Good news: singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child. Biography jasmine 1 husband jasmine

The singer is having a hard time right now. Her husband, businessman Ilan Shor, was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. But the young mother does not lose heart and does not give up.

The upbringing of three children has now completely fallen on the women's shoulders: it is quite possible that the two sons and daughter will not see their father soon. But Jasmine says that this is not the worst thing - she was already raising children herself. Her husband could not spend much time with his family, so he preferred to spoil his heirs.

“He is the dad who will never refuse anything, more often say yes than no. He says: “Let me at least behave with children the way my soul wants.” That is why I am raising my children. And if he suddenly doesn’t like something, then he says it to me, not to the children, ”the TV program magazine quotes Jasmine.

The singer habitually plays the role of a strict policeman: “I am bad, but he is good. But I don’t mind, to be honest, because Ilan really rarely sees them, wants to pamper them as often as possible, always smile at them. I fully understand and support this." According to Jasmine, the roles in her family were divided in exactly the same way.

A woman is much more worried about her husband's health: he has heart problems. And Jasmine fears that the protracted litigation will finally undermine Ilan's health.

The youngest son of the singer Miron is one year old. As Jasmine admitted, the boy turned out to be a sissy: he cries when they have to part. But without this, unfortunately, nothing: tours, courts ... But in August, my mother promised not to part with her children.

Jasmine carefully protected the baby from prying eyes, but entrusted Antenna with his first photo shoot in her country house.

When I thought about mothers with many children, I imagined that it was great first of all, and already hard in the second. It would seem that the eldest son and the younger ones have a huge age difference - it should be simpler, but in fact it is even more difficult. Margarita and Miron are troublesome, but understandable and predictable: doctors, vaccinations, kindergarten, school ... But Misha has a completely different world.

I want to be a part of it, to give as much as possible, to direct. And it's not always possible to get through. The son respects, listens, understands my desires, but he is already an adult and independent in many matters. A nanny helps with Miron, through an agency she found a person with a medical education. Boys are more capricious: either the tummy hurts, or something else - you need a professional at hand. And I, as a mother with a medical education, personally take the children to the clinic and give them all the necessary vaccinations.

About characters

- By nature, all children are different. Miron is very different from his daughter, more like Misha, just as open and cheerful. Margarita has always been very serious, almost impossible to laugh at. Now it’s better, but in the family we still sometimes call her “director”. And Mironchik smiles all the time, his teeth stick out so funny. A daughter at his age did not go into the hands of anyone. If someone took it, she began to cry. And the son is happy with everyone, loves being squeezed, looks at everyone, studies. When I was pregnant, Margarita was waiting for him so much. She talked to her tummy, hugged her, rejoiced when the baby pushed, as if he was sending her greetings. And when she was born, she had twofold feelings. It is clear that his daughter loves him, cares, but does not like to play with his brother, sometimes it even comes to a fight. She is angry - they say, mom, he is small, constantly naughty, all the toys are in saliva. I put dolls at the table, arranged a picnic for them, and my brother came and broke everything. It is not yet possible to explain to him - he immediately begins to squeal, demands to do it his own way. I tell my daughter: my brother is so in love with you that everything you pick up is cool. So give him a toy for a second, and he will give it back. Miron is a kind guy, he always feeds everyone; if he sees something on the table - nuts, bread, immediately treats.

About Talents

– Miron went in a year and a week. Now he clearly says “mom”, “give”, “uncle”. “Daddy” pronounces very quietly - somehow reverently, he has such a trick. And as soon as he sees me, he immediately screams, rejoices, runs towards me, asks to turn on the radio, starts to twist his ass - to dance. Margarita loves to draw, sing, take pictures. We went with her to see how rhythmic gymnastics classes are going. My daughter liked it, and she has the data - from birth she sits on a transverse twine, flexible, artistic. Engaged in "Todes" modern direction. Now they have suspended training due to frequent moves - either to Chisinau, then to Moscow, then on vacation. But we will resume in the fall. I thought about trying her in ballet, but so far she is small. They say you have to start at the age of eight.

