Drawing of a Chinese girl in a kimono. Japanese national clothes

Japanese culture is very interesting and unique. It attracts many with its originality and special oriental flavor. The Japanese are slow, thoughtful people, very smart and wise. They can sit for hours and contemplate some object in order to understand its essence. This feature has been going on for a long time. Japan is a very beautiful country. There are many colors, holidays and flowers. And how interesting and unique are Japanese national costumes!

The basis of the women's costume is a kind of cape made of fabric for the whole body - a kimono. The girl is taught to wrap herself in a kimono from a very early age. Kimonos are made from the finest, easily draped fabrics. They are very colorful. Usually, flowers, various animals and birds, and Japanese hieroglyphs - letters and words - are painted on a kimono. We want to present to your attention a step-by-step drawing lesson of a Japanese woman in a kimono.

Stage 1. A Japanese woman in a kimono is located on the entire landscape sheet. Therefore, in the upper part of the sheet we draw a small circle - for the head and draw lines for the neck and arms.

Stage 2. Draw a circle and build the contours of the face. These are smooth features of the forehead, cheekbones, chin, neck. We outline the hair lines. Then, on the head we draw a high hairstyle. The forehead is open, the hair is pulled up and neatly arranged in peculiar waves on top and sides.

Stage 3. We add decorations on the hairstyle: small dense bouquets of flowers, beautifully located in the hair. We draw facial features: narrow eyes, eyebrows, a wide nose and a small mouth.

Stage 4. We draw the lines of the shoulder and part of the kimono to the very bottom. We show a thin hand with graceful fingers peeking out of the cut of the kimono.

Stage 5. Draw a fan in the hand. We connect two lines along the edge with a wavy line. We show the cutout of the kimono in the form of a triangle on the neck and the folds on the kimono.

Stage 6. The second hand will be laid aside. We draw a kimono on this hand.

Step 7. Add exactly the same top to this hand.

Stage 8. Now we draw a lot of features coming out of one point along the fans.

Stage 9. We supplement the bottom of the kimono. This is his bottom. We draw beautiful waves. So that the hem of the kimono is light, airy and smoothly falls to the floor.

Stage 10. We decorate the sleeves and the bottom of the kimono with a beautiful floral pattern.

Hi all! Today we will tell you about how to draw a samurai. Samurai is a medieval Japanese warrior who fought for the interests of his master to the last drop of blood.

Samurai were incredibly brave, before each battle they prepared to die - such selfless rage and willingness to die for their ideals struck terror into the hearts of their enemies. But, nevertheless, the samurai were not insane suicides, because their training included the comprehension of all aspects of ancient Eastern philosophy under the guidance of a sensei - an elderly man, a master who was a teacher and spiritual mentor for the samurai. Each such warrior, in fact, was a wise and restrained person.

It should be noted that today we present you not the first one on our website. Earlier we already told you about this medieval warrior, however, that samurai drawing lesson was very difficult. Today everything will be much simpler - there are not so many details, the pose is static and there are no shadows. Let's take everything for drawing, let's start this lesson and learn how to draw a samurai!

Step 1

Static poses are very convenient for learning proportions, so drawing a stickman will be quite simple. The height of a man is approximately the sum of the lengths of his seven heads, of which three and a half - four fall on his legs. The shoulders of men are much wider than the waist (these two lines are about the same size), their width is equal to the sum of the widths of about three heads. The arms, stretched out at the seams, reach about the middle of the distance from the waist to the knee joint (at this stage, a little shorter, since our artists' stickmen do not include hands).

Step 2

Let's give volume to our stickman. Draw a neck under the head - a short cylinder on which the head is securely fastened, connect it with sloping lines with the balls of the shoulder joints.

Let's draw hands - conditionally, each of them consists of five parts: shoulder joint, long arm, elbow joint, long forearm, hand.

Using the markup from the previous step, draw the torso - it should taper slightly downwards. But the legs, like the entire lower part of the body, should look like a figure expanding from top to bottom. At the very bottom, do not forget to outline the silhouettes of the feet. A little tip - the lines of this step should be sketched out by pressing only lightly so that they can later be erased.

Step 3

On the lines marked earlier, draw the face of our samurai. Since our today's drawing lesson is generally simple, then everything will be simple with facial features, they need to be designated literally schematically. Of the features, we note the hairstyle (do not forget about the lines along the temples, they will show the direction in which the hair is fixed at the back of the head), a high forehead and a slight mismatch with one of the main rules of facial proportions.

