Regina Todorenko can be fired from Eagle and Tails, collecting a huge fine. The host of the show "Eagle and Tails" Regina Todorenko faces a fine and dismissal Why was Regina fired

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Recently, the host of the popular television show Heads and Tails made a shocking announcement that there is no "gold card" with unlimited cash. The budget of each program is planned in advance, and what viewers see on their TV screens is not true. For example, in a rented apartment, the film crew and the presenter spend only a few hours, not a day, as it was stated in the program. And the numbers themselves are provided not at all for money, but thanks to an information partnership. Now TV presenter Regina Todorenko faces a fine of 2 million rubles or dismissal at the end of the season for misinforming fans of the program.

The general producer of "Eagle and Tails" Natella Krapivina explained to fans that the girl does not have real information, since she acts as a host and has nothing to do with organizing filming. The woman suspects that Regina's act was committed for the purpose of personal PR. The producers of the project are extremely dissatisfied with the behavior of the presenter. Negotiations are now underway on how to punish Regina Todorenko, force her to pay a fine of 2 million rubles, or dismiss her at the end of the season. A little later, the host of Eagle and Tails publicly apologized to producers and TV channels, explaining what she really meant:

“In some, I repeat in some cases, there really are moments when you have to shoot very quickly in hotels or restaurants, because in one day we need to visit 10 places at the same time. We just physically do not have time to live in cool rooms, but we really want to, but the shooting time is too tight. We only have one weekend. I apologize to the entire #OreliReshka team, the FRIDAY channel, the INTER channel for misinforming the fans.”

Ukrainian TV presenter Regina Todorenko first told the Starhit portal about leaving the popular show Eagle and Tails, where she worked for four years.

Todorenko officially announced that she was leaving the program at the end of November 2017. According to the presenter, despite the fact that many consider her career a dream - "traveling around the world at someone else's expense, watching outlandish places and commenting on what is happening," everything has a limit.

“Traveling, of course, is wonderful, but the format of these particular trips was no longer to my liking. This happens to everyone: waking up early in the morning, overcoming traffic jams, plowing at the office for ten hours becomes a burden, I need a reboot. It’s my time - I need to relax , reformat your "disk", upgrade your knowledge," she admitted.

“To be honest, the desire to jump off appeared even before the round the world. I talked with the general producer of the show, Elena Sinelnikova, that they need to take someone new, a fresh head. During my work, I had a chance to see, try, experience a lot. the emotions in the frame are not the same. I didn’t want to become insipid and bore the viewer. But Lena believed in my strength. Plus, agreeing to the trip spurred the opportunity to get into the Guinness Book of Records in Ukraine as the first female tele-traveller who made an uninterrupted trip around the world. As a result, the adventure was long at nine months they went great," Todorenko recalls.

“Upon my return, my parents and friends began to say that I had lost the spark. And they turned out to be one hundred percent right. Lesya Nikityuk and I were completely exhausted - both as individuals and as authors. We were squeezed to the maximum to such an extent that we could not do anything As a result, terrible laziness and apathy woke up, "the TV presenter added.

“By nature, I am a mega-positive person, but then I just turned into a big ball of evil. I stopped loving people, became asocial. But I had to communicate, because this is my direct duty. I painfully survived that period. "I dyed my hair red. It's strange that I didn't shave my head at all. When I returned home one evening, I realized that this state of affairs did not suit me. I packed my things and rushed to Bali to restore strength, put my brains in place. And flew to complete strangers But after the rest, I found faithful comrades, "said the interlocutor of the publication.

Now the girl is studying in Los Angeles, her specialty is called film making. She plans to create her own project. The star also plays in the theater, where she met a new love in the face of a famous singer.

Recently, at a fan meeting in Novosibirsk, 26-year-old host of the Eagle and Tails show, Regina Todorenko, said that there is no “gold card” that allows you to spend an unlimited amount of money while traveling.

“Still, the program we are filming is, at some points, a staged show. Most often, hotels provide us with a barter, we rent in them not for two days, but for three hours. During this time, we need to have time to shoot the pool, jacuzzi and leave as soon as possible, because some king of Oman is coming to the hotel! We all spend the night where you can live on 100 green dollars, ”said the TV presenter.


Regina's confession outraged fans of the show. It turns out that all this time the organizers of "Eagle and Tails" deceived the audience. The general producer of the show, Natella Krapivina, was no less surprised. According to her, Todorenko misled the fans of the program, which honestly and reliably talks about how you can spend a weekend with different budgets.

