Draw my little pony. How to draw my little pony step by step

7 years ago, a bright and kind cartoon called "Friendship is a miracle" appeared on TV screens. It is aimed at girls of preschool and primary school age, although in fact the audience of this masterpiece is much wider. The main characters of the animated series are bright ponies who have won the hearts of a multi-million television audience. In this article, we will tell beginners how to draw a pony from the cartoon "Friendship is a miracle."

In October 2010, the American company "Hasbro My Little Pony" released the cartoon "Friendship is Magic", created by the talented Lauren Faust.

The cartoon world is full of wonders. All characters live in a fantasy land called Equestria. It is controlled by different types of ponies:

  • for the fact that the sun rises in the morning, and at night the moon, the rulers of Equestria are responsible - the pony Celestia and the pony Princess Luna;
  • for the fact that there are clouds, clouds, snow, rain and a rainbow in the sky, the pegasus ponies are responsible, the main one in the cartoon is the pony Rainbow Dash;
  • all other ponies - earth, unicorns and alicorns - are responsible for the magic and magic in Equestria, the main cartoon characters of these types of ponies are Rarity, Twilight, Cadance and Pinkie Pie.

The plot of the cartoon is that the pony Sparkle goes on a journey to Ponyville to find out what friendship is. On the way she meets different ponies, with whom she experiences different adventures.

Children really like this story, so in 2012, when the rating of the cartoon was very high, pony toys began to be produced even in McDonald's children's sets. Therefore, some lucky women have plastic toys from their favorite cartoons. Those who are less fortunate in this sense should not despair, you can draw your favorite pony yourself at home, because in this article we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

How to draw pony Rarity?

Rarity is a pony who is considered an exquisite fashionista in the cartoon. She likes to dress up beautifully and pick different outfits for other ponies. She has a unique talent as a designer, which she primarily reflects on herself.

If you want to draw a charming pony girl Equestria Rarity, then you need to follow these steps:

  1. First, draw the head in the form of a circle. We immediately add pony ears to the head with winding neat lines, while not pressing hard on the pencil.
  2. We draw a horn on the head, because Rarity refers to the cartoon unicorn pony.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to her curls, which should be lush, but neat.
  4. We wipe with the help of an eraser the extra lines drawn with a pencil on Rarity's head, and then we start drawing the pony's eye. They should be large and round. Immediately at this stage, draw the pony's nose and lips.
  5. Let's move on to the body. You need to make a small oval, which should come from Rarity's head.
  6. From the torso we immediately draw a curvy pony tail, it should look like her mane.
  7. We carefully draw the legs of a small horse to the body with the simplest straight lines.
  8. It remains only to color the pony:
  • body should be light blue
  • mane and tail are purple
  • eyes are blue

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw Rarity:

How to draw a pony Sparkle?

One of the main characters of the cartoon "Friendship is a miracle" is the pony Sparkle. She is very curious, loves to read and learn. If your daughter or granddaughter considers this heroine to be the best, draw her according to the instructions below.

How to draw Sparkle from My Little Pony:

  1. First you need to draw two ovals - one at the top, the other a little lower at the bottom. Divide the top into two parts with a horizontal line.
  2. Draw the details on the top oval - this will be the head. With neat lines, draw the outline of the future muzzle of the pony, and also immediately draw the ear and bangs of the Sparkle. From the ear, draw a straight line that will connect the pony's head to the body (lower oval).
  3. Draw a small pony horn in the middle of the bangs.
  4. On the muzzle, draw a nose and draw the sections of the eyes of the Sparkle.
  5. Now the muzzle needs to be given some details:
  • draw one line on the ear to make it look voluminous;
  • on the horn, make several horizontal lines parallel to each other;
  • draw pupils in the eyes, and cilia along their contour (on Sparkle's right eye there should be only lower cilia, because her upper ones will be located, as it were, under the bangs);
  • The pony's mouth should be smiling, so draw a thin line in the part where it is located.
  1. Now we connect the lower and upper ovals with two lines, drawing the neck. With exactly the same lines we draw long and slender pony legs.
  2. Next, draw the tail of a small horse. It should be large and increase in volume at the bottom.
  3. Now we draw the details on the torso of the Sparkle:
  • carefully draw a mane, which should occupy part of the body and muzzle (at the same time, no parts on the muzzle should close);
  • an asterisk and sparkles from it should be drawn on the thigh of Sparkle;
  • on the tail and bangs, make a few stripes that will add volume to them visually.
  1. Color the pony with these colors:
  • on the tail, mane and bangs should be blue, purple and pink stripes;
  • the horn and body of the Sparkle should be lilac;
  • eyes are purple;
  • the star on the hip is pink.

