Manifestations of solar activity on earth. sun activity

Solar activity is a set of phenomena that periodically occur in the solar atmosphere. Manifestations of solar activity are associated with the magnetic properties of solar plasma.

What causes solar activity to occur? The magnetic flux gradually increases in one of the regions of the photosphere. Then the brightness in the hydrogen and calcium lines increases here. Such areas are called floccules.

Approximately in the same areas on the Sun in the photosphere (i.e. somewhat deeper), an increase in brightness in white (visible) light is also observed. This phenomenon is called torches.

The increase in energy released in the region of the plume and floccule is a consequence of the increased magnetic field strength.
1-2 days after the appearance of the flocculus in the active area, sunspots in the form of small black dots - pores. Many of them soon disappear, only some pores turn into large dark formations in 2-3 days. A typical sunspot is several tens of thousands of kilometers in size and consists of a dark central part (shadow) and fibrous penumbra.

From the history of the study of sunspots

The first reports of sunspots date back to 800 BC. e. in China, the first drawings date back to 1128. In 1610, astronomers began to use a telescope to observe the Sun. The initial research dealt mainly with the nature of the spots and their behavior. But, despite the research, the physical nature of the spots remained unclear until the 20th century. By the 19th century, there was already a sufficiently long series of observations of the number of sunspots to determine periodic cycles in the activity of the Sun. In 1845, Professors D. Henry and S. Alexander of Princeton University observed the Sun with a thermometer and determined that the spots emit less radiation than the surrounding regions of the Sun. Later, above-average radiation was determined in the plume regions.

Characteristics of sunspots

The most important feature of spots is the presence of strong magnetic fields reaching the greatest tension in the shadow area. Imagine a tube of magnetic field lines extending into the photosphere. The upper part of the tube expands, and the lines of force in it diverge, like ears of corn in a sheaf. Therefore, around the shadow, the magnetic lines of force take a direction close to horizontal. The magnetic field, as it were, expands the spot from the inside and suppresses the convective movements of the gas, which transfer energy from the depth upwards. Therefore, in the area of ​​the spot, the temperature turns out to be lower by about 1000 K. The spot is, as it were, a hole in the solar photosphere cooled and bound by a magnetic field.
Most often, spots appear in whole groups, but two large spots stand out in them. One, small, is in the west, and the other, smaller, is in the east. Around them and between them there are often many small spots. Such a group of sunspots is called bipolar because large sunspots always have the opposite polarity of the magnetic field. They seem to be connected with the same tube of magnetic field lines, which emerged from under the photosphere in the form of a giant loop, leaving the ends somewhere in the deep layers, it is impossible to see them. The spot from which the magnetic field leaves the photosphere has a north polarity, and the one into which the force field enters back under the photosphere has a south polarity.

Solar flares are the most powerful manifestation of solar activity. They occur in relatively small regions of the chromosphere and corona located above groups of sunspots. Simply put, flare is an explosion caused by sudden contraction of the solar plasma. Compression occurs under the pressure of a magnetic field and leads to the formation of a long plasma rope of tens and even hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The amount of explosion energy is from 10²³ J. The energy source of flares differs from the energy source of the entire Sun. It is clear that flares are of an electromagnetic nature. The energy emitted by the flash in the short-wavelength region of the spectrum consists of ultraviolet and X-rays.
Like any strong explosion, the flare generates a shock wave that propagates upward into the corona and along the surface layers of the solar atmosphere. The radiation of solar flares has a particularly strong effect on the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere and the ionosphere. As a result of this, a whole complex of geophysical phenomena occurs on Earth.


The most grandiose formations in the solar atmosphere are prominences. These are dense clouds of gases that originate in the solar corona or are ejected into it from the chromosphere. A typical prominence looks like a gigantic luminous arch resting on the chromosphere and formed by jets and flows of matter denser than the corona. The temperature of the prominences is about 20,000 K. Some of them exist in the corona for several months, while others that appear near the spots move rapidly at speeds of about 100 km/s and exist for several weeks. Individual prominences move at even greater speeds and suddenly explode; they are called eruptive. The sizes of prominences can be different. A typical prominence is about 40,000 km high and about 200,000 km wide.
There are many types of prominences. In photographs of the chromosphere in the red spectral line of hydrogen, prominences are clearly visible on the solar disk in the form of dark long filaments.

