Breaking dams or reservoirs. Dam disasters

On March 13, 1961, the Kurenevskaya tragedy occurred - a dam break in Kyiv, as a result of which about 1,500 people died. Scientific and technological progress makes life easier for a person, but also leads to man-made accidents. The story will focus on the five most severe disasters in the history of the USSR.
The Kurenevskaya tragedy occurred in Kyiv on March 13, 1961. On December 2, 1952, a decision was made to create a landfill from construction waste in the notorious place of Babi Yar. This place was blocked by a dam, which protected the Kurenevsky district from the merged waste from the brick factories. On March 13, the dam broke, and a mud wave 14 meters high rushed down Teligi Street. The stream had great strength and washed away everything in its path: cars, trams, buildings.
Although the flood lasted only an hour and a half, during this time a wave of waste managed to claim the lives of hundreds of people and cause catastrophic damage to the entire city. The exact number of victims could not be established, but this figure is close to 1.5 thousand people. In addition, about 90 buildings were destroyed, about 60 of which were residential.
The news of the disaster reached the population of the country only on March 16, and on the day of the tragedy, the authorities decided not to advertise what had happened. For this, international and long-distance communications were disabled throughout Kyiv. Later, the expert commission issued a decision on the causes of this accident, they called "mistakes in the design of hydraulic dumps and the dam."

The radiation accident at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, which was located in Nizhny Novgorod, occurred on January 18, 1970. The tragedy occurred during the construction of the K-320 nuclear submarine, which was part of the Skat project. When the boat was on the slipway, the reactor suddenly turned on, which worked for 15 seconds at its maximum speed. As a result, radiation contamination of the entire machine assembly shop occurred.
At the time of operation of the reactor, there were about 1,000 people working at the plant in the room. Unaware of the infection, many went home that day without the necessary medical care and decontamination treatment. Three of the six victims taken to a hospital in Moscow died of radiation sickness. It was decided not to make this incident public, and all those who survived were taken non-disclosure subscriptions for 25 years. And only the next day after the accident, the workers began to process. The liquidation of the consequences of the accident continued until April 24, 1970, more than a thousand workers of the plant were involved in these works.

The Chernobyl disaster occurred on April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The reactor was completely destroyed in the explosion, and a huge amount of radioactive material was released into the environment. The accident was the largest in the history of nuclear energy. The main damaging factor in the explosion was radioactive contamination. In addition to the territories located in close proximity to the explosion (30 km), the territory of Europe was affected. This was due to the fact that the cloud formed from the explosion carried radioactive materials many kilometers away from the source. The fallout of iodine and cesium radionuclides was recorded on the territory of modern Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
During the first three months after the accident, 31 people died, while over the next 15 years, another 60 to 80 people died from the consequences of the accident. More than 115 thousand people were evacuated from the 30-kilometer affected area. More than 600,000 servicemen and volunteers took part in the liquidation of the accident. The course of the investigation was constantly changing. The exact cause of the accident has not yet been determined.

The Kyshtym accident was the first man-made disaster in the USSR, it happened on September 29, 1957. It happened at the Mayak plant, which was located in the closed military city of Chelyabinsk-40. The accident was named after the closest city of Kyshtym.
The reason was an explosion that occurred in a special tank for radioactive waste. This container was a smooth cylinder, which was made of stainless steel. The design of the vessel seemed to be reliable, and no one expected that the cooling system would fail.
An explosion occurred, as a result of which about 20 million curies of radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere. About 90 percent of the radiation fell on the territory of the Mayak chemical plant itself. Fortunately, Chelyabinsk-40 was not damaged. During the liquidation of the accident, 23 villages were resettled, and the houses themselves and domestic animals were destroyed.
No one died as a result of the explosion. However, the employees who carried out the elimination of the infection received a significant dose of radiation. About a thousand people took part in the operation. Now this zone is called the East Ural radioactive trace and any economic activity in this territory is prohibited.

On March 18, 1980, an explosion occurred while preparing for the launch of the Vostok 2-M launch vehicle. The incident took place at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. This accident led to a large number of human casualties: only in the immediate vicinity of the rocket at the time of the explosion there were 141 people. 44 people died in the fire, the rest received burns of varying severity and were taken to the hospital, later four of them died.
The catastrophe was caused by the fact that hydrogen peroxide was used as catalytic materials in the manufacture of filters. Only thanks to the courage of the participants in this accident, many people were able to get out of the fire. The liquidation of the disaster lasted for three days.
In the future, scientists abandoned the use of hydrogen peroxide as a catalyst, which made it possible to avoid such incidents.

Residents of Live Oak, Marysville, Whitland, Plumus Lake, Olivehurst, Gridley, Yuba City urgently leave their homes. Some families take boats with them in case they do not get out of the danger zone in time.

The water level in Lake Oroville has risen significantly due to heavy rainfall this winter after several dry years. Moreover, earlier experts warned that the dam was damaged, which could lead to flooding of nearby cities.

