Development of an extra-curricular event dedicated to the day of the children's book. Extra-curricular activities "Eduard Uspensky - favorite writer Names of events on the work of e Uspensky

Holiday in elementary school "Through the pages of the works of E. Uspensky."

Our holiday is dedicated to the works of E. N. Uspensky.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born in 1937. The heroes of his books are loved by both children and adults. I am sure that among you there is not a single person who would not love the books of E. N. Uspensky.

Although it often happens like this: we love books very much, but we don’t always know the author. Therefore, today we will talk about several of the most famous books of Eduard Nikolaevich and, I hope that from this day on you will know the author of these wonderful books.

Let's start with the most famous book. But first listen to the song.
Song of Cheburashka.
- Who is this song about?

Who is Cheburashka?

Where did he come from?

How did you get to the big city?

Watch a scene about this hero.
Scene 1
(Chapter 3 and 4 from the book "Crocodile Gena and his friends").
-Who did Cheburashka make friends with?

Cheburashka also had enemies.

(The old woman Shapoklyak comes out.)

Lariska and I do not sit still,

We go always and everywhere together.

Do dirty tricks to people

We love very much.
Slowly walk through the town

And I will quarrel mom and daughter.

I will put two steps for my grandmother,

I'll break windows in the store.

Cry, cry, and I will laugh,

I do not want to hide my bad temper.

Everything will go wrong for you

If next to me is the old woman Shapoklyak!


What is this old lady famous for? (Children's answers)


It's nice to hear that about yourself. Do you want to play?

How many of you are here today?

I can't count them all in a day!

All Misha clap,

And Maxims stomp,

Artyom is jumping

Danya kicks her legs

Alyosha raises her hands

All Yegors squat.

Well, the girls are chants

Call their names as loudly as possible.

So one, two, three-

Say your name!

(Children perform all tasks throughout the game, girls shout their names several times.)

Grandma, what are you doing here?


What, I'm nothing.

We made a little noise

Glass rattled in the windows.

We played a little

Ten chairs were broken.

And now it's time for us

New things are waiting for us!

Lariska, in the bag! (Leaves.)

Guys, in which book do all these characters live?

This book is based on a cartoon. And in it there is a song to the verses of Uspensky. Let's fulfill it.
Song: Let them run awkwardly.
(Knock on the door. Pechkin enters with a parcel.)

Hello guys! Did I get there? Is this the Kitovskaya school? You recognized me? That's right, I'm the postman Pechkin. I brought you a package, but I won't give it to you. You don't have any documents. (Walks around the class, shows the parcel.) And, probably, it is interesting for you to see what is in the parcel? Do you want to know who the package is from? Solve the crossword:

  1. What was the name of Uncle Fyodor's cow? (Murka)

  2. The surname of the cat with whom Uncle Fyodor became friends. (Matroskin)

  3. My profession. (Postman)

  4. Who is Gavryusha? (Calf)

  5. Surname of the former owner of the cat (Semin)

  6. The academic title of Semin. (Professor)

  7. My surname. (Pechkin)

  8. The name of the dog who lived with Uncle Fyodor (Sharik)

  9. The name of a jackdaw who lived with Uncle Fyodor. (Hvatayka)

(Children read vertically: Assumption)


Now you know who the package is from, but I won't give it to you. However, I have to go. I haven't delivered all the mail yet. (Leaves)


Guys, look at the crossword. What book did these characters come from?

Where do they live? (In Prostokvashino)

Shall we look there?

Scene 2

(Chapter 8 "Hop blossoms" from the book "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat.")


Did you like the scene?

And let's imagine that we visited Matroskin, and he treated us to milk, which Uncle Fyodor ordered to pour out, but Matroskin is very economical, he could not pour out such a healthy drink and saved it for guests, i.e. for us.

(The class is divided into three parts:

1 group sings: moo-mu-mu

Group 2 sings: wow wow

Group 3 sings: meow meow

To the motive "Let them run clumsily")

(Orders run in)


Who's crazy here? (Trying to give injections with huge syringes)


No, no, dear ones! We're all right. We just fantasized a little.


So it's a fake call! (run away)


Let's take another look at Prostokvashino.

Scene 3

(Chapter 20 "The Sun" from the book "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat", an excerpt.)


Readers liked the book about Uncle Fyodor so much that they bombarded Ouspensky with letters asking them to write a continuation of these funny stories. So there were several more books about the inhabitants of Prostokvashino. Let's look at some scenes from these books.


("Sharik's birthday" from the book "Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino")


And now the cat Matroskin will tell you how he prepared a festive cake for Sharik's birthday, and you help him.


I wanted to have a ball

And I have guests to my place ... (called).

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

I baked crumbly ... (pie)

Pie, knives and forks here-

But something the guests do not ... (go).

I waited until I had the strength

Then a piece ... (bit off).

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

And the whole pie in a minute ... (ate).

When the guests arrived

Not even crumbs ... (found).

After that, Sharik and Matroskin quarreled.

Scene 5

(“Matroskin and Sharik quarrel” from the book “Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino.”)


It was impossible for Matroskin and Sharik to quarrel for a long time, because Uncle Fyodor's birthday was approaching.

Scene 6

("Uncle Fyodor's Birthday" from the book "Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino").


Uncle Fedor is very economic and hardworking. But in one song, Ouspensky spoke about a boy who only dreams of good deeds, but is in no hurry to do them. Let's sing the song "If I were a girl."

(Children sing a song.)

And now, guys, Sharik came to us. He really liked to compose poems and he came up with a lot of them. All his poems are about animals. Let's listen?


clumsy, clumsy,

He licks his paw in the den.

We know you won't fool us

Well, of course it's a hedgehog. (not a hedgehog, but a bear).
This redhead

Chicken steals very cleverly.

You won’t tell her: “Come on, scat!”

Well, of course, it's a lynx. (not a lynx, but a fox)

Here is a funny touchy,

He wears a lot of needles.

This little animal

It's called a ferret. (not a ferret, but a hedgehog)

I am in winter in a fluffy coat

I eat mushrooms on an old oak tree.

I don't sit still

Because I'm a tit. (not a tit, but a squirrel)

The poor thing has no lair,

Legs save from enemies.

He is accustomed to turning white in winter.

Guessed? He is a bear. (not a bear, but a hare)

A simple question for kids:

Who is the cat afraid of? mice. (not mice, but a dog)

Fan tail, crown on head

There is no bird more beautiful than a crow. (not a crow, but a peacock)

On a pine tree, as in a drum,

A wild boar rattled in the forest. (not a boar, but a woodpecker)

Daughters and sons

Teaches the nightingale to grunt. (not a nightingale, but a boar)

Sing songs under the moon

The bear sat on a branch. (not a bear, but a nightingale)

Thanks guys, you helped me sort out my poems. (runs away)
(Mr. Au enters, scares the children, goes to the mirror)
Scene 7

("Mr. Au and His Reflection" from the book "Mr. Au")


Who is it guys? (answers)

This is Mr Au. He is a woodsman-ghost. His job is to scare people at night, but he did not always succeed, although he tried his best.

Guys, Mr. Au came with a surprise. But here's the problem: there are many of you, but there is only one surprise. In order not to offend anyone, Au will play the game. Who will get the surprise, we will find out at the end of the game.

(Children stand in a circle, let out a “surprise” wrapped in a large amount of paper in a circle)

You roll, roll, roll

My funny surprise.

Stop the game right now

Look inside the surprise.
(Whoever has a surprise, removes only one layer of paper. The game resumes and repeats until someone gets to the surprise)

It's good to have a lot of friends and someone to play with.


And the girl Vera grew up lonely,

Could become angry, could become cruel.

Now she will grow up to be kind

And she will probably be a wonderful mother.

After all, there is a foreigner, because there is a foreign tourist,

After all, there is a monkey named Anfiska.

Who is this poem about?

Who gave the monkey this name? (grandmother)

Let's remember how it was.

Scene 8

(Chapters 1 and 2, excerpts, from the book "About Vera and Anfisa").


Guys, who remembers whether Anfisa was allowed to attend kindergarten?

Want to play monkey? Monkeys love to repeat everything, portray, mimic. Try and show:
How is it going? (Like this!)

Do you swim? (Like this!)

Are you looking into the distance? (Like this!)

How do you run? (Like this!)

Do you sleep in the morning? (Like this!)

Are you kidding? (Like this!)

How do you hurry to school in the morning? (Like this!)

How do you sit in class? (Like this!)

Looking forward to lunch? (Like this!)

Are you following? (Like this!)

You probably noticed that cartoons have been created based on all these fairy tales. Why? Yes, because fairy tales are so good that they attracted the attention of not only children, but also adults. Animators were also interested in them. And indeed, the cartoons turned out great.

In addition to fairy tales, Eduard Nikolaevich writes wonderful poems. Do you want to listen?

Scene 9

(Based on the poem "Memory")


And here is another story.

Scene 10

(According to the poem "everything is in order."


Have you ever had this?

What the next poem of Ouspensky will tell about happened exactly to everyone.
Scene 11

(Based on the poem "Redhead")


Is the situation familiar? Each of you has teased someone at least once in your life. And each of you was also teased.

What should be done to avoid such situations? (Do not tease anyone, and if they tease you, do not pay attention to it.)

