Jesus Christ birth coloring page for kids. Birth of Jesus Christ - Bible Coloring Pages

In this lesson, we will look at what to draw for Christmas, and also consider a step-by-step drawing of how to draw Christmas, the birth of Christ with a pencil in stages.

So what to draw for Christmas. In Western countries, this holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, as we are. We are Christians, not all, of course, there are many other religions in our country, but the majority, only the countries of the former USSR are Orthodox, and Catholics in the west. They like to put up such figures on Catholic Christmas, maybe they even saw them in films, the movie “Home Alone” only comes to mind, but I don’t remember which part.

In connection with these, you can draw the Birth of Jesus, the cradle with the baby and next to Mary and Joseph. The pictures are enlarged.

Just a Christmas scene.

The Magi go to bow and bring gifts to the newborn prophet, a star shines, which indicates the path to him, if I do not confuse anything. This is depicted in silhouettes, for me, very beautiful.

Below is an illustrated picture, well, this is for the pros.

These were options associated with the birth of Jesus. Now let's see how differently you can draw Christmas. Saint Nicholas (Santa) looks at the star, and you can also just distribute it.

Here is your favorite, or rather two, holding a piece of paper with the inscription "Merry Christmas!".

Here are more Christmas options related to nature: , twig, church.

Winter landscape and bluebells.

This old postcard, you see, there is a solid sign (b) after the letters “s” and “m”.

You can just with caramel sticks, leaves, ribbons.

Now let's see, our Christmas drawing lesson, that's what we should end up with, I decided to mix the New Year theme with the birth of Jesus.

I took part of the drawing from this picture.

Take another look at where the circle should be and draw it, inside which is the animal feeder.

Then draw the hay that sticks out from above and out of the crevices.

Sheep, star and shine.

Bells (you should already know how to draw them, the lesson is) and spruce twigs. Branches are drawn simply, draw a curve, from which small curves depart, which are at a close distance to each other.

And the final touch is, we show the ringing of a bell and decorate the inscription "Merry Christmas" on the sides with such decorative lines.

Birth of Jesus Christ

Birth of Jesus happened like this.

When Joseph heard that Mary was expecting a child, he was confused. Maria had not yet become his wife, and he could not understand who was the father of the child.

The Lord sent His angel to Joseph. In a dream, an angel told him: “Do not be afraid, Joseph, to accept Mary as your wife. She will have a Son from the Holy Spirit, call the baby Jesus, which means: “Savior”, for Jesus will save people from sins.

Joseph calmed down. Shortly before the birth of Jesus, he came home preoccupied. The Roman ruler, Caesar Augustus, wanted to establish how many people lived under the dominion of Rome. Therefore, he ordered a census to be taken throughout the country. All residents had to go, each to their own city, to enroll there.

Joseph was born in Judea, in the city of Bethlehem, located one hundred and sixty kilometers from Nazareth.

Mary, who was expecting the birth of her Son, and Joseph were forced to go on an exhausting journey. They moved slowly forward.

When Joseph and Mary finally arrived in Bethlehem, all the places in the hotel were already taken. The owner sympathized with them and offered his stable for the night. It so happened that the Son of God was born among the animals in a manger.

This event did not go unnoticed. Soon the first guests arrived. Shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem suddenly saw a bright light in the night. An angel appeared to them and announced the joyful news of the birth of the Lord.

"Do not be afraid! For today a Savior was born to you in the city of David. This is Christ, the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find the Baby in swaddling clothes in the manger!”

When the shepherds looked up into the sky, they saw a numerous host of angels who sang: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to all people who love God!”

Then the light went out and the angels disappeared. Silence fell again, and only the stars shone as before.

The shepherds got up. “Let's go to Bethlehem and try to find the Baby,” they decided and set off, finding the narrow path in the darkness with difficulty.

Holding their breath, they entered the barn.

And here, in the manger, lay the Infant Jesus, wrapped in warm swaddling clothes. Everything was exactly as the angel had predicted for them. Mary and Joseph sat next to each other.