About family

We are an international family. Unfortunately, we do not speak my native Farsi. It so happened that in childhood I constantly heard it, but I was not specifically taught. Although now dad sometimes speaks to me in Farsi, and I understand a lot. If he lived with us, then I would like something to be passed on to Miron from his grandfather, including the language - a complex, peculiar one. But dad and grandmother Sarah live in Derbent, they come only for holidays. There he has a job, a school where he works with children. I could persuade him, say that we really need him, but I understand: I’ll tear him away from what he loves. And he won't leave his grandmother. She categorically does not want to live in Moscow, her favorite sofa, friends, neighbors are there. Grandmother adores our children with my brother Anatoly, we now have six of them for two. Make sure that the jam does not end, twists. Once every six months, he sends a box of jars - each with an explanation of what it is and what they eat with. The package says: "From Grandma Sarah to my grandchildren."

About love

- When I met Ilan, I did not immediately understand that this was my man. It seemed that something was wrong. But time passed, he fought, conquered me like a true man. Now I can say: this is a wonderful dad, husband, person. I'm happy.

Shortly after the wedding, on December 31, we held a chuppah ceremony, it's like a Christian wedding. The ceremony was attended by a narrow circle of relatives. The rabbi said: “Whatever she asks now, you must do. Your wife for life." I say: "How I like these words!"

About jealousy

Of course, I have fans. But all normal, sane people. There were cases when they crossed the border of what was permitted, but I did not react, and everything fell into place. Everything depends on the woman. On stage, I am playful - this is normal, we must convey all sorts of feelings to the viewer, including joy, coquetry. If someone misunderstands, it is not in my power to correct. They gave everything - crystal vases, flowers, paintings. I do not accept gifts that are too expensive. They even brought yogurt and chocolate. So let's get to the pizza.

Previously, Ilan, of course, was jealous, and for me it was a disaster - immediately a scandal! He always controlled, called and, if he heard a male voice, arranged a brain drain: “Who is this? You are deceiving me?" It was cruel. I also did not hold back, hung up, said that it was impossible. Until now, sometimes a spark of jealousy slips. If I understand that I’m dissatisfied with something, I find myself nearby: I’m bored, which means it’s simple. If they gave me flowers, he asks from whom. And the next day I look: on the table there is a bouquet three times more!

About the past

- With the first spouse Vyacheslav, we have established relations. There was a period when they corresponded by text messages regarding only Misha. He was a teenager, 15-17 years old. I realized that we can't do it apart. Misha just started using what we did not communicate: there his mother allowed him, there - his father. I told my son one fine day: now we will check his words with dad. I closed my eyes to all our past mistakes, resentment for the sake of my son. It happens that Vyacheslav asks: “Misha asks me to go with the guys for a week to rest. Did you let him go? Do you think this is correct?" Slowly everything calmed down. My son is grateful to me for this step, and his dad, I think, too. Misha loves his father very much, they meet all the time. I always remind him to call and ask how dad is feeling. From a recent story (Vyacheslav was accused of fraud. - Approx. "Antennas") I was shocked. I called my son. He did not believe it, he thought it was some kind of tale. Then they met, Misha was so unhappy after. He said he didn't even know how to help. I advised: just be there. She conveyed words of support through her son. Bad story. Hope this all ends soon.

Jasmine is a Russian singer, actress and TV presenter, multiple winner of the Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year awards, the first performer from Russia to be awarded the MTV Russia Music Awards.

Childhood and youth

Jasmine is the pseudonym of a Dagestan pop singer, born Sarah Manakhimova. She was born in the Dagestan Derbent in an exceptionally creative family. Her father Lev Yakovlevich worked as a choreographer and choreographer, and her mother Margarita Semyonovna was a conductor. Sarah also has a brother Anatoly, who is two years older than the singer, he has two children: the eldest was named Leo in honor of his grandfather, the youngest - Sergey.