Areas on the Sun where intense manifestations of solar activity are observed are called centers of solar activity. The total activity of the Sun changes periodically. There are many ways to assess the level of solar activity. Solar activity index - Wolf numbers W. W= k (f + 10g), where k is a coefficient that takes into account the quality of the instrument and observations made with it, f is the total number of spots currently observed on the Sun, g is a tenfold number of groups that they form.
The epoch when the number of activity centers is greatest is considered the maximum solar activity. And when they are completely or almost absent - a minimum. Highs and lows alternate on average with a period of 11 years - an eleven-year cycle of solar activity.

The impact of solar activity on life on Earth

This influence is very great. A.L. Chizhevsky was the first to investigate this influence in June 1915. Northern lights were observed in Russia and even in North America, and “magnetic storms continuously disrupted the movement of telegrams.” During this period, the scientist draws attention to the fact that increased solar activity coincides with bloodshed on Earth. Indeed, immediately after the appearance of large spots on the Sun, hostilities intensified on many fronts of the First World War. He devoted his whole life to these studies, but his book "In the Rhythm of the Sun" remained unfinished and was published only in 1969, 4 years after Chizhevsky's death. He drew attention to the connection between the increase in solar activity and terrestrial cataclysms.
Turning to the Sun with one or the other of its hemisphere, the Earth receives energy. This flow can be represented as a traveling wave: where the light falls - its crest, where it is dark - a failure: energy either increases or decreases.
Magnetic fields and streams of particles that come from sunspots reach the Earth and affect the brain, cardiovascular and circulatory systems of a person, his physical, nervous and psychological state. A high level of solar activity, its rapid changes excite a person.

Now the influence of solar activity on the Earth is being studied very actively. New sciences have appeared - heliobiology, solar-terrestrial physics - which investigate the relationship of life on Earth, weather, climate with manifestations of solar activity.
Astronomers say the Sun is getting brighter and hotter. This is because its magnetic field activity has more than doubled over the past 90 years, with the largest increase occurring in the last 30 years. Now scientists can predict solar flares, which makes it possible to prepare in advance for possible failures in the operation of radio and electrical networks.

Strong solar activity can lead to the fact that power lines on Earth will fail, the orbits of satellites that ensure the operation of communication systems, "direct" aircraft and ocean liners will change. The solar "riot" is usually characterized by powerful flares and the appearance of many sunspots. Chizhevsky established that during the period of increased solar activity (a large number of sunspots), wars, revolutions, natural disasters, catastrophes, epidemics occur on Earth, and the intensity of bacterial growth increases (“Chizhevsky-Velkhover effect”). Here is what he writes in his book "Terrestrial Echoes of Solar Storms": “The quantity is infinitely great and the quality of the physical and chemical factors of the environment surrounding us from all sides - nature is infinitely diverse. Powerful interacting forces come from outer space. The sun, moon, planets and an infinite number of celestial bodies are connected to the earth by invisible bonds. The movement of the Earth is controlled by the forces of gravity, which cause a series of deformations in the air, liquid and solid shells of our planet, make them pulsate, and produce tides. The position of the planets in the solar system affects the distribution and intensity of the electrical and magnetic forces of the Earth.
But the greatest influence on the physical and organic life of the Earth is exerted by radiation directed towards the Earth from all sides of the Universe. They connect the outer parts of the Earth directly with the cosmic environment, make it related to it, constantly interact with it, and therefore both the outer face of the Earth and the life that fills it are the result of the creative influence of cosmic forces. Therefore, the structure of the earth's shell, its physical chemistry and biosphere are a manifestation of the structure and mechanics of the Universe, and not a random game of local forces. Science infinitely expands the boundaries of our direct perception of nature and our worldview. Not the Earth, but the cosmic expanses become our homeland, and we begin to feel in all its true grandeur the significance for the entire earthly existence and the movement of distant celestial bodies, and the movement of their messengers - radiation ... "
In 1980, a technique appeared that made it possible to detect the presence of spots in the photospheres of other stars. It turned out that many stars of the spectral type G and K have spots similar to those of the sun, with a magnetic field of the same order. The activity cycles of such stars have been registered and are being studied. They are close to the solar cycle and are 5 - 10 years.

There are hypotheses about the influence of changes in the physical parameters of the Sun on the Earth's climate.

Terrestrial auroras are the visible result of interactions between the solar wind, the solar and terrestrial magnetospheres, and the atmosphere. Extreme events associated with solar activity lead to significant disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field, which causes geomagnetic storms. geomagnetic storms are one of the most important elements of space weather and affect many areas of human activity, from which one can single out the disruption of communications, navigation systems of spacecraft, the occurrence of eddy induction currents in transformers and pipelines, and even the destruction of energy systems.
Magnetic storms also affect the health and well-being of people. The section of biophysics that studies the effect of changes in the activity of the Sun and the disturbances it causes in the Earth's magnetosphere on terrestrial organisms is called heliobiology.