The shepherds quietly knelt down and bowed to the Child. Then they told Mary and Joseph what the angels told them.

When the shepherds returned to their flocks at dawn, they met the first travelers on the streets and told them about the Good News.

Maria remembered everything and kept it in her heart. When the time came, Mary and Joseph went to the temple and carried the Child there, as required by Jewish law.

They named the baby Jesus, as the angel told them.

Nation of Jesus Christ

People of Jesus thought so.

If Josip knew that Mary was looking for a child, he was ruined. Mary has not yet become his retinue, and I didn’t have a moment to understand who the father of the child is.

The Lord sent His angel to Josip. In a dream, an angel said to you: “Do not fight, Josip, accept Mary, your squad. She will be born Sin in the form of the Holy Spirit, call the name Jesus, which means: “Savior”, for Jesus is the god of sin.”

Josip calm down. Not long before the people of Jesus, we came to the house of turbovanim. The Roman ruler, Caesar Augustus, having wanted to restore, how many people live under panuvannya Rome. Tom vin punishing to conduct a census throughout the country. All the inhabitants were guilty of going, they were at their own place, so that they could sign up there.

Josip was born in Judea, in the city of Bethlehem, roztashovanomu one hundred and sixty kilometers from Nazareth.

Mary, who was checking the people of Sina, and Josip was zmusheni, he was restored to tight clothes. The stench povitalis protruded forward.

If Josip and Mary came, arrived, to Bethlehem, all months in the hotel were already occupied. Gospodar after sleeping with him and proponing his crib for nothing. So it happened that the Son of God was born among the creatures at the manger.

Podiya did not pass unmarked. The first guests arrived unexpectedly. The shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem thrashed with rapt in the night when it was bright. The angel appeared to them and sent a radio call about the people of the Lord.

“Don't fight! This year, the Savior was born to you at the place of David. Tse is Christ, the Lord. І axis is a sign to you: you will know Ditina will wake up in a manger! ”

When the shepherds looked at the sky, the stench roared the number of the army of angels, like they sang: “Glory to God in the cherries, and on earth peace to all people who love God! ”

Then the light went out, and the angels appeared. Silence came again, and the stars shone less, as before.

The shepherds rose. “Let’s go to Bethlehem and try to rozshukati Nemovlya,” the stench blew and broke on the road, forcibly knowing in darkness a knotted stitch.

Zatamuvshi podikh, vyyshli stench in the barn.

And here, in the manger, Nemovlya Jesus lay down, curled up in the warmth of pelushki. Everything was exactly the same, as if an angel had passed it on to him. Maria and Josip sat in charge.

The shepherds quietly knelt down and bowed to Nemovlyat. Then the stench rose to Mary and Josip, about which the angels told them.

When the shepherds turned on their sweaters to their flocks, the stench, ringing on the streets of the first road, told them about the Good News.

Maria remembered everything and kept it in her heart. When the hour came, Mary and Josip went to the temple and carried Ditina there, as if he were in compliance with the Jewish law.

The stinks were given to the Unmoved Name by Jesus, as if an angel had told them.

/ Orthodox holidays/ Nativity of Jesus Christ

Coloring pages for Orthodox holidays. Christian coloring pages

Orthodox coloring pages for church holidays

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Jesus Nativity coloring page

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Nativity of Jesus Christ - download and print the coloring page. Coloring book for children on biblical motives, baby, manger, star, birth

Coloring pages for Orthodox holidays. Christian coloring pages. Children's site specialized in coloring. Unique author's content. Orthodox coloring pages for church holidays
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The problem of excessive consumption of sugar by children is very acute for modern mothers. In the days of our grandmothers, only a baked pie or boiled compote could become the sweetest dessert, and even those are clearly inferior to a chocolate bar or soda in terms of the amount of sugar. But in supermarkets, shopping centers, entertainment venues here and there there are bright shop windows and stalls, where a variety of sweets are hidden in tempting packages. To many, in addition, there is also a toy, which makes them simply extremely desirable for the child. It is almost impossible to convince him that the daily consumption of tasty, but completely unhealthy foods is harmful to a growing organism.
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