The world of art surrounded Sarah from childhood, but at a young age the girl did not think about the career of an artist. She loved to study English and wanted to enter the Faculty of Philology, but there was no necessary institute in Derbent, and her parents refused to let her only daughter go to the capital. As a result, the girl graduated with honors from a medical college, in which her mother persuaded her to enter.

During her studies, Sarah first appeared on stage at the student KVN, where doctors competed with a music school and, paradoxically, won a music competition.

Music and creativity

In the musical field, the teacher of the Gnessin School Natalya Andrianova became the mentor of the future singer. At first, the girl did not take singing seriously and did not hope for career growth in this area, vocals were just a pleasant hobby for her. But after three years of hard work, it became clear that it was time to move to a new professional level.

At the end of 1999, the first video for the song "It happens" was released. The singer chose the name of an Arab princess from the famous Disney cartoon "Aladdin" as her stage name. Jasmine's first album "Long Days" was sold out with a circulation of 90 thousand copies. The singer herself considered this a success, but, as time has shown, this was only the beginning of her ascent.

Jasmine - "Dolce Vita"

In 1999, thanks to a happy accident, Sarah began her modeling career. The exotic appearance of the girl so impressed the French couturier Jean-Claude Jitrois that he invited her to represent his brand. So Jasmine became the face of the fashion house Zhitrua in Russia. However, later the girl realized that the modeling business was not for her.

In 2001, an album called “I will rewrite love” was released, the circulation was three times higher than the previous one: 270 thousand copies were sold. The next - "Puzzle" - totaled 310 thousand copies. Such success opened the doors of the largest Russian venues for the singer: she appeared with solo concerts on the stage of the famous concert hall "Russia", in the State Kremlin Palace, the organizer of one of her performances was the Prima Donna of the Russian stage herself.

Jasmine - "Rewrite Love"

Jasmine's concerts are also held abroad with great success: Jasmine's tour biography includes Israel, the USA, the Baltic countries, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Germany. In total, Jasmine has released 9 solo albums and 50 singles. The most popular album in the singer's discography was the album "Yes!", which sold a record circulation of 650 thousand copies. In 2009, Jasmine was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

Later, Jasmine released 4 more albums, but their sales were rather modest, none even came close to her own record. Critics greeted the singer's new records without much enthusiasm, although they noted the surprisingly gentle voice of the performer.

Jasmine - "Long Days"

In 2014, Jasmine presented to the public the show program "The Other Me", which included songs from her latest albums. The show premiered on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace and was later shown on Channel One. The concert was attended by colleagues of the singer -,. Musical compositions "Long days", "Without you", "Diva", "You are my only one", "Dolce Vita" sounded from the stage.

The creative career of the artist is not limited to concerts. Jasmine has appeared in several musicals. In the production of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the singer played the wife of the protagonist named Zeynab. Then there was work in the Ukrainian musical "Three Musketeers", where Jasmine appeared before the audience as an artist of a traveling circus. The girl also appeared in the 2008 musical called "Beauty Requires ...".

Sarah also tried herself as a TV presenter: on the TVC channel, Jasmine hosted the Wider Circle program. Also in the large-scale project "Two Stars", the singer presented a duet with the famous comedian "Full House" to the audience. A pair of Galtsev-Jasmine took an honorary "bronze" at this competition.

Many of the artist's popular songs received their video incarnation, there are more than four dozen clips and two full-fledged video albums. In 2015, a video for the song "Dependency" was released.

Jasmine - "Addiction"

In 2016, Jasmine recorded two singles. Despite the fact that the artist's latest records did not make much of a splash, the singer's fans hope for a new album to be released soon. But so far, the artist has limited herself to releasing only a collection of the best compositions, which was called "The Best".

Personal life

The artist does not hide her personal life, with the advent of social networks, she openly registered in them and maintains a personal "Instagram", where he tries to upload new photos almost every day.

Jasmine has been married twice. Her first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev, who fell in love with the girl's unusual beauty when he saw her on a videotape from his brother's wedding. It was thanks to his financial support that Jasmine's creative biography quickly reached the top. In this marriage, the couple had a son, Mikhail, in 1997.