The California Department of Water Resources posted a post on Twitter that caused panic among local residents. "The dam could collapse within the next hour," officials wrote.

Posted by the San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) Feb 14, 2017 at 8:47 AM PST

Officials of the department said that to reduce the water level, they will attract aircraft and release water from the dam. However, civil servants later admitted that, despite the efforts made, the danger persists and the situation remains unpredictable. "If we have damage to the structure of the dam, that's already very bad," said the acting head of the water department.

To date, the dam in Oroville is the highest in the United States and one of the highest in the world. It was built in the 60s of the last century. According to experts, in the event of a breakthrough, the wall of water could wipe out six cities below. Experts also believe that flooding threatens one of the largest cities in the country - San Francisco.

Experts' concern is understandable. In the recent history of mankind, disasters have already occurred at hydraulic structures, and all of them had devastating consequences. website recalled the most terrible accidents that occurred on the dams.

Nearly 90 years ago, a 59-meter-high dam collapsed in California. A stream of water swept through the canyon at breakneck speed, sweeping away everything in its path.

A wall of water 40 meters high demolished a power plant located 25 kilometers downstream. As a result, the 80-kilometer valley was completely flooded. About 600 people became victims of the disaster.

Later it turned out that one of the causes of the accident was insufficient engineering vigilance when the first cracks appeared in the concrete dam already during construction. In addition, the court found that the control of government organizations over the design and construction of the facility was insufficient. But the main factor that influenced the scale of the disaster was recognized as a paleo-fault under the eastern support of the dam, discovered after the tragedy.

A difficult but vital operation - blowing up a hydroelectric power station in Ukraine - was undertaken by the leadership of the USSR as a result of fierce battles with the Nazi invaders. Enemy troops repeatedly attacked the DneproGES, trying to capture the dam and break into the city of Zaporozhye through it.

To interfere with the plans of the Nazis, it was decided to blow up the dam. From the explosion, a huge gap was formed, an active discharge of water began, and a vast flood zone arose in the lower reaches of the Dnieper. A 30-meter avalanche demolished enemy crossings, while many Nazis died.

However, the water that escaped to freedom did not separate people according to the principle "friend or foe." A destructive wave swept across the Dnieper floodplain, flooding everything in its path. The lower part of Zaporozhye completely went under water.

The death toll and property damage were catastrophic. Literally in an hour, water destroyed huge stocks of various goods, military supplies, tens of thousands of tons of food products. Dozens of river vessels perished in a terrible stream along with ship crews.

In France, on the Reyran River, the concrete arched dam Malpasse, 222 meters long along the ridge, collapsed. It was built for irrigation and water supply about seven kilometers from the city of Fréjus in the south of the country.

The catastrophe approached gradually, until numerous threats converged at a fatal point. Later it was found that insufficient geological survey was carried out during the design of the dam. And during the construction of the structure, the builders saved on high-quality concrete. In the immediate vicinity of the dam, the military carried out explosions. Not far from Malpasse, a highway was being built and explosives were also used during the work. In addition, the reservoir was overflowing due to heavy rains.

And the consequences were not long in coming. Due to the breakthrough of the Malpasse dam, the city of Fréjus was almost completely flooded. According to official figures, 423 people died. The total amount of property damage amounted to about 68 million dollars.

The catastrophe with a tragic outcome happened on one of the highest dams in the world in the Italian Alps. There, due to heavy rains, part of the rock descended into the reservoir. As a result, a wave 200 meters high rose. She splashed over the crest of the dam and rushed down.

Despite the fact that the water avalanche washed away no more than one meter of the upper layer of the dam, this was enough to completely flood the Piave river valley. The flood destroyed five villages. The victims of the disaster, according to various estimates, were from 1900 to 2500 people, 350 families were killed.

It is noteworthy that the 262-meter dam itself survived. However, the reservoir has not been filled up since then.

The destruction of the dam of the Bainqiao hydroelectric power station with a height of 118 meters occurred in China due to the annual rainfall in one day. The reservoir overflowed, as a result of the breakthrough of the dam, a wave formed from three to seven meters high and ten kilometers wide.

The flood destroyed seven district centers and countless villages. According to official statistics, 26,000 people died as a result of the flood. Another 145 thousand died later due to famine and epidemics. One way or another, 11 million people were affected. 5,960 houses were destroyed.

June 1993 - Kiselevskoe reservoir

The breakthrough of the dam, two kilometers long and 17 meters high, happened at the Kiselevskoye reservoir on the Kakva River near the town of Serov in the Sverdlovsk region.

When filling the reservoir, a breakthrough of the barrier structure occurred. The flood affected six and a half thousand people. 12 people became victims of the water element.

1,772 houses fell into the flood zone, 1,250 of them became uninhabitable. The water destroyed the railway and five road bridges, washed out 500 meters of the main railway track and three and a half kilometers of dead end railway tracks.

