Realistically pass the exam for 100 points. How to pass the exam to a graduate of previous years

USE. These three letters of graduates are terrifying. If you fail the exam, you won’t get a certificate, which means you won’t be able to enter. Therefore, preparing students for the most important school exam begins a few years before graduation. But every year, high school students step on the same rake: they get caught cheating, they study on the last night, or they wind themselves up to a nervous breakdown.



  • Elementary. How not to fall into a state of apathy and not lose the taste for life?

What is the USE?
The knowledge of all 11-graders is tested at the Unified State Exam. Based on its results, the level of preparation of each student is assessed in a scoring system.

At the exam, high school students receive an individual sealed envelope with a KIM (this is the name of the worksheet). Each KIM contains a unique code that the student transfers to the answer sheet. This must be done in order to determine the author of the work after verification.

In KIM, schoolchildren are offered to complete three blocks of tasks: A, B and C. Part A is a multiple-choice test. Of the four options, choose the correct one and mark it with a “cross”. Part B - tasks for which you need to give a short answer. For example, write out a word from a sentence or a number that is a solution to a problem. Part C requires a detailed answer. In the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, these are essays, and in mathematics, detailed solutions to problems, often supplemented by drawings. KIMs for individual subjects may have their own characteristics. For example, the Unified State Examination in Literature and Mathematics does not contain test items. And in KIMs in foreign languages ​​there is a section in which the student needs to listen to an audio recording of a text in a foreign language and answer questions about the content.

On average, four hours are allotted for the entire examination work.

In order not to lose the certificate, it is enough to score the minimum set number of points, that is, to correctly solve the third or fourth (it all depends on the subject) part of all tasks.

How to choose the right subjects for the exam?
You can pass 14 subjects in the form of the Unified State Examination: Russian, mathematics, foreign languages ​​​​(English, German, French, Spanish), physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social science and computer science. Compulsory for graduates are two of them: Russian and mathematics. The rest - the student is free to choose himself. Usually, an 11-grader does not have enough points in two subjects to enter a university, so he takes additional ones.

In order to choose the right subjects for the exam, you need to designate the area with which the graduate wants to connect his further education and work. It would be better if the student decides on the university. Then it is enough for him to pass only those subjects that are needed for admission to a particular educational institution.

Sometimes students choose one or two subjects "for safety net". It is important that they are all related. No need to "interfere" technical disciplines with the humanities. So to play it safe with literature if the main exams - mathematics, physics and computer science - are a bad option.

How to prepare for the exam?
Anyone who is limited to school lessons will never pass the exam with 100 points. Self-learning with the involvement of all possible resources is important. Use books to prepare for the exam, publications of standard exam options, tables and theoretical collections.

There is an open job bank. This is a special selection on the basis of which real KIMs are compiled. You can also solve the tasks of the Unified State Examination of past years on the FIPI website. There, every year, they post demo versions of the exam, which reflect the structure of the exam.

Free courses to prepare for the exam are organized on YouTube and in public social networks VKontakte. Teachers and successful graduates of previous years conduct online classes for 11th graders with a discussion of the intricacies of the subject, with analysis and joint solution of complex problems.

Getting 100 points on the exam is not so difficult. I didn’t even hire a tutor, I had enough classes with a school teacher. And at home she prepared herself: “I got my hands on the tests.” Used and textbooks, and collections, and sites. I recommend the educational Internet resource “I will solve the exam,” Elena Ivashchenko shares her experience.

The girl received 100 points at the exam in physics and entered the budget at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology at the Faculty of General and Applied Physics.

If you can’t prepare for the exam on your own, you can find a tutor and agree with him about individual lessons or lessons in a group. Paid courses to prepare for the Unified State Examination are also organized in some universities.

I'm not so well disciplined to study on my own, so they hired a tutor for me. In the classroom, we wrote a huge number of essays and solved a lot of tests, - Anna Rybalkina, a hundred-point student, said.

