Drawing for mother's day in elementary school. Do-it-yourself gift for mom - original surprises for Mother's Day

Everyone wants to make a gift for their beloved mother that will please her. Sometimes you really need to prepare a drawing for her. This article will tell you how to draw a gift for mom.

Drawing "Me and Mom"

Very young children really want to express their boundless love and affection for their mother in the drawing. Therefore, they usually do not face the question of what a gift for mom. Of course, it will be a picture where the most beautiful woman in the world smiles joyfully and firmly holds the hand of the best child in the world, that is, the author of this masterpiece.

But do not limit the indicated topics by age limits. And enough old children may well turn to this topic. And they can even get a pretty good drawing. And if the situation with artistic talents is, to put it mildly, not very good, then the picture will come out with humor, since you can draw a gift for your mother in the style of “kalyaka-malyaka”, imitating the kids.

Mom will be happy with the flowers, that's a fact!

But do not be too zealous, showing your humor. It is possible that the child still has some rudiments of talent for drawing on paper, since drawing a gift beautifully means making a loved one pleasant. Moreover, you can not just hand your mother a sheet of paper with a picture, but paint, for example, a glass or a tray, a wall plate or a kitchen board.

Since how to draw a gift in just a floral theme, here is a master class on the image of a rose. If desired, the donor can make a card with his own drawing with his own hand.

Step by step instructions for drawing a rose

Anyone who does not know how to draw a gift will easily cope with the task if he strictly follows the instructions.

  1. In the upper part of the sheet, an oval with a horizontal elongation is depicted slightly at an angle.
  2. From the edges at the widest point of the oval, two asymmetric arcs are drawn down, which are parts of a large diameter circle.
  3. From below, the ends of the arcs smoothly connect - the lower part of the flower is formed.
  4. At the bottom, two open rose petals are added.
  5. The middle of the flower can be made in the form of a rolled roll. It is depicted like a snail curl.
  6. A few small leaves of the pedicel will decorate the bottom of the bud.
  7. Since it is best to draw a gift for mom in the form of a rose in a naturalistic way, you should depict the stem of the flower.
  8. A few thorns and leaves on the stem - and almost ready.
  9. Now it became clear to everyone how to draw a gift for mom in stages. And you need to color the rose with pencils or felt-tip pens, or you can use paints.

Cute little animals will make mommy happy!

If the question of how to draw a gift for mom has not yet been resolved, experts advise: there is nothing nicer than receiving a picture of a cute animal as a gift. It can be anyone - a bunny or a fox, a puppy or a kitten, a squirrel or a bear cub. It’s great if the animal in its front paws holds a flower, a heart, a cake or a box with a gift beautifully tied with a bow. Since you can draw a gift for mom not only on paper, but also on fabric, you can use acrylic paints or specially designed for fabric to paint the outline of the image.

as a gift to mom

  1. The head is shown as a circle.
  2. An oval is placed horizontally at the bottom of the circle.
  3. Inside the oval, another oval is entered, of a smaller size. They should touch at the top. This will be the tip of the nose.
  4. The eyes are drawn in small circles, painted in black, leaving small areas unpainted - highlights.
  5. The bear's ears are semicircles. They are drawn at the top of the head.
  6. An oval, slightly larger than the head, draws the body of a bear.
  7. Inside it, on opposite sides, two small ovals are entered - the front paws of the little animal.
  8. The hind legs are depicted as segments of straight parallel lines. The feet are also oval.
  9. The section of the mouth, claws on the paws are depicted with smooth lines.
  10. In the hands of a teddy bear can hold any symbol of a gift.
  11. You can color the animal in the way that the artist's imagination tells him.

Wonderful handmade postcard

It is appropriate to draw a birthday present on thick cardboard, make a bright congratulatory inscription and fold the sheet in half. This will make an excellent postcard. Warm words of congratulations and wishes should be written inside.