After ten years of marriage, there were reports in the press that Jasmine was hospitalized with signs of a beating. She herself claimed that she was a victim of domestic violence: her husband forced her to sign some papers, the purpose of which the singer knows nothing about. Semenduev denied everything, in turn accusing his wife of infidelity, which further confirmed the press's guess that the singer was beaten by her husband.

The result of this scandal was the divorce of Jasmine and Semenduev, during this difficult divorce process, the artist defended the right to raise her son. Based on this high-profile case, Jasmine wrote an autobiographical book, Hostage, describing stories from her life in it.

The consolation and support of the singer at that time was her acquaintance businessman Ilan Shor, a Moldovan of Israeli origin, the heir to the billion-dollar capital of his father Miron Shor, a pioneer of the Moldovan Jewish community and the owner of a chain of duty-free shops in Moldova. Young people met at a charity concert where the singer performed. Soon Ilan Shor proposed to Jasmine, and in 2011 the couple got married. In this marriage, the singer had a charming daughter, whom her parents named Margarita.

The fact that Ilan Shor is nine years younger than Jasmine did not overshadow family happiness.

Ilan Shor started his entrepreneurial activity at the age of fifteen and eventually became one of the largest businessmen in his country. In addition to the fact that Ilan holds the positions of General Director of Duty-free operator "Dufremol", President of the Association "Prosperarea Moldovei" and the International Moldo-Israeli Center for Economic Relations and Education, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the international organization "Educational Resources and Technological Training" and owns the Milsami football club.

On May 5, 2015, the media reported that Ilan Shor was in connection with a case of fraud and embezzlement of $ 1 billion from three large Moldovan banks using offshore accounts. The investigation began a few months earlier, and only in May, based on the collected evidence, the businessman was taken into custody.

Ilan Shor himself denied the accusations leveled against him, and argued that the "hole" was formed in the accounts of banks even before the arrival of private investors. The case received a great response, in the capital of Moldova there was a demonstration of many thousands of deceived depositors. But there was a lull in the proceedings.

It seemed that Jasmine's life soon improved, and scandals and courts began to bypass the artist. On June 14, 2015, her husband was elected mayor (similar to mayor) of the city of Orhei.

In 2016, it became known that Jasmine was expecting a baby. The journalists at first decided that the artist had recovered, because she did not immediately admit her pregnancy not only to the press, but even to her husband. Many media outlets were critical of the artist's appearance, blaming Jasmine for not taking care of herself.

On April 25, 2016, the singer gave birth to a child, it turned out to be a boy whom Jasmine named Miron. After that, as if in mockery of critics who claimed that it was hard for her to keep track of her own weight, the artist returned to her previous forms. She was helped to lose 16 kg by a special diet and classes in the gym with an instructor.

However, the joy of motherhood was overshadowed by legal problems, the case of embezzlement still went to court, and Ilan Shor spent a month in a pre-trial detention center as a preventive measure on suspicion of fraud before the court ruled to transfer the businessman to house arrest. This does not mean the case is closed, but it gives the singer and her husband at least a small reason for joy. Later, the circumstances of the case changed, and Shor appeared only as a witness.

Jasmine - "Take care of your family"

Litigation was also initiated against Jasmine herself. According to information in the press, the director of the construction company Gorbach demanded 62 million rubles from the artist. Information about where such a debt came from and on what occasion the financial relationship between Gorbach and Jasmine arose was not disclosed.

Jasmine now

In 2018, court hearings in the case of Ilan Shor are still ongoing, while this does not affect Jasmine's creative career. The artist twice became the owner of the Topical Style Awards in the Refined Style nomination, received the Breakthrough of the Year award, and the family union of Sarah and Ilan was awarded the BEST Couple of the Year award in the Happy Together category.

In 2017, Jasmine's repertoire was replenished with two new singles "You are mine, mine" and "White Bird", for which clips appeared simultaneously. The second musical composition was recorded in tandem with a DJ, with whom a year later the artist released the second hit "Like".