A hundred in the Russian language helped the girl to take a budgetary place at VSU at the Faculty of Journalism.

In order to remember everything that you learn for a long time, psychologists advise repeating the material according to the scheme:

1) After reading the information, immediately try to reproduce it. Then repeat everything after 8-9 hours and after 24 hours.
2) Repeat the material 15-20 minutes before bedtime and in the morning, on a fresh head.
3) Reflect on mistakes every time and pay attention to more difficult places.
4) Don't memorize. Try to reproduce the material in your own words close to the text. You can watch if you can’t remember the material within two minutes.
5) To translate information into long-term memory, repeat after a day, two, and so on, gradually increasing the time intervals.

Day X has arrived. How not to fail the exam?
If you don't want to be kicked out of the exam, don't try to cheat. On the exam, you can only take a passport, a black pen, a ruler (if you pass mathematics), a chocolate bar and water. Do not take your phone with you. It definitely won't come in handy. Even if, by a lucky chance, the metal detector does not respond to your mobile, you still won’t be able to use it. Video surveillance is carried out in the classrooms, in addition, the organizers monitor discipline. In case of violation of the rules of conduct at the exam, the work is confiscated, and the student is sent home “with nothing”. Retake the exam will be allowed only after a year. You need to write cheat sheets. This contributes to a better assimilation of the material. Just don't take them with you. Notice - removed from the exam.

The reason for the low results on the exam may be excessive excitement. During exams, there is always psychological stress. Light emotional outbursts are even useful, they have a positive effect on performance and increase mental activity. But excessive psychological stress has the opposite effect. To calm down, psychologists advise 11th graders:

1) The evening before the exam should be devoted to preparing the body. Before going to bed, mentally imagine the exam: you entered in a good mood, carefully filled out the test, completed all the tasks, enjoyed the exam. Our subconscious has received the installation and will now work to ensure that you get your expected result, on the condition that you still prepare for the exam.
2) Do not watch KIMs right away. Focus on filling out forms. Try to calm down. Relaxed concentration is much more effective than tense or penetrating attention. Some schoolchildren are in such a stressful state that they cannot write their own last name. In such a situation, it will not be possible to successfully pass the exam.
3) Drink plain or mineral water. The fluid activates the brain.

Who checks the exam and gives points?
The test part is processed by the computer. It scans the work, recognizes the information, compares it with the original data. Tasks with detailed answers are checked by two experts. Independently of each other, they give points, enter the results into the protocol. If the scores of the two members of the commission matched, the result of the exam is final. If a discrepancy is established, then a third expert is appointed. Then the USE forms checked by experts are sent to the Federal Testing Center. There, all data is processed, summarized and entered into a single database. Only after that, the results of the exam are transferred to educational institutions.

You can find out your scores at the school where the exam was held, or on the official USE portal. The deadline for the announcement of the results should not exceed 12 days after the exam. USE scores are valid for four years.

You have the right to appeal if you do not agree with the assessment of the experts. This must be done within two business days. It is important to remember that, based on the results of the appeal, the number of points can not only remain the same, but also decrease.

How to attract good luck? Advice from those who passed the exam and entered
Roman Kartashov, a student of the VSU Faculty of Law, slept with a chocolate bar before the exam.

Knowledge enters through the head and disappears through the feet. In order not to forget anything, I put a bar of chocolate at my feet. In the morning, all the knowledge that could disappear is in it. I ate a chocolate bar and immediately remembered everything, - says Roman.

I put on different socks for good luck and sewed a yellow button to my jacket. She looked at herself in the mirror and laughed. I don’t know if it helped me pass the exam, but the tension immediately disappeared, ”recalls a student at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Natalia Kravchenko.

This year, the gold medalist Yana Dobrynina entered the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Faculty of Social Engineering on a budget. Before the exam, the girl advises everyone to pray.

It helped me and my classmates. We successfully passed the exam, - Yana sums up.

