Difference between dress and put on. Correct use of the verbs "put on" and "put on"

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Putting something on someone, dressing someone in something. A simple mnemonic rule: "Dress Nadezhda, put on clothes."

Dress up - whom, what. 1. Dress someone up. in some clothes. Dress a child, sick, wounded; cf. dress up a doll, mannequin
put on - what. 1. Pull on, pull on (clothes, shoes, cover, etc.), covering, enveloping someone with something. Put on a suit, skirt, coat, jacket, shoes, mask, gas mask
Verb dress enters into combination with animate nouns (and with a small number of inanimate ones, denoting the likeness of a person: doll, mannequin, skeleton);put on - with the inanimate.
To complete the description of the lexical-syntactic relations of our verbs, it should be noted that the verb dress enters (within the 1st meaning) in combination with inanimate nouns denoting parts of the body, however, through the mediation of an animate noun ( whom) and always with a prepositional combination of an inanimate noun ( into what - into a new form) or with an inanimate noun in the oblique case ( than - a blanket, a shawl) according to the principle of indirect control. put on the same (within the 1st meaning) has syntactic links according to the same principle with animate nouns: put on (coat) on whom: for grandfather, for child) and with inanimate ones: put on what (on the arm, on the neck), over what(over shirt) under what(under coat).
The difference in the semantics of these words is emphasized by the fact that they form different antonymic pairs: put on - take off, put on - undress.
The semantic originality of each of the verbs is especially clearly revealed when they occur within the same context. In this regard, poetic texts dedicated to the words in question are of great interest. One of the poems was written at the end of the 19th century by the now forgotten poet V. Krylov, the other by our contemporary N. Matveeva.
Here is the first verse:
Dear friend, don't forget
What dress does not mean put on;
Do not confuse these expressions
Each of them has its own meaning.
You can easily remember this:
Verb "dress" we say when
We put clothes on something
Or we cover something with clothes,
Or else we dress in clothes.
You want to dress yourself more elegantly,
So should a new dress put on,
And you put on your hand with a glove,
When you put on a glove on your hand.
You will dress the child in his dress,
When you put a dress on him.
To whom the native language is both sweet and dear,
He will not endure a single trace of a mistake,
And therefore, my friend, never
Do not make such reservations.
As you can see, and more than a hundred years ago, the use of verbs put on and dress constituted a big problem for native speakers of the Russian language, and even then serious attention was paid to this by the guardians of the correctness of their native language. It is also obvious that these humorous (at the same time linguistically well-founded) verses are still relevant today.

What is the difference between wear and put on?