Guys, what is the name of Uncle Fyodor's dog?

What other dog names do you know?

Now listen to a story about a hunter who chose unusual names for his dogs. What came of it, we now find out.

Scene 12

(Based on the poem "Hunter")


Did you like Ouspensky's poems?

Some of the poems were set to music and turned into songs. Some of them you have already sung today. And now let's sing some more:
"Song about the Grasshopper"
(Pechkin appears)

There is something very funny about you. It seems. you don't want to receive a parcel? (We want) Do you have any documents?


Dear Igor Ivanovich, is it possible to make an exception and give the parcel to the guys?


Not allowed. They don't have any documents.


But we have a cool magazine. It's the same document!


Well, so be it! Only I would like to listen to a cheerful song. I really love songs. Especially funny ones.


Will the pieces fit?


You can also ditties.


Let's sing ditties now

About book characters

For those present here

Girls and boys.

They live in Prostokvashino

Friendly Guys:

Uncle Fedor, dog and cat

Clearly striped.

Though sometimes they quarrel

We know from the book

But safer than friends

The boy doesn't have.

He grumbles and carries mail,

He is well known to all

Sometimes he comes to visit

Uncle Pechkin is a postman.

At the little girl

Who took the toffee?

These are bad tricks.

Shapoklyak with Lariska.

From the rainforest

Cheburashka came to us.

And in the shop window

He got a job.

He plays the harmonica

Lives in the zoo.

Very much surprised

All of us Gena is a crocodile.

Au has a lot of worries

Do not go through all the trouble:

Walk through the forest at night

Well, scare people during the day.

The girl has a girlfriend

Not a kitten, not a toy

Intourist, foreigner

Naughty monkey.

Who invented all the friends

Tell me quickly!

He is a bold inventor

Edward Uspensky.


You slept very well. Fun. They just sang about me that I grumble. Why do I grumble? Yes, because I carry a parcel for you, but I can’t give it back. And since you have documents, you will receive a parcel.

(The parcel is opened, it contains Uspensky's books. An exhibition is being organized from them. At the bottom of the parcel there are sweets for all the children.)

Our holiday has come to an end

And the chord of a farewell song

Let it break into silence

Let all the children sing together.
And we will perform a song to the verses of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky "Blue Wagon".


  1. Kosolapova T. "Through the pages of the works of E. Uspensky." Newspaper "Primary School", p. 40, No. 10 - 2008 Publishing House "First of September"

  2. Maksimova T. “Cool hours. 1 class". M.: VAKO, 2008.

  3. Papulina O. "Competition program dedicated to the work of E. Uspensky." "School games and competitions" (supplement to the newspaper "Pedagogical Council"), p. 13, No. 6 - 2007

Victoria Alekseeva
Entertainment scenario based on the work of E. Uspensky "Jubilee in the village of Prostokvashino" for children of senior preschool age

Methodical development "Role Creativity E. Uspensky in the upbringing and development of preschool children»

Entertainment Scenario

« Anniversary in the village of Prostokvashino»

/for children of senior preschool age /

Target: speech development, thinking, memory preschool children.


develop interest in creativity. Uspensky;

develop the ability to guess riddles;

develop children's knowledge about works of different genres;

develop communication skills;

to teach to understand the good humor of the poet's poems;

consolidate the skill children listen to questions teacher and give accurate answers to them;

improve auditory attention;

cultivate a sustained interest in the book.

Entertainment progress.

Leading. Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the Moscow region. Ros Edik was a mischievous boy, he got bad grades and every time he decided that from Monday he would start studying at "5". Monday came, some things happened and ... deuces appeared again. Rescued the case. Once, jumping off the roof, he broke his leg and ended up in the hospital. Edik asked parents bring him textbooks. To the unspeakable surprise of those around him, he began to seriously engage in lessons. Yes, so hard that he was able to enter the aviation institute and become an engineer. For three years he worked in his specialty, and then he suddenly realized that he was doing something wrong in life. Eduard Nikolaevich worked as a leader in a pioneer camp, read books, and when the interesting books ran out, he had to compose himself.

He had three favorites as a child toys: crocodile Gena, Galya doll, plush toy with big ears, a button tail, in general, you won’t understand, either a hare or a dog. Guess who it is? Well, of course Cheburashka.

And today I invite you to go to the amazing world of Edward's fairy tales. Uspensky. But how do we do it? (answers children) Well, of course, we will go on a fun, magical train to the village of Prostokvashino.

Music sounds "Blue carriage" sl. E. Uspensky muses. V. Shainsky. Children sit in "train" and move in circles. Suddenly the music stops and a voice is heard.

Voice. He speaks prostokvashinsky radio. We broadcast the concert request of our villagers. Prostokvashinsky time ... hours ... minutes. Listen to an urgent announcement. All those who arrived at Prostokvashino, for the celebration anniversary of Uspensky, please gather near the central square of Edward Uspensky. Postman Pechkin, you are instructed to meet the guests who have arrived. Comrade Pechkin, do you hear? This is an order of the postal administration. You need to meet guests!

Pechkin enters the hall, he addresses the children standing in a circle.

Pechkin: Are you the guests? How small are you. I thought, maybe the bosses that came to us, someone's president! Well, okay, let's, perhaps, stand in a circle and get to know each other. Yes, hurry up, I have no time with you for a long time. Come on, join hands and form a circle ... That's right. Now let me introduce myself. I am a local postman, Pechkin is my last name. And you, therefore, are guests. What am I to do with you? Play what? So I can't play. I am a service person, that is, a serious one. Not like all sorts of balls there. running around village, nor "hello", nor "Bon appetit". He is impolite with us at all; cultureless, in other words. And you, dear guests, by the way, know all sorts of polite words? "Good morning" for example. Or "Guten Tag"- I put it in a foreign language.

The game "Please"

Pechkin. And let's check. I will now contact you with different requests. If I say a word "please" you mine fulfill the request. What if I say "please" I won't tell, then you don't do anything. Did you get my idea? Then we will begin the experiment, verification, that is. Please tell me loud "Hello!". Well done! Now please raise your hands! So. Now clap them. Yeah, who clapped it there? I "please" didn't say. You have to be more careful, more cultured. Let's continue.

After the game, the children sit on the chairs.

Pechkin. You are really great! I have to run, guys, and help Uncle Fyodor get ready for the holiday.

Appears old woman Shapoklyak.

Shapoklyak. So here everyone is invited to the holiday, but no one said anything about me. You have to go uninvited! So you want to visit! Right someone said: visiting is good, but being at home is bad!

Shapoklyak leaves.

Matroskin and Sharik appear. They set the table beautifully.

Matroskin. Well, everything seems to be ready. Oh, what a house cat I am, after all, just beautiful! And he baked pies, and stroked the tablecloth, and picked flowers. And Sharik? It only rushes back and forth, there is no benefit from it. No, I'll still rent it to the zoo.

Ball. Who are you, Matroskin, are you going to take to the zoo?

Matroskin. You, Sharik!

Ball. Aren `t you ashamed! And who chopped the wood for the stove, huh? Who brought the water? Who washed the floors? By the way, they won’t take me to the zoo - I’m a mongrel.

Matroskin. And in your cage write: "Animal of unknown breed". There will be no end to visitors! Okay, I was joking.

Ball. Oh, Matroskin, look, the guys came to us for the holiday. They must have brought a gift with them.

Use song "Let run clumsily" sl. A. Timofeevsky, music. W. Shains

Matroskin. Well done, guys, and I specially composed a fairy tale for the holiday.

It's called a fairy tale "Silver Egg":

There lived a boy and a girl,

And they had Crocodile Gena.

The crocodile laid an egg

The testicle is not simple, but silver.

Boy beat-beat -

Didn't break.

The girl beat-beat - did not break.

The elephant ran.

She waved her tail,

The egg fell and broke.

Boy and girl crying

Crocodile cackles:

"Don't cry, boy.

Don't cry girl.

I'll lay you another testicle

Not silver - simple».

The song sounds "Blue carriage". On the stage Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka come out.

Gene. Who's talking nonsense about crocodiles here, huh?

Matroskin. Oh, Genochka, Cheburashechka, hello! How good of you to come! And Sharik told this nonsense. Well, everything is mixed up in his head!

Cheburashka. What, something was wrong?

Gene. Well, you give, Cheburashka! Yes, it's all wrong! Now I'll ask the guys. What mistakes did they notice? First, how does the story begin?

Children. There lived a grandfather and a woman.

Gene. Secondly, who were they?

Children. Chicken Ryaba.

Gene. Thirdly, unless the crocodile laid their testicles?

Children. No, chicken.

Gene. Is it true that the testicle was silver?

Children. No, golden!

Gene. And who ran past and waved his tail? Is it an elephant?

Children. Mouse!

Gene. BUT unless can crocodiles cackle?

Children. Can not!

Gene. What is the real name of this story?

Children. "Ryaba Hen"!

Gene. Well, well done guys. You reassured me, otherwise I thought that no one already knew this fairy tale.

Shapoklyak appears stealthily.

Shapoklyak. (hides behind tree) Wow, how beautiful it is here, but they didn’t invite me. So that all your cakes dry up and the tea cools down!

Matroskin. Where are the rest of the guests? I'd rather start celebrating.