Jasmine and Leonid Rudenko - "White Bird" (premiere 2018)

The song was recorded on the eve of the World Cup-18, and the artists noted that not only the feeling of love makes people look alike. Experiences of universal victory unite representatives of different professions, characters and ages.

2018 brought another premiere to the singer's fans - the song and video "Love is Poison", created by Jasmine in a duet with. Fans of the artists appreciated their work, marking the video with enthusiastic comments.

Jasmine and Denis Klyaver - "Love-poison" (premiere 2018)

The artist does not forget about her relatives either. Now the singer spends most of the year with her family in Moldova, and in the summer she visits seaside resorts. According to Jasmine, Ilan is jealous of her departures to music festivals and to shoot video clips, but the spouses always manage to find a common language in any situation.


  • 2000 - Long Days
  • 2001 - "I will rewrite love"
  • 2002 - "Puzzle"
  • 2003 - "100% Love"
  • 2004 - "Yes!"
  • 2005 - "You'll like it"
  • 2009 - "Dream"
  • 2013 - "From love to love"
  • 2014 - "Oriental Love"
  • 2017 - "The Best"

| Russian groups

23.06.2016 10:55

Biography Jasmine

Jasmine - Russian singer

Jasmine is the pseudonym of a Dagestan pop singer, born Sarah Manakhimova. Sarah was born on October 12, 1977 in the Dagestan Derbent in an exceptionally creative family. Her father Lev Yakovlevich worked as a choreographer and choreographer, and her mother Margarita Semyonovna was a conductor. Sarah also has an older brother Anatoly, who is two years older than the singer, he has two children: the eldest was named Leo in honor of his grandfather, the youngest - Sergei.

Despite the fact that the world of art surrounded Sarah since childhood, the girl did not think about the career of an artist. She loved to study English and wanted to enter philology, but there was no necessary institute in Derbent, and her parents refused to let her only daughter go to the capital. As a result, the girl graduated with honors from a medical college, in which her mother persuaded her to enter.

While studying there, Sarah first appeared on the stage in the student KVN, where doctors competed with a music school, and, paradoxically, won the music competition.

In 1999, thanks to a fluke, Sarah began her modeling career. The exotic appearance of the girl so impressed the French couturier Jean-Claude Jitrois that he invited her to represent his brand. So Jasmine became the face of the fashion house Zhitrua in Russia. However, later the girl realized that the modeling business was not for her.

Jasmine: music and creativity

The mentor of the future singer was the teacher of the Gnessin Music College Natalya Andrianova. After three years of hard work, it became clear that it was time to move to a new professional level. At the end of 1999, the first video for the song "It happens" was released. The singer chose the name of an Arab princess from the famous Disney cartoon "Aladdin" as her stage name. Jasmine's first album "Long Days" was sold out in ninety thousand copies. The singer herself considered this a huge success, but, as time has shown, this was only the beginning of her ascent.

In 2001, an album called "I will rewrite love" was released, the circulation was three times higher than the previous one: two hundred and seventy thousand discs were sold. The next disc "Puzzle" totaled three hundred and ten thousand copies. Such success opened the doors of the largest domestic venues for the singer: the singer gave solo concerts on the stage of the famous concert hall "Russia", in the State Kremlin Palace, the organizer of one of her concerts was the Russian pop prima donna Alla Borisovna Pugacheva herself.

Jasmine's concerts are also held abroad with great success: Jasmine's tour biography includes Israel, the USA, the Baltic countries, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Germany. In total, Jasmine has released nine solo albums and about forty singles. The most popular album in the singer's discography was the album "Yes!", which sold a record circulation of six hundred and fifty thousand copies. In 2009, Jasmine was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

The creative activity of the artist is not limited to concerts. Jasmine took part in several musicals: in the production of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the singer played the wife of the protagonist named Zeynab. Then there was work in the Ukrainian musical "Three Musketeers", where Jasmine appeared before the audience as an artist of a traveling circus. Also, the girl appeared in the 2008 musical called "Beauty requires ...".

