Passage of the game tomb raider baba yaga. Rise of the Tomb Raider PC Review - Baba Yaga Returns

Lara Croft is an old acquaintance of many players of the nineties. She is like Mary Poppins, “flies” into our lives once every few years and visits once lovingly raised children. In 2013, we had an unforgettable date in the game Tomb Raider, which became a turning point for the franchise. The main character is much younger, and the developers decided to tell us the story of her first journey. This desire of the developers split the fans of the game into two camps. Some wanted to return the good old tomb raider, the second asked not to change anything, continuing to make projects about a young charmer.

The latter won, and today we again rejoice at the storyline about a girl-archaeologist wandering around Eurasia and not only, in search of jewelry and important antiquities of various eras.

Specifically, Rise of the Tomb Raider tells the story of Lara's expedition to the Urals. Somewhere between the distant Ural Mountains, the fugitive prophet hid the source of immortality. Do you also have a desire to make Lara's life endless so that she continues to delight us with new stories?

Today, Miss Croft has made it to PC and is actively demanding our attention, just like any woman we love. Lara brought more good than bad with the release on a comprehensive platform, but there was a lot of work to do with some things, such as image settings. But first things first.

Let's start with graphics. iG has carefully selected a series of videos for you, which show in detail the visual difference between the versions of the game. There are hopes that such a picture will not arise with the PS4 version, however, no exact information about the release date for Sony game consoles has been published. Here and below we will show the most important videos in comparison

Returning to the plot of the project, I’ll tell you that at the beginning of her journey, Miss Croft will visit Syria, tease us with warm landscapes, and then end up in Siberia (which also attracts foreigners: Tugnuska, Syberia). Alas, we will not see the sun and heat until the very final credits. If we squint hard, we see the familiar Kate Walker from comic book genius Benoit Sokal. Yes, and a complete set of Russian beauties is attached.

The developers managed to show frozen Russia in such an interesting way that I am sure that hundreds of foreigners will want to visit the Ural Uplands in their old age. Winter firs are replaced by a vast cavern with a Byzantine galley frozen into the ice. Terrible mountain slopes meet Lara with an avalanche, and to top it off, she will end up in an abandoned labor camp. Increased interest in the gameplay manages to persist even in a small number of locations.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is by far the most spectacular part of the series in terms of special effects. Although, as a joke, I have repeatedly said in the editorial office that the game could have turned out to be a soulful runner for mobile platforms. Lara is in a hurry, running forward, and often catches up with some local apocalypse from behind.

Locations that increase evenly with story progress have migrated from the creation of Crystal Dynamics in 2013. I do not attribute this to the minuses, because the project is played by such a huge DLC for Tomb Raider.

In a separate cultural stupor introduces new content - storyline DLC Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch. And no, you are not blind and read correctly. The add-on is free for owners of the season pass and tells the story of how Lara, inhaling mushroom gases, sees "everything". This time, the role of “everyone” is played by hordes of disparate representatives of tribes in masks and their terrible witch - Baba Yaga, who lives in a hut on chicken legs. Slavic folklore is done so well that you want to replay this task alone again and again. Thematic video tells about it:

Resource and artifact stashes aren't the only loot you want. Grains of historical information add up to interesting stories, and sometimes you are lucky to find tombs - small, detailed dungeons. Although they are small, after solving each puzzle you experience childish delight. In addition to delight, passing through the tombs, the player receives the ability to survive. For example, the very first puzzle will give a skill that allows you to shoot a double arrow from a bow.

Artificial intelligence pleased more than the previous time. Enemies are served to Lara like dishes in an expensive restaurant - competently "served" with weapons and capabilities. As soon as one type of adversary becomes boring, a new one is issued.

The scheme of battles is simple: in stealth mode, we remove the most difficult guards, then we break into the rest with an ice ax in our hands, and to top it off, we enter into a firefight with reinforcements.