  1. You can only wear something, but you can also wear someone))))))
  2. For example: I dressed my sister; Put on my coat
  3. Dress someone and put on yourself
  4. dress someone up
    put on something
  5. To put on means to put on something: a coat, a hat, a jacket, etc. And to get dressed (and not to put on), it means how to dress, i.e., for example, warmer, or dress lighter, in summer, etc. d.
  6. Dress up Hope, dress up
  7. dress someone and put something on yourself!!!
  8. Dress someone and put on yourself
  9. put on yourself
    Dress up for someone
  10. The correct answer is above....
  11. You can dress someone (sometimes something) as well as yourself: dress a child; dress up.
    But if we are talking about specific clothes and what we do with it, then we already “put on” (you can also put a jacket ON someone / something or put a jacket ON yourself). In our great and mighty article of clothing may be omitted, but it is implied, and then the preposition will be an indicator.
    So the meaning is not in "yourself or another."
    We need to look at what the word refers to: to an item of clothing (we put on an item), or to an object that needs to be covered with clothes (we put it on).
  12. They dress someone or themselves, and put on someone or themselves. (Dress a sister in a dress, put a dress on a sister)
  13. One of the reasons for lexical errors in modern speech, oral and written, is the indistinguishability of cognate words, in particular, the verbs dress (dress) put on (put on). And in live, direct communication of native speakers of the Russian language in non-strict colloquial speech; and in bookish speech in radio and television programs, in the speeches of politicians at rallies, with various kinds of public statements, deputies in the State Duma, officials on one or another official occasion, one can often find incorrect, erroneous use of lexical units related in terms of word formation. They confuse, for example, the verbs get used to and get used to, weaken and weaken, adverbs objectively and objectively (see From Monitoring violations of speech norms in the media // Gorbanevsky M. V., Karaulov Yu. N., Shaklein V. M. Do not speak in a rough language On Violations of the Norms of Literary Speech in Electronic and Printed Mass Media / Under the editorship of Yu. A. Belchikov, Moscow, 2000, p. channel ORT, 08/30/2002, a participant in the game presented the presenter with a self-portrait, which was painted by her son of seven years).
    In the use of single-root words, the most unlucky verbs are to put on (put on) put on (put on) (these verbs are paronyms, see the article Subscriber, subscriber, subscription).
    The named words are incorrectly used by the TV presenter (what you need to wear to appear under the dome of the circus // Do not speak in a rough language, p. 29), and the host of the radio program (He put on himself // Ibid., p. 40), and the TV correspondent ( there will be a good reason to put on the dress uniform of NTV, August 29, 2002), and a journalist (Winter has come, you need to wear different shoes // Don't speak rough language, p. 28), and a pop star (I can't wear anything from this collection. / / Ibid., p. 106), see in the metropolitan Nezavisimaya Gazeta: March 12, 1999: We put on a modernized watch on the right hand.
    The verbs to put on and put on are polysemous. The meanings in which actions are indicated in relation to a person are as follows:
    Dress who, what. 1. Dress someone up. in some clothes. Dress a child, sick, wounded; cf. dress up a doll, mannequin
    Wear what. 1. Pull on, pull on (clothes, shoes, cover, etc.), covering, wrapping something around. Put on a suit, skirt, coat, jacket, shoes, mask, gas mask
    The verb to dress comes into combination with animate nouns (and with a small number of inanimate ones, denoting the likeness of a person: doll, mannequin, skeleton); put on with the inanimate.
    To complete the description of the lexical and syntactic relations of our verbs, it should be noted that the verb to dress is included (within the 1st meaning) in combination with inanimate nouns denoting parts of the body, however, through the mediation of an animate noun (whom) and necessarily with a prepositional case combination of inanimate a noun (into a new form) or with an inanimate noun in the indirect case (than a blanket, a shawl) according to the principle of indirect control. Put on the same (within the 1st meaning) has syntactic connections according to the same principle with animate nouns: put on (coat) on someone: on a grandfather, on a child) and with inanimate ones: put on what (on a hand, on a neck), over what (over the shirt), under what (under the coat).
    The difference in the semantics of these words is emphasized by the fact that they form different antonymic pairs: put on, take off, put on, undress.
    The semantic originality of each of the verbs is especially clearly revealed when they occur within the same context. In this regard, poetic texts dedicated to the words under consideration are of great interest. One of the poems was written at the end of the 19th century. , now forgotten by the poet V. Krylov, another by our contemporary N. Matveeva.
    Here is the first verse:
    Dear friend, don't forget
    What to wear is not to wear;
    Do not confuse these expressions
    Each of them has its own meaning.
    Remember it
  14. If on yourself - then put it on.
    If for someone - then Dress.
  15. the word to put on and to put on they differ in that the word to put on means to put on oneself, and the word to put on means to put on someone

Notorious verbs put on and dress so treacherously consonant that in everyday communication they are often not distinguished at all, considering them synonyms. Although colloquial speech does not imply a high syllable, nevertheless, it will only benefit from observing the rules of the Russian language, lexical norms in particular.

How to dress or put on - see the root

... and in the prefix. It is the difference in prefixes that sends single-root dress and put on to different concepts.

  • Console about- in the word dress indicates an action taking place around. By the same principle, the words to clothe, envelop are formed. To dress - to envelop, clothe, wrap oneself with clothes.
  • Console on the- in the word put on speaks of an action directed to the surface. To put on means only to cover, pull something.

Looking for someone to wear and what to wear

Forever rid yourself of the erroneous use of the verb dress and put on very easy. To do this, just remember the following rules:

  • Dress up always used with animate nouns, put on only with the inanimate. Simply put, dress someone, put on something. For comparison, dress your son in a suit, but put your son in a suit.
  • If somebody dressed- it can be undress, if something put on, this can only take off. For example, a lid put on a jar can only be removed, but not undressed. But a child who has fallen asleep in clothes must be undressed.
  • verb in speech put on always directly associated with a thing, clothing without necessarily indicating the one who wears it. Dress up, on the contrary, always directly indicates who is being dressed or who is being dressed.

For reference. In situations where it is necessary to dress an inanimate object in clothes, but related to the image of a person, the verb to dress is also used. Dress a baby doll in a pink suit, a mannequin in a fashionable coat, a garden scarecrow in old pants.