Moms are touched when they see funny ones. Why not draw in this case a cute baby elephant with a trusting look and naively raised eyebrows?

Sketch of the head and legs of an elephant

Not everyone can make a beautiful drawing. But I really want to do something nice for my mother! But how to draw a gift in stages? A simple and detailed master class on the image of a baby elephant will help you cope with the task.

  1. Draw a circle at the top of the sheet.
  2. From the sides, “dents” are made in it, highlighting the cheeks of the baby elephant.
  3. At the top - in the upper part of the circle - vortices are drawn.
  4. Outline the direction of the back of the sitting animal with a line from the head down.
  5. It is quite simple to depict the front leg of an elephant calf.
  6. The second front leg is slightly oblique to the first, they seem to cross, with the first protruding slightly forward in relation to the second.
  7. An arc from below outlines the plump tummy of the baby.
  8. The hind legs are splayed in different directions, the baby elephant seemed to sit on a twine. For that leg, which is slightly turned towards the viewer with a foot, the foot itself does not need to be drawn.

The full contour of the baby elephant without drawing the features of his "face"

  1. The foot of the animal is depicted as an oval. With arcs, the artist draws nails on all four legs of an elephant calf.
  2. The ear of an elephant calf is shaped like an egg with its sharp end down. The line of the head near the ear, which turned out to be closer and is in full view, at the junction should be erased with an eraser.
  3. In each ear, an inner contour should be drawn, repeating the outer one.
  4. Mentally, you should divide the head vertically into four parts. The base of the trunk is located in the lower part, and the upper line just falls on the division point.
  5. On the trunk are small arcs depicting skin folds.
  6. Near the end of the lower line of the trunk, a smile is indicated by a small arc.
  7. An oval is drawn at the end of the trunk - the nasal opening.

The final stage of work on the drawing

  1. Two ovals, slightly tilted in opposite directions with their upper parts, represent the eyes.
  2. Inside them are the same ovals, but smaller.
  3. In each eye, in its upper part, a small circle is drawn. These circles should be slightly shifted to the side, and in both eyes in the same one.
  4. Eyebrows are drawn with arches above the eyes.
  5. Eyelashes look charming in the corners of the eyes. And although in fact elephants have neither eyebrows nor eyelashes, people often transfer the features of their appearance to animals.
  6. Since it is best to draw a gift in color, the picture should be colored. The inner part of the ears is decorated in pink, the pupils (inner oval) are black. Circles in the eyes will play the role of reflections, so you should leave them without color. But the elephant itself can be painted in any color, because this is not a real animal, but a symbolic one. Therefore, it can even be polka-dotted or striped, as in a real fairy tale.

What can please a beloved mother a child? Any do-it-yourself craft will warm your mother's heart and replenish the piggy bank of pleasant little things that every mother carefully keeps. At the same time, it is not necessary to create masterpieces from expensive and hard-to-reach materials for creativity.

A drawing can also be presented as a gift, especially if it is unusual to arrange it.

Simple drawing-applique for the little ones

Here are some interesting options for creating a gift drawing:

Hand drawing. For this you will need:

  • a sheet of thick enough paper;
  • real flowers;
  • Finger paint;
  • crayons

Even the smallest child can make such a simple application drawing if adults help him. We take out fresh flowers, which should be kept in water before making crafts. We cut off the flowers.

Color the pen with pink paint.

We put the imprint of the pen on the paper. We paint the stems of flowers to the print. We glue fresh flowers to the ends of the stems.

It turns out a very touching and elegant applique pattern for Mother's Day.

Mother's Day Mom Portrait

If you have the gift of painting, you can draw a portrait of your mother. First, we make a sketch with a pencil. In the hands of my mother, we placed a bouquet of tulips.

We fill the face with color, paying attention to highlights and shades of color.

We draw mom a line of eyebrows, eyes and lips. We begin to fill in the color of the hair.