Ball. Why don't we wait for the others? The pies smell so bad, I can't stand it!

Shapoklyak. They don't have power! Now there will be even less!

Shapoklyak takes out a water pistol and shouts "Hooray!", "Save yourself, who can!", - runs out and starts to water everyone (and guys)

Cheburashka. Genochka, take me in your arms, I'm afraid of her!

Matroskin. Who are you? Why are you behaving like this lead? I'll call the police now!

Shapoklyak. I came to you for a holiday!

Gene. To celebrate with us, you need to know all the fairy tales of Edward Uspensky.

Shapoklyak. But how! I know all the stories.

Gene. And here we will check. Where did Cheburashka live before he met

with me, Gena?

Shapoklyak. In the birdhouse!

Gene. Not properly! Where guys?

Children. In a telephone booth.

Gene. Who re-educated the postman Pechkin.

Shapoklyak. He was re-educated by his uncle Styopa.

Matroskin. Not properly! Guys, help!

Children. Uncle Fyodor, Sharik and Matroskin.

Ball. That's how good we are!

Cheburashka. What color is Matroskin the cat?

Shapoklyak. Gray-brown-crimson.

Cheburashka. Guys, what do you think?

Children. Striped.

Ball. What is the name of Matroskin's favorite cow?

Shapoklyak. Well, what was the name - Dawn or Burenka!

Matroskin. But no! Come on brothers, help me out!

Children. Murka.

Shapoklyak (offended). Yes, you have a holiday, but no one thought to invite me! So I decided to ruin your holiday out of resentment!

Postman Pechkin appears.

Pechkin. (Shapoklyak) I completely forgot! You've got a telegram!

Shapoklyak. Haha! From a hippo?

(reads telegram)“Dear Shapoklyak, we invite you to the village of Prostokvashino for the celebration of the anniversary of Eduard Uspensky, guest of honor.

Gene. Why, you are also invited to this holiday, and even an honored guest!

Shapoklyak. How honorable? And I thought.

Matroskin. Why, you, like all of us, were invented by the same person - a wonderful writer. Let the guys say who came up with such wonderful stories?

Children. Edward Uspensky!

Cheburashka. That's right, this is a wonderful writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky!

Matroskin. By the way, do you have gifts with you?

Shapoklyak. Present?. I don't have any gifts.

Gene. Edward Uspensky no gifts from the store needed! And he needs the guys to read good fairy tales and grow up kind and smart.

Shapoklyak. Does he like cartoon songs?

Cheburashka. And how!

Shapoklyak. Well, then I suggest we play "Guess the cartoon". I will start the song. Let everyone help me and tell me what cartoon this song is from.

Red, red, freckled. (Merry carousel)

And I notice more and more (Matroskin's song) winter in Prostokvashino

Blue carriage (Crocodile Gena)

Song Shapoklyak (Who helps people, only wastes time in vain. (Crocodile Gena)

Maybe. (One a simple fairy tale) (Plasticine crow)

Cheburashka. And Eduard Nikolaevich came up with such wonderful transmission: "Baby Monitor", "Abvgdey-ka", wrote about funny colorful octopuses. That's how much he created!

Gene. We have a wonderful holiday today!

Leading. Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We sit in our fabulous car and go.

Children to the song "Blue carriage" music V. Shainsky, sl. E. Uspensky leave the hall.






1. "Visiting Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena": illustrated quiz based on the fairy tale by E.N. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends". The program itself counts the points scored and the time spent, analyzes the answers. The size of the archive is 2.48 mb.Download game archive



Poster size - 1024 x 614 (A4).
File size - 195 kb.
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image and download the poster


Yana Grineva-Isupova, a reader of our library, expressed her opinion about the heroes of fairy tales by E.N. Uspensky

When creating the page, poems and drawings from the children's magazine "Prostokvashino", materials from the magazine "Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka" No. 10, 2007 were used.

Riddles about the heroes of Uspensky's fairy tales are borrowed from the following publications:
1. Big book of riddles / comp. O. V. Uzorova, E. A. Nefedova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2003. - 811 p.
2. Trushina O. Heroes of favorite fairy tales // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2010 . - No. 10.- P. 50.




Alymova N. Cheburashkin dad: a fabulous journey and the game "How to become a millionaire" based on the work of Eduard Uspensky for children 7-9 years old] / N. Alymova, T. Sidorkina, O. Sharipova // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2007. - No. 10. - S. 10-13.

Valkova V. G.
Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky: [recommendations for holding a writer's holiday for younger schoolchildren] // Elementary School. - 2002. - No. 12. - C. 10-12.

Vlasova E. Yu. Book's name day: Crocodile Gena and his friends have an anniversary! : [literary competition program for the 40th anniversary of the book by E.N. Uspensky] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2006. - No. 1. - S. 16-18.

Vyatkina N.V."Birthday only once a year": a theatrical quiz for the 70th anniversary of E.N. Uspensky for children 4-5 years old // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2007. - No. 10. - S. 14-15.

Galkina N. I."Rolling, rolling blue wagon": [game-journey through the works of E.N. Uspensky] // Read, study, play. - 1998. - No. 8. - S. 127-130.

Dmitrievich V. Crossword "Poems of Eduard Uspensky" // ABVGD. - 2002. - No. 7.

Gorshkova L.V. Uncle Fyodor and his friends: [script of a literary loto based on the books of E. Uspensky] // Reading, learning. we play. - 2004. - No. 1. - S. 45-47.

Kudryavtseva E. O. moral education of children of different sexes in a group of peers: [discussion of the poem by E. Uspensky "If I were a girl ..."] / E. Kudryavtseva, N. Ledovskikh // Preschool education. - 2003. - No. 9. - S. 24-25.

Melnikova O. V. Literary Olympiad: quiz questions based on fairy tales by E. Uspensky, L. Lagin, A. Volkov and A. Lindgren // Elementary School. - 2006. - No. 3. - S. 80-81.

Mogilnikova T.V. Favorite books of your favorite writer: [puppet show based on the work of E. N. Uspensky] // Reading, learning, playing. - 1998. - No. 7. - S. 13-17.

Safonova N. E. To the theater - with Eduard Uspensky: [script of a literary holiday] // Pedagogical Council. - 2002. - No. 5. - S. 13-15.

Shishigina T. S. Welcome to Prostokvashino! : the scenario of a family competition based on the books of E. N. Uspensky / T. S. Shishigina, N. I. Zyryanova // Reading, learning. we play. - 2004. -; 3. - S. 88-92.


He is a friend to animals and children,
But such in the whole world
There isn't one more.
Because he is not a bird
Neither a tiger cub, nor a fox,
Neither kitten nor puppy
Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.
But filmed for film
And known to all for a long time
This cute muzzle.
He's calling...

The heroes of three books by Eduard Uspensky were spread out in three trailers. What are these books?
(Click on the thumbnail for a better view of the passengers in the blue carriages)


The labyrinth was designed and drawn by Natalya Bunina.
(Magazine "Prostokvashino")
Click on thumbnail image
to enlarge the image



Knows everything, peeps
It hinders and hurts everyone.
She only cares about the rat,
And her name is...
(No, no, not Yaga, but ....)

He loved everyone,
Who would come to him.
Guessed? This is Gena
This is Gena...

Everyone knows what he created
Cheburashka with crocodile
And Matroskin, a smart cat,
He lives at home.

Song of the crocodile
He writes for children
With a song about a smile
He sends his regards to everyone.
What is this storyteller?
What is a poet?


Lived in the zoo
Cute crocodile.
But he was sad and bored,
And, of course, I dreamed
Certainly meet a friend.
The crocodile's name is...

This uncle has many worries:
A cat and a dog live in the house.
They make friends, scold, forgetting about peace!
Tell me, uncle, who are you?

I have only one enemy -
This is Aunt Shapoklyak.
All around are my friends!
But I just don't know who am I?
Kids, what kind of animal am I?
Not a hare, not a ferret,
Ears are round like saucers ...
Everyone should laugh at me!
My friend Gena the crocodile,
He took me to kindergarten.
I'm not a fly, not a bug,
I am a toy...

Song of Cheburashka
Sl. E. Uspensky

I was once strange
Nameless toy,
To which in the store
Nobody will fit.
Now I am Cheburashka
To me every mongrel
Upon meeting immediately
Gives a paw.