Unusual formations are often seen on the disk of the Sun: areas of reduced brightness - sunspots and increased brightness - torches. On the edge of the disk, protrusions of the chromosphere are noticeable - prominences, sometimes short-lived very bright spots-flares appear. All of them received a common name - active formations.

Usually active formations occur in the so-called active regions of the Sun. These regions can occupy a significant fraction of the solar disk. The main characteristic of active regions is the emergence of strong local (i.e., local) magnetic fields on the surface, much stronger than the regular magnetic field of the Sun. A typical diagram of the magnetic field for the active region is shown in Figure 62.

The sun, like other celestial bodies, rotates around its axis. This makes it possible to determine the poles and the equator on it and to construct a system of heliographic coordinates (Helios - the Sun), completely analogous to the geographical ones.

Often on both sides of the equator in the band of heliographic latitudes 10-30°, sunspots and faculae appear—bright specks that are clearly visible at the sunspots and at the edge of the disk. In a telescope, the dark oval of the spot and the penumbra surrounding it are clearly distinguished. The spots usually appear in groups. The characteristic size of the dark spot is about 20,000 km. The spot against the background of the photosphere appears completely black, however, since the temperature in the spot is 4500 K, its radiation is only 3 times weaker than that of the photosphere.

Strong magnetic fields (up to 4.5 T) are observed in the spot. It is the presence of a magnetic field that determines the decrease in temperature, since it prevents convection and thereby reduces the flow of energy from the deep layers of the Sun. The spot appears in the form of a slightly widened gap between the granules - in the form of a pore. After about a day, the time develops into a round spot, and after 3-4 days, penumbra appears.

Over time, the area of ​​a spot or group of spots grows and reaches a maximum in 10–12 days. After this, the spots of the group begin to disappear, and after one and a half to two months the group disappears altogether. Often the group does not have time to go through all the stages and disappears in a much shorter time.

sunspot formation

With an increase in the magnetic field in the photosphere, the convection at first even intensifies. A not very strong magnetic field slows down turbulence and thus facilitates convection. But a stronger field already makes convection difficult, and at the point where the field exits, the temperature drops - a sunspot is formed.

The spots are usually surrounded by a network of bright chains - a photospheric torch. The width of the chain is determined by the diameter of its bright elements (such as granules) and is about 500 km, and the length reaches 5000 km. The torch area is much (usually 4 times) larger than the spot area. Faculae also occur outside groups or single spots. In this case, they are much weaker and are usually visible at the edge of the disk. This suggests that the plume is a cloud of hotter gas in the uppermost layers of the photosphere. Torches are relatively stable formations. They can exist for several months.

Above the spots and torches there is a floccule - a zone in which the brightness of the chromosphere is increased. Despite the increase in brightness, the floccule, like the chromosphere, remains invisible against the background of the dazzlingly bright disk of the Sun. It can be observed only with the help of special instruments - spectroheliographs, in which an image of the Sun is obtained in radiation at the wavelength of the spectral line. In this case, the floccule image looks like a dark stripe.

flocculus formation

When plasma accumulates in the depression formed by the lines of tension (Fig. 62), the radiation intensifies due to the increase in density, the temperature and pressure decrease, which, in turn, leads to an increase in density and amplification of radiation. Gradually, the "trap" overflows, and the plasma flows down the lines of tension into the photosphere. Equilibrium is established: the hot gas of the corona falls into a “trap”, gives up its energy and flows into the photosphere. This is how a flocculus is formed.

When the rotation of the Sun brings the flocculus to the edge of the Sun, we see a hanging calm prominence. The transformation of magnetic fields can lead to the fact that the lines of tension are straightened and the plasma of the floccule is shot upwards. it eruptive prominence.

If two magnetic fields of opposite polarity meet in a plasma, then annihilation of the fields occurs. Annihilation (destruction) of the magnetic field according to Faraday's law due to electromagnetic induction causes the appearance of a strong alternating electric field. Since the electrical resistance of the plasma is small, this causes a powerful electric current, in the magnetic field of which huge energy is stored. Then, in the explosive process, this energy is released in the form of light and X-ray radiation (Fig. 61). A terrestrial observer sees a flare as a bright dot that suddenly appears on the solar disk, usually near a group of sunspots. The flash can be observed through a telescope and, in exceptional cases, with the naked eye. material from the site

However, the main part of the energy is released in the form of kinetic energy of matter ejections moving in the solar corona and interplanetary space at speeds up to 1000 km / s and flows of electrons and protons accelerated to gigantic energies (up to tens of gigaelectron volts).

