The story "After the ball" Why Ivan Vasilyevich fell out of love with Varenka and why he did not go to serve in the military. When and why did Ivan Vasilyevich's love for Varenka "wane"? (According to the story of L.N.

Option 1

Block 1. (A). Choice question.

A1. Years of life of N.M. Karamzin:

a) 1799 - 1837;

b) 1766 - 1826;

c) 1828 - 1910.

A2. What epigraph preceded the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"?

a) Eating, tasting a little honey, and now I die;

b) There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked;

c) Take care of honor from a young age.

A3. In the work of N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General", the main character, punishing vices and affirming positive ideals, is:

a) auditor;

b) Mayor;

A4. Khlestakovism is:

a) the desire to impersonate a person more important and significant than it really is, unsupported bragging;

b) the desire to dress fashionably;

c) pursuit of ranks.

A5. How did Ivan Vasilyevich's love for Varenka end in Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball"?

a) a wedding

b) love has come to naught;

c) divorce.

A6. What did Petrusha Grinev grant to the counselor (Pugachev)?

a) last year's magazine;

b) cane;

c) hare sheepskin coat.

A7. To what literary direction can the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri" be attributed?

a) romanticism;

b) realism;

c) classicism.

A8. Determine the genre of the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri":

a) a ballad

b) elegy;

c) a poem-confession.

A9. The theme of the piece is:

a) main idea

b) object of reflection;

c) composition.

A10. The composition of the work is:

b) tie and denouement;

c) the sequence of parts and elements of the work.

A11. Tragedy as a genre is:

a) a dramatic work ridiculing traits or social vices;

b) a dramatic work based on a tragic conflict leading to catastrophic consequences;

c) a play with an acute conflict, allowing for the possibility of its successful resolution.

A12. Figurative means of language:

a) climax

b) an epithet;

A13. What means of expression does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the lines: “And cloud after cloud, // Leaving his secret lodging for the night, // Running to the east”?

a) comparison;

b) personification;

c) metonymy.

A14. What means of expression does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the lines: “... longing // My chest ached again”?

a) comparison;

b) an epithet;

c) metaphor.

A15. What means of expression does Osip use in his monologue (N.V. Gogol's Inspector General): "... and there is such a rattling in the stomach, as if a whole regiment blew trumpets"?

a) comparison;

b) an epithet;

c) litho.

Block 2. (B) Task with a short answer.

B1. Indicate the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter” according to this passage: “... he lived underage, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with yard boys. Meanwhile, I was 16 years old. Here my fate changed.

B2. To which hero of the work of M.Yu. Lermontov do these words belong:

"You listen to my confession

Came here, thank you.

Everything is better in front of someone

Words to lighten my chest,

But I did no harm to people…”?

B3. To which hero of N.V. Gogol’s work “The Inspector General” these words belong: “I seemed to have a presentiment: today I dreamed all night about some two unusual rats. Really, I have never seen such things: black, unnatural size!

B4. To whom is Mtsyri's monologue addressed?

B5. What animal did Mtsyri fight with?

B6. Indicate the year of birth of A.S. Pushkin.

B7. Determine the poetic size of the following poetic lines belonging to the pen of A.A. Blok:

“The river has spread. Flowing, sad lazily

And washes the shores ... ".

B8. Write the name of the Empress, contributing to the happiness of Peter Andreevich and Marya Ivanovna ("The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin).

B9. What trope does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the following poetic line: “From these sweet names"?

B10. What trope does S.A. Yesenin use in the following poetic line: “To stand at the threshold of Russia, like the shadow of Tamerlane »?

Choose only ONE of the tasks below (2.1−2.4). In the answer sheet, write down the number of the task you have chosen, and then give a full detailed answer to the problematic question (in the amount of at least 150 words), attracting the necessary theoretical and literary knowledge, relying on literary works, the position of the author and, if possible, revealing your own vision of the problem. When answering a question related to lyrics, you must analyze at least 2 poems (their number can be increased at your discretion).

2.2. What a symbolic sound for the whole novel have Pugachev's words addressed to Petrusha Grinev: “God reward you for your virtue. I will never forget your favors"? (According to the novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".)

2.4. Why did Ivan Vasilievich's love for Varenka fail? What are the real reasons that changed a person's life? (According to the story of L. N. Tolstoy "After the Ball".)

2.5. What plots from works of domestic and foreign literature are relevant to you and why? (Based on the analysis of one or two works.)


Commentary on essays

2.1. Do you agree with the critic’s opinion about the story “Princess Mary” (M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”): does it have a “French beginning and a Russian ending”? Justify your position.