When preparing the material, comments were used by the finalist of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year 2015", computer science teacher Zaur Dzantiev, teacher and tutor in mathematics Natalia Kurdyukova, English teacher Ekaterina Chatova, psychologist Natalia Derbeko.

This week, schoolchildren will write their first exams - in literature and geography. Gazeta.Ru decided to help 11th graders and conducted a survey among students who passed the USE with 100 points and entered the leading Russian universities on a budget. Survey participants shared their recipe for success and whether it is possible to cheat on an exam.

Dmitry Kiselev (100 points for the Unified State Examination in mathematics and physics)

I passed the exam myself, without tutors and any kind of cheating. The exam in physics and mathematics cannot be difficult, there are all tasks in the style of “read the condition and do not make a mistake in one formula”, but in the Russian language it was not possible to pass 100 points. I lost a couple of primary points somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"logic and coherence of the text" in part C. Here it already depends on the inspector, that is, if in physics or mathematics you can get 100 points, guided by one formula (again, read the condition and not be mistaken, and, of course, to arrange carefully), then in Russian half of the success of part C depends on the inspector.

Write off for the exam? I don't know, haven't tried it. They say it's pretty easy. I don't know if this is true, but it's probably possible. One of my students (I tutor here a little) stopped preparing altogether, she says she doesn’t need more than 60 points, and for 60 she will write off something. Yes, there are so many ways to deceive a theoretically honest system.

I heard from friends that their friend’s dad, a stern businessman, a thunderstorm of the district, came to the director of the school where his daughter was supposed to take an exam, put a large amount on the table and said: “She will write what she knows, and let yours add the correct answers there ".

Thank God, everything ended relatively well: she wrote what she knew, but they could not finish it. The money was returned to my father, he did not inflict any consequences on anyone, but the fact is obvious: whoever wants to write it off.

English is still more fun. Familiar teachers, appointed by the guards, say that the quality of the microphones on which the text must be dictated, frankly, is not very good. That is, the record may turn out to be so clumsy that it will be impossible to make out half of the words. I don’t know if it’s an accident or not, but I didn’t want to take it myself, since I didn’t need it for admission. I'm not talking about the situation of past years, when everyone was cut off on one task in order to reduce the number of 100 points in the country. No one was able to prove anything later, although people swore that they had written the problem perfectly.

Daria Titova (100 points for the exam in literature)

“Six months before the exams, I suddenly decided that I definitely need to take the literature. Partly because, to be honest, no one else rented it, and I wanted to stand out.

And also because I firmly decided to enter the faculty of journalism, which surprised my family of doctors very much.

On this crazy desire, at first I myself crammed primary sources and read criticism.

But my real preparation began at the moment when I found a tutor - a university teacher who was once directly involved in the development of tests in literature. She knew the kitchen itself: how what is assessed, what is and is not worth writing in essays. With her, my absolutely unsystematized knowledge on the subject was completely washed away from unnecessary tinsel and experiences - there were clear plans for analyzing the works and the final answer. Nothing extra.

It was not without luck: in my ticket I knew all the works well.

I didn’t even try to write off: there wasn’t enough time to think about it, plus it was the first exam, and I was frightened by the strict environment.

Remembering this whole process now, I think that it is impossible to pass all the subjects for 100 points. This exam does not test knowledge, well, or not only knowledge. Such a system requires a mechanical approach. It is worth at least a little to decide on further studies, choose the exams that you will take, and focus on them. Five or six 100-point exams do not give any guarantees for a further happy life.

Alexey Kubarev (100 points for the USE in mathematics)

“I passed the exam with 100 points simply because of my abilities (both parents graduated from the Moscow State University, there were no problems with mathematics even in one of the best physics and mathematics schools in Moscow). I prepared for the Unified State Examination only at school at the test exams, and I was also helped by a teacher who sometimes gave home tasks from the former part of C. I didn’t have any tutors - I just came and wrote. I didn’t worry about complexity, I only worried about a small amount of time (besides, I write slowly), so during the exam I tried to quickly evaluate how the problems were solved, and write the solutions right away in a clean copy.