I was unlucky at first
And often it happened like this:
Come to me for my birthday
Nobody came.
Now I'm with Gena,
He's extraordinary
And the best
Crocodile in the world

(From the cartoon "Cheburashka")

Eduard Uspensky is one of the most famous, most beloved children's writers. His books have been read and loved by many. Eduard Nikolaevich was not always a writer. The time of his childhood was not easy, military. After leaving school, he entered the aviation institute and studied to be an engineer. Ouspensky worked for three years in his specialty, and then he realized that he was doing something wrong in life. Edward thought and thought and ... became an adult humorist. And then he quickly retrained and turned into a children's writer. He began his career in literature in 1960. In 1966, the first poems for children were published in the journal "Children's Literature", and at the same time the first book was published - a collection of poems "Funny Elephant". It was followed by the publication of the story-tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends". Since his school years, Ouspensky liked to work as a counselor in the elementary grades and in the pioneer camp. "If I had not been a counselor, I would not have become a children's writer," he later admitted. Eduard Nikolayevich became a well-known writer in the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends". As the writer himself said, one summer he worked in a pioneer camp, read interesting books to the children, which one day ended, and the listeners demanded to take them with something. And unexpectedly for himself, he began: "In one city there lived a crocodile named Gena, and he worked in a zoo as a crocodile ...". We have been reading this book for over 35 years. It was in the pioneer camp, working there as a librarian in the summer of 1968, that he wrote another no less famous book, Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat. The book was published in 1973. His pen belongs to the story-tales "Down the Magic River", "Guarantee Men", "School of Clowns", "Gingerbread Man Follows the Trail" and other works. At the age of 40, he began to learn how to work on a computer with two fingers. And now he prints all ten. At the age of 50, Ouspensky began to cram English and now knows it so much that, together with the Dutch writer Els de Grun, he wrote the book The Year of the Good Child. At the age of 55 Ouspensky began to learn to sing. And before that, he could not correctly take a single note! And he does well. He sometimes sings on radio broadcasts. The variety of his work is amazing: he writes fairy tales and fairy tales, fantastic, detective, adventure works, as well as comics, poems, plays, scripts, makes translations and compiles collections of children's folklore. And he also organized the Samovar book publishing house, broadcasts on television, and publishes the children's magazine Prostokvashino.

Here is how the author tells about it: “Cheburashka did not have a prototype. The history of its appearance consists, as it were, of two stages. Once I was offered to write a script for a documentary film about the port of Odessa. I was watching the footage, and suddenly the following episode caught my attention: the screen showed a warehouse where tropical fruits were brought, and a chameleon lurked fearfully on one of the banana bundles. I remember this scene ... The image ... took shape when I saw a little girl in a fur coat on the street, bought for her obviously for growth. The poor thing... moved clumsily and flopped on the ground all the time.
- Nu here is, again cheburahnulsya, - said someone from standing next to me. After that, it was only necessary to add fantasies. And Eduard Nikolaevich has more than enough of it. As a result, everyone's favorite, kind, honest, naive Cheburashka appeared.

Known for: Ads
We need in order
For the people to know
Reading ads,
What, where, when, and why,
Why and for whom.



1. “I sell high quality dairy products. Farm "Murka LTD".
2. “I sell a gun for photography. Inexpensive."
3. "I'll say hello to every mongrel by the paw."
4. “Atdam in the good hands of a well-trained rat. Nickname Larisa. Akras grey. The tail is ten centimeters.
5. “I offer postal services: taking out newspapers and magazines, delivering parcels, delivering telegrams and letters. Payment: a cup of tea with bagels and other tasty things.
6. “I organize courses in spoken Russian. I teach the phrases: "Who is there?", "It's me - the postman Pechkin."



In this poem, 11 characters and 1 settlement from the famous works of Uspensky and cartoons based on his poems are hidden. Find them and test yourself. We singled out one character so that it would be clearer for you how to search.

Gardener, there's a bug on the veranda!
Your foreign sprout is sick,
That mat ros-kin uli into it b
You fertilizer handful, or something!

A crappy head of cabbage - fell behind the closet,
The pot broke on the way
On the shelves wither a bunch of herbs,
Chrome, like Timur, poor chestnut.

Hill maple - what keeps the soul
Send a rickshaw for land urgently!
And your daughter is "good":

By blots champion, for sure!
"Guaranteed storyteller Eduard Uspensky": METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE BOOK EXHIBITION with a bibliography. Word, archive size - 615 kb.

Download development

SCENARIO OF MASS EVENT"Journey in a Blue Wagon" based on the work of Eduard Uspensky. Word, file size - 48.5 kb.



In December 2017, elementary school students took part in the literary game "Winter Fun in Prostokvashino". The children traveled on a "snowmobile" to the land of fairy tales by Eduard Uspensky. At the first station they got acquainted with the biography of the writer. A real discovery for young listeners was the story of how the mischievous tomboy Edik, who received poor grades at school, but at the same time dreamed of becoming a minister or academic, turned out to be a famous writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. Schoolchildren visited the stations: "Shutochnaya", "Announcement", "Mysterious". Shapoklyak herself joined them, and tried to teach them to be hooligans and mischief. But the guys re-educated the old woman. During the journey, readers talked about their favorite characters (Uncle Fyodor, Matroskin, Cheburashka, etc.), and showed interest in the new heroes of the writer's books, which they wanted to read about. And the trip ended with watching the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" and getting acquainted with the author's new books.
T.V. Dmitrienko, librarian of the State Children's Library

“He knocked on a visit to us, a cheerful cockerel”

On the eve of the New Year, from December 19 to December 25, the staff of the Family Reading Library held a series of literary and educational events for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov “He knocked to visit us, a cheerful cockerel.”

At the beginning of the event, schoolchildren learned that according to the Eastern calendar, the symbol of the upcoming 2017 is the Fiery or Red Rooster. The librarian told the schoolchildren about the peculiarities of meeting the New Year and the paraphernalia, namely, about the setting of the festive table and appearance.

The children learned about the sights and decorative elements of the countries of Europe and Russia, related to the symbol of the new year. The information block ended with a description of the brightest and most memorable types and breeds of the rooster.

During the break between the informational and literary block, an outdoor game "Cockerel, sand, diaper" was held. For each word, it was necessary to perform a certain movement. The children especially liked this part, they performed the exercises with great pleasure.

The image of the rooster could not but be reflected in the oral folk art of the Russian people. Schoolchildren got acquainted with counting rhymes, proverbs and nursery rhymes.
Then the children took part in the quiz game "Guess the fairy tale". The condition of the game was to guess the name of the fairy tale based on the question.

At the end, the children were shown the cartoon "Golden Scallop Cockerel" and provided with books in which the symbol of the new year, the cockerel, is found.

"Parade of Fairy Moms"

Mom is the first and most important word of every child. It is inextricably linked with the words "kindness", "care", "affection", "tenderness".

On the eve of Mother's Day, a holiday celebrated in our country on the last Sunday of November, from November 21-24, employees of the Family Reading Library held a cycle of literary games "Parade of fairy-tale mothers" for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov.

At the beginning of the event, schoolchildren got acquainted with the centuries-old history of this holiday. The children learned that back in the 17th century in Great Britain they began to celebrate "Mother's Sunday", and how subsequently they joined in honoring mothers in other countries, and also that in Russia Mother's Day began to be celebrated since 1998. The librarian told the schoolchildren about the All-Russian social action "Mom, I love you!", which takes place throughout the country in the pre-holiday week. The purpose of the action is to remind people that family and mother are the main values ​​in the life of every person.

Then the children, together with the librarian, read poems about mother and got acquainted with the book exhibition "Mom ... there is no more precious word in the world", which presented collections of poems and stories dedicated to the dearest and dearest person on earth - mother.

The event continued with a literary game, which consisted of two rounds. In the first round, it was necessary to recognize the fairy-tale mother from the picture and remember what story this heroine is from. And in the second round, answer the quiz questions by choosing the correct answer from the options provided.

The schoolchildren also took part in the game "Compliments for Mom". But first, the guys learned about forget-me-not - a flower that has become a symbol of the holiday. According to popular beliefs, this modest flower has miraculous powers and brings back the memory of those people who have forgotten their loved ones. Passing forget-me-nots to each other, the guys said warm and kind words about their beloved mothers. And I really want to hope that the love for their mother, which the children tried to express in words, will remain with them forever, and they will carry this feeling through their whole lives!

And the event ended with watching a wonderful cartoon "Mom for a Mammoth", in which the guys, together with its main character - a little mammoth - sang a wonderful song "about the only mother in the world."

"Hour of Kindness, Courtesy and Friendship"

As part of the Week of Kindness, the staff of the Family Reading Library from November 14 to 17 held a series of literary and educational events “The Hour of Kindness, Politeness and Friendship” for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in the city of Pskov.

The musical composition “From a smile will make everyone brighter” created an atmosphere of kindness and friendship for the guys and set them up in a cheerful mood. Students enthusiastically told how they understand the word "kindness". Why aren't there many true friends? In the fairy tales listed by schoolchildren, good always triumphs over evil (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Cinderella”, “Thumbelina”, “The Tale of Lost Time”, etc.). Children found examples of good and fair deeds in Russian proverbs and sayings: “A kind word heals, but an evil one cripples”, “If you managed to be guilty, be able to obey”, “Do not look for beauty, but look for kindness”. As you know, kindness and courtesy go hand in hand. Having compiled a memo of a well-mannered person from the rules of behavior in society, the schoolchildren took part in the game - the quiz "Polite - impolite". Polite means friendly. Students learned that there is an international language - it is the language of human facial expressions and gestures. The kindest gesture is a greeting: a nod or a handshake.

A kind and polite person will always have true friends, and such qualities as curiosity, responsiveness, sincerity and sociability will help him.

In the hall of leisure and reading at the book exhibition "The Magical Land of Kindness and Friendship", schoolchildren were interested in the colorfully designed series of books "Forest of Friendship. Magical Animal Stories by Daisy Meadows. In this forest, animals can talk. And in the "City of Good Deeds" by Richard Scarry, the guys wanted to settle down forever, because the Blacksmith Fox, Grocer Cat, Tailor Needle, Farmer Turnips, Postman Skorokhod and other animals live and work there. The cycle of events ended with messages under the motto "Let's fill our hearts with kindness!", which the children placed on the "Kindness" tree, wishing all the people of the planet "friendship", "good friends", "kind words", "health and love", "ice cream" and just "happiness".