Fill in the blouse with color. Choose your mother's favorite blouse for the portrait and try to convey its shade. Fill in the leaves with color. We give liveliness to the hair due to the lines darker than the main color.

Draw the hands and fill in the tulips with color. We draw polka dots on a blouse with white dots.

We draw the bottom of the blouse.

The ability to draw portraits is an art. In the portrait that you want to give for Mother's Day, it is worth emphasizing all the advantages of mother's appearance, whether it be bright eyes, long hair or a bright smile.

Drawing - a symbol of Mother's Day

Drawing - a symbol of Mother's Day is very simple in execution. It depicts the composition "mother and baby". Between them is a bright red heart. First, draw a drawing with a pencil, and then paint it in gentle halftones.

We supplement the drawing with appliqué with butterflies, flowers and leaves.

You can decorate a greeting card or a wall newspaper with the symbol of Mother's Day.

Mother's Day symbol on a postcard

Drawing flowers for Mother's Day

You can draw a sprig of delicate flowers for Mother's Day. Flowers are a universal gift for all holidays, and painted flowers will remain a memory for many years. We will draw flowers in pencil and watercolor.

We start with a pencil sketch.

We fill the inner petals of the flowers with a delicate color.

We emphasize the base of the inner petals with a more expressive color. We paint in a soft lilac color the outer petals of the flowers.

Fill the branches with color and draw small tender leaves.

Slightly blurry watercolor fill the space around the flower.

We decorate the drawing with white splashes. This effect gives the drawing a lively and magical look.

Drawing flowers for Mother's Day is ready! We can draw it on a canvas and frame it like a small painting.

Drawing "flowers" for Mother's Day

This is how unusually you can make a drawing or as a gift to your mother, surprising and delighting her. A drawing for mom, made with love and a non-standard approach, can be a wonderful decoration for a room, kitchen, and even a festive table.

Watch the video exhibition of school drawings and wall newspapers for Mother's Day:

Every child and teenager wants to give a beautiful drawing for Mother's Day to his mother. Of these paintings, exhibitions are often held, competitions are created at school and kindergarten. Trying your hand and learning how to draw original paintings with your own hands for novice artists is now as easy as shelling pears. From the proposed master classes with photos, video tips, you can create a real work of art. You can draw images with paints or pencils. How to draw a picture for mom on Mother's Day is described in stages in the proposed master classes for kids, students in grades 3-5 and high school.

Beautiful pencil drawing for Mother's Day - step by step with photos and videos for beginners

Making an original Mother's Day pencil drawing for beginners is usually difficult. Therefore, the simplest solution would be to redraw the photo. It is necessary to prepare a beautiful image of a bouquet, including diverse elements. It is easier to depict them without first applying the "framework" with a simple pencil, the work is carried out using only colored pencils.

Materials for the master class "Beautiful bouquet": drawing for Mother's Day for beginners

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • a set of colored pencils for 18 colors;
  • bouquet photo.

Step by Step Pencil Drawing "Beautiful Bouquet" for Mother's Day for Beginners

This master class will tell you how to draw a rose with a simple pencil and how to add shadows correctly in stages:

Step by Step Drawing for Mother's Day - Draw a Card with Flowers Step by Step (For High School)

An original drawing for Mother's Day with paints can be turned into an unusual postcard. For example, draw flowers on the inside spread, and put a beautiful signature on the outside. Such a craft can also be put up for a drawing competition for Mother's Day: an unusual work will help you win.

Materials for the master class on drawing on the postcard "Poppies and Daisies"

  • thick paper or double-sided white cardboard;
  • acrylic white, ivory;
  • spatula brush, thin brush;
  • regular pencil;
  • watercolor paints;
  • thin marker.

