Puzzles based on folk tales. Puzzles based on Russian folk tales

Quiz on fairy tales for children of preschool and primary school age with answers

Zhilichkin Dmitry student 2 "B" class
Supervisor: Zhilichkina Maria Yurievna
Description: I bring to your attention my son's quiz with riddles and puzzles made up of Olympiad tasks and invented independently. This is the result of his work on a project for the study of author's fairy tales. The material is intended for younger students and preschoolers.
Target: Consolidation of knowledge about copyright fairy tales
Tasks: Develop intelligence, imagination, attention, memory, mental operations, cognitive interest of children
Expand the horizons of children, contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary.
Cultivate interest in fiction, love of reading
Fairy tale teaches all people
be wiser and kinder.
A fairy tale is a storehouse, a clear light,
answer to any question.

And now I want to ask you questions about author's fairy tales. In order to conduct a quiz, you need to divide into 3 teams. For each team, I will ask questions in turn and give the hero of author's fairy tales for the correct answer.
Which bird did Thumbelina save?(swallow)
What was the name of the boy who was supposed to make the word "Eternity" out of pieces of ice?(Kai)
Who took the frog from V. Garshin's fairy tale "The Traveler Frog" on a trip to the south?(Ducks)

Solve the rebus and name the hero who lost what is encrypted in the rebus.
a) ia
b) Owl
c) hare
d) Piglet
e) Winnie the Pooh
(Tail lost Eeyore)

Replace the figures with letters and find out who the robber gave to help Gerda.(Deer)

The name of which fairy-tale hero is encrypted in the rebus?(Cheburashka)

As he called the country of fairy tales A.S. Pushkin?(Lukomorye)

In one of the tales of A.S. Pushkin accidentally got a character from another fairy tale. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale is superfluous?(The Golden Cockerel)

Read the advertisement and choose the correct answer.

a) "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin
b) "Humpbacked Horse" by P.P. Ershov
c) "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A.S. Pushkin
(“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” by A.S. Pushkin)

Who “ran at full speed to return the dishes” to grandmother Fyodor from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"?(Cats)
What is the name of K.I. Chukovsky?(Telephone)

Replace the word "found" in the rebus with another word to get one of the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.("The Stolen Sun")

What can a carriage be after midnight?(Pumpkin)

Insert the correct word instead of dots to get the name of one of Ch. Perrault's fairy tales.("Red Riding Hood")

In Ch. Perrault's fairy tale Cinderella, mice turned into horses. How many were there?(Six)

The girl is sleeping and yet does not know
What awaits her in this fairy tale,
The toad will steal it in the morning,
The shameless Mole will hide in the hole.
However, enough! Do you need a hint?
Who is that girl? Whose fairy tale is this?

(“Thumbelina” Mr. X. Andersen.)
A good girl is walking through the forest,
But she does not know, girl, that danger awaits.
A pair of angry eyes glow behind the bushes...
Someone terrible will meet the girl now ...
Who will ask the girl about her path?
Who will deceive the grandmother to enter the house?

("Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault)
From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the stairs.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl?

("Cinderella" by Charles Perrault)

The girl Masha made a list of fairy tales that she read during the holidays. But she made the mistake of writing the wrong author.
A) A. Pushkin. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.
B) A. Milne. Winnie the Pooh and Everything...
C) A. Tolstoy. The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.
D) V. Berestov. Ole Lukoye.
(G.H. Andersen Ole-Lukoye)
Who is the author of the fairy tale about the character referred to in the riddle?
Clever, dodgy mustachioed friend -
He made the owner rich.
But he cannot live without red boots.
Well guess what guys?
(Charles Perrault)
Who is the author of these stories?(V. Suteev)

Everything created by the mind
All that the soul aspires to
Like amber at the bottom of the sea
In fairy tales is carefully stored.

And now let's count how many heroes of fairy tales each team earned and unite the heroes of one fairy tale.

Crossword on fairy tales for younger students

Crossword "Russian folk tales"

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, MKOU "Mikhailovskaya OOSh", Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region
Material Description: This material is intended for elementary school students. It can be used by the teacher in extracurricular activities, when fixing the topic "Oral folk art" in the lessons of literary reading in elementary school.
Having guessed all the words, you can read new words vertically in the yellow cells of the crossword puzzle and find out what fairy tales are.
Target: Consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk tales.
To develop thinking, imagination, memory, cognitive abilities of students.
Raise interest in reading, in oral folk art.