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw Sparkle:

How to draw a pony Rainbow?

Pony Rainbow in the cartoon was responsible for the weather in Equestria. She was the most daring of all ponies, was fond of sports, but was distinguished by some selfishness. However, Rainbow was very fond of the pony, so that everything was clean and tidy.

To draw such a horse from the cartoon "Friendship is a miracle", you need:

  1. First, draw the basics: a circle - at the top (this will be the face of the Rainbow pony), an oval, horizontally located - below (this will be the torso of a small cartoon horse).
  2. Let's detail the head first. Divide it conditionally into 4 parts, and then draw:
  • a nose that should smoothly pass into the neck - a line connecting the head to the body (put a dot on the nose indicating the pony's nostril);
  • from the line of the nose, immediately draw the eye of the Rainbow on the left side, and draw the right eye parallel to it (note that this pony's eyes are not round - you need to draw semicircles);
  • at the top of the circle, opposite to the nose, there should be a pony's ear;
  • draw a small, straight line on the pony's mouth, which will visually make the Rainbow smile.
  1. Now draw the pony's mane. It is not very big, but winding. Falls over one eye and covers Rainbow's neck.
  2. Connect the torso with the neck with one line on the left side. A mane will hide the neck on the right.
  3. Immediately draw a pony with beautiful and long legs, which should, as it were, dance a little.
  4. After that draw the wings of the pony. Please note that only one front wing should be fully visible. The back should be the same type, but it is only half visible in the figure.
  5. After that draw the tail. It should be lush, large and developing.
  6. On the hip of the Rainbow, draw her emblem - a cloud from which lightning comes.
  7. Color the pony in these colors:
  • bangs and tail decorate with all the colors of the rainbow
  • body should be blue
  • eyes are brown

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw a Rainbow pony:

How to draw a pony princess Luna?

Princess Luna in the cartoon is responsible for the weather. She refers to alicorns, ponies that have both wings and a horn. Outwardly, this horse is very elegant and attractive.

If you want to draw such a pony for your daughter, follow the instructions below:

  1. First draw a circle - this will be the muzzle. It needs to be divided by a diagonal directed slightly to the right.
  2. Draw on this circle the muzzle of the princess of the moon, nose and ear.
  3. We will see only one pony's eye at the risk. Therefore, we draw it big. It should be oval in shape with lush cilia.
  4. Next, draw the bangs of the princess of the moon, it should curl with a curl inside.
  5. Draw a long horn from the bangs. We immediately make horizontal stripes on it.
  6. Below, above the head, parallel to it, we draw two circles - one of them, which is located closer to the head, should be larger. These circles will represent the parts of the torso.
  7. Draw a mane from the head of Princess Luna. It should fall in curls on the body.
  8. After that, from the front circle of the body, we begin to draw long openwork wings. One wing should be visible more than the other.
  9. On the back circle of the body we draw a magnificent beautiful tail, which should curl in different directions.
  10. We draw the torso, connecting both of its parts and wiping the extra lines with an eraser. Draw the pony's legs. They should be long, but not even. From the knee should go like a flare.
  11. We draw a yin-yang mark on the pony's right thigh and a pattern on the neck in the form of a moon. Do not forget to also mark the patterns on the hooves of the pony.
  12. It remains only to paint the horse in these colors:
  • body and wings should be purple
  • mane, tail and hooves - blue
  • eyes are black

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw a pony Princess Luna:

How to draw a pony Fluttershy with a pencil?