The magnetic field penetrating into the corona is captured by the current of the solar wind. With a certain configuration of the magnetic field, it compresses the plasma, accelerating it to very high speeds. At the same time, the plasma flow pulls out the lines of magnetic induction. Thus, a coronal ray is formed.

Impact of outbreaks

Solar flares have a strong impact on the Earth's ionosphere and significantly affect the state of near-Earth outer space. There is evidence of the impact of outbreaks on

In order not to miss flares on the Sun in the future, and the subsequent auroras, I add information about solar activity in real time. Reload the page to update the information.

solar flares

The graph shows the total solar X-ray flux received from the GOES satellites in real time. Solar flares are visible as bursts of intensity. During powerful flares, disturbances in radio communications in the HF range occur on the day side of the Earth. The degree of these violations depends on the power of the flash. The score (C,M,X) of flares and their power in W/m 2 are indicated on the left coordinate axis in a logarithmic scale. The probable NOAA radio outage rate (R1-R5) is shown on the right. On the graph - the development of events in October 2003.

Solar cosmic rays (bursts of radiation)

10-15 minutes after powerful solar flares, high-energy protons —> 10 MeV or the so-called solar cosmic rays (SCR) come to the Earth. In Western literature - High energy proton flux and Solar Radiation Storms i.e. a stream of high energy protons or a solar radiation storm. This radiation impact can cause disturbances and breakdowns in the equipment of spacecraft, lead to dangerous exposure of astronauts and the receipt of an increased dose of radiation by passengers and crews of jet aircraft at high latitudes.

Geomagnetic disturbance index and magnetic storms

The intensification of the solar wind flow and the arrival of shock waves of coronal ejections cause strong variations in the geomagnetic field - magnetic storms. According to the data coming from the GOES series spacecraft, the level of disturbance of the geomagnetic field is calculated in real time, which is shown in the graph.

Below the proton index

Protons take part in thermonuclear reactions, which are the main source of energy generated by stars. In particular, the reactions of the pp-cycle, which is the source of almost all the energy emitted by the Sun, come down to the combination of four protons into a helium-4 nucleus, with the transformation of two protons into neutrons.

The maximum expected value of the UV index

Austria, Gerlitzen. 1526 m

UV index values

Austria, Gerlitzen. 1526 m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >10
short moderate strong very strong extreme

Data values ​​of the UV index for the planet

Comprehensive monitoring data in Tomsk

Magnetic field components

Dependences of variations of the magnetic field components in gamma scales on local time.

Local time is expressed in hours of Tomsk Daylight Saving Time (TLDV). TLDV=UTC+7hours.

Below is the level of disturbance of the geomagnetic field in K-indices.

Solar flares according to the GOES-15 satellite

NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center

Proton and electron flow taken from GOES-13 GOES Hp, GOES-13 and GOES-11

Solar X-ray Flux

Solar flares

There are five categories on the scale (in increasing power): A, B, C, M and X. In addition to the category, each flash is assigned a number. For the first four categories, this is a number from zero to ten, and for category X, it is from zero and above.

HAARP fluxgate (magnetometer)

"H component" (black trail) positive magnetic north,
"Component D" (red trace) is positive East,
The "Z component" (blue trail) is positive down

Read more:

The GOES Hp plot contains 1-minute average parallel magnetic field components in nanoTeslas (nanoTeslas - nT) measured by GOES-13 (W75) and GOES-11 (W135).

Note: The time in the pictures is North Atlantic, that is, relative to
Moscow time needs to be taken away 7 hours (GMT-4:00)
Sources of information:

Sun activity in real time

Here is a simulation of solar activity in real time. Images are updated every 30 minutes. It is possible to periodically turn off sensors and cameras on satellites due to technical malfunctions.

Image of the Sun in real time (online).

Ultraviolet telescope, bright spots correspond to 60-80 thousand degrees Kelvin. Satellite SOHO LASCO C3

Image of the corona of the sun in real time (online).

Characteristics of the Sun

Distance to the Sun: 149.6 million km = 1.496 1011 m = 8.31 light minutes

Sun Radius: 695,990 km or 109 Earth radii

mass of the sun: 1.989 1030 kg = 333,000 Earth masses

Sun surface temperature: 5770 K

The chemical composition of the Sun on the surface: 70% hydrogen (H), 28% helium (He), 2% other elements (C, N, O, …) by mass

Temperature at the center of the sun: 15,600,000 K

Chemical composition at the center of the sun: 35% hydrogen (H), 63% helium (He), 2% other elements (C, N, O, …) by mass

The sun is the main source of energy on Earth.