I wrote practically nothing on the draft, except for some calculations.

Naturally, no matter how capable you are, you cannot guarantee writing the exam for 100 points, but you can guarantee 90+. Personally, when I went to the exam, I hoped that I would be lucky with two tasks from part C, I was sure about the rest.

I can advise today's 11th graders to worry less at the exam itself and before it. Personally, I performed a lot on stage, so I lost the habit of excitement. Also, in no case should you study all night long, especially before the exam. At least a couple of days before it, you need to start going to bed on time: it is absolutely necessary to have enough sleep during the exam.

Regarding cheating: I have not encountered this, but I heard from friends from other schools that, in principle, cheating is real.

For example, they say that people carried cribs, pinning them to their clothes with pins: the pins are too small for a metal detector to feel them.

But this, of course, is not at all for those who aim for 100 points: they simply have no time to write off from somewhere, just have time to solve problems.

It is quite possible to write all the exams for 100 points, although it is difficult. First, of course, nothing will come of it without luck, and luck in three exams is not the same as in one. Secondly, we must not forget about the human factor. Here is the inspector sitting, he has your hundredth work, he is already tired, and you have, say, bad handwriting. Naturally, he has a negative impression, and the probability of getting a hundred drops greatly. In mathematics, this is not so scary, but, say, in Russian, you can easily get a decrease in a score in an essay on some item like “expressiveness of speech”. And then go and prove that you should have the maximum score for this item!

In general, I advise you to worry less, get enough sleep before the exam, and also not to tear your hair out after writing for errors or unfinished assignments.

Spoil your nerves (and your hair), but don’t raise the score. ”

Ekaterina Kartseva (100 points for the exam in history)

“I prepared for the exam in a year, before that I didn’t study history at all, I only knew the date of the Battle of Kulikovo. But it helped that I was treated well at school, and in the 11th grade I, one might say, did not attend school. Instead, from eleven to eight in the evening, I hung out several days a week with a tutor who, seeing my zeal, took surprisingly little money from me. Social contacts, of course, suffered during the year, because I did not leave the house.

It’s realistic to prepare well for the exam in a short time, you just need to sacrifice something (time, parties, other items). Well, the system is important.

I prepared like this: every day I started by taking notes from a gigantic textbook, then I studied the notes. Then I solved +10 tests, scrolled through public pages in VK, sorted out all the mistakes and wrote them out in separate notebooks, which I reread before going to bed. In the evening, she asked her mother to check the dates (in both directions), somewhere around 25 each. Closer to the exam, she already refused textbooks, and rewrote and reread the collection of tasks of Part C more (for a year she collected a large Word file). In general, the whole thing usually took almost the whole day.

In my opinion, you can get 100 points in several subjects if you completed the educational standard at school, and in the 11th grade you pulled yourself into tests, plus you were lucky in the exam. But for this, all teachers must be strong subject teachers, and the student must have stable motivation throughout the entire high school. In general, in practice it is almost unrealizable, I think. She herself sacrificed mathematics for the sake of subjects that were needed for admission (49 points, it seemed). But in Russian you can always get 100 points, the subject is easy.

It was possible to cheat on exams, people got their phones, I had cheat sheets with me.

Anna Landau (100 points for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language)

I studied for two years with a tutor, but I was pretty lucky at the Unified State Examination. I got a good text with a clear problem, and it was easy enough to pick up the arguments. I believe that it is quite realistic to pass the exam in Russian with 100 points, you just need to memorize a certain set of rules, solve tasks, select a sufficient number of arguments for different topics and write several dozen essays - so to speak, fill your hand.

It was impossible to write off, as for me, because there was strict supervision and control at the entrance.

From my point of view, in order to pass the exam with 100 points, you need luck rather than knowledge. When I was there, there were also cases when a person who wrote samplers for 60 points scored 90+ on the exam itself and vice versa. So the result rather depends on luck and on which option comes across.