The largest industrial man-made accident in modern Russia occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station between the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia. The disaster claimed the lives of 75 people.

After an investigation, Rostekhnadzor named the destruction of the studs securing the turbine cover of the hydroelectric unit as the direct cause of the accident. According to experts, this was due to "additional dynamic loads of a variable nature, which was preceded by the formation and development of fatigue damage to the attachment points, which led to the failure of the cover and flooding of the power plant room."

Huge damage was done to the equipment and premises of the HPP. Work on the production of electricity was suspended.

The consequences of the disaster had a detrimental effect not only on the ecological situation in the water area adjacent to the station, but also on the social and economic spheres of the region. The amount of material damage amounted to more than 40 billion rubles.

June 2010 - Fuhe dam

Heavy rains have caused a dam to break on the Fuhe River in eastern China's Jiangxi province. About 100 thousand people were evacuated from the breakthrough zone.

A total of 199 people were killed in the ten territorial units of South and East China due to heavy rains that caused floods and landslides. Another 123 people are listed as missing.

Almost two million 400 thousand people were evacuated from dangerous areas. One way or another, 29 million inhabitants of the Celestial Empire suffered from the destructive elements. The economic damage from the flood was about $6.2 billion.

This flood in southern Pakistan has affected up to 20 million people, according to the UN. As a result of the dam failure on the Indus River, about 895,000 houses were destroyed.

More than two million hectares of agricultural land have been flooded. More than 1,700 people died.

A dam on the Qiantang River broke near the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang province in eastern China. This building was considered a local landmark. Tourists came to admire a unique natural phenomenon - the world's highest tidal wave up to nine meters high.

However, sometimes it happened that the water splashed over the protective dams, claiming human lives. So, in 1993, 59 people became victims of a terrible wave, in 2007 - 11 people.

But the wave that broke through the dam on the first day of autumn 2011 was so strong that it caused the death of a huge number of spectators. After the merciless water swept right through the crowd, knocking people off their feet, many tourists and locals needed medical attention.

St. Francis Dam, USA

The 59-meter-high St. Francis Dam collapsed, broken through by water, in California.
Water rushed along the canyon in a wall that reached a height of up to 40 meters, and demolished the power plant, located 25 kilometers downstream. The valley was flooded for 80 kilometers. Not many people who found themselves in the disaster zone survived. About 600 people died.
The reason for the scale of this accident was, on the one hand, insufficient engineering vigilance when the first cracks appeared in the concrete dam being built. But, as the court recognized, the control of government organizations over the design and construction of the facility was also insufficient. The main thing is that a paleo-fault was discovered under the eastern support of the dam only after the tragedy.

DneproGES, Ukraine

Undermining the DneproGES in Ukraine during fierce battles with the Nazi invaders. A difficult but necessary operation was undertaken by the Soviet leadership in connection with enemy attacks in order to capture the DneproGES and the dam, through which it was planned to break into the city of Zaporozhye. From the explosion, a large gap formed in the body of the dam, an active discharge of water began. As a result, a vast flood zone appeared in the lower reaches of the Dnieper.

A giant wave washed away several enemy crossings, sank many fascist units that had taken refuge in the floodplains. But the water that escaped to freedom did not divide people into “us” and “them”. An almost thirty-meter avalanche of water swept through the Dnieper floodplain, flooding everything in its path. The entire lower part of Zaporozhye with huge stocks of various goods, military materials and tens of thousands of tons of food and other property was demolished in an hour. Dozens of ships, along with ship crews, perished in that terrible stream. The death toll and property damage were catastrophic.

Eder and Maine dams, Germany

eder dam

myeon dam

May 17, 1943 was raided by the 617th Squadron of the Royal Air Force, later known as the destroyers of dams (Eng. Dambusters). As a result of the raid, the dams on Möhne and Eder were partially destroyed, causing the Ruhr Valley and villages in the Eder Valley to be flooded.

Malpasse Dam, France

On the Reyran River, the 222-meter crested concrete arch dam Malpassé, built about 7 kilometers north of the city of Fréjus in southern France, collapsed for irrigation and water supply. The reasons matured gradually: the geological survey was not carried out in full; builders "saved" the cost of high-quality concrete due to scarce funding; in the immediate vicinity of the structure, the military carried out explosions; with the use of explosives, a highway was being built nearby; torrential rains overwhelmed the reservoir…
The city of Fréjus was subjected to almost complete flooding. As a result of the flood, according to official figures, 423 people died, the total amount of damage in monetary terms amounted to about 68 million US dollars.

Vaiont Dam, Italy

Disaster at Vaiont - one of the highest dams in the world (262 meters) in the Italian Alps.
As a result of heavy rains, part of the rock descended into the reservoir. A rising wave 200 meters high surged over the crest of the dam.
The water washed away only about 1 meter of the upper layer of the dam, but even this was enough for 5 villages to be destroyed by flooding in the Piave river valley, according to various estimates, from 1900 to 2500 people died, 350 families completely died. The dam itself survived, but the reservoir has not been filled since.