Put on and dress up the doll

Intelligibly the difference between the meanings of verbs dress and put on shows game with bibabo doll. Entertainment will be useful not only for children, but also for adults who want to learn to distinguish between paronyms. All actions with the toy must be spoken aloud:

  • We take a glove doll and pull it over our hand. We say: “ The doll is wearing“.
  • We put on a hat, scarf or dress for the doll. We say: “ The doll is dressed“.
  • We pull the bibabo from the hand with the words: “ The doll was removed“.
  • We remove the dress, scarf, hat from the toy. We comment: “ doll stripped“.

For those who find the game too easy, the task can be made more difficult by naming the doll Odette.

How to dress or wear correctly - memos

Associations help to remember any information faster and easier. For mental fixation of the correct values put on and dress There are several popular mnemonic phrases - memos:

  • "Grandfather is dressed, a sheepskin coat is on."
  • “I dress Nadezhda, I put on clothes.”

Do not be upset if the first time working with your own speech and memory does not bring anything but internal tension from constant self-examination. Ease and naturalness will come with daily practice and learning the correct meanings of paronyms.

Dress up and put on


Which is correct: "to put on" or "to put on a dress"?

Verbs dress and put on - multivalued. The meanings in which actions are indicated in relation to a person are as follows:

Dress up - whom, what. 1. Dress someone up. in some clothes. Dress a child, sick, wounded; cf. dress up a doll, mannequin

put on - what. 1. Pull on, pull on (clothes, shoes, cover, etc.), covering, enveloping someone with something. Put on a suit, skirt, coat, jacket, shoes, mask, headphones

Verb dress enters into combination with animate nouns (and with a small number of inanimate ones, denoting the likeness of a person: doll, mannequin, skeleton); put on - with the inanimate.

The difference in the semantics of these words is emphasized by the fact that they form different antonymic pairs: put on - take off, put on - undress .

This is confirmed by Novella Matveeva:

"Dress", "put on"… Two words

We confuse so stupidly!

The dawn was frosty

The old grandfather dressed in a fur coat.

And the fur coat, therefore, was put on.

"Dress", "put on"... Let's see:

When to wear and what to wear.

I believe that on the grandfather

Three fur coats can be worn.

But I don't think that grandfather

It can be worn on a fur coat!


dress and put on.

. Yu. A. Belchikov, O. I. Razheva. 2015 .

See what is "put on and put on" in other dictionaries:

    dress- dress. See: put on...

    Look dress and wear ... Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language

    put on- and dress. In the meaning “clothe yourself, dress, put on something; to fit something on yourself” to put on. Put on a coat, a suit. Wear a hat and gloves. Put on boots. Put on glasses. In the meaning “to dress someone in some kind of clothes” to dress. dress the patient... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    CLOTHING- DRESS, dress, dress, led. dress, sov. (to dress). 1. whom what into what or what. Put on some clothes. Dress up the child. || Cover, wrap something for warmth. Dress the horse with a blanket. Dress the patient with a blanket. 2. trans., what than. Cover by,… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    WEAR- WEAR, put on, put on, led. put it on, sir. (to put on). 1. what to whom. To cover, clothe someone with something, attach something to someone with something, covering, clothing. Put a cover on the furniture. Put a hat on the child. Gave him…… Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    put on- Put on, put on, we strongly recommend that you remember the difference between the verbs to put on and put on, otherwise you risk revealing your ignorance in the most inappropriate environment. We will dwell on this difference in more detail when we talk about ... ... Dictionary of Russian language mistakes

    dress- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    CLOTHING- CLOTHING, enu, enesh; day; child; sovereign 1. whom (what) into what or what. Cover someone. what n. clothing, cover. O. a child in a coat. O. with a blanket (cover). Winter covered the fields with snow (trans.) [not to be confused with what to put on someone (what)]. 2. whom (what) ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    put on- what and what to what. Put on a coat. Put on glasses. Put the ring on your finger. Put the tip on the pencil. Put the backpack on your back. Alyosha put on a jacket, Kovbysh fathers a jacket (Gorbatov). He put on all his insignia (Chekhov). Wed dress ... Control Dictionary

    dress- whom that in that or than. Dress the child in a coat. Winter covered the fields with snow. Grandmother was dressed in a silk shushun and a skirt and tied with a silk scarf (Aksakov). [Katerina] brought [Ordynov] to the bed, laid him down and dressed him with a blanket (Dostoevsky). Wed put on... Control Dictionary


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Many people do not see the difference in which verb to use in a particular context - "to put on" or "to put on." Many even believe that any rules, explanations and clarifications are not needed at all. In their opinion, “putting on a hat” or “putting on a hat” sounds different, but the result will still be the same.