Not only in Russian, but also in world literature, Lermontov was one of the first to master the ability to capture and depict the “mental process of the emergence of thoughts,” as Chernyshevsky put it in an article about the early novels and stories of Leo Tolstoy. And if “the mental process itself, its forms, its laws, the dialectics of the soul” were fully disclosed by the means of fiction later by Tolstoy, then with all the differences between Lermontov and Tolstoy, Chernyshevsky did not accidentally name the author of “A Hero of Our Time” among Tolstoy’s predecessors. , who "is more developed this side of psychological analysis." Obviously, the plot of the chapter "Princess Mary" was made according to the canons of French novels of those years and the viewer expects a certain ending, but the ending breaks out of this stereotype. A non-standard hero, his attitude to what is happening, including love, is non-standard. The denouement is also non-standard: there is no happy reunion of lovers.

2.2. What a symbolic sound for the whole novel have Pugachev's words addressed to Petrusha Grinev: “God reward you for your virtue. I will never forget your favors"? (based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter")

The history of the relationship between Grinev and Pugachev is, first of all, a history of mercy. This story begins with mercy and ends with it. Let us recall Grinev's first meeting with Pugachev, when Grinev orders to give Pugachev his hare sheepskin coat. Savelich is amazed. And it's not just that the sheepskin coat is expensive. The gift is meaningless. “Why does he need your bunny sheepskin coat? He will drink it, the dog, in the first tavern. Yes, this youthful sheepskin coat will not fit on Pugachev's "cursed shoulders!" And Savelich is right: the sheepskin coat bursts at the seams when Pugachev puts it on... However, Pushkin writes: "The tramp was extremely pleased with my gift." It's not a matter of a sheepskin coat ... Here for the first time something else flashed between officer Grinev and the fugitive Cossack Pugachev ... Grinev's gratitude is not just gratitude. There is pity, mercy and ... respect. Respect for the person and his dignity. And the person is cold. A person should not be cold. Because he is the image of God. And we should not indifferently pass by a person who is cold, because this is blasphemy. Pugachev felt all this. Therefore, such a warm parting word to Grinev: “Thank you, your honor! God bless you for your goodness. I will never forget your favors!” And relations began between the heroes, where the highest and the lowest are one, where there is neither master nor slave, where the enemies are brothers. How can one respond to mercy, to mercy? How to measure it? Only grace and mercy.

2.3. For what and how is Akaky Akakievich punished in N.V. Gogol's story "The Overcoat"?

Gogol's Petersburg is a city striking with social contrasts. The city of poor workers, victims of poverty and arbitrariness. Such a victim is Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, the hero of the story "The Overcoat". Gogol characterizes Bashmachkin as a poor, ordinary, insignificant and inconspicuous person. Brought up in an atmosphere of unquestioning obedience and execution of orders from his superiors, Akaky Akakievich was not used to reflecting on the content and meaning of his work. That is why, when he is offered tasks that require the manifestation of elementary intelligence, he begins to worry, worry, and, in the end, comes to the conclusion: “No, it’s better to let me rewrite something.”

The spiritual life of Bashmachkin is just as limited and one-sided as the external one. The hero does not strive for unprecedented luxury. He is simply cold, and by rank he must appear in the department in an overcoat. The dream of sewing an overcoat on wadding becomes for the hero a likeness of a great and almost impossible task. In his system of world values, it has the same meaning as the desire of some "great man" to achieve world domination. In order, on the advice of the tailor, to save up money for a new thing, he saves: in the evenings he does not light candles, does not drink tea. But on the other hand, “he ate spiritually, carrying in his thoughts the eternal idea of ​​a future overcoat,” writes Gogol. The accumulation of money for the purchase of a new overcoat becomes for Akaky Akakievich the goal of his whole life. But a person should not be limited to such petty interests. He cannot live, satisfying only his physiological needs. This is the essence of Bashmachkin's punishment - he is deprived of the only meaning of his life, and therefore died.

2.4. Why did Ivan Vasilievich's love for Varenka fail? What are the real reasons that changed a person's life? (according to the story of L. N. Tolstoy "After the ball")

The hero-narrator from L. N. Tolstoy's story "After the Ball" had to go through one terrible morning in his life, which completely changed his whole future life, his future. At the ball, the hero admires his beloved, the whole world that surrounds him. Therefore, along with love for Varenka, the hero also loves her father, admires him. When he encounters cruelty and injustice in this world, his whole sense of harmony, the integrity of the world collapses, and he prefers not to love in any way than to love partially. I am not free to change the world, to defeat evil, but I and only I am free to agree or disagree to participate in this evil - this is the logic of the hero's reasoning. And Ivan Vasilievich deliberately refuses his love.