Banqiao Dam, China

Destruction of the Bainqiao hydroelectric dam in China. The height of the dam is 118 meters, the volume of the reservoir is 375 million cubic meters.

As a result of the annual rainfall in one day and the overflow of the reservoir, the dam was destroyed, which led to the formation of a tidal wave 3-7 meters high and 10 kilometers wide.

7 district centers and countless villages were flooded. According to official figures, a total of 26,000 people died as a result of the floods, and another 145,000 people died immediately and after due to famine and epidemics. 5960 thousand houses were destroyed, 11 million people were affected in one way or another.

Teton Dam, USA

44 miles northeast of Idaho Falls in southeastern Idaho, a terrible tragedy occurred when the Teton Dam suddenly burst. As a result, 300,000 acres of farmland and cities downstream were flooded with water. 14 people died. The total damage was estimated at $1 billion!!!

The Teton earth dam (USA), 93 m high, collapsed in 1976, again after the reservoir was first filled. The reason is increased filtration through the rocks of the dam base, which led to its erosion. The process developed gradually, as a result, timely evacuation made it possible to avoid large casualties.

Dam at Kiselyovskoye reservoir, Russia

June 1993

Breakthrough of a dam 2 kilometers long and 17 meters high at the Kiselyovskoye reservoir on the Kakva River, 17 kilometers from the city of Serov in the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation.
When filling the reservoir, a breakthrough of the dam body occurred.
The flood affected 6.5 thousand people, killing 12 people. 1772 houses fell into the flood zone, of which 1250 became unsuitable for habitation. The railway and 5 road bridges were destroyed, 500 meters of the main railway track were washed out.

Dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Russia

August 2009

The accident in the Russian Federation at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP between the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia is an industrial man-made disaster.
As a result of the accident, 75 people died, and serious damage was caused to the equipment and premises of the station. The work of the station for the production of electricity was suspended. The consequences of the accident affected the ecological situation in the water area adjacent to the HPP, the social and economic spheres of the region. The amount of damage amounted to more than 40 billion rubles.

Dam on the Fuhe River, Jiangxi Province, China

June 2010

A dam breaks on the Fuhe River in eastern China's Jiangxi province due to heavy rains.
About 100 thousand people were evacuated from the breakthrough zone. A total of 199 people were killed in ten territorial units of South and East China due to heavy rains that caused floods and landslides, and 123 people are considered missing. Nearly 2.4 million people were evacuated from dangerous areas. One way or another, 29 million people were affected by the disaster. Economic damage from the bad weather amounted to about 42 billion yuan (6.2 billion US dollars).

Dam on the Indus River, Pakistan

Break of the dam on the Indus River in southern Pakistan. Destroyed up to 895 thousand houses, flooded more than 2 million hectares of agricultural land. More than 1700 people died. The flooding, according to the UN, affected up to 20 million people in the country.

Dam on the Qiantang River, Zhejiang Province, China

A dam burst on the Qiantang River near the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang province in eastern China.
Usually tourists tend to admire a unique natural phenomenon - the highest tidal wave in the world, up to 9 meters. But sometimes the wave overflows through protective dams, from which 59 people died in 1993, and 11 people died in 2007. This time the wave broke the dam and washed away many.

This type of emergency is assessed according to the following indicators:

1) the creation of a breakthrough wave with a water level equal to or higher than the level of the average flood;

2) a threat to people's lives, which requires their urgent evacuation;

3) flooding (from one thousand hectares or more) of the territory;

4) the presence of potentially dangerous objects in the flood zone.

To eliminate an emergency, depending on its scale, forces and means are involved: the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Transport.

Preventive measures

1. If you live in the territory adjacent to the hydroelectric complex, specify whether it falls into the zone of impact of a breakthrough wave and possible catastrophic flooding. Find out if there are hills near where you live, and what are the shortest routes to them.

2. Study for yourself and acquaint family members with the rules of conduct when exposed to a wave of breakthrough and flooding of the area, with the procedure for general and private evacuation. Specify in advance the place of gathering of the evacuees, make a list of documents and property taken out during the evacuation.

3. Remember the locations of boats, rafts, other watercraft and improvised materials for their manufacture.

How to act in case of a threat of a hydrodynamic accident?

Upon receipt of information about the threat of flooding and evacuation, immediately, in accordance with the established procedure, exit (leave) the danger zone to the designated safe area or to elevated areas of the terrain.

Take with you documents, valuables, essentials and a supply of food for 2-3 days. Move the part of the property that you want to save from flooding, but cannot take with you, to the attic, the upper floors of the building, trees, etc.

Before leaving the house, turn off the electricity and gas, tightly close windows, doors, ventilation and other openings.