Main characteristics
Average distance from earth 1.496×10 11 m
(8.31 light minutes)
Apparent magnitude (V) -26.74 m
Absolute magnitude 4.83 m
Spectral class G2V
Orbit parameters
Distance from the center of the Galaxy ~2.5×10 20 m
(26,000 light years)
Distance from the plane of the Galaxy ~4.6×10 17 m
(48 light years)
Galactic orbital period 2.25-2.50×10 8 years
Speed 2.17×10 5 m/s
(in orbit around the center of the galaxy)
2×10 4 m/s
(relative to neighboring stars)
physical characteristics
Average diameter 1.392×10 9 m
(109 earth diameters)
Equatorial radius 6.955×10 8 m
Equator circumference 4.379×10 9 m
oblateness 9×10 -6
Surface area 6.088×10 18 m 2
(11,900 areas of the Earth)
Volume 1.4122 × 10 27 m 2
(1,300,000 Earth volumes)
Weight 1.9891×10 30 kg
(332,946 Earth masses)
Average density 1409 kg / m 3
Acceleration at the equator 274.0 m/s 2
Second space velocity (surface) 617.7 km/s
(55 Earth)
Effective surface temperature 5515C°
corona temperature ~1 500 000 C°
core temperature ~13 500 000 C°
Luminosity 3.846×10 26W
~3.75×10 28 lm
Brightness 2.009×10 7 W/m 2 /sr
Rotation characteristics
Axis Tilt 7.25°(relative to the plane of the ecliptic)
67.23° (relative to the plane of the Galaxy)
Right ascension north pole 286.13°
(19 h 4 min 30 s)
declination of the north pole +63.87°
Rotation speed of outer visible layers (at the equator) 7284 km/h
The composition of the photosphere
Hydrogen 73,46 %
Helium 24,85 %
Oxygen 0,77 %
Carbon 0,29 %
Iron 0,16 %
Sulfur 0,12 %
Neon 0,12 %
Nitrogen 0,09 %
Silicon 0,07 %
Magnesium 0,05 %

We will be able to see what is happening now in space. Sometimes, a photo appears on our portal in a matter of minutes, after the camera shutter in the Universe has been released. And this means that before this image managed to overcome ... one and a half million kilometers. That's how far the satellites are.

Let's start broadcasting images of the Sun from a new modern space telescope. These images are amazing. Thanks to two US satellites, the STEREO twins, we can see the invisible. That is, that side of the star, which is hidden from observation from the Earth.

The above diagram shows that observatory satellites A and B allow you to observe the Sun from opposite sides. It was originally planned that over time their orbits would diverge so that we could see the Sun not just from the side, but completely from the other side. And in February 2011 it happened.

What we can see right now is like a fantasy. We observe the hidden life of the cosmos almost in real time. His secret. And we will never be hindered in this by clouds, clouds and other atmospheric phenomena. Space is an ideal place for such observations. By the way, 90 percent of all occurring phenomena are incomprehensible here for scientists. Including in the behavior of the star closest to us. Maybe you can help make the fundamental clues?

Look: here it is - our Sun (in the picture - below), modestly hidden behind a "stub" so as not to flare the image. A wide-angle lens allows you to make an overview of hundreds of thousands of kilometers around. This was done specifically so that we could see the solar corona.

This image is broadcast from the STEREO B satellite. The time shown in the image is GMT.

Time GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): If there are emissions towards the Earth, then their direction will come to the right edge. It is these bright radiant flashes that pose a danger to us - earthlings. Sometimes, scientists write clues on an image hastily with an electronic pen. Notifying us of the appearance of a comet or planet in the frame. Above is the next "picture" from the STEREO B satellite, marked - behind_euvi_195 - but now with a view directly to the Sun itself. We observe: is there activity on the invisible side? Depending on the location of the flashes along the right edge, it will be possible to predict their speed of appearance on the visible side. Recall that the surface layers of the Sun make a complete revolution in about 25 days. The rotation is from left to right. The greenish color of the image appears because the telescope displays the atmosphere of the Sun in a certain wavelength range. In this case - 195 A (Angstrem). We "look" into the temperature layer of the star at a level of about one and a half million degrees Celsius. But in the next image (below) - we can see a more surface layer heated to 80,000 ° C. But we already see this broadcast from another amazing telescope - the SDO space observatory. She was launched into space in 2010. Its main goal is to study dynamic processes on the Sun.