Creative contest "Here she is, dear mother"

Who opened this world to me
Not sparing your strength?
And always protected?
The best MOM in the world.

On the eve of Mother's Day, from November 21, 2016, the Family Reading Library will host an exciting creative competition "Here she is, dear mother."

Young readers presented portraits of their mothers, where each child's drawing is filled with love, tenderness, warmth and kindness!
The works are made on various materials - cardboard, drawing paper - and in the following techniques - gouache, watercolor, pencils and colored pencils. Mom in the interior, at work and leisure - these are the main themes that are reflected in the works of children.
We hope that the touching masterpieces of young artists will please the visitors of our library.

Exhibition "My Shore - School of Art"

From November 21 until the end of the month, the Family Reading Library offers to get acquainted with the works of students of the art department of the Children's School of Arts in Pskov (teacher Samoylenko I.V.) “My coast is an art school”, which presents episodes about the creative life of the school: classes at lessons of choreography, choir, art and music department, concerts and performances of choral and musical ensembles.
The works are presented by young artists - students of grades 4-5.

Puppet show "Fedorin's Garden"

During the autumn holidays, the Family Reading Library invited the children of the school camp to an event dedicated to the work of K. Chukovsky, which took place on November 10.

At the beginning, the children were read lines from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief", they had to guess the author of the fairy tale. The children easily named the name of a famous children's writer. Then there was a puppet show called "Fedorin's garden", which was prepared by the students of the 4th grade of secondary school No. 3 Zhagrova Svetlana, Nedosvity Sofia, Vedernikova Violetta, Smirnova Sofya - participants in the Theater of the Book under the direction of E.I. Fokina. Throughout the event, the children actively answered the questions of the proposed quiz, guessed fairy tales from fragments, recognized the hero by his deed, solved riddles about the heroes and fairy tales of grandfather Korney.

The children also learned the history of the creation of "Moydodyr", as from his real name Korneychukov, the writer created a pseudonym for himself, that in the Moscow region, in the famous village of writers Peredelkino, there is a museum of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - "the house of grandfather Korney", that a new view has been discovered flies, which was named after the character of Chukovsky - Fly-Tsokotuha.

The children got acquainted with the heroes of wonderful fairy tales, poems, riddles and songs by K.I. Chukovsky. They were shown books that can be read in the library.

Meeting with Olga Sherstobitova

On October 26, the Family Reading Library hosted a meeting-presentation of the author of romantic fantasy Olga Sherstobitova with first-year students of the Pskov Polytechnic College.

Olga is a young writer who writes in the genre of humorous, combat, romantic fantasy. Sherstobitova was born in the Chelyabinsk region in the small town of Verkhneuralsk (Southern Urals). Graduated from the faculty of journalism. Hence the mastery of the syllable and the word.

As a child, Olga studied at a music school. Currently, the girl is fond of playing the guitar. From a young age, a dreamy nature was fascinated by the mysterious life of astronomical bodies and planets. And she fulfilled her childhood dream by going to Moscow to meet with the astronauts.

Now Olga lives and works in Pskov, calling him native and close in spirit.

Answering numerous questions from the audience, the author says that he draws inspiration for writing books from the local beauties of Izborsk, Pechory, Mikhailovsky. In general, Olga's writing activity was prompted by the desire to tell her story, to create "a magical world where everything is possible." Sherstobitova's fantasy is: reality + a bit of magic + adventures + mysteries + mysteries + her life stories.

According to the writer, travel fills her fantasy with new stories. Indifferent to any sea, Olga fell in love with the Mediterranean, having visited the island of Cyprus. Thus was born the romantic fantasy story Tears of the Sea.
The guest herself speaks very warmly about her debut novel, The Thread of Magic, which is particularly positive and is autobiographical.

Of the favorite writers of modern literature, the author named Maria Semyonova, Evgeny Vodolazkin, Olga Gromyko.

Sherstobitova's third novel is currently being prepared for publication.

The meeting with Olga left a bright trace in the soul and the hope that all dreams come true, if you really believe ...

"Little Wonders of Big Nature"

From October 10 to 13, on the occasion of the 115th anniversary of the writer, graphic artist Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin, the staff of the Family Reading Library organized a meeting for elementary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov in the form of a literary walk "Little Wonders of Big Nature".

The cloud with the sun again
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun hides
The cloud will cry all over.
Only the sun can be found
The rainbow is laughing in the sky.
V. Berestov

The children happily went on a literary walk through the works of E.I. Charushin, discovering the small wonders of great nature. Having played a quiz based on the writer's book "Who Lives How", the children got acquainted with the talent of the animal painter E.I. Charushin. The writer was very fond of drawing nature and all living things around. Wonderful drawings by Charushin accompany such well-known works as "The First Hunt" by V. Bianchi, "Children in a Cage" by S.Ya. Marshak and others. The unusual graphics of the lines were reflected in the illustrations for the writer's own works: "Teremok", "Bird's Lake", "Animals", "Tyupa and Tomka", "Heron", etc.

Informative for the children was a walk through the hot and cold countries of E.I. Charushin. The students learned that the whale is the largest animal in the world, and it lives in the world's oceans; the hippopotamus is distinguished by an agile disposition in the water, and not on land; in the North, a man cannot do without a deer. Having resettled all the animals according to their geographic homes, the guys started watching the animated film "Toptyzhka" based on the drawings of Evgeny Ivanovich.

In the hall of leisure and reading at the book exhibition, children were pleased with the colorfully illustrated works of the writer and artist - animal painter E.I. Charushin.

Knowledge Day in the Library

Knowledge Day is a special, bright day.
After all, the school year is ahead.
It might turn out to be hot
But only stubborn, glory awaits!
We wish you courage, patience,
Wonderful discoveries and victories.
And let the beautiful moments
They will leave a mark for many years!

With these lines of the poem, the staff of the Family Reading Library greeted their young readers on September 1.
Students of grades 1-A, 1-B, 1-C were the first to visit the library, for whom a book exhibition “We never get bored with book friends”, a tour of the library and a puppet show “Good luck” were prepared.
From the performance, the guys learned that on the night of September 1 at school, in the teacher's room, a class magazine fell from the shelf, hit the floor, the pages opened ... And from the pages flew like birds, triples, fives and ones .. From their conversation, the guys knew what kind of trouble the ratings had, and what needs to be done so that the stories told by the main characters of the performance do not happen to the guys.

There are many professions in the world
And they are very important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,
Engineer, acrobat and worker.
All professions are very different -
It's hard to make a choice sometimes.
Interesting and dangerous
They can become fate for someone.
Galaktionova K.

And students of the 8th grade made a "Journey to the country of professions." From the presented presentations and the book exhibition, we got acquainted with different professions, their history and specifics, learned interesting facts about the profession of a salesman, milkmaid, etc.
From the quiz "Who is this?" the guys learned about many specialties, for example, they guessed who a cynologist is - a specialist in the field of cinema or a scientist who studies dogs ... In the game "The best-most ...", they determined which profession is the best ... sweet, monetary, serious. They also answered funny questions about the knowledge of proverbs and catchphrases about professions.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Informatics, Pskov State University Khmylko O.N. She told about what professions students receive after graduation from the faculty. She also noted that “I want”, “I can”, “I must” are the three main components of choosing a profession, which are inextricably linked. Therefore, already now the guys need to try to determine the area of ​​​​interest, and for this, they need to read more, gaining experience and knowledge. What is the question "Who will I become?" you need to ask yourself now, so that in the future the profession will bring joy and pleasure.

...Oh Lord, tell me how long
Have you appointed people suffering?
From the hands of soulless executioners
Children of the lost, sinless
Now replace the candlelight
But it won't heal the inconsolable...

“Peace is needed for all the children of the planet” - under this name for students of grades 5-6 in the Family Reading Library a peace lesson was held, which was dedicated to the terrible tragedy on September 3, 2004.
In the presentation “The tragedy of Beslan. Chronicle of Terrible Days” librarians tried to restore the events of those days when the Day of Peace and Knowledge became a day of grief and tears. Each frame of the presentation is a chronicle of the courage of little children's hearts, it is the memory of those who will no longer sit at their desks on September 1, the memory of those who gave their lives, but did not submit to the terrorists.
Today's schoolchildren in absolute silence, with bated breath, followed the terrible footage of the chronicle of those events.

In memory of all those who died at the hands of terrorists: about children, teachers, special forces soldiers, the song “In Memory of the Victims of Beslan” was sung, poems were read and a minute of silence was announced.

“Let the light of the Olympics shine on everyone ...”

On June 23, employees of the Family Reading Library held an information and educational hour for the children from the summer health camp at school No. 3 “Let the light of the Olympics shine for everyone ...”, dedicated to the International Olympic Day.

Let not everything be given at once - we will have to work!
We will run fast, together - we really need to win!

At the meeting, the guys learned that sports competitions originated in ancient Greece, in Olympia. During the Olympic Games, wars stopped, a truce came. Then, for a long time, sports stopped. The French figure Baron Pierre de Coubertin contributed to the revival of the Olympic Games.