Pony Fluttershy in the cartoon is particularly shy. This horse loves animals very much. She is friendly, gentle and affectionate. She has a long mane and tail. Of all the characters in Friendship is Magic, the Fluttershy pony is the smallest and cutest.

How to draw this cartoon pony:

  1. As usual, draw a circle to represent the head of the horse, and under it - an oval, which will become the body of the pony.
  2. On the circle we draw a horizontal line, but not in the center, but closer to its lower part. And draw a thin winding line from the oval - this is the basis for the future pony tail.
  3. Draw the details of Fluttershy's face. She should have a slightly upturned nose and a small neat ear.
  4. We pay special attention to the eyes of this pony. They are very big on her. We have to draw only one expressive eye with a large eyelid above it and long eyelashes.
  5. Draw the horse's mouth. He, like all other characters, must smile.
  6. We draw a pony mop of hair. The mane should be divided into two parts. The top is slightly larger than the bottom. At the ends, the mane should curl. The length of the mane can reach almost to the ground.
  7. We connect the head with the body with a neat line, and then immediately add graceful long pony legs
  8. Next, draw the wings. They should be small, but openwork.
  9. Draw Fluttershy's big tail, which should, like a train, lie on the ground, curling.
  10. On the tail and mane, make stripes that will give them visual volume.
  11. On the hip of the horse you need to draw 3 identical butterflies - this is the symbol of the pony.
  12. It remains only to paint Fluttershy with these colors:
  • body and wings are yellow
  • mane and tail are pink
  • eyes - blue
  • butterflies should be in the same shades

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw a pony Princess Fluttershy:

How to draw a pony princess Celestia?

Princess Celestia is Twilight's mentor in the cartoon. He is a very beautiful horse, while being kind, wise and fair. These qualities she remembered the kids.

If you want to draw this cartoon pony, you need:

  1. First, draw the head in the form of an oval. To this oval we immediately add a neat mouth and nose of a pony.
  2. We draw one big eye of Celestia. It should be shaped like her head. We draw all the details of the eye, make the horse beautiful and long eyelashes.
  3. We draw a high horn on the head, we immediately depict horizontal stripes on it. Celestia has a diadem behind the horn that wraps behind her ear, so we immediately draw it and a strand coming out from behind Celestia's ear.
  4. Draw the body of a pony. It should be drawn in the form of an oblong oval. We immediately connect the head with the body - draw a long beautiful pony neck.
  5. Immediately draw an ornament on the neck. It is presented in the form of a thick necklace that does not close on the chest.
  6. On one side of the body, which remains visible to us, draw a small pony wing. We do not draw the second one, because it is hidden behind Celestia's torso.
  7. We add legs to the body of the pony. They must be long and graceful.
  8. We add a luxurious mane to Celestia's head, and the same tail to the body. They should be large and develop in all directions. To give them visual volume, do not forget to draw stripes.
  9. We draw a sun on Celestia's thigh - this is her emblem.
  • head and torso - pale pink
  • jewelry - gold
  • mane and tail - turquoise with blue and pink tints
  • eyes are brown

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw a pony princess Celestia:

How to draw pony Applejack step by step?

The most cheerful and energetic cartoon character is the pony Applejack. She loves apples, so she grows them to treat everyone with her favorite fruits. She is playful and smiling, so children love her very much.