Natalya Kirasheva (100 points for the Unified State Examination in Geography and Russian)

“It so happened that I passed two exams - in Russian language and geography - with 100 points. To be honest, I didn't expect it. Like everyone else, she strived for high results, but the number 100 was never cherished. I did not study with tutors: schoolwork and self-preparation were quite enough. There was still time left for dancing, friends and hiking. I believe that high results are the merit of teachers. They were wonderful for me: they didn’t scare me with “this exam, on which all life depends,” but calmly, lesson after lesson, they put knowledge into our heads.

Was it difficult? To be honest, I don't remember much excitement. Regarding the opportunity to cheat: the most cunning, perhaps, will always find one, but for me it’s easier to prepare and be confident in your knowledge than to worry and be afraid that you will be “spotted”.

Although I had cheat sheets in almost all exams - not for cheating, but solely for confidence.

I think that it is possible to pass the Unified State Examination both in Russian and in mathematics with 100 points, for sure there are such guys. Although I don't think I've seen them."

Olga Zinchenko (100 points for the Unified State Examination in social studies and in the Russian language)

“I got 100 points for social studies and Russian. I studied with tutors (I don’t remember exactly, but, in my opinion, every time a week), in social science and history I also went to additional group courses (at the Siberian Federal University and HSE preparatory courses). At the gymnasium, we had very strong teachers, so, in fact, the preparation was multifaceted, so to speak. Additionally, I studied history, but at the last moment I did not take it (because I became the winner of the All-Russian in English, which was enough for the universities where I wanted to), although, according to the teacher, I could pass 100 points (this, of course, already from the category of the subjunctive mood, but still).

As for the recipe for success, I can say that I reached this milestone only through hard work. I completed three or four tests a week (for each subject, including part C), I also listened to audio books on history (on the way to courses / to tutors). Without tutors, it would be difficult, since the exam is still a certain format, you can be amazingly literate, but if you didn’t write an essay according to a certain template, then the points will be reduced.

I basically didn’t cheat on the exam, but I know that many were sitting with their phones.

Some took pictures of assignments and sent them, and then tutors / older friends or someone else sent answers to them. Now, probably, such a system will not work, I heard that jammers are being installed, although they also scared us with them.

A mandatory exam for which absolutely all students are preparing is the Russian language. Only a few manage to get the coveted maximum number of points. The guys who did it share their experience.


I passed three additional exams, except for mathematics and Russian. In preparation, she focused on them. I have never had problems with Russian. It seems to me that this is, first of all, the merit of my teachers. In addition, I completed my homework on time. Most importantly, in order to pass the exam well, you need to solve, solve, solve tests. As many different options as possible, of course, with an analysis of the mistakes made.

We were well prepared at school for this exam, but I was very worried about the composition. I thought that some rare topic would come across, and I would not be able to come up with arguments, but I was lucky - a book that I read for fun helped a week before the exam.

It is necessary to carefully study the structure of KIM, read books, solve tests and not be limited to training at school, if there is no self-confidence.

Of course, this year has been very busy. Preparation for exams, huge pressure (first of all, I exhausted myself, because I wanted to enter the budget at St. Petersburg State University, and I needed high scores), the unknown ahead, and then the expectation of results. The whole year has passed in a blur. Permanent tutors, textbooks, rehearsals for the last call and graduation. Often there was such a state when I wanted to quit everything, just watch TV shows, even start studying physics (although I am a humanist), just do at least something so as not to touch reference books and CIMs. In fact, I am very glad that all this is over, because it was some kind of nightmare.

When I found out that I had 100 points, I did not believe until I saw the result myself at my school. Even after I thought it was some kind of mistake or a catch. I still can't say how it happened!


“And most importantly, if you start to panic, take a deep breath, remember that you know everything, and go!” - with these words, the teacher in Russian and literature escorted us to a neighboring school to pass the exam. Now it's funny to remember with what gray-green faces we walked these ten minutes. Whether it was the huge chocolate bars or the weekly essay writing, it activated the brain, but five people in the class passed more than 90.