8th grade


Creativity of writers of the 19th century

Work instructions

The running time is 35 minutes.

Write the work in a notebook, write the answer to each task on a new line.

Tasks of the 1st part of the test involve either the choice of an answer or the correlation of data.

For each correct answer - 1 point

If you encounter difficulties, you can skip the task and return to it at the end of the work.

Tasks of the 2nd part require the recording of the answer. Don't forget to include the job number.

Each correct answer is 2 points.

Part 3 of the work consists of a detailed answer to one of the questions of your choice.

The answer is evaluated from 1 to 5 points (content, logical presentation, literacy are evaluated).

After completing the work, be sure to check your answers.

Maximum score -45

Mark "5" - 45-42 points

Mark "4" - 41-34 points

Mark "3" - 35-23 points

Mark "2" - less than 23 points

Look through all the tasks, do you understand everything.

I wish you success!


1 part

1. Match the writers and the works they wrote:

1.N.S. Leskov A) "About love"

2.N. V. Gogol B) "Overcoat"

3.L.N. Tolstoy B) "History of a city"

4. A.P. Chekhov D) "After the ball"

5.M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin D) "Old Genius"

2. Determine the theme of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

A) the historical past of Georgia

B) a story about monastic life

C) a person's desire for freedom

D) Fight for the freedom of their homeland.

3. The main character in N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector" is:

A) auditor

B) Mayor

B) laugh

D) Khlestakov

4. Khlestakovism is:

A) the desire to appear significant, without any reason, bragging;

B) the desire to dress fashionably;

C) the ability to take care of ladies;

D) pursuit of ranks.

5. The chapter "On the Root of the Origin of the Foolovites" from the "History of a City" is written as a parody of :

A) romance

B) chronicle

B) epic

D) a fairy tale

6. How did Ivan Vasilyevich's love for Varenka end in the story "After the Ball"?

A) marriage

B) young people broke up, love came to naught

C) Ivan Vasilyevich fell in love with another woman

D) a wedding

7. Match the definitions and the concept

1. Zvyazka A) the sequence of parts and elements of the work

2. Climax B) the moment of occurrence or discovery of the conflict

3. Plot B) figurative means of language

4. Epithet D) sequence of events

5. Composition E) intentional interweaving of the real and the fantastic

6. Hyperbole E) exaggeration in order to give expressiveness

7. Grotesque G) the moment of the highest tension in the development of events

8. Match the title of the works and the names of the characters

Varenka A) "About love"

Thief-innovator B) "Auditor"

Luganovich Anna Alekseevna V) "After the ball"

Nadenka G) "The history of one city"

Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky D) "Old genius"

Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin E) "Joke"

Serbian fighter F) "Overcoat"

part 2

A) "Take care of honor from a young age"

B) “There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked”

C) "Eating, taste a little honey, and now I die"

D) "A genius has no years - he overcomes everything that stops ordinary minds."

10 Indicate from which works (title and author) excerpts are taken:

A) It was, in her words, "an outrageous case." The thing was that, out of her kindness and simplicity of heart, purely from one participation, she rescued one high-society dandy out of trouble - by laying her house for him, which was the entire property of the old woman and her immovable, crippled daughter and granddaughter. The house was mortgaged at fifteen thousand, which the dandy took in full, with the obligation to pay in the shortest possible time.

B) But somehow our father, father Ivan, came and drank all my liqueurs in one sitting; and Vestnik Evropy also went to the priests, because in the summer, especially during mowing, I did not have time to get to bed and fell asleep in a shed, in a sledge, or somewhere in the forest lodge - what kind of reading is there?

C) According to the law, so to speak, I did not dance the mazurka with her, but in reality I danced with her almost all the time. She, not embarrassed, walked straight to me across the hall, and I jumped up without waiting for an invitation, and she thanked me with a smile for my ingenuity. When we were brought up to her and she did not guess my quality, she, offering her hand not to me, shrugged her thin shoulders and smiled at me as a token of pity and consolation. ..

G) …one official; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, short in stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, even somewhat blind-sighted, with a slight bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of his cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal.

part 3

13. Give a detailed answer to one of the questions

What artistic technique underlies the construction of the story "After the Ball"? Prove it.

Describe Alyokhin from the story "About Love". Why didn't the happiness of the heroes work out?

Which work of the reviewed work did you like the most? Why?