If you want to draw such a pony, then follow the instructions below:

  1. First, draw a large circle, divided at the bottom by a diagonal, and immediately below it, an oval.
  2. We draw the details of the head. You need to make a pony an elongated nose and a smiling mouth. The ear should be small, but slightly pointed. Applejack's eyes are large and round.
  3. On the cheek that is visible, draw freckles.
  4. A fluffy pony bang should lie over the entire surface of the head.
  5. Draw an oval cowboy hat behind the head. In it, the heroine loved to walk - this is her distinguishing feature from other horses.
  6. Draw the legs to the body. They don't have to be long.
  7. You should also draw a tail - it should be very lush, and there should be an elastic band on its tip. The same applies to the mane, which should come out from under the hat to the side.
  8. On the mane and tail, draw lines to give them volume.
  9. On Applejack's thigh, draw her emblem - 3 apples.
  10. It remains only to paint the horse with these colors:
  • body - orange
  • tail and mane - yellow
  • apples and rubber bands - red
  • hat - brown
  • green eyes

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw a pony princess Applejack:

How to draw pony Cadance?

Cadance is a kind horse who played the role of Twilight's kind and gentle nanny. This heroine had a double - her complete opposite - False cadence. This pony acted through deceit and evil.

If you want to draw this beautiful pony, you need:

  1. First, draw the head. The base for the head should be round. We immediately draw the details on it:
  • oval eye with long eyelashes
  • smiling mouth
  • neat little nose
  • small pointed ear
  • short narrow horn with horizontal stripes on it
  • small bangs
  • a small crown with stones on each point
  1. Let's move on to the body. The base is an oblong oval, located horizontally. Let's draw on it:
  • long thin legs
  • we connect the torso with the neck so that the mane falls on the right side of the torso
  • draw on the neck and hooves gold jewelry Cadance
  • draw a small wing from the visible side
  1. We draw a lush curly tail and mane, which we decorate in the same way with stripes for volume.
  2. Draw a small heart on Cadance's thigh - this is a symbol of a horse.
  3. It remains only to paint Cadance with these colors:
  • body and wings - pink
  • tail and mane - yellow, blue and pink
  • jewelry - gold
  • heart and stones in the crown - blue
  • eyes are gray

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw a pony princess Cadance:

How to draw a pony Pinkie Pie?

The most playful and funny pony in Friendship is Magic is Pinkie Pie. She is bright, cheerful, like a child. This is why she fell in love with young viewers.

To draw Pinkie Pie, you need:

  1. First, draw 2 identical circles, only one of them - the top one - should be separated by a horizontal line.
  2. We detail the head. Draw:
  • upturned snub nose
  • smile
  • big round eyes with long eyelashes
  1. Since Pinkie Pie does not have a neck, we immediately connect the bases for the head and torso with a beautiful bend.
  2. A lush and curly mane of a pony should fall from the right side of the head. This horse should have the same forelock.
  3. Draw knives to the body - they should be slender and long.
  4. After that, a tail is attached to the body - it should be a mirror image of the horse's mane.
  5. Draw 3 balloons on Pinkie Pie's thigh.
  6. It remains only to color the pony with these colors:
  • body - pink
  • mane and tail - raspberry
  • blue eyes
  • balls - yellow and blue

Below we have attached a detailed diagram of how to draw a pony princess Pinkie Pie:

We hope that our instructions will help you draw bright ponies from the kindest cartoon about friendship. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process. The main thing is to treat drawing good characters with love and awe. Your kids will definitely appreciate it.

Video: "How to draw a pony?"

The world-famous animated series My Little Pony has gained an army of fans among both children and adults around the world. The cartoon tells us about the life of little ponies in the wonderful land of Equestria. Incredibly cute and mischievous horses show an example of true friendship, kindness, miracles and magic. Each character of this cartoon is unique, each new series tells about adventures and events in a magical land, riveting the attention of a child and his parents. And, of course, after watching, many are wondering how to draw a pony.

Drawing these cartoon characters is an incredibly exciting process for both children and adults. We have prepared for you a simple lesson that will teach you how to draw ponies on paper as similar as possible to the original characters.

First, decide on the pony hero you want to draw: Pony Pinkie Pie, Rainbow, Apple Jack. Or maybe you want to start with Princess Sparkle?

