surprising when, traveling through past incarnations, we can find a relationship with almost every person that we meet on our way.

If we look through the catalog of our incarnations, then one way or another we have encountered almost every person on the planet.

Such an understanding of tribal relations gives an awareness of the deep interconnection and unity of all processes on Earth.

He proves once again that, unwinding his own tangles of relationships and untying the knots of his fate, we affect the lives of so many people.

Galina, participant of the master class:

“It was just cool - the whole earth seemed to be shrouded in some kind of streams. They are all relatives.”

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“It feels like my family is such a grandiose, huge community ... And this little bit that I am here, I am responsible for them, and they are for me, and there is some very interesting connection.”

Kind of energies

A universal tool for working with family and family energies is the skill of immersion, which is actively used in Reincarnation.

So, in immersion meditation, you can see how the energy of the mother's kind differs from the energy of the father's kind, how this energy flows, where its flow is disturbed and why.

Catherine, participant of the master class:

“I looked at the lineage of my father and mother. Everything is fine with his mother, with his father's family - two generations ago, his father and mother failed in the program they were following, so they asked me to help them correct the situation.

By the kind of stepfather, I saw that they all really lack love, which is why in many generations they have a rejection of their fathers and mothers. That is, a bad relationship due to the fact that someone beat someone, raised someone incorrectly, or something like that.

Natalia, participant of the master class:

“I didn’t feel so much parental energy, but my grandparents ... It was very strong on the part of my mother and not very strong on the part of my father.

And then, when people began to line up, people, people, the flow changed, and if at first for 3-4 generations it seemed that the feminine gender was very strong, then later, when a lot of people had already gone, the masculine gender turned out to be stronger.

There, 3-4 generations ago, something happened, and the energy stopped flowing from there. That's it, very strange."

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“Mother flow is lighter. And he went up and down. The father has a heavier kind of energy, from top to bottom. And here's what's interesting, somewhere before the 3-4th generation it was stronger, but along the line of the father, the call of the ancestors, as it were, pulls it, drags it there.

Then I turned around and looked - mine both on my father's side and on my mother's.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of family relations. After all, this is a relationship with the closest people - parents, children. It is by birth that the ability to build these relationships is transmitted to us. We receive from our ancestors

The state of tribal energy largely determines the health and emotional stability of members of the clan.

If a energy by nature goes smoothly, without failures this kind is a source of great power, stability and support for all its members for many generations to come.

Mila, participant of the master class:

“Most of all I liked that the energy came from both sides: with my father and with my mother. And it was calm enough. There was a very good and such a calm acceptance, and the power was felt.”

Conversation with family

But there is another side: it is our responsibility for what happens to our family. Oddly enough, his health and well-being depend to a large extent on our actions, our mood and condition.

Therefore, some problems can be corrected simply by talking with your kind during absorption meditation by performing an intuitive act of purification of generic energies.

And this unique opportunity to communicate with our ancestors helps to realize the full power of the support that we receive from the clan, to understand the deep relationship with each of its members.

Ludmila, participant of the master class:

“When I gathered all the relatives, I asked their forgiveness and thanked them for being with me. Then I asked Jesus Christ to cleanse my family, and then my whole family was covered with a powerful golden stream of energy.

After that, all my relatives began to throw flowers. It was so joyful, beautiful. Everyone thanked me for asking Jesus to cleanse our race. Today I realized that

I am grateful for this session, because I saw the world with completely different eyes. I have such a feeling of joy now!”.

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“While working with the family, I invited the oldest of my father’s family, and an old man appeared with a staff from the desert, and I ask him: “What do you want from me, what do I have from you now?” And he answers me: Keep the traditions and memory of the family».

Galina, participant of the master class:

“I turned to my relatives, knelt down, asked their forgiveness and said that I love them very much. And she asked me to tell me what I need to do.

And they answered me: “You are well done that you do not forget us, that you remember and do everything so that your children and grandchildren remember, and continue.

But we still need to work with the family in order to correct the lives in which you were and in which you influenced the family, so that children and grandchildren and future generations live well.

And when the children had already arrived, and I invited my grandchildren, then it just became so great and good! I have never felt like this...

When I asked for forgiveness, there were dark spots that were visible, and when I was already looking around, they began to lighten up in a wave - the light went back from me, further there. It's bright and sunny!