Dictionary Ushakov about the verbs "dress" and "put on"

In Ushakov's "Explanatory Dictionary" the following explanations of the verb "dress" are given:

  1. To clothe - to clothe someone or something in some kind of clothing. For example: "Dress the artists in fancy dress."
  2. To dress means to cover or wrap something for warmth. For example, dress a horse with a blanket, dress a sick person with a blanket.
  3. In a figurative sense, “to dress” means to envelop, cover, envelop. Examples are figurative expressions-metaphors: "Winter covered the whole earth with snow" or "Trees dressed the clearing with lacy shadows."
  4. To dress in wide to provide someone with clothes, to help in acquiring all kinds of robes. For example: "So she tried to dress her family, that she worked tirelessly."

About the verb "put on" Ushakov writes:

  1. Put on - pull, cover, pull on clothes, a piece of clothing or a blanket, blanket, fabric in order to hide from the cold, rain or wind, or hide, hide nakedness. Examples: “Since it’s raining, don’t forget to put on a hood!”, “A smart girl put on a net - and she became not naked and not in clothes!”
  2. To put on is to put something on something. “Petrovich put the duck on a skewer - and on the fire it, let it blush better!”

Figurative meaning of the verb "put on"

Some linguists argue that the word "put on" is not as ambiguous as its counterpart "dress". Like, it defines only specific actions, but in a figurative sense it is impossible to use it.

However, this is not entirely true. The verb "put on" can serve as part of a metaphor expression when there is animation or transfer of human actions to it.

Examples are such sentences: “The birch trees put on their earrings, as if the girls were of marriageable age” or “I put on a sheepskin coat made of snow, an oak tree, like an old grandfather, stands for itself, creaks.”

Back to Rosenthal

At school, teachers explain the use of “dress” and “put on” based on the following explanations by Rosenthal: they dress someone (or something, for example, a doll, a corpse, a scarecrow) in something or something, and they put something on then on someone.

That is, you can dress or dress your son in a jacket, the bride in a wedding dress, a hand with a glove. But you can put something on someone or something: a jacket for a son, a wedding dress for a bride, a glove for a hand. Even a hint phrase is given: "Grandfather is dressed, a sheepskin coat is on."

Antonyms help us!

Some people, faced with the dilemma of how to say "put on" or "put on a coat", have come up with an easy way to choose the right option. It turns out that you can use the antonyms of these words.

A word with the opposite meaning of the verb “dress” will be the action “undress”, and the antonym of the verb “put on” is considered to be “take off”. Since the phrase "take off your coat" is meaningless, it is, of course, impossible to put on a coat.

In the same way, you can make the right choice between two expressions: "put on glasses" or "put on glasses." Can you take off your glasses? Of course not! Therefore, the second option should be considered correct - to wear glasses.

It is this explanation that most modern people are satisfied with, considering it the easiest and most correct.

semantic confusion

In fact, the use of the verbs “put on” or “put on” most often does not introduce confusion into the understanding of what has been said. Although such a possibility exists if, for example, the conversation is about a parsley doll, which, like a glove, is put on a hand.

An offer to dress a parsley doll will mean that the doll should be dressed up in new clothes: change a hat, put on a cape or tie a scarf. But the request to put on the doll already means that you need to pull the parsley on your hand and get ready for the performance. So in this situation, the use of the verbs “put on” or “put on” radically changes the meaning of what was said.

A similar thing can also arise when it comes to the words “scarecrow” or “scarecrow”, because they can also be dressed in something, or put on a pole or pole.

Humor in Russian lessons

As you know, teenagers in all ages have been distinguished by nihilism. The majority enthusiastically perceives with hostility all generally accepted rules. And, of course, they are trying to prove that the words “put on” and “put on” are almost the same, so it makes no sense to figure out which one should be used in this or that case.

The teacher has to be an artist in the classroom, a storyteller, be able to masterfully conduct a discussion, select irrefutable evidence, logically prove the need for knowledge of the rules of the Russian language. And he also needs to be ... a comedian.