This rule states that the eyebrows should lie flush with the upper tips of the ears, and the tip with the lower ones. Everything is correct with the eyebrows, but the nose is slightly larger than the standard sizes, so it will end a little lower. Do not forget to mark rounded lines in the cheek area and nasolabial folds.

Step 4

Let's draw the outerwear of the samurai - the traditional Japanese haori vest and a small visible part of the lower clothing. In the upper part, the vest should be very wide - as you can see, it even hides the upper parts of the shoulders, and downwards it sharply narrows, forming the contours of an isosceles inverted triangle.

Please note that in the area of ​​​​the shoulders we can see small sections of the inside of the haori, this must be marked. By the way, this vest may seem familiar to many of our readers - Scorpio and Reptile from the Mortal Kombat universe were dressed in the same clothes.
In the same step, we will outline the belt and the long samurai katana sword sheathed.

Step 5

Let's draw a wide, spacious sleeve of the clothes under the haori. Erase the extra guide lines that indicate the structure of the hand. Outline the contours of the brush and draw a fan.

Step 6

Let's draw the contours of the sleeve to the right of us, erase the extra guide lines of the arm. Let's designate the inner part of the sleeve visible to us and several folds that look like ordinary straight lines. Let's draw a pattern on the hilt of the sword and a brush that tightly squeezes this hilt.

Step 7

The final step will be drawing the lower torso and legs. The legs and lower torso are hidden by wide, spacious pants - hakama, so in fact all the work in this step comes down to the fact that we must outline the contours of these pants, erase the extra guide lines denoting the legs, and also draw waraji. Waraji are Japanese woven shoes that are shaped like slippers.

It was a lesson in which we told you about how to draw a samurai. See you soon!

While studying in elementary school, elementary school students in the fine arts classes acquire enough skills for creativity. Why not try to bring your favorite cartoon characters to life on paper? The question of how to draw a Japanese woman for grade 4 will be a completely solvable task. Consider step by step the whole process of creating a cartoon image.


Make preliminary outlines of the torso, head, arms and an additional accessory - a fan. To do this, use universal and simple geometric shapes. In the figure, the Japanese woman will not be depicted in full growth, but only at the level of the hips. Therefore, designate the body to the waist with a rectangle, and the lower part with a trapezoid. Cross the torso with a diagonal line (future left arm). Draw the head in the shape of an oval. Draw cross lines on it to separate the face into the forehead and cheekbones. Make the outlines of the right hand in the form of a curved line. Closer to the head, draw a quarter circle - a fan. If all the proportions were initially chosen correctly, you can easily give the drawing a more believable shape in the future.

How to draw a Japanese woman in a kimono?

Any national dress is also characterized by distinctive features. In this case, it's a kimono. What details need to be depicted? There should be a large bow on the back in the waist area, the sleeves are extended downwards, and the Japanese woman will hold a fan in her hands. which is used in the creation, makes some adjustments to the image, which clearly resembles the heroine of the cartoon.

Making contour sketches

Having applied smooth outlines along the main lines, you can begin to draw the details. After the image, pay special attention to the most important element of the picture - the Japanese woman's hairstyle. In this case, the image is not quite classic. Indeed, when deciding how to draw a Japanese woman, it is more common for grade 4 to create a familiar silhouette from a cartoon. It can be either a caret (in this case), or loose or pulled up hair. Decorate your hair with a bow. Such a playful look is not suitable for a classic solution. Then you will need to raise all the hair, including the bangs, to the back of the head and roll it in the form of a spiral. A distinctive feature of the national ones is the protruding long hairpins. Another, not entirely plausible element of a Japanese woman is her eyes. Draw them large and wide open, which is also completely atypical for people of Asian descent.

"Reviving" the drawing

Choose the palette you need and feel free to start coloring. on a kimono will be most welcome. The fan will have the same ornament as the costume. Japanese animations are distinguished by the unusual hair color of the characters. In this case, they will be about the same shade as the robe - purple. Also, don't forget to decorate the general background, for example, in the form of a blue sky with clouds.

So, we looked at how to draw a Japanese woman in stages. The proposed method is more suitable for children's home creativity. You can replace this drawing with a classic version, without a hint of anime style. Using the data on How to Draw a Japanese Girl for 4th grade, you can try to create a more simplified version of an Asian girl or woman. The main thing is the presence of characteristic national features.