Sarah also tried herself as a TV presenter: on the TVC channel, Jasmine hosted the Wider Circle program. Also in the large-scale project "Two Stars", the singer presented a duet to the audience with the famous comedian "Full House" Yuri Galtsev. A pair of Galtsev-Jasmine took an honorary bronze at this competition.

Jasmine: personal life

Jasmine has been married twice. Her first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev, who fell in love with the girl's unusual beauty when he saw her on a videotape from his brother's wedding. It was thanks to his financial support that Jasmine's creative biography quickly reached the top. In this marriage, the couple had a son, Mikhail, in 1997.

After ten years of marriage, there were reports in the press that Jasmine was hospitalized with signs of a beating. Sarah herself claimed that she was a victim of domestic violence: her husband forced her to sign some papers, the purpose of which the singer knows nothing about. Semenduev denied everything, in turn accusing his wife of infidelity. The result of this major scandal was the divorce of Jasmine and Semenduev, during this difficult divorce process, the artist defended the right to raise her son. Based on this high-profile case, Jasmine wrote an autobiographical book, Hostage, describing stories from her life in it.

The consolation and support of the singer at that time was her acquaintance businessman Ilan Shor, a Moldavian of Israeli origin, the heir to the billion-dollar capital of his father Miron Shor, a pioneer of the Moldovan Jewish community and the owner of the Duty Free chain of stores in Moldova. Soon Ilan Shor proposed to Jasmine, and in 2011 the couple got married. In this marriage, the singer had a charming daughter, whom her parents named Margarita. The fact that Ilan Shor is nine years younger than Jasmine does not overshadow family happiness.

Ilan Shor started his entrepreneurial activity at the age of fifteen and is currently one of the largest businessmen in his country. In addition to the fact that Ilan is the General Director of the duty-free operator "Dufremol", the President of the Association "Prosperarea Moldovei" and the International Moldo-Israeli Center for Economic Relations and Education, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Organization "Educational Resources and Technological Training" and owns Milsami Football Club.

On May 5, 2015, the media reported that Ilan Shor was arrested in connection with a case of fraud and embezzlement of about a billion dollars from three large Moldovan banks using offshore accounts. The investigation began a few months earlier, and only in May, based on the collected evidence, the businessman was taken into custody.

Ilan Shor himself denies all the accusations brought against him, as he claims that a hole was formed in bank accounts even before the arrival of private investors. The case received a great response, in the capital of Moldova there was a demonstration of many thousands of deceived depositors.

April 25, 2016 Jasmine became a mother for the third time. A boy of 3,350 kg and a height of 54 cm was born, who was named Miron.

Only problems with her husband did not disappear. On June 22, it became known that Ilan was again detained in Moldova, this time on suspicion of bank fraud.

Jasmine: discography

long days
Rewrite love
100% love
You'll like it
From love to love
Eastern love

Marquise no angels

Remember how, as children, we clung to the TV screen when our favorite film, The Three Musketeers, was on there. As we admired the fearless trio of musketeers, we sang along with the young d. Artagnan "It's time, time, we will rejoice in our lifetime." And how unpleasant we were the cunning Cardinal Richelieu, Rochefort and the most negative hero of the novel - Milady. She - the Countess de La Fère, Lady Winter - constantly pursued our heroes, created intrigues and brought death with her. But at the same time, some force attracted to this woman branded with a lily flower, her strength and cunning also deserved admiration ....

Terekhova - Milady



Hello girls. Today I lost my wedding ring while I was eating meat, I decided to take it off and put it on a hundred, and forgot to put it on. After that, the table was wiped many times and still there is no ring of mine! Already searched everything, every corner. Now what to do with the husband's ring? Should I keep it the same or put it off for now? We are not painted, just started wearing since 2017. We were going to sign next summer.



I don't believe in a child.
Here on all psychological sites they write: the main thing is faith in the child, support from parents.
Excellent, gentlemen psychologists.
And if there is no faith in the child? Well, you don't believe in him.
Always stupid children, children with SR, unteachable - they are somewhere out there, far away, in other families.
And you're talking about faith like that.