Bright postcard "Poppies and daisies" for Mother's Day to school in stages

  1. The base is painted over with light acrylic using a spatula brush.

  2. An approximate drawing with flowers is drawn with a pencil.

  3. Watercolors of red, yellow and orange are mixed and applied as a backdrop for the inflorescences.

  4. Poppies are painted in red watercolor.

  5. The centers of chamomile are painted with yellow watercolor.

  6. The centers of the poppies are painted with black paint.

  7. With a thin brush and black watercolor or felt-tip pen, the outline of poppies is drawn.

  8. An outline for daisies is added. Their petals are painted over with white acrylic.

  9. At the end, you can supplement the spread of the postcard with white shading dots: for this, a rubber band on a pencil is dipped in white acrylic and the dots are gradually transferred.

A simple do-it-yourself drawing for Mother's Day with a photo - for students in grades 3-5

The standard theme for Mother's Day is flower arrangements. But for students in grades 3-5, creating a large image is a challenge. Therefore, a small flower branch will be a great alternative to a lush bouquet. Such work can be used for an exhibition of drawings for Mother's Day or for presenting to your beloved mother for her holiday.

DIY materials for the master class "Red Flowers"

  • thick paper A4;
  • mother-of-pearl acrylic paints: green and red;
  • thin brush.

Unusual drawing "Red Flowers" for Mother's Day with your own hands - step by step with a photo

Beautiful flowers can be painted with paint in another master class. The attached video allows you to draw bright poppies in just 10 minutes:

Step-by-step children's drawing for Mother's Day with detailed photos - draw bells

You need to select a master class for drawing for Mother's Day in kindergarten according to the following criteria: simplicity, brightness, unusualness. Small flowers bells will be a great basis for the image. They can decorate a postcard or just become a nice gift picture. Even children from the primary or middle group of kindergarten can depict small flowers with their own hands.

Materials for the master class "Bells" - do-it-yourself children's drawing for Mother's Day

  • a thick sheet of A4 paper (preferably with a textured surface);
  • pastel pencils;
  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • hair spray.

Do-it-yourself original painting "Bells" for Mother's Day - step by step for kindergarten

  1. We depict the "skeleton": stems, leaves, twigs for flowers.

  2. We select the image with thicker lines and “extend” the tips of the branches.

  3. We draw circles-heads, a leaf and a basis of a bud.

  4. Add "tails" to the flowers and a small bud.

  5. We draw the veins on the flowers, add petals to them.

  6. We draw leaves.

  7. We wipe the "skeletons" of the inflorescences.

  8. We draw stamens.

  9. We begin to color the flowers and leaves.

  10. Shade the pastel.

  11. Add darkened edges, draw stamens.

  12. We shade the pastel, add highlights, draw the stamens brighter. We cover the image with hairspray (allows you to replace the fixative).

Even a novice artist can create a bright and colorful drawing for Mother's Day with photos and videos. Master classes on creating images with flowers are optimal for both school and kindergarten. They describe how to work with pencils and paints, how to make blanks step by step and colorize images. With detailed descriptions, every child and teenager can create a drawing for Mother's Day with their own hands. Such works can be submitted to children's competitions and exhibitions: original works will certainly deserve praise and, possibly, lead the author to a prize.

Today we have to become portrait painters, and we will learn how to draw a mother. Yes, yes, exactly our beloved, dear, most beautiful and only person. Our goal will not only be to beautifully portray the mother's face, but also to make it as similar as possible to the original.

Where do we start? We will prepare everything you need to make a drawing for your beloved mother. And these are pencils, paper, a ruler and an eraser.

If you want to make a surprise, well, for example, to, then you can make a portrait, looking at the photo. But it is easier to copy from nature.

So let's take a closer look at Mommy first. Our darling has cheeks and lips, and ears, as well as eyes and beautiful hair. We will try to transfer all this to paper. How to draw a portrait of mom, we will now consider step by step:

  • We make a sketch of the face;
  • We divide the “face” into 3 equal parts;
  • We outline with children eyebrows, mouth, nose and eyes; we carry them out;
  • We work with chiaroscuro;
  • Let's color the picture.
We proceed to make a pencil drawing of my beloved mother in stages.