Rise of the Tomb Raider lacks multiplayer. The creators decided to remove this feature as unnecessary - the demand was almost zero. In exchange, the Expeditions mode will soon be added. They will feature the same levels from the game, but with new conditions (no bullets in the pistol or no health points regeneration).

final gradeiGuides: 4.5

The new Lara might still be interesting. Especially on PC. Colorful stories about Baba Yaga, this is a separate chapter in the travels of a young archaeologist. Maybe that's why she doesn't want to remember these events in the future? There is still no multiplayer, but is it needed? Re-released on PC, the game did not require major changes, so it came out as "packed" with content. IN A MORTAR AND WITH A BROOM! Therefore, our score for the PC version is higher than for the Xbox One project.

Being on the Soviet base -

on the radio you will hear the conversation of the guard:

- Headquarters, we have a local here at the old sawmill! We wounded her, but missed her - there are traps everywhere. We have already lost one. We start reconnaissance.

You will be sent to the sawmill. Approaching her, you will again hear the conversation of the guard on the radio.

- Don't let the target go. We need to find out why she followed the Bravo group.

After that, you will be given a task - "Incident at the sawmill"

You have to fight a little. After killing everyone, search the lockers (you need a box with a trace of blood).

In it you will find the girl Nadia, she will ask you for help. (optional task*) Nadia's grandfather could not put up with the death of his wife and he often told her that revenge haunted him. One fine day, he nevertheless decided to go to the local witch Baba Yaga. But the grandfather never returned. Nadia will ask us to look for him.

*If you took the task, then Nadia tells you how to get to the valley.

“…go through the cave to the east of here.

According to the quest, you need to get to the Valley of Sin. On the way to it, you will stumble upon the entrance to the tomb Voice of God.

It's in the top left corner of the map. Here you will need a bow with a rope. A few jumps and after a couple of minutes you find yourself at the very tomb. The entrance to the Valley of Sin is to the right of the tomb. There will be a camp nearby, do everything you need and go further along the quest.

Entrance to the Valley of Sin

Entering the Valley, Lara will inform Nadia that she is getting sick and then the connection will be lost, later it turns out that the poisonous gas that filled the cave was created specifically from local flowers. (more on that below)

Move on. Lara gets even worse, she begins to hallucinate. She sees her father, for now follow him. Here's a little surprise screamer - Lara finally meets Baba Yaga =)

But you won't be able to fight her, the game won't let you =) Instead, you'll have to fight demonic wolves, there are quite a lot of them, so dodge more often. Here I advise you to take a shotgun. After the fight, the hut will go straight to Lara; she has no choice but to jump into the water.

Here you will again have to climb up with the help of ice axes.

And here is the mechanism that created the poison. Feel free to destroy everything))

Using the lever by the door, lower the cage (the one hanging from above) with the stones down, then secure it with a rope to the coil and finally break the rope with fire by pressing the other lever.

Lara will find the document containing the recipe for the antidote by contacting Nadia to find out what ingredients you need to create the antidote. You will need to return to the base and find flowers and deer liver. Flowers are located in the caves marked on the map,

and the deer are running around. Now it remains to find the last ingredient Phenotheosin, we move further to the base, in one of the buildings of the depot from the chest we pick up the last ingredient.

As soon as Nadia contacts you again, the soldiers will come running, we deal with them by taking an advantageous position from above. Nadia will make herself an antidote, now you can visit Baba Yaga's house and walk through the cave without hallucinations.

We return to the lair of Baba Yaga. There is a puzzle waiting for us. We solve it quite simply. The first rope to the top reel and to the lever, twist the reel and expose the platforms so that we can move along them. Next, we shoot perky again at the coil, but we are already attaching the rope to the pole. All platforms are fixed. (picture 2) Now you can get over them to the second lever. On the next lever, we throw the rope onto the coil located below (No. 3). The right platform, which was lowered before, now needs to be raised. In order for us to get to the second lever, we climb the stretched rope, turn the mechanism, the platform is raised, now we quickly jump along the platforms to the place we need. (yellow color marks your path =) good luck)

And here is the hut)

I will not spoil. Just move forward.