It was a great event for our family. I don't even know how to describe it. I thank you."

Family karma and past incarnations

However, as a rule, only communication with the family is not enough. In most cases, a deeper study is required.

Maris Dreshmanis, head of the Institute of Reincarnation

“Very often we are worried about our karmic situations. Sometimes it seems to us that some situations in our lives happen only because someone from our relatives smoked in the past.”

Thanks to Reincarnation, you can look at this situation a little differently. It is enough to take a closer look at your family to see that some characters are ourselves in past incarnations.

And viewing these lives can help, which led to the failure of generic programs and created serious problems for future generations.

Galina, masterclass participant:

“When all my relatives began to get up, then the left side - along my mother's line - was on fire all over, and I felt heaviness along my father's line. When I looked back, I saw that I was a seventh generation male.

And I was told that it is necessary to work out this life. From my mother’s side, 2 lives were highlighted, which also need to be worked out. ”

The study of one's own incarnations in the family is a very powerful resource for changing life scenarios.

Such work allows you to remove the causes of recurring negative situations in the family and change for the better the life of not only current, but also future generations of the family, and make them happier.

Galina, masterclass participant:

“According to our female gender, women divorce their husbands, live alone, raise children alone. And this has been going on for more than one generation. And now, after working through the last incarnation, this will stop.

It is necessary to work on these tasks for the happiness of children and grandchildren.”

And how can one determine that changes in such a powerful system as a family one really took place during the processing of past incarnations? And this is not fiction and not the imagination of the master class participants?

Usually, the most sensitive instrument in this case is our body. It gives the most true and tangible signals about the results of the work done.

Galina, participant of the master class:

“The heaviness that was on my shoulder disappeared from the right side. And on the left side it stopped burning my left cheek, and somehow I sighed very freely.

Soul Lessons

But that's not all. For a more exhaustive and in-depth study of past incarnations, it is not enough just to look at them. It is necessary to go through one more level - this is the level of solving spiritual problems, both one's own and family ones.

Reincarnation allows you to look at all these situations from the point of view of the Soul, to understand what lessons it went through in the “wrong” life. And usually the history of our past incarnation, and hence the history of our kind, teaches us love.

And every energy failure in the family is an unlearned lesson of love. For example, one such lesson might be

Galina, participant of the master class:

“Love is love, and you can’t be strongly attached to anyone, because it hurts a lot later. When you become attached, it is selfish, it means that you say: "He is mine." When you say that, you lose him. And you just need to love.

And if your loved one feels good with someone, or he has some obligations to others, then you just need to love and be happy that he is here, that he lives, that he is happy.

No less important are the lessons of parent-child love, which the participant of the master class had to realize while working on another "

Galina, participant of the master class:

“On the one hand, the lesson for parents is that it is possible, even necessary, to pamper a child sometimes, but there must be limits so that the child does not forget about his parents.

This child, when he grew up, wanted to run away from home from very strong attention and very strong love for him. He wanted to get out of there and just be independent.

And on the part of the child, it is important not to forget about their parents and respect them. Because my parents gave everything to me, everything last for me. Maybe this is also a lesson for them that they shouldn’t do this.”

Working with generic energies is a very reverent, deep and sometimes difficult process, because you have to work with very difficult situations from the distant past. However, the results of such work are extremely important and very significant.

They provide direct impact not only on our lives, but also on the lives of our children for many generations.

The uniqueness of the work of Maris Dreshmanis lies in the fact that he teaches to work through all these seemingly difficult stories in the game mode, on a positive note, which creates the basis for a more comfortable living of situations.

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“When this is a game, everything is easier, simpler and more understandable, and we come to a different point of view, and we see everything differently than when we are in this emotional experience and, apart from this narrow horizon, we are not aware of anything. It's a salvation that it's all a game."

Let's live easy and playfully deal with all the difficult life lessons that we need to go through in life. Let's love our family. And I would like to finish the article with the words of one of the participants of the master class, or rather, her Spiritual Mentors.

Galina, participant of the master class:

“Happiness does not happen without the memory of what was. Feeling kinda should always be present, and the joy of life - in the sensations of loved ones. After all, if I had not worked through my past lives, it could have affected my children and my grandchildren. Rod is everything."

Love yourself and your loved ones. Thank your loved ones for the lessons they help you learn by being by your side throughout your life. Appreciate your parents, children and your entire family. Because your family is you!