How to act in flood conditions in case of hydrodynamic accidents?

· In case of sudden flooding, immediately take the nearest elevated place, climb a large tree or the top floor of a stable building to save yourself from the impact of a breakthrough wave. In the case of being in water, when a breakthrough wave approaches, dive into the depth at the base of the wave.

· Once in the water, swim or use improvised means to get out to a dry place, preferably on a road or dam, along which you can get to an unflooded area.

· If your house is flooded, turn off its power supply, give a signal about the presence of people in the house (apartment) by hanging a flag made of bright fabric from the window during the day, and a lantern at night.

· Use a self-powered radio for information. Move the most valuable property to the upper floors and attics.

· Organize the accounting of food and drinking water, their protection from the effects of incoming water and economical use.

· In preparation for a possible evacuation by water, take documents, essentials, clothes and shoes with water-repellent properties, improvised rescue equipment (air mattresses, pillows).

· Do not attempt to evacuate yourself. This is possible only if there is a visibility of an unflooded territory, the threat of a deterioration in the situation, the need for medical care, the consumption of food and the absence of prospects for receiving outside help.

2.8. Features of technogenic emergencies characteristic of the Republic of Belarus

For the Republic of Belarus, the most typical sources of danger are (Fig. 8):

· Radiation hazard - comes from 4 nuclear power plants located outside the Republic of Belarus (Ignalina, Smolensk, Chernobyl and Rovno). The danger is represented by radioactive substances that are used by more than 1000 enterprises and organizations of the republic.

Rice. 8 Structure of technogenic emergencies in the Republic of Belarus 2007-2008 (excluding fires)

· Chemical hazard. This danger is posed by enterprises of the chemical and oil refining industries, enterprises producing mineral fertilizers, as well as chemicals transported by road and rail. There are 347 chemically hazardous facilities in the republic with a total stock of SDYAV more than 40 thousand tons. Of these, the first degree of danger (more than 75 thousand people can get into the zone of possible infection) - 3 (PO "Polymer" - Novopolotsk, PA "Azot "- Grodno, "Vodokanal" - Minsk); the second degree of danger (40-75 thousand people can get into the zone of chemical contamination) - 12; the third degree of danger (less than 40 thousand people can get into the zone of chemical contamination) - 252; the fourth degree of danger (the zone of chemical contamination is determined by the boundaries of the object) - 107.

The areas of the first degree of chemical hazard include the Polotsk region, the second - Grodno, Buda-Koshelev, Zhitkovichi, Petrikovsky, Molodechno, Chervensky, Kleyky, Krupsky districts.

Fire and explosion hazard . This danger comes from explosives stored in warehouses and bases of a number of ministries and departments (about 200 in total) and more than 150 fire hazardous facilities, including: gas facilities - 18, Lakokraska - 4, flax processing - 46 , woodworking - 24, peat extraction - 24, etc.

In Belarus, there is a difficult situation with fire safety (Fig. 3) For example, in 2008. 11,037 fires occurred in the republic, as a result of which 609 people died, including 53 children. This means that out of 1 million inhabitants in Belarus, about 115 people die every year in fires, which is significantly higher than the average European figure. Material damage from fires is estimated at more than 1% of the annual GDP of Belarus.

The most difficult situation with fires is observed in the residential sector - about 85% of fires of the total number and 90% of those killed in fires.

Rice. 9 Fire fatalities

The main causes of fires in the residential sector are known:

§ careless handling of fire and, in particular, smoking in bed,

§ malfunction of furnace equipment, heating units, household gas appliances, electrical wiring.

§ Hydrodynamic danger. In the Republic of Belarus, the total length of dams and dams is more than 850 km. A special danger of breaking dams and dams remains in the Brest and Gomel regions.

§ Environmental hazard. Environmental hazard is understood as the probability of deterioration of environmental quality indicators under the influence of natural factors and human activities, which can lead to a threat to human life and health, or to a threat to the existence of environmental components. There are only about 2,100 medium and large enterprises in the republic, which have 63,000 emission sources. In addition, there are about 600 thousand cars and about 50 thousand trucks and buses in the republic, each of which emits more than 40 types of harmful substances into the air. Every year more than 1 billion m3 of wastewater is thrown into water bodies. Soil pollution occurs, crop yields fall, the climate changes, and the danger of destruction of ecological systems remains.

Environmental danger manifests itself in the global environmental crisis, the main causes of which are:

The technology of modern production, leading to environmental pollution;

The lack of awareness by humanity of the threat to its existence as a species.