Making a face sketch

It's simple. Even a child will be able to make an oval, similar to an egg, so that it is narrowed down. The oval drawn by us is not even and accurate enough. But this is not scary. After all, the upper part of it will completely cover the hair.

The main thing is that we had a clearly drawn chin, that is, the lower part of the portrait. You can even circle the oval at the bottom to make the line more accurate.

How to draw a neck? It's easy even for kids. We make it with two curved lines. The neck should be narrower than the width of the oval.
I admit, I'm a little scared to start drawing my beloved mother. I want it not to seem too childish, and so that my dear little man recognizes himself on it.

That is why I act gradually and try to enjoy the process itself. In addition, I think that this is a great way to make a gift for mom and spend time with your baby.

We divide the "face" into three equal parts

First you need to draw one vertical line in the middle in the figure. Then divide 1 line by three perpendicular ones into equal parts.
As you can see, I hesitate for a long time, looking for "beauty". But then I remember that proportions are very important. And their accuracy depends on the reliability and how much the portrait of my mother in pencil will look like my beloved little man.

Confidently draw horizontal lines. It is important to take the time to explain this nuance to the children so that in the future they can correctly draw their mother with a pencil on their own.

We outline and complete the eyebrows, mouth, nose and eyes

If we have a photograph, it is easy to repeat everything we see from it. I draw a drawing of my beloved mother from memory, focusing on the fact that the “subject” is familiar to me.

Above the top line are the eyebrows. And you need to depict them a little wide, not in one stripe. Then they will look more natural. I am helped by my six-year-old kid, who recently went to 1st grade. I completely trust him to do eyebrows, I think his naive childish outlook on things and talent will not let you down.

I take my own lips. They are in the middle between the chin and the bottom line. The upper lip looks a bit like the letter "M", only slightly stretched. The lower one is like a wave: from above, from the point of contact of the lips, down, then again a little up, only smoothly, down and flies up towards the upper lip. The drawing of my beloved mother is already acquiring specific features.

The nostrils are just located on the bottom line. We make the lines of the wings of the nose (opening and closing brackets), then - the nostrils, they are like a wavy line.

The drawing can drag on for a day. But the result is important to us, so it's better not to rush. This is what our presentation looks like now.

To make the portraits of mothers especially believable, you should pay attention to the eyes. Below the top line, draw a line curved downward.

For accuracy, draw dotted lines from the nostrils to the eyebrows. So we find the distance from the eyes to the nose.

From this point we draw an arc over the curved axis, this is the upper eyelid of the eye.

We slightly correct both eyes in accordance with the original.

My assistant will do a great job with the next step! After all, he is a 1st grade student! He's up to it! He carefully removes all auxiliary stripes and marks with an eraser.

Children's efforts were not in vain, the picture looks great. Now you need to do your hair. They cover part of the face. We draw a portrait of my mother, and her hair was always shoulder-length and curly.

We work with chiaroscuro

Eyebrows, eyes, lips, nose. We circle everything and make a shadow. So, our picture "comes to life".

The portrait is clearly similar, and now it’s not a bit of a pity that the drawing dragged on for a day.

Something, but in the 1st grade, my student can already cope with colored pencils. Therefore, the last stage - coloring - is completely on my baby. And he does a wonderful job with everything, however, he turns his grandmother's brown hair into red. He says that his granny is now golden!

Mom's drawing for Mother's Day is ready. I'm sure she will like the picture and she will appreciate our joint work with her beloved granddaughter!

Or other options:

More complex portrait.