Your success, personal life and your life scenarios depend on the strength of the family and the relationships within it. If the relationship in the family is weak, difficult, negative, this will also affect your life.

It is especially important to purify the ancestral karma for those in whose family there are suicides, unborn children, including those who have been aborted, and those who have been separated from the family. These members of the genus invisibly influence the life of each next person in the genus.

The heaviest curses go to the youngest member of the family in the female line.

Sometimes we ourselves become the person on whom all this burden falls, or it happens to our daughters. And often we do not understand why there is a constant slippage in life, everything does not turn out the way we wanted, the expected does not bring joy.

On special days of the year, there is an opportunity to purge the family and free it from sins, litigation and suffering. A woman, as a priestess of the clan, can and should do this in order to protect her children and her happiness. The heavy karma of the family will be cleared - and you will gain strength and joy, new thoughts will illuminate your head. Perhaps even the members of the genus themselves will dream of you in good dreams and thank you for it - I have seen this in my practice. In the future, you will gain the protection and support of the family, which gives a feeling of peace and security.

There are many different practices, and I will tell you the one that I often offer to my clients and which I have tested on myself - it really works.

The ritual of cleansing the clan and the purification of tribal karma

The essence of the practice: honoring the ancestors by offering them consecrated food. To perform this ritual, you will need: two new plates from which no one has eaten, a church candle and a new pack of rice.

The ritual is best done on the waning moon and on the week of honoring the clan - this is Shrovetide week or period. It is advisable to practice in the morning - the energy at this time is the most blissful.

So, get up in the morning, bathe and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

Put the rice to boil. While it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted.

When it is cooked, place it on a clean plate, preferably a new one, and place it in front of the image of God. Offer food to God. I will give prayer options for this.

Prayer for the offering of food in the Christian tradition

For the blessing of food and drink for the laity.

Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with prayers.
Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever.
(Cross food and drink.)

Vedic mantra for offering food

Namo Om Vishnu padaya
krishna prestaya bhutale
Shrimate bhaktivedanta
Swamin ichi namine

Namaste sarasvati deve
Gaura Vani Pracharine
Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyayya
Krishna prema pradaya te
Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya
Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
Govindaya namo namah

Each verse is read three times.

Offering food in the Slavic tradition

Heavenly race, progenitor!
You are the protector of all births!
Remember my ancestors, who are in Your bright Svarga!
Now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Prayer for Muslim women

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ‎‎

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim. In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Merciful."

“The Bismillah contains the names of Allah. Allah directly indicates that everything begins only at the will and by the will of the Almighty. Rahman is His attribute, which indicates that only Allah keeps the matter intact and existing, and Rahim is also His attribute, which, through the grace of Allah, allows a person to benefit from this matter. Therefore, all deeds that begin with the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” will be granted Barakat and the blessing of the Almighty.” ©

Wait 5-10 minutes for the Lord to bless the food.

After that, the consecrated rice must be transferred to another new plate.

Put it in another place, light a candle and say:

I invite members of my kind to come and take this food.

Invitation of ancestors in the Slavic tradition:

« Holy Fathers, we call you! Holy Grandfathers, fly to us!»

At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and pray for 20-30 minutes.

Then thank your kind:

I thank you for accepting this food. Now you can go. Return to your space and your time.

In the Slavic tradition:

« Holy Grandfathers, you flew here, drank and ate, now fly to your place!»

Make a bow.


This food should not be eaten by living people and also should not be thrown away. We must give it to the animals - take it out and put it on the ground.

This completes the ritual.

You can't eat from these bowls. Mark the plate in which food was offered to God, and mark the one in which the ancestors ate. It is better to remove them separately.

After practice, rest - for example, lie down, you can take a nap.

This is a very powerful practice of cleaning ancestral karma, it is advisable to do it several times. You can write to me about changes in life when you do this!

And remember: you are a woman, in your hands is the opportunity to create a strong strong family that will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

Answers to common questions about the practice of offering food to ancestors

Question: Is it possible to offer food and do this practice on critical days?

Answer: No, it's unfavorable. The ritual can be performed on the fourth day from the beginning of menstruation, after taking a full bath.

Question: Is it possible to do this ritual for a spouse?

Answer: Yes it is very good. For the kind of husband, take another plate and change the wording a little: " I invite members of my husband's clan to come and eat».