SDO broadcasts images very quickly. You can see it for yourself by marking the universal time in the picture. It is noteworthy that the view of this observatory on the Sun exactly coincides with the way we ourselves see it from the Earth. It is from this side that the most dangerous prominences “shoot” at us and magnetic storms come. And they are formed, in most cases, in dark areas - spots. Their widespread appearance is an alarming sign of magnetic unrest. This means that a magnetic storm can occur on Earth. And it is the broadcast image below that allows us to observe its precursors - spots.

Spots appeared - pay closer attention to your health. It has been proven that absolutely all people are subject to magnetic storms. But for some, defense mechanisms work better, for others, worse. The reasons for this difference are unclear to scientists.


General advice of the therapist Miroslava BUZKO:<Не стоит в эти дни увлекаться спиртным. Будьте крайне осторожны. Известно, что about 70% of heart attacks, hypertensive crises and strokes happen just during magnetic storms. Scientists have found that during an increase in solar activity, blood circulates through the capillaries much more slowly. Oxygen starvation of organ tissues occurs. The level of cholesterol and adrenaline increases. This leads to increased fatigue, to a decrease in vital activity. On days of magnetic storms, the face swells. Hypertension patients should not go out without medication on such days. >

FIRST! On our portal, a live broadcast from the International Space Station has begun: the life of astronauts, official negotiations, dockings, views of the Earth in real time.

By the way, the turbulent geomagnetic situation created on Earth by the Sun is most relevant for those who live closer to the North. This is due to the structure of our planet and its position in space. Geographically, the most solar storms are in Russia (Siberia and the European North), the USA (Alaska) and Canada.

Recall that solar images appear on the portal with a time delay required for their transmission from the space observatory and processing for display. Everything is done automatically.

If you see<квадратики>on the image or a distorted "picture" - this means that a technical failure has occurred. Sometimes, this may be<виновато>the Sun itself, which once again splashed out its gigantic energy on those around it: And these emissions can very seriously threaten our civilization. Most modern electronic devices are not protected from the effects of abnormal solar radiation. They can fail instantly.

About the current unfavorable forecast for the activity of the Sun and about the reasons that can greatly destroy the earth's infrastructure, we recall, you can read in the material "Achilles heel of the new century"

Watch the life of a real Star! Our life really depends on it:

(Broadcast is provided thanks to the openness in the provision of information from the EU space agencies and NASA)

Sun exposure informer

The average predicted values ​​of the global geomagnetic index Kp are shown, based on geophysical data from twelve observatories around the world, collected by NOAA's SWPC Solar Service. The forecast data below is updated daily. By the way, you can easily see that scientists are almost unable to predict solar events. It is enough to compare their predictions with the real situation. Now the forecast for three days is as follows:

Kr-index- characterizes the planetary geomagnetic field, that is, on the scale of the entire Earth. Eight values ​​are shown for each day - for each three-hour time interval, during the day (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, 15-18, 18-21, 21-00 hours) . Time is Moscow (msk)

vertical lines GREEN colors ( I ) is a safe level of geomagnetic activity.

vertical lines RED colors ( I ) is a magnetic storm (Kp>5). The higher the red vertical line, the stronger the storm. The level at which significant impacts on the health of weather-sensitive people are likely (Kp=7) is marked with a red horizontal line.

Below you can see the actual display of the Sun's geomagnetic influence. On a scale of values Kp-index determine the degree of its danger to your health. A figure above 4-5 units means the onset of a magnetic storm. Note that in this case, the graph promptly displays the level of solar radiation that has already reached the Earth. This data is recorded and issued every three hours by several tracking stations in the United States,
Canada and UK. And we see the summary result thanks to the Center for Space Forecasts ( NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center)

IMPORTANT! Taking into account that a dangerous release of solar energy reaches the Earth no earlier than in a day, you yourself, taking into account the operational images of the Sun broadcast above, will be able to prepare in advance for the adverse impact, the level of which is displayed below.

Geomagnetic disturbance index and magnetic storms

The Kp index determines the degree of geomagnetic disturbance. The higher the Kp index, the greater the perturbation. Kp< 4 — слабые возмущения, Kp >4 - strong perturbations.

Solar exposure informer designation

X-ray emission from the Sun*

Normal: Conventional solar X-ray flux.

active: Increased solar x-ray emission.