What if you have? If you yourself have an unteachable degrading child?
Whereas? Chanting "We believe in ourselves!" like in the finale of the movie "Requiem for a Dream"?
Spit and not do at all?
So the public is pushing.
- Ah, he will go to a school for fools (and he belongs there anyway,
because he is a fool)!
- Oh, you yourself are ruining your child.
- But with Tanya-Kolya-Petya they are engaged, and they have progress, but you do not study, and Vasya loses his skills.

And how to deal with it? How to force yourself? How to force it, Egyptian power?
So he sat down to study - and the province went for a walk:
You give him a finger in a book, and he plays cars with his other hand.
You remove the cars - it just spins.
You try to read a book - at every word he interrupts and carries some kind of heresy.
Also yelling, yelling, yelling, spitting (sorry) on your clothes, poking a finger in your eyes, throwing things...

Sometimes I want to talk about my problem.
But who will you talk to?
With husband? He himself is horrified.
With parents? They won't listen, they'll say, "It's my own fault," or, "I don't have the nerve for all these things."
It's good when you can just say "I don't have enough nerves" and go home (hang up the phone, log out of Skype...).
And you can't afford that luxury. You have to spend the rest of your life with this child.
Every day, day after day. Is always. You're on life, darling.

And you're always to blame, no matter what you do.
Do you give pills? - poorly. Don't you? - worse.
Doing - breaking down - yelling? It’s bad, you can’t yell, it loosens the already pampered system of the child,
that jumps on your head while you lie half dead.
Are you not busy? It’s bad - the child doesn’t shine even now, but it will grow even more trenchant.
I went for a walk with him on the street, does he beat passers-by there? Too bad, take him home.
Are you at home with him? It's bad, the child needs to move.
In short, from all sides bad, whatever one may say. For others, it is bad, but for oneself it is the embodiment of evil on earth.

You can go to the forum - there you will grab so much abuse that it lasts an average of six months.

Phew, I spoke up.
Let's chat, shall we?
Tell us about your difficulties with children and how you overcame them. Or not overcome.
If you really want to run with slippers - well, run, what to do with you now ...


The more I sleep, the less harm I do

Sara Lvovna Manakhimova (real name) was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent. Now she is a famous singer, designer, TV presenter and fashion model.

The biography of the singer Jasmine has practically no secrets from fans, and even a lot was said about her personal life in television programs. And fresh photos of the star can be found on social networks on her official pages.

Childhood and youth

Sarah's father was a choreographer, and her mother was a conductor. We can say that the girl from the first days of her life was surrounded by music and creative people. Parents are Mountain Jews and tried to raise their children in severity. She unquestioningly obeyed her father and older brother.

Mom for Sarah was the ideal of a woman, and from childhood she tried to be like her. The character of Margarita Semyonovna combined strictness in raising children, and at the same time all-consuming love and kindness.

Father Lev Yakovlevich also loved children very much. Especially for them, he organized a circle in the House of Pioneers. Sarah was often called "fairy tale", "picture".

Brother Anatoly attended art school as a child. He entered the jewelry college, which he graduated with high marks.

And the grandmother of the future artist was known throughout the city for her culinary skills, namely: pastries and jam. It is these dishes that are a feature of the Dagestan cuisine. All grandmother's recipes are now kept by Sarah Lvovna - she bakes bakery products perfectly and makes jam.

Sarah knew all the nooks and crannies of creative life, namely: endless rehearsals, constant touring, irregular work schedules. Therefore, she was not initially going to link her fate with the stage, though even in her school years she enjoyed performing at concerts, she sang and danced well.

When the time came to decide on a profession, she firmly decided to become a translator and for this she took up the study of English. Parents did not argue, but there was no special university in the city. And there was no question of sending a young girl to Moscow.