1. In what fairy tale did the heroes live together in the same house until it was destroyed by a bear?
2. Who was able to drive the fox out of the hare's hut?
3. With what tool did the cat manage to save the rooster?
4. Who was deceived by a fox who pretended to be dead and threw all the fish out of the cart.
5. Who in one of the Russian folk tales deceived the bear and left him hungry?
6. The name of the bear cub from the fairy tale "Three Bears".
7. Name a vegetable that a grandfather, a woman, a granddaughter, a dog, a cat and a mouse could pull out of the ground.
8. What was the name of the boy who disobeyed his older sister and became a kid.
9. Who in one of the Russian folk tales regaled the fox with okroshka?
10. The heroine of a fairy tale who was afraid of the heat and melted jumping over the fire.
11. Which hero of the fairy tale said the words “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother?”
12. The hero of a fairy tale, to whom the words were said: "Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie."
13. Who was the frog that caught the arrow?
14. Who helped the heroes of the fairy tale pull out the turnip?
15. What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale, who caught a pike, and she fulfilled all his desires?
16. What has "Large eyes."
17. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince?
18. What is the name of the heroine of the Russian folk tale, who went with her friends into the forest for mushrooms and berries, got lost, and came to the bear's hut.
19. The hero of a fairy tale who burst with laughter.
20. Ryaba, which laid a golden egg.
21. The hero of a Russian folk tale, who owns the words: "The beaten unbeaten is lucky, the beaten unbeaten is lucky."

Crossword answers:

1. Teremok
2. Rooster
3. Gusli
4. Old man
5. Man
6. Bear
7. Turnip
8. Ivanushka
9. Crane
10. Snow Maiden
11. Gingerbread Man
12. Bear
13. Princess
14. Mouse
15. Emelya
16. Fear
17. Frog
18. Masha
19. Bubble
20. Hen
21. Fox


Target: cultivate a love of reading.

Equipment: costumes of fairy-tale heroes, sweet coins,

Decor: the class is decorated with balloons, children's drawings on the board, crafts, an exhibition of books.
Leading: Hello dear friends! Listen to the poem that I am about to read and tell me what book it is about?
Far, far beyond the sea
There is a golden wall
In the wall of that cherished door,
Behind the door is a big country.
Open with golden key
Treasured door in the wall
But where can I find this key?
Nobody told me...
Leading: Yes, this book is Golden Leeches, or the Adventures of Basilio the Cat.(Children object.) Well, of course, this is "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"(book display) . Who is its author? Let's arrange the letters correctly to read the last name and first name of the author of this book. (SEYLEKA STOYTOL) Based on what book did A. N. Tolstoy write this fairy tale? (Answers of children).
Leading: First, a fairy tale about the adventures of a wooden doll - a mischievous little man, was written by the Italian writer Carlo Collodi, published in 1883 a cheerful mischievous fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of the wooden man. The funny tricks of the lazy, stubborn, prankster and liar Pinocchio culminate in his transformation into a living and exemplary boy in all respects. The Russian version of the fairy tale fell in love with all readers, both large and small, according to its plot, theatrical performances and films were staged many times, ballets and operas were composed.

So today we will summarize this book, which we read for a whole quarter and which we also fell in love with and taught us fluent reading, and also check how carefully you read it.
I suggest that you pass interesting tests in order to win an amazing prize - the famous golden key, which can open the door to a wonderful land of knowledge. Ready?

Round 1: Blitz poll.
Can you name the characters in this story? (Pinocchio, organ grinder Papa Carlo, carpenter Giuseppe, Malvina, Artemon, Pierrot, Talking Cricket, Shushara the rat, Basilio the cat, Alice the fox, Tortila the tortoise, Duremar, Karabas-Barabas)

Who gave Carlo the log? (Giuseppe)

What did Carlo Pinocchio buy? (ABC)

What was painted on the canvas that covered the door in Carlo's closet? (hearth)

Where did Pinocchio go instead of school? (To the theatre)

What coin Buratino buried in the field of miracles? (Soldo)

Round 2: Whose portrait is superfluous? (Pictures on the slide)

Question 1: This fairy-tale hero had “... gray hair growing near his ears. He wore a wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful hurdy-gurdy, he walked around the cities, singing and playing music, he earned his own bread ”(Carlo the Organ Grinder).

