A simple drawing of a cow. How to draw a cow - step by step instructions with photos

What You'll Be Creating

Do you want to learn how to draw a realistic cow? In this tutorial, I will show you the whole process, explaining each step in detail. I will show you how to achieve correct proportions and anatomy with simple shapes. Whether you're a pro or a beginner, you'll have tons of fun doing this tutorial!

This is a simple step by step cow drawing tutorial. If you are interested in more advanced lessons (on creating various drawings of bulls such as bison, South African buffalo and yak, their anatomy and features), then visit the following lesson:

1. How to Draw a Cow's Torso

Step 1

Draw an elongated rectangle. Don't use a ruler - it should be just a sketch! Also, don't press too hard on the pencil - these lines should be barely visible. This will be the outline of the rectangle that we will use as the torso of our cow.

Step 2

Divide the rectangle in half.

Step 3

Divide each half in half again.

Step 4

Draw an oval in the middle. Do not worry about the perfection of the figure! This will help us create the correct shape of the chest.

Step 5

Draw two ovals in quarters on both sides - the lower one for the forelegs and the upper one for the hips.

Step 6

Add two small ovals to the bottom oval for the forelimbs - the sternum on the bottom and the shoulder on top.

Step 7

Add a shoulder blade curve.

Step 8

Connect it to the front limb.

Step 9

Now let's move on to the hips. Draw two small ovals to highlight their projections.

Step 10

The sacrum should be slightly raised.

Step 11

Add a tail to the sacrum.

Step 12

Outline the torso. Don't press too hard on the pencil just yet!

Step 13

Let's add an udder under the thighs.

2. How to Draw a Cow's Head

Step 1

To create the correct proportions for the neck, draw it as a triangle extending from the shoulder.

Step 2

Add an oval to the top of this triangle.

Step 3

Draw a "head cross" in perspective. It is created using a line that runs along the entire head and an eyebrow line.

Step 4

Add an oval for the muzzle.

Step 5

Add oval cheeks.

Step 6

Draw the area for the eyes. Keep their location perspective!

Step 7

Draw the top of the muzzle.

Step 8

Add nostrils.

Step 9

Add ears.

Step 10

Draw a small oval for the top of the head to create space for the horns.

Step 11

Draw curves as horns.

Step 12

Draw "rings" along these curves to better see their 3D shape.

Step 13

Outline the shape of the horns.

Step 14

Add oval eyes.

Step 15

Add a brow bone above the eyes.

Step 16

Draw the mouth.

Step 17

Add details to the mouth: nose and corners of the lips.

Step 18

Finally, outline the neck and also correct the shape of the ear.

3. How to Draw the Limbs of a Cow

Step 1

Draw a vertical line slightly shorter than the height of the torso. Next, draw a horizontal line under it.

Step 2

Draw curves for the fore and hind limbs.

Step 3

To make the pose more interesting, we can shift the perspective a bit. Draw another ground line slightly above the other.

Step 4

Draw curves for another pair of limbs.

Step 5

Highlight the "wrists" and ankles.

Step 6

Highlight the upper limits of the hooves.

Step 7

Draw a circle on top of each hoof.

Step 8

The joints in the legs are quite complex and there aren't many muscles that can hide their shape, so pay close attention to them.

Step 9

Add the knee and upper forearm.

Step 10

Complete the hooves.

Step 11

Add a massive thigh.

Step 12

Add muscle mass to the forearms and shins.

Step 13

Outline the limbs.

4. Finishing the Drawing of the Cow

Next, we'll complete the drawing of the cow, so don't be afraid to press harder on the pencil to create the final lines. You can also place a new piece of paper on top of the sketch to separately draw the final lines.

Step 1

Draw all the details suggested by the guide lines. If you need help, then you can use the muscle diagram from the lesson.

Step 2

Add some volume to the darker elements: horns, eyes, nose and hooves. Outline the color of the cow (spots).

Step 3

Gently shade the cow to create a sense of depth.

Step 4

Darken the color of the cow (spots) using hatching.

Step 5

Adjust the contrast of the entire picture by adding darker shades. You can also darken the main outline of the torso.

Excellent Job!

We have a beautiful cow! If you liked this tutorial, you might also like the following tutorials:

Or perhaps some cow-related source resources for your project would be useful to you? You should check out what Envato Elements has to offer!

More than 9 thousand years ago, people domesticated a cow, and the animal became a breadwinner for humans, giving a tasty and healthy drink - milk. In gratitude for this, the people composed poems, songs, epics about the cow and called it affectionately - cows. To this day, dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt are loved by children and adults, and a kind cow is a character in many stories, fairy tales, cartoons. If your child, after watching the movie, wants to draw a cow, help him using our tips.