The children also remembered the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Having got acquainted with the symbols of the Olympic Games - the flag, five intertwined rings, fire, etc., the guys named the mascots of the Winter Olympics in Sochi (Leopard, White Bear and Bunny). These talismans symbolize friendship, fair fight and the pursuit of excellence. The moral support for Olympians of all times and peoples has always been the motto “Faster! Above! Stronger!".

In the educational game “Guess the sport”, the guys named badminton, cycling, fencing, golf, table tennis, diving, archery and other sports included in the Summer Olympic Games from a slide picture. Information about the youngest Olympic champion Marcel Depay became interesting and surprising for children. At the time of participation in the games, the boy was only 10 years old.
In the entertaining game "Anagrams" from the word "Olympiad" the guys made up more than 20 words.

As you know, the final of the Olympic Games is the awarding ceremony. The best athletes are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals. A parting word for the guys was a wish - on the path of life to receive only prizes!

"Let's tell a story about Prince Dovmont ..."

On June 21, as part of the Year of Dovmont in Pskov, an educational hour was held in the Library of Family Reading “Let's tell a story about Prince Dovmont ...”.

The event was attended by children from the summer health camp at school No. 3.
The library staff prepared a presentation with the same name for the children. And the conversation itself was built in the genre of a fairy tale, about how a long time ago, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, called the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, there lived a young prince named Dovmont and an insidious king of Lithuania named Mindovg. And Mindovg conceived by deceit to take away his beautiful wife from Dovmont, and to destroy Prince Dovmont himself, sending him along with the army across the Dnieper River, to the battle with the prince of Bryansk. Then the children learned what events preceded the appearance of Prince Dovmont in the glorious city of Pskov, how Dovmont became the Prince of Pskov, what good deeds for the benefit of Pskov and the land of Pskov he became famous, from whom Dovmont defended the Pskov land, and about the wonderful sword of the prince, which had indestructible power. The sword could pierce through the thickest armor and more than once rescued Prince Dovmont in battles and battles. The librarian's story was accompanied by a loud reading of fragments from the book by E. Poluyan "Dovmont's Sword". Also, the children were shown the video "Prince Dovmont" and presented books telling about the wise prince and the brave commander.

"A meeting with a new fairy tale"

We need fairy tales from childhood in life,
We read fairy tales with interest.
Fairy tales are full of miracles and knowledge,
We call them magical land.

Fairy tales are a special world, a world of magic and miracles, in which you want to return again and again.

On June 16, within the framework of the project "Summer with a Writer", the staff of the Family Reading Library organized and held a meeting with the Pskov storyteller Yuri Borisovich Lyulyukin for children from the summer health camp at school No. 3.

“A meeting with a new fairy tale” was the name of the literary acquaintance with the writer’s work. There were a lot of people who wanted to get to know the real storyteller better and hear the tales from the mouth of the author himself, so it was decided to move the meeting to the assembly hall of the school. I was also pleased with the fact that other guys living in the microdistrict also came to the event. Yuri Borisovich did not come to visit empty-handed, he presented to the audience his new collection “Clever Tales, Good Tales”.
At the beginning of the meeting, Yuri Borisovich told the children that he began to compose fairy tales very early, at the age of 6, not yet able to write, and when he learned, he began to write them down, then he told fairy tales to children in a pioneer camp when he himself spent the summer there , composed fairy tales for his beloved daughters, and now he invents them for his grandchildren and great-grandson. The world of a fairy tale writer is so wide and varied that he can compose a fairy tale about any object, regardless of whether it is animated or not. The heroes of his fairy tales were animals and birds, plants and insects, kings and princesses, mermaids and knights. The author also has a fairy tale about a leaky bag and an ordinary wooden stick lying by the fence in the country.
At a meeting with the children, Yuri Borisovich told a fairy tale about a little deer named Bambi, and then read several fairy tales from the new collection. Among them are "The Tale of the Little and White Spider", "Horse-Fire", "Liar Bunny". Loud reading was accompanied by a dialogue between the author and the children, who tried to predict further events in fairy tales. The meeting participants asked our guest a variety of questions: what were the very first fairy tales about, how many books have already been published and how many more fairy tales does the author have that he would like to publish in the future, when new collections of fairy tales appear in the city’s libraries, in what other literary genre he had to work.
At the end of the meeting, Yuri Borisovich addressed the children with the wish that they continue to read fairy tales, because fairy tales can teach children a lot: to be friends, to love, to respect elders, to help others, to be compassionate. And in general, fairy tales make our world, and each of us a little kinder.

"Heroes of favorite books on the screen"

We are all friendly with books:
Both you and I are readers.
And of course we know
What do their writers write?

And from books come to us:
Winnie the Pooh, Malvina,
Aibolit, Hippo,
Brave Chippolino...

However, it is no secret to anyone that most of the literary characters, thanks to the talent of screenwriters, directors, cameramen, actors and other employees of the cinematographic department, have found their embodiment on the big screen, have become the heroes of their favorite films and cartoons.

On June 14, within the framework of the Year of Cinema, the staff of the Family Reading Library held a video quiz "Heroes of favorite books on the screen" for children from the summer health camp at school No. 3.
First, the participants of the event were offered a small animated fragment, the guys had to guess the name of the cartoon, then answer questions about the characters or events taking place on the screen, after which it was necessary to remember the name of the author and the work on which this or that cartoon was filmed, and on an impromptu "summer clearing" to find the named book.
At the end of the video quiz, from the books “collected” in the “clearing”, a bright book exhibition “Heroes of books in the country of Multi-Pulti” turned out, like in summer.

Cognitive game program "About Friends and Friendship"

On June 9, the staff of the Family Reading Library held for the children from the summer health camp at school No. 3 in Pskov an educational and game program “On Friends and Friendship”, dedicated to the International Day of Friendship.

The breeze is friends with the sun,
And dew is with grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.

All with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only quarrel with friends

Having got acquainted with the history of the origin of the holiday, the guys took turns sharing their opinions about how they understand the word "friendship"; why "an old friend is better than two new ones". For many children, "friendship" is associated with generosity, kindness, sincerity in relationships and common interests.

Then the children had to make an exciting journey through the cities of Druzhboklassiya. In the city of Dobrota, children named literary characters they knew while playing the game “Who is friends with whom?” For example, Kid with Carlson, Pinocchio with Malvina and Pierrot. Further, the route of movement smoothly moved to the city of Honesty, where the guys in the game “Guess the proverb” guessed the second part of the proverb: “a friend is known in trouble”, “one for all, and all for one”, “do not have a hundred rubles, but have one hundred friends, etc.

Compiling a dictionary of polite words, the children ended up in the city of Politeness.

In the game “Tell me a word”, the guys said polite words: “thank you”, expressing gratitude, “please” - when asking for something, “hello” - when meeting, “goodbye” - when parting with each other.

With applause, the children denoted the right actions in the game "Good - bad", visiting the city of Justice. For example, protect the weak (good), quarrel with mom (bad), help grandmother cross the road (good).

At the book exhibition, the children were interested in the entertaining series of books “The Little Crow and His Friends” by N. Moost and A. Rudolf: “A Lesson in Honesty”, “Why should we quarrel?”, “Let's live together!”.

At the end of the meeting, the guys, drawing on the pavement a symbol of friendship - SMILE, chanted the motto of the friends of all peoples "One for all, and all for one!".

International action "Reading Pushkin together" and literary game "Word Jumble"

On June 6, on the Pushkin Day of Russia and the Day of the Russian Language, two events were held in the Family Reading Library dedicated to these memorable dates.

Pupils of MDOU No. 28 took part in the International Action "Reading Pushkin Together".

"The scientist cat invites ..."- this was the name of the literary hour dedicated to Pushkin's fairy tales. The preschool children, together with the librarian, read excerpts from the famous fairy tales of the great Russian poet. Then, with pleasure, they guessed their favorite fairy tales from illustrations, took part in the interactive quiz "The Riddles of the Scientist's Cat" and even read Pushkin's famous lines by heart: about Lukomorye, where the "green oak" grows, about the wind that "walks along the sea and the boat drives", about the spruce that “grows in front of the palace”, etc.

Pushkin's character - the scientist cat - helped our little friends find themselves "In Pushkin's Magical Land". That was the name of the book exhibition, where one could get acquainted with the bright editions of A.S. Pushkin.
The event ended with watching a fragment of the animated film "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

For the children from the summer health camp at school No. 3, the library staff held a literary game "Verbal jumble".

The game consisted of several rounds. The first round, in the form of a quiz, was dedicated to A.S. Pushkin and his fairy tales. In the second round - "Dunno Books" - the participants of the game had to correct the mistakes that Dunno made in writing literary works. In the third round - "From the depths of centuries" - schoolchildren were offered two groups of words: obsolete words and modern ones that replaced them. And the guys, remembering the meaning of an obsolete word, had to pick up a modern word with the same meaning. In the next round, the participants of the event played the game "Kuzovok", which was invented by the famous Russian writer, collector of folklore and author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. Passing the box from hand to hand, the guys “added” words into it alphabetically, that is, everyone had to come up with their own word for one of the letters of the Russian alphabet in order, from A to Z. The final round was called “Game for the letter L”, because that all the answers to the questions in this round began with the letter "L".