Mom is the closest and dearest person in the life of every child. Indeed, the role of the mother in the upbringing and development of a small person is difficult to overestimate, because it is she who has been nearby for many years, protecting and supporting. Looking closely at children's drawings, most often in a touching angular female figure you can recognize a mother - kids with special love and diligence depict small "recognizable" details of hairstyles or clothes. So how to draw mom? We have selected the simplest step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on the image of a mother with pencils or paints - with a child, as well as a “family” drawing with a father, daughter and son. With the help of our lessons for children 8 - 10 years old, you can beautifully draw with your own hands a mother's portrait or a card as a birthday present, Mother's Day, March 8 - from your beloved daughter or son. Inspired by our ideas, you can easily decide what to draw your mother for any significant date or just like that. Good luck with your drawings!

How beautiful and easy to draw mom with paints - a step-by-step master class with a photo for children 8 - 9 years old

Children's drawings always convey the feelings, thoughts, emotions of a young artist - everything that, due to age, is difficult to express in words. How beautiful to draw a mother with gouache? For children 8 - 9, we offer a step-by-step master class with a photo on how to create a colorful portrait of mom. Following the instructions of the lesson, each child will be able to easily paint his mother's portrait and present a surprise on Mother's Day or March 8th. Undoubtedly, every mother will like such a touching gift from her daughter or son, made with love with her own hands.

Necessary materials for drawing a mother's portrait with paints:

  • paints - gouache
  • paper
  • squirrel brushes of different thicknesses
  • glass of water

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on creating a beautiful drawing of a mother by a child of 8-9 years old, with a photo:

  1. First you need to mix white paint with red and yellow - you get a nice flesh color.

  2. On a white sheet we depict a face in the form of an oval and a neck.

  3. With red paint, draw the outline of the clothes and paint over it.

  4. It is better to make the background light - in our case it is yellow.

  5. When the paint dries, we start drawing the hairstyle - we direct the strokes from the place of the “parting” down, along the hair growth.

  6. To depict the eyes, you will need a thin brush, which we dip into white paint and make the base. From above we draw blue circles - we will have mother's eyes of this beautiful color.

  7. We make the lips red.

  8. Highlight the cheeks in pink.

  9. With a thin brush, draw the line of the nose and eyebrows.

  10. Using the same thin brush, draw individual strands of hair with a light shade.

  11. The color of the neck is made darker to shade the face.

  12. For expressiveness, we circle the eyes with a thin black line, and also draw the pupils and cilia.

  13. We draw a thin line-smile on the lips.

  14. We complement the portrait with small details - white earrings and beads.

  15. The final touch of the picture will be a bouquet of daisies in mom's hands. First, draw the yellow center, and then the white petals.

  16. Leaves and stems of flowers are painted green and shaded with turquoise paint.

  17. It remains to decorate the background with small details in the form of flowers or leaves and that's it - our portrait of mom is ready! Such a beautiful drawing can be easily drawn by a child of 8-9 years old for a gift to mom for any holiday date or just to please or cheer up.

How to draw mom, dad, daughter and son with a pencil - a master class in stages on a video for children

For children of any age, the family is loving and dear people, real support and support. In addition to himself, in his first drawings, the baby usually depicts his mother, father, sister or brother. Over time, the drawings become more meaningful, but the essence remains the same - with the help of a pencil or paints, the child expresses his feelings to the surrounding close people and life events. With the help of our master class on video, we will learn how to draw mom, dad, daughter and son in stages - even the smallest painter can easily master such a pencil drawing.

Video tutorial on creating a family drawing - mom, dad, daughter and son:

How to draw a mother with a child with a pencil - a master class for beginner artists

Mom's hands are gentle, caring and kind. The child receives the first hugs in his life from his mother, and as he grows up, the need for the warm touch of a loved one also grows. The most famous artists painted a mother with a child in her arms - many of these paintings can be found in galleries around the world. How to draw a mother with a child with a pencil? Take our beginner class and soon you will be able to draw a mother with a baby in her arms in pencil - a wonderful gift for the upcoming Mother's Day.