“For me, as the general producer of the project, it has always been fundamentally important to live up to the idea. The Gold Card is not a symbol, it is real money that producers manage within the framework of the program in unlimited quantities. The only condition is that it must be within the genre and not contradict moral and ethical standards. In the entire history of our travel show, we have never cut the budget or pushed ourselves into limits. Of course, we cannot spend more than is physically possible over the weekend, and this is perhaps the only limitation, ”Krapivina said in an interview with

Natella assures that Regina's statements are false. The general producer accused Todorenko of incompetence and lack of involvement in the project. “She is not the organizer of the filming process, she is not the producer of the show, therefore, she does not have real information. Why would she? Possibly for personal publicity purposes. For such unacceptable statements, Regina will be fined, possibly fired at the end of the season, ”concluded Krapivina. The sum of the TV presenter's fine can reach two million rubles.

A well-known TV presenter may lose her job in the show "Eagle and Tails". Such threats were made to her by the producers of the show after the last scandalous interview of the TV personality, which "declassified" the budget of each program, noting that viewers are being misled by the unlimited limit of the "golden card", since each program is filmed in conditions of a severely limited budget.

Host of the show "Eagle and Tails" Regina Todorenko |

The General Producer of "Eagle and Tails" Natella Krapivina commented to L! FE on the scandal that had arisen. She expressed outrage at the words of Todorenko, who, for unknown reasons, made such an unfounded statement that did not correspond to reality. Krapivina said that she was extremely surprised by the statement of the host of the show "Eagle and Tails", since this project has existed for 7 years, during which the program honestly and reliably tells how to spend weekends in different countries of the world with different budgets.

Krapivina stressed that the "gold card" in the show is not a symbol, but real and real money, which the presenters manage within the framework of the project in unlimited quantities. She added that in the history of the show "Eagle and Tails" broadcast budgets have never been cut. The only restriction on the use of the "gold card" within the framework of the project is only the condition to spend money within the genre in which the show is filmed.

The producer of Eagle and Tails believes that after the scandal that has arisen, Regina Todorenko will be fined up to 2 million rubles. She also did not rule out that the leader for her lies would be fired from the project at the end of the season.

Todorenko about the "gold card" on the show "Eagle and Tails" (video):

About a month ago, Regina Todorenko visited Novosibirsk, where she talked with fans as part of a fashion event in a large shopping center. As the host of the show "Eagle and Reshka" said, much that viewers see on television is not true. For example, the well-known "gold card" does not cover all the expenses of a team member. According to Regina, they get hotels by barter, and living in suites is out of the question. According to the girl, they also cannot relax in the jacuzzi and pools, because the operators demand to speed up during the filming process.

The producer of the program "Eagle and Tails" Natella Krapivina, having learned about Regina's words, said that after such statements about the internal rules of the program, sanctions from the creators of the project await her.

“Regina is waiting for either a fine or dismissal for unfounded statements. It is not clear how she could afford such statements. Todorenko misled her fans and viewers of the show. Of course, she is aware of the measures that we consider as punishment for misconduct. Regina said that she was very sorry about her words, ”Natella told the StarHit correspondent.

Representatives of Regina have not yet commented on the situation. At a collective discussion, the creators of the program will decide the future of Todorenko as the host of Eagle and Tails.

Previously, the star of the travel show told StarHit that she loves her job very much. According to Regina, all team members support each other in difficult situations and become closer than relatives. “We live under the camera, this is a reality show. Lesya and I try to show the best locations so that the viewer is interested. We have a producer Lena, who is like a mother to us. When we were around the world, she solved a lot of questions: how to feed us, what to stroke, how to provide psychological support. We discuss everything and try to be honest with each other, ”said Todorenko.

Later, Regina Todorenko herself spoke out about the scandal that had erupted. “Each of us can make a mistake, think something up, take it out of context, especially for the media. I'm not a project producer and I don't know how budgets are formed. I have a golden card in my hands, which gives me great opportunities. Even the presenters do not know how much money is on it, ”the presenter noted. According to Regina, she is proud to be part of the popular project team.

“I can’t know all the organizational issues, but I can only guess how our hard workers-producers are looking for interesting locations, entertainment and on what conditions they agree. I apologize to the entire #OreliReshka team, the Friday! and the Inter channel for misinforming the fans, ”regina shared.

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