Question 2: “a fat head appeared from under the stairs, from under the floor. A gray animal on low paws leaned out, sniffed and crawled out ”(Rat Shushara).

Question 3: “A girl with curly blue hair… opened her pretty eyes. This girl was the most beautiful puppet from the puppet theater of Karabas Barabas. She herself has a porcelain head, a torso stuffed with cotton wool. (Malvina).

Question 4: “I shaved off the back of my body, which I did every day. The curly hair on the front half of the body was combed, the tassel at the end of the tail was tied with a black bow. On the front paw is a silver watch. (Artemon).

Question 5: “... a large, terrible snake head appeared. But it wasn't a snake. It was not scary to anyone, elderly ... with blind eyes. (Turtle Tortilla).

Question 6: “A long, wet, wet man entered with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom. He was wearing an old green overcoat, tongs, hooks and hairpins dangled from his belt. In his hands he held a tin can and a net.

Question 7: “A creature that looks a bit like a cockroach, but with a head like a grasshopper. It sat on the wall under the hearth and quietly crackled: "Cree-cree." The creature looked with bulging eyes, as if made of glass, moved its antennae. (Talking Cricket).

Question 8: “A little man in a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was sprinkled with white powder, as white as tooth powder. (Pierrot).

Question 9: “A man jumped out from behind a cardboard tree, all checkered, like a chessboard.” (Harlequin).

Question 10: “The man is so terrible in sight that one could freeze with horror. His thick, unkempt beard dragged along the floor, his bulging eyes revolved, his huge mouth clanged his teeth, as if it were not a man, but a crocodile. (Karabas Barabas).

Question 11: “Swayed, swayed on thin legs, took a step, took another step, hop-hop, straight to the door and out into the street.” (Pinocchio).

Question 12: “They had bags on their heads with cut holes for the eyes. One, shorter, brandished a knife, the other, taller, held a pistol. (Cat Basilio and fox Alice).


Pinocchio stretched,
Once bent, twice bent.
Raised his hands to the sides,
Apparently the key was not found.
To get us the key
You need to get on your toes.

Question 1: “... stop pampering, obey Carlo, do not run away from home without work. I won't give you a dry fly for your life." (Talking Cricket).

Question 2: “This teaching will not lead you to good.” (fox Alice).

Question 3: "Ten thousand devils!" (Karabas Barabas).

Question 4: "The patient is more dead than alive." (Doctor Owl).

Question 5: "Do not eat with your hands, there are spoons and forks for this." (Malvina).

Question 6: "Anyone from the world will live with purity." (Pinocchio about Malvin).

Question 7: "Now I will take care of your upbringing." (Malvina).

Question 8: "Open the secret, unfortunate, open the secret!" (Pinocchio).

Question 9: Hey you! With whom in his old age he contacted, with world-famous swindlers. You hate little ones! Ashamed!" (father Carlo Carabasu-Barabasu).

Leading: Guys, I think someone is knocking. Looks like we have guests.(The fox Alice and the cat Basilio enter and sing the song “What a blue sky”)

Fox : Oh what smart kids!

Cat: And probably rich. Feed the poor blind cat.

Leading: Dear guests, our children don't have anything yet, you'd better help them pass the next round to get a prize.

Fox: Good. Have them solve the crossword puzzle.

6 round. CROSSWORD.

Fox: What smart, smart kids. Have to go fool someone else.

Round 7: Heroes and objects of the fairy tale in riddles.

wooden playful

I could make friends with a book.

He got into the puppet theater

Dolls became a true friend. (Pinocchio)

Who is the prankster boy

Made from a log

And I bought the boy a book,

To go to school? (Papa Carlo)

What is the name of that textbook?

It's easy for us to guess:

All the kids in school need it

He is a poet and musician

Apparently a great talent.

And he's still unhappy...

From what? He's in love! (Pierrot)

That girl is not more beautiful

That girl is no smarter.

And Pierrot, her admirer,

He sings about her all day long. (Malvina)

The man is middle-aged
Here with such a beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain. (Karabas Barabas)

What kind of farce is this?

Barkers here and there.

And at the cash desk - mothers, children:

"Give us a ticket soon!"