Key to the test

1 part

1-d, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c, 5-c




5 B

6 - b

B, 2 - g, 3 - d, 4 - c, 5 - a, 6 - e, 7 - d

1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-e, 5-b, 6-g, 7-d

part 2

9 a - A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

9b - N.V. Gogol "Inspector"

9c - M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

9g - Leskov "Old genius"

10 a- Leskov "Old Genius"

10 b- A.P. Chekhov "On Love"

10 in - L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"

10 Mr. N.V. Gogol "Overcoat"


Korovina V.Ya., Zhuravlev V.P., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 8 Proc. reader for general education. institutions. At 2 o'clock - M.: Enlightenment, 2014

The story "After the Ball" is one of the late works of Leo Tolstoy. In this work, L. N. Tolstoy reveals the contradictions of life and shows the strength of the experiences of a young man who is faced with a harsh reality that destroyed his rosy dreams.

The hero, on behalf of whom the story is being told, is “Ivan Vasilievich, respected by all,” in whose fate the case played a decisive role. Before the turning point that happened in the forties, Ivan Vasilievich was “a very cheerful and lively fellow, and even rich,” a student at a provincial university who dreams of joining the military. He was young and led a life characteristic of youth: he studied and had fun, and the main pleasure of his life at that time was evenings and balls.

The hero of the story, as it always happens in his youth, was sincerely in love. The object of his affection was the lovely Varenka B..., "tall, slender, graceful and majestic" with an affectionate, always cheerful smile. During this "most powerful love for her", on the last day of Shrovetide, Ivan Vasilyevich was at the ball of the provincial leader. All evening he danced with Varenka and "he was drunk with love without wine." He admired her tall, slender figure in a white dress with a pink belt, saw only "her shining, blushing, dimpled face and gentle, sweet eyes." Love for Varenka "liberated all the hidden" in the young man's soul "the ability to love." “I embraced the whole world at that time with my love,” he says. “I loved the hostess ... and her husband, and her guests, and her lackeys.” At that time, he experienced "some kind of enthusiastic tender feeling" for Varenka's father. He was a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man, "a military commander of the type of an old serviceman of the Nikolaev bearing", with a ruddy face and the same kind, joyful smile as his daughter's. When he invited Varenka to dance, everyone around looked at them with enthusiastic tenderness. And the narrator himself, "embracing the whole world with his love," was afraid of only one thing, "so that something would not spoil" this happiness.

But fate wanted his whole life to change from that one night, or rather the next morning, when he witnessed the scene of a monstrous, inhuman in its cruelty punishment, first of a fugitive Tatar, and then of a soldier. Punishment led by the father of his girlfriend. This spectacle caused the hero’s spiritual crisis: “... there was an almost physical, nauseating longing in my heart, such that I stopped several times, and it seemed to me that I was about to vomit with all the horror that entered me from this spectacle." He was never able to find out or understand, comprehend why all this “was done with such confidence and was recognized by everyone as necessary ... And without knowing, he could not enter the military service, as he wanted before, and not only did not serve in the military, but did not serve anywhere ... ".

The hero's love for Varenka also waned from that day on. “When she, as often happened with her, with a smile on her face, thought,” Ivan Vasilyevich “now remembered the colonel on the square,” and he felt somehow awkward and unpleasant, he began to see her less and less. And love faded away. Why such a reaction? After all, it was not Varenka who hit the soldier in the face with her beautiful pen.

The story, most of which is devoted to the image of the ball, is not accidentally called “After the Ball”. In the center of the work is an event that played a decisive role in the fate of Ivan Vasilyevich. Tolstoy very accurately built the composition of the story on the contrast of two episodes: a ball at the provincial leader and the punishment of a soldier. Opposed to each other, these episodes are in fact organically connected, as they develop a single artistic idea. We can easily imagine that without a scene of torturing a soldier, the picture of the ball, with its gracefulness, beautiful and fast steps, enthusiastic feelings and delicate white and pink colors, would lose all meaning. And the scene of the execution would not have seemed so terrible to the student, and his despair would not have been so great, if it had not been preceded by the scene of a mazurka at a ball.

Contrasting these scenes, Tolstoy, as it were, takes off the mask from outwardly prosperous and elegant reality. And the more festive and luxurious the young man imagined the world around him at the beginning, the more unexpected and tragic was his insight, which showed the world from the other side.

The hero, faced with the manifestation of evil in the world and the absolute (at least external) confidence of the people participating in it in the correctness of their actions, understands that the only thing possible for him in this situation is to get rid of evil. I am not free to change the world, to defeat evil, but I and only I am free to agree or disagree to participate in this evil - this is the logic of the hero's reasoning. And Ivan Vasilievich deliberately builds his path past evil, not participating in it, and, as it were, proving with his whole life the thesis about the possibility and primacy of personal, internal self-improvement. This is the position of Tolstoy himself.

Option number 1314

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