End of work -

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Protection of the population and objects from emergency situations

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General characteristics of emergencies
The problem of protection in emergency situations has always been before humanity. With the advent of life on Earth, all living things are forced to fight for their existence in the face of constant dangers. In the 21st century

Man-made emergencies
Transport accidents (catastrophes): accidents of passenger and freight trains, electric trains, subway trains; accidents of passenger and cargo ships, including oil

State system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations
The Republic of Belarus is located in the very center of the European continent. The area of ​​207.6 thousand km2 is divided into 6 regions (Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev

Functioning of the economy in emergencies
Economy (Greek oikonomike - the art of housekeeping) - the national economy of the country or part of it, including certain industries and types of production. Functioning of the economy in emergencies

Accidents of passenger and freight trains, electric trains, subway trains
The main causes of accidents and disasters in railway transport are malfunctions of the track, rolling stock, signaling, centralization and blocking equipment, dispatcher errors, inattention

Aviation accidents
It is evaluated according to a number of features of the consequences of an air crash, namely: a) the destruction of an aircraft (AC) to the extent of exclusion from the register; b) the presence on board the aircraft of dangerous goods

Fires (explosions) in buildings and structures, communications and technological equipment of industrial and public facilities
The main causes of fires are: malfunctions in electrical networks, violation of the technological regime and fire safety measures (smoking, making open flames, the use of faulty

Fires (explosions) in mines, underground workings
An emergency of this type is assessed by the spread of a fire or explosion in a mine that is being built or operated. To eliminate the emergency, depending on its scale, forces and means are involved:

Destruction of public buildings and structures
An emergency of this type is assessed by such signs as mass destruction of buildings and structures, destruction (25-50%) of individual buildings and structures, the occurrence of through cracks in structures, walls, etc.

Accidents in electrical networks
Emergencies of this type occur in the event of mass outages or damage in the power grid, leading to the disconnection of consumers (actual, 30%; territory of the region, 30%; territory of the republic) for the total power

Accidents on heat networks (in hot water supply systems) during the cold season
Emergencies of this kind occur in the event of a suspension of heat supply to consumers at an ambient temperature below 0 0C due to damage to heat networks with a diameter of: - up to 300 mm (suspension

Accidents on centralized water supply systems
The consequences of accidents in centralized water supply systems are the shutdown of centralized water supply systems in settlements (reduction in water supply for household and drinking needs).

Accidents on public gas pipelines
This kind of accidents occur as a result of the destruction of gas pipelines, the failure of the gas equipment of the GDS, GRP, GRU, gas holders and liquefied gas filling stations, which led to:

Geological emergencies
Natural disasters have threatened the inhabitants of the planet since the beginning of civilization. There is no 100% security anywhere. Natural disasters cause catastrophic situations characterized by sudden

Hydrological emergencies
Hydrological hazards are events or the result of hydrological processes arising under the influence of various natural or hydrodynamic factors or their combinations. 3.

Meteorological emergencies
Winds are the cause of many natural disasters. The reason for the winds is the uneven heating of various regions of the rotating Earth. The destructive effect of the wind depends on its strength, danger

Severe dust storms
If a strong wind, a storm, caught you on the streets of a settlement, stay as far as possible from light buildings, buildings, bridges, overpasses, power lines, masts, trees, rivers, lakes and industries.

Very heavy snowfall
3.3.6. Severe blizzard - the transport of snow over the ground by strong winds, possibly combined with snowfall resulting in reduced visibility and skidding of vehicles

heavy blizzard
3.3.7. Severe frost - low minimum air temperature for a long time. The minimum air temperature is not less than 35 degrees for 3 days and more

heavy fog
Actions in heavy fog: When driving in fog: 1. During the day, you must turn on the low beam, and preferably high beam and fog lights. It is not recommended to turn on the high beam at night,

Frosts during the growing season
High fire danger of forests - during the entire fire season, ground fires are possible, and in areas with a forest stand - crown fires. On reed grass and other herbal

Fires in natural ecosystems
Natural emergencies include forest, peat, underground and household fires. 3.4.1. A forest fire is an uncontrolled burning that has spread to

Intestinal infections
Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the presence of typhoid bacteria in the blood and characterized by fever, cyclic course, hepatosplenomegaly, lesions

Respiratory tract infections
Influenza is an acute respiratory disease characterized by severe general intoxication and damage to the upper respiratory tract. Etiology. The influenza virus was discovered in

Anthropozoonotic infections
Anthrax is an acute infectious zoonotic disease accompanied by fever, the formation of specific ulcers (carbuncles) on the skin and mucous membranes, and sometimes lung damage.

childhood infections
Measles is an acute, highly contagious disease characterized by fever, intoxication, lesions of the upper respiratory tract, conjunctiva, and a characteristic maculopapular rash.

Particularly dangerous infections
A group of particularly dangerous infections includes plague, cholera and smallpox. Especially dangerous infections are characterized by: extremely high contagiousness and the ability to

Rabies is an acute zoonotic infectious disease of viral etiology, transmitted by the bites of sick animals, characterized by lesions of the central nervous system with excitation and

An epizootic is the simultaneous spread of a disease among a large number of wild or domestic animals. An epizootic can spread among one or many animal species. And

Mass diseases of farm animals
An emergency situation of this type is assessed by: 1) mass disease of animals; 2) mass death of animals; 3) the introduction of quarantine on one or more farms. Mass diseases

Mass death of wild animals
In the last decade in the Republic of Belarus there has been an activation of natural foci of rabies with a tendency to spread. Rabies epizootics are ubiquitous among carnivorous animals.