Great, mighty, truthful, free,
Folk life-giving force spring!
We dedicated the game to you today,
Our proud, our Russian, OUR NATIVE LANGUAGE!

Cycle of events "Eternal echo of Chernobyl"

Chernobyl ... one word is enough -
And the heart, like a painful lump,
Will shrink, waiting for new news,
And the breeze smells of bitter dust.
And the pain did not fall from the stars of heaven,
And not on the firmament of insensible knees -
And in the chest of the earth penetrated with an evil fuse
And treacherously settled in it.

30 years separate us from the tragedy of the 20th century, from the April night of 1986, when the atom, knowing its power, lost control, shook the sleeping planet with an ominous explosion, showed an indomitable temper. About what happened on that fateful night, students of school No. 3 learned from the series of events “Eternal Echo of Chernobyl”, which took place on April 25 and 26 in the Family Reading Library.

From the presented presentation, the children learned historical facts about the cities of Chernobyl and Pripyat, saw the state of these cities in the photographs before and after the accident, a map of the territory affected by radiation. We learned what the “Sarcophagus” and the “exclusion zone” are, where the largest cemetery of equipment is located and other facts.
We learned the names of 28 firefighters who were the first to step into the epicenter of the explosion, taking the brunt of the nuclear disaster, fulfilling their professional duty.
And also about where in the city of Pskov and the region there are memorial signs and a memorial to the victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Each schoolchild held in his hands the Sign "Participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident."

On the day of the anniversary date, students of grade 11 of secondary school No. 3 met with a participant in the events of that time, who was directly involved in the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - Morozov S.V., who from May 4 to May 29, 1986 was in the area of ​​​​the accident to perform special tasks . At the meeting, Sergei Vasilyevich shared his impressions of what he saw, spoke about the content of the tasks assigned to him as a military man, about his friends, many of whom are no longer alive. Invisible enemy - radiation has done its job. During the meeting, the veteran answered the questions of the guys.

All participants of the events honored the memory of people who could not survive in this terrible accident with a minute of silence.

Years and decades will pass, and the black day of this tragedy will still excite people - both those whom he did not bypass, and those who were born far from that place. This day will always unite all living with one memory, one sadness, one hope. The Chernobyl accident is a lesson, a cruel lesson! Remember! So that this never happens again!

“The mute guards of history stand…”

Silent guardians of history stand,
And bronze cast a glance at us.
Sometimes they tell us
That it is impossible to move back!

On April 18 and 19, on the occasion of the International Day for the Preservation of Monuments and Historical Sites, the staff of the Family Reading Library held a literary and educational hour for students of the elementary school of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov “The Silent Guardians of History…” are standing.

The event was held in the form of a presentation, which consisted of four parts. In the beginning, the guys learned that UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is engaged in the protection of monuments and historical sites.
Today in Russia there are 26 cultural heritage sites under the protection of UNESCO, these are: the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Solovetsky Islands, the deepest lake on the planet - Baikal, etc.

In the second part of the meeting "Native land ..." the guys competently named the monuments and historical places of Pskov and the region known to them. In the educational game "Assemble the puzzle and guess the monument", the students were divided into 4 teams: "Architects", "Sculptors", "Artists" and "Restorers". Competing against the clock, the children quickly coped with the task by putting together puzzles of monuments: the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Trinity Cathedral and the monument to Skobar in Pskov. Then the guys got acquainted with unusual, and sometimes funny monuments: “I’ll sing right now ...” in Tomsk, a monument to a wallet in Krasnodar (there is a sign - you sit on it, you will become rich), etc.
In the final part of the meeting "Monuments to cartoon characters" in the literary game "What cartoon is the character from?" children enthusiastically recognized Winnie the Pooh, the postman Pechkin and the cat Matroskin, the turtle Tortilla, the wolf from "Well, you wait!".
The event ended with the viewing of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino".

At the book exhibition, the children became interested in popular science publications from the series "My Russia" - "History of Russia", "Our Motherland - Russia", "Cities of Russia".

"The Stars Get Closer"

For the first time in a person's life
Paved the way to space
And the world's first astronaut
He was a Russian guy.

Many years have passed since then
But every spring
Cosmonautics Day always
We celebrate with the country.

On the occasion of the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics and the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, on April 11 and 12, the Family Reading Library hosted a series of literary space travels “Stars are getting closer” for students in grades 2-4 of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov.

Library staff prepared exciting competition tasks for schoolchildren, and the guys, in turn, had to transform into astronauts for the duration of the trip and unite into “star crews”.

Each space flight begins at the cosmodrome with the launch of a rocket.
"Key to start!" - this was the name of the first competitive task, during which each crew had to prepare their rocket for launch, namely, to fold the rocket from different geometric shapes. It was necessary not only to show speed when completing the task, but also to show imagination. After that, our space crews visited the Mysterious Planet, where they solved riddles about space and celestial objects. Then, with its mysterious light, the Planet of the Constellations beckoned the travelers. First, the children had to find identical stars on the planet, and then use the counting sticks to lay out known constellations according to the proposed schemes, including Ursa Major and Orion, Cygnus and Virgo. On the Planet of Cartoons, the participants of the trip answered the questions of a quiz on one of their favorite cartoons “The Secret of the Third Planet”.
An entertaining adventure in the Space Cinema has ended. Here the children enjoyed watching the animated film from the TV series Belka and Strelka. Naughty family” and together with funny characters once again celebrated a significant day - Cosmonautics Day.

At the “Road to the Universe” book exhibition, the children could get acquainted with educational literature and encyclopedias about space, stars and planets, look with interest at the illustrated atlas “The Universe” and read stories about the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yu. A. Gagarin.

literary hour
"Dreamers and dreamers in the works of N. Nosov"

“Composing for children is the best job.
It requires a lot of knowledge...
The main thing is love for them. And respect.
I realized when my son was growing up that children should be treated with the greatest and very warm respect. ”
N. Nosov

By the Year of Cinema in the Family Reading Library on April 7, a literary hour “Dreamers and dreamers in the works of N. Nosov” was held for students of the 5th grade.
The exhibition "Entertainers and Dreamers of Nikolai Nosov" and a presentation were prepared for the attention of the children, which introduced the schoolchildren to the biography of the famous children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. The children learned about his childhood dreams and hobbies, that the writer did not invent a lot of stories, but took from life, talking with his son and his friends, peeping and finding them everywhere: on the street, at a party, at schools where he was invited to creative meetings. And also that the first story "Entertainers" was published back in 1938. The first thin book, which was called "Knock-knock-knock" - in 1945. They recalled the works of the "fun writer" - "Dreamers", "Live Hat", "Merry Family", a trilogy about Dunno, which to this day enjoys a huge success with young readers.

The guys answered the questions of the quiz "Guess-ka", in which they named the names of Dunno's friends and heroes of other works by N. Nosov, and also got acquainted with the works of N. Nosov, which were filmed.

They also learned the following interesting facts:
In 2008, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of N. Nosov, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a silver coin.
And if by chance you find yourself in Japan, then don’t be particularly surprised to see Dunno Cafe. Come in calmly - you will definitely be met there by an old, kind and cheerful friend.

This proves the absolute popularity of N. Nosov's children's books.

"Never get sick!"

As part of the Health Week, timed to coincide with World Health Day (April 7), the staff of the Family Reading Library from April 6 to 7 held a series of educational and game events “Never get sick!” for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov.

In a playful way from the exercise “Good and Bad”, the children learned that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to brush their teeth every day, wash their hands with soap and water, ventilate the room, walk in the fresh air, do exercises. And biting nails and pencils, eating a lot of sweets is bad.

The literary game in a poetic form consolidated the children's knowledge of a healthy lifestyle. The conclusion is this: if you keep clean, play sports, eat fruits and vegetables, then you will not get sick!

With pleasure, the guys performed a number of simple exercises (exercises) to rhythmic music.

At the book exhibition, the children got acquainted with colorfully illustrated publications on the topics of sports, health and healthy nutrition.

Also, students with interest solved riddles about vitamins, soap, laughter, etc. The meeting ended with the showing of the animated film "Smeshariki" ("Unequal Conditions") from the cycle "ABC of Health".

The event was informative and exciting. Children were happy to take part in the proposed games and quizzes. The parting word for the guys was the call - "Smile!". After all, laughter makes us live longer.

"Cartoon Stories of Eduard Uspensky"

To the magical world
Where do cartoons live?
Hurry open the doors
Miracles are waiting for you...

Cartoons have always been and remain one of the favorite entertainment for children. So colorful, interesting, entertaining, kind…

As part of the Year of Russian Cinema, from March 16 to March 22, the staff of the Family Reading Library conducted a series of interactive quizzes "Cartoon Stories of Eduard Uspensky" for students in grades 1-4 of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov.
The quiz was dedicated to cartoons based on the famous works of the writer Eduard Uspensky: about the cheerful inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino, the mischievous Antoshka, the colorful family of octopuses, private detectives - the Kolobok brothers and, of course, the kind crocodile Gena and his faithful friend Cheburashka. Before the start of the quiz, the guys “looked” into the “Book Country of Eduard Uspensky”, that was the name of the exhibition of books by their favorite writer, organized in the leisure hall. Here, among other books, the jubilee book of 2016 “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, which turns 50 this year, took its place of honor.