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Women's faces are soft-edged, and their eyes have heavy line thickness to portray a larger girl. The features of men are sharper and more boxy. Their eyes are almost similar to a female's, except for the thickness of the line for the eyes. The average height for males and females are 6 heads - especially in Japanese anime, which female characters are slightly smaller. Usually female characters are shorter than seducing female characters.


This is just a simple idea of ​​the exact way to draw anime eyes when designing and creating Japanese anime characters. As you can see how each step turns into a completed eye.


Start by drawing three round shapes for the head and then draw in the guidelines for the face and body as you see here.


Now start sketching out the shapes of their faces and then draw out the thick bold lines of the upper eyelids like you see here.


Go on to draw out the eye shapes, but make sure they are kind of oblong and square at the base. Next, draw in the eyebrows for4 of the female characters, as well as the blush marks in the drawing on the left. Each anime you see here has a unique facial expression. Draw in the girl's nose, and then all three of their mouths. Finally, we move on to step four.


Okay, now it's time to start drawing out the hairstyles for every Japanese drawing you see here. This is the stage where you can play with the concept of the hairstyle. I decided to make a bowl, how to do for a male character, and two girls with either short or long hairstyles. Add some detail and definition before moving on to step five.


Let's start by drawing out the upper body. Let's start by creating the neck and then their shoulders. For the male figure in the middle you will need to use his visible arms as well as his shirt collar and then shirt himself. Once this is done, you can do chest strikes symbol to the right.

Step 8

Okay guys, before I add to the detailed men's shirt figures, I want you to first draw from the rest of the girls' bodies. As you can see the Japanese anime girls on the left are much bigger than the little girl on the right side. When drawing out her upper body, make sure the chest is not that big. Her shoulders should be covered with a long short sleeve style shirt and then draw in her shy posed arms that are going to overlap. The girl on the right is a lot more confident and she's also a lot busier. Drawing on the arms and one side, and then long-sleeved, undershirt, and then draw in her skirt. Now you can add that button line to his shirt as well as the neck collar detailing and creases and creases on the sides and front of the button line.

Step 9

Draw her legs and then finish her arms and hands. You will also draw in her buttons and then draw in the pants and add their folds and wrinkle lines to the women and the law. You will also need to draw in her bracelets too. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in the first step.

STEP 10.

Here are your anime figures when you are all done. Now you can color them in and when you are all done, you yourself have finished the tutorial on how to draw Japanese anime.

Below I will show you how to draw a kimono with a pencil and I will reveal one more secret. More precisely, you probably do not know what it really is. No, these are not the clothes worn by karateka, judo or aikido wrestlers. This is what we are used to calling them. In fact, this is the national costume of the Japanese, which is worn for a reason, and certainly not for a fight. Why is it needed and how to depict it, I will show below. Here's a good example of a girl in a kimono for you to start with: I specifically took a girl, besides an anime one, in order to make it easier to draw.

So, a kimono is a long-sleeved robe that looks like a multi-colored bag in which a humanoid torso is hidden. It is still sewn by hand (at least in rich houses), since this is a whole ritual, the secrets of which are passed on only to family members. You can, of course, buy a ready-made kimono, but not everyone can afford it. Its cost is approximately equal to the cost of an inexpensive car in our country. There are also cheap options, but they are not much different from a regular bathrobe.

How else is a kimono different from our clothes:

  1. It hides figure flaws. Yes, those are the shortcomings! European clothing (or everything that is made in Odessa on Malaya Arnautskaya Street) on the contrary emphasizes the bulges of the wearer's body, if you know what I mean. And for the Japanese, on the contrary - the straighter and smoother, the more beautiful;
  2. By the length of the sleeve, you can understand: is it worth getting acquainted with a girl. If the sleeve is long, this indicates that the girl is not married.
  3. On the fabric, in addition to patterns, there may also be family coats of arms. This means that the person belongs to a noble family;

There are still a lot of troubles with the attire of the Japanese, but this is a completely different topic. Here we will see a young lady with long sleeves:

How to draw a kimono with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's start with a sketch of the puppet body. The back will be a circle, or a ball, or whatever. Basically, it's for beauty. You don't have to portray it. But I thought it would be better. Step two. Let's draw the hair and outline the location of the eyes and lips. Let's now sketch a bathrobe. Step three. Let's get into the details. We draw hair, eyes, a mouth, butterflies. Don't forget to pay attention to the creases in the clothes. It's the most important. Step four. Now let's add hatching, it will give the kimono and the girl a more realistic look. Don't forget to clean the paper from the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. Here is the result: See more related tutorials.

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