Epiphytoty is a mass infectious disease of plants in a certain territory, in a certain period, covering large areas (farm, district, region). In the form of epiphytoties

Mass lesions of infectious diseases of agricultural plants
The most common are the following epiphytoties: ergot, smut and rust of cereals, potato late blight. Ergot rye. The causative agent is the fungus Claviceps purpurea. AT

Poisoning of humans and animals as a result of drinking water, food contaminated with toxic substances
The use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides reduces the loss of crop yields, but in parallel with this, their negative impact on the environment is growing. mineral

Sudden conditions and emergency care for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system
4.1.1. Angina pectoris is a paroxysmal pain in the chest (compression, squeezing, heaviness) due to a decrease in the blood supply to the myocardium (heart muscle). Due to the features

Acute cardiovascular failure
Clinical manifestations of acute cardiovascular failure are: fainting, collapse, acute heart failure. Fainting (from lat. syncope) - sudden short-term

Acute cerebrovascular accident
The work of the brain and the nervous system as a whole affects not only human health, but also its social adaptation. It is no coincidence that it is the "potential of the brain" - IQ - that is the criterion for

Attack of bronchial asthma. asthmatic status
An asthma attack (bronchial asthma attack), which occurs when a trigger factor (trigger) is exposed to the patient's body, is the most typical symptom of bronchial asthma. Choking Oprah

Anaphylactic shock
Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening acute systemic (i.e., involving more than one organ) manifestation of an allergic reaction that develops upon repeated contact with an allergen. Term

Acute respiratory failure when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract
Acute respiratory failure develops when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract. Foreign bodies of the respiratory tract are various objects that have fallen into the larynx, trachea

Sudden deterioration in the health status of patients with diabetes mellitus
Sudden health problems in diabetes mellitus that develop within minutes, hours or days, threaten disability or death, include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Teacher

Hepatic colic (causes, symptoms, first aid)
Hepatic colic is an attack of sharp pain under the ribs on the right. At the heart of an attack of biliary colic is a sudden stretching of the gallbladder. The cause of acute distension of the gallbladder

Renal colic. Kidney stone disease
Renal colic is an attack of acute pain in the lumbar region. It occurs with kidney stone disease, when the stone closes the passage of urine, preventing it from moving into the bladder.

Sudden state of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms
Mushroom poisoning occurs when poisonous mushrooms (pale toadstool, red fly agaric, false mushrooms, false morels, or insufficient cooking of conditionally edible mushrooms) are ingested.

Sudden condition when poisoned by poisonous plants
Poisoning by poisonous plants usually occurs as a result of eating fruits, leaves or roots that contain plant poisons. In this case, children who are not aware of the dangers are more likely to suffer.

Sudden condition with tick bites
In early spring, many animals, arachnids, arthropods, living on the territory of our republic, after the winter "hibernation" wake up and become active. Among them are ixodid ticks - blood

Sudden condition with snake bites
In Belarus, the only species of poisonous snakes is widespread - the common viper. After a viper bite, two stab wounds remain on the body. The bite of a viper is characterized by severe and prolonged pain, more

Sudden condition with animal bites
Animal bites can cause rabies in humans if the animals have been infected. Rabies is an acute viral disease that occurs when bitten by an infected animal (dir.

Clinical and biological death. Definition, causes, signs. Rules and techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
The terminal (critical, extremely severe) state is a reversible process of the extinction of vital body functions. Terminal states include: pre-agonal (pre-death

First aid for wounds, bleeding
5.2.1. A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane under the influence of external violence, and the violation of the integrity can extend to deeper

Blood groups and Rh factor
There are 4 blood groups, distinguished by the presence of agglutinogens in erythrocytes (A, B), and in the blood serum of agglutinins (aβ). Blood group formula 0aβ (I), A

Thermal damage
5.4.1. Burns. They are formed when high degrees of heat act on the body (flame, hot solids and gases, hot liquids). These are the most common household injuries.

Frostbite of body parts is observed as a result of low temperatures. Sometimes frostbite is observed even at temperatures around 0ºС or slightly higher. Humidity contributes to this

Freezing and chilling
General freezing is observed in cases where the body does not produce enough heat to maintain the temperature necessary for the continuation of life. This is a severe pathological condition.