Question: What to do with leftover rice in a bag?

Answer: This rice can be cooked for households or left for further offering to the ancestors.

Question: How much rice should be cooked?

Answer: Ideally, it’s good to cook a lot: the more homeless animals you feed, the better. But if there are no very hungry animals near you and you doubt that you can feed a lot of rice on the street, then cook a little, for one or two servings.

The effect of the healing of the family can be compared with a stone thrown into the water. Waves of creative energy spread both into the future and into the past, washing away negative traces in the family line. You and your children will be freed from heavy programs and will be able to choose your own life, not burdened by bad heredity.

Meditation from Archangel Michael on the cleansing and healing of the family:

1. Take a comfortable position.
2. Breathe and relax.
Sit or lie down, close your eyes and start taking a few deep breaths.

Relax, feel your body. Look at yourself from the side. Feel your hands, feet, how they are filled with the pure Divine energy of the Father-Creator. You can invite your Guardian Angels, Mentors, Teachers to accompany you on this journey, to your Family.

Slow down your breathing and focus all your awareness on relaxing your body, calming your mind, and letting go of all daily worries.

We take a slow deep breath for 1-2-3-4, and imagine how the energy flows into us and passes through our entire body, freeing each of our cells from the accumulated negativity, pain ..... etc.

Slow exhalation for 1-2-3-4, exhale and imagine how we exhale all the negative energy that has stagnated in us, all experiences, hardships, problems, etc.... We repeat at least three times.

Our body is calm, consciousness is clear, we feel how warmly spreads over our shoulders, arms, stomach, legs ... We connect with our Higher\\Inner Self. You feel calm, balanced, your thoughts are pure, you are connected with your Self .

3. We ground ourselves.
(everyone does it as someone used to)

Intention: “Please cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th knee on the maternal and paternal lines”

I'm Michael, come by your intention
And I will purge the family up to the 9th generation
You need to relax, breathing evenly.
We will go with you to a cave in the center of the Earth,
Where are your books of Life collected.
Give me your hand, I will lead you.
Trust me!
We are with you at the majestic mountain,
Gates pop up before us,
And the doors creak open.
There are steps in front of us and we go down the steps
We enter the gate.
Look what do you see?
This is the beginning of our journey.
The steps lead further down and we go down them all the way down and we reach the door.
Consider the door, what is it?

And express your intent one more time

I, ____ [insert name here] ____, I ask you to cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th knee on the maternal and paternal lines "
The door swings open
You enter a large and bright hall,
There is a table in the middle of the room
There is a book on the table.
Consider the book, what is it?
Take her in your hands
This is a book of your incarnations and lessons.
If you are interested, you can browse it,
Or we can get started right away.
Put your hands on the book
I lay my hands on yours
And I open the Stream of Light and Love
Opening the Violet Flame of Transformation.
These streams in unison fill and illuminate your genealogies.
Cleared of raids.
You ask for forgiveness from everyone you once offended,
You are asked for forgiveness by those who gave you lessons.
Forgive everyone with all your heart and accept everything in yourself and in others.
Open your heart to All Acceptance!
And let your Love and Light flow always and everywhere, Here and Now!
I am Michael, healing all your wounds,
I wipe all your tears
I transform hate into love
Diseases in the Light
I fill you with Peace of Being and Wisdom.

Your family tree, look at it.
How does your tree feel?
Does it have any disadvantages
Little light? Lots of shade? Dry branches? Is the soil dry? What are the leaves?
Give the Tree what it needs.

Say like this:

“Archangel Michael, give my family tree as much light as it needs, such fertile soil as it needs and as much as it needs, etc.”

And now we can finish the job.
I take my hands off your hands
Now you release your hands.
Look at the book, what does it look like now?
Are there any changes?
Thank her and let her go.

We return with you
Give me your hand.
We go out, and the door and it closes with a creak.
Now we go up the stairs, one by one.
And now the gates are open
We exit, turn around, and the gate evaporates.
We are at the foot of the mountain.
Thank this place for letting you into the Hall of Remembrance!
Invisible Servants hear everything.
The rustling of the trees tells you that you have been heard
And they were happy to help.
I hold your hand and return you to your place,
You are at home.

You can open your eyes.
You are at home.
On this, our trip to the Hall of Memory came to an end.
Thank you for your work and trust in me.
With love, Archangel Michael!
Truly so!