Her mother insisted that Sarah apply to medical school, which she later graduated with honors. Surprisingly, it was this that prompted the girl to change plans, which later influenced the biography and personal life of the future singer Jasmine. Various events, competitions, KVNs were often held in the educational institution, and there she was destined to be on her native stage again. In one of the competitions, she won first place for the best musical performance.

Personal life

Singer Jasmine does not try to hide her personal life from prying eyes, she often posts family photos and videos on Instagram. The biography says that she married twice.

The first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev, who fell in love when he saw the girl on the video from the wedding of his brother. He financially helped Sarah reach heights in her pop career. In 1997, they had a son, who was named Michael.

Exactly 10 years later, their seemingly strong union, sensational news appeared that the singer was in the hospital with signs of a beating. In numerous interviews, the singer said that she was a victim of domestic violence: her husband forced her to sign some documents, the purpose of which he did not say anything. In response, Semenduev accused the now ex-wife of treason, which once again confirmed the status of a domestic tyrant.

The divorce process was difficult for both parties. During it, the singer managed to defend the right to raise Maxim. The full story is written in the autobiography Hostage.

During that difficult period, the singer's good friend Ilan Shor, a Moldavian businessman with Israeli roots, the heir to the multi-million dollar capital of Miron Shor, became a support and support for the singer.

Shor proposed to the singer and in 2011 they officially got married. The chosen one is 9 years younger than her, but age is not a hindrance to personal happiness. Soon Jasmine gave birth to his daughter Margarita.

In May 2015, Ilan Shor was arrested on suspicion of fraudulent activities and embezzlement of a large amount of money in dollars from 3 Moldovan banks. The investigation began 2-3 months earlier, and only at the beginning of May the Moldovan businessman was arrested.

The Moldovan businessman himself denies all the accusations against him, assuring that the hole in the bank accounts was formed long before the appearance of private investors. This trial received a powerful return, thousands of depositors took to the demonstration in the capital of Moldova. But there was a long silence in the case.

It seems like the personal life of the singer Jasmine improved, and loud sensations began to bypass her family. There is a lull in the biography, and social networks are replenished with happy family photos. On June 14, 2015, her husband was elected mayor (mayor) of the city of Orhei.

In 2016, the news about Jasmine's pregnancy appeared. Fans and the press decided that the singer just got better, because she didn’t even immediately tell her husband about her interesting situation. Most began to criticize the appearance of the star, accusing her of not wanting to follow her appearance and nutrition.

April 25 of the same year Sarah, whom she and her husband decided to name Miron. After, despite the harsh attacks of critics who claimed that it was difficult for her to follow the figure, she was able to regain her former shape in a fairly short period of time. And now she looks much better than before pregnancy. This is confirmed by personal photos on social networks, as well as numerous photo shoots.

But maternal happiness was not long, due to legal problems. The case did go to court, and Shor spent 30 days in a pre-trial detention center until an official decision was made to transfer the businessman to house arrest. This does not mean that the case is closed, but it made it possible for Jasmine and her husband to be together for some time. Later, the circumstances in the case changed dramatically, and Ilan already acted as a witness.

But it cannot be said that the moment has come when Jasmine's life was filled with joy and happiness. Now the trial is up to her personally. It became known that the owner of the construction company intends to demand as much as 62 million rubles from it. Where the information came from and how true it is is still unknown.

What does Jasmine look like now?

Due to problems with the law, for more than a year, the biography, or rather the personal life of the singer Jasmine, is going through hard times. She and her husband have to live in two countries, besides, the woman tries to combine work and raising children. According to her, in many Instagram posts with photos, this rhythm of life is becoming more and more difficult.

The other day, the star told the press that she no longer intends to endure separation from the dearest person, and therefore in a month she is going to go to his home with the children. She wants to spend the New Year holidays, as well as a few more weeks with her family, after which she will return to Russia again. In her story, she noted the productivity of 2017 for herself personally.

It meant that this year she was able to record many new musical compositions and shoot videos. Even her youngest son, who is only 1.5 years old, began to take his first steps. Recently, she went out with him for the first time, visiting the birthday of Philip Kirkorov's daughter, Alla Victoria.

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