One way or another, at the first stage it is necessary to deal with the anatomy of a pony. Some characters have wings, others are unicorns, even the pony's mane is combed differently.

It is very important to know the features of each character: carefully look at the horses, trying to catch the characteristic features, this will greatly facilitate the drawing process.

Funny ponies do not tolerate boredom and pale colors, so stock up on bright pencils and a good mood.

What do you need to draw

Prepare pencils and a good eraser, you may need to erase and correct lines often. Stock up on several sheets of paper, be sure to use one sheet as a draft, on which you will try the thickness of the lines and check the sharpening of the “tools”.

Choose a pencil with which you will draw the outline of the horse, it should not be too bright and should be erased well with an eraser. Be prepared to make adjustments to the sketch often, so the eraser should rub off well and leave no marks.

Rainbow ponies can be colored with colored pencils, wax crayons and felt-tip pens. Or maybe you want to paint funny horses with bright watercolors or gouache.

Drawing instruction

The very first and most important point is to draw in a well-lit area, take your time and enjoy the process. Before you start using bright colors, draw a sketch of the future drawing with a simple pencil. Now let's go directly to the general algorithm and each character.

General instruction

All the heroes of the cartoon of the same name are united by the fact that they are all ponies, which means that having learned how to draw one small horse, the image of the rest of the characters will not be difficult for you. You should start drawing horses in stages, based on our instructions and tips.

  1. Step one: try on the future size of the horse on the sheet, try to visualize the position and position of the pony on paper as clearly as possible.
  2. If you carefully consider the pony, you will notice that almost the entire horse consists of several ovals. In order to get the pony's head, you need to draw one oval at the top of the sheet, leaving room for the subsequent voluminous mane.
  3. The pony's eyes are also ovals, and the hips are the same geometric shapes, but arranged vertically.
  4. A little lower, horizontally, place another larger oval, this will be the body of the horse. The smooth connection of these two ovals forms the pony's neck. It is not necessary to draw the ovals too far apart so as not to break the anatomy with an overly long neck.
  5. Then we will form a muzzle. All ponies have a small nose and bright expressive oval eyes that occupy about half of the muzzle. Draw the pointed tips of the ears.

The front hooves of all ponies are located clearly under the muzzle, be sure to consider this fact when drawing a character.

Drawing a pony Rainbow is quite easy if you already know how to draw a horse from the top description.

Pony Rainbow is distinguished from other characters by a voluminous rainbow mane, the same rainbow tail and wings. The Rainbow itself is painted sky blue.

Rainbow's bangs are not as neat as those of the other heroes. A slightly disheveled hairstyle well shows the character of an active and restless horse. Color the eyes purple.

This horse is a unicorn, so when drawing an oval head, immediately determine the location of the future horn.

Rarity is the owner of a curly mane, and the character has a special mark on her thigh - 3 blue crystals, because she has the ability to find these stones.

Rarity is colored white and her mane is bright purple. The pony's eyes are blue with very expressive and long eyelashes.

Pony Sparkle, like Rarity, is a unicorn, but Princess Sparkle's bangs are even, the tail ends in a neat horizontal line, as if the horse had just been taken to the hairdresser.

Sparkle herself is pale purple in color, and pink and purple stripes clearly stand out on her dark blue mane and tail.

The final stage of drawing: on the thigh of Sparkle, draw 4 small stars and one large one.

When drawing Fluttershy, pay attention to the fact that this horse has wings and a very voluminous mane and tail. Therefore, when drawing the mane, leave enough space for the wing and other attributes.

Color Fluttershy herself in yellow, and the mane and tail in pale pink. Draw 3 small butterflies on the hip of the horse. Please note that the eyes of this magical character are green.

Draw a pony blank according to the algorithms described above. Pinkie Pie is characterized by a bright pink curly mane, big blue eyes, and draw 3 balloons on her hip - the hallmark of this cheerful and bright cartoon character.