When a person is in trouble, he begins to look for help on the side. After all, many are sure that only external support can help change lives for the better. However, few people think about the real reasons for failure. And this happens from the wrong connection of a person with his roots and family. It is the energy of the ancestors that is in direct relationship with reality.

The human race is an incredibly strong energy, it is she who gives life force to each person, wisdom and fortitude. As long as a person is not connected with his own kind, nothing good happens to him. At first glance it seems that everything is going well, but as soon as something happens, everything comes to an end. If a person does not feel support inside, then he begins to look for it on the side, and this is wrong. Internal destruction occurs, new disappointments begin, life does not add up.

You can correct your destiny if you connect with your kind. A person will be able to enter his center, feel freedom and integrity, begin to feel harmony within himself. You will no longer need to look for something on the side, because the energy flows will go continuously and evenly. A person will feel unity with the Universe, will absorb all the best that their ancestors had. At the same time, he will fulfill his own path and tasks, realize the value and significance of his own existence. There will be no more dissatisfaction with the ancestors, because a system will appear in which everyone is equal and united.

Meditation for healing the karma of the family

Meditation is performed while standing, feet pressed against each other. You should close your eyes and breathe calmly. Then you need to exhale all the tension accumulated in the body. It is necessary to feel like a participant in the Universe, to feel how light and energy penetrate into the head. The whole body seems to be washed and cleansed, the energy flows circulate in full rhythm. After that, you need to clearly imagine how parents stand on both sides and put their hands on the shoulders of their child. Behind them are grandparents, and behind them are great-grandparents, and so on.

If a person does not know his ancestors. then it's no big deal. You just need to designate human figures in your thoughts. It turns out a kind of pyramid, at the top of which there is a person. You need to greet the oldest man and invite him to stand in front. You should wholeheartedly ask him for forgiveness for bad deeds and actions, ask him to clear karma and treat him with respect. Well, when forgiveness is received, he must bless the person, and he will feel how the family was filled only with bright karma, there are no more obstacles to new achievements.

It is also worth doing with a female elder. It is worth asking her for forgiveness and blessings. You can thank your parents from the bottom of your heart, call your grandparents, envelop them with love and understanding. Then a person will know that he is not alone in this world, that he will always be supported.

Healing the Family Through Forgiveness

Generic energy is the most powerful force of all that exists. That is why the answer to the question of why you need to correct your destiny suggests itself. The tribal strength shows how good relations are in the family and how the ancestors used to live. If there were only good people in the family who did not commit terrible deeds, then the person will have a good fate. Well, if there were murderers, suicides, nervous and evil people in the family, then karma will affect everyone. There may even be deaths for individual members of the family.

Very often, problems with the birth are a complex of other problems. However, sometimes there is an extremely negative influence along the lines of both parents. To understand what is happening, a person needs to study their ancestors and their lives. After all, each clan brings with it restless souls who cannot find peace and influence the life of their ancestors. Usually, this realization comes when a person is very ill or dangerous situations arise.

Some are sure that if a person changes his own vision of the world, then birth diseases will go away, but this is not enough, you need to work on it specifically. A person must develop spiritually in order to get rid of the negative influence of the family. It is necessary to distinguish between light and dark energies, do not forget that a person also influences his future children and grandchildren, can become the head of a generation in the future. When purifying the energy of the ancestors, a person will begin to feel strength and intuition will appear.

In every family, without exception, there were ups and downs, good and bad things happened, and therefore all this has an impact on the fate of descendants. That's what the genetic memory and code are given for. A person must clearly understand that he can take a lot from his kind. It is possible to receive only positive qualities, but for this it is required to purify the ancestors and negative energies. There is no need to be arrogant and arrogant about the roots, because a person is a consequence of the life of his ancestors, without them he would not exist at all.

If a person feels guilty before a generation, then it is imperative to ask for forgiveness before relatives, repent, only this must be done with a pure heart and from the soul. Soon there will be a tangible result of these actions, life will noticeably change for the better.

Relationships with living relatives also play a very important role. It is necessary to ask them for forgiveness and talk about your love for them, show care and participation in the lives of loved ones. It will become easier to live both physically and psychologically. The power of the family will begin to nourish a person with energies, make him an honorary guardian.