This is not a school, this is a game,

The children are watching the play. (Puppet Theatre)

Round 8: Dramatization of an episode of the fairy tale "Malvina's Lesson"

9 TUR. Questions and riddles from the heroes of a fairy tale


1. Who was the first to find a wooden log, from which Pinocchio was later made? (The log was found by the carpenter Giuseppe, nicknamed "The Gray Nose").

3. What did Pope Carlo wear to Pinocchio? (In a paper jacket made of brown paper and bright green pants, in shoes made from an old top, and in a hat - a cap with a tassel sewn from an old sock).

5. What was the name of the comedy that Pinocchio watched in the puppet theater of Karabas-Barabas? ("Girl with blue hair, or Thirty-three slaps").

6. Seeing Pinocchio at the performance, all the puppets recognized him. They squealed with delight, rejoiced and sang a song called "Polka Bird". Here is its beginning:
"The polka bird danced on the lawn at an early hour." Remember the remaining two lines. ("Nose to the left, tail to the right - this is the Karabas polka").

7. What academic title did the owner of the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater have? (Doctor of puppet sciences).

8. Why did signor Karabas-Barabas, instead of burning Pinocchio, as he was going to at first, give him 5 gold coins and let him go home? (Pinocchio said that he knew where the secret door was).

9. Please remember where this secret door is located? (In Papa Carlo's closet, under a canvas on which a hearth and a kettle were painted.)

10. Where did Pinocchio invite the fox Alice and the cat Basilio to turn 5 gold coins donated by Karabas-Barabas into a pile of money? (To the magical Field of Wonders in the Land of Fools).

11. What method did two swindlers offer to turn a few coins into a "big pile of money" to a wooden boy? (“Dig a hole, say “crex, fex, pex” three times. Put gold, cover it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, fill it well with water and go to sleep. In the morning a tree will grow from the hole, on which gold coins will hang instead of leaves.”)

12. What did the dinner of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio in the famous tavern "Three minnows" consist of? (Three crusts of bread, a baked lamb, a gosling, a couple of pigeons on a spit, a liver, six pieces of carp and small fish for a snack).

13. Who was on the medical team that treated Pinocchio in Malvina's house? (the famous doctor Owl, the paramedic Zhaba and the healer Praying Mantis).

14. To the trunk of which tree was the beard of Karabas-Barabas glued? (To the Italian pine).

15. What did Malvina use as a mirror? (Mirror carp).

16. Where did Pinocchio hide in the tavern to find out the secret of the golden key? (In a large earthenware jug).

17. Where did Karabas-Barabas tell about the secret of the golden key? (In the tavern "Three minnows")

18. What was behind the secret door? (Puppet theater of wonderful beauty).

THE MYSTERY OF MALVINA (Puzzles on slides)
Malvina dictates poems and riddles
Pinocchio hurries to teach a lesson.
Look how many blots he planted in a notebook,
And what is written here is incomprehensible.
Written as if by a chicken paw,
Try to read what he scribbled here.

Piero Malvina donate
I decided... I won't talk!
But you will know the secret
Once you solve the puzzle

Papa Carlo cooked soup
Salted and peppered.
And the son does not guess
What is that soup called?
Find all the letters in the cauldron,
From them, make up the name.

Leading: Well done guys, you passed all the tests and coped with all the tasks. And your ability to read helped you in this. You will read a lot, you will know a lot. And I want to finish with a wonderful poem "Reader"

Leading: And finally, the parade of costumes. We invite all Pinocchio.

The song-dance "Pinocchio" is performed

All other puppets are welcome. Sweet prizes.

Rebus is a logic game in which you have to guess the answer from the picture. The latter depicts objects, animals and plants, letters and numbers. Their relative position matters. Even for fidgets, puzzles can be an exciting activity if presented in a playful way. For example, you can offer to teach a child how to solve spy ciphers.

And from the simplest picture puzzles for preschool age to get to relatively complex ones. We assure you: if your child gets carried away and learns to turn on logical thinking, over time you will already learn from him how to solve riddles in pictures.

Puzzles are invented on a huge variety of topics. The main thing is that every word, letter and object that serves as an answer to the picture should already be familiar to the baby.

How to solve puzzles for children with letters in pictures?