Pony Apple Jack

Draw a sketch of a pony, as described in the general algorithm. Pony Apple Jack flaunts in a brown cowboy hat, and the mane and tail of the horse are tied at the ends with an elastic band.

Color Apple Jack orange, draw 3 small neat apples on the hip. Shade the eyes with green and the mane with yellow.


We hope that by following our instructions, you will learn how to draw little ponies. If you wish, you can even draw them on the wall, using the image of your favorite characters when decorating various children's events or just to cheer you up, because looking at cute little horses, it's impossible not to smile!

Having mastered the process of drawing these horses, you can create new illustrations and stories yourself! Supplement pictures with new elements, use the entire palette of colors, give free rein to your imagination, and the drawing will delight not only you, but also those around you. And the children who drew a pony according to this instruction will happily show their picture and be proud of the work done.

Learning to draw your favorite cartoon characters is an exciting pastime for a person of absolutely any age. It is sure to cheer up both adults and children.

Many children loved the funny cartoon "My Little Pony". Here, cute little ponies experience many different adventures, learn friendships and help those in need. Consider how you can draw my little pony yourself. Article "How to draw My little pony?" will help with this, and today we will depict the pony Apple Jack and the pony Rainbow.

pony rainbow

What you need:

Steps in drawing:
1. First of all, we depict a circle-head. Below we draw the body in the form of an oval. We connect the two figures with two slightly bent lines, drawing the neck.
2. We draw an ear in the form of a triangle on the head. We have semi-oval eyes, where the distant eye should be slightly smaller. Above the eyes we depict eyelids and eyelashes. In the eyes we draw pupils.
3. We draw four legs in columns, where one of the front legs is slightly bent forward.
4. We draw a muzzle on the head, which should go a little beyond the circle. On it, the nostril is a comma and the mouth is a slightly bent line.
5. We draw a bang and a small mane from the ear.
6. Draw a tail that is bigger than a mane.
7. The wings that complete the image of the pony, we draw not quite large sizes. Add a cloud with lightning to the pony's thigh.

The finished pony image can be colored if desired.

Pony Apple Jack

What you need:

1. The circle is the blank of the head. We depict the nose on the left side, drawing a line from the very top to the bottom, turning it into a small muzzle. The comma and curved line on the muzzle are the nostril and mouth.
2. Draw the eyes by placing two small circles within a circle. The resulting eyes have pupils. We draw an eyelid with cilia on the sides of each eye.
3. On the right side of the head, draw a triangle - this is the ear. Above the ear bangs with waves.
4. Draw an oval below the head - this will be the torso, which must be connected by the neck in the form of two slightly curved lines.
5. Legs, depict four columns.
6. We draw a mane and a tail which are collected separately in bunches from a bottom.
7. Draw three apples on the thigh of a little pony Apple Jack. We draw a hat on the head.

Now you know not the complicated and detailed details of how to quickly draw my little pony yourself.

Ponies are small horses that have attracted the attention of adults and children since ancient times. Naturally, many have seen cartoons with these interesting animals. And in this article you can learn how to draw a pony from a real photo or from a cartoon.

To begin with, we advise you to look at photographs, pictures or consider a toy with this little horse. Remember the small details of the animal's structure. Then you should choose a drawing plan. If you are not yet a very experienced artist, then it is worth trying to draw an animal from the side. Draw a circle and an oval at the bottom right, which then connect with a thin stroke. You have now sketched out the neck, torso and head of the pony. Now draw the legs with four lines from the shaft. After that, you can move on to the muzzle, draw only the shape of the eye for now. In the opposite direction from the body on the circle, draw 2 lines - this is the front of the muzzle. Now it's the turn of the tail - outline its outline and start detailing the legs and tail.

Now you can start working on the details. First you need to draw the cheekbones and the lower part of the muzzle, then the line of the abdomen and chest. Now it's time to draw the mane. To do this, draw waves and curls above the head. After make the mane thicker, and depict the tail more fluffy. The only thing left to do is add the pupil and risnichki on the eyes, then draw the fur on the hooves. That's it, the pony is ready! Now, if you want, you can color it.