It must be remembered that everyone is able to purify his family and heal him and himself. Only then the power of the family will protect a person from troubles, constantly nourish with vital energy.

Family tree

You can draw a kind of pyramid of the seven tribes on paper to visually represent it. You need to take a large sheet and carefully draw the silhouettes of people there, even if the person does not know his ancestors. In place of each person it is necessary to put a natural stone. Only then will it be possible to personally turn to each of the ancestors and ask them for forgiveness and help.

It is necessary to clearly formulate the question, and then touch the stone at the level of intuition. Then the answer will come in the form of a thought, in which there will be a correct decision. You can communicate with your ancestors, imagine that they exist in reality. This practice and meditation helps to reunite with your family and receive constant support from it.

Seven tribes and tribal strength

We need to remember our own ancestors, because they all clearly felt their own unity, they stood up for each other like a mountain, they were a single whole. They had excellent health, strength and endurance, they easily coped with all matters. That is why now, because of the limits and conventions, people have become weak, they do not know that there are sacred words and knowledge.

Any negativity, anger, envy or aggression that manifests itself in verbal form affects the DNA, the program recorded in the genes is rapidly distorted.

Breaks in ties with relatives and loss of roots cannot fill a person with strength and support. The most terrible is the renunciation of parents from children and curses sent to the closest people. Then there are very serious problems with karma, diseases that haunt many generations. An ordinary person cannot track all this, sometimes congenital deformities or fatal diseases occur. As a result, a person is not able to create a happy family, raise their own children.

Every word and action begins to affect the gene level of a person, the behavior of generations is changing, just like life. Even simple reading can influence the fate of future generations.

Healing the memory of the kind

No one really knows about the life of their ancestors. After all, few people are interested in loved ones. But it is from the genus that most of the problems originate. The ancestors knew about all this, so they constantly cleared their own karma and were much stronger. All noble families tried to compile a genealogical tree in all details in order to know the history of their kind. They changed their destiny and life for the better. If a person does not succeed, numerous diseases arise, troubles constantly occur, then it is worthwhile to carry out a ritual to heal the family as soon as possible.

Cleansing the family with prayer

Each person bears the imprint of up to seven generations, and each of them loved, lived, did good and bad deeds. All emotions and experience falls on the shoulders of the followers. That is why many simply repeat the fate of their own ancestors, and this can happen exactly. The scenario of life can come from descendants, so a person is not able to take his own path, fulfill his destiny in life, become happy, create a family.

This can be changed through prayer. If a person constantly reads prayers for the healing of the family or the Our Father, he will be able to change his own destiny for the better. He will make his karma more perfect, get rid of the negative influence and problems that his relatives experienced in the distant past, up to the 12th generation.

It is prayer that helps to get rid of the corruption imposed in the distant past, to cleanse oneself from the ancestral curse, to cleanse the sins of one's ancestors and one's own. When pronouncing prayer speeches, a person asks from the bottom of his heart for forgiveness from God for all the sins committed in the family. The impact of negative energy on a person's karma stops, it does not affect the course of a lifetime.

It takes forty days to complete the ceremony. This time is necessary in order to clear the information field of a person, the negative influence of the clan on his life, the history of the clan will no longer be able to influence his existence. Life will be free, the whole load of problems will be cleared, and a person will finally be able to find his own destiny in life, to radically change his fate.

You need to say these words:

“God, I ask your forgiveness in front of everyone whom I managed to offend in my past and present life.
God, I forgive everyone who has hurt me in past and real life.
God forgive me for all my loved ones who have died.
God forgive me for all my loved ones living.
God, forgive my ancestors for offending someone.
God, protect me and my family from everything evil and negative, fill me with harmony, health and love,
Amen, Amen, Amen.”

Meditation from Archangel Michael

You need to make your breathing even and calm. The mind must be cleared of extraneous thoughts. You should sit in the most comfortable position and provide yourself with a calm and comfortable environment, turn off phones and TVs.

It is imperative to ask all the angels and archangels of the family for forgiveness and connection to meditation. You should enter a cave in the very center of the Earth. You should mentally go down the stairs as low as possible, open the first gate, then go down further and look at the door. Need to speak:

After that, the door will open and a huge hall will open, in which there is a book on the table. It is worth looking at her and understanding what she is. You need to put your hands on it and open the streams of love and light. A person must ask for forgiveness from everyone who has been offended, forgive his offenders from the bottom of his heart and completely cleanse himself. You need to open your heart forever, let the light penetrate deep into yourself. You should say:

"Michael Archangel, let my family take as much light and love as possible, ensure fertility and happiness."