If you are interested in puzzles, then most likely you know the advantages of these logical puzzles. They develop memory, ingenuity, speed of thinking, the ability to navigate the situation and apply the knowledge already gained.

To teach a child of 6-7 years old how to solve tasks correctly, first explain the rules to him. No need to insist that he remember everything at once. Chances are you don't even know them all. It is better to explain one or two a day and reinforce them with thematic tasks. The latter can be printed (more convenient for outdoor activities) or shown from the monitor. In the next lessons, it is also better not to offer too much material. It is important to explain to the child that he first needs to correctly identify and name the object shown in the picture. And only then apply the rules in relation to this word.

So, let's read the basic rules! In particular, we will define what a comma, a strikethrough, an inverted object and other subtleties in pictures mean.

  • What does a comma mean at the beginning or end of a rebus?
    A comma at the bottom or at the top before the picture means that one letter at the beginning must be discarded from the name of the depicted object. Accordingly, we see two commas - we discard the first two letters. These icons are very common.
  • What does an inverted comma at the beginning or end mean?
    The rules for inverted commas are similar to the rules for regular commas (see previous paragraph).
  • What do the crossed out and added letters mean?
    A crossed out letter in the picture means that it must be excluded from the name of the drawn object (and another one should be added, if it is indicated). Added to the left or right of the picture - you need to add it to the word at the beginning and at the end.
  • What do the numbers in the puzzles mean?
    The numbers can have two meanings. Are they above the word? To guess the answer, you need to rearrange the letters from place to place in the indicated order. The name of the number can be part of the word (often use "one hundred", "five"). A crossed out number means that a letter with such a serial number must be excluded from the word. It should be remembered that some numbers, as well as objects, can have several names (the unit is “count”, “time”, “one”).
  • What does the plus sign mean?
    If there is a plus sign between words (symbols), then they must be added to each other. Sometimes “+” means the preposition “to”, the right one is chosen according to the meaning. The “equal” sign (for example, A=K) indicates that all the letters “A” in the word should be replaced by the letters “K”.
  • Vertical or horizontal line in assignments?
    The horizontal line means simultaneously “under”, “above”, “above” and “on”, depending on the context. Used with letters or pictures when one part is drawn below the line, the other is above. Sometimes denotes a fraction (half of something, that is, "half-").
  • Arrangement of letters in the picture and prepositions
    It is important to look at the relative position of the letters. If they are placed one inside the other, then the preposition "in" is added to their names. One letter is drawn after another - meaning the preposition "for" or "before".
  • The item in the picture is drawn upside down? To get an answer, you need to read the word backwards. Children 6-7 years old can turn short words in their minds. True, the number of such tasks is quite limited.

Most often, several rules are used simultaneously in puzzles. It is believed that at 6-7 years old children are already familiar with the letters, they clearly know their names. If a younger student has not yet encountered commas, teaching him a new icon will not be particularly difficult.

Examples of puzzles in pictures for children 6-7 years old with answers

Children 6-7 years old and less perceive the material much better in relation to some memorable event. Riddles about animals will be solved with delight if you offer them to your child the day after visiting the zoo. A first-grader girl who is eager to enter a music school will be interested in musical puzzles. And a child, a boy impressed by the planetarium, will like pictures about space.

About animals and birds

When giving children a task about birds or animals, make sure that he has already come across such names of animals, and also understands everything that is shown in the picture.

Rebuses about family, about mother

Who is the sweetest for a child, if not mommy! And who does he happily meet every time, except for mom and dad? Children will love to recognize and guess grandmother, grandfather, sister and other relatives in encrypted pictures. Print or draw colorful pictures and start having fun while teaching your child!

About sports, about health

Puzzles about work, health, sports, professions and many others can be used as thematic game aids. In the graduation group of the kindergarten, the first grades of school or at home, are classes or conversations planned on one of the topics? A riddle in the form of a picture will allow you to learn the material better than an ordinary faceless story. Kids will be interested in non-standard presentation of material.

Fairy tale puzzles

Fairy tales with familiar characters, modern or classic cartoons are an inexhaustible storehouse of inspiration. If the child is not very interested in logical riddles, you can try to captivate him by guessing his favorite characters. There are many more mysteries on this topic than are given as an example. Knowing the interests and favorite fairy tales of your child, you can create puzzles in the form of applications yourself.

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