Hello to all my colleagues and understanding! How do you understand? I have a lesson topic for you that looks like a pony, but it's not a pony! Although ... if you look closely ... Everyone is like that! The army of fans and admirers of My little pony deserved another drawing lesson on the theme of this cartoon. We will not try to color in this lesson, if you suddenly want to, then you can easily do it. Let's remember how we used to be, and start a new lesson. Good luck to you!

Step 1.

Let me remind you in advance which of the cartoon characters fell in love on the site: we did great, and, and. However, you will find many more cartoon characters and draw them easily.

Let's deal with artiodactyls right now. First, draw the head. Let's learn in more detail how to draw a pony's head. Notice how round it is. When you look at it from the front or at a 3/4 angle, it will appear more oval. The eyes are set low and close to the muzzle, and the ears start at the back of the head and go up.

Step 2

Here are some more examples for the head. This time for the Bronies, the pony boys. The head is slightly larger and the area of ​​the nose is increased than that of a pony girl. The eyes are slightly smaller.

Step 3

Eyes come in a wide variety of shapes and styles. Knowing exactly where to place the highlights for the iris can allow for different expressions on the pony's face. Place them too high or too low and the drawing may be ruined.

Step 4

Facial expressions are super fun! Here is a range of expressions for drawing your pony. All kinds, from a happy face to a serious tragedy. From angry faces we go to sad, and even frightened and resolute ones. A lot of options.

Step 5

One of the extra parts for your pony is a unicorn horn. It is located on the forehead at the level of the middle of the eyes, but not yet on the ears.

Step 6

You can make a Pegasus out of your pony and draw wings on it. The author has included a few examples of what wings might look like in the tutorial. Folded or open, going up and down. See how usually three or four feathers are flying on the wing. The second layer of feathers will always be the longest. There are also three smaller feathers that overlap the 4 main ones.

Step 7

The wing should connect to the body at about shoulder level, as shown in our drawing.

Step 8

Now, as for the legs. In my opinion, the legs are the most difficult part of drawing a pony, because if you mess up even one, you can mess up the whole drawing. After making sure that the legs are still the same length, that all the joints are in the right place and that they are in the right place, you can already be calm about the rest of the result. If we compare our arm or leg and the legs of a pony, they will go about the same in terms of composition. 1 will be shoulder/thigh. 2 will be knee/elbow. 3 will be the ankle or wrist and then 4 will be the hoof (our nails).

Step 9

Step 10

…and also the back leg for example.

Step 11

And now three styles of hooves for our show. There is an even hoof. There is a slightly noticeable hoof. And finally, hairy like a monkey.

Step 12

Wow, now is the time to discuss hairstyle and hair. Any style will look great if you draw a pony. Easy to draw for a pony that looks straight at us or in profile. The main thing is that the hair does not stick to the shape of the head. They are always interestingly colored and can be given a lot of volume.

Step 13

The tail should begin where the coccyx sticks out on the pope of anyone. It starts from a narrow part and, depending on the style, expands in different directions.

Step 14

Designing a fashion style for your pony can take a very long time, but this one is difficult in its own way. Understanding how the garment fits the bust, midsection, and hips will be the key to drawing. The skirt comes from the back and, depending on the length of the skirt and its height and volume, the tail may or may not be visible. The skirt will stick out higher for short shapes and big tails, but as it gets bigger it will be weighted down and fall closer to the pony's body shapes.

Step 15

Now we are ready to start drawing. We will start drawing three circles. One for the head, one for the shoulders and one for the hips. We will connect them with lines that will show the position of the body and how they are connected. We will also outline the head and the lines on it as we suppose the face will look.

Step 16

Then we will draw the muzzle and mouth and the side for the face behind the nose.

Step 17

From here we will already draw the eyes, horn and ears.

Step 18

Now we will connect the head to the neck and draw to the back.

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