Electric shock
Under the influence of a high voltage electric current, burns may develop at the points of current entry and exit. Burns are always deep IIIb - IV degree, and the tissues located under the skin die

pelvis. transport immobilization. First aid
5.7.1. A bone fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone tissue. There are closed and open fractures. Closed - without violating the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane, open -

Transport immobilization for hip injuries
Ladder tires for immobilization of the thigh are used as follows: two tires are tied together along the length, bending the lower end of one of the tires at a distance of 20 cm from the edge in a transverse direction

Transport immobilization in fractures of the leg bones
The figures below show traumatic fractures of the lower leg. Rice. 62 Traumatic fractures of the lower leg Position

Transport immobilization for fractures of the humerus
The position of the limb for immobilization: the arm is bent at the elbow joint at a right angle, the shoulder is brought to the body, the hand is in the middle position between supination and pronation, the fingers are halfway

Transport immobilization for fractures of the bones of the forearm
The position of the limb for immobilization: the arm should be bent at the elbow joint at a right angle, the forearm should be in a position between supination and pronation, the hand should be half-bent.

Transport immobilization for injuries of the cervical spine
Traumatic genesis in vertebral fractures is shown in the figure below (Fig. 69). Rice. 69 Traumatic fractures of postures

Transportation of victims with injuries of the thoracic and lumbar spine
The figure below shows the trauma genesis of injuries of the thoracic and lumbar spine (Fig. 72).

Long squeezing syndrome
In the pressed limbs, when the vessels are clamped, under-oxidized products of metabolism, decay and destruction of tissues, which are extremely toxic to the body, intensively accumulate. Immediately after release and

Head injuries
Currently, head injuries occur in more than 40% of cases of damage. Every fifth victim receives severe brain damage. Traumatic brain injuries lead to major

Chest injury
Damage to the ribs occurs when the chest is compressed between two planes (compression of the chest between the wall and the side of the car, box, log, wheel, buffer, etc.). Grudna

Several cases of dam failure are mentioned, with a certain hint - they say, if the dams have already collapsed, then the Sayano-Shushenskaya dam may also fall. Let us examine in more detail the cases of dam failure mentioned in this film.

Destroyed dam Malpasse. Photo from here

Given that there are many thousands of high (more than 15 m) dams in the world, and they have been built for hundreds of years, it is not surprising that there are cases of dam failure. What are they due to.

Dam Saint Francis(USA) collapsed in 1928, one of the most famous dam failures. By design, this is not a particularly high (59 m) concrete arch-gravity dam, designed to organize water supply (it did not have a hydroelectric power station).

Photo from here

The filling of the reservoir began in 1926, on March 7, 1928 it was completed, and on March 12 the dam collapsed. The destruction was preceded by the formation of a large number of cracks. The destruction of the dam occurred due to the movement of soils at the base of the dam along an ancient fault that was not discovered during rather primitive surveys.

Arch dam Malpasse(France) with a height of 65 m was built for irrigation of land, it did not have a hydroelectric power station. Its destruction occurred on December 2, 1959 after the first filling of the reservoir, it was preceded by a sharp increase in filtration. The reason is the poorly studied properties of the base rocks.

Malpasse Dam. Photo from here

Arch dam vayont(Italy) with a height of 261.6 m was not destroyed at all. There was an overflow of water over the crest of the dam as a result of a large landslide in the reservoir. The reservoir began to be filled in 1960, and the disaster occurred in 1963 when the reservoir was first filled to high levels, and during all three years numerous ground movements were observed. The water overflowing over the crest led to numerous casualties, but the dam itself survived.

Vayont Dam. Photo from here

earth dam Theton(USA) 93 m high collapsed in 1976, again after the first filling of the reservoir. The reason is increased filtration through the rocks of the dam base, which led to its erosion. The process developed gradually, as a result, timely evacuation made it possible to avoid large casualties.

The breach of the Teton Dam. Photo from here

earth dam banqiao(China) with a height of 24.54 m was destroyed in 1975 as a result of overflowing over the crest of the dam. The overflow occurred as a result of insufficient throughput capacity of idle spillways during an extreme flood (recurrence once every 2000 years), while the dam was designed for a flood recurrence once every 1000 years, in addition, such a sad development was affected by the untimely decision to open the spillways .

Destroyed Banqiao Dam. Photo from here

Low head dam Shakidor in Pakistan was built to irrigate nearby agricultural land and farms. The reason for its destruction was the overflow of water through the dam as a result of heavy rainfall, i.e. insufficient capacity of the hydroelectric complex is a typical reason for the destruction of earth dams of various ponds, tailings, etc.

Dam Shakidor. Photo from here

What are the conclusions?
1. Cases of destruction of truly large hydroelectric dams (more than 100 m high or located on large rivers) have not been recorded. The reason is simple - such objects are designed and built very thoroughly.
2. The main reasons for the destruction of dams are problems with the foundation rocks or a lack of capacity of the hydroelectric complex. The first problem manifests itself when the reservoir is first filled. The second is relevant for medium-sized dams, usually for irrigation purposes. For the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, neither is relevant.

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