The quiz consisted of 4 rounds. In the first round, "Tell me, what's his name?.." the students had to name the names of cartoon characters who stepped onto the screen from the pages of E. Uspensky's books.
In the second round, "Who's talking?" the guys remembered which of the cartoon characters own famous phrases.
In the third round of "Mult-songs", the participants of the quiz not only listened and guessed which of the characters performed this or that song in the cartoon, but also sang along with the characters: about the blue wagon, Cheburashka and the birthday, which "unfortunately, only once a year".
And in the final, 4th round "Visiting cartoons", they answered a variety of questions about their favorite cartoons. At the end of the quiz, on the eve of spring break, the guys enjoyed watching the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" and had fun with the inhabitants of the famous village, which was also invented by the writer Eduard Uspensky.

Tournament of connoisseurs of fairy tales
"We're going to visit the Brothers Grimm"

As part of the 230th anniversary of the birth of Wilhelm Grimm, the Family Reading Library held a tournament of fairy tale connoisseurs “We are going to visit the Brothers Grimm” for elementary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov from March 9 to 15.

In the Leisure and Reading Hall, the children were invited to make a Journey through the Fairyland of the Brothers Grimm.

The book exhibition presented colorfully illustrated collections and individual editions of fairy tales by German writers.

The children gladly took part in the Grimm Brothers Fairy Tale Connoisseur Tournament, which was accompanied by a slide show. At the beginning of the presentation, students guessed the name of the fairy tales from fragments from animated films, then from individual fragments from works. The guys recognized “Rapunzel”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Bremen Town Musicians” immediately, and even quoted some phrases from “Sweet Porridge”.

We read aloud the book "Long-tailed robbers" by G. Skrebitsky

On March 2, on World Reading Aloud Day, the staff of the Family Reading Library held an event dedicated to spring for elementary school students of school No. 3.

On the trees -
You look -
Where the kidneys were
Like green lights
Leaves flared up.
N. Goncharov

The students were presented with G. Skrebitsky's story "Long-tailed Robbers", accompanied by a slide show. The children guessed riddles, got acquainted with proverbs and sayings about spring. From the story, the students learned about the first harbingers of spring, about forest musicians: woodpecker, oatmeal, tit and magpie. In this they were helped by listening to the voices of these birds. The guys also learned that magpies, it turns out, can be robbers.

The students were presented with an interactive exhibition of one book by G. Skrebitsky "Long-tailed Robbers" called "Spring Tale Begins".

Irkutsk region

G. Bratsk

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 36"

Literary entertainment for students in grades 3-5

Scenario compiled

Head of the library of MBOU "Secondary School No. 36"

Degtyareva Natalia Nikolaevna


Edward Uspensky

To the 75th anniversary of the writer

Hour of literary entertainment

The purpose of the event: to acquaint children with the work of Eduard Uspensky.

Equipment: book exhibition;

Projector, screen.

Event progress:

slide 1. Librarian: In December, the famous, magnificent, beloved children's writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky celebrates his birthday. he was bornDecember 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow Region.

Slide 2. Interestingly, Edik studied poorly at school: he always did not have enough time for lessons. And every Monday he was going to take up the mind. But something always bothered him! And then one day the boy unsuccessfully jumped off the roof and broke his leg. He was brought to the hospital, and then he suddenly realized that he did not want to remain ignorant.

From that time on, Edik began to study well and, after graduating from school, entered the Aviation Institute.
But over time, Eduard Uspensky realized that he wanted to become a writer and began to write humorous stories. And a little later - also children's books. By the way, this idea came to him by accident. Once Eduard Uspensky got a job as a counselor in a pioneer camp. There he read books to his pupils, and sometimes he himself invented exciting stories. So the first works of the writer appeared. And today we will remember the books of Eduard Uspensky.

slide 3 . Eduard Uspensky is not just a writer, but a screenwriter, playwright; director, he is the author of several television programs for children. For example, ABCDyke. She appeared on TV screens back in 1975.. The author of the idea, name, scripts for the first ten programs was Eduard Uspensky, he also proposed the first line-up of clown students: Senya, Sanya, Tanya and Vladimir Ivanovich. Together, about 20 issues were made, which were shown with repetitions for about three years.

The show was entertaining and educational at the same time.Complex rules of Russian grammar, rules of conduct in public places or rules of the road were presented to children in a playful way and even in songs.

slide 4. From the educational TV show "ABVGDeika" the book "School of Clowns" was born,entirely based on the game. Invented, slightly ridiculous, mischievous wizard clowns help real kids learn the real alphabet, real grammar rules. The clowns, along with the readers, seem to be going through a first-class program. But third-graders, fifth-graders, and their parents read the book with delight.

Slide 5. Let's get acquainted with the students of this unusual school.

Clown Shura has a special gift - to carry objects (and people) from one city to another and transmit thoughts at a distance.

Clown Natasha is an eternal inventor. Next to her, you see a skirt of her own design and pumps with inflatable soles. If you want - be small, if you want - like a tower.

Clown Sanya is a hunter, trainer, traveler. With him is his faithful guard Polkan. Polkan is a hunting, service and watch goat. And also riding and tracker.

Comrade Pomodorov - supply manager. Fate pushed him into the school of clowns. And he became half supply manager, half clown.

Once at a lesson, the clowns argued with their teacher Vasilisa Potapovna that they do not need to be able to write at all, because a letter to a friend can be drawn. Then the director Irina Vadimovna came and invited the clown Sanya to draw a telegram, which he sent to the school from the taiga.

slide 6. Here's what happened to Sani. Let's try to read.

(children's answers)

Here are the options we have. But what was in the telegram actually? “Meet me. I've already taken off. Clown Sanya from the taiga and his faithful Polkan. And here is the explanation:

(quote. p.13)

Slide 7. E. Uspensky pays much attention to the education of his heroes. Even animals learn from him.

... Quite by accident, third-grader Lucy discovers a boarding school for "fur animals" in an abandoned dacha. She even becomes a teacher. The director of the boarding school is a badger - part-time janitor, as well as a barman.

Each of the pupils of the girl Lucy has her own smile, her own concern, her own character of movements and her own habit. E. Uspensky invented an unusual language for them. He generally likes to invent words. Such "explainers".

slide 8. Try to explain what is:

  1. Large paper recipient
  2. boss
  3. Large lined Khvalundiya (it is awarded at the end of the school year)
  4. Mommy and daddy meeting
  5. Leaflets (there are checkered, rhombus and polka dots).

slide 9. Another children's entertainment and educational program, invented by Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky - "Baby Monitor".

Eduard Uspensky came up with the idea of ​​a radio broadcast, and was its first author. “Funny baby monitor lessons” in a playful musical form helped children remember the rules of the Russian language, explained the laws of mathematics, physics, biology, traffic rules, rules of behavior, politeness, etc.

The show started with a song-intro. The text was written by Eduard Uspensky, and the music - Vladimir Shainsky.

slide 10. Now we will listen to it - a musical pause.

Slide 11. Once upon a time, young Eduard Uspensky worked as a counselor in a pioneer camp. And then, with surprise and chagrin, I noticed that the guys did not know the heroes of Russian folk tales well. This was the impetus for the creation of a fun fairy tale "Down the Magic River." The story is unusual. The main character is an ordinary boy Mitya, who came to visit his grandmother for a vacation in the village. And my grandmother has a sister, Egorovna. She lives alone in the forest and from loneliness has turned into Baba Yaga, makes friends with Kikimora Bolotnaya, has a magic saucer with an apple. But Egorovna differs from Baba Yaga from the folk tale by her good disposition and fair character. There are many adventures in the fairy tale. Mitya has to find a way out of various difficult situations. The reader meets on the pages of the book old friends-heroes of Russian fairy tales.

Slide 12 - 14. Try to get to know them. Who are they?

slide 15. And now let's talk about everyone's favorite book "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat." Everything is possible in it: the appearance of a cat that can speak, and a tractor that refuels not with gasoline, but with potatoes.

And sausages, and a cow singing romances with a cat's name. Here we will talk about the names of the heroes of the book.

slide 16. Tournament of connoisseurs on the books of Eduard Uspensky about Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat. Several books are dedicated to Uncle Fyodor: “Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Uncle Fedor’s Aunt, or Escape from Prostokvashino”, “New Orders in Prostokvashino”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino”.

Slide 17-24. Question answer.

  1. Why was the boy called Uncle Fedor?
  2. Why did Uncle Fyodor leave home?
  3. What do cats and sailors have in common?
  4. How did Uncle Fyodor, Sharik and Matroskin get the jackdaw Khvatayka?
  5. Why did Sharik and Matroskin quarrel before the New Year?
  6. Why did everyone run away from Prostokvashino in the end?
  7. What documents does Matroskin's cat have?

slide 25. What did Tr-tr Mitya run?


sunflower oil



Slide 26-30. Whose things are these?

Concert dress (mother's)

Car (daddy)

Hat with earflaps (Pechkin)

Valenki (Cat Matroskin)

Photo gun (ball).

Slide 31. I want to end our meeting today with the words of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky: “If you want to know how much smarter and better a person becomes who has read a thousand books, read a thousand books.”

slide 32. Thank you!

Slide 33. Sources.

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