When we were first shown an impressive number of tasks in Russian, which are updated annually on the FIPI website, it became a little uncomfortable. The list of paronyms at first glance did not seem complicated, because most of them were well known, and gaps in knowledge were discovered only during the solution of tests. I tried in vain to memorize columns of new words, until someone gave me a great idea: to get a small notebook and write out tasks and sentences that were difficult. As it turned out, it is much more convenient to communicate with a notebook than with an unorganized pile of papers.

By winter, my small notebook was full of explanations and examples. Such a thing should become your companion for a year. When you get bored, just scroll through it. Something to remember. It's great when in the exam you present the right page of your book, and this will help in identifying the wrong stress in the word.

By the end of the 11th grade, solving tests once every two weeks turned into an exciting activity. The interest of classmates also helped a lot. We agreed to learn five accents a day from the available list and check each other.

So it turns out: if you make learning a holiday and use the acquired knowledge in life, paste over the house with stickers, learn stresses and paronyms in advance, it will be easier. It is these topics that require cramming, so it is better to solve them more and more often. Assignments in the USE are of the same type, already in six months you can understand which of them will be included in the KIM and which will not. The task narrows down - it remains only to fill your hand.

What can really cause difficulties is the essay. No one can teach you to give examples from the literature on the go if you do not read. With an essay, everything will go well only for those who know at least some works. Both classical literature and high-quality modern literature are suitable here, even science fiction can come in handy.

You can start a notebook and divide it by topics that are most common: war, love, nature, humanism, and so on. It will not hurt to write out the names of the main characters, surnames, patronymics of writers again. This will not only help, but also calm.

A high score on the Unified State Examination in Russian does not imply very deep knowledge, it is not necessary to be a novice philologist in order to pass 98-100. It is important to study hard, solve as many options as possible and write-write-write essays, type arguments.

It is not necessary to take a tutor, all the material can be found independently.

When the exam time was up, I didn’t think about it, but only in a panic tried to remember through which letter I wrote my middle name. During the execution of tasks, emotions turned off, such a moment of calmness gave me the feeling that everything was not just good, but as well as possible. The technique: "Inhale-exhale" certainly worked. When people ask how I managed to get 100 points, which I never even dreamed of, I can only say that 90% of success is work, and 10% is real luck. It comes when, after a lot of solved options, one comes across that has already been performed.


Veronika Stakhmich, did not enter the budget even with 100 points in Russian

I can’t say that I studied diligently for the exam. Probably, it helped me that I studied Russian for all 11 years at school, tried and wanted to understand something. My teachers changed four times, then I read everything at home on my own, realizing that you need to know the language. I started preparing for the Unified State Examination in the 10th grade, when I realized that I wanted to enter a serious university, and for this I needed good exam results. 100 points for me was something unrealistic, impossible. But from my own experience, I proved that I was wrong.

All the work, writing essays and solving tests in the evenings resulted in an excellent result, which at first I could not believe. When I saw the number 100 on the site, I was shocked for a while. But the joy was quickly replaced by surprise.

It seems to me that the most important thing in the 11th grade is patience, because the exam is, of course, stressful. But exams should not scare you, you must believe that you will be able to score high and overcome this life stage. The most important thing is to set a goal, understand what you want to achieve and strive for it. Neither the pressure of parents, nor the diligence of teachers will help as much as self-confidence.

It seems that 100 points get you into your dream university, but it really isn't. I am a medalist with 100 points, I didn’t get in where I wanted to. Bottom line - no university.

St. Petersburg is a city of excellent universities, so many graduates from all over Russia want to study here. But we have a strict test at the Unified State Examination, and, consequently, the results are lower in a number of subjects. I passed the literature with a good score, but it is not the highest compared to applicants from other cities, who have the maximum number for each subject. Non-residents enter, but Petersburgers do not.

Does 100 points in one subject guarantee admission to a university? Not!