How to draw a cartoon cow

It is not difficult to depict a cartoon cow, prepare - a pencil, an eraser, paper, felt-tip pens and start:

  • in the center of the sheet, describe a horizontal oval - the future head of the animal. Step back a little and outline an ellipse - the base of the torso. Connect both figures with straight rays, inscribing a small oval in the upper one;
  • unite the transition of the two circles with smooth lines. Erase the unnecessary basting and get a sketch resembling a porcini mushroom;

  • attach two legs to the bottom of the body, similar to the neck of a plastic bottle with a twisted cork. From the left side of the body, draw up two curved lines, connecting them at the ends with a bracket, from the right - lower them down and also combine - the upper limbs are obtained. In the center of the abdomen, mark a circle - there will be an udder;

  • on the head draw protrusions-horns and ears, poured birch leaves. Make eyes out of three circles that fit into each other. Extend horizontally an oval - the place of the nose, point the nostrils on it in the form of two vertical ellipses. Next - outline four hooks on the tummy and get an udder;

This is interesting (tell the child): it has been proven that the lines on the nose of a cow are as individual as human fingerprints.

  • draw a smile line with a bracket, darken the pupils, bend the cilia, write a bang on the head between the horns. Mark the hooves with segments, and make the cow spotted, scattering the marks throughout the animal;

  • on the neck, draw a smooth line parallel to the oval of the head, in the middle of which draw a bell, similar to an overturned tulip bud. Color the figure with felt-tip pens, picking up the colors of your choice.

We will draw this cow using ovals and circles. Take paper, pencils - simple, brown, pink, gel pen, eraser.

  • Sketch an oval-torso on the landscape sheet, extend a small vertical ellipse with a transverse line from it to the left. From the oval down, lower two pairs of hare legs - the legs of a cow.

  • On the head of the animal, extend the ears with two semi-ovals, put triangular figures - horns between them. Mark the eyes and nostrils with circles, scatter oval spots over the body of the cow and place a semicircle near the right ear.

  • Draw an udder from the bottom of the body - a figure similar to an inverted sail, lower the back of the cow down two parallel lines ending in a flower - the tail. Outline the drawing with black ink and paint the udder and middle of the ears pink, make the horns and the tip of the tail brown, and the spots black.

How to draw a funny cow

Take a pencil, paper, paints and follow our instructions.

  • In the middle of the sheet, draw a small ledge-mound, move a bean-like figure to it from below. Pull out a ray-smile, put two commas - nostrils, above - black circles-eyes.

  • Draw with a carved leaf bangs, protruding sausage ears, crescent horns, outline a body that looks like a circle with a cut off top.

  • Write four inverted letters P - legs, lift up a thin tail with a chamomile brush at the tip.

  • Point the spot and paint your work with paints.

Did you enjoy drawing? Then fantasize a little - make a cow chewing grass, hang a bell around her neck, draw a funny udder, midges curling behind her tail and - a funny picture is ready.

Drawing with colored pencils "Cow". Master class with step by step photos

Guseva Irina Alexandrovna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Gymnasium named after. I. Selvinsky, Evpatoria, Crimea
A master class for children aged 5-9, as well as for everyone who wants to have fun and have fun.
The master class will be useful for children of preschool and primary school age, teachers of educational institutions, as well as all creative people.

Target: creating an unusual drawing - a portrait of a cow
- to teach techniques and methods of depicting a cow's head;
- to consolidate knowledge about proportions;
- develop imagination;
- develop fine motor skills of the hands,
- cultivate curiosity;
- to cultivate accuracy, consistency in the performance of work.

A bit of theory

The cow is one of the animals that was first tamed by man. For more than 8,000 years, cows have lived next to people, providing them with milk, meat, and skin. From milk, people have learned to cook various healthy and tasty products - cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, butter, etc.

It's interesting that:
1. In one minute, the cow makes about 100 chewing movements.
2. On average, a cow gives about 200,000 glasses of milk throughout her life.
3. Cows can cry like people.

4. Cows live an average of twenty years, although there are also centenarians.
5. Before the advent of money in circulation among many peoples, a cow acted as a kind of currency.
6. Cows remember their name and respond to it, just like dogs.
7. Cows have a habit of licking the people they like.

Let's get to work

She has horns, hooves,
And he looks angry at everyone
But she is kinder than a puppy,
And pour us milk. (cow)

Necessary materials for our work:

- landscape sheet;
- colour pencils;
- a simple pencil;
- eraser.


1. Lay the sheet upright. Mark the middle with a vertical line, horizontal - the cow's nose, which occupies about 1/3 of the head.

2. Nose. Draw an oval at the bottom. Make small indentations at the top and bottom.

3. Nostrils. They look like slightly irregular droplets.
Underlip. Draw an arc in the lower recess of the oval.

4. Head. Pull the smooth semi-oval up.

5. Ears. At the same distance from the middle, draw the ears of a cow.

6. Eyes. Draw the eyes diagonally from the middle of the ear. They are almond shaped.

7. Now colored pencils are used. With confident pressure, outline the head of the cow (it can be brown or black) and the nose - pink.

8. Sky. Horizontal light hatching is necessary to fill the upper surface of the sheet.

9. Earth. Fill in the lower part of the sheet with vertical hatching. Here you can use several shades of green.

10. Eyes. With a black pencil, first circle the sketch, then draw and paint over the middle of the eye, leaving a highlight.