An active region on the Sun (AO) is a set of changing structural formations in a certain limited area of ​​the solar atmosphere, associated with an increase in the magnetic field in it from values ​​of 1020 to several (45) thousand oersteds. In visible light, the most noticeable structural formation of the active region are dark, sharply defined sunspots, often forming entire groups. Usually, among the multitude of more or less small spots, two large ones stand out, forming a bipolar group of spots with the opposite polarity of the magnetic field in them. Individual spots and the whole group are usually surrounded by bright openwork, grid-like structures - torches. Here the magnetic fields reach values ​​of tens of oersteds. In white light, torches are best seen at the edge of the solar disk, however, in strong spectral lines (especially hydrogen, ionized calcium, and other elements), as well as in the far ultraviolet and X-ray regions of the spectrum, they are much brighter and occupy a large area. The length of the active region reaches several hundred thousand kilometers, and the lifetime is from several days to several months. As a rule, they can be observed in almost all ranges of the solar electromagnetic spectrum from x-rays, ultraviolet and visible rays to infrared and radio waves. At the edge of the solar disk, when the active region is visible from the side, above it, in the solar corona, prominences are often observed in the emission lines - huge plasma "clouds" of bizarre shapes. From time to time, sudden explosions of plasma occur in the active region - solar flares. They generate powerful ionizing radiation (mainly x-rays) and penetrating radiation (energetic elementary particles, electrons and protons). High-speed corpuscular plasma flows change the structure of the solar corona. When the Earth gets into such a flow, its magnetosphere is deformed and a magnetic storm occurs. Ionizing radiation strongly affects conditions in the upper atmosphere and creates disturbances in the ionosphere. Influences on many other physical phenomena are also possible ( cm. section SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL RELATIONS).

Pikelner S.B. Sun. M., Fizmatgiz, 1961
Menzel D. Our sun. M., Fizmatgiz, 1963
Vitinsky Yu.I., Ol' A.I., Sazonov B.I. Sun and Earth's atmosphere. L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1976
Kononovich E.V. Sun day star. M., Enlightenment, 1982
Mitton S. day star. M., Mir, 1984
Kononovich E.V., Moroz V.I. General course of astronomy. M., URSS, 2001

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It seems to us that the source of life on Earth - solar radiation - is constant and unchanging. The continuous development of life on our planet over the past billion years, as it were, confirms this. But the physics of the Sun, which has achieved great success over the past decade, has proved that the radiation of the Sun experiences oscillations that have their own periods, rhythms and cycles. Spots, torches, prominences appear on the Sun. Their number increases within 4-5 years to the highest limit in the year of solar activity.

This is the time of maximum solar activity. During these years, the Sun throws out an additional amount of particles charged with electricity - corpuscles, which rush through interplanetary space at a speed of more than 1000 km / s and break into the Earth's atmosphere. Especially powerful streams of corpuscles come out during chromospheric flares - a special kind of explosions of solar matter. During these exceptionally strong flares, the Sun throws out what are known as cosmic rays. These rays consist of fragments of atomic nuclei and come to us from the depths of the universe. During the years of solar activity, the ultraviolet, X-ray and radio emission of the Sun increases.

Periods of solar activity have a huge impact on weather changes and the intensification of natural disasters, which is well known from history. Indirectly, the peaks of solar activity, as well as solar flares, can affect social processes, causing famine, wars and revolutions. At the same time, the assertion that there is a direct connection between activity peaks and revolutions has no scientifically confirmed theory. However, in any case, it is clear that the forecast of solar activity in connection with the weather is the most important task of climatology. Increased solar activity adversely affects people's health and their physical condition, disrupts biological rhythms.

The radiation of the Sun carries with it a large amount of energy. All types of this energy, entering the atmosphere, are mainly absorbed by its upper layers, where, as scientists say, “disturbances” occur. The lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field direct abundant flows of corpuscles to the polar latitudes. In this regard, there are magnetic storms and auroras. Corpuscular rays begin to penetrate even into the atmosphere of temperate and southern latitudes. Then polar lights flash in such places remote from the polar countries as Moscow, Kharkov, Sochi, Tashkent. Such phenomena have been observed repeatedly and will be observed more than once in the future.

Sometimes magnetic storms reach such strength that they interrupt the operation of telephone and radio communications, disrupt the operation of power lines, and cause power outages.

The sun's ultraviolet rays are almost entirely absorbed by the high layers of the atmosphere.

For the Earth, this is of great importance: after all, in large quantities, ultraviolet rays are detrimental to all living things.