100 points on the exam in chemistry- chemistry is one of the most difficult subjects on a par with physics, biology and others. These subjects are very difficult to understand and many children are not given, so it is very important to have good teachers at school who will explain and chew to you. It is recommended in class 8-9 to be transferred to highly specialized schools, lyceums, where there is an emphasis on certain subjects. There, more time will be devoted to exactly those subjects that you need for admission. Less computer science, mathematics, social science, law.

It is practically impossible to pass chemistry without a tutor, even though you will have a very good teacher at school, and you will understand everything, understand everything. The tutor in this case will play the role of an assistant, explaining to you incomprehensible questions and tasks. The tutor will be directed only to you, the school is a school, the teacher must pay attention to everyone and very often in order to pass the exam for 100 points in chemistry, there are just not enough teachers at the school. If you have the opportunity, it is better to study with a tutor, and this really makes sense. You just don’t need a tutor, as a tutor you need to take a person who understands this area and who will not just read you a textbook. It must be strict and require full commitment.

The subject of chemistry, its pitfalls and what you need to pay attention to. 1) Chemistry is the subject in which the most important thing is practice, that is, if you have to read a lot in biology or the Russian language, then this will not work in chemistry. There is a lot of theory in biology, and if you do not know it, you will not guess the answer to the test. 2) In chemistry, it is very important to know mathematics, a lot of tasks, about 30% require calculations; if you don't know math, chemistry won't help you. You may know how any reaction equation is solved, but you will not be able to equalize it if you do not know the method of electron-ion balance; you cannot solve a problem that will be solved through the variable X or Y. There are problems that are based purely on mathematical knowledge. The most amazing thing is that you can see them both in math assignments and in chemistry assignments. You need to force yourself to decide every day, decide and decide. The teacher loaded me from morning till night with test tasks. Having solved 200-300 options, you can solve your option on the exam in half an hour, so you need to fill your hand, practice and again practice in solving problems is the most important thing.

If you want to solve the exam in chemistry for 100 points, you should have an excellent and ideally written part "C" (solved problems, written reaction equations, added electronic balance), without solving the tasks of part "C" there is no question of any 100 points can not. Part “C” is your strong point, your base, the teacher checks it and he will look at how neatly the work is written, how neatly and cleanly you can write, how well it is designed, in other words, even the aesthetic plan plays a very important role. Agree, it is much more pleasant to check and more convenient to read a work in which everything is laid out on the shelves, where everything is signed, there is “given”, “decision”, “answer”, everything is clear and understandable. Even sometimes teachers go to meet you, seeing that you tried.

Tips: 1) when solving problems, set a timer or clock for yourself, 2) try not to look at the answers at all: you wrote the work, checked it yourself, and only then looked at the answers, if you constantly climb into the answers, it usually doesn’t end with anything good, 3 ) I repeat, the most important thing is practice, if you don’t have practice you can forget about 100 points, 4) a good tutor (if there is no tutor, then practice yourself), 5) knowledge of theoretical material, 6) knowledge of laboratory work, without them you just you will get lost and will not be able to do some tasks, 7) do not worry, be confident in your knowledge and go to the exam not as a war, but as an insignificant test. Good luck and success in passing the exam in chemistry and other subjects.

Here is a list of textbooks and collections that I would recommend for use. The essence of textbooks has not changed over the years, nothing new has been found in chemistry, the same reactions, the same elements, so you can solve tasks for previous years, only the format of tasks changes.


1) Theory textbooks:
~Chemistry tutor. Author Egorov A.S.
~MGU. Chemistry: A Schoolboy's Handbook. Author Eremin
~ textbooks in chemistry grade 8-11 Gabrielyan for educational institutions + the same

2) Practical Skill Collections
~author Doronkin: buy and solve everything you see like: tasks of a high level of complexity, thematic training, new tasks, USE options
~Khomchenko: A collection of problems in chemistry for applicants to universities
~StatGrad Diagnostic work

3) Internet resources:

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Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...