11. Using the main color, paint over the head of the cow, leaving a variety of spots.

12. Paint over the nose of the cow using flesh or pink.

13. Ears. Paint the inside of the ear with a slightly lighter tone than the color that was used for the head.

14. Grass. Draw blades of grass with bright strokes.

15. The work is ready.

At my cow
red head,
Warm, moist, soft nose.
I brought her grass
And two buckets of water.
I will stroke her sides.
Be generous cow
Give me fresh milk.
L. Korotaeva

Thanks to the cow, this useful kind animal, we have milk, sour cream, cheese, and butter. Previously, not a single village house could do without her, she was the main breadwinner, and her loss was perceived as the loss of a family member, no less. In our age of continuous chemistry, there is nothing better than a glass of the freshest fresh milk. Real, without powders and additives. It is so nutritious and useful that it is not in vain that it is given out to those who are engaged in hazardous production. If you want to be healthy, have strong bones and a balanced nervous system, drink natural tasty milk. And as a token of gratitude, you can try to draw a cow with a pencil.

  1. Of course, it would be nice to first study its anatomy, but this is already too difficult for beginners, so we will limit ourselves to a simpler drawing. You will need a thick white sheet of paper, slate pencils, a soft eraser. Let's start drawing a cow with very simple geometric shapes. Let's depict the body as a large rectangle, and the head as a beveled trapezoid, base up. Be sure to observe all the proportions of the animal. The most elementary and effective technique of all artists is to take a pencil, stretch your hand forward, cover one eye and measure an object (for example, a cow's head from the top of its head to its lower jaw). Then, without lowering your hand, estimate how many times this length will “fit” in the length of the body. Similarly, you can measure the length of the legs relative to the width of the torso, in general, be sure to take as many measurements as possible in the preliminary drawing. It depends on how realistic and believable the animal will turn out. That is why, in order to correctly draw a cow with a pencil, we analyze the drawing step by step and in detail already at the sketch stage. To avoid gross mistakes. On the legs, mark the junctions of the joints with dots.

  2. Now you can start drawing the characteristic silhouette of a cow. We draw her a high withers, a large belly, an udder and a muzzle. Since cows are ruminants, their jaws are well developed. We finish drawing small curved horns and protruding ears. Pay attention to how the neck and hooves are drawn.

  3. We remove everything superfluous with an eraser, we more clearly outline the contour and details.

  4. We designate the darkest places. These will be black areas of color, and natural shadows. In the middle of the muzzle of the cow there is a white stripe, on the body we will draw large spots of uneven shape. Deep shadows are on the udder, on the rear left leg, on the lower abdomen and on the upper part of the right leg. Let's outline the eye contour and make nostrils with small inverted "drops".

  5. Gently shade all the dark areas. But, most importantly, do not do it haphazardly. Try to keep the strokes even. On the body of a cow, they go at a slight angle to the left, on the muzzle, on the contrary, to the right. This makes it possible to visually separate areas of the same tone. Pencil drawing is complicated by the fact that sometimes only by the direction of shading it is possible to show that objects or parts of the image are different. Another tip - the strokes on the body of the cow should not be the same, they are darker at the top and bottom of each spot, and lighter in the middle. Due to this, it seems that the skin is a little shiny, and so it looks more natural.

  6. We enhance all the contrasts of the picture. We draw the eyes of a cow, almost black. It requires almost a jeweler's precision and hardness of the hand, because it is necessary to leave a tiny circle of a blank sheet on the pupil to show the moisture and brilliance of the eyes. Make a light gray area around. The deepest shadow will be on the cow's neck, behind the ears. So the head will be seen more clearly, it seems to rise above the whole picture. Draw the tip of the tail darker to get a visual line along which the eye will slide - the muzzle of the cow, the belly with black spots, the udder, the tail. Thus, we force the viewer to see the drawn animal as a whole, focusing his attention precisely on the expense of these contrasting areas. Only then will the person consider the secondary details of the drawing.

After such a training, you can safely go to the village, where you will draw cows from nature. Fortunately, the animal is quite phlegmatic and can pose naturally for a long time.

And hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion in stages. For those who do not know minions - these are such cute and funny characters from the Despicable Me cartoon trilogy. They are all yellow in color, look like chocolate egg toy packaging, speak their own language, and all the time get into interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, an awkward man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, imagines what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use a simple pencil to correct the drawing if something happens. Take a sheet of paper, preferably landscape.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically, if you plan to depict several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - some are more fortunate and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellowbell that sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we depict two identical circles, around which we make a border. The edging will serve as points in the future. It turned out like this eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, who decided to portray a one-eyed cyclops will do it twice as fast!

In the next step, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the torso, it will be high, low or regular, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Of course! But I decided to make mine handsome, gave him such rare curls. You can depict the vegetation on the head in a different way, for example, draw a thick tuft from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, do not forget to draw the strap from the glasses. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words, just trousers with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I will draw the very straps on which to hold the pants. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

I almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss the latest news with his brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I like to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Further we will draw hands, one is raised up, the other is lowered. You may be different, both up, both down, you can even portray a one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks, a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, draw a jumpsuit with an obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and finish the brushes, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What is missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's all the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, so that the impressions of today's lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or felt-tip pens and decorate the picture, as I did. The minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.

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