List of materials for the master class of pencil drawing of mother and child:

  • sheet of white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or paints for coloring

The procedure for drawing a mother with a child in her arms - in stages:

  1. The drawing begins with a sketch of the head of mother and child - with horizontal and vertical lines to mark the location of the eyes, nose and mouth. We outline the contour of the mother's torso, marking the line of the shoulders, arms and back. We outline with strokes the child's hand on the mother's shoulder, as well as the line of the body. Then we give the faces an oval shape, and we add an ear to the child.

  2. On the mother's head we make a parting, from which we draw wavy strands of hair. We depict the boy with a short hairstyle with bangs.

  3. We place the eyes on the upper horizontal line of the face, outlining the contours of the eyelids and drawing the eyeballs, pupils and eyelashes. We complement the eyes with curved eyebrow lines. We draw noses and lips stretched in a smile - along the vertical and horizontal lines outlined earlier.

  4. We draw the body of the child - the shoulder, back, chest, as well as the arm and sleeve of the shirt. The fingers of the hand hugging mom need to be outlined more clearly.

  5. Now we circle the back and chest of the mother, not forgetting to designate the sleeve of the dress. We finish drawing the hands hugging the child.

  6. That's it, our black and white drawing of a mother with a baby in her arms is ready!

  7. It remains to color the image with colored pencils or paints. For the hair of mother and child, you can take different shades of chestnut, make the dress orange, and the shirt blue. Beautiful and touching drawing!

What to draw for mom for her birthday from her daughter 8 - 10 years old - original ideas with a photo

Every mother is pleased to receive a gift from her beloved daughter or son on her main holiday - a drawing or hand-made craft. So, what to draw mom for her birthday? We have selected the most interesting ideas from photos of hand-drawn gifts for mom - any of the proposed options is quite within the power of a girl of 8 - 10 years old. Complete the drawing with warm touching verses - with the best wishes!

Photo ideas of children's drawings for mom's birthday

What to draw for mom just like that - a selection of beautiful drawings in the photo

The best drawings for mom - from children just like that, from the heart

How to draw a card for mom on Mother's Day with your own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

On the eve of various holidays, children draw wonderful postcard drawings for their mothers with paints or pencils - the most “universal” gift and a sign of attention from a loving child. So, how to draw a card for mom on Mother's Day with your own hands? In 2017, we celebrate this wonderful holiday on November 26, so you can now start studying our step-by-step master class with a photo. A little perseverance and diligence, and you will get a beautiful hand-drawn card for mom - for Mother's Day or another special occasion.

The list of materials for the master class on creating a postcard for mom for Mother's Day:

  • thick white paper or double-sided cardboard
  • acrylic - white, ivory
  • brushes - spatula, thin
  • simple pencil
  • watercolor paints
  • thin felt-tip pen

A step-by-step description of the master class "Hand-drawn card for mom" - as a gift for Mother's Day:

  1. We paint over the base of the card with light-colored acrylic paint using a spatula brush.

  2. On the surface of the sheet we apply with a simple pencil the individual details of the drawing - flowers, leaves, stems.

  3. We mix yellow and orange watercolor and make a background for flowers.

  4. Poppies are painted in red.

  5. For the centers of daisies, we take yellow paint.

  6. We paint the “core” of poppies with black.

  7. Outline the outline of poppies with a black thin brush with black paint or a felt-tip pen.

  8. We paint over the contours of the chamomile petals with white acrylic, shading each element. Complete such a card with a congratulatory inscription and - a gift for Mother's Day is ready!

How to draw mom? Here you will find master classes with photos and videos for children aged 8-10 on drawing with a pencil and paints a portrait of a mother with a child, as well as a family drawing with a father, daughter, son. If you have not yet decided what to draw for your mother's birthday, March 8, Mother's Day or just like that - use our ideas and lessons. Following the step-by-step instructions, you will beautifully and easily make a touching gift-card with your own hands. Undoubtedly, every mother will be happy with such a creative surprise from her beloved daughter or son.

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The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...