And then you should climb the stairs up and close all the doors behind you.

Taoist Healing Practices

People are very often interested in how to heal their family, reconnect with it and feel its support. You need to strive for this with all your heart, believe that everything will work out. Certain rituals should be performed with runes, bread or rice. Here is one of them. The results will be truly impressive.

Donations should be given to close and long-gone relatives. This can be done with the help of food, over which prayers were read, to present it to your predecessors. You should purchase seven candles in advance in the church, buy a pack of rice and two plates. The main thing is that all this is new, not used before. In the morning you need to take a bath, put on clean clothes and put the rice to boil. At this time, you should definitely read prayers, throw out all extraneous thoughts from your head, focus on the most important thing.

It is strongly not recommended to try rice. When the cereal is fully cooked, it should be put on plates and imagine that this food is for the Lord. You can read the prayer Our Father or others, depending on which religion the person belongs to and what he prefers. After that, you need to put this rice, which will already be consecrated, in another plate, light a church candle and say:

“I invite all long-gone representatives of my family to join the meal and take the food prepared by me.”

After that, you need to express gratitude to the ancestors, take the rice outside and bury it in the ground. In no case should this rice be given to living people, and then the plates in which the ritual was performed should not be used. The best time for the ceremony is the week of Maslenitsa.

Consequences of purification of a kind

When cleaning a kind of person, a person begins to feel invaluable support from his ancestors throughout his life. It must be remembered that the ancestors are able to both help a person in all endeavors, and take all his strength. It is necessary to constantly work on oneself, to free the race from negativity, so that fate becomes truly happy, and a person finds his own destiny in life.

It is necessary to heal one's own kind in order to facilitate fate and life. The negative that happened in the distant past will finally leave his followers, then you will not have to constantly fight with drunkards and drug addicts, terminally ill people. Only then will the children be happy, they will be able to achieve everything they can wish for. You need to take only positive, health and talents from the family, and get away from the negative as far as possible.

Women often come to me for consultations with problems in their personal lives: some fail to start a family, others fail to give birth to a child, and others do not get along well with their parents. As a rule, many of these situations originate not even in childhood, but in the history of the Family.

Particularly surprising are situations of repetitive or emotionally charged scenarios. For example, if your great-grandmother died in childbirth, you may subconsciously be afraid of getting pregnant, and this fear can lead to infertility. If one of your ancestors voluntarily or involuntarily participated in the deaths of other people, then the descendants pay with failures in their personal lives, conflicts at work, or a difficult fate.

Is it possible to fix such situations? Yes, it's possible. To do this, we make constellations (arrangements). This is also helped by the powerful RITUAL OF REPRESENTATION of the Family - the healing of the Family with the help of Orthodox prayer. We do this in a group, but you can do it on your own.

What does the ritual of praying for the Family give?

During the ritual, the group members note that already in the process of reading prayers, calm comes. After the ritual, tension disappears - and not only from the body. There is a feeling that a stone has fallen from the shoulders. In general, the ritual helps to improve relationships with parents, with relatives, with partners, with children. Somehow, conflicts stop by themselves, something that could not be done before begins to turn out - as if the blessing of the Family comes to the realization of your intentions (especially if they are related to procreation, marriage, conception, prosperity of the family). Gradually, success comes to the family, things are argued, and relationships are getting better.

Do we have the right to interfere?

When performing the ritual, we simply pray for those who gave us life. We turn to God, asking for our ancestors, just as we pray for our children and other loved ones. We do not judge our relatives and their actions, we do not try to figure out who was right and who was wrong - this is not in our power and power. We do not interfere in the course of history and leave everything to the discretion of the Almighty, obeying His wisdom and will. We do not have a goal to fix the situation in the past - usually we do not even know what exactly happened in the history of the family. Through prayer and acceptance, we try to let the energy of healing into our Family, which will act in accordance with the will of the Universe.

When and where to perform the ritual?

It is advisable to do this ritual at home, optimally in the morning. You can - in the temple (especially for the next of kin, whose names are known), putting candles in front of the icons of Jesus or the Mother of God. Moreover, in this case, it does not matter whether all the ancestors in your family were Orthodox, whether they believed in God or not.