So we got to the fight with the witch. Defeating her is not difficult, you will need a bow with a rope. We shoot back and at a convenient moment we tie Grandmother Yaga to the coil, when the mortar flies over the boiler, pull the lever. Then everything intuitively shoot and kill minions.

Tip: when the mechanism will pull the witch to the cauldron, be sure to shoot at her otherwise she will cut the rope.

So we defeated Baba Yaga and learned all her secrets.

We receive an award: witch's robe.

/ Baba Yaga

Now Baba Yaga has become the most modern witch. But she does not live in an elite house, but still in her old uncomfortable hut on chicken legs in a terrible impenetrable forest. Baba Yaga never sleeps. She constantly brings small naughty children into her hut and prepares delicious soups and magical potions from them. But this time, Grandma had a flight. The child, whom she locked in the hut, turned out to be quite smart. He quickly figured out Yagi's insidious plans and decided to find a way to escape. Help him realize his plans by solving various puzzles and unraveling logic puzzles. Ahead, you have to find a way to escape not only from the hut, but also from the forest, without falling into the clutches of the old sorceress. Put on the panel at the bottom of the screen all the items found in the hut. Find such necessary gizmos to open the door and escape. Do it as quickly as possible, otherwise the poor child will be boiled into soup and eaten. We advise you to pay attention to details. After all, clues and clues can be hidden in the most unexpected places. Good luck!

DLC "Baba Yaga: Temple of the Witch" to the game Rise of the Tomb Raider- an awkward but commendable attempt by the developers to decorate the history of the camp life of a simple Soviet family with elements of Russian folklore. Of course, there is no mysticism: we immediately understand that we are not dealing with a fairy-tale character, but with a high-class engineer with deep knowledge of chemistry. However, despite all the plot absurdities, the undoubted advantage of the add-on was the unusual multi-tiered battle with Baba Yaga, which must be disarmed by cunning, but cannot be killed, because we still have to figure out who it really is.

In this guide, you will learn how to defeat baba yaga and win the final battle.

First, we are offered a warm-up in the form of red-eyed demons running towards Lara, whom she sees under the influence of a hallucinogen. Shotguns deal with them quite easily.

When Lara is left face to face with Yaga flying in a mortar and throwing fireballs, it is useless to shoot at her, we only transfer cartridges. To deal real damage, you need:

  • Being close to the rotating wheel with the coil, shoot at the mortar, so they will be connected, and the coil will begin to attract the monster's aircraft.
  • To prevent Baba Yaga from cutting the rope, we shoot at the mortar, forcing the enemy to take cover.
  • When the stupa is above the hatch, open the lid by turning the lever, and an explosion is heard.

This procedure must be repeated with the hatch on the other side of the pool, and with hatches on the second, third and fourth tiers of the arena. You can get to the top when the water starts to rise. Swim towards the two suspensions, then jump to the ledge on the left and run up to the vertical wooden stairs.

On each tier, demons and wolves will stand in your way, the best remedy against both is your shotgun; neither a rifle nor a bow will be as effective.

After you have fried Yaga on the second tier, make a double descent down.

To the right along the corridor you will see a place where you can climb the rock with an ice ax. At the top, use the same ice ax to tear the damper out of the pipe, green gas will come out. Here, on the third tier, there are two such pipes, they must be opened.

Here you will find another hatch, to which you need to drag the stupa in the same way. To climb to the fourth tier, use the flying boulders. After the fifth explosion above the last hatch, the stupa will finally break open and you will be able to enjoy solving the mystery of Baba Yaga.

Now you know, how to win the final battle in the Baba Yaga: Temple of the Witch DLC for Rise of the Tomb Raider.

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