After all, humor is probably the most powerful weapon against ignorance. And even if the situation told by the teacher will not be very plausible, but its imagery will leave a “notch” in the minds forever. Thanks to the funny "picture" created by the imagination of a wise teacher, students will understand that there is a huge difference between the verbs "put on" and "put on".

dressed chicken

The confusion in the use of these two verbs is due to the fact that both verbs are of the same root. However, the verb "put on" has more meanings. Along with the process of putting on garments, it can also carry the meaning of “putting on”, for example, on a skewer or pike. The story, which will make the guys laugh and remain in their memory, is just based on this ambiguity of the verb “put on”.

At one of the student picnics in the company there was a young man who understood everything literally. His name was Hernando, he was Mexican. The guys decided to cook chicken on a skewer.

When the fire in the fire blazed merrily, the person in charge of preparing the treat said to Hernando: “Dress the chicken - here is the skewer!” The guy to whom the request was addressed nodded his head and walked away from the fire to the table where the raw food lay.

He was absent for quite some time. But when he returned with a chicken in his hands, friendly laughter just blew up the neighborhood! The hen was wearing a leather cap, her waist was adorned with a skirt with straps - a kind of sarafan made from a chiffon scarf of one of the coquettish students, and the stumps of her legs were tucked into someone's sneakers.

The one who gave Hernando the order to "dress the chicken" was the most outraged, because it was his cap and his sneakers that were ruined by the stupid Mexican. But he calmly replied that he fulfilled the request exactly: to dress a chicken means to dress it in some kind of outfit. He already knows Russian!

Of course, at first the order seemed a little strange to him. But he reasoned like this: being familiar with some Russian customs, the young man never tired of being surprised by them. For example, at carols people dress up in the skins of various animals, and on New Year's Eve they decorate a Christmas tree. Maybe there is some other custom when you need to dress up a chicken before frying it?

An ironic illustration of the rules helps better memorization

By the way, after such a funny story, the teacher can present the children with pictures with captions: one picture, which depicts a “smart” chicken, and under it the phrase: “Put the chicken in clothes,” and the second picture with a carcass on a skewer, under which it is written: “ Put the chicken on the skewer."

After such a humorous and visual impact, the guys will never confuse what to say: “put on” or “put on”. Chicken dress, cap and sneakers - this picture will be remembered for sure!

When do we say "dressed"?

So it's time to deal with definitions formed from verbs. It should be remembered that the verb "dress" is used only in relation to animate objects or inanimate, but having signs of a person (corpse, doll, stuffed animal, mannequin). As mentioned above, sometimes this verb appears in metaphors with animated objects of inanimate nature - the abilities of living beings are attributed to them.

Therefore, the word "clothed" can also serve as a definition of only a living being or animated by human fantasy. A dressed man, a dressed lady, houses dressed in snow caps - these are examples of the use of the word "dressed".

Although in fairy tales, heroes (animated inanimate objects in ordinary life) can be dressed: this is a table, a bed, and other things.

“The table, dressed in a festive tablecloth, proudly looked at its neighbors” or “A photograph of her father dressed in an elegant frame, still gathering dust in the closet, was extremely happy from these changes in her fate.”

"Glove on", "glove on" - which is correct?

In relation to inanimate objects, the definition "put on" should be used. That is, the suit cannot be dressed, but only worn. The same applies to the words "glasses", "skirt", "coat", "hat" and others, denoting items that are worn.

The glove example can be used in the classroom to explain the semantic difference between the terms “dressed” and “put on”. For better memorization, you can provide students with pictures with captions. Moreover, one of them will be reliable - with the signature "worn glove." But the picture signed with the phrase “wearing a glove” will be humorous in nature - there, on the glove, or rather, on one of her fingers, a hat is put on and a scarf is tied.

The phrase “wearing a glove” can only exist in a fairy tale or a fantasy story, where the accessory comes to life, can dress up, speak, think. For example, some ladies wear rings over gloves. And such a fantastic plot allows the use of this phrase: the hostess put a ring on top of one glove, but not on the other. And the “clothed glove”, with a gold belt adorned with a diamond, taunts her sister, who “is forced to go out naked.” This story may end with the fact that the hostess loses one glove - the one that was “undressed”. The “rich glove” rejoices - now she will no longer tolerate this annoying beggar next to her! However, misfortune awaits her: the hostess, having discovered the loss and grieved, throws a stupid asshole into the trash.

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