Solar activity, affecting the high layers of the atmosphere, significantly affects the general circulation of air masses. Consequently, it is reflected in the weather and climate of the entire Earth. Apparently, the influence of disturbances arising in the upper layers of the air ocean are transmitted to its lower layers - the troposphere. During the flights of artificial Earth satellites and meteorological rockets, expansions and compactions of the high layers of the atmosphere were discovered: air tides, similar to oceanic rhythms. However, the mechanism of the relationship between the index of high and low layers of the atmosphere has not yet been fully disclosed. It is undeniable that during the years of maximum solar activity, the cycles of atmospheric circulation intensify, collisions of warm and cold currents of air masses occur more often.

On Earth, there are areas of hot weather (the equator and part of the tropics) and giant refrigerators - the Arctic and especially the Antarctic. Between these areas of the Earth there is always a difference in temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, which sets in motion huge masses of air. There is a continuous struggle between warm and cold currents, seeking to equalize the difference arising from changes in temperature and pressure. Sometimes warm air "takes over" and penetrates far north to Greenland and even to the pole. In other cases, the masses of Arctic air break south to the Black and Mediterranean Seas, reach Central Asia and Egypt. The boundary of struggling air masses represents the most restless regions of our planet's atmosphere.

When the difference in temperature of moving air masses increases, powerful cyclones and anticyclones appear at the border, generating frequent thunderstorms, hurricanes, and showers.

Modern climatic anomalies like the summer of 2010 in the European part of Russia, and numerous floods in Asia are not something extraordinary. They should not be considered harbingers of the imminent end of the world, or evidence of global climate change. Let's take an example from history.

In 1956, stormy weather swept the northern and southern hemispheres. In many areas of the Earth, this caused natural disasters and a sharp change in the weather. In India, floods on the rivers were repeated several times. Water flooded thousands of villages and washed away crops. The floods affected about 1 million people. The predictions didn't work. Heavy rains, thunderstorms and floods in the summer of that year even affected countries such as Iran and Afghanistan, where there are usually droughts during these months. Especially high solar activity with a peak of radiation in the period 1957-1959 caused an even greater increase in the number of meteorological disasters - hurricanes, thunderstorms, showers.

Everywhere there were sharp contrasts in the weather. For example, in the European part of the USSR for 1957 it turned out to be unusually warm: in January the average temperature was -5 °. In February in Moscow, the average temperature reached -1°C, while the norm was -9°C. At the same time, there were severe frosts in Western Siberia and in the republics of Central Asia. In Kazakhstan, the temperature dropped to -40°. Alma-Ata and other cities of Central Asia were literally covered with snow. In the southern hemisphere - in Australia and Uruguay - in the same months there was an unprecedented heat with dry winds. The atmosphere raged until 1959, when the decline in solar activity began.

The influence of solar flares and the level of solar activity on the state of the flora and fauna affects indirectly: through the cycles of the general circulation of the atmosphere. For example, the width of the layers of sawn wood, which determine the age of the plant, depends mainly on the annual rainfall. In dry years these layers are very thin. The amount of annual precipitation changes periodically, which can be seen on the growth rings of old trees.

Sections made on the trunks of bog oaks (they are found in riverbeds) made it possible to learn the history of the climate several millennia before our time. The existence of certain periods, or cycles, of solar activity confirms the study of materials that are carried by rivers from land and deposited on the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans. An analysis of the state of samples of bottom sediments makes it possible to trace the course of solar activity over hundreds of thousands of years. The relationship between solar activity and natural processes on Earth is very complex and is not united in a general theory.

Scientists have found that fluctuations in solar activity occur in the range from 9 to 14 years

Solar activity affects the level of the Caspian Sea, the salinity of the Baltic Sea and the ice cover of the northern seas. The cycle of increased solar activity is characterized by a low level of the Caspian: an increase in air temperature causes increased evaporation of water and a decrease in the flow of the Volga, the main feeding artery of the Caspian. For the same reason, the salinity of the Baltic Sea has increased and the ice cover of the northern seas has decreased. In principle, scientists can predict the future regime of the northern seas for a number of decades to come.

At present, arguments are often heard that the Arctic Ocean will soon be free of ice and will be suitable for navigation. One should sincerely sympathize with the "knowledge" of "experts" making such claims. Yes, perhaps partially released for a year or two. And then it freezes again. And what did you tell us that we didn't know about? The dependence of the ice cover of the northern seas on cycles and periods of increased solar activity was reliably established more than 50 years ago and confirmed by decades of observations. Therefore, it can be stated with high confidence that the ice will grow in the same way as it melted as the cycle of solar activity passes.

Simple about the complex - Solar activity and its impact on nature and climate in the handbook

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