The sequence of actions in the ritual.

  1. Make a TREE OF YOUR KIND, write down 7 generations of your family (preferably in A2-A1 format):

The first generation is yourself (name)

Second generation - your parents, mom, dad (names)

The third generation is your grandparents (parents of parents)

The fourth generation is your great-grandparents, that is, the parents of grandparents (write names that are known)

Fifth generation - your great-great-grandparents (great-grandparents' parents)

If the name of any relative is unknown, you write in relation to a known person. For example, "My great-great-grandmother in the fifth generation" or "Grandma of my grandfather Ivan." If you really don’t know anything at all, then you can write “Great-great-grandmother in such and such a generation along the line of your father or mother (or grandmother)” (tie to that relative who you know).

in the form shown in the figure.

  1. Then you light a wax candle bought in the church and begin to read prayers for EACH member of the KIND in a certain sequence:
  • Read a prayer for yourself (1st generation).
  • You read a prayer for your mother, then for your father (2nd generation).
  • You read a prayer for your grandmother and for your maternal grandfather, then for your grandmother and for your paternal grandfather (3rd generation).
  • You read a prayer for great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the parents of the grandmother on the female line, then - for the great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the parents of the grandfather on the female line. You work with male ancestors in the same way: first you read prayers for your great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the parents of your grandmother, then for the great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the parents of your grandfather (4th generation).
  • And so on, for all 126 ancestors in 7 generations.

Each time, start praying by indicating the name of the relative for whom you are praying: “I, the servant of God ______, read a prayer for the servant of God ______ (name) on the maternal / paternal line. For example, “I read a prayer for my grandmother ______ (name), my father’s mother” or “I read a prayer for my great-great-grandmother ______ through my mother’s line.”

For each relative you read in a row:

  • Three prayers
  1. Psalm 90 (David's Praise)
  2. Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, God)
  3. Symbol of faith.
  • After each reading of all three prayers for each relative, you will say the words on behalf of the relative: “I ask forgiveness from all beings to whom, voluntarily or involuntarily, intentionally and inadvertently brought evil, caused pain and offended ( -as), whom he offended (s). I apologize for my guilt and any dissatisfaction with my life."
  • You also ask for forgiveness for the ancestor on your behalf from all those whom he harmed during his lifetime: “I ask forgiveness from all living beings to whom, voluntarily or involuntarily, consciously or unconsciously, intentionally and unintentionally, my grandfather / my grandmother (name), caused / la evil, caused / la pain and who was offended by / es, whom / offended / a. I apologize for her (his) guilt and any dissatisfaction with my life.”
  • Read three times to complete the ritual. Prayer "For the purification of the family":“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I voluntarily or involuntarily offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who offended me voluntarily or involuntarily in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my dead relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness before all people whom my ancestors offended voluntarily or involuntarily, by word, deed or thought.

Lord, I ask You to cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You to cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

and a prayer of thanks:“Lord, I thank You for everything You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth and all the saints who pray with me for my forgiveness.

Important points!

✓ If the name of your ancestor is not known, it is important to represent his place in your family tree, so you need to have a family tree at hand.

✓ Sometimes this practice goes easily and quickly, sometimes it suddenly stops on one of the ancestors - for some reason the prayer goes harder, there are obstacles, there is not enough time, and so on. This means that it is precisely with this ancestor that the emergence of certain negative programs in your family is connected, and it will take you a little more time to change this program, to repent, than to other members of the family who did not sin like that.

✓ It is important to read prayers for generations. You can pray for several generations at once. When you read prayers for ancestors in the 6th or 7th generation and you do not have enough time, you can read separately on the paternal / female lines (so as not to break the lines).

The mood in which you conduct the ritual is extremely important. Enter the ritual in a state of deep respect for the family, for the ancestors, for those who came before you and thanks to whom you live today. In a state of humility before the will of the Most High acceptance of the fate of the ancestors and their own Destiny.

If after the ritual your problems were not resolved at one moment, this does not mean that your prayers do not work. This means that the experience that you live is needed in this option, and it is thanks to it that you get the opportunity to realize something.

In case you are unable to get out of a difficult situation on your own, come to me for a consultation, group or seminar!

With love,

Marina Strekalova

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